Frisbee Drill for Sequencing Downswing

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If you struggle with weight shift and creating lag in your swing, this video will help you learn the natural motion of the weight shift in the golf swing. This drill also helps you eliminate early extension as you learn to initiate the golf downswing from the lead side of the body. To make things simple, you'll begin to think of the golf swing as if you're throwing a frisbee with your left hand.

  • Weight shift is critical for creating and maintaining lag in the golf swing
  • Shifting your weight is easy when you relate it to something as simple as throwing a frisbee
  • Your lead hand must be in control of the club, not your trailing hand
  • Soft wrists with a good weight will help you produce tons of lag
  • If you struggle still, take your right hand completely off the club and make sure you don't push against the shaft with your left thumb

The golf swing is a lead side dominant movement that is a challenge for most golfers. Learning the golf swing requires a step-by-step detailed approach because most golfers are right handed yet the golf club is actually controlled by the left the side of the body. In fact most, most of the common golf swing flaws can actually be traced back to incorrect movement from the right side of the body.

Early extension in the golf downswing is most commonly caused by pushing too hard off the right leg, which moves the pelvis into the ball and causes you to stand up out of your golf posture. If you move from the left side of the body by pushing the left hip out of the way with the left leg and pulling with the left oblique, it actually causes you to increase your spine angle, or at a minimum, maintain it. 

In this golf instruction video, I give you a simple drill that will make not only learning how to sequence the downswing easy, but even fun! This golf swing drill can be used anywhere, any time, you can even practice while you're on your next conference call in the office! 

If you're like the typical golfer, one of these three frames looks like you in the downswing. You probably relate to this where you're losing this lag angle, you're losing lag, you're casting the club, all the same thing. As you come down at impact, you have no leverage to hit with. It's not a very effective way to hit a golf ball, it's what most amateurs do and it's why most amateurs struggle with golf.

                The cool thing is, it's incredibly easy to fix. I'm gonna show you just with three examples here how easy it is when you use a couple simple drills that I'm gonna give you, how to create a tremendous amount of lag even having way too much lag, which will probably sound like a dream come true to you. But it's very very easy to do when you follow the rotary swing tour mechanics.

                I'm gonna start with our golfer on the top left here. Let's go back to the top of his swing. As he starts to come down, his weight shift and everything's pretty lazy and he starts using his right arm and his right wrist and his left thumb to push against the shaft. As he does that, he starts scooping into the ball, he has no lag left here at all. Now, let's walk through a couple little drills that we're gonna use to get rid of this issue. Now, I take his right hand off the club and watch what happens. Notice this nice little down cog here.

                Now if you compare these two from where he started, we'll move him over here for a second. Walking back to where he's casting the club about halfway down, when his hands are right about the height of his belt or so, and notice the two different angles. He's got way more lag here and all I did was have him stop pushing against his shaft with his left thumb, took his right arm out of it, told him to soften up his left wrist. Now as he comes down, look at how much more lag he has compared to here, where he's doing what every golfer on the planet does, they use their dominant arm to start throwing the club out at the ball.

                It doesn't work like that. Your golf swing, any golf swing, a proper golf swing is lead arm dominant. Now as we put our right arm back on the club and focus on still feeling 100% left arm, notice how even this golfer in his 70s can still have a tremendous amount of lag coming down on impact and actually have some leverage left here to hit with. No matter how old you are, you can have a tremendous amount of lag following these simple drills I'm gonna give you.

                Take another player over here. Former collegiate NCAA division one golfer. Took some lessons, over time lost his way. Now look how much he's scooping the club head at impact, starting to really drive hard with that right side. Right arm, right wrist, left thumb pushing against the shaft. We give him one simple little drill, he takes the right arm off, he shifts his weight, bam look at the difference. We go from no lag here when his hands are at the height of his pocket, to more lag than he knows what to do with. This is way too much lag. I took his left thumb off the shaft completely here because he wanted to continue to push against the shaft with his thumb. As I do that, that gives you an extreme amount of lag, too much lag. But still, if you've never had any lag, getting into this position is something that's not even fathomable to you and it's very easy to do.

                Another golfer here, spinning his shoulders, really driving hard with his right arm, right shoulder, trying to inefficiently get power out of his swing. He gets into that big old scoopy motion coming into impact, he tries to help it up with the right arm, see the big old chicken wing, it's all right arm push here that's causing that. We'll move his swing over here. Showing all that loss of lag, I take his right arm off, relax the left thumb, soften up the wrist. Now look. Massive difference, notice how his shoulders are now closed, his right shoulder is still back here behind his head instead of opening up because he's pushing from the right side. If you haven't watched the rotary swing tour push vs. pull video, it's gonna help you understand all of this terminology dramatically.

                Now look at the difference in just before impact. As he's getting into the hitting area, he's lost all of his leverage here. He has to scoop, now all he has to do is soften up and release. He's in a perfect impact position there. If you want to get nutty with it, this is me demonstrating to a student how extreme you can get when you really soften up your wrists, focus on your weight shift as you start back at down cock coming down, now notice how much leverage I have coming down into half way into the downswing, I've got a lot of load on that shaft. My wrists are soft, I'm simply not pushing against the shaft. I'm using my hips and my core to start bringing the club down while my wrists are soft. Now this is lag for days and then I can release with a tremendous amount of leverage into impact.

                If you'd like to have this kind of leverage and understand how to do this, click over now to watch the second part of the video where I'm gonna give you a really cool, very simple drill that's gonna make creating lag like this really really easy to do.

                Okay, in the first part of the video, you saw how all of my students are picking up ridiculous amounts of lag in just one swing. What's the secret to this? Honestly it's incredibly simple, it's all about just doing those small things correctly. I'm gonna teach you how to do that with a frisbee. What I want you to do pick up a frisbee, and I want you to use your dominant hand. If you're right handed, use your right hand. I want you just to throw it back and forth to a partner or just throw it and go out there and chase it if you don't have anybody to play with you. I want you to pay attention to how you naturally sequence this movement. What most of us are all going to do, even if you're not some expert frisbee thrower, is you're gonna start with your weight on your back foot. You're gonna externally rotate your leg to point it down the target. You're going to then transfer your weight and rotate your hips to the target, and then release the frisbee with your wrist being soft.

                Pretty much everybody's gonna do that really well. Nobody's going to throw it off their back foot or spin their hips or shoulders as fast as they can or keep their wrist really locked in and their arms really tight to their body. It doesn't make any sense. No more does it make any sense in the golf swing. You have to realize that this basic motion of weight transfer, pivoting and releasing late with soft wrists is the essence of the golf swing.

                Here's the catch. It's the other hand, your less coordinated hand in most cases, that does this motion. Once you get comfortable, transfer your weight, pivoting, throwing the frisbee with your right hand. Now take your less coordinated left hand and do the same thing. If you're playing golf as a right handed golfer, it's the lead arm that does the majority of the work in the swing with your body. Now, same thing, I'm gonna shift my weight to my right foot. Externally rotate my left leg, transfer my weight and as I do that, I'm pivoting my hip. My wrist stays nice and soft and it's my hip turn that brings my shoulders around. I don't turn my shoulders, and I don't move my arm without moving my body. I move my hips first, then release the frisbee.

                Guess what, that's exactly how you swing a golf club. That's how I get my students to create a lot of lag. Take their right hand off the club, have them focus on using their body and weight shift while keeping their wrists soft, voila. That's all it takes to be able to create all of the crazy lag you're seeing in these videos. Now, the trick is to take this frisbee and relate it because now we're throwing it out away from us, or down the target line, but the trick is in golf, our release point is actually down here. We want to release all of our energy here, not keep turning through.

                What we've got to do now is take the same frisbee, we're gonna make this more like our golf swing now. Now I'm gonna turn back, I'm gonna transfer my weight to my right. I'm gonna transfer my weight back to my left. As I start posting up on that left leg, release the frisbee down where the ball would be. Again, back, transfer my weight, pivot my hips, release the frisbee down. Notice that my shoulders are pointing at you, my belt buckle's about 45 degrees open or so, and I've released everything here. Notice that I didn't keep turning. That's when you're moving from the wrong muscles. If you're moving from up top in the rectangle, using your shoulders and your chest to try and hit the golf ball, you're gonna have this nice chicken wing, your arms are gonna be really short at impact. You want your arms to be wide in the release, so you create a wide radius for your swing, which is gonna give you more speed with less effort.

                Practicing with a frisbee and throwing it down at the ground will help you tremendously understanding how to shift your weight. If you struggle at first doing it with the left arm, it's a little challenging if you're not used to that. Pretend that you're a left handed golfer for a second. Rotate back, shift your weight over, shift your weight back, post up as you pivot on that hip and throw the frisbee down with your right hand. As you do that, you'll start to get the feeling of moving your weight again and how soft your wrist wants to be as you post up.

                Now go back to the left side, same thing. Now you're starting to get the feeling of moving your weight, letting your lower body wake up because it's probably been frozen in sand for a while. Keeping your wrist really soft, don't push against the frisbee with your thumb, that's kind of how we'd want to do in a golf swing. We wouldn't push against the shaft, you want to relax that thumb, keep your wrist really soft and supple. As you focus on transferring your weight first, the club will bend your wrist back. That's how you create lag during the downswing. That down cocking motion is created from your weight transfer. You must shift your weight, keep your wrists nice and soft, pretend like you're throwing a frisbee and you'll start to get the big picture of how a golf swing really works.

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Hey Craig, I used to be a SideArm baseball pitcher back in high school. If I feel like I’m throwing the ball side arm, that sequence when my hips shift back to the left if my head stays back, is that creating a certain amount of side spin that shallows the club down into the slot by itself? And then I release keeping my right foot on the ground right? I’m just so afraid I’m going to spin my hips out.
May 4, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nathan. If using the trail arm then yes. But, that would be more of the push release. Take a look at Overview of Push Release and the Tape Drill. Axiom talks about this as well. In a lead side swing the trail foot would need to be more passive as you describe.
May 5, 2021
I have been a good student and did not watch ahead...l I finally got to this video...God...this was the best video that I have ever watched for the past 30 years... it was so simple to understand what a real golf swing will feel like... to 'keep/create' the lag, thanks Chuck, can't wait to practice it every day..
March 1, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome Sonny. Thanks for the compliments and sharing. Keep us posted on the good results!
March 1, 2021
Hi Craig. Should I keep my arms connected to my body through impact (armpits tight) or should my arms fly by independent from my core or bidy
October 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. You will still have some connection the the upper bicep/upper pectoral region, but you shouldn't try a keep the arms glued. Let the club/arms release independently of the body.
October 8, 2020
One other thing Craig. I wanted to know if the release feels like pulling down with the left hand while rotating the left wrist passively counterclockwise
October 7, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. The big key is not to yank the arms down. But, feeling like the lead arm is pulling and allowing the forearm/wrist to rotate so the face squares is normal.
October 7, 2020
Hi Craig. Should I feel as if my arms come to a sudden stop or slow down at impact letting the club release in the hands or do the arms just fly by the stationary shoulders and hips
October 7, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Let the club fly by the stalled body. There will be natural momentum and you don't want to completely just stop the arm and flip the club.
October 7, 2020
Hey Chuck, when I do the role release it feels as if my left arm wants to fold at my left thigh as I roll my hands through the ball does that seem too early
September 9, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Take a look at Left Elbow Impact Alignment Video and Cure Chicken Wing Video. Sounds like some trail side push and a little bit of arm flip.
September 10, 2020
I sometimes practice going "1-and-2", with 1 for backswing, and for transition, 2 for post-up....helps stop me throwing...
September 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. A mantra to swing by is no problem. The key is that the legs are the start of the show during the process.
September 2, 2020
Struggling with site navigation; do you suggest going through Dead Drill steps first or go through all reference videos in order? Sometimes the dashboard comes up and other times not. When to do reps and note in rep tracker. Basically I am looking for a recommended path to follow for most effective learning. Thanks.
August 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randall. Follow through the DEAD Drill and use the reference videos a supplemental videos if you struggle with a certain aspect at master the primary drill.
August 30, 2020
This message is for Chris regarding the swing review request, I just submitted. The app did not give me the opportunity to make the comments with the review request this time. Chris- Previous review shoulders spun out from top cause not moving lower body ahead of arms and hands Realized that so many of Chuck’s videos focus on no hip spinning and the practice reinforced my shoulders,arms hands first swing with hips following that I developed from Toski’s book- “How to feel real golf swing “that emphasized arms hands swinging the club Went back to review Toski and he had suggested lower body is important in swing but push off with Right leg; I added a right leg push to the left lead slide and twist and think I have the open hips before arms cross body we were looking for in this review. Arms hands still do not look right to me as I move through impact but maybe cause letting right hand go off club. If I try to swing the handle, it only works if I leave right hand on club it appears. Rhythm -if I try to start downswing before downswing, I can get better rhythm but swing may break down before impact. At some point I hope to just think of core moving club.
August 23, 2020
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Stephen, thanks for passing this info over for your review. I will address your comments in the review after I see where the current swing shape is at. I will get to it as quickly as I can.
August 24, 2020
In practicing the weight shift, I get to the right side fine and feel the glute but after the turn back my post up leg , while straight feels pretty weightless, so my weight is not shifting I am assuming? I see that I am still casting in the mirror so some part of the weight shift is not happening. I have tried softening my hands as well.
July 5, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Allan. Take a look at the Two Club Drill Video. It will help with the casting and recruiting the body to help you move. Also, the Learn Perfect Weight Shift in Your Socks Video to help you shift better.
July 6, 2020
Hi Chuck, I have a question related to sequencing. I understand that you have to load your right hip in the back swing while your upper body stays passive. My specific question is when you start the downswing is it correct to actually feel you are going into a momentary reverse pivot to get on your left side while your upper body faces away from the target? From there I can turn through. Is this something to work on, or will it lead to bad habits?? Thanks, Maury ________________________________________
July 1, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Maury. You don't go into a momentary reverse pivot, but it can feel like you start falling into your lead side. Take a look at this video - Learn Perfect Weight Shift in Your Socks.
July 1, 2020
Thanks Graig, The video was very helpful. Sitting on your left side in transition is a great image/feel. That promotes the sense of pulling from the left lead side. In a recent lesson Chuck was working on getting a student to "push" his right hip around while maintaining his tush line. I found that confusing. Seems to me if you go squat to square by pulling from the left side the right side will follow automatically. After all the golf swing occurs in a fraction of a second so you can't be thing about too many things. Maury
July 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Maury. Exactly. The lead hip motion through will pull the trail around. Apologize for the confusion from Chuck's recent lesson.
July 2, 2020
Perhaps- i should be become a left-handed golfer since i'm so dominant with my right hand. At that point my 'strong' hand would become my lead side.
March 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Max. You could, but it may take much longer to rebuild. Straight wouldn't be the issue, but training kinematic sequence for power would be tough.
March 9, 2020
That was slightly said in jest. Thanks Craig. to more serious topics, since i began doing the RST system, i've noticed better ball flights (lower) and less pull hooks (my nemesis) but i also am not hitting the ball as far. e.g. 8i I can typically carry 150. Right now i am closer to 135 -140 tops. is this normal during the rebuild?
March 9, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Max. During the rebuild you will be much more manual about the swing process. When thinking and putting in newer movement patterns you will tend to lose some snap. But, once you don't have to be so manual about the components and can perform at pace without thought. You will be longer and straighter with less effort.
March 10, 2020
Something tells me this isn't a good lag position? What videos should i watch?
March 11, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Max. You need to get the leg work cleaned up first. Get your body working better. Step 2 - Core Rotation. Also, turn off the trail leg push to shy away from reverse C. Level Shoulders Drill.
March 11, 2020
Can you be more specific with your first point? How or what drills to clean up the legs.
March 11, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Max. Step 2 - Core Rotation Video will focus on the legs. You can see lack of post up on lead lack and early extension (push with trail). That video will help you sequence the legs better without the push.
March 11, 2020
Awesome! Thanks so much Craig.
March 11, 2020
I was able to feel a better weight shift by learning a dance move called the rock step (via You Tube)..I am certainly not a dancer, but seeing the move instantly made me think of my golf swing. If it worked for me, it might work for others. Concentrating on the lower body move also relaxed my upper body tension.
February 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joe. Thanks for the post. Always looking for innovative ways to improve the swing.
March 2, 2020
are we supposed to release the club down toward the ball as in the frisbee drill or more toward the target?
February 15, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The downward motion will happen automatically. You just make sure you don't impede the forearm rotation. However, the club will release down towards the ball.
February 15, 2020
When I do the 'left-arm-only' drill for a while and then try to mimic that into my two-arm swing, I find that my lag is textbook when my hands are before my trail leg, and I reach nice shaft lean at impact. My ball still goes sky high, however, because my shaft is bent forward, (see pic) effectively reducing my shaft lean to less then zero. Should I look for other shafts, or am I doing something wrong during the release?
February 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joost. That has more to due with actual frame rate of the camera. Watch your shoulder tilt (Level Shoulders Drill). Also, your glove logo is still facing a little bit towards the camera. Take a look at Knuckles Down Video. Work on a slight bow and turning down of the knuckles position.
February 8, 2020
Thanks Craig, took the Level Shoulders Drill to the range. I feel flattered to be pointed to a Hip Spinners drill, cause I've been a right side pusher for 30 years Getting somewhere.
February 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joost. Great. Lets keep deleting that overuse of the trail side.
February 12, 2020
If you do this drill properly, where should your hands be after contact? should you be finishing high(hands on an in to out path), or in to square to in path and finishing lower? I hope the question makes sense.
January 16, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chad. Typically, with lead arm only you will be a little more in to out. But, you should be pretty close square path and not finishing really high.
January 17, 2020
Hi Craig, So I’m on to step 3 of the boot camp, working on posting up. My question is, once I’ve completed transition, what muscle should I be activating/pulling to bring myself into a proper post up position?
December 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. You are still using the inner adductors to finish the pull of the weight. However, you are mainly using the core (lead oblique) to help clear the hip and fire/contract the glutes for a powerful post up.
December 23, 2019
Thanks Craig. I’m about to send a video here in a bit. Once I have completed the transition, is the feeling of moving into post up almost like a left side pulling behind while posting? Almost like rotating back and up? Not sure if that makes sense.
December 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. Yes, the hip moves back and away during the post up.
December 24, 2019
I’m working on keeping me left arm sewer in downswing as it comes away from body in downswing. Is this the best drill!
October 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. This is a great drill for lead arm training. I would also suggest Step 4 - Add the Club after you master the body/arm movements.
October 28, 2019
The lag is real, too much OK to feel my left lat and not my left arm? And, do I point the butt to the ball coming down.The feeling is like the club face is collecting the ball and really compressing it with no effort. I want to take my left arm out it because its easy to use my bigger left lat.
October 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. The lead lat is what pulls the arms in front. But, you have to make sure the lat is pulling the arm and not ripping the shoulders open. Also, don't try to focus on pointing the butt end somewhere. That sounds like a little bit of guiding to me and the plane/lag will be a byproduct.
October 19, 2019
we've gotta do is we've gotta make sure that we maintain this connection between our upper right bicep and upper pec. And that we rotate back, using the right shoulder blade, using the right oblique. Craig—nice video! One thing you finally answered, but is this correct—after the RST takeaway, I add elevation and flexion and its MOMENTUM of that that gets the club to the top, for me in the waiter position at the top. THEN, with back to target, left lat collecting the ball. Its working in my basement with a wedge
October 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Yes. Take a look at My Golf Backswing Secrets for more talk on the momentum and motion that helps aid the backswing. The weight will shift etc. in the downswing for the sequencing. But, the lead lat will be responsible from bringing the arms in front, so you can release the lag at the proper time.
October 20, 2019
I'm a bit confused with the latest video on youtube, with the role of the hands in the downswing. Are you supposed to initiate weight shift first and then pull the lead hand down while keeping the back to target. Or let gravity and weight shift do this for you..?? Cheers Donald
June 30, 2019
Hello Donald. I am in unlimited review group and this is a question which I have asked multiple times from my instructor. In an ideal situation the weight shift and gravity would bring the club down with some lead arm/lat pull. In my own swing I have somehow deleted that lead lat pull from my swing. So I have to concentrate on pulling with lead arm. Some players overdo the pulling and it becomes a tense yank. It all depends on what you are lacking from your swing what you need to focus on. If you have issues with that downswing sequence send a swing for review. Instructor will tell you what YOU should be working on. Hope that helps.
June 30, 2019
Nice one Mikko. I'll need to get a video in for a review. Thanks for your input..
June 30, 2019
No problem mate. I meant to say that I am using weight shift and gravity but because I wasn't pulling with lead arm my right arm would take over and I casted the club. So my concentration is on pulling. If some player doesn't shift weight properly then that is the area that student should focus on. Me too have fallen into a trap of listening too much generalisations and not focusing on my own swing. Everything here on the site is mainly towards masses. The reviews are a valuable tool to get the exact info you need for your swing improvement. Good luck mate!
June 30, 2019
This is the best web site ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have used other sites and have read books but not one of them has come close to yours. I have dropped from shooting 130 to shooting 84 in less then a month!!!!!!!!!! This is the best learning web site ever and I recommend it to every one! I have learned more just from watching one video then I have my hole life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for making this site and for all the videos too. Have a great day!!!!!
June 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Julie. Much appreciative of the post and compliments. Love hearing the good success. Thank you for letting us know. Keep up the hard work.
June 26, 2019
When I shift my weight in my down swing I fall forward. Can you help?
June 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Julie. Excessive shifting is either pushing from the trail side, or not using the lower half to pull yourself over. Sequencing from the ground up. Try doing the body motion only in Step 2 - Core Rotation and see if you fall forward with that sequence.
June 18, 2019
O.k. Thank you
June 18, 2019
What does soft wrist mean ?
June 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Julie. Typically, people try to keep their wrists too stiff in an effort to control the club. Soft wrist is basically giving up control of the club and letting the wrists stay more relaxed/loose/pliable. Releasing the tension.
June 15, 2019
O.k. Thank you.
June 15, 2019
HI RJ - I have been practicing the weight shift drill a lot - over 1000 reps on it now. Been slow overall due to my schedule, but seem ready to submit the video for weight shift. However, looking at the notes as to what is looked for, it mentions for instance left leg neutral "at impact". However, all I have been practicing is the one inch to the right and two inches back to the left drill, focusing on where my weight is on my ankles, knee neutral etc. So, the movement is pretty subtle. Is proficiency in that drill what is being addressed, or more than that? Thanks - Jim Darcey
April 7, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
This drill that you have been working on covers the weight shift in the backswing and then the weight shift that happens in the transition to start the downswing. Ultimately, you'll want to have everything on the left side (center of ankle, knee, hip, arm, shoulder and back of the left hand) over the center of your left foot at impact.
April 8, 2019
Hi RJ - So we are just videoing essentially what is practiced in that drill then, right? Best, Jim
April 8, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Yeah, if you think you're having issues, you can definitely send in a video of the drill, but if it looks the same when you do it as it does in the drill video then you can send in a full swing and we'll check out the next section that we're going to work on.
April 8, 2019
Hi RJ - I would have to say that just seeing me carry out the drill showing slight weight shift to right and then 2" back to left, working to line up knee over ankle etc, does not really show that much. That said, if I try to demonstrate that in the context of a full swing, since I have not really worked on proper take away yet nor the downswing transition, the likelihood of my swing coming out very good is minimal but I can certainly focus on the elements being taught in this drill. I want to get the most out of the video feedback, so will send what you think is most productive. I am anxious to get on to the takeaway section and the other steps in the core program to "put the pieces together". The whole program is a gradient of building blocks, I know. If you can let me know what is the most productive thing to video to move myself along in the program, that is what I will do. I know this is not some "pass a grade in school" thing - the idea is to just get the pattern down and improve results. Hope that makes sense. Best, Jim
April 10, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
I would like to see the process of you getting into a stance and then shifting to the right side to load up the right glute and then shift back to the left side until your ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder all stacked above the middle of the left foot. If do that satisfactory, then we can certainly move on to the next section, but I would like to know how well you're doing with the stance and weight shift first. It may seem like a small movement to you or not much to look at, but it couldn't be further from the truth. The stance and weight shift are critical to being able to function in the rest of the process. I assure you, it won't be a waste of a review.
April 11, 2019
Hi RJ - I am totally fine with that and understand how key it is. I had just gotten the impression that I was supposed to demo a whole swing with that element included and it did not make sense to me at this stage of my training. Will get that video submitted this weekend for sure, and thanks for staying in communication back and forth on this. Best, Jim
April 11, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Looking forward to the video
April 12, 2019
Practicing today I was hitting push draws until I went back to this drill and the right hand just touching the shaft drill. Why would it cause a push draw?
March 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello K. Why would this drill cause a push draw? Or, taking the trail hand off caused the push draw?
March 27, 2019
Putting the trail hand back on the club caused the pull draw. Leaving the trail hand just touching the grip and even doing a light hold created fantastic straight shots. I guess the trailmside Is becoming dominant as soon as I add hold, also perhaps gripping a little too tightly with both hands?
March 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello K. Sounds like as soon as the trail hand gets implemented it starts to steer/push the face. You would be surprised how little of a motion it takes before the trail hand controls the rotation of the club head. I would lighten grip pressure and trail hand usage to the bare minimum.
March 28, 2019
Chuck. What is the relationship to the hands dropping and the weight shift? Do u weight shift before the hands move or do they act together? Any examples from free lessons. Cheers
February 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Weight shift will bring the arms and hands down. Lesson 12 in the Roadshow will help with the sequence and pull. As you shift it will start to pull the hands down. You want weight to do this and not a yank of the arm.
February 27, 2019
Just a "verbiage" error that I caught under the Video Practice Points, shouldn't it read "Soft wrists with a good weight SHIFT will help you produce tons of lag"? Great video, George.
February 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks George. Yes, it should say shift .
February 21, 2019
Hello, Im working on this drill but having a hard time translating using a frisbee to the golf club. What would be the best way to make the transition? Should it be left hand only or can you use both hands? Thanks.
October 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Drew. I would definitely start left hand only. Then, combine the 4 Step Lag Builder as you add the trail hand.
October 10, 2018
Ok thanks Craig. One more question - it says this drill is for downswing sequencing, but is it also used for the takeaway and backswing? ie is this a drill for the whole swing and should I be trying to replicate the whole feeling when I have a golf club? If so, I really feel loading and stretch along my whole left side, that builds through a bowing of the wrist when going back to be able to launch the frisbee. What I do notice vs my current backswing is that my hands and arms stay in front of my body, which I believe is positive.
October 11, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Drew. Yes, this move can help you mimic the backswing as well. Use the Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing Video to see the similarities with a club.
October 11, 2018
While this drill really helps me feel a strong, natural weight shift, in face on video I find that my lead hip often moves well past NJA, based on a line drawn up from the center of my lead ankle at address. Historically, I have struggled with hanging back. So what would you suggest I drill or focus on in order to find that middle ground?
August 2, 2018
Tyler (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Michael, hips sliding past NJA is primarily due to a strong push off of your trail leg. What you want is your weight shift to come through a pull from your lead side. You want to push into the ground with your lead ankle and rotate your lead oblique, rather than push off from your trail leg.
August 2, 2018
Martin L
When swinging should I feel my arms soft (spaghetti like) and my body pulling them down.
August 1, 2018
Tyler (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Martin, yes the tighter your arms are the more tension there is. Tension restricts flexibility because it signals to the body to fire that muscle (aka release the tension). I.E.. if your arms are loaded and tense before your lower body and core are loaded, the arms will fire first, which is why many amateurs swing over the top.
August 1, 2018
Martin L
Are there any drills to soften arms?
August 1, 2018
Tyler (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, check out the "Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 2 of 6" video by Chris Tyler
August 2, 2018
Best golf video! Tried this drill today and hit the ball further than ever with each iron. Ball speed was up 20 mph with each club. I can’t thank you enough!
July 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Angelo. Awesome . Love hearing the good news and glad you enjoy the drill.
July 31, 2018
can the drill be used for the driver swing?
July 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. One swing for all shots. Except make sure you make setup adjustments when hitting a driver.
July 31, 2018
Hi, Chris gave me this drill to help me with my transition and weight shift on the downswing. One thing that I noticed happens when throwing the frisbee is that my left wrist needs to be bowed on the downswing to fling the frisbee at the ground. Should I be trying to replicate that wrist feeling with my golf swing as well?
July 29, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Drew. The wrist will gradually flatten into a slight bowing position at impact. Sounds good too me.
July 29, 2018
In the transition to downswing and the weight begins to trans to the left foot, does the head move laterall with lower body shift. Larry Green
April 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Larry. The head will move slightly in the golf swing. Not much. If it stays back, or even falls further back when transitioning you can get into pushing with your trail hip, or too much secondary axis tilt.
April 27, 2018
Craig Thank you very much. I’m off to the range
April 28, 2018
How do I find the video describing "sitting into the left side in the downswing? Thank you michael
March 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Which Muscles to Feel During Golf Swing Transition and Sitting Into the Left Side Video. Also, Perfecting Lower Body Stability. Use those titles in the search bar.
March 4, 2018
Many thanks Craig
March 4, 2018
Hi, i really found the frisbee concept very helpful in sequencing the back swing and downswing. its good to look at these movements from as practical perspective as possible. A question that i have is more conceptual when it comes to actually hitting a golf ball. While standing over the ball and focusing on the left arm and hand movement and i want to hit the ball, should i be thinking similar to one would in any other racquet port (squash, tennis) and actually focusing on ball/club contact, or is the golf ball simply in the way of my golf swing? When i add the right arm it feels like the ball is just getting in the way of the swing, vs when i do left side only i feel that i can really concentrate on "hitting the ball" Put another way, hitting a tennis or squash ball can be done from lots of different positions and stances - should i look at a golf ball with the golf club the same way? (hopefully this makes sense)
January 23, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Drew. The ball is getting in the way of the swing, but your lead hand is crucial in controlling ball flight. You will start to gain awareness that changing the lead hand into impact you can maneuver your ball flight. The trail hand will be your speed hand and the lead will be your control hand. You have to maintain a balance with both. The lead will be the crucial piece.
January 23, 2018
When you release the frisbee should we have the same feeling in our swing. Is it a conscience movement where we actively release the club or does core movement cause the release? Don
July 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. Most players have to train consciously the proper movements first. In the long run, you are looking for proper posting to trigger the release and allow the snap to happen more reactionary.
July 13, 2017
As I mentioned in another post, when you swing with one arm or do the frisbee drill, the lead arm bends, but in the actual golf swing the left arm is supposed to be straight and not bent. How is is possible to keep the left arm straight while using mostly that lead side in the swing?
July 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Erinn. I still believe you are adding elbow flexion instead of making sure the wrist set is solely increasing. For further help, take a look at the 9 to 3 Lag Building Drills. I would make sure you can perform the motion in a smaller and slower paced swing first. It will help you monitor better what is going on with the lead elbow flexion. See if it happens with a half swing first.
July 10, 2017
What should we feel in our swing after posting to the left leg? I guess another way to ask is how do we get to the nice follow thru finish? What muscles do we use to get there? Don
July 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. The follow through is simply the deceleration of momentum. You don't need to train how to finish or use excess muscle if the previous portions of the swing were applied properly.
July 10, 2017
Used this drill on the course and had 8 pars which for a high handicapper is unbelievable. Few days later on the driving range to my surprise, I found myself chunking balls. Not sure how I can go that bad the next time out. What would cause me to chunk/hit behind so many shots. Not transferring my weight? Early release?
June 21, 2017
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Can't do the drill once and expect to master it! Little bit of beginner's luck the first time around as it likely gave you something simple to focus on that was correct. Keep doing the drills in front of the mirror and watch the learning videos!
June 21, 2017
This is by far the best golf video I have ever seen! Went on the range, practiced with one arm and won the next day my first competition this year!
May 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. Congratulations. And, glad you liked the video!
May 9, 2017
Craig, I always had this problem with weight shift and lag. Watching this video, it all becomes very clear. I think that this is one of your best, if not the very best lesson ever. Thank you.
April 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Appreciate the compliments of the video. Glad it helped you put things in a simpler perspective.
May 1, 2017
Great Teaching Why not have a RIGHT HAND DOMINANT man swing from a Left Hand STANCE using the RIGHT Hand-Arm as the LEAD ARM vs A RIGHT HAND dominant man swinging from a Right Hand Stance with the LEFT Hand -Arm being the Lead Arm Tom Lawson Columbus Ohio
April 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. I answered below.
April 29, 2017
Excellent Lesson After watching your teaching concerning the LEAD arm I have a question With a RIGHT hand dominant individual why not learn golf using a LEFT hand dominant STANCE so that the LEAD ARM is the RIGHT ARM Tom Lawson Columbus Ohio
April 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Thanks for the compliments. If you were first starting out golf that would be a great way to go. The issue is for right side dominant players to switch it would be very difficult because the trail still has influence over power. I have had a few players make the change. But, albeit a very difficult journey.
April 29, 2017
Question, with so many drills, I have trouble connecting the dots or drills, so I get overwhelmed/confused and then frustrated! I end up going back to the same old bad habits. Can you guys put together a video on how you believe is the best for us slow golfers to connect these drills so we can move forward? For me, I'm working on this drill and the release the club drill, which I believe are connected, but maybe not be the right two drills to work at the same time. Like I said I'm confused. Peter Crocitto Myrtle Beach, SC
April 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. If you truly want to change the swing it is a must to change the body movements first. You have to have a correct setup and understand how to rotate and shift the weight before anything else. That is why the RST 5 Step System was created. To simplify all the knowledge into simple drills that work you through exactly what one of us instructors would provide in-person. If I were really trying to jump start my change I would focus there. Happy to help you along the way.
April 29, 2017
One more example of Chuck demonstrating why he is the best "out there".
April 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Thanks for the post and positive compliments of Chuck.
April 28, 2017
It seems from everything that I have learned from your website that all of us right-handers should have learned to play golf with left-handed clubs, ala Phil Mickelson. Am I correct in assuming that you would not suggest trying to start over with left-handed clubs at this point in my life (I am 50)?
April 28, 2017
The best option for those who already play golf right handed is to train the left hand/arm and left side of the body. That's the only way to play better golf, but it is also an opportunity to improve the imbalance of the body. It is going to take time and effort to do that, but the reward is significant.
April 28, 2017
funny - talk about a traumatic thing to attempt. FWIW, I remember reading that a bunch of the old Aussie tennis players used to win a lot of money from people playing golf with their backhand side.
April 28, 2017
What do I do with my hands with all my lag coming down? When I focus on this, I will shanck it-which means, I am guessing, that the club face has not rotated-but why? I can feel the lag next to my right side but it is as if my hands are frozen and don't roll and release.
April 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. If you continue too pull and create too much lag you will have a hard time getting rid of it. You need to work on your post up and allowing the club to release. Use the sequence above with You Hit the Ball with Your Legs and the Throw the Club at the Golf Ball.
May 1, 2017
so , when do you start using the hands to speed up the club thru impact, i.e. give up the lag ?
March 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. You don't need to speed up the club manually. However, you will start to release the lag as the club starts to enter the trail thigh.
March 7, 2017
T David
Craig - I thought you mentioned in my review that we don't want to release the lag as the club enters the lead (left) thigh. Did I get this wrong?
March 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The lag has to be released at some point. In your move, the lag is being released too soon. Therefore, we have to exaggerate a little of when you feel like you are releasing the club/lag.
March 27, 2017
I am beginning to fully understand how little I actually understand the golf swing and why I am a very high handicap player. While I am enjoying the process, though at times frustrated, I am not sure of the steps. I understand that in the RST 5 step, I should progress slowly and in the order shown. But for example, I find that I have been opening up. This frisbee drill has made me understand how the actual weight transfer, hip rotation and release is at the ball. This helps ensure I do not open up (prior lessons in past dealt with no weight transfer and concentrating on release at the target). However, if I did not skip to this video, I would never have understood this and my prior drills would keep being incorrect. So how do I know how much to delve into sections ahead without getting too much information overload?
March 6, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hank. I would suggest using the Swing Reviews and Forum. The swing reviews will have the work or practice tailored for you. The only videos you need to be focused on. If you are concerned about a certain aspect, then ask me. I can help direct you to a specific video versus watching a ton and getting led astray.
March 6, 2017
No question it is easy to watch too much. For the first video, since I am still struggling with the weight transfer and not over rotating, should the video be a full swing or one of the drills?
March 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hank. Drills are great to submit. But, for your first video. Send a normal swing. Therefore, the instructor can grasp the entire picture and notify you of the most pertinent area of need.
March 10, 2017
Hi, I really like the frisbee drill, especially the first few videos showing the enormous lag developed. A couple of questions: First, how firm should the left hand be on the club? If I really relax my left hand, then the club can shift in the little finger area of the hand, and I will re-grip the club. Second, I find that I can get a lot of lag, but as the clubs get longer, it's more difficult for me to sort of wait on the swing. It feels like I need to rush into the downswing. Which drill or video would be the next step in the swing? Thanks, Jeff
October 17, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Jeff. you should hold the club with about the same pressure as you would hold an open tube of toothpaste and primarily focus on the back 3 fingers of the left hand as your main connection to the club. The longer clubs you have to wait longer for the club to set in the back swing and you want to have a wider swing arch for theses. Check out golf grip effect on lag
October 18, 2016
If you push with your left thumb how do fix this in normal swing?
July 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gareth. Take a look at Left Thumbnail Pain. You have to practice more of the pressure being in the last 3 fingers of the lead hand and relaxing the thumb. I apologize there isn't a quick tip or cure. You have to slowly add the lead thumb back to the club a relax the pushing motion.
July 18, 2016
Where do you fine the 9-3 golf drill..cant locate it!
July 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyle. The 9 to 3 Drill is located in the Downswing Section.
July 18, 2016
Videos have really helped me add lag and I am able to really compress my iron shots, I am hitting my 3 iron (240-250) with what seems to be minimal effort. My miss is still a big hook and this tends to happen much more frequently with my hybrid/woods/driver. I am really having a hard time not hooking my driver. I am reluctant to make any big changes because I am finally getting some consistency with my irons but I know I need to pin point the cause of my hook. Any suggestions?
July 13, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Sean, those are some great numbers for sure. Nice work. Are you seeing too much secondary axis tilt down in the hitting area? If you create too much tilt, the club tends to come in on a flat swing plane which can then cause the trail hand to get to active and cause you too hook it. We would need to see the swings though in the swing reviews in order to best determine what is going on.
July 13, 2016
A supple wrist seems likely to cup in a downswing with a lot of lag. At impact I want the opposite. How do avoid cupping the wrist in the upswing - and all the more in the downswing?
June 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christian. When you add down cocking try to shy away from adding cup. Take a look at the Using the Wrist Effectively and Efficiently to see how the wrist works throughout the swing.
June 21, 2016
Thx for the drills. When I finish back swing and sit to square I still move my shoulder and hit left. Have real problem with over the top most of the time. Cheers. hELP.
June 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Combine the Over the Top Stick Drill and the Cure the Chicken Wing. You have to turn off the trail shoulder. Practice some exaggeration of getting a little too flat coming down. Also, take a look at the LADD Video to understand more about the lead arm and plane.
June 19, 2016
The posting of my right leg is occurring late, after ball contact. Is there a video that could help me to correct?
May 24, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Mark- Based on your comment I assume you're left handed?!? if so take a look at the 5 step system core rotation video. It will give you a great understanding of shifting the weight and then posting up coming down into impact! Truly an awesome series.
May 25, 2016
80 years old playing for 70 years...I am so happy i took out a subscription WHAT A TREAT to see HIGH CLASS golf instruction...I probably have 30 books on one night i have learned many little tips for hitting the ball...LOVE the swing plane with the right arm,,, I hit some short shots and it blew my mind the simplicity and solid hits..Chuck, Thank You! Ed Davison Jr
April 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. Thanks for the compliments of our instruction. Good luck with changing the swing for the better. Please let us know if you need any help along the way.
April 30, 2016
I've watched this video a few times and I can do these drills to perfection. Then I put a ball in front of me and I'm back to the same lag-less swing. I did notice that I don't get any wristcock at the top of my backswing and here I can see Chuck has a lot of it. Not much in discussion about what should be a very important point. During the downcock, the wrist must cock. Does that sound right?
April 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. The wrist need to gradually set to the top. The key factor is to not be at max set at the top of the backswing. Therefore, giving you the ability to increase wrist set (downcock) as you start the downswing (Using your wrists for speed - Video 5).
April 11, 2016
These are the best videos I've ever seen on golf instruction great tip thanks
April 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Thanks for the post and happy to hear you are enjoying the videos.
April 8, 2016
In watching and following all the videos. I hear you stating that there is no push in the golf swing... I have been working on pulling back with the right hand and releasing the hand upon reaching the point of where forward body movement starts... once the body starts its squat to square and the hands have released to where the left hand now pulls the club through to release with the right hand used to roll the club. Am I getting this correctly...?? It seems to be working when done correctly...
April 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Phillip. Sounds like you are on the right track. Just make sure you don't force the trail hand to roll the club. Let it follow the direction or motion of the lead hand in the release.
April 4, 2016
Got a ton of way to go but saw some improvement with the back / downswing today... thanks Craig!!!
April 4, 2016
I've been shanking and blocking shots. I believe it is caused by hanging back and leading with the butt end leaving a wide open blade. what drills would you recommend
March 31, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Take a look at the How to Cure the Shanks Video. You probably need to work on the release and a more stable tush line.
March 31, 2016
I was wondering if anyone could point me in a direction for mental game improvements? does this site have any?
March 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Other than the Trust Line Video. We don't have too many videos dealing with the mental side of the game.
March 28, 2016
There are other videos that suggest that lag is created by the right arm "Key to Creating Lag" etc. I am confused.
March 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. You want the lead side to be in control of the downswing. However, both arms do play a role. Think of your trail arm as more maintaining lag. Some players have incorrectly trained the trail arm so much in the past. That they need help getting over the hump or training to help get away from a casting motion. Therefore, the trail arm videos help with extreme casting circumstances to get the club moving in the proper direction.
March 21, 2016
Thanks. I was thinking of the Throw the Ball Drill on this website plus Mike Bender's throw the ball drill on YouTube. Also Hogan's famous quote of " I wish I had three right hands". I have over trained the right arm so much I have become probably the worlds greatest caster.
March 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The Throw the Ball is great for players with too much lag or one's that have no idea what the trail arm needs to be doing. Hogan's famous quote has definitely created some good fishermen over the years .
March 21, 2016
Hello, I don't quite understand the part of increased downcock - if I already set my wrist in the backswing, it doesn't seem that I'm able to further increase the wrist angle in downswing.
March 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. You shouldn't be at max wrist set at the top of the backswing. Therefore, giving you the ability to increase it on the downswing. Take a look at the Part 5 Using Your Wrist for Speed and Part 7 Video located in the Advanced Downswing Section.
March 7, 2016
Sorry, I don't seem to be able to find the two videos by the name in the Advanced Downswing Section.
March 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. Search bar: Using Your Wrist for Speed - Video 5, Keeping Speed as You Get Older - 7 of 7.
March 8, 2016
I tried, but no search result returned.
March 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yeufeng. I apologize. The search bar should've worked. I see the Auto-Correct played a part. Try the Advanced Introduction Section.
March 8, 2016
when i do the left arm drill i hit the ground a foot behind the ball. what gives?
February 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. If you are hitting a foot behind the ball. Then at some point the club is losing its angle too soon. Check to make sure you are shifting the the lead side and the lead hand/arm are staying forward. Combine a little of the feeling from the Exaggerated Hands Ahead Video into the strike.
February 20, 2016
Hi guys, when throwing the frisbee the left wrist is bowed back until the release. Does the left wrist bow backwards in the same way on the downswing? There is a mention in the comments about keeping a flat left wrist/hand; if I do this then it is the softness of the right wrist that keeps the lag angle. Which is correct, bowed or flat left wrist ? Many thanks Iain
February 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Iain. The lead wrist will be at a flat position at the top of the swing, then start to bow as you come into the strike. The trail wrist will stay relaxed and hinged to help you keep the lag angle.
February 19, 2016
Hi guys. I just want to confirm something mentioned in the video. At 8:10 in the video, you say at impact my shoulders should be square (facing the camera here) and the hips are open to near 45*? Does the weight shift to the my left heel and the pulling from the left side cause the opening of the hips? Thank you, Rob
February 5, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Rob- The shoulder will be square at impact to the target line and with the hips 40-45* open. They get open by using the left oblique muscles pulling around in the downswing causing the hips to get open. You're on the right track.
February 5, 2016
On the right track?...In visualization and a slow swing, yes. In a real swing hitting a ball, still working on it. Thanks
February 5, 2016
I have worked for years on getting lag, I can get it all day with my left arm. However, it finally worked- the left thumb was the problem. I can't thank all of you at Rotary for all of the outstanding info you give us! I have had and purchased every training aid known to man! Keep up the good work--its working!
January 19, 2016
Hi - in what way was the left thumb the issue? cheers.
January 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Todd. Thanks for the post. Happy to hear progress on the lag issue.
January 19, 2016
I purchased the Rotary Swing E-book but I can't seem to find it in the members area. Any suggestions?
December 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Go to the Members Tools Tool Bar at the top of the page. The link will be provided there.
December 23, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Greg- the E-book should be under the member tools tab. It will be under there like the second tab down. If its not talk to customer support.
December 23, 2015
Amazing, simple drill. Thanks so much. Altered forever in my mind how I was supposed to approach my weight shift, arm and wrist action. The concepts are well explained in other videos but this video was transforming by taking me out of my head and making me instantly forget my many ingrained misconceptions about the golf swing. I was always so frustrated about how effortless the swing looks when you watch a good golfer and in contrast how much effort I was putting into the swing and not getting the ball to go anywhere. Thanks again.
December 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. Great. I'm happy to hear about the progress and potential of your swing getting more effortless.
December 12, 2015
Where can one find the explanation of the rectangle and the box? Thanks, Claude Harmon
November 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Claude. The Connecting to the Core Video.
November 27, 2015
Hi I really like this video I hope it sorts out my weight shift and shoulder separation !
October 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks James. Hopefully, you can make some good progress!
October 31, 2015
From the video it is not clear where you would be aiming with the frisbee, at you aiming at the ball, at a point in front of you trail foot or at in point in front of you lead foot?
October 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marc. Releasing the frisbee at the ball.
October 26, 2015
I am naturally left handed, but play golf right handed. My coordinated hand is my left hand. I throw the Frisbee, football, baseball with my left hand. Any different way for me to apply this ?
October 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roland. Being a natural lefty while playing golf from the right side of the ball is a good advantage. One of the pitfalls you might run into though is creating too much lag on the downswing. If that starts to be the case. I would add the Throw the Ball Drill into the mix.
October 13, 2015
Great video, very helpful. One question for the experts - when should the right arm begin to apply some hit? I feel like i can do this drill, gain significant lag, but my impact doesn't seem to be that powerful through the ball. Is there any explanation that you can offer as to when the right side "should" kick in?
October 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. First, master the lead side release for the lag and speed. Vijay Release Drill. Then, take a look at the Golf Swing Release Drill and the Sledgehammer Drill to have a better understanding of the trail side involvement.
October 3, 2015
Great video! I was able to generate tons of lag using just my left hand. I used video to watch myself doing the drills. But when I put my right hand back on the club I lose lag again. How do you keep the lag with the right hand on the club?
September 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You have to train the right hand to be very passive. Start by lightly putting him on the club and not having any control. Gradually build up to letting the right hand go along for the ride. I wish there was a magic secret for you, but its all about turning muscles off that don't need to fire to early.
September 10, 2015
When i normally throw frisbee at target i´m pulling my left shoulder around and let the body centrifigural catapult effect throw the frisbee to target. Just like in this video when throwing to target. Is it the same BODY movement in golfswing? This throw to ground feels more HAND action drill or release drill. Like the throw the ball drill. Did i understand this drill right?
September 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jukka. It is the same motion except you don't want to pull the left shoulder out of the shot. It will feel more like a swing form the shoulder joint, not just rotational with the body. You will feel like it is releasing the energy with hands/arms as described in the throw the ball or release drills.
September 7, 2015
I think I have realized that I do not know how to rotate when bent over. when I do such and then standup my shoulders are cockeyed and too much side bend. but when I look at the left arm frisbee drill and I look at the merry go round drill, I might be starting to figure out what it really looks like. when I am trying to throw a frisbee at the ground (where the ball would be) I find the shoulders rotating totally different than my "other way" am I on the right track? to focus on that frisbee thought as the way to rotate shoulders when bent over?
September 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. The throwing the frisbee at the ball should give you the proper rotation from the shoulders without too early/excessive side bend.
September 3, 2015
I can do these moves very easily. They aren't difficult. Once you put a ball down on the ground, everything changes. Any suggestions?
August 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. When you place the ball on the ground you start trying to hit the ball. Don't change the mind set. Let the ball get in the way. You might whiff the ball or not hit a good shot in the beginning. The goal is to re-create the same move. You go from letting it happen to trying to force it to happen.
August 25, 2015
Please explain the "keep your wrist soft."
August 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. You want to maintain some grip pressure to stay in control of the club head. However, you want the wrist to be loose to increase the angle. You can see this in the Re Shaping Your Swing for Lag Video and the Downcock Pump Drill. Also, the Wide Narrow Wide Video.
August 17, 2015
Would you provide a link to the "Left Thumb Nail Pain Video"
August 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Derek.
August 12, 2015
I'm a right handed golfer. My problem comes when swinging the club to hit a ball. I'm able to do what Chuck says and keep the trail side out of the swing however I'm having trouble keeping a "soft" left wrist. As a result I feel my left thumb and forefinger pushing the grip not allowing the wrist to naturally cock at the top of the back swing resulting in some cast on the first move of the downswing.
August 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Take a look at the Left Thumb Nail Pain Video. See if it helps with better usage of the lead thumb.
August 10, 2015
Hi guys. I am a new member. I love the frisbee drill. But I have always been told to keep my left arm straight on the backswing. I notice in the drill the instructor is bending his left arm in the frisbee drill. It does not look like he bends his arm when he swings the club.. Tell me what should I be doing with the left elbow. thanks
August 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Ideally, you want the left arm to stay straight. Chuck was merely conveying to stay tension free. If it bends a touch. No problem. Hard to support sometimes with just one hand.
August 8, 2015
At the top of the swing is the club in the V of your left hand or right hand? Also what part of the front(left) foot does the weight shift to front or back? It seems to keep the right shoulder back you need some weight forward.
August 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. The lead hand will be in control, but the trail hand will be supporting the club the most in the V. You want to keep the weight centered over the ankle joints. When you shift you want to shy away from getting on the toes or balls of your feet.
August 4, 2015
Perhaps I'm over-thinking weight shift from right to left, but I'm being very cautious so as not to use my right leg to push my weight onto my left leg. So I'm planting into my right ankle first to engage glutes and then releasing and planting into my left ankle while trying to avoid any pushing. I think I'm losing some power by avoiding any pushing, but willing to do so in order avoid injury. I have played lots of baseball where the push off back foot is a big part of generating power and never experienced hip injury. Can you help? Thanks. (I like to express my gratitude for the site with every question I post because this site is done so well!)
July 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeren. Thank you for the compliments on our site. Advanced players can use a little push for more power. However, the vast majority of players tend to way over use their right side. You can see this in How to Use the Hips in the Downswing Advanced Section and the Throw the Ball Drill Part 2 in the Downswing Section. We shy away from it, but you can add a little for more power.
July 31, 2015
Craig, I think it's the use of the word "shift" that is throwing me off. I'm currently trying to step down on right ankle and then, in an almost totally disconnected way from that move, step down on my left ankle. Is this the move to make? Is there a move that ties these two moves together? It seems to me that up the road I will not develop a fluid swing if I can't tie these together. Thanks, again.
August 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeren. What you are looking for is a transfer of weight. The step is just a good way to activate the glutes. If you work on the 5 Mins to the Perfect Setup with Weight Shift. It should help you balance out and not feel so disconnected. Or, the Perfecting Lower Body Stability in the Weight Transfer Advanced Section.
August 1, 2015
I have found the frisbee drill concept to be extremely helpful with respect to the proper left hand motion in the golf swing. It is clear that the frisbee motion involves a bent left wrist. In the August 2015 golf magazine teaching segment, in the context of a driving teaching tip ("private lessons"), a tip is given showing a thick straight line paint stroke --"to hit longer drives imagine you're painting a fence with your right hand. A bent right wrist is a key for club head speed...the right wrist remains bent as the bristles make contact with the fence. the bristles flick forward and lose contact with the fence. that's the kind of right wrist action you want through impact. I have found this tip for the right wrist to be extremely helpful for accuracy and distance and complementary to the frisbee drill (being very careful to keep my right shoulder back and quiet) . It appears that since in the frisbee the left wrist is bent, the right wrist must likewise be bent. Is this painting a fence analogy with the right hand a reasonable/compatible concept for RST keeping in mind that the left hand is controlling the stroke?
July 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. The trail hand/arm won't be fully extended at impact so you can have the ability to apply force. The notion of not firing the trail hand/arm and maintaining like the paint brush is the same motion until you fully release. I don't have an issue with the imagery.
July 26, 2015
Hi RJ, Can you suggest a few things I might try to overcome my tendency to feel like I am falling toward the ball on my backswing. Do you feel like your right butt cheek goes straight back on the backswing or does it go back and slightly turned toward the lead side?
July 16, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Greg, you want to feel that your right butt cheek is mostly going straight back. It will turn towards the lead side a little bit, but the further it goes towards the lead side, the more your hips are opened up and the harder it will be to get the hips in the proper position in the downswing. Make sure that you feel the weight going into the inside right heel when you're in your takeaway/backswing. R.J.
July 19, 2015
July 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robin. You want to shift correctly and not start to spin the body hard in the transition. The Sitting Into the Left Side and How the Lower Body Works Video in the Downswing Section will help. Also, the Swinging from the Ground Up in the Introduction Advanced.
July 6, 2015
thanks Craig , I checked these out a little closer. I think my minds got it . now to make my body do it . to the range!!
July 7, 2015
I understand what Chuck is doing and teaching. What I do not understand is grip, pressure and what is the correct way to hold the club. If I soften my left thumb but put pressure from my right thumb pad, is this correct? The club lags a ton more if I don't press with the left thumb. Which fingers do you want is to use for the grip.
July 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Take a look at the Golf Grip How To Video in the Setup Section to learn the proper grip. Pressure for most professionals will increase from 2 - 8 throughout the swing (soft to firm). The key is to keep the wrist soft and not tense up the whole arm. You focus should be using the last three fingers on the left hand. The right will help maintain the angle on the way down.
July 2, 2015
This is awesome. Can't wait to do this drill. Thanks RST! Question - I also have the problem of using my right arm too much and look like the students in the video. I lose my lag easy. I am ambidextrous, but more left hand dominant and play right handed. With me being left hand dominant playing right handed, should this make it more difficult for me or easier?
June 18, 2015
I think if you can turn a double play from short stop, then that is the way you should golf. My brother throws righty, hits lefty both golf and baseball and cannot play golf at all cause he cannot get the throw the ball drill with his left arm.
July 2, 2015
I think if you can turn a double play from short stop, then that is the way you should golf.
July 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Erwin. Playing from the right side of the ball and being more left arm dominant is a good thing.
June 18, 2015
I really like the drill for the downswing as it definitely works to add some really nice lag. I noticed that after doing the drill though that my backswing is now going back to the inside as a result. Am I maybe doing the drill wrong? What can I do to prevent this or what should I do differently? I had been trying to do it swinging back and through over and over. Do I maybe need to stop between drill swings and reset in posture etc as well? I know I don't want to get the downswing good but undo the work I have done to get my backswing right. Thanks for your help.
June 5, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lee. I agree. I don't want you to change that new backswing . Yes, reset in posture and start from scratch to help stay away form the inside swing. You probably are allowing the lead arm to over rotate going back and not adding elevation.
June 5, 2015
Hello Craig. Ok, thanks. I will do that. Yeah more specifically my takeaway was to the inside but the top of the backswing still looked good at the top while doing the drill continuously. I will try resetting instead.
June 5, 2015
Pivoting around the hips...but there is also a little lateral bump as well, in addition to the pivot? Which is the more dominant force?
May 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. Yes, there will be a lateral shift. The lateral shift will feel a little more dominant, but you need the lead oblique pull and pivot around the hip to clear them for impact.
May 29, 2015
This is by far the best swing thought. With my athleticism, I was able to incorporate right away and pure shots. But as of recent it seems to be gone. I feel like my left shoulder is pulling up and out of the shot leading to thin shots and blocks right. Any thoughts?
May 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Nick. Stay in the shot. You probably started pulling hard with the lead arm and pushing a little with the trail side. Take a look at the Level Shoulders Drill in the Downswing Advanced Section.
May 11, 2015
We've, my son and I, have been struggling for over a year now to try to figure this out, and I think this is the clearest presentation of how "lag" actually works. I trust this will help us get to the next level. Thanks.
May 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Mike. Glad you like the new video!
May 4, 2015
This is by far the best visual aid to gaining lag, something I have struggled with my whole golf career. Just practicing in my living room I can see large improvements. I can't wait to try it out at the range tomorrow! Thanks, RST!
April 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Benjamin! Happy to hear the progress!
April 17, 2015
Hello - I have a loss of lag but never felt my right hand was the cause. I change my grips every year, always same wear pattern, left thumb worn down, and right thumb forefinger worn down. Maybe proof that I am overusing right hand and left thumb?
April 16, 2015
Thank you - watched the video, interesting. I will work on the range tomorrow paying particular attention to the left thumb and see what happens.
May 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ronnie. You could be over using both hands. First, check your grip. You might be adding undo pressure to the wrong place. Secondly, take a look at the Left Thumb Pain Video in the Downswing Advanced Section. Make sure you aren't pushing against the shaft.
April 16, 2015
Are you supposed to feel like the wrists are so soft that it feels like the weight of the club is cocking your wrist at the top before you begin your down swing??
April 14, 2015
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's that and the change of the direction that cocks them
April 15, 2015
Hi, I tend to take the club back inside the plane, and tension in my wrists tends to creep in when I'm trying to stop the club from going inside. What so you thinks going wrong here?
April 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. You need to learn how to rotate and elevate, so you don't grab the club to keep it from going inside early. Take a look at Understanding Shoulder Elevation and the 4 Square Drill in the Backswing Section and Advanced Backswing Section.
April 14, 2015
I understand the concept of soft wrist at address thru backswing/downswing to impact. My question is will there be video focused/zoomed in on how the thumbs work in terms of "pressure" on the shaft throughout the swing, setup thru impact? What muscles should be engaged in the forearms, upper/lower? I think this would truly help in getting the feel of "soft wrist" and taking the thumbs out if it. Tough to get the feel by just hearing "keep your wrist/right soft".
April 13, 2015
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The only real grip pressure you need is from the last three fingers on the left hand. The rest don't do a lot, especially the thumbs. The right thumb is useless and the left thumb's primary role is to keep the club from falling into your palm at the top and during the transition. After that, it's done.
April 14, 2015
Great video, I always thought if I released the club with the frisbee type release I would close the club face too much and smother the shot. I tried the frisbee release today and did not smother one shot and I feel the speed coming from my left wrist and arms not my old body release. My question is why with the turning of the left wrist so much the club face doesn't close too much and smother the shot.
April 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. You are releasing the club, not flipping the club. It wants to rotate. Releasing properly with the lead hand follows the design of the club. Take a look at the Left Hand Release Drill in the Downswing Section.
April 12, 2015
This is amazing! I've been working hard on getting to my right side. I've been with RST almost 4 yrs and one thing I've never been able to do is generate that much lag. I spent 5 minutes doing what those students did in the video and BAM! I've got sick lag...the best part is my shoulders were shut! I'm shoulder spinner and this has been hard to change. I know you guys tell us and teach us all the time but I just don't realize how much I push from my dominate side. RST thanks for a great visual and drill, I'm thrilled to see where this goes in the next few weeks.
April 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Fantastic. I'm happy to see you enjoyed the drill and increasing your lag. Keep it up!
April 12, 2015
April 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Take a look above. Awesome the swing is getting better.
April 12, 2015
After studying Kelvin Miyahira, it seems that you all talk around a very important part of the golf swing, but yet you haven't specifically identified this part of the swing. I'm talking about right lateral side bend. I have been a member of Rotary Swing for at least two years and I think closer to three years and have made some strides in my swing. But once I stumbled upon Kelvin's work, I have made huge gains in the golf swing. You all teach a flip roll release and Kelvin teaches a drive hold and make rotation the driving force of the release. It's ironic that you named your golf business Rotary Swing when you teach to go to impact and stop rotating a flip roll the club. But I really think that teaching side bend in the backswing and downswing is so important and is the key point that has gotten me to the next level. I know that learning to maintain side bend is very hard and requires a lot of us to stretch and work on parts of our core etc... I hope that you all will continue to study and learn from all sources of the golf swing as I have and look forward to your future videos.
April 11, 2015
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Scott, we cover side bend in depth in the clinics as we walk through the release and have done so for a long time. I just simply haven't done a video on it.
April 14, 2015
But Chuck, Side bend is a non negotiable! If you don't maintain side bend you've got no chance to swing correctly. Working as a dermatologist, I don't have time to come to your clinics. I like working on my swing myself. You need to make a in depth video and bridge the tremendous gap that you have in your online teaching. I have leaned a lot of good stuff from your videos so I hope you will consider my request.
April 15, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Scott, the Merry Go Round video addresses indirectly and you could get the information that you need from watching that video. R.J.
April 17, 2015
After viewing the video, I bought a Frisbee and practiced throwing it left-handed.(I am right-handed) In my throwing motion, my left wrist went from a bowed position to a cupped or bent position as I released the Frisbee? Is that what my wrist is supposed to do in the golf swing? If so, where and how in my swing do I get my left wrist into a bowed position.
April 11, 2015
Steve - I know what you're talking about. I'll be curious to see the an instructor's answer. But I'm pretty sure this drill is meant to primarily demonstrate weight shift and how the lead arm controls the swing. Plus, the natural lag most people use in throwing a frisbee is a good example of what you want to do in the golf swing. I don't think they meant it as a good example of club release (i.e. proper bowing).
April 11, 2015
Chris, if that is correct, then why did Chuck demonstrate the release of the Frisbee toward the ground/ball near the end to the video?
April 11, 2015
Actually, if you click on the "Video Practice Points" below the video it outlines the key points of the drill there's no mention of release. The weight, arm motion and loose wrists involved in throwing a frisbee are the same in a golf swing. I think he's throwing the frisbee at the ground to further demonstrate those similarities. IMHO.
April 11, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Steven & Christopher, Much like the throw the ball drills, this drill is to help members of the site to learn how to properly sequence the swing. There are many things that we do athletically very well without thinking about it that would apply to the golf swing as well. Chuck was trying to help us understand the sequence of events in the swing by relating it to a movement that we might have done really well without thinking about it. He's made the same references with skipping rocks and throwing balls or spears or any other object. The release is not a focal point of this drill. R.J.
April 11, 2015
I understand that this video is focusing on weight shift/lag. But, as I work with it, it makes me think it could also provide excellent feedback for proper hand rotation. If I hold my impact position (i.e. releasing the frisbee at the ball) - and tape the frisbee to the shaft - I notice that the position of the frisbee at the top of my backswing is in an "unexpected" angle. Now, in order to "throw the frisbee" properly, it's forcing my hands to rotate in a fashion I'm unaccustomed to. It feels like extreme rotation and zero flip. Does this extension of the frisbee drill seem legit - or am I taking things too far? Chris
April 11, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Not at all, your idea is a lot like Craig's pencil drill that's on the site. R.J.
April 11, 2015
I watched it again. I have also watched the how to grip the club video as suggested. In the grip video Chuck talks about the thumb supporting the shaft, is pushing against the shaft the same as supporting? 2.i can feel that when swinging the club starts to down ok but because of the thumb pushing/fighting the shaft , it rebounds and no down cock or very little is maintained. Make sense. I feel like I am close. Hit more balls, I guess. Thanks
April 10, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
No, the thumb supporting the shaft simply means that it's not allowing the shaft to slip between the thumb and the index finger which would cause the club to get off plane and very difficult to control. You definitely don't want to feel like you're pushing the shaft with your thumbs at any time. Keep your hands relaxed and you shouldn't be getting loss of lag due to pushing on the shaft with the thumbs. R.J.
April 10, 2015
Working on it . Thanks
April 10, 2015
I like the comparison to throwing a frisbee - it really has emphasised the importance of soft hands/wrists. Does the same principle apply to shorter swings e.g. 3/4 shots where you only take you hands back to shoulder level to reduce the distance on a wedge shot? Presumably it does not apply to pitch shots.
April 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The pulling motion is the same with the shorter type shots. However, there isn't a need for excessive lag. Nice and soft hands with good pull. But, no need to try and create as much downcock.
April 10, 2015
Very cool lesson, greatly helpful to visualize this.
April 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Sean. We appreciate the post!
April 10, 2015
I noticed that my grips are wearing from pressure from my right thumb.What does that indicate?
April 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. You could be pushing in excess with your right and/or the grip is incorrectly placed. Take a look at the Golf Grip How to Video in the Setup Section. Make sure the right hand is on the club correctly.
April 10, 2015
Thanks for a great video, going to try this now. My question is: I noticed in some of the students and even Chuck's extreme example that the left (or lead) wrist seems to be cupped. I know in one of Clay's lag videos it suggests NOT to do this. Should the wrist be flat? or is it okay to be cupped and then flat at impact? Dave.
April 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. I would lean more towards keeping the lead wrist flat.
April 10, 2015
hi craig youve just got me doing this drill, i too feel that to get more lag in the downcock my left wrist cups big time, is this ok ? should it roll release down to slightly bowed at impact? thanks for your help
April 19, 2015
I'm new to rotary swing and have a question. On the downswing, do you teach consciously swinging the arms or do the arms just react to the hips turning and shoulders turning? Lloyd
April 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lloyd. You don't want to yank the arms down, but they do play a role. There is a little bit of pull and gravity. Take a look at the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag in the Introduction Section and the LADD Video in the Downswing Section for more information.
April 9, 2015
I am dominantly left sided but play golf right handed is this a help or a hindrance? I release early tried everything to release late even tried rotaryswing for 3 months with no improvement at all. Probably needed 12 months but after paying for 3 with no improvement was worried about paying anymore and not improving any.
April 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Being left side dominant is a good thing. Have you tried uploading a swing for review? Myself or one of the other instructors would be happy to help guide you along the swing change journey.
April 9, 2015
Hi Craig I have uploaded 4 swings the last one was back in September.
April 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeffrey. What have you been working on to try and fix the release? If you could provide more information I would be happy to steer you in the right direction. Also, if you would like myself or another instructor to provide you another opinion on the swing. I would be happy to do so.
April 10, 2015
I once had a fairly well known 'old timer' teacher tell me I had a better move as a lefty. Phil Michelson does everything but golf right handed. So did Bob Charles. Hmmm.
April 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
He might have been on to something.
April 9, 2015
I was watching the frisbee drill yesterday and it makes a lot of sense. I have relatively strong hands and forearms, I definitely use the thumbs to push the club at the ball (I swing right handed). However, taking my left thumb off of the club seems to help me maintain a soft left wrist. Question: is it crazy to use an overlapping grip with the left thumb wrapped around the handle under the right hand until I can learn how to not use the thumb? I noticed this also gets the right hand off the club a bit and makes my right thumb less active too. Have not hit any balls like this however. Thanks.
April 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Its not crazy to think that. The problem is the left thumb does play a role in supporting the club at the top of the swing. You can take it off during your training process, but at some point he will need to be there.
April 9, 2015
Awesome! Im left handed person and playing golf from right side. I have been throwing frisbees since i was child. 5 years ago i ask local pro can you use frisbees to practice golf? He said yes because it is similar motion to target. That didint work so well and sadly i have to stop using it. Well now i can get back practicing golf with my frisbees. Cool! Thank you very much!
April 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No problem Jukka. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Hopefully, you still have a frisbee lying around.
April 9, 2015
Good video. It seems that from this video and others on this site, that a lot of lag loss is caused by too strong of a grip, especially on the down swing. The urge is to try and force the club with the hands through impact. Should the goal be to use the arms on the down swing and let the hands and wrist be as loose as possible?
April 9, 2015
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The goal is to use the hips and legs to do the majority of the work to get the downswing underway. The hands and wrists should be soft to allow them to release more quickly.
April 9, 2015
I love this drill. My question is what to do with the thumb in the grip. I know for the drill to put it to the side ,more to the right? But going back to a grip to play with or hit balls , what can u do with the thumb in the playing grip. Thanks. Evan
April 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Evan. You just need to be conscious of the fact that the thumb is wanting to push against the shaft. Takes practice and awareness. Also, take a look at the Left Thumbnail Pain Video in the Advanced Downswing Section.
April 8, 2015
Craig hit wedges tonight and I have become very aware of the thumb pushing on against shaft coming down and just before impact. Crap.
April 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Take a look at the Golf Grip How to Video in the Setup Section. Make sure the thumb is placed correctly to help you along the way.
April 9, 2015
From experience my most powerful swings occur when I'm at the top of the back swing and start the down swing pulling the left shoulder away from my chin. That seems to efficiently sequence my hips and arms to to give fast club speed with minimum effort.
April 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Keep using the lead side/arm coming down. Leads to good swings!
April 8, 2015
Great exercise Chuck. My confusion on some of these drills and exercises is "how does this translate to the driver?". Maybe it is because I visualize the driver swing differently with the ball forward and more of "up" swing at impact. Am I just misunderstanding and confusing myself for no reason or is there a different type of approach to "lag" on a driver swing?
April 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Douglas. There isn't a different type of approach for the driver. The swing doesn't change from iron to driver. But, as you noted you want a different type of launch angle. One you are hitting on a downward blow (descending), the other you want to catch more on the upswing (ascending). That's why we adjust the setup. The ball moves forward - more axis tilt. (Bomb Your Driver Series - Driver Launch Angle). Adjust the setup, not the swing to change how you come into impact.
April 8, 2015
Thanks. The quick replies are great.
April 9, 2015
OMG! I've been using this image of throwing a frisbee for 2 years! It's easier for me as a LH golf that throws with my right. :0)
April 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Michael! You are already ahead of the curve!
April 8, 2015
Great video, Chuck!! Your explanation makes perfect sense. My son loves to throw the frisbee, so I will be throwing with him and working on my lag at the same time.
April 8, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Haha, that's awesome, Chan! I really enjoyed this video that Chuck made as well. For me and the students that I teach, it's definitely good to see the same drills from different perspectives to help us all relate to the material. Good luck with your improvement and enjoy playing frisbee with your son. R.J.
April 8, 2015

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