Axis Tilt at Setup and Why It's So Important

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The last key piece to understand how to get setup properly is to get the proper amount of axis tilt at address. The hip bump in this video will help you do just that.

  • Axis tilt lets the right hand reach the club while maintaining good posture
  •  Get into setup position, then bump your hips slightly forward, toward the target
  • Keep your head in place and drop your right shoulder

If you've taken a lesson with a Rotary Swing certified golf instructor, you've probably heard one thing over and over again if you're not getting it right. That is, you don't have enough axis tilt. I could probably put that on record and just hit play every single golf lesson I give or every student review I give, because so many golfers set up out there without axis tilt.

Now, what is axis tilt? Why do you need it? Why does it really matter? First, let's talk about what it is. Then I'm going to explain to you why you need it. If you tend to come over the top or your swing plane's a little bit off, this is the first thing that we always check. That's how important it is. Having the spine angle set correctly from viewed face on is one of the most important setup fundamentals that you're ever going to work on in your golf swing. The good thing is, it's super easy to get right. You're not moving when you do it. We just got to learn what it is and how to get there.

Once you determine your proper golf stance width, if you're not sure what that is, it's two inches outside of axis tilt, so go back and look at the setup video if you're not sure. But once you have that proper tilt, you can take any club. I got a 7-iron here. Hold it against the buttons on your shirt and your belt buckle. Then just slide your hips to the left until this club hits you in the leg. You'll see here as I do that, it hits me in the knee, and all I did there was slide my hips.

Where people make a mistake is instead of trying to move their hips, they move their upper body. Now you can see my head is moved way back, and I've shifted a lot of weight over here to the right. I don't really want to shift any weight. As I move my pelvis to the left, my upper body tilts back in response to that. That's counterbalance, and that's keeping your weight distribution about the same, at about 50-50.

As I do this, I don't try to do anything with my head. That's another common mistake people try to get tilt by just moving their head like this. All you need to do is keep your spine in neutral, your head in neutral, your nose right in line with this shaft, and just lean to the left. This is all it takes to get set up properly. Now when you go to set up to the ball, you just reach under with your right hand. Don't reach across, because now you're going to lose all your tilt again, and you're going to be standing straight up.

Most amateurs golfers set up with a weak right hand grip and a high right shoulder with no tilt, because their right-hand dominant. They want to get into this position. You can see now this V formed by my thumb and forefingers, either at my nose or even to my left here, and it has to be going more up the right forearm or towards this right ear. To do that, you'll notice as I reach under, part of my setup routine is to let my hips slide to the left. Now you can see that thumb and forefinger line's going right up the forearm. Now I don't have to do anything special at the bottom to try and square up the club face.

Getting axis tilt is really, really simple. The problem is most golfers just don't even bother. They're so fixated on getting their right hand into a dominant position that they want to set up really upright. This is where a lot of problems come from.

One of the biggest problems is the reverse pivot. When you set up with no axis tilt, and you start to turn your body, as you start to stretch these muscles and tighten others, your body, just like if you started to stretch a towel, you start to run out of room. It starts to pull you back this way.

If you wanted to reverse pivot, I would set up with no axis tilt. Now, of course, there's no reason that I can think of, at least not any good one, why you'd want to set up with no axis tilt in reverse pivot. But if you do, and you tend to swing like this at the top, everybody's leaning toward the target, the first thing that you check is your setup. If your setup's right, and you have axis tilt, it'd be really hard for you to all of a sudden slide your hips this way enough for your upper body to lean toward the target. That's where that reverse pivot comes from.

All you got to do to get rid of that is just a little hip slide to the left. People always ask, "Well, when should I do this?" Doesn't really matter. If you want to start standing straight up so you can check it every time ... Hopefully you're not doing this on the course a lot. It's going to take you forever. But when you're practicing by yourself, certainly you can go through this. Then get into your hip hinge. Then get your hand on the club. It's just a good way to get yourself to go through the whole routine.

But eventually, you do this enough, you get your repetitions in, and it's just going to be all one motion. You're not even going to think about it, but you do need to practice it at first. That's why I love having this club here and just sliding my hips to the left until the club hits.

Now, you don't want to turn while you're doing this. This is another mistake we see. Golfers will tend to do this when they set up. You don't need to turn your hips. You just need to slide them lateral. You'll notice I don't close them. I don't open them. They just move perfectly parallel. It's just a small amount. It's just until that club hits. You only need about seven to 10 degrees of tilt. Any more than that, you're going to start affecting the swing plane in a negative way.

To recap here, a little bit of hip slide. The big thing that you want to do from here is make sure that you maintain the axis tilt that you created. You don't want to all of a sudden go to the top and let your head go this way. You don't want to try and increase it. You just keep it constant. We're trying to remove variability in the swing.

With axis tilt, that's one of the key things. Once we have that tilt, we're just going to rotate around that spine and maintain the tilt that we started with at address. Then everything's very simple.

If you've got swing plane problems, you're swinging steep, the first thing you need to check, make sure you have axis tilt. Go through your routine to get set up right every single time. It's going to feel strange at first. You're going to feel like your right eye's way back behind the ball, or your right shoulder's really low. It's okay. You have to get used to this feeling in order to make a proper swing plane.

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I first heard about axis tilting from RST (no mention of it having been made at all by other pros I had engaged with in my initial training!) and am very thankful to you for making me aware of how important this setup feature is. Now I would like to ask you how I should apply this aspect of the setup correctly on uphill and downhill lies, where the customary mantra is to have the hips and shoulders parallel to the slope. Thanks in advance, Gordon.
November 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gordon. Please see the Uphill and Downhill Lies Videos. Chris will explain to you the adjustments with weight distribution and axis tilt.
November 27, 2023
Thanks for the info, so much to see in the “library” here! Gordon
November 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Absolutely Gordon. Let us know when we can help you find a video. The library is quite vast.
November 28, 2023
Very well explained. About 2/3rds of Ben Hogan's legendary "Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf" book is taken up with things which are essential before you even swing a club such as the grip, posture, stance etc and axis tilt comes across as being very much in that vein, something that anybody and everybody can do and it helps other things to fall into place when you actually do get to finally swinging a club
November 1, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. All too often players miss one of the most important parts of the process in the swing. Setup!
November 1, 2023
Hi I’m a couple weeks into RST but I’m watching a lot of videos and implementing them quickly but I still have a slice with every club (especially woods), and it doesn’t seem to be so much of an over the top issue, it may either be release or my face is open at address. Axis tilt is a new concept to me but I’m doing it consistently. I just bought some alignment sticks, and it seems like at address I have a tendency to be slightly open, and I would go so far as to say that it seems like adding axis tilt both makes my shaft angle more forward while keeping the club in place, this causes my face to be slightly opened in the process. Is it normal (when both hands are already on the club) to add axis tilt and then the club face slightly opens from where it was without axis tilt? And if so, should I adjust my club face to be perpendicular (square) to my heel line WHILE at axis tilt? This would mean that at address I would need to close my face a little to square it up to my heel line. Please let me know!
August 9, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeremy. When adding axis tilt the club shouldn't change. You are adding an increase in tilt with a bump of the hip towards the target. The hand's shouldn't be affected. The lead hand should be on the inside of the lead thigh with the shaft vertical and club face square. Take a look a Common Setup Faults and Fixes and Golf Grip Checkpoint Tips.
August 10, 2023
Dears 2 questions: 1.After tilt, I Feel 70%weight on left if keep head still but not 50:50. If Can move head a little bit to right then feel weight 50:50.Don’t know why . 2.I tilt during setup,When bump let hips head slightly move right a little bit.Is head totally not move or move a little bit
July 11, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shulei. The head may move slightly. You shouldn't see a big movement. Take a look at Common Setup Faults and Fixes Video. The goal is the axis tilt with achieving the 50/50 balance.
July 12, 2023
New to rotary swing, already hitting shots MUCh farther with little effort. question on axis tilt, impacting my balance and thougher to initiate backswing
May 31, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. It should help with rotation in the backswing. I would say you or either adding too much, or not equaling out the balance after you set position roughly 50/50 weight dispersion. Great to read you are hitting the ball better!
June 1, 2023
Do you use more tilt with the driver and less with wedges?
December 13, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. Correct. The axis tilt will adjust based on stance width.
December 13, 2022
Hi Chuck. A very interesting article on axis tilt. Can you advise me . I currently obtain my grip with two hands whilst behind the ball. I then address the ball and do one practice swing and then set up to the ball and hit the shot. I noticed from your video that you hold the club with one hand at address and then grip with the other. Regards Tony
August 4, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Adding the hand last at address is an easy way to add tilt. This doesn't mean your cycle is incorrect, but it will be harder to check.
August 4, 2022
Is axis tilt used just for full shots or is it incorporated into pitch and chip shots as well?
July 12, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brent. The narrower the stance. The less tilt you will have. Axis tilt will be present. But, not as great as chip vs driver.
July 12, 2021
One thing I noticed with axis tilt…. This changes the swing plane automatically from an inside to out path. Or at least it feels like this. Is this correct?
July 5, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Initial setup shouldn't be changing the plane that much. However, you are correct. The increase in axis tilt (secondary) in the downswing is what automatically shallows out the plane for you. Takes the guess work out of dropping the club down on plane.
July 5, 2021
Sorry pic didn’t load
June 22, 2021
I will try and post another tomorrow thanks.
June 22, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. No worries. See Below.
June 22, 2021
Just want to see if this is enough axis tilt.
June 22, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Plenty of tilt. Looks like you may have a little bit too much weight preset on trail side. Try to get pretty square on with camera. I will know for sure.
June 22, 2021
Over the last three months or so, I started changing my swing from Stack and Tilt to Rotary Swing. I am absolutely drinking Mr. Quinton’s Koolaid!!! It has been a process and there have been many ups and downs for sure. I usually play three rounds a week and practice (videos, putting and hitting balls) about 4-5 hours on a daily basis. My home course is a fairly tough but fair course (where the LA Open used to be held). My typical scores have been in the mid to high 80’s with inconsistent ball shrinking. On Friday I had the greatest ball striking day of all time where I flushed every iron that I hit. If it were not for a few missed putts and bad drives I could have gone real low as opposed to the 79!!!! How you ask, it was certainly the hard work finally paying off but most important change for me was absolutely the axis tilt!!! What a difference for sure. With axis tilt every ball was flush and exactly opposite without it. I am now starting to figure out club release and boy it is going to be good!!!!! So looking forward to more. Thanks Chuck and the rest of the team!
June 20, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Venkatesh. Many thanks for the compliments. Awesome to hear you are starting to see some of the fruits of your labor with making a swing change. Axis tilt is a small item often overlooked that has great upside when added and maintained correctly.
June 20, 2021
Hi Manny, Thanks for all the feedback. I want to be sure I’m practicing axis tilt correctly. I spent some time video taping myself and even when exaggerating axis tilt at setup, the top of my backswing is almost always vertical (or at least not near the original axis tilt). Should I only focus on correcting axis tilt on setup or are there other drills to consider? I did try some of the other suggested drills to help reduce my hips from swaying (which helped a lot with the chicken wing I think but not this). Thanks, Brian
May 2, 2021
Manny (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Brian... add the "Neck Tie Drill" to the workout. Looking forward to your next video submission. Manny
May 3, 2021
Manny, First, I corrected my stance width. Second, I've worked on the Axis Tilt and these have kept my right knee from moving right and resulted in better ball striking. Is there a sequence I should follow when doing the videos you recommended from my swing evaluation? Thanks, Rob
April 30, 2021
Manny (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Rob, thank you for asking these important follow-up questions. 1st always cleanup or focus on correcting all those things associated prior to moving the club, i.e. setup, stance, axis tilt, getting in the box, etc. Which you have. Then move on to the Takeaway. i.e. loading Right leg, Right hip line, laser beam drill etc.. The Downswing; i.e. eliminating early extension, fixing release, clam shell etc., the others come as you attempt to stack on the reps. Download and print these documents to help the tracking; Thanks and looking forward to your next review submission.
May 1, 2021
Manny, Thanks for your detailed reply and the quickness with which you provided it! Rob
May 1, 2021
Ever since I incorporated axis tilt I notice my lower back near the bottom is tweaked, sore. Is this normal?
April 21, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Sounds like you are overdoing it, or not performing it correctly. Take a look at Common Faults Setup and Fixes Video.
April 21, 2021
Had my swing analize by one of the instructors on here and he said I didn’t have enough axis. All I know when I move my hips side ways for tilt it doesn’t feel right.
April 21, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Sounds like it is over cooked. If you want to post an image of your setup here. Happy to check it.
April 21, 2021
Hello, so I tried the axis tilt while watching the posture video and could immediately feel more rotation in my torso, mind blown it felt so good! Question as I practice reps, do I have it correct that there should be minimal head movement? And that weight should remain balanced 50/50 in my feet? I’m noticing these small adjustments as my body fights the lateral shift in hips and want to be sure I’m not ingraining a new bad habit. Thanks!
April 21, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joy. Weight balance should be 50/50. A couple percentage points here and there won't make a big difference. The head should remain pretty quiet. But, will have to move a touch in the swing due to weight shifting.
April 21, 2021
Thanks for the feedback!
April 21, 2021
I've been having a few problems recently with hitting a lot shots off the hozzle and shanking it. As i've searched around for why, i think it might be because i've not had enough axis tilt (the rest of my Dead drill body positions look reasonable). It looks like with too little tilt i might be pulling my left side on downswing from somewhat of an out to in position exposing the hozzle to the ball more and my body feels ahead of the ball. with more tilt it feels like its less of a fight to get the body rotation to keep behind the ball and release more from inside. would this make sense?
March 11, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Typically, in to out will cause the issue versus over the top. Take a look at How to Cure the Shanks Video. See if one of those faults are yours.
March 11, 2021
Craig: rel to review of 2/26/21, you instructed to keep my shoulder square to the mat, which I interpreted to mean square to down the line; not parallel to ground. I had heard Chuck tell Jeff?? in a lesson that he felt as if his left shoulder went down on backswing & straight up on forward swing. I endeavored to follow Chucks "instruction" much lost in the translation. Don
February 26, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. The lead shoulder will rise as a biproduct. You were just doing too much of that manually. You need the opposite because of your swing issues. It will still be higher, but I don't want manual lift. Shoulders square to your target line. It looked like you were parallel to the mat on you aim. Think railroad tracks with your shoulder line and target line. Step 2 - Core Rotation Video talks about this as well.
February 26, 2021
Is it just me, or does the axis tilt make it so the shoulders are much flatter? When I think about the shoulders rotating around the spine, wouldn’t the axis tilt at setup lead to a low right shoulder?
January 13, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. It would lower the right shoulder and because the hand is lower on the club. However, the only way for it to get really flat is if you are over cooking it. Take a look at Golf Backswing Shoulder Plane Drill.
January 13, 2021
Thanks I’ll take a look at it!
January 13, 2021
Gary C
I understand the importance of axis tilt in the drills as a fundamental to prevent a reverse pivot but once the club gets added back in and the swing is put back together at the completion of the drills, is axis tilt then more a by product of the hands on the club rather than an extra step at setup/address? Do any pros demonstrate axis tilt as it is presented here or is this explanation really to help serve our drills and the proper learning of the fundamentals?
December 28, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. All players have axis tilt, but once the hands are presented to the club the trail hand is lower requiring the need for tilt to maintain neutral spine. It will become more of a by product when hands are put on correctly to shy away from trail side dominance at setup. Take a look at Right Side Dominance at Setup Video.
December 29, 2020
Is axis tilt the same as reverse K (Tom Watson)? Will there be any changes to this principle resulting from Chuck’s research on lowering the arms on the backswing to get more on plane? Just starting out, so want to make sure I get off on the right foot.
November 15, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. Similar to the reverse K, but more for anatomical reasons. I don't see axis tilt going away anytime soon.
November 16, 2020
Quick question. When you setup with axis tilt at address, do you tilt your head as well to keep neck in alignment with rest of spine, or do you keep your head perfectly vertical? Thanks
October 4, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Duc. Head will move very little, but you don't want to create a kink in your neck. Take a look at Common Setup Faults and Fixes Video.
October 5, 2020
I'm noticing that I'm tilting with all the clubs. Clearly for a high lofted club or putter I'm aiming for square, or am I? Whereas for a long club/driver, the tilt makes sense. How do I know how to pick the right amount of tilt ?
September 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stuart. Axis will vary upon stance width. Measure with the club down the sternum. Wider the stance the greater the tilt and vice versa. Putter requires just enough to get the trail hand on the club properly.
September 21, 2020
Thanks. So the stance is very narrowly for little clubs, always, otherwise if I widen the Stance because I’m on a hill or slippery ground, I’m going to force more tilt than necessary?
September 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stuart. Take a look at the Specialty Shot Section for setup adjustments on slopes etc.. For short game with narrow stance you require less tilt. As you get wider with the stance the tilt will increase. Take a look at Proper Tee Height Video to see the adjustments with the Driver.
September 21, 2020
When bumping my hips forward to setup with axis tilt, where should the pivot point be? In the video, the end of the club is on the sternum, should that be the pivot point? In that setup, my head moves slightly to the right (I’m right handed). Is that correct or should the head stay in the original posit and only the hips move out to the left?
September 13, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rich. The head will move a touch. Not much at all (Common Setup Faults and Fixes Video). The hip bumps forward as the upper half leans away from the target. The pivot point should be the hips moving creates the axis tilt. If you just tilt the sternum you will create side bend.
September 14, 2020
Thanks for the reply Craig. I watched the video and it really cleared things up. It also answered some other questions I had, so it was great to get that additional info. Thanks again.
September 14, 2020
I’ve found that taking my grip, standing with the club down but middle of my stance, then rotating my club as my upper body rotates in the opposite direction. to put the club head behind the ball, creates the tilt.
August 28, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. That won't work for everyone because you can just move the arms without tilt. However, if it is working for you and the tilt is in the correct position. I don't see an issue.
August 28, 2020
I'm working on the axis tilt drill which gave rise to a question. Focusing on pulling back on the back swing, vs pushing, I assume it should be driven by my right shoulder (I'm right handed), and that my right hand should be lightly holding the club. Is this correct?
August 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Correct. You will feel a little more core engagement though. Not solely the shoulder blade. Take a look at Body Rotation in Golf Backswing - Chair Drill Video.
August 20, 2020
Thanks Craig. That's helpful. Always good to understand what muscles should be used, and not used, through out the swing.
August 20, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Hi, I am looking for any adjustments related to hitting from a fairway divot. I think it will be important for me in my future games. Could you please help?
July 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. You don't need to make any drastic adjustments. The key is hitting down and through. Most players get a little timid and quit on the swing at impact. You can place the ball slightly further back if need be, but the key is to stay down and through.
July 29, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Hi Craig, Thanks for your reply; what does it mean by hitting down? Active shoulder or still hitting down with the legs? Does RST still apply?
July 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. You will allow for a little more wrist set in the backswing which will yield a little steeper angle of attack. And, you have to focus on staying in the shot. RST still applies. Most people just tend to pop up with their chest/shoulders fearing a deep divot, but you need to trust hitting down into the turf to dig the ball out.
July 29, 2020
Hi, I am still a bit confused as to how many reps need to be performed. There are 81 Deeper Learning Videos. If I did 3,000 reps for each one that is 243,000 reps. Is that what is required?
July 17, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Not at all. You might go insane with that. The goal is to follow the DEAD Drill and 3000-5000 of the finished product. The deeper learning, etc.. videos are there to help if you struggle with certain aspects of the swing and need more follow up.
July 18, 2020
M Augusto
It seems difficult to keep the axis tilt during the backswing. How can I do it?
July 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Augusto. Take a look at the RST Necktie Drill Video, or How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot.
July 3, 2020
I feel like the bump forward for the axis tilt seems to shift some weight to my back foot. Is this correct?
June 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Allan. The movement should counter balance itself. You still want to be as close to 50/50 as possible. Take a look at Common Setup Faults and Fixes.
June 20, 2020
Just a quick question of the position of the left foot as i set up to the ball. Should it be turned and if so how much? Is there a reference video - thanks
June 11, 2020
Michael (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Lewrence I assume you are playing right handed? It can vary depending on your ability to rotate. Take a look at this video: Should You Splay Your Feet At Setup.
June 12, 2020
Martin L
After axis tilt should my left leg be in joint alignment (hip over ankle) or have I gone too far?
June 10, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Probably overcooking the move.
June 10, 2020
From a down the line view, after axis tilt, should the right forearm be below the left forearm? It appears to me that if you put your right hand on the club properly, the right arm will be lower than the left arm--and this should help avoid right side least, it seems so with my setup..and I would think the right arm should also be lower than the left at impact.
May 31, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joe. Take a look at Right Side Dominance at Setup Video. You may be on to something.
June 1, 2020
I'm new to the site. Boy the setup feels strange; Feet closer together, ball further forward and axis tilt. It seems that when i do the axis tilt, my right shoulder moves lower. But this makes the shoulder turn in the backswing restricted. Should the shoulders stay tilted in the backswing or do they level out when the weight is positioned over the right hip?
May 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. Actually the tilt should make rotating around a neutral spine easier. Shoulders should rotate around the spine and not level out at the top.
May 27, 2020
Hello, I have recently lost my driving ability and have started to sky the ball off the tee. Not sure what happened but it has become very frustrating! I am guessing this is due to not properly having the correct tilt as shown in this video. Can you help with that? Rick
May 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rick. Tilt can be a culprit because lack of proper tilt can cause you to be too steep and a very steep AOA can contribute to the skying issue. Add tilt and make sure you are shallowing out your plane in the downswing.
May 26, 2020
hi. Patrick just gave me great advice seeing my poor axis tilt. I'm going start working on it straight away. What I'm not sure about is the drill exercise... is it simply to do your set and tilt or should i at least start a very small part of the takeaway just to get the feeling of axis tilt in motion?
May 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Setup with tilt before moving. After that start trying to apply some takeaway.
May 21, 2020
Thanks. Working on my reps now but its already had an impact on the course. I've only started with RST two weeks ago and thanks to the Rotary Swing approach and Patrick's video feedback I'm already hitting my drives upto 50 yards further. I'm a low handicapper and have had regular lessons for years but never been able to hit it long, RST fixed it virtually overnight. Loving it!
May 23, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Love it Richard! Thanks for the post. Keep moving forward.
May 23, 2020
Hi, How many reps should I do for each exercise/drill before moving on to the next drill?
May 7, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shaun. It depends on which drill. Are you referring to solely setup, or DEAD Drill transformation?
May 7, 2020
I just am starting the reps from the beginning. It says 3000 each. Does each drill indicate how many reps before you move forward? Currently I am in the RST foundation and have did 500 out of the 3000 that are recommended. Please advise.
May 7, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shaun. It take about 1000 to become proficient and 3000-5000 to master. The goal is to spend time mastering full components. For ex: Full DEAD Drill. The steps along the way you want to become proficient because the more you stack you are still reinforcing the older move. That way you don't have to do 3000 of every drill.
May 7, 2020
Hi Craig, I have been working with the straighten left arm video and find the ball position, to be under my left ear, has moved back in the stance which appears to be the case in Chucks swing in the video . I think to make his point he has exaggerated the AT and hence my review of this video . However I am still not sure if the ball position ( below the left ear ) moves back at all when introducing the AT ??
May 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. The ball position shouldn't be drastically changed when adding tilt, or you are adding too much. Take a look at Common Setup Faults and Fixes.
May 3, 2020
Patrick, you recently my swing and noticed that I am still inconsistent with my access tilt and weight shift. I am a 20+ handicap golfer who just signed up for the Boot Camp Program....was this premature for me to do this?
April 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bernard. Not at all. Just focus on the setup before BootCamp. Chris and Myself will get you shifting the weight.
April 6, 2020
For the axis tilt, do you do it on every shot or just with the irons? Do do axis tilt with the driver ?
March 31, 2020
Hello Peter. My understanding. You want proper axis tilt on every stock shot. With the driver things change depending on launch angle you are looking for. Take a look at Proper Tee Height Video.
April 1, 2020
When doing reps for any drills does it need to be a minimum of a 100 reps to be worth wild? While at work in my office sometimes i have an opportunity to do approx 25 reps in front of my glass wall reflection(mirror). Is this beneficial? Regards Ray C
March 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ray. It takes a minimum of 100. But, if you can squeeze reps in throughout the day I would definitely take advantage of it.
March 18, 2020
Looking at my setup with the swing analyzer, I usually have about 13 degrees of axis tilt (left foot to head) . Does this seem right? It looks a bit excessive compared to all of Chuck's set ups.
March 17, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Axis tilt will be roughly around 8-10 degrees measured down the sternum to the inside of the lead leg/knee.
March 18, 2020
I get the feeling that as soon as i Start my takeway my shoulders square and i loose the tillt... Or does the tillt only stay in my hips?
February 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Florian. You will lose some axis tilt in the backswing. But, you need to keep as much tilt as possible. Take a look at How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot for some helpful hints.
February 13, 2020
Hi RJ Just picked up my latest review, thanks. I should have mentioned in the notes that I had recorded two swings from each angle. One practise swing and one hitting the ball, all 9-3 drills. I was hoping you could look at both swings from both angles and see the big differences. From the face on view I had a feeling I was overusing the right side a lot with the ball, are you please able to check that one out and let me know what you think?
February 12, 2020
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
I did check out both swings. I didn't see anything there outside of what I recommended in the recommended video section. If you're seeing evidence of that or feel that you're doing it, it will never hurt to do the "Lose the right hand" drill just to get you back on track.
February 13, 2020
Thanks RJ
February 13, 2020
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
you're welcome
February 14, 2020
Michael K
Rep Tracker shows 3000 reps as a goal. My question is this " are the reps where you use the golf club to determine proper axis tilt?
January 27, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. To start out with definitely rep with the club. Ideally, you would slowly graduate from the club and be able to make the same maneuver without it. But, periodically checking to make sure it is correct.
January 27, 2020
Gary C
Should this drill be practiced standing up or in address posture?
January 22, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Get into setup position with posture and add bump/tilt.
January 22, 2020
Gary C
Just to be clear, my head shouldn’t be moving when I slide my hips to the left to get into proper axis tilt, right? Right now I feel as though my head moves off of center line but it seems like the only parts that should move are my hips and my right shoulder dripping down.
January 22, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The head will move ever so slightly, but not enough you should be able to tell a big discernible difference. If your head is moving a lot you could be overdoing the tilt. Take a look at Common Setup Faults and Fixes Video.
January 22, 2020
Chuck, I have been struggling with the axis tilt. If my hips are already slid to the front side a bit, I find that I end up sliding too much to the front and up [in the Dead Drill] in my transition, which causes me to hit the ground behind the ball. If you need to shift your hips forward and straighten your front leg, doesn't that actually increase the axis tilt? Thanks.
December 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jesse. It sounds like you may be over doing the hip bump and tilt (Common Setup Faults and Fixes Video). Or, you are pushing off your trail side in the transition leading the lead hip to get outside of neutral (Preventing Hip Pain).
December 7, 2019
Thanks Craig, I'll check it out.
December 9, 2019
When moving hips to the left, is it normal to feel pressure on the quads? Is it also important to retain neutral weight between left and right?
November 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. After adding tilt the weight should still be distributed 50/50. Quads will help with stability, but shouldn't be the main show of attraction. You may have too much knee bend, or weight too far forward.
November 11, 2019
What is the relationship between stance width and axis tilt. I have broad shoulders and relatively narrow hips. After years of hearing shoulder width, 2 inches outside hip socket or half inch outside hip bones feels really narrow. When I do it with standard axis tilt (using the club to sternum hitting leg) it is a beautiful thing, elbow down at top of backswing. Even if I set up one to two inches outside the 2 inch outside neutral joint alignment, I start getting a flying right elbow?
November 10, 2019
Just practicing setup. It is like my right hand, when I put it on the club (from under) wants to get in a right side dominant week position in the wider stance? It doesn’t do that in 2 inch outside NJA?
November 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. Happy to help, but a little bit confused. When the stance gets wider the axis tilt at address will have to increase, conversely if the stance is more narrow/less tilt. Even with narrow hips your stance width needs to be based on your lower half. Take a look at the Right Side Dominance at Setup Video to help you with trail hand placement. If you could upload a picture of the issue at setup that would be helpful for proper diagnosis.
November 11, 2019
Thanks, went to the range last night. I think I just really have to focus on not letting my right shoulder and right wrist pronate (like hitting a top spin in ping pong) when I put the right hand on the club in the RST setup. The keys for me are: (1) good posture with bend from hips: rounded shoulders promote putting the right hand on in a pronated right shoulder hiked manner, (2) Stance width: 2 inches outside of NJA tends to set my shoulders less rounded and less likely to pronate while putting on the right hand, maybe it is because I have the right tilt for the stance width, (3) Axis tilt: definitely makes it easier to get the right hand on without a pronating shoulder movement into a right side dominance stance, and (3) Right hand on: focusing on putting the hand on without rotating/pronating the right shoulder or wrist, thinking about moving it straight on so my hands mirror, which is slightly under. This seems like it would be a good video, I know you have the right side dominance video, but it doesn't go into the corrections outside of axis tilt. I think this has cursed my golf game for a lot of years - bad pulls generally. Thanks for all you help!!!!
November 13, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. Thanks for the suggestion. Great to hear you are having success finally curtailing the improper setup which leads to the faults in your swing.
November 13, 2019
Ok, the wider the stance the more axis tilt, so when I get wider on my stance I'm not getting wide enough. I know my problem, it is the right hand dominance and it is tied to not getting enough axis tilt (I can solve this by being consistent 2 inch + NJA), like a pronation of the hand and wrist on to the grip - weak grip, right shoulder hiked, bad right elbow lift backswing plane. The other part is my posture. I do the shrug up to my ears, etc. to get good shoulder posture, but maybe it is my broad shoulders or years at a computer, I round. I just watched a good Bernard Langer and he talks about pinching shoulder blades together and your good bend from hips and knee softening. When you pinch your shoulders together pull back your shoulders: (1) you do need good axis tilt to get the right hand on the club, and (2) the right hand naturally comes in underneath, with perfect posture shoulders it can't pronate onto the club. Does this make sense? Really close to having this worked out. When I get my right hand in the right position with good stance width, axis tilt, and correct right hand with no right hand/shoulder dominance, my elbow points to the ground, I have a great natural shallowing of the club and a bit of that atomic elbow that bombs the shot straight. Just struggling to do it consistently. Suggestions? Therapy?
November 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. Therapy always helps. . You can go too far with pinching the shoulder blades which will actually create too much tension/depression. Be careful. But, agreed with proper posture and tilt very hard to get that trail hand incorrectly on the golf club. I would be happy to take a look with a swing review, or just have wife/buddy/cousin take a picture of your setup and upload it here. That way I might be able to see if something is amiss.
November 11, 2019
If you maintain the axis tilt in the back swing it will be steeper with left shoulder pointing more towards ball as opposed to rotating without the axis tilt and a flatter turn. With no axis tilt the club stays more parallel to the target line in the backswing, where with the axis tilt it is more inside. Is all that correct?
October 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. If you maintain axis tilt and rotate on a proper shoulder plane it will help you reach full rotation/club working up plane. If you lack tilt and shoulder plane is flatter you will tend to round the swing and minimize potential rotation ending up in more of a reverse pivot.
October 3, 2019
My upper back is slightly curved and my shoulders are a little rolled forward at setup. Is this OK? I try to straighten my back bu then cannot reach the ball very well. Do I need to bend my knees more to reach ball. It feels very awkward if I bend my knees too much.
September 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Due to life and genetics you thoracic spine may curve a little. You want the spine as neutral as possible. I would strive to get it as flat as possible to still hinge forward and reach the ball correctly without adding excessive knee bend. Some players may still have a little rounding that is beyond correction.
September 2, 2019
Is the ball position set before axis tilt or after also when back of ball is off of your left ear is that the bottom of your swing arc if so should the ball not be placed back from there
August 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. It shouldn't be too much of an issue, or you are adding too much tilt. I typically have students place the ball once setup is complete after tilt.
August 31, 2019
When I try the Axis Tilt I have the tendency to place weight on my trail foot which makes me lean backwards trying to keep the
August 29, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bernard. Sounds like you are overdoing the move. The hip bump/tilt should negate itself. Take a look at Common Setup Faults and Fixes Video.
August 29, 2019
Is it accurate to believe that for a right handed person the positioning and holding of the golf club with the right hand will produce sufficient axis tilt.That is the right hand automatically pulls the right shoulder down ?
August 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Davo. I see where you are coming from with your thoughts. However, sadly I see all too often a player putting the trail hand on the club and not have sufficient enough tilt. Take a look at the Right Side Dominance at Setup Video.
August 19, 2019
Is my weight actually on my left heel to get axis tilt?
August 17, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Josephine. Weight should still be 50/50 after hip bump and tilt.
August 17, 2019
Axis tilt has been a major change for me with RST. My only concern is at setup I feel that the face of club can open (along with more forward ball position). This coupled with I feel is a more inside takeaway due to the tilt are causing me to hit a lot of blocks and in to out path now. My shoulders may also be closing at setup but I’m curious to get your thoughts
July 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. You may have over cooked axis tilt. However, check 2 items. 1) That you are rotating your shoulders on plane (Golf Backswing Shoulder Plane Video). 2) Arms are adding enough elevation to not get inside (4 Square Drill).
July 8, 2019
My remark is that when I address with axis tilt, my left leg is already quite near the NJA. During backswing, we shift one inch to the right, and during downswing we will shift 3 inches to the left. There is shift of the left hip about 2 inches to the left from NJA. What do you suggest to keep left hip on the NJA during shift of the weight to the left. Thank you very much.
June 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tram. Sounds like you may have a little bit of push. Make sure in the setup you are anchored. Take a look at Anchor to the Ground Video. And, watch Preventing Hip Pain to understand why you would go outside NJA on the lead side.
June 16, 2019
Hello. I've recently started doing some axis tilt reps at address. I've noticed that about a few reps that my left side, love handle area, starts getting really warm and slight strain . Is this a normal feeling or am I over doing it . Here's a before and after. The camera angles are not the same but I think I'm doing it right .
May 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hugo. I think you are a little over cooked on axis tilt. You look more setup to hit a high launch driver.
May 21, 2019
Hello, Is it better to axis tilt after hinging forward or before? In one of the earlier videos, Chuck was going into axis tilt after adjusting stance width and then hinging forward into setup position. Thanks
May 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Maxwell. After correcting stance width and proper hinging from the hips it will be easier to add proper tilt.
May 13, 2019
Craig Quick question/ observation: When I bump out my hip, I feel pressure or weight on the inside of my back, or my case, right foot. Almost like I am preloading the back foot for the take away. Never heard this mentioned before, but is this common and is this part of the reason for bumping out the front hip?
April 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vince. Axis still will aid in transfer to the trail side. But, you shouldn't be pre-loaded. Take a look at Common Setup Faults and Fixes. You may be overdoing it.
April 27, 2019
Craig, Can’t seem to find the video you mentioned. Can you give some direction where it is? Thanks!
April 29, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vince.
April 29, 2019
Hi, Is there a swing flaw where you feel you turn away from the ball on back swing. I feel my consistency massively improves when I feel I continually keep my belly facing the ball. It doesn't but that is how it feels. My shots produce a massive pulled hook when I don't. It's almost like I'm cutting corn with a scythe. Is this a thing? Lol
April 17, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Sounds like you create better separation of the lower and upper half in the backswing. I would have to see this to be sure. But, when you over rotate both hips and upper half back. You will tend to spin the body excessively on the downswing too soon that could cause the pull hook. Take a look at Problem w/ Overturning Your Hips Video.
April 17, 2019
I worked on increasing axis tilt and moving the ball up in my stance this weekend per my swing instruction. It seemed to help me load up into my right heel more but I found myself hitting my irons much higher with both of these adjustments. Any suggestions on how to prevent these changes from shooting the ball straight up in the air?
April 16, 2019
I attached an image as well
April 16, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. On my end, it looks like the stance is a hair wide and you added axis tilt without proper hip bump to create the tilt. Also, the lead hand grip tends to be a little strong and trail hand a touch weak. This setup would make me think that impact would be a little more flippy causing the higher shot versus the few degrees down with a de-lofted face. Take a look at Axis Tilt at Setup, Golf Grip Checkpoint Tips and Taking a Divot Video to understand having the lean at impact (lower flight and divot after ball).
April 17, 2019
Hi, the axis tilt has added a lot to my game. However, on a few occasions it has wrecked some holes for me. This is particularly so when my stance is not on level ground. On a downhill slope, I understand that the shoulders should match the slope so I guess I should not do it in this situation. Is that correct? Also, what about side hill lies? I've had a few bad shots in these situations and I am pretty sure it was down to my axis tilt on these shots. Thanks for the input.
April 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. Visit the Golf Specialty Shots Section under the Video Menu. From here, you will see all the setup adjustments you need to make with uphill, downhill, side hill, etc. shots.
April 15, 2019
How does axis tilt change from shot irons to long irons to woods? I would think you don’t need as much axis tilt with a 9 iron as you do with a driver? Your thoughts?
March 10, 2019
Hey Jeff, this is in this thread further on down by Craig. " The axis tilt will only change with the driver when wanting to maximize distance off the tee". That driver axis tilt is allowed to get into the lead knee instead of just inside the lead thigh if you draw a line FO down the sternum. I got busted on having driver axis tilt on my irons early in the course.
March 10, 2019
First Love the course, I am new to golf, although have played many sports. I tried to take lessons and these videos are the first thing that seemed relatable and made sense. I am a technical learner, so the science and the philosophy almost seem like common sense. Couple questions: I did reps standing straight up with an 8 iron to get the feel for the hip bump and now I am getting in setup position, holding the 8 iron as if addressing the ball ( I am doing the balance and setup reps for Step 1 as well ). I am sliding my hip, for axis tilt, as I bring my right hand under. Feels very natural. Is this acceptable? Second: As I complete the reps for Step 1 do I submit a setup video for review or just an image? If video is ok should I articulate what I am doing in the setup, so you know I actually listened to the videos? Is this Setup Video / Image considered Review 1 of 6?
February 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. No problem bumping the lead hip as you bring the trail hand on the club to create axis tilt. Setup video would be preferred. So, we can see you go through the process and find any pitfalls. The swing reviews lack sound. If you want to leave in the comments for your instructor your process (typed) no issue. It would be considered as 1 of 6 review. I am happy to hear you are enjoying the course.
February 19, 2019
Thanks for the response Craig. Do you want a full swing, so basically, setup and full swing or just setup?
February 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. Either one will do. My suggestion would be proper setup followed by a swing. Therefore, the instructor can prioritize the items you need corrected the most.
February 19, 2019
What about green side chipping still use tilt and green side bunkers
February 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kirk. Green side chipping will have axis tilt. Not very much due to the width of the stance, but still there. Bunkers will depend on the slope. Take a look at the Bunker Shots Section to understand matching the slope better with the shoulders.
February 8, 2019
Hi, I've always achieved axial tilt, but have done so by moving my head back rather than left hip forward. The RST method makes so much more sense, but with years of ingrained muscle memory, it does feel strange. And my question ... I now notice weight 60/40 to the front (left) side at setup. That makes sense to me, with left hip over left foot, and head centred, but I'd like to make sure before I make 1000's of reps trying to ingrain a new setup. Regards, Barrie
January 31, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barrie. The weight balance should be 50/50. The hip bump and tilt should negate the weight imbalance issue. Take a look at Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes Video.
February 4, 2019
Craig, I see that proper axis tilt makes it more natural to keep flex in the trail leg at the top. When I am relaxed, I remember to put in axis tilt. When I am trying to fix something, I forget axis tilt and then the swing has multiple flaws.
January 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. Exactly. Axis tilt is non-negotiable. Makes golf much easier. Always make sure you have the proper tilt.
January 30, 2019
Hi guys, fantastic site. I have spend hundreds of pounds on lessons and no one ever even mentioned axis tilt of which I had none. I have been playing for years, a ten handicapper as well but massively inconsistent. My question is in regard to axis tilt. In short, I have developed a big belly, the club cant connect from my sternam to my belt buckle . So when i tilt, the club misses my leg, so I lose that visual aid. Any alternative drills. Thank you.
January 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. The only other way would be a lot of reps in a mirror checking your position. Or, like in the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Setup Video how you go about adding your trail hand to the club.
January 26, 2019
Hi, I am stacking up the RST drills, from posture to adding the lead arm . My question is; once the right weight shift, core rotation, left weightshift and posting up is done and the impact position is reached, should the axis tilt be still maintained. Thanks a lot.
January 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Zubair. Axis tilt should be maintained going back. You may lose a couple degrees, but not much. Also, axis tilt (secondary) will increase slightly on the downswing. You will retain tilt until complete follow through.
January 21, 2019
Thanks a lot Craig
January 21, 2019
I saw in a recent video lesson that Chuck had the woman maintain axis tilt in the backswing up to the top to ensure she was not reverse pivoting and keeping her head back. I don't recall him explaining this in any other video...So can you clarify that axis tilt should in fact be maintained throughout the backswing. I tried it and it does seem allow the weight to shift back on the right side and easier to get to the top. I just want to ensure this is right and it's not causing other issues.
January 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. I replied in your most recent post to this question.
January 18, 2019
Physical Therapist is gonna thank you for this one. Just recently found out I have a c shape scoliosis curving to the lef from a bunch of injury’s sustained 14 years ago. In fact I do this as an exercise almost daily. I do have a huge question l, so I have a fused low lumbar L2 -L4 no big deal when swinging properly, fused sub talar joint left foot that reduces left to right motion of left ankle which is kinda no big deal but I also have a right below the knee amputation. Problem is once I get weight onto my left I don’t have a lot of push with the right prosthetic. Should I keep working with both legs even in hight? Or adjust right leg to be slightly taller so with the weight more on the left I still have a right leg to balance off of? Probably more a question for weight shift but if I’m training these muscles to adjust, might as well start from the beginning.
January 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. I'm sorry to hear about the issues you are dealing with. I would try even first and check to see how well you can pull you weight over correctly. Which Muscles to Feel During Golf Swing Transition Video and Preventing Hip Pain Video. If you start ending up with excessive secondary axis tilt and can't maintain your balance. We may need to adjust from there.
January 11, 2019
Hello, I had a question on the drill to practice for the Axis tilt. Should I do the 3000 reps with club in hand and setting up to ball??
January 6, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerald. Depending on what other components you are stacking. I would do the entire setup with axis tilt as one rep. You may not have to do 3000 if you are stacking it with other drills and you get pretty proficient at setting up properly without having to think about it. As long as it is correct every time you are ingraining the new position.
January 6, 2019
As you begin your setup should you bend from hips then axis tilt or axis tilt then bend.
January 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Most players hinge and then add slight bump/tilt.
January 4, 2019
Do I need to submit two separate videos for setup or combine them into one? Thanks, Mark
January 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. You can submit a Down the Line and Face On for the review. No need to splice them together.
January 3, 2019
Hello Craig, Thanks for getting my review done so quickly! Question; can I include some takeaway drills with my weight shift training or should I focus only on weight shift? Mark
January 6, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. You're most welcome. If you get proficient at shifting your weight correctly you can certainly add some takeaway drills. However, the goal is to get weight perfect first. If you start working on takeaway drills and the proper shifting goes bye bye. Go back to solely weight.
January 6, 2019
Thank you, Sir! I will most definitely focus primarily on weight shift. That’s what I want the most out of this program.
January 6, 2019
Got it done. Thanks for the fast response!
January 3, 2019
I think I am having an issue with axis tilt. I set up to the ball as stated in the video, however I feel a lot of weight on my right leg, more-so with a club in my hand. The weight feels more 70-30? I can only think of two things resulting in this, my stance width is too wide, or I have too much axis tilt with the club in my hand. I noticed Chuck’s axis tilt with a club is nowhere near mine. Or am I not seeing is correctly? If I have too much axis tilt, what drill and feelings should I have during the setup? Should I put more weight forward or lessen my axis tilt?
December 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sonny. Stance might be a hair wide. But, the main thing I notice is lack of hip bump while adding tilt. This should negate the weight issue at setup. Take a look at Common Setup Faults and Fixes.
December 31, 2018
I can’t find the video under the Setup section. Is it in another section?
December 31, 2018
Thank you. I don’t feel as if my stance is too wide or I had a lack of a hip bump. Thank you for pointing that out. I thought I was doing it correctly. I’m retooling my swing and starting from scratch. I’ve been a playing on and off for a year and haven’t found that consistency. One day shooting in the low 90s and the next I’m in the 100s.
December 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sonny. Type this exactly in the search box "Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes." What I would do if you continue to struggle with the weight placement. Send a review of yourself going through the setup routine so one of our instructors can find the fault.
December 31, 2018
I submitted my first review today for the setup portion of RSA. Looking forward to the feedback
December 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sonny. Great. Looking forward to helping you with your swing. It may take a little bit linger than usual with the holidays, but we will get you all fixed up.
December 31, 2018
Hi Craig Axis tilt is something that I have never had a golf coach talk to me about so this has been a revelation to me. Whilst I ahve only just started this course ther is a lot so far that is new to me and makes sense from a Biomechanical point of view. My question is do you allow a small amount of axis tilt in all forms of the short game. IE: chipping pitching bunker play and putting?? The reason I ask is I was practising chipping and putting today and applied a very small amount of axis tilt and I was amazed at how straight I was hitting chips and how I was able to make better contact with the ball. I also noticed with putting that when I setup with a small amount of axis tilt my eye was just behind the ball not on top of the ball and this seem to allow me to roll the ball more constantly towards the hole and with better speed control. Is this right or am I practising a bad habit?? I have not studied any of the short game in this course. Cheers Michelle
December 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michelle. Glad you are learning more about what is proper in the swing. Think about it this way. You will always have some axis tilt. Now, the amount will change depending on the type of shot. For ex: Driver may have a slightly wider stance with ball position a little more forward necessitating more axis tilt (Proper Tee Height Video). But, a chip has a narrower stance so when adding hip bump and tilt. You won't need as much. Your stance and hip bump with the club down the sternum will determine how much you need to get inside the lead knee.
December 28, 2018
Hi Craig, Thanks for the reply and what you have said makes common sense. Just one question. I have been taught to chip and pitch with a open stance to allow the hips to clear. However when I was chipping the other day I was using a parallel stance the same as I would for a full shot. With axis tilt do you still stand with an open stance or with a stance the same as a full shot?? Cheers Michelle
December 29, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michelle. Some players open their stance slightly for comfort reasons. However, opening the stance is an unnecessary change.
December 29, 2018
I find that my launch angle increases about 5 degrees when I add the axis tilt. It seems to be too high. Any thoughts?
December 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video. You may need to adjust stance width and tilt. Also, you could be hanging back on your trail side in the downswing swinging too up on the ball.
December 19, 2018
I find that when I bump my lead hip forward to get axis tilt, my trailing knee seems to become more flexed and bent forward. Would this be correct? If not, how would I correct this?
November 23, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nolan. Sounds like you may be over doing the tilt. There will be slight movement. But, not enough to see/feel a major difference. Make sure you keep the weight balanced 50/50. Also, take a look at Common Setup Faults and Fixes Video.
November 23, 2018
Hi,Re-axis tilt. At the moment I take my grip when stood behind the ball. I then walk into and set up to the ball. I then bump my right hip to get axis tilt. When I watched your video, I noticed you do axis tilt first,then grip your club. Should I change my routine and do like you do. Regards Tony
October 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Some players add axis tilt when adding the trail hand because it is easier too gauge. It doesn't matter when you add it. Just that you have it correct at setup before you swing.
October 22, 2018
Hi, Craig Thanks for that, I will do as you suggest. Regards Tony
October 23, 2018
Hi, I am a new member. Looking forward to learning how to get rid off my atrocious swing. In the drills, is there a general guideline for reps? I see the rep tracker, but no prescribed number to do. Thx for the help!
October 8, 2018
Never mind! I see that when you click into tracker it has a goal number.
October 8, 2018
I have been paying more attention to the Axis Tilt and it has allowed me to make a more relaxed take away and down swing.
September 3, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. Great. Axis tilt is so often over looked, but has so many great effects when applied.
September 4, 2018
OMG! Watched this yesterday, implemented it today (I know, 1 day does not make it totally true), and the hook, pull-hook is gone! Drives 13/14 fairways. 3-woods on par-5s all fairways! Could it be this simple???
August 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. Well, it's in the title of the video "IMPORTANT!" Love hearing the good news and yes it can make that big of a difference. Keep up the good work.
August 31, 2018
Thanks for this super tip. I hung up my clubs four years ago - yup, quit the game, because I had developed swing "yips." I never knew what was going to happen when I swung a club, driver, iron, didn't matter. Even though my brain knew what to do, my body did its own thing. Then my grandsons (7 and 9) got involved in US Kids Golf and moved to a golf course community. I knew I had to start playing again, and serendipitously discovered your program. Now almost 90 days in, I no longer have swing "yips." 90% of the time I know pretty much what's going to transpire. And my scores have steadily declined every couple of weeks as I reprogram my neuropaths. It works!! And I still swing a club outside my place 50 - 75 swings a day, working on the fundamentals you teach. I set a goal of being able to hit a drive 250 yards by the end of September. Last weekend I hit a doozy (for me) of 235, straight down my aim path. I should mention I am 71....and playing with 16 year old clubs. Anyway, I do believe this little insight is going to help a lot in achieving my goal of 250 yards. And that 250 has to be down the middle for it to count! Plus, I have long been bothered by my 7 year old grandson's set up. I knew it wasn't quite right (although he shot par to win the summer championship in his age group) but didn't know what it was. This video makes it crystal clear. He'll adapt in a matter of a day or two, and then hit them further than ever. Many thanks, and keep up the great work. The image below is of my seven year old grandson taking a practice swing on a par 5 on his home course.
August 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Awesome picture and love the post. Congrats to your grandson on already winning the summer championship. And, yes kids will adapt very fast unlike us sadly ;(. However, that doesn't mean it can't be done! Add the setup adjustment. Keep getting your reps in. We will get you to that 250. Happy news about the yips exiting the game. Side note: 16 years is a little old for a driver. Some of the newer shaft technology may help with some free speed. All the best.
August 31, 2018
Thanks for the encouragement, Craig. Yup, I figure a new driver would add a few yards, not to mention boosting confidence. Hopefully the kids will give me one for my December birthday if I drop enough big hints. Meanwhile, I am adding the axis tilt, remembering the hip bump and staying on it with my daily reps. 10,000 swings, here I come!
August 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great! Make sure you make that setup adjustment for the driver (Proper Tee Height Video). Also, good luck getting that Birthday Present. I will be happy to send a email .
August 31, 2018
In this video it is mentioned about going to see a "Rotary Swing Certified Instructor". How can I find one? I live in Northern New Jersey and I'm interested in taking a couple of lessons.
August 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Glenn. Click the Instruction Tab --> Worldwide Instructor List. There you will find the closest one to you.
August 31, 2018
i see the only instructor in New Jersey is named Heath Mccauley. How can I find out where in New Jersey he gives lessons? Would you happen to know? Thanks Glenn
August 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Glenn. Unfortunately, I do not know where he gives lessons. The instructor controls his/her page. When they don't have any information that means they haven't filled it out and we don't know anymore than what is given. I apologize.
August 31, 2018
Do you have any thoughts about finding an instructor? I have been using this website for a couple of years but really seem to be struggling this year. Unfortunately the clinics run are too expensive for me right now. Thanks Glenn
August 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Glenn. Aaron Mannes in Connecticut would probably be your best bet. He more than likely is the closest to you and you could get a good rate.
August 31, 2018
Would not having proper axix tilt make my swing plane steep causing deep divots.
August 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Yes, not having proper tilt can definitely do that.
August 31, 2018
Does the amount of Axis Tilt vary with the length of the club? Also with my longer clubs like my fairway woods, I tend to hit way behind the ball when I do the Axis Tilt. I tend to not "chunk" it if I don't do the Axis Tilt at setup. Finally, I'm confused as to how I upload a video for your critique and what does it cost?
August 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The axis tilt may vary depending on stance/ball position with a driver (Proper Tee Height Video). But, you shouldn't see a difference solely based on length. Take a look at (Hit Your Fairway Woods Solid) for help on the chunk issue and tilt. Go to the Swing Review Tabs ---> Get a Swing Review. Upload a Face On and Down the Line Swing (30 seconds or less). The cost will vary depending on when you joined up as a member. Any issues with uploading Customer Service will be happy to help.
August 30, 2018
I think this is why ive been playing so inconsistently ( bad) - ive been leaning rather than pushing hips forward to wards target! Thanks
August 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve . Common mistake. Glad you picked up on that in the video.
August 30, 2018
Hi Guys when i remember to set up correctly with axis tilt i find it hard to maintain it because i take the club away too flat or i feel so far behind the ball that i am going to chunk it. So many years of the spine tilting the wrong way! Any advice appreciated.
August 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You may be overdoing the tilt. I would start there first (Common Setup Faults and Fixes). Also, make sure your weight balance is 50/50. Take a look at (Golf Backswing Shoulder Plane Drill). You may be turning flat instead of around your spine.
August 26, 2018
If we start with lead leg 2” outside neutral, does the axis tilt effectively bring us back to inline with neutral on the lead leg?
August 5, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeffrey. Sounds like you may be over doing it a tad. Take a look at Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes.
August 5, 2018
Hello. Is there a video that shows how to get axis tilt while holding a club? MOre specifically, are you to grip the club with your left hand only, get into posture, and then bring the right hand over? I hope this makes sense.
August 1, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Navid. You nailed it. Grip with you lead hand and add the tilt when bringing the trail over. Too my knowledge, it is show in the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Setup and a little in the Golf Grip Checkpoint Tips. Another good visual would be the Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes.
August 1, 2018
Should the hips be slightly closed to the target line with the axis tilt?
July 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeffrey. The hips will be square at address.
July 26, 2018
Axis tilt should be kept or increased throughout impact correct? Having axis tilt at the backswing position then loosing it and ending up level at impact could cause an over the top move and make it difficult to transfer weight properly? I am trying to find a video on this, could you recommend one for me? I think this was my issue, even with my latest swing review that I just submitted. Thanks for your time!
May 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sam. In the downswing, your axis tilt will increase called "secondary axis tilt." Losing axis tilt going back and being vertical coming down will easily lead to over the top. Weight shift will be affected as well. How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot Video will discuss the backswing. How to Fix Plane and Path will discuss plane. Level Shoulders Video talks about having too much secondary tilt which seems to be your opposite problem.
May 10, 2018
When setting up for the driver, should there still be a hip bump?
April 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Without a doubt! Proper Tee Height Video.
April 30, 2018
Hi, I've been practising the hip bump/ axis tilt as described. I notice when I do this, my clubface is slightly open, and club shaft slightly ahead of the ball at address. Is this correct. Regards Tmc
April 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Take a look at Golf Grip Checkpoint Tips and Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes. Make sure you are applying the tilt properly and you shouldn't have a lot of shaft lean/open face at setup.
April 9, 2018
Thanks Craig, I' ll give it a go. Tmc
April 10, 2018
I have been through the 5 steps of the setup and drilled it. As a practical matter, is there a way to blend them when on the course.? For example, combining the rocking to find the ankle center of balance with pressure on the inside of the feet. Also, in regard to secondary axis tilt, is there some of that which happens simply by the right hand being lower than the left with the grip? I feel like if I tilt more than a little, it is harder to get back to the left and I turn more with the face open.
April 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. Yes, there is some of the tilt that will happen with the trail hand being lower. But, you must remember its a hip bump and tilt move. The trail hand alone won't force it. Take a look at Right Side Dominance at Setup. Also, there isn't a big cheat sheet for the course. If you rep enough setups it will become second nature to do it that way and will happen in a more timely manner.
April 4, 2018
In order to have axis tilt at address, your right shoulder is slightly lower than you left. At the top of the backswing, your right shoulder is now above your left. This is probably too technical but I'm wondering at what point in the backswing does the right shoulder go above the left shoulder? Thank you.
March 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Take a look at Golf Backswing Shoulder Plane Drill.
March 22, 2018
I noticed in my weight shift to the left that my upper body and head were moving left and I attributed this to my poor contact and poor ball flight. I started to hold my upper body and head as still as possible and started to hit the ball better. However now the right side of my back is hurting. Is this due to holding my head and upper body behind the ball as long as possible
March 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blaine. The head will have to move slightly. Sounds like you kept the head too far back creating excessive secondary axis tilt.
March 10, 2018
In the weight shift do you sit into shift then straighten the lead leg or do both at the same time? Cheers
February 24, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Sit into lead side leg/glute and then post up.
February 24, 2018
Is this a similar move to what the Ben Hogan instructors teach to move slightly toward the target as a trigger to start your swing?
February 1, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Axis Tilt is put in at setup. The initial trigger will be weight shift to the trail side.
February 2, 2018
Do you get into axis tilt before all of the drills in RST? By the way, I have deleted 98% of all golf videos that aren’t RST. And that says a lot.
January 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Thanks for the vote of confidence and you made a wise decision. You should always have axis tilt. Looking forward to hearing about your progress.
January 19, 2018
I don't understand why the club should't be dragged in both directions. Is that not the consept of lag - that the club is behind the arms and hands? That should also be a consequence og swinging inside to out - the body being the inside and the club being the outside lagging behind? I'm not talking about any form of pushing, but dragging as a form of pulling - a body dictated pulling/dragging...
December 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. Lag is the wrist angle between the club and forearm. You want the inside swinging the outside. But, there has to be some sync to it. If the handle is beating the club head too much going back and through you will manually have to time catching the club back up at impact. That would create a timing nightmare.
December 31, 2017
This bump - is it simular with the start of a drag, like in a lag and drag takeway? Or are these things unrelated?
December 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. You don't want to drag the handle. More similar to How to Swing from the Ground Up Video. Using weight to trigger motion and not drag the club.
December 30, 2017
In the article "What move starts the golf swing?" Chuck writes about a "bump start" What exactlig is that? Is a it forward press? What is supposed to bump?
December 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. Chuck is referring to a lot of better players start their swing with a little shifting of weight into their trail side. A good trigger to not freeze over the ball.
December 30, 2017
Do you 'bump' your hips forward once you have taken your address position and have already made your grip? would this be the last move in set up?
December 16, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Adding axis tilt while adding the trail hand is an easy way to get proper tilt. Set your lead hand and add your bump/tilt while adding trail.
December 16, 2017
Craig, To do this effectively I assume your grip is taken when you are setting up and after the hip bump. I have always taken my grip behind the ball looking a my target, taken one swing and then walked to address position.
December 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Yes, it would be taken when addressing the ball. Once you train yourself too add proper tilt every time. I don’t see a problem with you method and then adding at address.
December 23, 2017
Should have said bumping left hip forward
October 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. I replied below.
October 20, 2017
Hi-In a different it says the ball position is below the left ear. Is this before or after the set up axis tilt?
October 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. Go ahead and add your tilt then place of the lead ear.
October 15, 2017
Hi Craig. I have since noted that Chuck notes in one of his videos that in doing axis tilt the head position does not change . When I do the axis tilt my head moves back between one ond two inches changing the position of the left ear . This effects my core rotation starting point resulting in me relating back and foth movement to that position . Another way of explaining this is I am not bumping my left hip backward which would probably negate the head moving back. What do you think . Am sending another video on core rotation before I embark on reps.
October 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. Take a look Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes. Using that video with a mirror should help the head issue.
October 20, 2017
So the hip tilt is at setup/address ? This feels like the most awkward tweek so far and hard to get my head around. It feels like I'll be aligned incorrectly when engaging the hip tilt..?
October 11, 2017
Sorry I'm sure I'm being naive about it but it's taken me out of shape/alignment I feel. I had lesson with pro a while back and my posture and takeaway r v good this has just thrown me a bit but I'm sure when I put it into practice more often it'll be fine.
October 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. Sounds like you might be over doing it. Take a look at Importance of Axis Tilt and How to Fix a Reverse Pivot. It's a small move, but very vital move to help anatomical position at setup, backswing, downswing and impact.
October 15, 2017
A question on set up position. Should my knees be over my ankles and my gluts be behind my heels? I get the feeling "something" is not right. This is after I do a slight squat to set up address. It feels far to upright.
September 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerald. The back of your knees will be inline with the center of the ankle joints. Take a look at Dustin Johnson Setup for Consistency.
September 21, 2017
I'm having a problem with when I try to maintain my axis tilt and stay behind the ball. Subsequently, I'm either hitting fat b/c i cant shift my weight and stay behind the ball or my head and body is getting way in front of the ball to avoid that. Any assistance would be appreciated.
August 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. I apologize for the late reply. I would work on Step 2 and the Frisbee Drill. To correct the body positions and start to get the lead arm motion swinging without body push.
September 21, 2017
Chun Tat
I know we don't want to "bump hip forward" to transfer our weight which will create an excessive side axis tilt and shift past NJA - However when a weight shift during transition is done properly, is there a small increase of the side axis tilt, at all?
June 24, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chun Tat. I apologize for the late reply. Secondary axis tilt will have to increase slightly in the downswing.
September 21, 2017
Now that I have some axis tilt I seem to be hitting up on my iron shots more often and hitting it thin. What do I need to change?
June 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello User34785. Make sure you are transferring your weight back the the lead side properly and the ball position is set correctly of the lead logo/lead ear. Sounds like you are hanging back.
June 8, 2017
I'm finding that my arms are not square to target line when I have hip bump, this was pointed out during a lesson from my local pro. He said that this would encourage the backswing to be too inside. I've looked at this position in a mirror and no matter how I try I cant seem to be able to keep my arms square to target line when I hip bump..?? Any suggestions. Cheers Donald
May 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. Something must be going on with how you take your grip. Use the Golf Grip Tips Video and the Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes Video to make sure when adding the trail hand you don't get your lines crossed. Also, take a look at the 4 Square Drill to understand how to not take it inside.
May 10, 2017
Yet again I find another "That's me!!!!!" moment and I'm only in the first section (I've had about 10 already!!!!! I'm a classic push up left shoulder to get my right hand on club. Just to check I'm doing this tilt correctly. I find that I am only having to push my hips forward a very very small amount, probably about an inch. I'm feeling slightly more weight on my left side than there is on my right side. Is this okay or should the weight distribution be even?
May 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Glad you are enjoying the videos. The goal should be 50/50 distribution. You might feel some more pressure on the inside of the legs (Anchor to the Ground). Also, it is only a slight bump (Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes Video).
May 3, 2017
Thank you Craig. I'm really enjoying them. I'm really hoping that finally I've found a system that will sink into my thick head. !!! Lol!!
May 3, 2017
Should the head be in line with the spine (i.e., slightly cocked), or should my head be level like it would be before any axis tilt (i.e., top of my head parallel to ground). Feels a bit strange before hitting ball with head slightly cocked.
April 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. It will move ever so slightly. Not enough that you should be uncomfortable. Take a look at the Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes Video.
April 29, 2017
hi, at address, I understand the axis tilt and why it id needed. Does the head also have a slight tilt away from the target during address, due to the axis tilt?
April 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shay. Take a look at the Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes Video.
April 29, 2017
I am assuming your left hand was hanging in a natural position during the hip bump movement to grab the club with your right hand. Should I bring my hands closer to my body after, during or not at all while making these actions to get the correct feeling of how far my hands should be from my body during this drill? I watched the 'How far to stand from the ball' video again and wasn't sure if this drill would put me in the correct chin line to hand postion or not. Also, should I be able to see my hands in my setup? Thank you in advance!
April 4, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jonathan. If you are properly hinged from the waist and your arms are hanging neutrally from the shoulder socket. You should be the proper distance from the ball. The check point would be the chin line if you feel incorrect at setup. If you can't see your hands you more than likely are hinged forward too far or the hands are too close.
April 5, 2017
I have no axis tilt but compensate by moving the handle towarss my rear foot .. by cupping my wrist ... a caddie noticed this and told me .. to put it better . My left hand and club shaft are not in a straight line when looking at my address face up.. does axis tilt create the club shaft to run in line straight with the left arm , when done properly?
March 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sambhu. If you have proper axis tilt. More than likely the lead arm and club will not be in a straight line. If the hands are placed properly on the club (lead hand on the inner part of the lead thigh) - Golf Grip Tips Video - you will see a slight difference.
March 29, 2017
my problem with this hip bump and the axis tilt is what happen in the takeway, do I have to keep that axis tilt? what happen in the weight shift , Do I loose my tilt? I sway ? because if in the takeway I have to do a bump back I loose my spine tilt , help
March 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. You don't bump back in the takeaway to shift. You will shift the whole body. You will maintain the axis tilt from setup during weight shift and rotation. The little bit of lateral motion will be negated by the rotational portion of the trail hip.
March 10, 2017
i have returned to the axis tilt segment as i continue to work on weight shift. my question: i assumed that a proper axis tilt would involve some weight shift but is that true? Bud
January 12, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bud. When adding proper tilt you should still reach a setup position of neutral weight (50/50) distribution.
January 12, 2017
I have been experimenting with set up and convinced myself that it is crucial. I often feel uncomfortable when over the ball, with negative consequences on the subsequent shot. I have therefore put together a list of questions asking for your guidance as to how to achieve the correct set up: 1) Is the stance width the same for PW, 4-iron and 5-wood? 2) What is the correct ball position for these three clubs, referenced to mid-stance? 3) Is the amount of axis tilt the same for these three clibs? and last but not least from my "comfort" point of view 4) can the amount of axis tilt required ever be such that the club shaft takes on forward lean to keep the club head behind the ball? thanks in advance, Gordon.
December 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gordon. The stance width is the same until you reach the driver for all stock shots. You don't want to use the stance as your ball position barometer. However, all will be ahead of middle off of the logo of your shirt or lead ear. The axis tilt will only change with the driver when wanting to maximize distance off the tee. Other than some short game shots. It is unnecessary to have shaft lean at setup for stock shots.
December 5, 2016
Thanks for this info Craig. I now understand that, for stock shots, the stance width is unchanged except for the driver. I must confess that it is difficult for me to use shirt logo or lead ear as reference for ball position. It is much easier to use the feet (heels) since I can see them! Why do you advise against using stance as ball position barometer? Is it the case that all three clubs, PW, 4-iron and 5-wood have the same ball position? I had thought the optimum ball position moves towards the target within the stance for the longer clubs? My discomfort in set up results, I suspect, from applying a large amount of axis tilt with the ball not too far forward in the stance, which requires me to apply shaft lean to keep the club head behind the ball. Are you recommending the same axis tilt and ball position for PW, 4-iron and 5-wood shots? Best regards, Gordon.
December 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gordon. Because the goal with the ball placement is to have it right before the bottom of the swing arc. And, using the stance can be relative depending on someones body size since we use the hip joints. Yes, the PW --> 5Wd with the same position. For most clubs you will be hitting down on the ball without the need to move the ball. Changing the position would effect the Angle of Attack. For irons it should stay pretty consistent around 4 or 5 down. You only need to move the ball up to change the AoA. Hence, the driver a little more up to catch it towards the positive angle upon strike. Axis tilt will vary a hair as you stand taller for Pw --> 5wd. But, it really won't change that much. It sounds like you are overdoing the tilt. Take a look at Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes. The only time you would want large tilt would be the driver.
December 5, 2016
Many thanks for the clarifications Craig. In the meantime I have seen the same messages about the unchanging stance width and ball position in several other video lessons in your program. That is what I really appreciate about RTS, it is consistent. If only my swing was too .... Great work, thanks again, Gordon.
December 6, 2016
When implementing the axis tilt, and then turning the right shoulder blade backwards on the tilt, I find that the left shoulder is higher than the right on the this correct?
November 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Corby. You might be adding too much or rotating around the spine incorrectly. You should still be rotating around a hinged forward spine.
November 29, 2016
Is it correct that the entire spine is angled right - from the butt up to the base of the neck - so that the axis tilt is not achieved by bending or curving the spine to the right (for a RH golfer)? Will this also result in the left hip being slightly higher than the right at address?
November 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Corby. The lead hip will barely be above the trail. Not that much pelvic tilt upwards. And, yes it is the whole spine. Not creating curvature or a "c" position. Take a look at Importance of Axis Tilt and Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes.
November 22, 2016
Hip bump question Is it consistent to start the backswing by reversing the hip bump for the required weight shift to load the the trail side and then start the shoulder blade glide? One video mentioned how the hip does move laterally to the trail side just before the core rotation. I am gravitating toward this swing thought to help me load and rotate properly. Appreciate any clarification you may have. Thanks
November 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. You shouldn't lose your axis tilt or negate the hip bump necessary to create it will shifting the weight. The whole body moves in the weight shift, not just a bump of the hip back to neutral.
November 21, 2016
If the primary purpose of axis tilt is to lay the lower hand on the club without disturbing setup - does this also apply to putting setup? Thanks Greg
November 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. You are typically hinging forward from the hips more with a putt and the ball position is different. You will have a hair of tilt. But, no need to add any in the setup that isn't naturally there.
November 2, 2016
I've always struggled with this. When I stand straight up and in spine neutral position, my body is nice and square. But when I try to tilt, my hips tend to open and my shoulders tend to close. I have to force them to stay square and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong somewhere else? Shouldn't the hips and shoulders naturally stay square even in an axis tilt?
October 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. They should stay square. I would say you are over doing the tilt or applying it improperly. Take a look at Importance of Axis Tilt and Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes.
October 22, 2016
Hi, how to do i keep the hip forward as i start the backswing? My hips have a tendency to move underneath me as i take the club back? If i do make the correct backswing, i feel so far behind the ball that i am going to hit miles behind it. Enjoying the learning Thanks David
July 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You might be overdoing the hip bump. It is a slight bump as you add tilt. You shouldn't have to try and hold the position in place. Take a look at Common Golf Faults and Setup Fixes. Also, the Weight Shift Video Part 2.
July 15, 2016
Hi, What is the weight distribution after I bump my hips? Do I have slightly more on my trail side or is it supposed to be 50/50? Thanks, Andrew
June 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Weight distribution will remain 50/50.
June 9, 2016
Thank you Craig
June 9, 2016
Hi, If I want to hit my 56 wedge 125-130 yards, do I still bump my hips? 60% of the time, I can get contact and the other 40, I chunk it. I imagine the hip bump is very slight compared to my 7 iron. I play around with it, but practice time is very limited for me these days. Thanks, Andrew
May 23, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Andrew, Yes, you would keep all facets of the swing the same. The chunk shots could be caused by not shifting fully to the lead side before impact or pushing on the club with the right hand or left thumb. For a full swing or "stock shot" as often referred to around the site, keep all the variables in line. Otherwise, you might want to check out the penetrating wedge shot video. Hope that helps.
May 24, 2016
Thanks Chris! I must be doing one or both of what up mentioned. If I don't push with my right, how am I going to release all of my days stress/anger? Lol. Looking forward to more of your videos on YouTube.
May 24, 2016
Keeping the right hip lower also helped me to overcome a reverse pivot. When the hips level out... you have a reverse pivot or close to it.
May 21, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Nice! Yep, when the trail hip gets high in the backswing, that would show the pelvis is unstable and can allow you to keep rotating the spine too far leading to a reverse pivot.
May 24, 2016
Chuck, many thanks to you and your team for bringing a safe & effective learning program to the swing. With axis tilt-hip bump, something I've found to be profoundly helpful with nailing down this fundamental is, through hip bump, feeling the right hip fall lower than the left and maintaining the feeling of the left hip being higher all the way through the follow through! This has helped me tremendously with stopping hooks because it forces me to maintain my hip-axis tilt and stay on plain all the way through. It also give a much faster more powerful release. Almost startling sometimes. I believe this is the simple the goal of axis tilt, but thinking of the high-low concept all the way through has helped me to realize the fullest result of proper axis tilt. Any thoughts or idea's on this? I would be excited to see this concept incorporated into your instructional videos if you felt it worthy.. lol. Thank you! Tony.
May 21, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Anthony, Axis tilt at address helps you rotate into the backswing and load the trail side properly without over rotating the spine, it also puts the head in behind the golf ball and puts the right side in a passive position. We do not want the right hip to be much lower than the left at impact as that would create too much secondary axis tilt which would shallow the plane and also run the risk of having too much weight pinned into the trail side at impact. The "feels" you are developing are very good for sure and I am glad you are getting such great results with axis tilt.
May 24, 2016
Thank you for the reply and good info. I understand what you mean about to much secondary tilt at impact. I've found with longer clubs my best swings are when I feel I'm covering the ball, tall with level shoulders. I can't thank you guys enough for such great learning content. Just two months ago I was averaging low 90's at a specific local courses. Three day's ago I shot a 70 on that course. I had nothing on my mind but what I wanted my impact position to look like with each shot and would base my setup around that. Now the crazy spin feeling I used to have with my hips occurs at the head of my golf club as it rips me around. Now I just need a fitted set of clubs!! lol. Thank you team RST.
May 25, 2016
And if there's any secret to how I advanced so quickly, I would say it was NOT hitting ANY golf balls for almost four weeks. That really did it. I've practiced 30 minutes with no club mainly weight shift, 30 minutes open air swings with club and into an impact bag following all your instructional videos every day. That's it.
May 25, 2016
Chuck, first off just want to say, you've done an outstanding job creating this website. I have learned so much about my swing and how to help others. I've applied the 'hip bump' to my putting set up as well, which has helped with my path. Having a slight hip bump seems to allow my shoulders to hang more freely and put a better roll on the ball. Could be a temporary feeling, but it would make sense to apply axis tilt in putting, and chipping as well. Just wanted your opinion since this video doesn't directly mention applying the slight bump to putting and chipping. Thanks again and hopefully I will get to meet you one day for a one on one lesson.
February 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jennifer. Thank you for the compliments of the website and our instruction. I hope one day you get to have an in-person lesson with Chuck as well. Having some axis tilt with the chipping is fine. Putting however you want to be careful with too much tilt. The angle of attack and approach into the strike while putting needs to be pretty even. Tilt does help you rotate around the spine. Nevertheless, the putting stroke is such a small move that being relaxed at setup and just having the trail hand lower on the club should create all the tilt you need.
February 21, 2016
It seems to me that adding the axis tilt into the address posture makes the weight shift into the right hip seem a little more natural and smooth of a motion versus having a spine angle that is too vertical at address. Thoughts?
February 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. Axis tilt can make it seem easier to settle into the trail glute. But, is geared more towards proper rotation around the spine.
February 13, 2016
I have a question about eye line in regards to axis tilt. For a right hand golfer, when you hip bump should your eye line also change (right eye lower)? I've noticed the more my eye line looks out to in, the more inside the takeaway is. I think Jack changed his eye line in the first move in his swing. Was this move to combat an inside takeaway?
January 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. I am unaware if Jack performed the head move to combat the inside takeaway. From my knowledge, it was a trigger to help start the swing. The eye line shouldn't change very much with hip bump and tilt.
January 13, 2016
I also have heard Hank Haney talk about level eyes at setup but when I do this I actually reverse pivot. I get what Nick is saying I actually focus on when I get axis tilt my head tilts along with my shoulders. It's not much tilt but it makes my rotation "feel" like I am getting behind the ball. What do you think of Haney's level eye advice?
February 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nathan. The Level Eyes aren't a bad thing to follow. Where the eyes go the head and body will seem to follow suit. It might not be an end all cure, but does help some players.
February 14, 2016
Hello. I just completed my first swing review and the instructor told me to start with hip bump/axis tilt. I'm curious about something Chuck said about how axis tilt will help you get through to the left side. Ironically, getting into the left side is what I've been working on for the last 3 months with my local pro and I've been struggling to do it. How does axis tilt help with getting back to the left? Could this be part of the reason I can't get the weight shift right? Is improper weight shift responsible for the miserable low back pain I start feeling after 12 holes? PS- I love the website and I'm starting to feel optimistic again about improving my game. Thank you!
October 22, 2015
As a hip spinner, things that helped me learn to get back to the left side were keeping my feet closer together and making sure my INSTEPS where parallel with each other and not the OUTSTEPS of my feet. Your feet should feel slightly spayed for this. If the balls of your feet are to much closer together than your heels, you'll end up going out to the balls of your feet in the swing. My feet are very wide so I have to exaggerate this. The biggest thing was learning to keep my hands and the butt of the club in front of my sternum, for almost the whole swing! This shortens your swing but gives more power with less effort and reduces strain on your lower back. While standing up straight with a club in your hands, do a continuous motion drill with these ideas, swing back and fourth and feel the load both ways creating an even tempo. "Feel the load go into your hands as they "rotate" but don't let your hands move off to each side, keep them in front of your chest as your chest moves. Then bend over and follow the same tempo you just created. Works like magic.
June 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wilson. Axis tilt helps getting back to the left because you don't have to adjust to get into impact. If you lack axis tilt. Then, on the way down to stay behind the ball you would have to add secondary tilt. Resulting in the weight hanging back on the right side. Axis tilt can affect the shift in both directions. Improper weight easily can put strain on the lumbar spine. Thanks for the compliments of our site!
October 22, 2015
Hello, Just a question about the hip bump. Once you've set up and bumped your hips slightly forward, shouldn't ones weight be 50-50? I feel as though I've got a little bit more weight on my leading leg, say 60-40. It actually keeps me over the ball better. Also, what should the weight be with the driver? I'm hoping for my birthday gift this year, I can come down south to visit you all. I think you're awesome! Thanks so much!
September 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Laurabeth. You still want the weight 50/50 at setup. With the driver as well. Thanks for the compliments of the site. Hopefully, you can make it down south!
September 18, 2015
Thank you Craig.
September 18, 2015
Hello I am making very good contact with the ball, especially with my irons, but my bad shot is generally a pull to the left that sometimes also hooks. I have not been consciously adding a bump and tilt, could this be the cause?
September 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Damien. You need good tilt to rotate properly. However, it sounds like you are a little steep with a shut face coming through impact.
September 18, 2015
I should add, when I look in the mirror at my setup, it appears that my right shoulder is lower than my left, but after watching this I am wondering if this is because I am reaching forward with my right shoulder.
September 6, 2015
so should the lead shoulder still be slightly above the right shoulder or should they be even with one another? Also this hip bump and access tilt at address seems to allow me to do two things better: 1. It allows me to keep my head behind the ball more at address and throughout the swing 2. It allows me to keep proper ball position and posture while allowing me to have a better forward shaft lean at address. Are these correct thought processes? Thanks for your help. I am pretty much new to the game and have found your system incredibly helpful in building my golf swing properly.
August 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. I'm glad to hear that your game is starting to shape up. Yes, you are correct in your thought processes. The trail shoulder will be slightly lower than the lead because the trail hand grip is lower on the club. Axis tilt is a simple concept that controls a lot of parts.
August 3, 2015
Hello, Thank you very much for your great site! I have been receiving my first video analysis yesterday and have been recommended to make this bump and tilt. Yet: - 1) I install me 50/50 weight distribution and feel 60/40 when bumping and tilting. shall we try to install 40/60 before bumping and tilting to come back to 50/50 before the shot? - 2) When using my driver with this method I am making big straight push. As soon as i stop bump and tilt, it come back straight. What is the reason for that? Thank you very much for your help. Sebastion
May 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sebastien. You should be able to add from a 50/50 neutral position. When you add tilt/bump you don't need to shift your weight. Sounds like you might be overdoing it a touch. With the driver you are probably adding more secondary tilt which you can get away with in a neutral setup. Add some tilt at setup, but maintain it. You don't need to add excessive tilt to launch the ball high (Driver Setup Adjustments - Setup Section, Driver Launch Angle - Bomb Your Driver Series).
May 27, 2015
How do you know and check yourself on the range, for example, that you are overdoing the hip bump? How much is too much? What does average look like?
May 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. It is a slight bump and tilt. Align a club down your sternum and bump/axis until the club is in line with the inside of the lead knee. Take a look at Importance of Axis Tilt in the Setup Section.
May 21, 2015
would just adding axis tilt with no bump be a bad thing?
May 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wilfred. If you added just the axis tilt you wouldn't be counter balancing the position.
May 20, 2015
That makes a lot of sense, thanks.
May 20, 2015
I had surgery in high school to shave down some of the bone in my right elbow. Long story with no morals. But it limits how far I can extend my right arm. My left arm can extend to 180 degrees (straight) but my right arm can only go about 170 degrees. Sometimes I feel I am really reaching with the right arm to get my hand on the club or I get too much axis tilt. Any thoughts? I was thinking of switching my grip to something like Jim Furyk with the double overlap. Thanks!
May 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. The double overlap may help. I would rather you stay away from too much tilt because of the preferred angle of approach with most clubs.
May 16, 2015
I can't seem to find anything about where the left hand/arm are after the axis tilt. I just realized that my left hand appears to be way too far back almost in the middle of my stance (almost in front of my belt buckle with significant cupping). So I'm trying to work it back to a more natural position, but it brings up the question of what checkpoint can I use to get that left hand positioned correctly? Should it be centered over the left thigh, or just inside the left thigh, or where? Thanks
May 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carole. The arms should be hanging neutrally at address. The Golf Grip and Being Out of the Box Video in this Section is a good one to see this. The hands shouldn't be neither too far behind or ahead of the ball. Vertical like a "Y"position from the arms to the club will work.
May 8, 2015
Not to be too dense about this, but where I position my hands is ending up being extremely significant. If, on a face-on video, I draw a line up the club shaft, it appears to me that it should be pretty much intersecting with my shirt logo or even slightly forward of that. That will give the club just a slight forward lean (which up until now I've had none). This makes sense if the ball is in line with the logo and the hands are pretty much lined up with the ball. I've had the club shaft pointing to the left side of my head, or even worse the middle of my head (causing more cupping in my left hand) and it's been a nightmare to get the right axis tilt and to take the club back straight instead of inside (because of the hand manipulations that result). All of this seems rather obvious now, but I just plain didn't notice it. So I am trying to change the club shaft lean just a little and was looking for a nice checkpoint in the way of drawing lines to double check my hand position and club lean on a standard stock shot. Thanks for your guidance.
May 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Carole. If you can form a "Y" (like this one) versus "y" (this) you will be ok. A decent check point for you would be not behind the belly button (trail side), but right at it or on the lead side of it.
May 10, 2015
I am new to the site but have already picked up some great tips. The axis tilt never made a whole lot of sense to me and for several years I was doing the "Stack and Tilt" swing which some say is a reverse pivot kind of move. I always wondered why I looked slumped over in down the line set up videos when I swear my back was reasonably straight. I now understand that what I was doing was reaching down with my shoulder to grip the club with my right hand. That slides the scapula around laterally and closes or pronates the humerus. That ties together with your right elbow video. To position the "pit" of the elbow in a forward or supinated position at address you have to tilt properly which slides the shoulder and scapula back into a neutral position. Brilliant, I have never heard or seen it explained from a proper functional anatomic viewpoint.
May 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Keith. Thanks for the post. Keep up the good work. We appreciate you telling us what you learned and took from your previous swing experiences. Only helps further the site and knowledge for our members.
May 8, 2015
When hitting fairway woods I often top one when I least need it. Axis tilt is something I have not added consciously to my stance. Would it help that problem? John
April 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. You definitely need axis tilt when dealing with woods. A typical reason of the top though is the weight hanging back on the trail foot and adding too much secondary tilt coming through. Make sure that weight gets transfered to the lead foot and you maintain the tilt better.
April 17, 2015
Hi. I had issues with reverse pivot. After correcting this with axis tilt, my rotation and left hand elevation (am rightiee) is now very limited (flatish). How can I correct/improve on this?
March 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. While having correct axis tilt you are probably rotating better now which is giving the "flatish" appearance. You need to get the arms up. Don't focus too much on getting the left arm up. The right has a job too. Use the 3 Functions of the Right Arm in the Advanced Backswing Section and the Understanding Shoulder Elevation/Understanding Arm Elevation Videos in the Backswing Section to get some elevation.
March 10, 2015
Hi Can I feel like the right leg internally rotated and left leg externally rotated a little bit when I bump my hip? Look like it help the obliques turn better during backswing and downswing. Is it the correct feeling?
March 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nguyen. It happens so slightly. I don't want you too focus on externally rotating the lead leg and internally rotating the trail leg. You might be over doing the amount of bump and tilt. Just a slight one.
March 3, 2015
Is this hip bump to be used with ALL swings (woods, irons, etc.) or just certain swings (driver only)???
February 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. The hip bump is to be used for all clubs and stock shots. However, make sure you aren't just adding hip bump. The purpose of the bump is to get correct axis tilt.
February 17, 2015
After axis tilt, I feel that ball position far further from the left ear to the left side and may cause to hit the ball high. Please correct me.
February 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nutthaphol. Make sure you aren't over doing the tilt and/or use the logo on your shirt for a better indication. If you are hitting the ball high you might be cupping the lead wrist through impact. Take a look at the Knuckles Down Drill in the Advanced Downswing Section to learn how to control loft.
February 4, 2015
February 4, 2015
With the hip bump and axis tilt, the weight distribution at setup seems about 60:40 (left foot: right foot), is this a correct observation?
January 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jay. The weight should still remain neutral 50/50 at setup up. Think about it this way. If you bump the hip forward 5% and tilt the axis back 5%. All things should neutralize out. Leaving 50/50 at address.
January 11, 2015
Hi All, After bumping and tilting, if you hold a 5 iron in the center of your chest, aligning it from your chin to your belt buckle, should the base of the club be pointing towards the ground, a bit outside the right edge of the left foot? Or pointing more towards the upper calve and knee cap? Thanks
December 30, 2014
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Grant, If I understand correctly when you put the club (grip) on your sternum and then align it with your lower center (belt Buckle) and then add the axis tilt the club should be pointing more towards the upper shin/lower knee. You want enough axis tilt that the shaft will be running basically on the inside part of your left leg assuming your right handed. All the Best- Steven
December 30, 2014
In one of the videos I've watched, a 9 to 3 swing drill was mentioned were students hit balls. Can someone direct me to this? I think it was mentioned in the takeaway segment
December 19, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Visit the Bonus Series Section - Pro Lessons. Let us know if that is the correct video.
December 20, 2014
I just became a member today and began viewing set up. It has been very helpful especially the video describing axis tilt.
December 17, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Thanks for joining and working on your new process. Please feel free to ask any question you need in the forum along the way.
December 18, 2014
Should the axis tilt achieved at set-up be maintained into the backswing? The first move in the take-away is the right should blade and a corresponding rotation of the shoulders. Should the shoulders be turning on the plane established by the axis tilt at set-up? I noticed that I tend to re-level my shoulders in the take away. If I maintain the axis tilt it feels like I am leaning away from the target but most likely a feeling due to the novelty of the move. I appreciate your feedback.
December 2, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Steve, If you are vertical at address, then your rotation will tilt you back towards the target, but if you have the right amount of axis tilt at setup, then your rotation will keep your head straight and it will appear that you're standing more upright in the backswing, but if you put a tie around your neck, the tie will be hanging off of your chest if rotated properly, instead of laying flat on your chest. Check out this video R.J.
December 2, 2014
Hello, just a follow up. When I tilt the spine, I feel I need to aim to the right of the target. Is this correct. If not, please explain how the axis tilt impacts the swing plane. I watched the neck tie video but it does not explain this
February 16, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
The "how lag affects your swing plane" video will be able to touch up on this concept for you. If you need additional elaboration on the subject after watching that video, let us know! R.J.
February 16, 2015
With the hip bump and axis tilt does the head shift so that it is closer to the right foot than the left foot (i.e., not in the exact center of the stance but rather slightly in back of a centered golf ball). Such appears to be the case from the video. Does this help in loading the right heel during the backswing.
October 19, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Mark, yes, it'll tilt back some as you tilt your axis back. It's not something that you should consciously focus on doing as the function of this axis tilt is to get our right hand on the club without coming out of the box. R.J.
October 20, 2014
Hi Rj, I have the exact same issue and I already watched the neck tie video. What I don't see is any detail about the impact on swing plane. I feel that I need to either aim to the right of the target or do some kind of compensation if I rotate spine aligned.
February 16, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
The more axis tilt that you get, the more shallow the angle of attack gets and obviously steeper with less axis tilt. As far as aiming left or right, you shouldn't be affected, but it may feel different than what is really happening.
February 16, 2015
Should we setup with axis tilt for every full swing including the wedges? Or should we not use it for the wedges due to the smaller length of club? And is the axis tilt the same amount for each club or do you bump the hip even more for the longer clubs like the driver?
October 11, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
The amount of axis tilt from the face on view is primarily determined by the amount of tilt needed to get the right hand on the club without becoming disconnected from the box. From the down the line view, the amount of axis tilt is determined by the amount of axis hinge needed to comfortably see the golf ball without getting out of the box or dropping the head. And the distance that the ball is from your body is obviously determined by the club length. So, yes, you will get a little more axis tilt from the DTL view for a wedge than you would a driver, but not on the face on view.
October 12, 2014
Hi Chris, (It won't let me post a reply ) To clarify, when you say vestibular process, your talking about the ears? So should your ears be level at address? I tend to get an image of if I had a rod running from the right ear and out of the left, it would be parallel with all other alignments feet, shoulders etc.
September 4, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gary -- Check out this wiki link on the vestibular process. Pay close attention to the last couple of sentences in the first paragraph. That should clarify a bit more on what I was trying to say.
September 5, 2014
Can someone please educate me on what position my head/ eyes should be in after axis tilt. I seem to have discovered I was using my right eye as dominant whilst looking at the ball, therefore I assume my right ear would have been slightly lower ( causing a high ball flight and rarely any divots, correct?). I now concentrate on using my left eye whilst looking up to the target, then use my left eye when looking down at the ball. Everything seems to have fell into place, from the takeaway not getting too far inside (causing right arm breakdown) , straight through to a nice descending blow with perfect divots and a low penetrating ball flight. I would just like to understand it more if what I'm now doing is correct? Thanks.
September 3, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gary, the vestibular process can play a pretty interesting role in the golf swing. If your dominant eye is trying to see down the target line before you enter the hitting area, you can cause the spine angle to shift which can create issues in ball striking as well as weight shift. By shifting the focus to your non-dominant eye and keeping the focus there, you are setting yourself up to overcome some issues that can occur with the head moving a bit on the early side. You are doing things correct and I will be doing a video on this on the sooner side to expound. Keep up the good work.
September 3, 2014
Hi - I am currently practicing narrowing my stance slightly so it is just 2-3" wider than my shoulder on each side. Previously I was closer to 4-6" wider. I had a good axis tilt previously, but my head was shifting too much as I make my back swing transition. I find that slightly narrower stance @ 2-3" wider than shoulder has resulted in less head shift and better consistency at ball contact, but I notice in the videos I am recording, my axis tilt is decreasing as if I maintained the same axis tilt, I feel like my upper body is outside of my right foot. How do I find a good balance??
August 25, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Albert. When adjusting you stance use your hip joints, not the shoulder joints. Take a look at the RST Necktie Drill in the Advanced Backswing Section. The tie should hang nice and free. Not too far out or laying on the chest.
August 25, 2014
Pat, Really started to feel and understand the posting of my right leg during the down swing today and how,it allows my left,hip start to open to approx 45 degrees. Are there any specifics around posting your front leg during impact? What it should feel like and how to,repeat every time? Thanks, Scott
July 16, 2014
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Scott, the "posting" of the front leg is a natural consequence when you leverage the ground for power. At impact, you want approximately 85% + of your weight on that lead leg, feeling weight in the heel. At the finish, you want to be 100% on your right side. Make sure you do not manually try to straighten the lead leg, as it should take of itself after you have synced everything properly.
July 16, 2014
July 14, 2014
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Here is what you should feel: 1. A very slight (up to 3 ") shift to the right as you squat or sit into your right glute. Your right oblique will begin to PULL your upper body and weight will bear down on your right heel. As you begin to "post up on your right leg, the hips will rotate to 45 degrees open. You need to FEEL like the upper body is quiet, going along for the ride during this transition. It's the most dynamic action in the swing. Watch this video:
July 14, 2014
when you do an axis tilt, Does your head remain perpendicular from the ground? or is the head slightly tilted following the spine angle? It feels a little awkward having your face straight when your spine angle is slightly tilted. When I have my head slightly tilted it feels comfortable but I think it messes up my distance with the ball.
July 14, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The head will tilt slightly away form the target as you add axis tilt. I could see how awkward it would be to shift the head back.
July 14, 2014
When you stand upright your hips joints are level. Can I assume when you have the correct amount of hip bump/axis tilt that your left hip joint is higher than your right hip joint? In this case your hip joints would be uneven (sloping away from the target), thus keeping your spine straight. Is this right? Surely if you kept your hips level, you'd be bending your spine away from the target (no longer having it straight).
May 18, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey David, your spine will remain straight as you add the axis tilt. It's only a slight amount. The hips joints should remain fairly level. This allows us to properly rotate around are spine in the backswing and stay centered. It will lean slightly away from the target. If are axis was straight up and down at setup, it would lead to shoulder tilting (towards the target) at the completion of our backswing. We are keeping the spine straight, not forming a "C". Axis tilt is 2-10 degrees depending on build, shot and club
May 18, 2014
I recently submitted my first videos. I was given 5 videos to study and practice. Since I am disabled and can't work, I go to the range every day with my iPad so I can watch the specific videos I was assigned. I have practiced my tail off and have gotten some good results....but only with my irons, Hybrid and 3 Wood. I am hitting the ball much more straight and adding distance to where I am actually having to club down when I play a round. My only problem is, I can't seem to get the same results with my driver. I don't know if it's just a mental thing....driving the ball...teeing off...straight down the fairway, but I can NOT get the same results with my driver that I'm getting with my other clubs. I always start out at half-speed and legs in a neutral stance to get the feel of the weight transfer during warm-up. Then I take my normal stance, backswing and follow-through, shifting my weight and using the hip bump/axis tilt, and I am just not having success with my driver. As I said, my irons, hybrid and fairway wood are all great. I've actually just left the driver in the bag and tee off with my 3 Wood. How can I get the same results with my driver that I'm getting with my other clubs?
May 8, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey there bsimm, you may want to take a look at the video called driver setup adjustments and see if that helps you at all. If it doesnt, then report back to me and I will see if I can help you further.
May 9, 2014
Chris, the video, Driver Setup Adjustment, since it there is no FO view, I'm assuming that you address the ball like this: I* with the ball lined up with the label of your shirt and then adjust you stance only (not the club face) to look like this: /* with the ball still in line with your label still lined up with the ball, do the axis tilt/hip bump for grip, rotate your feet slightly inward and feel the squeeze in your thighs, then do the normal take-away, down swing and follow-through. Is this correct?
May 11, 2014
Chuck Couple of questions on this move 1. This is only used when hitting a driver correct? 2. I have a hard time keeping my left knee in front of the ball. Now that Ive norrowed my stance just outside of neutral and play the ball just inside my toe is it correct for the knee to move just inside the ball?
May 5, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, axis tilt is still needed at address and is needed for all clubs in stock style shots. We do not want change in the setup from one club to the next unless it is a specialty shot. You need the lower half to be as stable as possible in the move. The left knee moving inward in the backswing can allow the pelvis to become unstable. It may have some slight movement but not a lot when the torso pulls the hips to a would position in the backswing.
May 5, 2014
Can you please elaborate a little with how this ties into the weight shift to the right during takeaway. The weight shift drill is quite specific in that it is a one inch to the right then three back to the left for neutral joint alignment to the left. My understanding is that you should definitely still have spinal tilt away from target after the weight shift right. Does this mean the set up hip bump left is more than one inch or are there other factors involved? Thanks.
May 2, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Axis tilt is a critical part of the setup that gets the spine just inside the left knee at address and is needed for several reasons. The best way for us to describe to students on how to achieve proper axis tilt is to make a slight bump of the hip towards the target while the right shoulder falls (spine leans away). You should always feel pretty even distributed after this is done and this should be a static address position. The shift to the right is to load the right side during the start of the sequence. The shift right will cause a slight loss in tilt that is why we have you get it just inside the left knee to ensure proper rotation and not run into reverse pivot.
May 2, 2014
I may have clicked. With the axis tilt, the right shoulder drops to even out the weight with left hip bump. During the takeaway weight shift right, the set-up shoulder positon will hold, is that correct? And is that how the tilt away is maintained after the weight shift right?
May 2, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
See my response above. You will lose a fraction of the tilt when you make the shift right to start the swing.
May 2, 2014
A pro suggested to me that the hip tilt should only apply for the driver, since ball contact requires an upward connection to the ball, whereas with other clubs there is a downward impact. I found that keeping a neutral spin for irons and woods worked well, and the hip tilt was beneficial with the driver. Why should all shots have a hip bump/spine tilt? tx, Rick
May 18, 2018

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