Craig's Phase 2, Session 1 Recap

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My predominant miss was the push during my first phase 2 session. Learn what was causing the push and how to correct your sequencing to stop manually catching up with the hands to square the face. Sometimes the error may not be as apparent on video, but you can feel something is off. Luckily I had the Faults and Fixes section to lead me straight to the perfect video for my ailment.

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Hi Craig, You seem to have progressed fairly quickly in the session from taking trail hand ‘off’ to keeping trail hand ‘on’ the club at impact. At what point did you decide on that, or will you be alternating with each as you move through the process?
September 15, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Arthur. That will stay in the mix for most of my sessions. I wanted to challenge myself since the release felt good. I will more than likely warm up with those every time.
September 15, 2022
When you saying in you face view that your shoulders stay closed at impact and shortly after it's not cause by the right hand not being on the club anymore?
September 15, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Luc. The shoulders will stay pretty close to square when letting go of the trail hand. The will have a little movement. But, the more the trail hand stays on the club they will have to follow/open.
September 15, 2022
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Good morning Craig! Love your very detailed analyses of your first session in phase 2. I envy your skill to boil this down to the one thing that needs to be adressed to improve your swing. In my practice session I also often experience the same problem, where I also "race my, senior age, , hips". The one specific feeling I then have is that I missed the feeling of completing my weight shift/sitting on lead leg, before I post up and release the club. The 2 things that help me to correct this are, (1) raising my arms a little more at end of backswing, that give me a little more time for downswing or (2) focus on starting my downswing by bringing my lead knee back above my lead foot. Both help but I am not sure witch one is best? Looking forward to your next video. Marcel
September 15, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. Allowing the arms to have more elevation will buy you more time. However, I'm worried they may be working a little bit to independently back and more of a band aid fix for your issues. I think the sit/proper lead knee external rotation to the lead side is a better function to work on. Thank you for the compliments!
September 15, 2022
Love the analysis and can learn so much from that. Interestingly, and maybe I'm wrong, you seemed several times about being too quick and what I noticed in this phase video, when you took a practice swing, your tempo back and through was about the same. Then when you get to hitting the ball, the backswing is that same tempo, but the forward swing in noticeably faster/quicker and I'm wondering if that's what it should look like at this stage or should the forward swing with the ball there be the same? My analogy is kind of like Ernie Els where to my untrained eye, both forward and back appear to be similar in tempo: o-n-e-t-w-o where to my eye with what you are doing now it seems like: o-n-e-two. Am I way off on this? Thanks for doing all this and again, the analysis is great and what can be learned from that. Mark
September 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Mark. Very happy to read you are enjoying the videos. The typical full swing ration is about 3:1 backswing and down. I shouldn't be perfectly matched at this stage, but I could use a little more tempo like Els. this is what I will be focusing on in my next session.
September 14, 2022
Great to see you swing and see your self assessment. You are just as hard on yourself as you are on me! Lol! Certainly I can learn from what you are going through. Appreciate it!!
September 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kim. Thank you. Believe me I am usually an unhappy camper with my own assessments . Get healthy soon! Appreciate the post and look forward to you getting that post up
September 14, 2022

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