Larry's Lesson Day 2 - Part 1

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Starting in Day 2, we begin to work on Larry's body movement to sync up with his hand speed.

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Hi Chuck About 8 minutes in you talk about the final part of the backswing being nearly all dynamic stretch (I first saw this in a short Youtube video link you sent recently by email). Anyway, this was a hugh ahahhh moment for me today at the range I've been working on the Refine your Backswing, but today I focused on just using momentum to get the club to the top - to get the dynamic stretch. For the first time I felt I was able to sequence the downswing, as in legs and weightshift bringing the club down towards GDP, then the throw. (In the past I've have the occasional glimpse of this, but couldn't reproduce it). It's not fully there yet, but for me, I think of it it powering the club to the point where dynamic stretch takes over to the top, and that gives me time to switch over to the reverse movement of bringing the club down to GDP. Anyway that's how it feels. I found it easiest to reproduce this feeling with a 7 iron rather than on the longer clubs, but it was a whole different feeling in the downswing, and felt to be in the right order - get to GDP then post up to release the club/throw. Am I making sense?
April 17, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yep! this is where learning the golf swing is made or broken. There are things that are truly happening so fast that trying to "learn" them statically or mechanically is more of a hinderance than a help. There has to be some "blind faith" in certain things, especially in the backswing, where you're not trying to control or make things happen, but letting them happen. I also have a new video coming out tonight on the throwing motion that will help
April 17, 2024
Thanks Chuck. Glad to hear I’m on the right lines! Looking forward to the next video!
April 17, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's up now, search "throw"
April 17, 2024
Your teaching point of using the lead shoulder to push the club back on the bs was very helpful. Club shallows slightly in the transition and my path is zeroed out. However, I feel like this also takes time and cannot execute the backswing with the speed required. I feel like I am missing something. Thanks.
April 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Carver, this happens when the hands and arms are doing way more than they should. Take the arms out of it for a moment and fold them across your chest and see how quickly you can move the left shoulder. Then realize the culprit is the inefficient movement of the arms and hands.
April 12, 2024
gotcha. thanks Chuck.
April 12, 2024
Hi Chuck, you emphasised in earlier videos - notably Axiom - that the takeaway was initiated by a 6 inch retraction of the trail shoulder. You restated this in your toy “pull not push” video. Now you appear to be saying the exact opposite: push the left shoulder to the rear to initiate the back swing. Please: which is it? Very confused. Regards.
April 11, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Remington, as I covered in this very lesson with Larry, both work. I even offered him both, he preferred to feel the left like the GOATs did
April 11, 2024
Thanks for your reply Chuck. I have rerun your 'push vs pull' video:, Your message is absolutely clear: pushing causes a multitude of problems in the swing and should not occur. Now you are saying that it is OK to push - at least in the backswing. These messages are contradictory; both cannot be correct. Do I ignore your earlier video. or the latest? In short, which is correct?
April 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Pushing with the lead arm creates a flat turn and deep arms - exactly what Larry was doing. If you just move the lead SHOULDER and move it more DOWN, you don't sway and create the exact same effect as pulling the trail shoulder behind.
April 12, 2024
I notice he exits with his shaft above his left shoulder. It seems like with the best swings the shaft comes out below the left shoulder. What am I missing?
April 10, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
He was taught by Graves golf not to post up or turn, hence the high exit.
April 11, 2024

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