4.21 The GOAT 9 to 3 Drill

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The GOAT 9 to 3 Drill - Learn how to have instant control over the golf ball and how to stop being overly "handsy" and "armsy" with your swing. Also helps you stop early extension and over the top. If you need a medicine ball like this one, here is a link to get the same one on Amazon.com Medicine Ball w/ Handles and here is a link for the foam roller Foam Roller 36 inch

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Hi Chuck, I wanted to ask if there’s a difference between a trail side 9 to 5 drill and a lead side one? To me this drill feels very lead side dominant but maybe I’m missing a vital feeling. I’ve attached a video for you to check out. Here I’m feeling like I’m starting my backswing with my core, moving my weight to my lead foot and from there pulling my lead hip back to post up as you explain in the recent video. If you can help me understand the difference between the lead and trail side patterns that would be great. Thanks!

March 11, 2025
There are way too many differences to list here but your motion looks really good except it looks like you are rotating more and pulling the handle harder left instead of letting the trail hand release (one of the main differences between the two patterns)
March 11, 2025
Awesome yeah I noticed my lead arm looks/feels very stiff compared to yours. I’ve been working on imitating it and I think if I focus on gdp while doing this drill then that might help. Thanks Chuck
March 11, 2025
I notice a feeling in my right shoulder blade of sliding backward (toward my spine) when taking back the medicine ball and when trying to replicate the same backswing feeling with a club. I haven’t felt this before (that I’ve noticed) if my take away. Is this something I should allow, encourage or fight?
February 13, 2025
It's vitally important that the shoulder blade glides back as it connects the arm to the rest of the body for power
February 13, 2025
You say here that early extension is caused from pushing off the trail leg incorrectly... But since you are teaching us a trailside pattern, a huge part of this pattern involves pushing off from your trail leg, i.e. the squish the bug drill. So how do you push off the trial leg WITHOUT early extending?
February 12, 2025
by pivoting on the trail leg rather than pushing up off of it
February 13, 2025
I love that we are all desperate to get more of these videos to get us to the longer irons and driver etc, real testament to how great you method of explaining is dude. I just emailed asking about driver videos then noticed that you commented on this about currently making videos to complete it all so please ignore my email. The way you are explaining stuff is the most logical and easy to digest that I have found.
February 2, 2025
Thank you Luke. I appreciate it. I am heading down to the desert this week to work on the next set of videos on the full swing.
February 2, 2025
any sign of more videos dude? excited to keep learning the whole process
February 17, 2025
I just published one last week and still working on more
February 18, 2025
is it the video after this one? If so then it is not showing on my course under phase 4, or is it a different video somewhere else in the goat code?
February 18, 2025
It loons like you might be watching under the old video player somehow instead of the goat code. It is called rotation and footwork
February 18, 2025
ah sorry it is there it is just a few videos before the 9 to 3 I was looking for 1 to pop up after that, ok amazing, can't wait to check it out, sorry for hassling dude but I need that fix1
February 18, 2025
Can't wait to check them out dude, appreciate the hard work you are putting in!
February 2, 2025
Hello Chuck, love the goat code videos so far. About how many more videos are left to be released following 4.19 the 9 to 3 drill?
January 29, 2025
There’s a minimum of six that I am working on right now, but I’m sure that there will probably be more
January 29, 2025
Without a doubt I can hit it much farther and with less effort with a core driven swing. Would you have a quick tip for someone like myself who tends to have that impulse to hit with their arms and hands and thus mess up the core sequence? Especially when they want to hit it farther and the hands start to fire first. I suppose too much tension from the wrists and hands can alter everything.
January 23, 2025
in a trailside pattern, the real speed and power comes from using your arms as little as possible, and the only way to do that is to get it power from the trail hip. If you look at the video on how to coil around the trail leg it will help you understand this and that is what will help you take your arms out of the swing.
January 24, 2025
Howsit, Chuck! I must say, my putting, chipping and pitching is th most consistent it has ever been. Thank you! Question, when can we expect full iron, woods and driver swing goat code videos with ball positions etc Thank you again
January 16, 2025
working on it daily, new stuff coming next week
January 16, 2025
Thank you Boss
January 16, 2025
Any help with my 9 to 3 drill would be greatly appreciated. I've included a face on and a down the live view of no wrist cock followed by a slight wrist cock. Thanks!

December 7, 2024
First thing to address is your legs. At address they are almost locked out. You need some knee flex to have a bit more stability throughout the swing and so you can actively use them to help support the movement. Without that fixed first the arms will takeover the swing
December 8, 2024
Thank you very much Chuck!
December 8, 2024
Hi Chuck, may I know the relationship between original GOAT theory and code vides in C4 site and the phase 1/2/3/4 in the new GOAT code site? Thanks!
November 16, 2024
They are the same to give people viewing the lead side pattern in C4 a chance to be exposed to the goat code
November 16, 2024
Hi Chuck, Does this type of release cause any issues or contradiction after we have done the other work on the release like in the gdp medicine ball throws?
November 14, 2024
Not that I'm aware of
November 14, 2024
Hi Chuck, Craig, In the 9 to 3 drill you showed that we should use straight arms but in recent video's you mentioned that you should side bent and bring your right elbow to your side to get into GDP. So I'm a little confused. Is this specifically for wedge shots and the side bent for power for full swings?
October 31, 2024
Yes you wont have much side bend in a wedge shot because you dont have much lateral drive
November 3, 2024
Will there be more Webinars and content on the Trail side swing?
October 14, 2024
A lot more are on the way, shooting another one tomorrow
October 15, 2024
Using the medicine ball should we also move in GDP, meaning trail armpit facing forward and lead elbow to target, your demonstration does not appear to show that.
October 11, 2024
You definitely can, it just makes the lead arm move out quite a ways from the body.
October 12, 2024
I am still playing while going through the GOAT program. When out on the course and hitting full iron shots (my grip is firm and my arms are also firm, but not locked out) I am focusing on initiating the downswing by moving my core from my right side (right handed) a lot of my shots are going left. Could I have too much tension in my hands/arms and possibly tension leaking into the shoulders resulting in them firing first causing these pulls?
October 10, 2024
I doubt it, more likely you are rotating your shoulders through or pronating the trail arm.
October 10, 2024
Love this but its the move wrist hinge after the 9 o clock position that takes it from a wooden slower drll to a fast full speed swing and here you say core leads arms but previously you created the power and sp[eed from the arms extending and swishing from the top leading the body through. I am confused.
September 23, 2024
Hey there Chuck, I am using my core to rotate everything through, however, all shots are dead pulls. I am thinking my core rotation is pulling my shoulders over the top. That said, when pulling with the lead side using your core/ obliques, is the trail side more like a side-crunch and not just following the lead side rotation? Feeling kind of like the slam ball drill? Net-net: lead side core rotates while trail side compresses. Hope this makes sense.
September 17, 2024
Hi Ken, and a trailside pattern you won’t really feel the left side pulling if you do, it will lead to the exact shots that you were seeing. This feels more like throwing the medicine ball where the right side is providing basically all of the power that you will feel, that’s the only way to throw the medicine ball in the same spot every time. Otherwise you will pull it to the left just like your golf shots. My favorite feeling is the punching bag. Nothing helps you feel how to fire that right side core to move the hand fast better than hitting a punching bag in an almost uppercut fashion
September 17, 2024
and thanks for the quick response. Have a wonderful evening.
September 17, 2024
Great video thank you. One question, whilst over the ball, I reckon that I’m using my core, posture quite well and switching off the hips with my swing. However I’m not so sure about the legs as I reckon I’m tensing the legs in both at different stages during the swing and wondering if this could be the reason for errant shots especially with driver?
September 14, 2024
I’d have to see what’s happening but a simpler way to think about it is that your legs are simply responding to and supporting the action of your core and right hand during the stroke and you needn’t to do anything active per se with them
September 15, 2024
September 15, 2024
Live video great. I notice when I do the drill to hold on to the trail arm wrist hold I’m not compressing the ball and my back starts to hurt? Cheers
September 8, 2024
Setup is likely off and you're probably shoving the club with the arms, have to see it to know for sure.
September 8, 2024
Hey Chuck, Great stuff. Just ordered a medicine ball. Question- how does “squeeze the checks” fit in, and Tiger’s famous quote “my glutes weren’t firing”? Thanks, Jim (long time member and admirer)
September 7, 2024
Hi Jim, as you start hucking that med ball you feel your glutes fire the harder you throw it for sure.
September 8, 2024
Hi Chuck, really interesting video. I did have a question regarding the release. In this video it’s core driven and looks quite passive which goes against one of my favourite videos you’ve done (“Stop Slicing and Start Releasing”) where this sort of swing was described as a body swing that’s only good for shorter/higher/cut shots and not as easy on your body as you age whereas the release you taught in that video looked very body friendly and quite active arms and hands by comparison to get the club toe up at first parallel after impact. I appreciate the video is older so your thoughts on the swing may have changed but would you kindly be able to shed any light on this and share your thoughts on the release? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5FG5p7sCY9I&list=LL&index=39&pp=gAQBiAQB
September 3, 2024
The older video you mentioned is a lead side pattern release. This is trail side and they are quite different in this regard. We are in the process of dividing the content so there is no confusion going forward.
September 3, 2024
Thanks Chuck, that’s a really helpful distinction and that was a great video you did previously to explain the difference between the two. Appreciate the feedback and happy golfing everyone!
September 3, 2024
Chuck, I have been working on my takeaway and posture, but was not seeing the results. I got my medicine ball yesterday and only spent about 30 minutes total doing the 9-3 drill with the medicine ball and hitting balls in my net. I played today and warmed up with the 9-3 drill on a few clubs until I could hit it straight before taking a full swing. I tied my personal best round of 76 at my club and did not putt great or do it with up and downs. I scored well by hitting greens with 2 putt pars. I think the medicine ball 9-3 drill is brilliant! It is the perfect way to properly engage the core. My only swing thought was core takeaway and core to start the downswing. I am still struggling to get my driver to go straight on the 9-3 drill. It is fading so I must have an open face at impact. Is the driver 9-3 drill the same as an iron? Finally please keep developing the goat drills and having the Saturday sessions. I think you are really on to something here. I am excited to keep progressing!
August 21, 2024
Awesome Eric! Congrats man! You're going to beat your best score soon!
August 21, 2024
Chuck, my medicine ball came today . It is a 6 lbs ball with handles but is a bit bigger than the one you have. Should I return it or is this one ok? I also practiced and attached a video. Thanks again.

August 20, 2024
Way better! that ball will work just fine. Arm and core beginning to work together now instead of shoulders pushing through, great job! The new core videos I just sent you will help out even more
August 21, 2024
Chuck, I’ve really been working on getting my core and lower body involved. This course is making me realize just how little if at all I have been using them in the past .thank you for your patience with me, I am determined to feel and ingrain it.

August 20, 2024
Activating the core is definitely a challenge at first for most everyone so don't feel bad about that at all. I'm going to produce some more content on this exact topic this week specifically for this reason. This action is better, but your trail hand is too soft on the club. Get a firm grip on it so you can control it and release it. You want to feel that your trail arm is connected to your body as your core rotates and your right wrist is releasing the club with speed, if the hand is too soft you want be able to apply force to the grip.
August 20, 2024
Hi everyone, figured I would pop in with feedback today for the good bad and ugly. Good- my linear transfer of energy is much better. I don’t find myself nearly as scoopy as I was a month ago, and I find myself in sequence much better. A biproduct is better extension through the ball as well. Bad - takeaway is a really odd thing to figure out, especially with my background in baseball. I’m not sure a drill could exist to get it figured out, but it almost feels like everything before the downswing is a bit of an exploration for each player with some obvious “donts”. For me personally bowing my hands off at the top widened me up and got me into GDP much easier. I toyed with a modified 9-3 where instead of the foam roller I had a wedge under my right foot to feel the sequence of when that should release. Below is my swing as of yesterday, far from perfect but really happy with the progress this month. Thank you guys for doing this, just wanted to give feedback to get this bona fide like the dead drill

August 19, 2024
Hey Michael, so the issue here is pretty simple to see, actually. You're pushing the club back with your left arm - need to use your core to turn back to move the arms and then use the core to bring the club and arms back down. The takeaway is impossible to match Tiger without using the core, that's why the medicine ball is so important at this stage.
August 19, 2024
Chuck, I’ve been practicing with the impact bag. Is this any better? Thanks again.

August 18, 2024
Hi Talmadge, no this is a shoulder turn, not a core turn, your shoulders are still rotating through the bag and they should stop at the bag
August 19, 2024
Thanks for today’s lesson! I’m still working on the movement and feeling and slowly but surely feel my lower body and core starting to engage! I can see how this would be a component in effortless power . Thanks again for spending your Saturdays with us, I hope there is more because I have lofty goals and for the first time in a very long time feel like I am definitely on the right track!!! Also I love Craig’s teaching style , plus I lived in Georgia 25 years and we enjoyed some of the same stomping grounds lol.
August 17, 2024
Thanks Talmadge, glad you're enjoying the sessions!
August 19, 2024
I haven’t got the foam roller but down yet but this drill is making a huge difference to my ball striking.. I went to the driving range today and I’m astounded by the improvement in consistency and distance. With just a little break in my wrist from the 9 o/c position I’m hitting as far as I used to with a full swing and with very little effort. Thanks Chuck.
August 16, 2024
Awesome David! Thanks for the feedback
August 17, 2024
The 9 to 3 drill along with working with Craig this week has my ball going straight. I played this Tuesday with my group and won low net, a skin, and a closer to pin shot. Can wait until it becomes 2nd nature. Key takeaway is knowing how to reset when the wheels fall off.
August 15, 2024
Killer Harold! That's awesome!
August 17, 2024
Great video amazing feels core engagement I'm getting the occasional toe hit. What would cause this? Thank You
August 15, 2024
Typically rotating the hips or shoulders will cause toe hits
August 17, 2024
Hey Chuck hope all is well. I’m in Craig’s URG, he’s looking at this too. Wanted your opinion as well. I really started cleaning up my trail side pattern in the last week or so and have seen outrageous results. When I do the reps dry, my swing is closer to yours, than my own. Once we put a ball down, the mechanics break down even though I’m trying to have the same feels. I’ll drop video down here as well if you want to take a look, I remember you speaking to this at some point and I figured id get your opinion too. Thanks.

August 15, 2024
Looking good man! Need to take a closer look at the grip and setup. The swing breaking down with the ball happens at first for everyone until you get used to the more efficient movement, you'll still feel the need to put a lot of effort into it. Watch a range session of Tiger on youtube and not how smooth and in balance he is in on ever shot and strive to feel the same while you're making a big change.
August 15, 2024
Thanks Chuck, saw all of the bad come back out and got worried. Glad it’s normal. We can go over my setup this weekend on the live.
August 15, 2024
Impressive results already. Every single one is dead straight about 30-40yds if I had to guess. Only hitting in back yard so have not let the wrist set yet in fear of blowing one right through the fence. Only miss I’m seeing is maybe 1-2 out of every 5 are hit pretty thin. Is this because of too much tension in the legs possibly?
August 14, 2024
Awesome Ricky, that's what I want to see! Yes, too much tension in the glutes and legs could cause you to stand up instead of clear, too much tension in arms and shoulders could also cause thin shots, as well as shifting too far forward in downswing. If you setup a little too far onto the lead side and then don't get behind the ball very well and then shift forward you'll hit it in the teeth.
August 15, 2024

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