RSA GOAT Drill Week 2

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For week 2 we are focusing on how to load to be able to snap the release

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Received my Hackmotion 2.0 today I didn't pay for the package for the tour player data. Chuck can I ask what should my flexion/extension numbers be at address, top, & impact when learning the goat code swing? Thank You
August 24, 2024
Hey Christopher, search "hackmotion" and you'll see a video with all my numbers
August 25, 2024
Thank You
August 25, 2024
Quick question. How closed should the shoulders be at the GDP point? I’ve been getting them square to the target line but that seems wrong and is causing some over the top action.
August 18, 2024
The should still be closed at this point, if they're not, you need more right side sidebend
August 19, 2024
Chuck, you mentioned letting your arms take a nap in the backswing in yesterday's zoom. I asked whether the arms also take a nap in the downswing thru to GDP, and you agreed (I think). My question is throughout the entire downswing, does the right arm add any force to the wrist release? Or, do the arms take a nap all the way thru the swing and the wrist releasing make the club head weight pull the arms thru and around the body?
August 11, 2024
If you add force with the arms you're going to be pushing the club through instead of releasing the club. That requires more effort and actually slows the club down
August 11, 2024
Chuck, today was awesome! I definitely had an aha moment! With keeping the left shoulder back, the club outside of the hands in the takeaway and engaging the core to initiate the downswing with the side bend was what I needed. I know I have a lot of work to do but already feel my swing is much better and that I am finally on the right track !!!!

August 10, 2024
Thanks for the feedback! Glad you're enjoying it. Swing is looking good but you're pushing the club back with the lead arm too much and the trail arm is too soft at setup. Get your body moving to help get the club some initial momentum like I discussed in the session
August 11, 2024
Chuck, I think I might have figured out another reason I am moving my head off the ball .i videoed myself multiple times and As I take the club back keeping my shoulders on plane and working on what you wanted me too it seems to be getting better until get about 3/4 of the way to the top I’m not allowing the club to hinge and I turn my head to get it to the top of my back swing. Does this make any since ?
August 2, 2024
I will have to see that one tomorrow, hard to know for sure what you're describing
August 2, 2024
Sounds good. Looking forward to tomorrow
August 2, 2024
Chuck, I am still working on the feel and have moments I think I feel it then don’t. Obviously I am trying to break may bad habits . Anyway I will be there Saturday and look forward to it but how do I find the download link for the last lesson? Thank again !
August 1, 2024
Hey Talmadge, here's the link
August 2, 2024
Chuck, I played yesterday and struggled but did experience some better contact especially on wedges. I am working on getting in the proper position at the top. I am changing from a flatter swing, so getting my left shoulder down towards ball and my right side extended feels a lot different. Is there a checkpoint or proper tilt angle the left shoulder should be at compared to right shoulder? I do notice the lower my right shoulder goes the higher my hands are top…I found attached online. 36 deg make sense? Not sure how measure this though. Lol
August 1, 2024
Hi Eric, we're going to cover this more in the live session Saturday. I don't use a specific angle number, rather I'm going to show you more how to move to get the shoulders at the right angle for you.
August 1, 2024
Thanks. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the live session this week. Are the sessions recorded so we can view them later?
August 1, 2024
Yes, you need to register for it anyway and then you should get a download link after it's done
August 1, 2024
Chuck, went out and played today with my guys, hit some great iron shots, nuked a few and had a 3 birdies. My issue was with the driver, it was pushing straight left, caused some lost balls and OBs. Going through the video again I must have been turning too much which made my hands late and open. Tomorrow I will use my Rapsodo launch monitor to get a look at what I am doing, and work on using the lead foot drill to hold off from turning too much. Def feel I am getting close, the driver is my nemesis, but not for long.
July 30, 2024
Nuking some shots is good! That's when you're starting to get on the right track when those start popping up. We can take a look at your driver swing on Saturday's live session.
July 31, 2024
Also, regarding the diagonal transition it seems to happen naturally by simply side bending diagonally (extending right side) with left shoulder moving down towards the ball and it does not take much to get my weight on the right side. I assume the weight on my right foot at the top of my swing should be centered or on the inside of the right edge and should never be on the outside right edge of right foot. Correct?
July 30, 2024
Hi Eric, yes if you are sidebending correctly it should happen pretty naturally and your weight really shouldn't go to the outside of the foot. It does in some pros cases who move really well, but to get the basic motion keep it from straying too far out there
July 30, 2024
Thanks, Chuck. I was struggling with what you meant by resistance, but after rewatching and hitting some more balls it feels like my big left toe starts pushing back (resisting) at top of swing. I also feel like my left heal comes slightly off the ground on downswing to emphasize this big left toe resistance. It definitely created more speed. I am on the right track?
July 30, 2024
Yep, you can see this in lots of tour pros who get way up on their toes at impact
July 30, 2024
Chuck, thank you!!! I feel this video definitely helps with understanding how the weight is shifted and putting the club in the right position in the backswing. I e rewatched both videos and practiced in my garage multiple times and feel like I’m breaking some bad habits! Looking forward to the next session!!!
July 29, 2024
Awesome! Let me know how you progress this week
July 30, 2024

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