Increase Your Golf Swing Lag Like Tiger Woods

Published: February 18, 2014


Are you envious of the lag Tiger Woods creates in his swing?


If so, I bet you would like to learn the secrets few know about how anyone—including you!—can produce massive amounts of lag.

Have you heard either of these theories about creating lag:

  • You must be strong to hold on and overpower the force of the clubhead.
  • You need as much wrist cock as possible at the top of the swing.

What if you found out both of these were dead wrong, nothing but myths?

Check out the video below to find out the truth and clear up the mental side of the equation. Creating lag is easy!

Then follow the video's "Your Guide to Lag" section to begin mastering the physical part.

So, if you want to pick up 10-20 yards, enjoy compression that makes your shots "hiss," or just produce effortless want to watch this video on creating lag in the golf swing right now!

Your Guide to Lag Like Tiger's

If you don't have a Premium Membership, click here to get one to watch the 4 Premium Videos that will have you creating Tiger-like lag in no time...

...then check out some of the articles and videos we have that cover, in much greater detail, the crucial concepts from this swing analysis:

tiger woods driver

Learn the 3 Tour Pro Consistency Secrets You've NEVER Heard!

Watch part 2 now to see how you're moving your body in the opposite direction of the pros!

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