Larry's Lesson - Day 3 - Pt 3 - Swinging w/ Speed

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In the final part of the lesson we start getting Larry to pick up his pace to naturally remove some of his swing flaws without him even thinking about it.

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Chuck, Can you share this with those of us who have a hack motion? Could you maybe create a video or cheatsheet to advise us on how to use it? Of course, inclusive of the settings. Eric
April 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Do you mean like do a video on settings and stuff in hackmotion?
April 15, 2024
April 15, 2024
Hey Chuck, Great transformation with Larry! The one thing that really jumped out to me was how he felt that he was working on many different fixes at different times but seeing results with the particular area he was focused on… I too have noticed this with my practice… The problem is that I had thought the (Wide, Glide, Wide) was the culmination of the Goat Code and Theory and would be the fix for all things and allow us to hit all the positions naturally through those feels? However I didn’t notice you mention Wide, Glide, Wide at all through the lessons with Larry? Even with the takeaway, it seems to have transitioned into feeling the lead shoulder push or trail shoulder pull to initiate the backswing, as well as having to focus on getting arms into GDP? I have seen similar results as Larry in terms of focused fixes (Flexion/Extension, Radial/Ulnar, Release, Speed…) However, none all at the same time as there would be just way to many individual swing thoughts… Wide, Glide, Wide got rid of my swing thoughts and I had natural speed but with some faults… (All identified by HackMotion) Like anything, as we all put the Goat code into practice we will uncover issues… I truly believe that all of the theory that you uncovered is 100% correct and it all makes great sense! All of the fixes for faults make great sense! However I feel there are still too many swing thoughts to fix each fault! We saw this through the training with Larry… One thing would get better, but when he focused on something else, the other went back… The Axiom Power program got me into GDP and with speed however the backswing was not great and there were swing thoughts… Does The Goat Code Wide, Glide, Wide still apply or does it need a revision? I think HackMotion is incredible for feedback and as we work through the GOAT CODE I think we are all seeing that in order to get into the positions of the goats we can’t do it with Wide, Glide, Wide… Thank you!
April 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Steve, the videos on the site have to be generic enough to work with millions of different swing flaws and golfers who haven't a clue with what they're really doing in their swings. In person lessons are completely tailored to that exact golfer's issue and I work through them in a sequence that is best for the golfer. In person - custom. Video - broad based and generic.
April 12, 2024
I can completely understand that each golfer has specific needs! I also see the value of in person one on one teaching! I guess I was just mistaken in thinking I was overthinking my own swing and that “Wide, Glide, Wide” Would simplify and solve my issues? I realize that my own main issue was takeaway as I was taking it inside and too much wrist cock… The rest of my swing was actually very good, getting over to the Left, getting into GDP, Release… I had really got there with swing thoughts though and wanted to eliminate them. Unfortunately right now I am at these swing thoughts as I swing… - Low, straight and slow takeaway - keep left hand quiet at the top - throw the ball from the top. This results in a decent swing and results! However it is those swing thoughts and my HackMotion Flexion/Extension numbers are sporadic at the top! Mostly too much extension, still getting negative at impact… Would you suggest that Larry along with myself need to do a lot of repetitions to fix each of our own issues and the incorporating “Wide, Glide, Wide” would work? Thank you!
April 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Repetition is the ONLY way to change a movement pattern, and that's the same for Larry as it is for Tiger Woods. It always takes time to engrain it as the "How the Brain Learns" videos covered many years ago.
April 12, 2024
Agreed! Thank you for clarifying Chuck! I had just felt some magic early on working through the Goat Code, but obviously some things still aren’t quite ingrained! Thank you for sharing this training session with Larry it definitely was insightful and answered a lot of questions! I will continue on with the reps until it’s all ingrained!
April 12, 2024
Hi Chuck, Feel blessed to have found you as my new coach. I am doing OK with 7,8 9 but long irons and especially my driver I am struggling with. Any suggestions
April 11, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Kenneth, that means there are major fundamental issues going on. Have you gotten a swing review so someone can see what's happening?
April 12, 2024
Hi Chuck and thanks for replying even though you must be engrossed in the masters much like me. I have not sent any reviews as I am unsure of how to do this I have 6 reviews but where I practice is going to be difficult to get one. Do you need a front on video in slow motion?
April 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It helps a lot to have both views, but not necessary
April 15, 2024
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chuck, I watched all video's you posted from your lesson with Larry and learned so much again! What I like the most is how you both communicate, you just explaining a (small) technical detail to Larry, then ask what you want him to do and from there you ask him for feedback about what he feels and noticed and how that relates to the task and the previous swings he made. It is this coaching skill of learning to listen, sseing what is happening and giving positive feedback to a student that we all need to master to be helpfull for your students. I often regret that I live so far away from your location here in Europe witch makes it impossible for me to come over to see you working in real life! To bad you don't have meetings here in Europe ( not sure how many instructors there are over here). Overal, looking at all the things you gave us over the years ( me being a member) you manage every time to get a new step in the direction to make it as simple as possible for golfers to get better. Also these new 2 training aids you add again make it easier for golfers to improve, but always within the Rotary Swing concept! Friendly greetings, Marcel
April 10, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Marcel, I'm glad this helps! I'm getting closer to making this as simple as humanly possible - I think! No mechanics, no positions, couple simple feels = good golf. That's the goal.
April 10, 2024

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