Left Hand Low Putting: What You MUST Know

Published: February 16, 2014

left hand low putting setup

Jack Nicklaus said if he could go back and change one thing about his golf game, he’d start off with left hand low putting.

That’s a big statement from a great putter

So, let’s take an in-depth look at the left hand low putting method.

In this video, I’ll show you how to putt left hand low and why it may be the answer for your putting struggles. 

You’ll find out:

  • How putting left hand low aligns with the fundamentals of pushing vs pulling that the RST was built upon,
  • How your right hand may be sabotaging your consistency, and
  • Why just any old putter won't work with this technique.

I’ll also show you what the drawbacks are for putting left hand low.

Check out this video now to find out if the left hand low putting stroke is your answer for more consistent putting!

learn how to putt better


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