The most common fault we see in golfers completing Move 4 is failing to fully transfer weight to the left hip in the follow through. This incomplete weight transfer creates many different problems in the golf swing.
As we learned in the "Move 4" video, it's very important to protect your knees, hips, and back by getting your weight fully over onto your left heel and getting your hip into neutral joint alignment so it can pivot safely, the way it was designed to.
A lot of golfers don't do that. They don't realize how big a move is required for most people to get all the way over onto the left hip.
Fortunately, there's a simple way to check and see if you're making a full weight shift.
The Shoe Test
Going into the follow through, a lot of golfers finish like the photo above. That golfer looks like he's standing pretty straight, pretty much in neutral, but if you look at his right foot, you'll notice that the shoe is bent.
A lot of amateur golfers do this, and you'll see it all the time at the driving range.
When the right shoe is bent, that means there's weight back there. It's as simple as that.
If your shoe is bent and you shift your left hip into neutral, the weight comes up onto the left side and the toe box of the right shoe straightens out, leaving the right foot in a vertical position.
When the shoe is straight, you know your weight is balanced all the way onto that left hip. You want to start to become aware of this. When you look at your swing on video, check your right shoe as you finish each swing.
If it's bent, you're leaving some weight over on the right and it's going to cause all sorts of problems in your swing. You're losing power because you're not able to get all your weight transferred to the left side, preventing you from pivoting with very much speed.
It's as simple as that. Check your right shoe. If it's bent in the follow through, there's weight back there and you need to go back to Move 3 and work on getting your weight all the way over to your left heel.
Watch part 2 now to see how you're moving your body in the opposite direction of the pros!