Pushing vs. Pulling in the Golf Swing for Consistency
Published: August 10, 2021
I know what you're thinking to yourself. If I could just swing like that and hit the ball like that every single time golf would be the greatest game ever for me, because I would actually be able to go out and enjoy it all the time. Instead of being frustrated and aggravated chasing balls all over the trees and all over the place, you're getting to see the whole course, getting your money's worth that's for sure. But the reason that you're not hitting the ball like that, and you're not playing consistently as well as you should is one reason. And one reason only you're pushing instead of pulling,
What on earth do you mean by that?
The concept of pushing versus pulling is at the very core of rotary swing, because it's a physics fundamental. That's going to explain all of the swing flaws that you've ever struggled with coming over the top, losing lag, flipping it, impact chicken wing, not being able to shift your weight. If any of those, describe you. Listen it because I'm going to go inside for just a moment and explain with a couple of props, this concept of pushing versus pulling to help you understand why you're struggling with your golf swing. What I have before you is every training aid that you ever need to understand
The golf swing. I have a children's toy and a flail that I made in my garage. These two things will completely transform the way that you think about the golf swing from this day forward. So let's start with the truck. Now, how many of you have pulled a trailer down the highway? Not most of us probably have. How many of you pushed a trailer down?
Nobody. Right?
What happens when you try to push a trailer? Well, if I pull it, I can just put my finger lightly on this truck and I pull it and the trailer follows perfectly in line all the way down. No problem. And as soon as I start pushing it, oh, what happened? Let me back this up again. Oh, what ha ah, my doing the same thing. I'm just having my finger on it. I'm moving, but almost instantly the trailer jackknifes, since I started pulling, I can go for days. I don't have to pay any attention. I can look at the camera and trailer follows along soon as I back up, what happens? This concept goes back to pushing versus pulling. If the trailer is being pulled by the force of movement, the truck, the trailer will automatically line up it's center of gravity with the center gravity of the truck. Now what happens when you push something is that these two centers of gravity must be perfectly aligned or they will tend to rotate around each other. So this center of gravity is not perfectly aligned with this truck. Now I could go and really slowly, I could make corrections as I go along to try and keep these two centers of gravity along aligned, but I would have to go very slow and I'd have to make constant corrections. When I'm pulling,
I can be a drunk driver, basically driving this trailer. It's still going to pull straight
Behind without me paying any attention at all. That is the secret of a golf swing. If you're pushing in your swing, you're always fighting against the force of movement. I want everything to work with me. I want things to line up automatically. I want the club to follow my hands. I have to do that by pulling, not pushing. If you start pushing in your golf swing, I talked about how caused you to lose, lag, how to come over the top, the flip, the chicken wing, all of those things, fat shots then shot. They all come from pushing. As soon as you start pulling your golf swing is going to be as easy as pull this trailer down the road. Now there's another concept of pushing versus pulling a physics principle that applies to centripetal and centrifugal force. So as I move this ball and stick around, you'll notice that I don't have to move the stick very much at all, but the ball is moving at pretty good speed. If I lacked you on the head, it's not going to feel very good right now. What type of force am I putting on the stick? Well, I'm pulling, I'm pulling in the opposite direction that this ball is always traveling in. So if the ball is going that way, I'm actually pulling it this way. If you make one of these at home, you can feel this for yourself. As soon as I try and push, because this cable is slack, the ball
Work and the sticks moving all over the place, the balls moving slow. It's a perfect illustration of most golfers swings. The stick represents your body. The steel cable represents your arms and club and shaft. You never try and move this part. You move the arms club and shaft by moving this part, this is way more efficient. I can move this stick very little as long as I'm pulling in the opposite direction that I always want this ball to go, but the ball will create a perfect swing plane. Look at that. Look how consistent that plane is. If I tried to make the ball go there by pushing it, it's never one it's gonna hit the same spot twice. Maybe I'll get lucky, sound familiar with your golf swing. But as soon as I've pull and I align my align myself with the forces of physics, the laws of physics, cause Newton is a much better golfer than you are. As soon as I do that, the stick barely has to move. This is why golfers who swing. Like I do like a professional look like we're barely moving yet. We hit the ball a long ways. We're just more efficient. And we're working with the laws of physics, understanding that you should always be moving in the opposite direction that the ball or excuse me, that the club is always moving in is the key to understanding the secrets of the golf swing. We're going to explain more about this in the rotary swing five step system.
Did the light bulb go off in your head watching that little demonstration of the simple concept of pushing versus pulling. Now, how does that relate directly to the golf swing? Well, it's really, really simple. Think about the movements that you can do that create the most common swing faults that almost every amateur golfer struggles with on the planet. Let's start with the one the over the top move. That is one thing that nearly every golfer who's ever picked up a golf club for the first time has struggled with coming over the top and hitting a pole slice. It's almost the butter of every golf joke because it's so prevalent. The whole reason that it happens is simple. It's again, pushing versus pulling. If you're pushing, you're going to come over the top. If you're pulling you won't it's that simple. Let me show you why.
So first let's look at what this for over the top move looks like so many golfers struggle with as they start down, they start are pushing from this right side. And as you push from the right shoulder that moves the club out over the top of the plane. Now you also have your right arm, your tricep, your risks that can also push that's. What's going to cause you to start to cast the club. So you push that's how you create the over the top move, pushing from the right leg will so rotate your upper torso. And that will get you coming over the top. Any little pushing movement that you create at that start of the transition will always get you coming over the top. Now let's look at the opposite. If I pulled with my left side, what would happen? Well, I'll take my right arm completely off the club and pull my arm. Look what happens now, the club's actually coming too far from the inside.
It's a huge change.
Pushing can always make the club go out this way. It's always going to cause you to move the club out away from you. Casting the club, pulling drops the club down to the inside. Now of course you have to do both in this swing and we'll go more in depth on that. As you join rotary swing and start going through the process of understanding when you should push and when you should pull and when to balance those two out. But the main concept is if you understand that the majority of the time, you should always be pulling instead of pushing, you'll have more lag. You'll shallow out your swing plane and you'll hit the ball more solidly, more consistently, and more importantly with less effort than ever possible because you're going to maintain leverage in your swing. So just as the right side causes you to come out over the top, it also caused you to cast the club.
The problem is most golfers are right-handed and they're playing with clubs that are right-handed clubs. So the instinct that you have is as you go to the top and you load up this arm by folding at the elbow and folding at the wrist and elevating it, your shoulder, all you want to do is unload all those muscles, you load in the backswing. And because you're right-handed anyway, your right side, yeah. Is already really dominant. So the only thing you can do from this position is extend and reloads your lag and cast the club. When you push with the right now, let's do the opposite. If you've got a club laying around, try this for yourself, take just your last three fingers of your left hand, take the right hand off and just pull down. Now look how much lag is created. In fact, I can't even think the club cause I don't have my thumb on there to push against the shaft.
Again, pushing. I'm just pulling. As I pull, I maintain more lag than I know what to do with. In fact, I have too much lag. If you're casting the club, you're pushing against the shat, same thing happens at impact. If you have a little bit of a flip guess where that flip comes from, your right wrist is hinged back loaded, and then you push against the club and all of a sudden your left wrist breaks down, which leads into the next most common flaw, the dreaded chicken wing. Again, you can't create this move unless you're pushing too hard from the right side. So if you're casting the club coming over the top scooping and impact chicken wing or the foremost column and swing faults that nearly every amateur golfer struggles with it all comes from pushing from the right side. So that is a critical concept that you need to understand as you're working to improve your swing. And you're learning more about why the rotary swing is so powerful and so effective. It's because we don't work against the laws of physics. We work with them.
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