Larry's Lesson - Pt 1

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The #1 most important thing you have to learn in the golf swing is how to release the club for it is the release that both squares the face AND adds speed. They are one in the same thing. This lesson broken into 5 parts will help you finally learn how to create speed in your golf swing.

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I've looked at the "Larry Lessons" several times and still looking. Just getting the sound of the training aid in my head made a difference when I went to the range. I've worked lead side dominant on Rotary for over four years. Learning fundamentals helped immensely, especially my back. But trying to incorporate the Larry Lesson has thus far proven to be the only way I've been able to A) correctly get to the left side and B) release the club with speed. The backswing lesson is also proving key. And understanding that these no way not to tighten up if you move too slow. just two range sessions I've added 10-15 yards to all clubs. Still working with driver timing. Love to hear when the training aid is available. May try a swing review later today. Thanks. Onward!
April 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
HI Ted, the tempoking should be available around the first part of June. 10-15 yards is pretty awesome man!
April 12, 2024
While online this AM (6Jun) I saw this training aid. It is called the Tempo Pro Swing Trainer (7 iron). Apparently they stayed with the "Tempo" portion of the name. It is $99. I think "Spornia" is marketing this item.
June 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Interesting, that looks like a patent infringement, I will forward to the CEO thanks!
June 6, 2024
Where do we purchase this training aid.
April 10, 2024
While online this AM (6Jun) I saw this training aid. It is called the Tempo Pro Swing Trainer (7 iron). Apparently they stayed with the "Tempo" portion of the name. It is $99. I think "Spornia" is marketing this item.
June 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's not available until June.
April 10, 2024
Did you find out if this was an infringement? Do you have any info on the availability of this training aid?
July 5, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I was told they should have them available in a couple weeks (but been told that before..) and they are looking into the infringement
July 5, 2024
I can’t see Larry’s lessons at all..the video either stops or signs me out..
April 9, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Michael, that sounds like something strange going on on your end as we haven't had anyone else with issues. Have you tried watching from your phone for comparison?
April 10, 2024
Chuck, I am watching this video series with renewed enthusiasm. I am coming off back surgery and just now starting to put a club in my hand. I switched to lead side dominant swing back in my late 40's early 50's thinking that would take stress off my back. I began to notice losing distance over the years. I am now 70 years old and after watching this video series and the Rambo drill I realize that I was trying to make up for lost distance by creating more torque in my back with an aggressive hip turn. Timing was everything and my hand to eye coordination helped keep me in the single digits. I am anxious to try out this concept with the hopes that I will be able to recapture some of the distance that I lost over the years without putting undo stress on my back. I do not want to go through another back surgery. Can't wait to watch all the parts of this series.
April 9, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Sorry to hear about your back, but yes, this will take a lot of stress off as you add speed with the trail wrist you will need less rotational speed.
April 10, 2024
Great stuff, Chuck, and I can't wait to try to incorporate what you were telling him. However: Please improve the camera work. We got a nice long look at Larry's gut while you were showing him his videos, instead of being able to see what you were discussing! Also, several times when you were demonstrating, he was standing in front of the camera and blocking the view of what you were doing.
April 8, 2024
Chuck, after dropping the arm and shoulder down into the GDP, would this type of release feel similar to the "throw the ball drill"? Seems like the training aid is teaching how to time that same idea with some extra audible/tactile feedback?
April 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, that is a great feel for this.
April 9, 2024
Thank you! Appreciate all you do... you're a hard working man. Do you ever sleep at night between all of your ideas?
April 9, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I'm too sleep deprived to know at this point
April 9, 2024
Great video again Chuck! Really drives home the point of the right hand throwing from the top. I played today and left a few out to the right cause I didn’t throw it fast enough which is a great great feeling to know the face will square if you throw it as soon as you can as fast as you can. Pretty amazing. Now, how do I get my hands on this vudu magic wand TempoKing thingamajig?
April 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks John! We are talking this week. I'm hoping to get my hands on a handful of them just for members then.
April 8, 2024
Sign me up for one Chuck….Mark Roll
April 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
As soon as I can I will email all members first to be able to order.
April 8, 2024
I am also interested in purchasing one when you get them in. BTW, an ad for a similar device called a "Straight Stick" came across my Facebook feed today. I It has a molded hand grip also. It seems to train the same type of principle for release with a "slider" on the outside of the shaft that releases and provides an audible click when swing is performed properly. Although it would seem that the molded hand grip would add some additional weight to the club (which is a 7 iron) overall.
April 17, 2024
I hope they have for left handed golfers as well!
April 10, 2024
Hey there. I'd be really interested in knowing how this training aid relates to the G-Force clubs. I'm not talking about the physical differences like piston snapping or super soft shafts, but rather the result they are trying to produce.I feel the G-Force also tries to cure "late release" but I haven't gotten a solid explanation of what error(s) it (G-Force club) tries to cure. I know you've endorsed the G-Force too, so I'd like to know how you feel these aids compare.
April 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Andree, I feel like the G Force is much better for a lead side dominant pattern where you're trying to maintain stress on the shaft with the lead side pull. The TempoKing can be used for either and I especially like it for trail side to learn to apply force to the shaft. The G Force doesn't work so well with that way of swinging the club, so it tends to be better for a more "traditional" type of swing.
April 8, 2024
Thanks for the quick reply! I actually wouldn't mind honing the 'lead arm pull'. I think there is something beautiful and extremely simple and reliable about the 'law of the flail' and the club seeking its inline condition (with the left arm) at the low point. Do you think that lead arm dominant is inherently weaker than 'hitting from the right'? I think I have an issue where I over rotate my upper body because it feels powerful. Do you think that regularly working with my G-Force clubs would be a good idea? That is: do they groove the right pattern, and can they groove a powerful swing? Thanks for you insight.
April 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I love the lead side feel and the look of it, too. The GForce is great for working that feeling because you can't "force" the swing like you can with trail side. You have to use parametric acceleration and the law of the flail as you mentioned to create truly effortless power. The trail side is a very different beast altogether in many regards, while they still share a lot of similar fundamentals. It's all about what you want to feel in your swing.
April 8, 2024
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind and plan for a few sessions with the driver and 7-iron.
April 8, 2024

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