Law 7: How Club Face Contact Affects Compression

Published: February 20, 2014

effect of club face contact on compression

This video studies compression in terms of where you hit the ball on the face of the club.

Find out how you can change club face contact to reduce bad shots.

You’ll also learn about moment of inertia (MOI) to see how the stability of your club at impact determines how solidly you’ll hit the ball.

Once you know all about how club face contact affects compression be sure you've seen all the preceding videos in our 7 Laws to Master Compression video series.

7 Laws to Master Compression Video Series

Click for Series Home Page

  • 7 Laws to Master Compression Introduction
  • Law 1: How Your Swing Speed Affects Compression
  • Law 2: How Your Swing Path Affects Compression
  • Law 3: How Your Face Angle Affects Compression
  • Law 4: How Your Angle of Attack Affects Compression
  • Law 5: How Your Loft at Impact Affects Compression
  • Law 6: How Your Club Lie Angle Affects Compression
  • Law 7: How Club Face Contact Affects Compression

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