4.9 The GOAT Drill

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The GOAT Drill is like the DEAD Drill for The GOAT Code. If you wanted a simple way to understand Tiger's swing and exercises to help you do it more powerfully, you're in the right place.

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HI Chuck! Could you clarify between what you talked in the "Power Sequence" video of "falling to your lead foot before backswing reaches to the top", vs the "do not shift to your lead side too early"? To me it is hard to reconcile these two pieces of information. Does one correspond to lead side dominant and the other to trail side dominant?
March 17, 2025
In prior videos you talked about a big lateral shift and now you stated not to do that? What am I missing?
March 8, 2025
Where did I say to have a big lateral shift?
March 9, 2025
Im assuming that firing the trail leg and the Goat drill at some point become "one" move. Like you have stated many times, there is no time..How do you work on firing that trail leg without doing it to early?
February 18, 2025
By driving the movement from the core, the trail leg will "fire" automatically
February 18, 2025
Chuck, much like Piet, I am confused after watching this video. The previous video about the power sequence talks a lot about getting the weight to the lead side. However this video explicitly says that on a trial arm pattern you want the weight on the trail side. Could you please provide some clarity to this? Thanks!
February 10, 2025
Weight and pressure are too very different things. The weight stays back while the pressure moves forward
February 11, 2025
Dear Chuck, I am still somewhat confused in "4.8 Power Sequence" and the present "4.9 Goat drill" about the proper weight/pressure transfer since weight/pressure shifts in the trail versus lead arm swing are contradictory. Also the concept of weight versus pressure are sometimes mixed up. As I understand it in the down swing sequence i.e. lateral shift-rotation-vertical force., during the (initial) lateral move the weight stays on the back foot while the pressure moves to the front foot building up resistance. Is that correct? Only in the vertical force at the end of rotation all the weight is on the left and in extension moves to the back foot again. Correct? Thanks for letting me know if this is correct or where I am wrong. Regards, Piet
February 9, 2025
The weight only moves to the lead side after the ball is struck, and you are in the follow-through
February 11, 2025
Sorry for dumb question, but you are still technically throwing from the top as you explain in earlier videos, but in this video it is happening automatically by getting into gdp as you point out, and so not necessary to emphasize this point as you did in earlier in goat theory videos. Is this correct or am I confused. Thanks.
February 3, 2025
The throw is only with with hand and yes still throwing from the top
February 4, 2025
Hello. Hope you doing well. Between Goat sequence …Lateral /Rotation/ Extension and Goat Drill ..connecting arms with core than rotation / pivot on left leg .. when does lateral movement occur.?
February 2, 2025
Starts before the backswing is completed
February 2, 2025
Alex Francis Ver
What's right feel for contracting the core during the downswing? It it more like a side ab crunch, or more like a regular ab crunch? Thank you.
January 27, 2025
The more Trailside power you want to use the more it’s gonna feel in the right side of the core
January 28, 2025
Alex Francis Ver
In your recent video (Muscular Force v. Fascia Rebound), you mentioned keeping/holding your right shoulder and right elbow back. Does this feel similar to holding shoulders/upper torso in turned away like in the DEAD Drill? Thanks.
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025
Alex Francis Ver
Is lifting the right foot an absolute necessity? I notice in Tiger's recent swing, his right foot is more "silent" in the sense it appears to be more grounded through the swing a la Rory's.
January 24, 2025
That’s because his foot is fused. The trail foot should definitely come up off the ground
January 24, 2025
Alex Francis Ver
How does this relate to the Wide-Glide-Wide drill? Thanks.
January 24, 2025
This is a simpler way of doing the correct movements
January 24, 2025
Chuck, I am a doctor of physical therapy and a PGA Associate. I want to share a few videos with you regarding the core. You are right on with the core stuff. https://youtu.be/5WEQNYusB1Y https://youtu.be/Yi2Y64_jeK8 Cheers!
January 21, 2025
Thanks Matt, helpful illustrations!
January 21, 2025
What is the key to controlling low point? As I do right arm only swings, I feel like some of them are bottoming out earlier than what is ideal. I'm not hitting a ball, just making practice swing on a mat. But I can still feel that I'm bottoming out too early. Do I need more lateral movement to get the low point more forward?
January 5, 2025
There are several factors that go into control in the low point it’s not just one thing, but if you keep hitting back too far doing it right hand only first of all understand that when you do swing right hand, only the bottom of the swing arc will be further back. You can learn to move it forward through proper mechanics, but it’s not necessary as just adding the left hand will naturally pull it forward. At the same point most people when they bought them out too early are push, pushing with their arm and shoulder and that’s what kills the whole deal
January 5, 2025
Hope everyone's holidays were awesome. First I want to thank you for only week #4 (a lot of work Yet to perfect) in the new swing, I increased my seven iron to 92.3 MPH and 196 yds. for me this is a 15 Yard increase. My five iron is now at 96 mph and 224yds. I was very excited until.... I went up to the 5 wood and max at 220 yards and 93 MPH, my drive got even worse at averaging 240 yards although I did hit my highest recorded club speed at 114 mph. I averaged 285 with best at 314. My question is with weight difference and length, it feels like it is throwing everything off. when I try to use the new trail arm swing which is what I practice with (7 iron) indoors I'm all over the place with longer clubs. is there anything different you need to do with the heaver, longer clubs?

January 3, 2025
This almost always happens when you try to muscle it. You’re probably trying to use your body way more or your arms too much. It’s not a trail arm dominant swing as much as it is a trail hand dominant swing. Inevitably when golfers moved to the longer clubs they start trying to overpower the club instead of slinging it in there with their hands
January 4, 2025
Going from the side bend & GDP position after the core contraction, into rotation feels somewhat uncomfortable, and like I'm putting a lot of twisting strain on my spine. The core contraction is putting me in a rightward side bend naturally, as well as pulling my right foot up like you mentioned, but rotating from this position doesn't feel very good. Is this just because my core is weak or am I doing something wrong?
January 3, 2025
You shouldn’t be twisting at all the body should be rotating together while you’re inside bend if you’re twisting, you’re pushing off your right leg incorrectly
January 3, 2025
Will your shoulders be somewhat open at impact? Or will they be square? Thanks.
January 2, 2025
Always square
January 2, 2025
Awesome Chuck! I think I finally got the answer to my 'speed' question...your hand is barely releasing through the strike and then fully after....keeping the club face at the target as long as possible! Got it! I'll let you know how I take this to the range and to the course! Thank you!
December 28, 2024
You’re welcome!
December 28, 2024
Thanks chuck. Can you please just explain what you mean by coiled trail leg . Never heard of that terminology . I thought one effectively turns core and pulls the right shoulder back and up and the weight goes to trail / rear leg which braces for torque . I have always done that naturally . It’s the side bend that seems to hurt me
December 28, 2024
Those things are all correct, but you must coil around the trail leg. Think of twisting the leg so that it wants to unwind back in the downswing. If you don't do this, some tend to push off it. Imagine a pitcher in baseball coiling around the trail leg, rotating their upper body and twisting the leg to be able to unwind while the lead leg is in the air
December 28, 2024
Sorry . One more thing . Can you point me to one of your videos that show this move please ?
December 28, 2024
Working on a new one to detail this as we speak
December 28, 2024
Hi chuck . Been practicing all week on holiday and doing fantastically well using trail side thanks . Shit 67 for first time in ages yesterday and had 11 single putt greens . Putting never been so good ! However , the crunching down from the top of backswing into GDP after many shots is hurting my lower right back where I have had issues previously . I know you have had back issues and this should feel effortless and it doesn’t feel like I am throwing arms at it and my rhythm is pretty quiet . Any thoughts please?
December 28, 2024
Great playing Mark! This is likely to other muscling the swing with the trail leg or upper body. The trail leg should be coiled in the backswing and be done so very quickly. That is the only way to load the fascia. If you take it back too slow, you will be forced to push off the trail leg and that drives force into the low back from the ground. Instead, the coiled leg should snap back and uncoil effortlessly without you feeling like you are muscling it. If you coil correctly going back and do so quickly, this will heave the arms back for you like with the kettle bell in the waggle video. If the arms aren't "heaved" back by the coiling trail leg you will have to pick the club up with the arms and then the shoulders will fire to provide power on the way down. This will create torque on the spine and make the problem even worse.
December 28, 2024
seen it now thanks and makes sense. i have always thought if i take it back quickly assuming lkettl;e bell effect 1. i dont get any wrist cock half way back on my backswing as you have advocated from pitching up to full swing ( i have always had late wrist cock and had a late lag) and arms and club very striaght and 2. i dont pause in transition so i have tried to get more slow and matsuyama like building speed for downswing before i found your rotary swing program. first time i have seen you say take it back quickly also, when doing so, after practicing so slow the weight shift and crouching etc, it just feels like there's no time for any of that at full speed. just dont know how you can get so many slow reps to work same on fast full swing speed.
January 2, 2025
Hei Chuck, I am new to your site and have just watched the GOAT Drill video. I am a little confused because I have seen some of your other videos where you seem to state that the maximum velocity of the club head should be at impact, (other instructional web-sites state that maximum velocity occurs after impact), and now you also seem to state that maximum velocity muct happen after impact. Am I misunderstanding you or have you changed your mind? Gordon Darwin.
December 26, 2024
Maximum velocity after impact is impossible - the club loses about 40% of its energy during contact with the ball. FEELING like it happens after impact is simply keeping you from releasing your wrists too early which is what most golfers do.
December 26, 2024
Hei again, Chuck, in trying to keep the face as square as possible for as long as possible are we in danger of «guiding» the club face rather than swinging the club head? I seem to remember seeing Tiger on tv, cannot be specific when, and thinking that he was guilty of trying to guide the club head instead of swinging it.
December 30, 2024
You don't want to steer the club but you do want to control it. The degree to which you do will depend on the length of the shot. The longer the shot the more control we want to give up and start allowing for the hand speed to take over - hence the name "release".
December 31, 2024
Also you say last thing you want to do is get onto front foot , but Rory and so many of them shift to left toe first at start of downswing before rotating ? Why do they all advocate that move ?
December 20, 2024
You are missing what i am saying here completely. Pressure goes to the lead foot not weight
December 20, 2024
Chuck, I love this video thanks and I get it completely and will work on core moving and not arms leading constantly now over the winter . However, just one thing. Even concentrating on what you have taught here , my old nemesis pull draw shut face still happened recently as I release a tiny bit too early and body stalls. It’s easy to hold off face on slow 40 yd shots, but as soon as real time full shots especially with the longer clubs and woods with speed occur I find it so hard to hold the GDP so late on downswing as feels like not letting it release ie chicken wing hold off ( basically 48 yrs of playing using hands more as a natural player but erratic as a result) . How does one sync it up and hold the release as late as poss when swinging fully at speed ? Ie what’s best drill ?
December 20, 2024
You never try and hold the release of gdp. Those are all things that happen as a result of supinating correctly from the top. Have you watched the supination video?
December 20, 2024
Ok. Got it thanks
December 20, 2024
What seems weird is that If Tiger’s move was so perfect and core driven , why do you think he had so many back surgeries and problems and knee surgery too and ankle problems ? He is probably one of the most injured golfers ever. Also on a completely different note, if you release as late as possible after the ball , and the GDP is held as late as possible, doesn’t that stop the release at the ball and this unless hips do get completely open through the move , why isn’t the face still open at impact ?
December 20, 2024
Watch thr supination video to understand why the face isnt still open
December 20, 2024
Tell me. When did Tiger back problems start. Then look at the time stamp on this video. https://youtu.be/nOhjIRQquhM?si=LzBsOwy_0yVzXnSz
December 20, 2024
Wow. Interesting . Never realised all came so much later than his great years . Everyone thought it was a result of him swinging so hard and fast when he was young and that it took its toll.
December 20, 2024
I dont know “everyone” but no one i know thinks that including Tiger himself who I was told by one of his closest friends that he blamed foley for his back and the timeline supports that
December 20, 2024
I agree as he was the stack and tilt man I think ?
December 20, 2024
More or less yes. He had his own take on it but similar
December 20, 2024
I'm new to the site and for some reason I'm picking the moves up quickly. I would like to send a video but don't know what format you want. face on and down the line? slow motion or real time? One possible reason is that I am on year 4 of golf and possibly don't have a ton of bad habits I can hit the bar pretty far for my age (58) and I need consistency. My best drive is 314 and my seven is usually around 185 yards. I am very excited about what I have learned so far and you have explained so many little things that other sites I have tried dont like " shallow in the slot buy cupping your hand" or the tennis racket drill instead of lowering the elbow into your side and the J move. Thank you SO MUCH However, I have not been outside yet (winter) hitting indoors and between the downward swing and the J pattern release, I shallow out the club to much (I think )on video..

December 17, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Welcome to the site! . Being that you're so new to the sport it's great to see you have lots of solid movement patterns built into the swing.. Ideally a Face On and Down the Line Swing (each recording less than 30 secs). I agree that you tend to get a bit under plane in the downswing. The swing is just a touch exaggerated with keeping the club outside back and inside through. Nothing a few swing reviews can't clean up. Let me know if you need further assistance getting a swing up for review. Happy to help .
December 18, 2024
This is fantastic video Chuck. I am not a pro physicist, but think there is science behind your feel. You first accelerate the body and hence the club head with the core and lower body and then at the very, very end as you run out of room to rotate you are essentially slamming on the breaks (pulling a Maverick) with your body BUT not on the club head (if wrists are soft) and now the forces are pulling up on the club shaft which whips the club head through. Think there are some videos on the interweb about this braking force accelerating the club head through. We experience a similar situation when we slam on the breaks in a car - car stops but the passengers go flying forward.
December 12, 2024
Thanks Jay!
December 12, 2024
Going through the videos again and this one hit home, so far practicing in the mirror looks and feels good, but as they say the proof is on the course, I can't wait to the hit my drives long again, I had a left knee replacement in August 2023, and I was blaming that on my lost distance and speed, maybe mentally, but I am pain free but my swing was whacked. I have to do some swing reviews to lock in that confidence. Haven't seen the group sessions in awhile, those were great. Also, just got my putting/chipping green done, check it out, I am in Orlando so the season never ends (sort of)
December 11, 2024
Green looks great! That will help a ton on the first few phases to train those hands
December 12, 2024
I have been working on this for a week and I'm pretty solid with the putting, chipping, and pitch shots. Tried the goat drill and going slow and doing the gdp back than back to gdp feel great. But I've been a flipper my whole golfing career and have become fairly good being a 5 handicap and was able to get drives carry 280 but not consistently. I've anyways wanted that shaft lean and hips open at impact. Well I played today and was really working on this and let's just say the times where I think it goes right I hit the ball solid. But now often than not I'm pulling way left or it's just a short shot especially with wedges in my hand. I think my main thing is it's very different feeling of feeling like the release is after the ball or really focusing on elbow. I tend to hit things really thin as well. But I think it's all stuff that makes sense, just my ways are going to take a while to break these habits. As for my round I shot 79 but with a two doubles and a triple...oof... lol
November 28, 2024
Beautiful course! St. George area?? So, you can see your lead leg not posting, meaning the lead side is not working correctly and that is the cause of the pulls. If your lead hip does not clear the arms will not have room to come down and will come down a little steep, this will be more pronounced with the shorter clubs and the hips will do even less. You need to load the lead hip more powerfully in the backswing and then drive the lead hip back off the ball of your lead foot
November 29, 2024
Actually it was a course in Sedona, AZ, Sedona Golf resort. Not that big a fan of it, but he wife wanted to get out of the valley for Thanksgiving and see some green. I think I am struggling with that weight vs pressure and staying back with the goat drill and how to post that leg or the sequencing of it. I will re-watch this video again, but do you think I need to really focus after zipping up the right side and squish the bug to fully post that left leg. I was thinking it would be more of a byproduct but looking at past videos over the years it's always been an issue where the post happens way late. I've had ACL surgery on that leg years ago and just haven't really ever got back to trusting it.
November 29, 2024
The lead leg has to work way more than most people realize in order to post so if you focus on that, that will be a good start, but I am working on a full video series to help explain this movement. Essentially if you think about loading up in the back, swing to jump off of the left foot That will get you in the ballpark, but the movement is a little bit more complicated to explain than just that which is why I need to do some videos on it.
November 29, 2024
Thanks Chuck, I'll be on the lookout for these videos, in the meantime I will be seeing how to work on straightening that left leg and pulling hip back as more of a focus as I do the goat drill.
November 29, 2024
Hi Matt, I got it done today: https://rotaryswing.com/goatcode/112626-how-the-lead-side-works-for-power
November 29, 2024
Thanks Chuck, I'll check it out!
November 29, 2024
This was a swing from today. Nice view though of the mountains!

November 28, 2024
At about the 5:30 mark of the video you mention that Tiger did a swing change that wrecked his back. What was that swing change so that I know what to avoid?
November 28, 2024
His work from 2010-2014. It wasnt one change it was a series of disasters
November 28, 2024
Michael H
I’m sure I’m not the first one to refer to you as the Chuck Norris of the golf swing. You’ve revolutionized my understanding. Thanks!
November 26, 2024
Haha, thanks! Glad it helped! Legend has it Chuck Norris played 18 holes once, shot a 17.
November 27, 2024
Good video Chuck. Became a member 15 or so years ago after a 2 hdcp friend said my swing was "powerless effort". Became a lead side swinger & went from 15 hdcp to a 9. Success! The, last couple of years chased clubhead speed (trying to get from low 90's to 100) resulting in excessive weight shifting, no real speed gain, and hdcp went to a 13. Changed to trail side GOAT Code pattern, but still inconsistent. Too much body movement So, took extreme measure & coupled trail side pattern with a stack & tilt to eliminate weight shift. I did become more consistent, but had lower back pain. Never had that, even after 50 years of tennis & surfing! So, I changed to this current " trail side core pull down hand throw to GDP, trail hip move to squish the bug" pattern". More succinctly, "throw the clubhead through the ball!" At first It was tricky to resist my mass shifting forward early & learning to allow the my mass to naturally follow clubhead to the follow through. But, after 5 days on the range, 100 or so balls a day, pain free. Hallelujah! Lastly, the ball flight is: very straight to a slight draw; trajectory appears middle to slightly lower; appears I gained maybe 5 yards or so per iron, according to trackman & Pinnacle range balls. On the course Wednesday with this swing. Keep up the good work.
November 23, 2024
Awesome Michael! This pattern does make it easy to flight the ball down for sure and get better ball speed and compression as it's easier to control the loft through the strike.
November 23, 2024
Chuck, I want to compliment you on your dedication and perseverance. I am looking forward to my next practice session. While winter is upon us here in the northeast, I have a simulator at my disposal to prep for the spring. I'll report back over the next few months to let you know how it's going. Congrats again, Chuck. This video is BANG ON!!!
November 23, 2024
Thanks Roy! I really appreciate the feedback! We are getting very close to being able to swing like the GOAT!
November 23, 2024
Well, Chuck, I said I was going to keep you informed as I go through this, sooooo....here's my first take on things. The biggest thing I found was that I had to tell myself (over and over) not to swing my arms. I really had to concentrate on closing the gap and turning the body. But, and here's the good part, when I was able to do it correctly, it was solid and my accuracy was better. I will be reviewing "part 2" again to help better understand the timing issues. I use to be a 8-9 handicap and hope this process gets me back there.
November 24, 2024
Yes, not using the arms incorrectly is the crux for most. The core movements done correctly is what will tame the arms.
November 25, 2024
More recent update: Timing is an issue and it seems to be with the longer clubs (5-iron, driver). I'm thinking that I just have to "keep at it" and it will all fall into place. Any input as to what I should/shouldn't be doing when it comes to timing?
December 6, 2024
I would have to see your swing to give proper advice
December 6, 2024
Worked on goat drill at home. Have friends from coming from Canada to play golf. so I tried it on the range. For the first time, I felt effortless power. Obviously, I have a long way to go, but at times the swing just happened and the ball rocketed long low and straight. This is quite exciting!
November 22, 2024
Awesome Larry! Keep working toward that effortless feel, that is the goal!
November 22, 2024
Big fun Chuck! Hit driver 280 meters and 6i 180 meters today in simulator after watching this. The furthest ever. Fascinating also that the swing data are very similar from swing to swing, which means consistency. What I find most challenging to feel or control is the sequencing. It is like the only thing I feel is loading and firing the core and trail side obliques while thinking that I want to go diagonally forwards, down after the ball. When firing the core, I feel there is no time to think about following up with the trail glute or anything else. Does that make sense?
November 22, 2024
Wow! 280 meters is huge! Great job! The answer to your question is there's really no time to "think" about anything, especially more than one thing. I'm working on a follow up video to this one to talk more about sequencing and introducing how the lead side of the body works with the trail side to create the whip effect, so that should answer this question more in detail.
November 22, 2024
Think I got it now by looking back at 3.1 which is a brilliant illustration of sequencing. If I start the downswing by anchoring left foot, then fire core, the vertical lead side part seems to come by itself. Only thought going down is then, anchor and fire. Arm and hands just follow in J posture. Fantastic when feeling the power transfer from core to arm combined with the ground vertical forces through the lead side. Hopefully able to integrate it. Thanks.
December 7, 2024
Awesome! Yep it has to be a feel so you dont have to think through it and sounds like you are discovering that feeling
December 8, 2024
The best advice ever after playing golf well over 65 years, reading over a hundred books and over 500 lessons! Effortless, clean contact and nice in balance! Especially revealing the fact that "squish the bug' is a result of proper core rotation. When I do it right and engage my abs my cheeks get puffed like Tiger; when I just push off from the ground or turn with my hips, this doesn't happen! That picture of Tiger is priceless! Question: does this movement also applies for putting and chipping. And is at transition one's weight/pressure still on the left? According to classical teaching and even modern pressure plates readings, this has already shifted to the left. So this means that trail side dominant is completely different and apparently trail side dominant measures have been disregarded/misinterpreted so far??
November 22, 2024
Thanks Piet. As for chipping and putting, it is the same, but of course way toned down. Perhaps not so much the same in putting because it is such a small movement. In chipping we don't have much time to shift so pressure stays more left. As for pressure, as I said, pressure and weight are different. Pressure still goes left, "weight" or mass of the torso stays back.
November 22, 2024
In the core activation drills the right foot slides back in counter torque. In the goat drill your pushing off the right toe. there seems to be a contradiction here. Am I missing something ?
November 21, 2024
How would your foot slide back unless you were pushing off it? It slides because of a lack of grip
November 22, 2024
Chuck, Wonderful drill. Tried it on the golf course yesterday and his some amazing, effortless shots. But I AM a little confused about a couple of things. You said in an earlier video that we should "fall into the left side" and in this one you say to keep your weight behind the ball. Also, you talked about the feeling of "pushing back with your left shoulder" but now are saying we need to pull the right shoulder up and back. Are these things you have changed your thinking about?
November 21, 2024
Pressure moves left, weight stays back. I discussed this in some of the earlier comments. The left shoulder pushing the club back is the counter of the trail shoulder pulling back - they are one in the same, two sides of the same coin. One side pulls, one side pushes.
November 22, 2024
Thank you for the great explanation on what movements wreck the back! I've struggled with back pain for years and it has subsided a great deal since I began following your programs (first lead side and now trail (GOAT) side. It's doing wonders for my back. I can't wait to work on these drills! Also, the short clip you included of Tiger loading his trail hip is really helping me learn to load properly. Somehow that video clip really helped me understand loading my trail hip and I'm sure this GOAT drill will take my understanding even further. Great stuff! I really appreciate all the effort you put into this system!
November 19, 2024
You're welcome Stanley! Hope this helps your back even more!
November 20, 2024
Fabulous, thank you so much
November 18, 2024
Glad you enjoyed!
November 18, 2024
Hi Chuck Looked at the GOAT drill yesterday and the Instagram post today. For two good golfers, one lead side and one trail side, does the trail side swing have a shorter elapsed time from start of swing to impact? Is the difference significant? Diane
November 17, 2024
While one may "look" slower (typically lead side), they actually happen at basically identical times. Tour Tempo has shown this to be true that most all pros swing in a 3:1 ratio (3x longer in backswing) but almost all happen in either 21:7, 24:8 or 27:9 frames per second. Ernie Els, for example, looks slow, but it's actually quite quick at 24:8
November 18, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck, as always in your vedoe's a ;ot of great information that helps all of us to understand the essence of the swing. Big thanks again! All this info also brings questions and that is how it needs to be. A question that is in my head for a long time and that I talked a lot about with other experts/scientist but always give different answers is related to the formula F=M.A you talked about in this video. I would like to hear you vision on how to use this formula in golf. My interest is in: what needs to filled in for M (mass). In the answers I got over the years there are huge differences, I hear: mass = head weight ( like you mention) mass = head weight + 3-5 inches of shaft mass = total weight of club mass = weight of ball mass = combination of clubhead and part of body mass that is behind baal at moment of impact. I hope you can understand my confusion here. Thanks for helping, finding the answer I can work with. Friendly greetings, Marcel
November 17, 2024
The club head acts independent of the shaft as it strikes the ball so the mass of the shaft I believe is irrelevant. Either way I find diving into the weeds like this completely pointless so I wouldn’t give it much thought as it’s not gonna help you hit the ball any farther or better to any significant degree
November 17, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Great point Chuck! It is my my mental deviation that I always want to understand things before I can let things go
November 17, 2024
Chuck, I just wanted to say again thank you so much for all your responses to our comments! I know that is a lot of work too but helps clarify the videos and things in general even further for all of us that read them not just the commenter! I try to make sure and read all the comments before asking a question so I make sure you haven't answered it before as I don't want you to repeat yourself and many times you have already answered my question before I even need to ask it! Again just wanted to say thanks and let you know it helps a lot!
November 15, 2024
You’re very welcome Lee!
November 16, 2024
I’ve been working diligently with Craig and he’s been telling me I’m close to having it all come together. I watched the video last night and in just a dozen swings it clicked. I’ve fought an inside takeaway my whole life. The club is now perfectly on plane without thinking about it. My head had been moving off the ball. Focusing on extending the right side and getting the right should up and back fixed that. I never would have thought that focusing on contracting the entire right side would be the best way to generate speed. But once your in GDP by doing this things just sort of explode (accelerate) through the ball on their own. It feels slower and more effortless but it’s actually much quicker because it’s so efficient. The Tiger tempo drill makes sense now. And finally, I have some mobility issues with my right hip and thought they made it impossible for me to get more than a bit open at impact. I’m maybe still a bit short of the goal but twice as open as before.
November 15, 2024
Hell ya! That was my dream man! To tie it all together like I did with the DEAD Drill for the lead side, this is the drill to tie together everything for the trail side!
November 15, 2024
Cleaning some things up with a bit more work and a few more things are happening. The hips are getting more open as a make sure I stay back and pivot off the right leg. My “professional flip” (as Craig has referred to it) is gone. He always told me that’s what was needed. I just didn’t know how to get those hips open. And I’m even feeling light on my feet through impact. It makes sense how the long-drive guys are pretty much jumping off the ground through impact when they take everything to extremes.
November 15, 2024
Awesome man that’s incredible to have those quick changes for things that you’ve struggled with for so long makes me very excited!
November 15, 2024
Chuck .. today is really the day. I watched the video last night and went to the course today (Phoenix) .. warm up was good, play on the front was spotty with many thin iron shots. Shot 40, made 4 birdies on the back for 32, shooting my age for the 14th time since getting back with you and Craig. My swing speed is usually only 82 mph, but I had to have gained a few extra after the video. The extension on the backswing was a major change. I received my Hackmotion last week, but have not even tried it as of yet. Your diligence on finding the words to make this work for all of us must be exhausting, but many thanks. Best to Christina. David in Phoenix
November 14, 2024
That’s awesome David! Exhausting is perhaps the best word. Physically and mentally i am spent but going into the holidays i get a little downtime to work on a bootcamp for the goat code that i am very excited about. I believe we accelerate the learning phase 10x for most people with this pattern
November 15, 2024
Hey Chuck, could you help me reconcile some conflicting information (or my interpretation of what you're saying) as it pertains to moving to the lead side? The prior video (GOAT Power Sequence) and others, you use the term bracing with the lead leg. Am I correct in assuming that as this trail side swing is evolving we not wanting our weight/pressure to be so much on the lead side? If so, how much? When you explain about moving forward to the lead side without moving forward (time mark 30:15) you are saying that you don’t want to move the hip over the ankle because it takes time to do this and it will prevent the hips from freely opening up. In doing so how to I get my weight/pressure to the lead side as talked about in a prior video(s) about the force plate studies of great ball strikers. How much pressure/weight should I have moved over to the lead side as the downswing is happening or are we trying to just use the lead leg as a brace (to get counter-torque) in this trail side dominate swing? I totally understand the GOAT Drill and the concepts you’re teaching in order to deliver power and compress the golf ball.
November 14, 2024
Hi Jeff, you have to understand that pressure and weight are very different. Pressure as measured on a force plate is measuring force - not weight. Force = M*A. Acceleration being the key. Putting almost zero weight on my lead leg but quickly pushing down on my ball of my foot will cause a big force spike even though my mass is no where near my lead leg. Take a look at the image of Tiger below and you can clearly tell where his "weight" is given the bulk of his mass is well behind the lead hip, but if you had him on a pressure plate you would be starting to see a big spike under his lead foot. You push off the lead foot to provide resistance and help the core rotate faster but you don't need to "shift your weight" to do this.
November 14, 2024
If I understand this (somewhat?) correctly, the pressure increase in the lead foot is caused by a "bracing for the rotation/posting up" and happens naturally in the downswing if the sequencing is correct? This video is great and allowed me to take the swing to the course. All aspects of my game (except driver distance, for some reason) has improved greatly!
January 25, 2025
if you coil around the trail leg correctly you will naturally shift pressure to the lead foot, yes
January 25, 2025
Hey Chuck, I watched The GOAT Drill again and once again I found that I had missed some things the first time around. I usually watch these videos multiple times and pick up things that I missed in prior viewings. There's a lot of information to process (with my pea brain) and I just missed the explanation that you gave about not wanting to move mass just pressure. Thanks for taking the time to further explain. As I said before...you're "The One". J.L.
November 15, 2024
Ya this video is a little long so easy to miss some things for sure but i wanted to try and address all the questions i expected in the video so it could be a self contained complete resource for the entire program rolled up into one
November 15, 2024
Thanks Chuck. The pic helped me tremendously. I understood about pressure and weight being different, but have been under a misconception about getting mass over to the lead side. Is that how it is done (getting mass over) with a lead side swing? Thanks again. Now that I have these two videos (4.8 & 4.9) the swing is pretty easy to understand. This is going to make things (the swing) so much simpler. Great break down on the moving parts Chuck.
November 14, 2024
Yes. In a lead side pattern you get weight to the lead leg and rotate to sling the lead arm through the ball. That’s why the old drill of just hitting balls off the lead foot became popular many years ago. It works great but your rotational speed has got to be good to produce speed.
November 15, 2024
How do you efficiently have the right foot slide where it rolls of the heel and instep? I can have my foot slide but my heel still spins out. I remember you saying on IG saying something but I dont have the understanding
November 13, 2024
I'm not sure I follow exactly but your foot sliding will be dependent on how much weight you have over your lead side. When Tiger's foot slides, for example, he has more weight over the lead leg, often because he is trying to flight the ball down.
November 14, 2024
Like this in feel like I’m spinning out and have too much right arm thrust.

November 15, 2024
So I need to feel the core countries to rotate and this is all before the move at the ball?
November 16, 2024
You are stalling out your core rotation and firing the arms too soon. The arms need to “stay” at the top for a split second to give the core a chance to start rotating to stretch the fascia and the arms and wrists are whipped through
November 16, 2024
I’ve been working on it and I have a question. Am I doing all this before are after transition? So do I keep hands at top while loading or keep hands at top when firing core.
November 18, 2024
You keep hands at top while letting the core do its thing to start the downswing. This will bring hands down. The longer you hold them the more stretch you create and the more whip you will have
November 19, 2024
Should I even be worried about it
November 13, 2024
Great video Chuck! This drill seems to fit flawlessly with the prior steps! I love that it’s 3 simple moves that can be felt through a backswing and downswing feel! Looking forward to trying this out and getting it down! Great work and as always, Thank you so much!!! ????
November 13, 2024
You're welcome!
November 13, 2024
Initial practice with this and wow does it simplify things!!! I do feel I have to be careful not to get into a “reverse C” but with practice, this drill should be the key! I was wondering if you would do a Webinar on this phase now that we are here and maybe use the force plate in that webinar to show us exactly how this feel is translating! If you would be willing to share, I would also love to see your HACKMOTION data with this swing to use as a benchmark! Maybe including this in the Webinar would be helpful to many of us… Thank you again! This truly is a great drill and all of it is really well done!
November 14, 2024
Yep, that's the next steps is to put the data behind it as we move into bigger full swings. Will try to get a webinar in there as well.
November 14, 2024
That’s awesome! Can’t wait! Let’s truly make this next step a celebration of all of your years of work by putting this all together!
November 14, 2024
We're getting there brother, things are really coming together!
November 14, 2024
100 percent!!! I’m really not sure people are aware of how amazing this is or just how much went into truly uncovering Tigers swing… This is so huge and should be so exciting for everyone because I truly believe that this program and the way you built it will honestly teach people how to swing like Tiger’s best swing! The side benefit is it teaches proper putting, chipping and pitching mechanics! Also protects the body and as a huge bonus, gives our Brother Chuck another shot at the tour! Keep going and stay motivated! You have something special here! Thank you!
November 15, 2024
Yes exactly! This ensures you have a world class game from green to tee box covering everything in between and giving you the same movement pattern for each shot all the way down to the putting stroke. That makes it simple to learn and simple to maintain. It has made my own game much simpler that ya I think I'll give the champions tour q school a shot next year because I can't walk 18 holes after my neck injury, but I can cruise around in a cart just fine!
November 15, 2024
It’s just so well thought out and done! The journey is the exciting part and once everyone truly dies this program it will open so many doors and golf will be fun again for people! I’m building a Sim in the garage for the winter! Gonna be able to do the program from scratch and truly dial it in! Went with the SC4 Pro. That will be awesome for you! Love to see it!
November 15, 2024

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