1.5 GOAT Ball Position

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One ball position or many? Which do you use and why? This video covers the fundamentals of ball position and why there are two competing theories in golf on where to play the ball in your stance.

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I've been a lead side player, and I am happily converting to the trail side. With the lead side, I put the ball off of my lead heal with every club. I would need to drift my lead shoulder towards the target to get tour amounts of AoA and low point. By putting the ball back towards the trail foot, should I see tour amounts of AoA without having to drift the lead shoulder towards the target? Or do I still need to drift towards the target with the ball back? Thank you!
February 7, 2025
The lead shoulder will still move a little forward in the downswing
February 8, 2025
haha no wonder I was confused. I had watched a bunch of Rotary vids on YT, and they talked about rotating the lead shoulder forward at address, doing the DEAT drill, getting your weight on the lead side as you start the downstroke (or even before). that is a lead side swing, and the GOAT isn't. Ok, push the reset button.
February 6, 2025
Hi Chuck, I watched a video yesterday where someone was discussing information they got from an article in which Tiger Woods explained the three tee heights. 1. Low shot/fairway finder: The top of the ball matches the top of the face, 2. Stock shot: 1/4 of the ball sits over the top of the face, 3. Bomb/ Draw: 1/2 to 3/4 of the ball sits above the top of the face. Would you confirm this way of teeing up and do you maybe even use it yourself? Best wishes, Jayden.
January 30, 2025
Yep, that's a great tee height to follow
January 30, 2025
Hello, I have a question that is not mentioned in this video but it does relate to ball position. I am 72 inches tall with a 76 inch wing span, how does this affect my ball position, stance, swing etc? Thank you.
January 27, 2025
The ball will tend to be a little bit further away from you, but that’s it
January 28, 2025
Hi, I use irons that are all the same length. How would the ball position vary based on what you are saying, or would it not make a difference?
January 6, 2025
With the irons it would stay the same
January 7, 2025
Hi, I've been a lead side golfer forever, but have lacked consistency over the years. Since starting to study the GOAT code I'm now trying to change to the trail side. I'm starting to get more consistency, but my wedge play has suffered from hitting fat shots well behind the ball....obviously with terrible results! From what Chuck is saying to Mark it would appear that I'm possibly over using the trail arm when using my wedges instead of using my core to rotate the shoulders??
December 9, 2024
Not getting off trail leg and pushing the arm will cause these shots.
December 9, 2024
Ah okay. So I'm hanging back on my right side and not transferring the left during my downswing. Thanks for that.
December 9, 2024
Hi Mark, I'm part of the Old School RST crowd from circa 2008, where the RST was taught using the Hogan dominant side method, i.e., trailing hand is passive, turn with the core, dominant side swing. What are the pros vs. cons of switching? Tiger is regarded as the greatest golfer of all time, but his accuracy off the tee did not compare to Ben Hogan. If I'm being honest, I feel as though I'm back in 2008 and stuck between the 2-plane and 1-plane swing dynamics all over again.
November 25, 2024
tiger says he doesnt take divots. how is this possible if shorter irons the ball is further back? especially to hit lower
November 16, 2024
When he is hitting low with a short iron he does take a divot. Often monster ones. But not taking a divot is a result of overall mechanics. Taking a deep divot is often caused by overuse of the trail arm and tigers arms swing driven by his core which keeps them From being overactive and steepening the AoA
November 16, 2024
Great thanks understood . More core/ body even though trail arms hitting through
November 16, 2024

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