4.20 GOAT Downswing - The Whip Effect

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How to whip it, whip it good. This video on the GOAT Downswing teaches you to create the whip effect in the golf swing for maximum speed with minimum effort! For the RSA Kettlebell exercises, click here: RSA Kettlebell.

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(First, this whole trail-side approach has narrowed my dispersion significantly as evidenced by two birdies on the first two holes on the way to a two-over front nine last fall…so thank-you for that.) However, I’m not quite sure what the start/first feel of the downswing should be—pull lead hip back (as you emphasize here) or fire trail knee forward (as you say in another video as the first move)? Or does the hip pull happen slightly first, then get turbo-charged/finished with the trail knee? Or simultaneously? Would appreciate some clarification. Thanks.
March 16, 2025
The knee is not really driving forward it’s a pivot on the back toe. The goat power sequence vid explains the sequence of moves
March 17, 2025
Hi Chuck, This is one of your best! I wish I saw this when I first joined RS roughly 6 years ago starting as a new retired golfer. Anyways it also makes me think of why someone doesn't make a training aid club with a whip on the end. Also more importantly, make me thing of the training gap / opportunity to show the full swing key basics to a new golfer. Thanks for your continued development of your program!
March 16, 2025
Thanks Marc!
March 17, 2025
When firing the lead hip from the top I keep getting stuck what should I feel to get the arms out in front
March 16, 2025
If they are getting stuck it’s because you are swinging them too deep in the backswing
March 16, 2025
I finally had the chance to take this to the course after months of hitting inside into a net, but most of my shots were pull hooks even though the majority of the movements felt right. I would guess that I am hardly the only follower of this site with such an experience. My question Chuck is how does one diagnose this and arrive at a fix? I don't feel my right arm pronating over, even though that is the most obvious culprit. When I try to supinate my right arm/wrist, I feel like the shaft flatten excessively. Not sure whether that could be the reason. I hope you will post more content about diagnosing hooks, blocks, etc.
March 15, 2025
Pull hooks mean you are firing your arms and shoulders instead of your core most of the time
March 16, 2025
I don't understand what you meant when you said “load up the lead hip in the backswing”. I thought that we were to load up the trail hip by shifting pressure and rotating on it. When you do the squish the bug movement is your weight still back? I have a had time making that movement with weight on the trail side.
March 14, 2025
you are loading both hips in the backswing and using both in the downswing.
March 14, 2025
When you push the lead hip back do you push the ground from your heel or do you push from the ball of your foot and the pressure rolls back to your heel?
March 12, 2025
You are definitely starting on the ball of the foot first
March 13, 2025
Right arm supination has been something I’ve been keying on to start the downswing. Reasonable to sync the feeling of the glutes and hams moving the hip back and supination simultaneously?
March 12, 2025
Yes, it is effectively all happening at the same time
March 12, 2025
Chuck, great video as always. I am newish subscriber started at 8hcp but have always been spinning from the top and soft knees. In this video around 10min mark, you mentioned it likely from pushing the trail side. Which videos on the site are the best place to visit for this please? Second- I have been experiencing lead elbow pain and my wrists are really over rotating putting a lot of stress on elbow. Should the lead hand just fold up from the time the top of the grip around P8 vs continuing to work around? Love the glute contraction on the lead side, think this is very helpful. Thank you. Wags, Gary Edelson, DVM
March 12, 2025
Hi Gary, the program is not a "choose your own adventure" sort of site. It is a step by step program that you need to follow exactly as it's laid out to get the results you are after. If you go through it haphazardly, expect haphazard results. I went through it exactly as it's laid out and looking back there is no way I would've gotten here without having gone through everything in the exact order I did.
March 12, 2025
Tommy Fleetwood describes his downswing thought as just clearing the left hip in the way you describe. https://youtu.be/Kh50UfMS_Qc?si=ZMrPqG_6RyBDDasW
March 12, 2025
March 12, 2025
Hey Chuck. I've been a member for 15 years ish. Went from lead side to axiom to trail side swing. Went from 15 hdcp to 9 with lead side swing. Went up to a 13 learning the trail side. However, I have more speed/distance, working on consistency & eliminating the occasional fat shot & the occasional pull draw. I think being a tennis player & surfer forever has me using my shoulders too much occasionally i.e. a slight push of the club with the trail arm. Recently I went through the Rotary site videos & am using this combo: the Rahmbo drill to really trust the snapping of the wrists (amazing how much clubhead speed you get just from this), getting the lead hip deep with the squish the bug on the downswing, & the compression drill for consistency. I think this whip effect video is fantastic in that it gives one physical move/feel with the lead hip & the the swing will be a result of this one move. Of course, the player does need a fairly consistent takeaway & to the top move by simply pulling your trail shoulder blade behind the spine to set it all up. Lastly, I want to congratulate you on your persistence & evolved teaching of the golf swing. Went from easy to understand positions of the swing (dead drill) to a functional feel (axiom), to an even more simplified feels of the Rahmbo drill & the whip effect. Well done!
March 11, 2025
Thank you Michael, we are getting close to having a swing just like the GOATs with a simple to follow pathway - my ultimate goal.
March 11, 2025
Hi Chuck, I'm trying to reconcile two swing thoughts; 1) driving the lead hip back and snapping the leg, vs 2) from the creating torque videos where I've been pulling the lead hip back at the start of the downswing, but then resisting any further turning to create torque and snap through the strike. Driving the hip and snapping the knee feel different than resisting the hip turn so how do you think about those two movements? Thanks, Bill
March 11, 2025
Not really sure what you're saying to be honest. You still create torque, that happens very fast and shifts into the lead hip movement.
March 11, 2025
Thanks for the quick response. So more specifically I was referring to the reference video Creating Torque - The Magic Pill for the Feel - Pt 3 at the 28:15 - 28:45 mark, where you mentioned you initially start to move the hips, but then your only job is to decelerate and try to slow your hips from turning (you show Rory as an example). In this video and the comment/answer just below regarding "hitting the brakes", you mention to feel like we're moving hip as quick as you can until it runs out of range of motion. When I swing using each of these "feels", I don't really notice a difference with a short iron, but I do notice a different feel in my hip with the driver. There's not a lot of difference, and I'm getting a good whip feel either way. Was just wondering if my swing thought should be more of a fast hip/knee snap, or more resisting (which still gets me to the same end-position, but feels slightly different). Thanks!
March 11, 2025
I see, they are really kind of one in the same. If you move the hip fast, you will run out of range of motion more quickly, thus you will "brake" more quickly
March 11, 2025
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck, is my thought correct if I say that the better you are in "hitting the breaks" in the downswing the better your whipp will become? Thanks for helping! Marcel
March 11, 2025
Yes and no. I wouldn't call it "hitting the brakes", rather you are trying to move the lead hip as quick as you can and when it runs of range of motion, the hands automatically decelerate
March 11, 2025
After the hands decel your wrists will accelerate the club rapidly correct? I think that's what you were trying to explain to a guy on a reel I watched this morning (How your trail arm should act through the ball.) In executing the knee post, do you think the most critical thing is to keep your upper body along with your hands and wrists as tension free as possible so we get into side bend and the GDP?
March 11, 2025
Yes, the wrists will snap over when the hands rapidly decel. The more the upper body and arms are relaxed during the downswing, the more the fascia will be stretched and the more speed in the release.
March 11, 2025
You and Craig are the best! If I had the time (and a little more $$$$) I would love about a 3 day in person lesson with you and Craig. Unfortunately, teaching and coaching golf don't quite get me there. One day!
March 11, 2025
Thanks Tyler!
March 11, 2025
Should we be having the same motion with the lead hip in the throw the medicine ball drill?
March 10, 2025
March 11, 2025
Great video! I am just a little confused though and I'm sure you can clear it up for me. You stated that you don't want your shoulders getting steep as you will get stuck etc........I am under the impression that I want to drop my right shoulder to my right hip (exaggeration) to get into GDP. Side bend with head drop will help get me there. Am I misunderstanding?
March 10, 2025
Hi Tyler, in the video toward the end I specifically talk about how your body will fall into sidebend. I said your shoulders WILL tilt (get steep)
March 10, 2025
Also, this is such an easier way of "turning your hips." Straight line forces and pushing back is a much simpler concept vs "turning." I'm assuming you are doing this pretty much ASAP at the beginning of the downswing?
March 10, 2025
March 10, 2025
Okay perfect. So, I will work on snapping that lead leg as I continue on my GDP journey. Played for the first time in MN yesterday. Compressed my irons very well but driver was a blocky push that was gross. I've gotta get back to work.
March 10, 2025
Juan Jose
Hi Chuck! It's fantastic to see the "new videos" section added to the site—a much-needed update! In the GOAT Drill video, you discussed focusing on contracting the fascia and pulling the right shoulder down towards the right hip, demonstrating this movement in the gym with a rope exercise. Should I prioritize driving the lead hip back to naturally induce the shoulder tilt, or is it more effective to combine both actions—contracting the core and driving the lead hip back simultaneously?
March 10, 2025
They are all happening effectively at the same time as they happen so fast. I naturally contract my trail side because I've thrown a ball since I was 5 years old. The lead side I have to focus on more due to injuries. Everyone will be a little different here.
March 10, 2025

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