Matt Jones Golf Swing Analysis

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In this video, I’ll show you 3 essential swing moves required for a consistent, on-plane swing. You’ll see a side-by-side swing comparison between PGA winner Matt Jones and RST founder Chuck Quinton to demonstrate the 3 moves and how swinging off plane requires unneeded compensations. Get the consistency you crave. Check out this video now to stay on plane!

  • Focus on ingraining body movements to create a swing plane
  • REF = Rotation, Elevation, Flexion
  • Prioritize the swing properly for consistent golf

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Is there any videos of chuck full swing on the site down the line? I am getting disconnected at the top of my swing and would like to see a comparison to his amount of body turn and elevation.
January 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. If you use the Self Analysis Tab at the top of the page. You can compare your swing to Chuck's using the swing viewer.
January 20, 2016
OK, I found the Hip bump axis tilt video. Thanks, Tim! You want me to turn my chest as far away & behind the ball as possible? Won't that "Pull me off the ball"?
April 16, 2014
Thanks, Tim! You're saying to turn my chest as far away & behind the ball as possible to start my swing? Could you explain the Hip bump axis tilt? Any videos? Thanks, Again!
April 15, 2014
Thanks, Tim! One other problem my pro informed me that my head was way ahead of the ball at impact. Any drills to fix this? I'm Working with my pro on starting my swing from the impact position with my weight on the inside of my left foot & my left hip turned out of the way. I still have way too much head movement, though, in my swing. Thanks!
April 14, 2014
Tim (Certified RST Instructor)
Greg, when the head gets in front of the ball it is usually because the upper body is not separating enough from the lower body. Many times we can trace this all the way back to the set up position. The Hip bump axis tilt is something that I would like to see you exaggerate to help feel the separation. Starting from impact can be very helpful. With your weight on the inside of your left foot and your hips cleared out of the way, try to get your head/chest as far back behind the ball as possible. Your right shoulder will feel very low, but this is fine to help exaggerate the feeling. It won't be that far back and down when you actually swing. Most players have no idea what a good impact position should actually feel like, so you are definitely on the right track. Good luck and let me know if that helps.
April 15, 2014
Thanks, Tim! You're saying to turn my chest as far away & behind the ball as possible to start my swing? Could you explain the Hip bump axis tilt? Any videos? Thanks, Again!
April 15, 2014
Tim (Certified RST Instructor)
In the set up section of the new site, there is a video titled Hip Bump/Axis Tilt. Most players breeze right by this one and it is truly one of the most important fundamentals of the golf swing. Turn on your TV and every tour pro on the planet will be in this set up position and then go out to your local golf course and very few amateurs are in this correct set up position. There swing has basically no chance to succeed before it even starts.
April 16, 2014
Tim (Certified RST Instructor)
Greg, you basically answered your own question here. It is just the upper right part of the bicep that stays connected to the right pec. This will definitely feel very restricted from what you are used to. Making changes to your golf swing will never be something that feels comfortable. You can actually use that to your advantage as a feedback tool. As you practice more and improve, the stiff and restricted feeling will lessen. The result is usually a much better upper body turn because your arms are much less active.
April 14, 2014
Thanks, Tim! I just took a lesson from my club pro & he definitely said I was over using my arms & wrists. We worked with the 9-3 drill & that definitely helps. Not something I'm used to after swinging with my arms the past 40 years.
April 14, 2014
You mentioned the right elbow "Connected" to the Pec in the backswing. How much of the right arm stays connected to the pec throughout the swing? I hit the ball better staying connected with my upper right arm, but I feel too stiff & restricted. Thanks!
April 12, 2014

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