9 to 3 Golf Consistency Drill

Published: August 19, 2021

If I had to pick one drill, that was the most important rail that you ever, ever on that swing every aspect of your golf swing, pass shots, knock B all of these things in what I'm talking, digital clock clock on a clock, really the entire golf stuff. That's really important. This stuff makes or break a golf. So we've got it here to here. These are going to start to happen in your swing. You can develop your swing indoors. Well it's indoors without hitting balls. And we're going to start today by just learning how to do this nut three movement correctly close and in detail to show you for golf swing, get into perfect impact, perfect release every time. So with the Knight is just like with everything else, Otis on your body movements for. So let's take all of the, just the simple core, then everything you were to add where people, the biggest mistake Brian goes, prob go broke out. It never does huge leap forward.

First thing you're going to want to do is get set up correctly, arms across your chest, or even taking the arms out at this point and to make a proper nine to three swing. All I need to do is rotate return at the bat. That's a 90 degree. All I'm checking is that I'm making a 40 into my rights, my left foot. It's relatively tell if I try to my left shoulder across at heads off, it's going to all right and post up by put ink into the ground and pull it big app to rip side. You'll notice that my shoulders ended up dead square, but I never moved my shoulders. I'm moving my body, my trunk, my core, the big muscles. There are much easier to control and get into a perfect impact position. And then I'm done. The whole golf swing is done there.

So that's really just an end of six. You're doing body. The only reason you'd ever continue on to three o'clock is momentum. You never, ever, ever try and move your body to get to that follow-through position. The follow-through is a result of other things that you did leading up to that moment. As far as you're concerned, the golf swings done at impact. So when you don't have any momentum, you don't have your arms or club out in front of you. Stop here, check your position. So the things that you're going to check are first my weight. I want a way to firmly driven down to the center of my ankle. I'm nice and rock solid on that left side, which means my left glute, my butt muscle is going to be engaged. My left knee is going to be straight. This is another really common mistake I see made all the time.

People do this and they come and impact like this. There's no stability, which is going to lead to a decrease in consistency, because as your knee allows your body to keep moving, everything shifts your swing, plane, your path angles that you've created. We want to maintain those and keep them nice and solid and quiet at impact. And that means a firm left leg. So if you've ever heard that term hitting into our from left side, it's really what they're saying is that left legs posted up left glute left quad, left hamstring. Everything's engaged in weight is driven down through the ankle with a straight left knee. Now it's not, hyperextended like you're trying to lock it out. Just think straight, like you're standing here talking. You don't want to lock your knees out, but you can't have them flex either because it doesn't allow for a stable base.

It impacts everything's dynamically moving through the hitting area. And that's when you want everything to quiet down dramatically. So that's our first checkpoint. The second checkpoint starting from the ground up is my right foot. I want to make sure that I don't see this. Why is this so important that my right heel stay down? Okay. And I get from nine to, in this case, just six o'clock when we're doing it, just our body. Well, as I've talked about in another video, when this right heel comes up, I want you to see what happens to my tush line. So nine o'clock down into impact. What happened. I've lost that tush line. I've lost my spine angle, which makes my swing plane shift out to the right and that's going to make it so that I start coming in too shallow, too much from the inside.

And the club's going to work way out to the right. And that's a great recipe to hit a big block or hook. So to prevent that, we want to make sure that as you shift down and post up on this left side, that the right foot can roll the inside, but it stays down. So we look at it some face on it's just rolling to the inside. As long as my left hip is a neutral joint alignment, which again, if you've forgotten, take a club, put it roughly where your first belt loop is. I go into more detail with neutral joint alignment and some of the other videos. But I talk about the little two finger trick you can put here. That's about where the center of your pelvis is. If I drop a club straight down that left hip left knee and left ankle form, a perfectly straight line is the safest place to be in.

If I'm pushing hard off my right side and losing my spine angle, then what I also tend to do is move outside of neutral joint alignment. And even just making that little move hurts my back. If any lumbar pain, any pain in your lower back sciatic pain, nerves, or nerve issues, make sure that you're not pushing off this right leg. And I've got a great little simple check while you're doing these little baby nine to three or nine to six moves. I want you to imagine you had a ball in between your legs. Now this is an exaggeration, but it's going to help you understand what's going to happen and what you're going to feel when you make a mistake. Now, of course, if you have a rotary connect, that's exactly what we sell it for, for the lower body stuff. As you put the connect between your knees, and if you kick this right in, by trying to drive really hard off of it, it's going to knock your other knee up and you're going to feel really off balance.

So that's what the road reconnect is for. If you don't have a connect, just imagine you had a ball between your knees and as you come down the spacing and the same, you don't want this knee to close in and I'm going to start and teach that show. You kind of claim the symbols between your knees and all this does is create a really weak, unstable base. You can't have that. If you want to hit for power and consistency, we need to have an anchored base. I want you to think that you're a big old open tree anchored to the ground at impact. And it's going to happen when your lower body stays nice and stable. So as you're going here, use the left side of your body. Notice, I'm gonna try to keep my right. And he really quiet. Even make a little squat move.

And imagine that the spacing stays the same now, because I'm turned, it's gonna look like the spacing changes. And of course it is going to get narrower. It needs to, this is a drill to exaggerate feeling nice and stable. If you imagine a, the video I did on Sam Snead's squat move, he actually kind of went a little bow legged. This again, slows the pips and create stability, which is critical for consistency. So when you look at your swing on video and you see this stuff happening, and you're wondering why you're inconsistent, it shouldn't be rocket science anymore. For you from here down is a big old Oak tree. This big around. I want you to be anchored to the earth. That's your goal. Not to be moving all over the place as fast as you can. So that's our lower body checkpoints, except for I've got to add one more checkpoint.

And that is the rotation of the hips. I talked about it earlier. When I talk about moving this left leg, straightening it up and getting the hips rotated. How much about 30 to 45 degrees is the market we're looking for. So your belt buckle is going to point about over your foot. You don't want your belt buckle perfectly square. If you do have your belt buckle perfectly square at impact, then you're going to have turn your shoulders independently of your lower body. In order to get the club back to the ball. We want the lower body to do the vast majority of the work. And that means I've just got to let my hips bring me around to impact. And that's what brings my shoulders square, which is our final checkpoint. I want my buttons on my shirt to be pointing straight at the ball.

So if I can do all of these things together, I didn't push off the right side. I'm not going to my spot angle. I'm not going to pick my head up. I'm not going to fake a follow through. These checkpoints will get me into a perfect impact position. And then I start stacking on other pieces. So now I'm going to ask my arms and I'm going to go back. It was just a little tickle. My hands are parallel or about high pocket height with my right pocket. Still perfectly straight out in front of my test. I'm not we, my arms I'm moving age. Just like we did here. This is perfect. The three move. It makes everything nice. Quiet. And that shift come back. I'm going to check my check points is my foot down left knee straight knee joint alignment, hips, open chest square hands right in front of my body.

Perfect. Now I can do this a little bit, a moment. And you'll notice I'm imagining that I'm stopping here at impact, but because I did it with a little speed, my hands kept going. So now I can get into the further checkpoints of dealing with the release. So from here, what I want to see is that my hands are allowed to release. That's what allows the club to keep moving independent of you. If you don't allow your hands to turn over, then the club in order for it to keep moving on in the fall through and trust me, it's going to keep moving. There's plenty of speed left over there still. Then you're going to have to rotate your chest. I've talked at great length. Why putting all of that extra stress on your spine is completely unnecessary. Your form bones are designed to do this naturally, and it puts no stress on your body.

So just let your hands turn over. Like we're going to shake hands over here so I can shake hands with you here. And I can shake hands with you here. And we've got a perfect nine to three swing, and then we can pick up the club. If we can do the same thing, looking at a face on I'm going to go back shift. I'm not in a big hurry. I'm just doing the drills impact. I've got shaft, lean, flat, left wrist release. Notice when I let the club release, it's primarily just my arms turning over my body is very quiet. In fact, if you look at my lower body, it hasn't changed from impact to the full release. At three o'clock. My head stays back. My shoulders, stay back. I'm not taking my right shoulder and pushing it through. Watch my right spur closely, stays back the arm and wrist release.

And that's the perfect way to release the club. Very, very efficiently. We look at it from down the line. It's the same thing. Nine o'clock shift as I've kept my spine angle release. Perfect. I'm keeping my head down and letting the club just turn over. Just lightly brush the grass. This is what's going to allow you when you can do that correctly to move into hitting balls. And that's what we want to see here. As we start looking at putting all of this together, I'm going to make some more practice swings here, shift release one another little checkpoint. Now that you've got club in your hand, and you're looking at your swing on video in our swing viewer is that as you get halfway back down, you still want to have a little bit of risk that if your hands are soft, while you're doing this drill, you're going to notice a little bit of what's called float loading, or the club works back and then it naturally dynamically. That's on the way down, the soft, you keep your risk doing this drill. The more consistent contact you're going to make as you're coming down, you can start to let your risk set a little bit. And when we get where our hands are back in front of her thigh, the club shaft should be parallel to the ground just like that. So now let's put it all together and let's hit one doing this exact same drift. Don't worry about the ball. Doesn't really matter.

As long as we can release like that, the ball is going to go where we want to every time. But their big thing is to focus on your checkpoints, right? Heel down, roll to the inside, maintain my spine angle club released left hip in neutral joint alignment. Let's do one from face on so you can see the same checkpoints that I'm mentioning here. It's going to go through the whole routine back there. Now notice my head. Still looking down here. I don't care where the ball went. I'm checking left hip in neutral, right? Heel down, kick my knee or my hip soap shoulder square club released. We put those three things together. You're going to have a perfect nine to three swing. And all of a sudden there, it just making it a little bit bigger, maybe doing a little bit fast. That's why the kind of drill is so important. You're learning everything that matters from here to here. And if you can do that, the rest of X wing, it's a little bit of D and you're going to be hitting the ball further, more solid and more consistent than you ever thought possible.

Learn the 3 Tour Pro Consistency Secrets You've NEVER Heard!

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