Who Cares What Tour Pros Do?

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Everyone wants to swing like their favorite golf touring pro, but should you? This video explains why that path might not be the wisest to go down.

  Hey, guys. Chuck Quinton here, founder of Rotary Swing. I want to answer a question that I get asked all the time via email or even in the questions in the forum about this tour pro does this and this tour pro does this and so on, and Rotary Swing says do something different. I'm going to give you a really simple answer to this, then I'm going to explain it in just a moment, but my simple answer to that is, I couldn't care less how any tour pro swings a club, period.
                    Now, that may sound really strange for a second because as a golf professional and a former professional golfer myself, you would think that looking at the top-level players of the day is what you look at as a guide to how to swing the club, but that's exactly the problem with the golf industry in general because all we're doing is taking whoever's at the top today, which will be different tomorrow, and saying, "Well, Jordan Spieth swings like this, so we need to copy his moves, and Rory McIlroy swings like this. We need to copy his moves." They have nothing to do with each other. "Tiger Woods swings like this. Maybe we should copy him. XYZ player five years from now swings like this, he's the swing model."
                    How crazy and schizophrenic does that sound to change your golf swing every single time a new tour player comes out who's on top of the money list? That's insane. Absolutely berserk, and it's the dog getting wagged by his tail. We need to be the dog wagging the tail. The body is the centric motion of Rotary Swing that determines how you should swing a golf club, and that's all determined by your anatomy, biomechanics, and physics. That's how Rotary Swing works, and that's why almost every tour pro uses the fundamentals in some form or another more than any other swing method combined, but they all have their own variations of the swing because they have compensations in there that they're working from.
                    Jordan Spieth, how many guys do you see like this at impact? This isn't a very ideal move to be up on side of your left shoe. It's not powerful at all. Imagine trying to do a squat on the side of your foot. Doesn't make any sense. It's from a right-side push that he has in his swing that's a really bad habit, will eventually probably lead to some sort of fatigue or injury from chronic overuse and putting his body in an incorrect position.
                    Did you realize that over 80% of the tour pros on the planet will miss about eight to nine weeks of play because of a golf swing-related injury? Think about that for a second. Two months, no work, no pay because they've hurt themselves hitting a ball with a stick. Yup, I say that to sound kind of ridiculous because it really is. You should never, ever get hurt or feel pain swinging a golf club. This thing doesn't weigh very much. That ball definitely doesn't weigh very much, so why are you working so hard to hit this little ball that weighs an ounce and a half? If you're working hard, you're doing it wrong.
                    Rotary Swing doesn't look at every single tour pro because we already know that four out of these five guys is going to get injured. We don't want you to get injured. You should be able to play injury and pain-free golf for the rest of your life. In fact, you should be able to play 18 holes and feel like, "You know what? I feel pretty good. Didn't really work that hard. This Rotary Swing stuff really works, releasing the club with no power. Let's go play another 18," and have the energy to do so. If not, then you need to pay attention because you're doing something wrong.
                    At the end of the day, Rotary Swing doesn't care how XYZ tour player swing because that's the problem with the industry. You're just going to go chase one top player after another after another after another. They all come and go. Think about it. Bobby Jones, best player that was there. Who swings like Bobby Jones today? Zero. Jack Nicklaus, awesome golfer. One of the best of all time, probably the best of all time. Who swings like Jack Nicklaus today? Nobody. Ben Hogan, maybe one or two guys kind of swing like Ben Hogan.
                    You can't chase these random guys who hit enough balls to figure out a way to make it work with all the compensatory moves. The most efficient way is based on your how body is designed to move, and we're all built the same way, which means, yup, I'm going to say it, we should all swing the exact same way. Your bicep tendon attaches in the exact same place my bicep tendon attaches. You have the exact same set of muscles, the same bones, the same joints, and you can do these extremely simple moves that Rotary Swing's asking you to do. How hard is that?
                    My swing works because it's efficient. I can play all day because it's efficient. I'm working with how my body's designed to move. I'm not chasing some random tour pro who's going to be gone tomorrow. Tell me, apart from Tiger Woods, who is the tour pro that you still copy today? Ernie Els was awesome when I was in high school and college. Who copies Ernie Els' swing today? Nobody. Ben Hogan, all of these things come and go, but the one thing that would last and stand the test of time is fundamentals based on science, and that's what Rotary Swing's all about.
                    When you ask me who's the best Rotary Swing Tour guy out there or how come you don't copy Jordan Spieth's move here doing this? That's your answer. We don't care how they swing. We're teaching you how to swing the way that you were designed to swing, the way your body's engineered to move, and we're going to teach you how to do it the most powerful, safest, and efficient way, and that's what Rotary Swing Tour is all about.

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I really have to say that, so far, Rotary Swing has helped my golf game more in one month than any other period of time in my short golfing career. If the golf swing was a puzzle, Rotary Swing is a manual showing which pieces go where, and why each piece fits the way it does. I went from shooting in the 100s+ to shooting an 85 today, and it hit me as I was walking to my car to how little pain I felt and how much energy I had left after the round. I'm starting to get the body movements consistently, but still struggle with releasing the club. I was looking around on the internet and noticed a lot of coaches teaching to bow the lead wrist from the takeaway, backswing and even more on the downswing because xyz top pros are doing it today. Doing so requires much more body rotation at impact, and I'm assuming more damage in the long run. Trying a few practice swings that way left me feeling the same post impact position as your '5 minutes to a perfect release' video drills. Seems like a ton of more effort to get the arms/wrists/club into the same position. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the bowed lead wrist trend or if it would be worth working into a Rotary Swing? Thanks! Chris
August 17, 2020
Michael (Certified RST Instructor)
Have a look at "Left Arm in the Golf Downswing (LADD)" to see how the arm and wrist work on the way down.
August 18, 2020
Michael (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Christopher, happy to hear you starting to post great scores. Keep it up and you will break 80 no problem. In regards of the bowed wrist it's the same as the video refers to. Just because some top pro's are doing it today doesn't mean everyone needs to start doing it. Are bowed lead wrist will close the club face and that is why you see all the players with the bowed wrist is rotating aggressive through the ball in order to keep the ball from going left.
August 18, 2020
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
For three days now I listen to the commentators at the Scottish Open and 3 days in a row they tell, us viewers, that we MUST go to youtube and see the videos of Matthew Wolff's swing BECAUSE this will be the new "standard" swing we all have to learn. His technique will give you so much more distance and is the new way to win in golf!! Wonder how many golfers will believe these "expert" commentators and make this mistake! Marcel
July 13, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. Matthew is a great player and has lots of distance. His teacher George also follows some unorthodox methods that work for him. However, my body kinda says "ouch" when I see some of the positions. Nevertheless, fun to watch and we all wish him the best here.
July 13, 2019
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank you Craig! For sure Matthew must be a very talented player, you must be to master this technique where you need to be able to make several compensations during the swing to get his speed and distance. What worries me is what this will do to his (long term) health. For myself this brings the question where in my coaching/teaching task is the health priority placed? Should that not be a top priority for me as a coach? In RST health is build in in the system, if you do it well. Knowing that gives safety for both myself and my clients.
July 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. Exactly. I want my students to play great golf, but not at the cost of their body. Life is too short to be in pain from hitting a stick and a ball for fun (or, money). But, that is some of the issue. There is a lot of money to be made in the golf world. And, the game has been centered more around distance the past decade. Players can make a lot of money fast with the long ball. But, over time it comes as a cost to their body.
July 14, 2019
Chuck, That above segment, has the most important fundamental comments that I have heard explaining the golf swing. Yes we are built the same and yes we should all swing the same, if we had of been instructed correctly when starting our golfing journey!!!!!!, but alias for most of us we have had firstly the natural method of learning mostly without instruction (what feels natural possibly not correct) and then we have built our poor swing moves on that. Thank you RTS for the tools to teaching of the pure golf swing, it has taken me two years of the RTS teaching method to mostly correct the bad swing faults of my game, to a point where my swing is now close to what i feel is within the realms of acceptability, but having said that I still have a way to go to be completely happy. Keep up the great work, those who have not found the RTS system will IMO always like me before, will struggle in their endeavours to play with a swing they can trust. Ken
February 21, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ken. Thanks you for the great compliments on the video and RST. We appreciate the opportunity to help you elevate your game and teach you the proper way to swing a club. Hang in there. It is a journey, but one that has a worth while destination.
February 21, 2018
Hi Chuck, so when i take my 'new swing' on the course, i find that i forget how much weight shift there needs to be...every couple of holes, i leave the driver way right or a big slice. can you help me figure it out? Raj
February 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Raj. The key would be figuring out why your face is open. There are a lot of factors that can lead to the open face. You can always do a modified version of the Weight Shift Sweep Drills while playing and making your practice swings to keep reinforcing movement of weight.
February 19, 2018
Seems more Tour players today are getting hurt that generations past. Because of more torque today in the power players? Chuck, can you do some video overlays (like NBC is doing w/the Olympics skiing events). Take a Justin Thomas and overlay or compare to Nick Faldo. For 1- I'm curious how much the swing is different today than in past Tour players 2- do a short video showing how RS is different and risk averse to injury Thanks
February 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. I can always ask the team if there is a way to do an overlay.
February 19, 2018
So are there any top pros we can look upto who follow some sort of Rotary swing basics?
February 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Pradosh. All good pros have concepts of Rotary in their swing. You don't need to latch onto one guy and just try to swing like them. Study the RST Concepts. You will see bits and components that all of them use.
February 19, 2018
Chuck, Unfortunately, i cannot say that Im your best student I wish i was. I wish i had the time and discipline to dedicate so I could be "that guy". I do agree with your teaching or maybe i should say learn from your lessons and am totally sold on your methodology. I have a much better understanding of what works and I do put RST into all of my efforts. I just wanted to say that every once in a while I watch one of your videos that really hits home for me, and usually it is about a movement or a position that i only "get it" after one of your other fundamentals has actually been ingrained and now suddenly works. Although this video is not about what or how to perform and is more geared towards the why/why not, this is one of of the most powerful to me and one of my favorites! This 5 min video has renewed my excitement and I am ready to dedicate more time and effort into getting better with the tools that you have shared with me. Thanks so much. Love RST from Milton Massachusetts
February 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. We appreciate the post and positive feedback on the video. Glad to hear about your renewed excitement and we were able to pull you back in.
February 19, 2018
that's a great statement Chuck, fully agree, regards from Vienna, Austria, Gerhard
February 18, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Gerhard. Appreciate the post.
February 18, 2018
Thanks Chuck I appreciate everything that you discussed in your video it makes so much sense I was one of those golfers who has been looking a girl swings since I started back in 87 I wasn't taught the correct way due to the fact of the price of taking lessons again I've been working hard with the new swing that you've been teaching for at least a month the first time I went in the backyard and test it out the one on swing from 9 to 3 I was so impressed and hit the ball straight and what I was aiming at and I've been working hard every since I do apologize for not putting down my reps the way I should but the importance of learning, I'm so excited did how I'm hitting the ball I haven't yet mastered the moves completely but I'm still working at it thank you so much chuck you and everyone is helping you from your team of teachers thanks again to everyone including your wonderful wife who has so much patience work with the technical Part, thanks again to everyone on your team Chuck I'm so thankful and I thank God so much for you chunk and now imI really tyring to enjoy my golf journey the way it's supposed to be enjoyed having fun by learning and taking your game from The practice tee to the Plainfield with my friends thanks again God bless you and your team JJ later.
January 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. Such kind words for RST. Chuck and the team can't thank you enough for the compliments. We are glad to hear your game is moving in the right direction and you are learning how to properly swing the club. Please remember the swing review team, forum and videos are always here to help along your journey if you have any questions.
January 27, 2019

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