The GOAT Drill

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The GOAT Drill is how to gain instant consistency and clubface control in the golf swing for a trail side pattern.

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At the top, does this contradict the J-Release video? Thanks.
September 19, 2024
How so?
September 19, 2024
In this video you say to supinate your trail wrist with your thumb pointing in back of you towards an imaginary wall. When I attempt the J move at the top, my trail wrist curves up and my thumb thumb points up. I do immediately supinate my wrist and my thumb does point back behind me when I begin the downswing though. Not sure if I'm stating it right. Thanks.
September 19, 2024
Ahh, this drill is just that - a drill. It's to help you get comfortable with the feeling of the supinated arm that helps you get into GDP, it's not everything in the swing. Just a core movement.
September 19, 2024
Chuck I have more of a general question regarding the GOAT code. When I am learning this swing, am I better going straight to a full swing and feeling the throwing motion at the top or start with something like the 9-3 drill using the core.
September 18, 2024
The best thing is to go through the videos in the order they are laid out, starting with putting and working your way up from there.
September 18, 2024
Hi Chuck, do you take breaks from golf or do you play every day?
September 4, 2024
Also, I read the book The Talent Code and know what it said about breaks, but I still wanted your opinion on this topic.
September 4, 2024
I have never played every day, even when I was playing professionally, and play maybe 1-3x a month on average now.
September 4, 2024
Did you mean 1-3 times a week?
September 4, 2024
What is your current HCP and how often do you play tournaments?
September 4, 2024
I'm a +3 hdcp and mostly just play in tournaments, and no, I did mean 1-3 a month.
September 4, 2024
How can you then be so good?
September 4, 2024
Been playing for 34 years lol, not my first rodeo. I hit the ball a mile and straight, not that hard when you do that.
September 4, 2024
Is there a replay of the live training on this? I didn't get a chance to register for it.
September 2, 2024
Yes, email is going out on it today, but it's here
September 3, 2024
Thank you!!
September 3, 2024
Would you consider this drill to be a shallowing move?
August 30, 2024
It could be considered that, but as you work through these videos you'll see that's not actually the goal per se' to shallow the club, with the proper takeaway you'll be able to feel more over the top (check out new takeaway video)
August 31, 2024
Hi Chuck, should I be trying to blend the Goat Code Drill's (consistency v1) side bend movement with the Goat Code Use your head (part 3) to get into side bend and ultimately GDP? And a second question, since I can't totally supinate my trail wrist at address, at what point in the back swing do I start to add supination to my trail wrist in order to get my thumb pointing behind me at the top of the swing? Or in other words what is the full progression of the trail wrist supination movement? Thank you
August 30, 2024
Exactly what I wanna know… How do we marry the trail wrist move with the core movement?
September 3, 2024
Hi Gary, yes these work together, check out the core activation videos as well to understand this more fully. As for the second question, the best way to learn this is in small steps in sequence, that's what we're going to cover in today's webinar.
August 31, 2024
Hey Chuck, I wanted to provide you with some feedback on results of this drill, which I used during my last round. My iron shots were so much more on line as well as my 5 and 3 woods. I am still fighting a bit of a slight fade to a cut with my driver. My distance hasn't increased that much overall though i.e. Driver 230 yards, PW 120 yards. I am 72 in pretty good shape, 5'10" weighing in at 170 pounds. I've ordered a medicine ball to work on strengthing my core and to help with getting it synced with the swing. I was in the military and know how to engage my core. Aside from that, I have noticed that I am losing muscle tone. Are there any suggestions on supplements etc... in addition to working out? Honestly, I been lacking on doing the daily dozen since being retired.
August 30, 2024
Hi Jeff, thanks for the feedback! I'm not a supplement guy, I simply eat whole, real foods, nothing processed, no sugar. I eat meat and eggs and a lot of it. Most supplements are filled with a lot of excess garbage and once you process the food it was made from, you change it chemically and structurally anyhow so it's not the same. As an example, some people like getting supplements made from egg whites. Problem is, there's an enzyme in the egg yolk that is required for your body to digest the protein in the egg white. This is what happens with supplements, they throw the good out - the yolk is the most nutritious part. People are afraid of cholesterol - that's a myth. Cholesterol is one of the most important parts of a complete diet and my cholesterol numbers, well, I try and get them as high as I can. It's vital for brain health, fighting dementia, Alzheimer's, etc. Our cells are made of the stuff! Eat real, whole food, lots of fat and you won't need any supplements.
August 30, 2024
Chuck, I don’t think you really answered Andrew’s question below. This is also a point of confusion for me. For the TW swing, is the focus on “primary” core body movements, which result in “secondary” throwing movements (J-drill, Throw the Club)?
August 29, 2024
Johnny, Yes that’s what I’m confused about!!!
August 29, 2024
Hey guys, sorry, I will clarify on the webinar tomorrow. The core is central to all athletic motion. For some (myself included) I don't have to think about moving my core. By simply making a throwing motion, my core fires and leads the entire thing. I grew up playing all sports and baseball for 9 years starting at 6 years old. Most people don't have that background and so when I tell them to throw, they just use the arm. So, for them, I have to teach them to engage their core (often for the first time in their lives!) first to generate power. That is the challenge in doing something online with thousands of different people from all walks of life and many with zero athletic background. You have to take it back to basics, get the "core" fundamentals down to learn how to move like an athlete first, then the throw is done correctly. However, throwing correctly has not been the universal response, hence this program to take it back to the beginning so non-athletes can learn how to move.
August 30, 2024
Hi Chuck, And how do I know whether I am using the core for power? By result or a swing review? Come to think about it, it probably wouldn't hurt to practice GOAT anyway or? You also mentioned that you're going to talk about this in the Webinar, I don't have any access to it? Do I have to by it extra?
August 31, 2024
Check out hte Core Activation videos below this one in the nav, and here is a link for the webinar - check your spam and add us a contact if you find it in your spam:
August 31, 2024
Chuck, Thanks, I think this may begin to clear some of my fog! I do notice that when I supinate my arms going to the top and then start the downswing with a throw, the supination really encourages you to widen the wrist angle in an ulnar direction. I think this is what you were saying in the original throw from the top videos--pls/pls correct if I'm wrong here. Also, I have HackMotion and notice in Olesen's data that at the top --both with a 6 iron and a driver-- he actual has a little ulnar deviation and not radial--which I found really interesting. Is this typical for the Tiger like swing you're developing? I'm I misunderstanding the data? Thanks again...
August 30, 2024
Yes Andrew, the supination helps keep the wrists from collapsing at the top and changing the face angle as this often happens with pronation of the arm as this allows the wrist and elbow to fold early. And yes, Tiger often starts with ulnar deviation, or a little cast, especially with the shorter clubs to start down.
August 30, 2024
this looks like the complete opposite of the letting go wrist release from the top in the goat code rather than it keeping tight to side and dropping right shoulder with side bend. seems so complicated and difficult to control
August 29, 2024
Have you tried it?
August 30, 2024
As a fairly decent golfer looking to improve I have tried this and mastered the shank. What is causing this, rotation while just trying to go into right side bend?
August 29, 2024
First place to look is are you clearing your left hip? If you're losing your posture and hips are moving into the ball you'll have no room for your right arm
August 29, 2024
Hi. With two hands on the club is it OK if I "float load" to keep the club face from opening. I get into good GDP with one hand on the club because it's easier to have the grip staying on my trail forearm, but with two the face is always a bit open at GDP unless I float load to the top. Does that make sense? Also at the top I like to throw the club behind me (away from the target) but I'm also supposed to be side bending? Do I throw and then instantly go into side bend??
August 28, 2024
Hi John, I don't mind a little float load as long as it doesn't get excessive and the club starts coming into the ball late. As for the throw, it is technically being thrown away from the target at the start, yes, while also moving into side bend as these two things happen basically simultaneously.
August 29, 2024
Chuck, Thanks for the new content. However I need a bridge between your breakthrough "throw from the top" insight of a few months ago to what now appears to be more of a traditional core (body) driven swing. In your first GOAT video you say that the GOAT's swings had more to do with their hands than their body movement. In fact you say that it was Jack's throw from the top that created his famous leg drive, not the other way around. It also appeared that your Tiger like swing in that first GOAT video was achieved by throwing from the top, widening the wrist angle, etc . I'm super confused and need some help marrying these two concepts together. Maybe it's also something to discuss in your live event tomorrow. Help please!
August 28, 2024
Hi Andrew, no one would ever throw with any power without using their core, whether they realize it or not. The trick has been in getting people to properly engage their core to be able to throw properly - a much more challenging task than it may seem, which is why I created the 4 new core activation videos in this new series.
August 29, 2024
Hello Chuck Just watched the first video in the new Goat Code series. I’m curious if or how these moves fit with the “throw it from the top” move. Or is it related to lead side vs trail side? Thanks and looking forward to future videos in the new series. David
August 28, 2024
Hi David - reposting to the same question above..., no one would ever throw with any power without using their core, whether they realize it or not. The trick has been in getting people to properly engage their core to be able to throw properly - a much more challenging task than it may seem, which is why I created the 4 new core activation videos in this new series.
August 29, 2024
Does the gap between your right elbow and your right side increase during the backswing or is the right elbow pinned to the right side of your body?
August 28, 2024
Definitely not pinned, it has to come away from the body a bit because the lead arm has to swing across.
August 29, 2024
Chuck, one of the very best instruction videos I’ve ever seen. I’ve been using these pieces at the range for the last 3 days with excellent results. Not every shot is perfect but even my misses are half decent. Keep up the great work
August 28, 2024
Thanks Ron! I hope you find the rest of the series equally helpful
August 28, 2024
Also, it looks like you have a variety of latest videos that I did not see in my e mail. Are you going through them in order, or did I miss some during August? You introduced them all at once?
August 27, 2024
Hi Stephen, this is the first email in the series, but these videos are all available at once. We will be emailing them out one at a time and doing some live webinars for members for them. The first one will be on the trail arm putting drill so if you want to get started practicing that one, you'll get a jump on everyone else!
August 27, 2024
Thanks for the einformation
August 27, 2024
It's really a sidearm baseball pitching motion, nes pa? That is the thought that I use since I did pitch in HS and it works. I pitch the clubface at the ball from the top while moving weight left.
August 27, 2024
In a lot of ways, it is. But there are massive differences for the simple fact that you have a giant lever in your hands and have two hands on the club.
August 27, 2024
August 27, 2024
A little over two weeks in on this. I’ve taken it to the course (golf trip last weekend). Ball striking was best it’s been in what I can remember. Its was hot, humid and I was swinging easy barely breaking a sweat and not even the slightest bit fatigued at the end of any round. Driver was still pretty erratic but didn’t matter because 4iron was going as far as everyone else’s driver (and way straighter). The dreaded shank is still in there occasionally, seems to be coming out a little more often so will be submitting swing review this week to get back where I was last weekend. In reading some of the other comments it looks like I might have missed a Saturday seminar? Is there a certain link I should be using to join? Didn’t see any in my email and the original link to join looks like it expired. Is there another one today (8/10)? If so how do I join in for it? Also, if I did miss one is there a way to watch the recording? Thanks!
August 10, 2024
Yes you missed a session, check your spam folder and make sure to add us to your contacts. Next session starts in 1 minute!
August 10, 2024
Hi Chuck, wanted to provide an update on my progress after the second zoom call and a couple swing reviews with Craig. I have been working on the chip shots only so far but needed to make full swings tonight in my golf league. We play 9 holes in leagues and I had 7 pars! I've never had 7 pars in 9 holes before! My tendencies in the past would be slices for my misses. I didn't have a single slice tonight, I actually had a few hooks which I never see. I haven't noticed an increase in distance yet but definitely in accuracy. Big shout out to you and Craig for the great night I had in leagues tonight! Keep up the great golf instruction you and your team provides!
August 6, 2024
Awesome Nick! Another big game changer on deck this Saturday!
August 7, 2024
Hi, Chuck. I watched the replay of the session yesterday and I am excited to try it out this week. It feels so simple. Can you please send me the link you mentioned for the 1/2 off discount? It does not show up in the replay. Thanks.
August 4, 2024
Here is the link Eric please let me know if it doesn’t work for you as some more reporting issues yesterday
August 4, 2024
Thanks! The link is working for me.
August 4, 2024
I was somewhat reluctant on the course today, but after going 6 over on 6 holes, I decided to start letting it rip. I had to pars on two of the next three holes with an obvious distance improvement. On #10 I hit my longest drive of the year. On 11 I ripped another one right down the fairway and told my wife I Quintonized it. On 12 I nuked another one down the middle and the Mrs. said "what the hell?" I finished the round with 10 straight pars, and hit my drives 20-30 yards longer than usual, which is great because since chemo I had lost tons of yardage. My only issue is a tendency to kind of top a number of iron and fairway woods, but even then they go as far as good shots did before. I did not miss a fairway on those last twelve holes. I have to fix the thin ones, and I know I have more untapped speed. (and three blisters from practicing too much with no glove on.)
July 30, 2024
Ya buddy! Now we're talking! "Quintonized" it is hilarious! Looking forward to hearing more about it on Saturday!
July 31, 2024
After Saturday and Sunday just swinging the club I was feeling pretty good. I even felt the club pulling me through to the finish rather than me manipulating it. Played a round today and the results were mixed. My irons were straighter and went just as far with no effort, but I wasn't as confident with my woods and it showed. I mainly got weak slices because I was way too tight in the hands. I'm confidant I can get there but my body needs to trust the new movement. I'll be practicing at home tomorrow and at the driving range on Wednesday when I'll provide more feedback.
July 30, 2024
Thanks David, the longest clubs will always take the longest to break our old habits, but the fact that your irons were straighter and just as far with no effort shows you are on the right track. Just need some more reps to learn to trust the new feel.
July 30, 2024
Worked with my launch monitor today in the garage. Hit several balls with my normal old swing and hit most pretty solid. Then I switched over to supination and side bend and after a few poor swings I hit several quite a bit farther than with the old swing and I didn’t work as hard. My video camera tells I don’t look much like you (yet?) but I am very encouraged. I’ll keep trying to improve my form and get more comfortable with all that side bend. I’m no spring chicken. ????
July 29, 2024
Ok, about a week in and I’ll give my honest feedback to this point. There is a lot more to do. For starters the position of elbow pit out and tied in was very awkward at first. Sticking to if for days worth of swings absolutely helped. I find myself more inside of the ball, and much straighter flight when I get it. More fat/thin shots than usual, likely because I’m delivering the club the wrong way. Still a win for consistency because my shaping is much tighter. As for mechanics, one thing I noticed very early on, as a side product was the fact that my takeaway and backswing are now great with the least amount of effort I’ve ever put to either. I just think of moving the package with my back shoulder and I’m off to the races. It did not remedy my transition, or inability to get into GDP. (Not saying it doesn’t work, I think being a chronic early extender inhibits me and a different drill set would help me more). I did notice smoother tempo, and more extension without a chicken wing as well. Overall for less than a week in, what’s happened is fantastic. Helped my game for sure. Only gripe I have is being a fast twitch guy innately (D1 pitcher I turn fast) and figuring out how to deliver speed without being fast. Overall love RSA and what’s happening here. Just figured I’d give honest feedback thus far.
July 29, 2024
One thing I missed is I’m finding lower flight too on some shots.
July 29, 2024
Great feedback Michael, thank you! For sure, the movement of this trail arm feels inhibited at first, especially if you were a great thrower and the arm has way more mobility in a true throwing motion. Because we have this long lever in our hands, learning how to trust that to produce speed instead of a ton of arm action takes a little time but it sounds like you are very much on the right track.
July 29, 2024
After our zoom call yesterday I practiced more without the club and again this morning before going to the driving range. I spent about 45 minutes at the range mainly focusing on the supination of the right arm and side bend while hitting shots. Once I felt more comfortable with that I tired to start supinating the right wrist more at the top and letting that lead the downswing. It took some time to get used to it and trust it but I was starting to feel for the first time that effortless feeling and actually seeing the ball fly about as far as my old swing that I had to put a lot of effort into. My last 8-10 shots with a 7 iron did not move more than 10 feet right or left of my target line (no slices!)! I am just scratching the surface with this but it is very exciting to see where this could go. Looking forward to the next group session! Thanks as always Chuck!
July 28, 2024
Awesome Nick thank you for taking the time to share your experience. The next live session this week will keep you moving in the right direction
July 29, 2024
Whoa! Not all the way there but definitely on the right track. Am wondering how the ball went that far because I FINALLY feel like I didn’t do anything. I just get to the top, start supinating right wrist and let the rest of body do what it does. I don’t fully get how it’s happening given how little I’m actually doing but it’s pretty wild. Having the over exaggerated feeling of the left wrist fold or fall over the right wrist as it’s supinating at the top seems to help for me though. Keeping right elbow supinated into my rib area during back swing is absolutely key for me. From a result side of things, I’m taking a divot pretty consistently now which is something I typically haven’t done before this drill, most of the time they are after the ball so I don’t mind but occasionally catching it a little fat. On the purest strikes it’s just enough to fluff up the grass but not take a full divot. Driver is a different story probably because I’m trying to do too much because it does not feel effortless at all. Catching a lot on the heel and when it’s really bad, the top of the face close to the dreaded “idiot mark” area. Both irons and driver misses are left or pulls. Just more extreme with driver. This drill has really simplified sooo much though. For me it’s just one small move with my wrist at the top and I’m done. Looking forward to fine tuning and dialing it in more.
July 28, 2024
Awesome! You're getting it man! Going to take a few weeks to get fully comfortable but when you see results like this this quickly with such little effort you know you are heading in the right direction.
July 29, 2024
Chuck. I am still having trouble with getting both hands to work with the supination and release. I tried to upload a video but I get an error message saying it’s not in the right format. I’m using my iPhone. Can you please look at my swing and where can I upload a video. I’m super excited and really want to get this right! Also thank you for taking the time to work with us today!!!
July 27, 2024
I will try to help you in the next live session, but if you need help before, then, you can get a swing review in the menu above
July 28, 2024
Good morning, I just uploaded a video for sing review. I am so excited and want to make sure and get this right.
July 29, 2024
Sounds great ! I feel like I’m so close to getting it !!! Looking forward to the next one. Thanks again.
July 28, 2024
Hey Chuck, doing it without the club is doable, when you insert the club the weight of it breaks the wrist on the downswing at the thigh level, you have to fight holding the angle. One thought is needing to train the wrist, also going slow probably the cause, as you stated in a real swing this happens in a flash.
July 26, 2024
Hi Harold, that's going to happen when going slow
July 27, 2024
Ok, looking forward to the review call. I am like most golfers waiting for the "aha moment" when it just clicks, I know I echo that sentiment...I do have rounds when I think I have it, that might have been just good timing days.
July 27, 2024
First time I have been able to consistently hit the same spot on the mat, one or two handed. Also the first time I have repeatedly come down with a square face at the bottom of the swing without some type of manipulation.
July 26, 2024
That's what we're shooting for!
July 27, 2024
Hey Chuck, glueing that right elbow down instantly made me more consistent so that is a win. Having a few issues at the point of GDP though. Feels like my lower half is popping up through the downswing, not letting my back shoulder drop and letting preserve the angle to contact. Makes contact super quick, but flippy. Any help would be awesome. I could send video too.
July 25, 2024
Hi Michael, so you're standing up through impact with your legs? That I can cover in tomorrow's video call
July 26, 2024
Early extension for sure. I can upload a swing review if you want to take a look
July 26, 2024
Sure, be happy to
July 26, 2024
Just uploaded.
July 26, 2024
I am trying to learn the feel of starting the downswing with side bend videoing myself starting the backswing from GDP. I seem to be making progress. Do you think this is a helpful drill?
July 25, 2024
Yes for sure, it helps you understand how to move into this critical position
July 26, 2024
To clarify, I meant hitting balls starting at GDP.
July 25, 2024
What type of rep scheme would you recommend. No club then to right arm only? Would it be the same as Dead Drill boot camps 100 each day? Thank You
July 25, 2024
Yep, 100 reps is a great starting point, we can cover more on the call tomorrow
July 26, 2024
I must not be very flexible. I had a lot of tension in the back of my forearm and my thumb only reaches horizontal but I can work on flexibility. I had a tendency for my right elbow to move further back behind me, but I remembered the throw the ball drill setup and copied that and I felt i looked similar to the video. One question I have is about the right hand when it sets. Should the palm be facing up like the elbow? It seems like the is a lot of movement between bowed to set. Could you explain the "minimal set" in more detail?
July 25, 2024
I re read the handout and have got a better idea of the arm position when set.
July 25, 2024
Great, we can cover more on the call tomorrow as well
July 26, 2024
When we add the lead arm back in what is its role? When I do the drill my club face is square at impact but when I add the lead arm and take away the bowed right wrist etc at address my club face comes down in more of an open position.
July 25, 2024
At first you're going to keep it pretty quiet so that you don't start rolling the club inside, and then as you get more comfortable with the movement you will use it to help balance things out which we will talk about in the live session. The fact that the clubface is changing when you add the lead arm back on is a very big indicator that you are using it incorrectly and need to feel that it does nothing for now.
July 25, 2024
Thanks Chuck, I am definitely having issues with coming over the top and weight shift. I’m super excited for the opportunity to actually love my golf swing again!!! Looking forward to Saturdays meeting!
July 25, 2024
Coincidentally I noticed recently that if I mimicked your position at the top of the backswing and held that while moving down I could get into GDP which I can’t do with my normal swing. But I was concerned because you have told us not to hold on to the angles to get lag. This seems like a contradiction. Also you’ve talked about widening the angle at the top when starting down. I couldn’t see how I could get into GDP while widening. I’m sure I don’t quite understand how this all fits together.
July 24, 2024
Hi John, these things are all happening extremely fast as I've talked about before so yes, you're widening but at the same time the hands are dropping and the body is moving so you're not going to see some huge cast. As for "holding the angle" that has to do with the wrist angle, not the arm.
July 24, 2024
Okay. That helps a lot. Thanks.
July 24, 2024

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