Cure Reverse Pivot w/ the Necktie Drill

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Axis tilt is a necessary fundamental of the golf swing that many golfers ignore or fail to understand the consequences of not having it, especially at the top of the backswing. This simple yet profoundly effective drill will show you exactly how to have the proper amount of tilt at the top.

  • A necktie is a great training aid if you struggle with transition and bad position at the top
  • Wear a necktie and go to the top of your swing
  • If the tie drapes over your chest and belly, you are leaning toward the target - this is incorrect
  • It should hang freely over the inside of your right knee

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I’m a bit confused about axis tilt. Are you guys familiar with the work done by Shaun Webb and Mike Granato at Athletic Motion Golf? Using the Gears system on a wide range of top pros, they’ve discovered that they pretty much all set up with their spines at 90 degrees or very close to it. Do you guys have a view on that?
April 23, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. Chuck is more familiar with AMG guys than myself. However, we are in the business of safety with the spine. You don't need much, but a slight bit of tilt allows the spine to stay mush more neutral and opens the facet joints for cleaner rotation.
April 23, 2021
Thanks Craig, interesting to hear your thoughts. I did wonder if it might be something to do with injury prevention.
April 24, 2021
I dont get it. If I have axis tilt if I rotate around the spine it is two dimensional - from behind the shoulders rotate perpendicular to the spine. Face on I am also rotating around the spine, i.e. moving away from the ball?
October 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gwan. Axis tilt is spine leading away from the target. Not shoulder plane. Take a look at Golf Backswing Shoulder Plane Drill Video.
October 14, 2020
I've been overswining and think its from over-rotating my hips on the backswing. This seems like the perfect drill to cue when to stop rotating the hips
August 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christoper. You still can maintain tilt even when the hips over rotate. Albeit it will be tougher. Try the Laser Beam Knee Drill Video.
August 18, 2020
Should it really feel like you're throwing a baseball provided we don't slide the hip too far to the right and past the right knee? I would think it would be hard to get back to the left side in transition?
May 11, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Yes, but without excessive slide/movement. You must maintain trail hip line. Take a look at Weight Shift Part 2 Video.
May 12, 2020
In a nutshell, maintain primary tilt so you can swing under your chest?
August 1, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. More than just that. Maintaining tilt allows you to reach full rotation by keeping the spine more in neutral and also helps facilitate proper weight transfer. Take a look at How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot Video.
August 1, 2019
Hi, I noticed my head moved about 2 inches when I tried to get the necktie hang straight down at the top of backswing. Is it because I did not set up with axis tilt?
November 15, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alpha. Could be a few things. Lack of proper tilt, breaking the trail hip line (Weight Shift Video Part 2), or Pushing with the Left Side (Head Moving off the Ball Video). Take a look at How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot Video.
November 15, 2018
I am confused with the axis tilt how you are suppose to “maintain it” thru thebackswing. As instructed in the set up axis tilt is a right bend of around 7degrees which drops the right shoulder below the left at address. If I where to maintain that tilt throughout the rotation back then my right shoulder should still be below the left when the rotation is complete. As we all know it is in fact the exact opposite where the right is higher than the left at the top for chuck. the necktie is hanging off the chest due to front spine bend not right lateral bend (axis tilt). At the top the position of chuck and all pros is a left side bend which is the opposite of the axis tilt direction at set up. Please explain.
September 7, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. If you are rotating around the spine the trail shoulder won't be below the lead when reaching the top. Take a look at the Golf Backswing Shoulder Plane Drill. This should clear up the issue.
September 7, 2018
Thanks for the reply. This video shows chuck staring out with a flat shoulder, not a 7 degree axis tilt of a dropped right shoulder. Why? Although I understand the spine tilt and shoulder relationship in this video (I’m a 4.5 handicap) I guess I’m just wondering how it’s possible to “maintain your address axis tilt to the top” (7 degree right bend) but also have your shoulder plane pointing at the ball at the top. the only way that is possible is to have your right shoulder higher than the left. therefore, in now way have you “maintained your axis tilt at address” This seems like a case of misplaced words. What seem to be what he is trying to say is “maintain you spine angle/tilt” to the top.
September 7, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. Chuck has a slight amount of tilt in the beginning. You will lose some axis tilt as you reach the top due to weight shift. But, your goal is to maintain as much axis tilt as possible and spine angle while rotating. The trail shoulder will be higher than the lead when fully rotated, but your tilt angle shouldn't be vertical or leaning towards the target like (How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot Video). You start with a lot of tilt, but will lose some of it too a degree. I hope this answers your question. Happy to help if it does not. You are rotating the shoulders around the spine. You are trying to maintain as much of address axis tilt as possible. You won't retain all due to shifting, but the end result should be shoulders on their plane and the axis leaning slightly away from the target.
September 7, 2018
I'm struggling with the same issue. If I want to maintain axis tilt where neck tie will hang freely, I will loose my shoulder tilt, my left shoulder will still be a bit lower than my right but not as much as in the beginning. If I want my lead shoulder to maintain its lower position, than the neck tie will not hang complete loose. Which is more important to maintain? Thanks a lot! Gr, Ton
September 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. You must maintain axis tilt. If the upper half leans towards the target and the spine starts to be more unstable it will have a big affect on swing plane. It depends how much you are losing the shoulder plane. It may tend to flatten slightly and depending on one's build the tie may not hang as freely.
September 12, 2019
Is it safe to say the necktie: 1) At address is centre of my stance. 2) Top of swing, weight shift brings the necktie inside of trail leg. 3) In transition, the necktie gets closer to the ground due to the Squat Move. 4) Weight goes to front leg- Necktie returns to centre of stance at impact Just wondering if I should try to get the nekcktie moving DOWN before returning Forward.
November 17, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jay. I don't want you trying to aim the necktie, but moving the body properly to allow the necktie to work through the positions. Roughly center of the stance, should hang freely over the inside of the trail knee, will slightly lower, and back to center. You shouldn't try to move the necktie down. I don't want you increasing vertical hinge by pushing the spine down. If it drops slightly due to the lower half shifting/squatting that is okay.
November 17, 2017
Hi Craig. Thanks, got it. A question. You say I need to stand taller/more upright. The only way I can see to do that is to stand closer to the ball, then I start shanking it. How should I get taller without getting closer to the ball?
April 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martyn. Slightly taller and getting the chin/hand line better. 1) Don't over do it and get too tall. 2) If the setup is correct. From the new position the shank (with your particular swing) is probably caused more by your early extension into the ball versus being taller at setup. You have the tendency to dive into the ball and the old setup allowed you to get away with that particular error.
April 16, 2017
Thanks Craig. Try as I might, I just can't get taller. I'm using a 7 iron in the video clip. Is it too short? Also, perhaps the lie is wrong and I need it knocked down a little. That club angle is correct for the lie. Does the angle of the club at set up look correct to you?
April 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martyn. I didn't check the lie and angles. I will do my best in the next review to button it up. Stay where you are comfortable currently and we will try to get this ironed out.
April 20, 2017
Will do, thanks Craig.
April 20, 2017
Hi Craig. Could you possibly repost my last swing review? I mistakenly uploaded the same one twice, and I hear your commentary on both - they both play together so your voice is all jumbled. Also the video doesn't actually play. It's frozen on the first frame. Am watching in Swing Academy. Thanks!
April 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martyn. I tried to correct any issues on my end. It is playing correctly. Try logging out and back in. Then, playing the link that I am going to send you in an email right now.
April 15, 2017
Hi, just began the program . Not sure of the logistics to send my swing videos in. Also, at the top of my backswing, I attempt to bow my left wrist, which appears to create better squaring of face at impact. Does this happen naturally or must I consciously create this? My mentor suggested your program and couldn't be more pleased. Lee
January 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lee. For the swing review system all you will need to do is upload a (less than 30 sec) clip from Face On and Down the Line. Take a look at Proper Camera Setup for more details. Then, click the Swing Reviews Tab --> Get a Swing Review --> Upload. The lead wrist should be flat at the top of the backswing. Yes, a little bow would help squaring the face coming down in the strike. But, flat is ideal. Take a look at Using the Wrist Effectively and Efficiently. It should be a more natural motion. I am glad you are pleased with the site.
January 6, 2017
Why is it that i feel i reverse pivot more on shots inside of 80m than i do with the longer shots? If i try to load more on the shorter shots i end up chunking the ball. Thanks.
November 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Shorter shots are geared more towards staying stable with the lower half. Using upper half rotation more with quieter arms and softer release with the hands. So, you feel less weight transfer and big coil with the upper half.
November 14, 2016
I couldn't help but notice how your head moves away from the ball. I always thought a steady head is a fundamental in the swing. Please comment
July 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Ah, but first ask yourself if moving the head is a fundamental of the golf swing? (The True Fundamentals of the Golf Swing Video). The head will move a little in the golf swing. The head is connected to the body and therefore with weight shift will have to move. Don't think I am giving you free reigns to shift the head 2 feet, but it will move roughly an inch in the backswing.
July 23, 2016
how much tension should you feel in your trail glute when doing this drill properly. I feel as if my glute is to loaded up. Is this normal? Either that or I haven't been loading my body correctly this whole time to feel it.
May 2, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
You should feel a good amount of load in the glute for sure. Yes, this is normal and glad to hear that you are getting things loaded up correctly now.
May 2, 2016
I have a question concerning reverse pivoting. I have been working on and improving my RP for quite some time and now there is just a slight bit of target tilt. I take a lot of videos to try and make the moves look perfect but towards the top of most swing it appears that my right shoulder is getting over worked, or coming out of the box, or trying to get to much rotation thus causing that last bit of tilt. I've watch a few videos that sort of address this issue like Left Should Push in the Backswing and RP Faults and FIx. My question is can you be overactive with the right side and run into a RP problem. Thanks for you insights
January 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Yes, you can try to over rotate or what I call "shoulder blade wrenching" which can change your tilt. Chuck discusses it briefly in the Winter Backswing Video. If you pull too hard and much with the blade down/in you can lose tilt. Just realize the blade can only move a few inches. It doesn't take max strain to create a tiny movement to allow for rotation.
January 4, 2016
Hi, my arms often catch on the tie in the take away. Am I set up incorrectly? Thanks for your help.
December 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. You could be hinged forward from the hips too much or moving the arms laterally across the chest.
December 8, 2015
Hi, The link above titled 'Neck Tie Drill to Get Rid of Reverse Pivot' mentions the 'Body Drill' and 'Rotary Drill' I've searched for both and cannot seem to locate them. Please can you point me in the rite direction?
September 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jonathan. Those videos are no longer on the site as they where linked to an older version of RST. If you are struggling with the Reverse Pivot. I would check out the 5 Step Process to Fixing Golf Swing Flaws.
September 28, 2015
I had my swing reviewed and the instructor suggested I do this drill because my upper body is leaning towards the target at the top. My understanding in doing this correctly is to maintain my spine angle going back and not to stand up correct? How do I get the necktie to hang over my right leg and not move off the ball? I think the big part of my error maybe is that I think I need to stay centered on the backswing but in reality this promotes my upper body to lean over towards the target, correct? Thanks! Mike
July 2, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Mike- to get the tie to hang over your right leg and not move off the ball we need to pull back with the right shoulder blade. Now in reality there is going to be a little movement off the ball into the right leg but the right shoulder blade glide movement helps prevent as much lateral movement off the ball as possible. It is when we start pushing from the lead side that we shift off the ball and lose our centered position. just remember pull not push
July 2, 2015
When doing this drill, where should I feel tension/flexion of muscles?
May 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Anthony. You should feel coiled. The trail shoulder in the box and engaged. The trail glute loaded and the trail oblique feeling the torque.
May 2, 2015
Should there be any tension in the right quad/inner thigh at any point? In swinging my "old way" i had a good bit of tension in this area? Also, I should feel my weight in my heel/over my ankle, correct?
May 5, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Anthony. The weight will be in the heel/ankle and the glute should be loaded. You will feel a little tension in the inner thigh area, but it shouldn't be overly stressed.
May 5, 2015
in my backswing when I reach the top I cant see the ball can you tell me know the cause and how I can change it?
January 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jeff. What is blocking your view? Lead shoulder, arm, or is it head movement away?
January 24, 2015
lead shoulder
January 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Start with Golf Backswing Shoulder Plane Drill Video.
January 28, 2019
Just a Great Drill for everyone. Is this drill a good example for explaining how you get out of the box and start using the incorrect muscles in the rectangle?
November 7, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. Yes, this will help with using the incorrect rectangle muscles. Usually, a player that tilts the shoulders and spine will start to engage muscles not necessary to complete the backswing.
November 7, 2014
Thank you Mr. Maes!!! I will do as you instruct! Thank you again.. Shaun Robinson
August 15, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shaun. Will pass the good word. Thanks for the good feedback!
August 16, 2014
Hey guys I just started working on this drill and I just want to know if I should feel that my body weight shifts to the right and I should feel a little behind the ball to help my hips bump back forward on my downswing. Doing the drill I feel a drastic change and I am hitting it more consistent but I just want to know what I should be feeling more.
July 20, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. You will feel loaded on the right side. The back away form the target. Right glute engaged. Maybe a touch behind it. The key for this drillsis don't lose or add more axis tilt than at address. Make sure at address your axis tilt is correct and maintain it to the top.
July 20, 2014
Hey guys I have been working on this drill a lot and it has been really helpful in getting me into the correct position at the top of my back swing. When I have been doing this drill and checking with video I have been in good position but I have been letting my left foot come off the ground about half an inch or so. I also feel like it helps my transition a lot really being able to transfer weight. But I guess I just want to no if that's a bad thing to start doing. Usually when something feels good to me it's wrong. Anyway guys thanks for the videos and all the help I'm definetly improving.
May 27, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Try to make sure that the weight never shifts forward of the the knot in your shoelaces in either foot during any part of the weight shift sequence. This will ensure pelvic stability which is critical.
May 27, 2014
Maybe the best video on this site. Keeps flex in your legs, especially the right knee flexed at the top AND at impact. I like to think of this as "covering" the ball at impact, once you keep your posture and get this athletic move into the ball you can really feel how a golfer uses his big leg muscles to create easy power.
May 20, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
It is a great video for sure and really gives people the correct feeling of creating a post and rotating properly. Glad you enjoyed it!
May 21, 2014
Just an FYI, the audio mutes from about 2:34 to 2:38 in this video. I've run this video on three separate machines (and those being on three separate internet connections) and it's been the same every time. Four seconds isn't much, but thought you should know.
April 13, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Craig, thanks for bringing that to our attention. We will work to get another edit put together for the site.
April 13, 2014

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