Winter Golf Training Program - Downswing

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While it's cold outside you can start heating your downswing inside. Do these drills in the house to get your golf swing in shape for Spring.

Winter Golf Training Video 3 -  Creating The Perfect Golf Downswing

Now that we've used golf training videos one and golf training video two of our winter training series to get your setup and your backswing dialed in, video three is all about how to groove your downswing to produce powerful and accurate golf shots.

Golf Swing Transition Drills:

The first concept that you need to remember is to get into a good golf address position with proper axis tilt.  Once you're ready to make your golf backswing, we want you to use only your left hand to take your club to the top of your backswing. The goal is to create free and fluid golf swing movements and with two hands on the club, it becomes hard to promote free range movements.

Once you get to the top of your backswing, the next exagerated movement which will help engage your legs and core is to actually lift your left leg.  By lifiting and stomping your left foot, you can guarantee proper weight transfer and produce power and a quality golf club release

During this golf release drill, make sure you try to practice for a few days with one hand only.  As mentioned above, the one handed golf swing will promote a natural movement that concludes with the proper golf swing plane.  Only after you have mastered the one handed release drill included in this golf training video, are we going to add in your right hand.

Two Handed Golf Release Practice 

Once you feel confident with the "one handed" golf swing drill, you are ready to grasp the club with your second hand, with a very light "fingertip" grip.  By adding in the second hand with light grip pressure, your muscle memory will allow you to remain fluid and loose without having your right hand and arm adversely effect your new fluid swing. 

Remember:  Regular practice will result in the best chance of muscle memory and overall golf swing improvement.  

All right, guys, you should be in a perfect position at the top of the backswing now. We should be loaded up on this right hip. We've made a good turn. We've swung our left arm up to a good position at the top. We're no longer steep and across the line, and all this crazy stuff that the right arm creates. We should be able to get down from that position really easily using some of our transition drills. That's what we're going to focus on now is we're going to get ourselves to shift our weight back to the left, letting the left arm fall, and release while we do a couple other drills to help speed this up and give you a good sense of what it feels like for the club to naturally shallow out in the top of the swing, and get into a good release and impact.

                Here's what we're going to do now: again, we're revamping what we did, or continuing to build on that. You're going to start from your good set-up position. Please don't ever come to a Rotary Swing golf lesson with no axis tilt. Again, we'll beat you. We're going to get into a good set up position with axis tilt. We're lifting the heel, stomping, and rotating; letting it help swing our arm up to the top. We're in a great position here. Now what I want you to do is I want you to lift your left foot, take a step, and let your left arm fall. That's it.

                From face on, this will start to make a little bit more sense. Again, set up, good position, take a step, stomp, and let it release the club. The left arm only. This is critical. What I want you to start feeling here when you stop your heel is I want you to hear it. I want you to feel what it feels like to activate the muscles in your hamstrings, your quads, your hips, in order to feel the muscles that you would use to post up at impact. You need to do this before you start bringing the club down. This is critical. This is going to help you understand the transition.

                We go to the top. From here, I'm going to break this up into chunks. Go to the top, I'm going to stop, make sure my position's still good; if I'm indoors looking at it in the mirror. I'm going to lift, stomp. You'll notice just by doing this little loud little movement stomp, where my hand came down. I didn't try to move my arm here; but just do the little bit of unwinding from my hips and letting gravity start to take over, because I'm getting tired of holding this club up here. As I do that, brings me all the way down, close to a hitting area. What do I need to do here? Let the golf club release. Spend a ton of time, five minutes perfect release video, it's all in there. Just letting my wrist rotate. Notice that I'm not unwinding, ripping my shoulders. I'm not pushing from the right side. I'm not trying to rip my arm down. I'm using my big muscles, my trunk, to bring the club the majority of the way down. Then, my only job is to release it.

                You get these three pieces of these videos that we've talked about, good set-up, rotate, pivot, shift over here, put your arm up to the top, shift your weight back to the left, release the club. That's everything. If you can do that right, the rest of it's just details. If you've taken the time to get a good set-up and weight shift, and rotation at the beginning ... You've got your arm up to a good position at the top. Now, this is the home run for you. You put all of this stuff together now, all in one piece, and have a great golf swing. You'll notice from down the line, as we do this, I'm going to lift my heel up. Club shallows out perfectly on it's own. That's all you have to do.

                "You can't do this drill enough," is what I've been telling most of my students. If you're very right arm dominant, which so many of us, ... and unfortunately golf is a lead side dominant sport. As you keep working these drills, the more practice you get swinging with your left arm only, the easier all of this stuff is going to work out for you. Do this drill again 15, 20, 25 minutes a day. Then I'm going to have you stack one piece on it after the first week of doing it left hand only, I want you to start introducing your right hand to it. The trick to this is just putting your fingertips on it, because I want your right hand to come off. If you wrap your paws around it, and you start holding on to it tight, we're going to go right back to our old habits. Fingertip it to the top, take your step, let it come off. Your goal is to not interfere with the club and the natural movements that you're creating here with your right hand.

                The fact of the matter is, once you put your right hand back on there, because you've probably already been over-using it for so many years, it's pretty well trained. It already knows what to do and typically knows a lot of bad things to do. Just by the fact that you put it on there, you're going to use it more than you realize. At first, just work on fingertips, step, release. Let your right hand come off. As you keep working on this, your goal is to start keeping your right hand on there longer and longer. There I kind of held on at the impact. There I kind of went all the way to the follow-through; but as I did that, I let the club release through. I let my hand really release and almost come off, and pull me around to the follow through. Your right hand is going to do way more than you think it is, so just try and practice not using it.

                First week drills, left arm only. Don't even let your right hand touch the golf club. Cut it off if you have to. Don't do that for real. Then, week two, fingertips only. Let the hand come off. Later in the week, when you start getting better at it, hold on to it a little bit longer and a little bit longer, until you feel like your swing still feels 100% left hand dominant, body dominant; but your right hand is starting to stay on more like normal a golf swing.

                This piece, if you can get these three pieces of the swing together, this is the culmination of it. The last thing that you can do, if you want, you can take a medicine ball. This one's kind of heavy, so it's not really ideal for this. You can still use it to get you into the top. You won't be able to hold the ball up there, but the thing that's nice about having a medicine ball like this is it really helps pull you into a follow-through position and pull your arm down into impact instead of you trying to muscle it. With the golf club, you can kind of yank your arm down. With a medicine ball, it's really difficult to do; so you tend to use your body and gravity more to do the majority of the work. If you want a light medicine ball, even a light one, two, three, four pound dumbbell, will also help start training some coordination and some strength in this left arm; which is probably lacking in your swing right now.

                Again, two weeks, 20, 25 minutes a day. Give it as much as you can. Give yourself a rest day. After these two weeks, at first it's going to feel impossible to swing a club left handed, but I promise you in two weeks, you'll be a pro at it. 


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Hello! I am new to the site...but loving things so far! My question has been one I have asked others in the past without an answer.... I have been doing this "stomp" drill for a long time...with excellent results (even while hitting balls). I tend to get excellent compression and distance...but I cannot seem to do this now without the "stomp" or "step". Any suggestions on how to NOT have to "stomp/step" would be helpful. Thanks so much!
September 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. It's a tough journey from lifting the foot/stomping. But, mainly you need to feel the heel/ankle press into the ground. I would focus hard on just doing the body movements only without a club and try to gain some awareness of the lead side sit. Gradually, add back arms/club with the same feeling.
September 29, 2019
Thanks Craig! Wow! I've been doing these drills for less than a week....went out today and did some practicing and I was hitting the ball very well (not even doing any step/stomp). A couple of things i'm noticing are... 1) Hitting a huge draw on ALL shots now (this is by no means a problem....just noticing I can't seem to NOT hit a draw now) 2) Don't think I'm getting as much lag w/ my driver. I was hitting it w/ a draw...but not much more than 230 yards. I feel like I should be getting much more distance with my driver. 3) The muscles on the back of my left hand are feeling very strained. Is this simply because I need to develop strength in these muscles or am I gripping too hard in my last 3 fingers? Thanks for all the help! The program really works well! Glad I joined!
September 29, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Sounds like you are releasing, but could be a little under plane or manually rotating the face. Driver takes some time since it is a specialty club. Make sure you make the setup adjustments (Proper Tee Height Video). Could be gripping it too hard, but the lead forearm will be sore the first few weeks when changing your release. Thanks for the compliments of our program. Keep moving forward and lower!
September 30, 2019
Thanks Craig. Not having any soreness in the lead forearm. I did notice some mild hyperextension of the lead elbow once or twice though (and I have a history of golfer's elbow in back elbow). I also watched the Tee video too. As I'm watching all the axis tilt videos I'm noticing that when I set my axis tilt in the setup, my weight transfers to approx 70-80% back ankle/20-30% lead ankle (my lead ankle feels very light at address). Is this too much axis tilt? It seems that in the videos, most of the instructors seem to have more weight on lead ankle or is it 50:50? Also think I'm a recently diagnosed 'hip spinner' ;P. Thanks much!
September 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. It should be more 50/50. If you have that much weight displacement you could be over doing the tilt. The hip bump/tilt should negate each other. Also, take a look at Cure Golf Elbow Pain Video.
September 30, 2019
While stomping the left leg should there be a slight squat (squat to square) or does it happen automatically? The stomping has helped me to understand the rotation of the hips better than any other drill so thank you!
March 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mikko. When you stomp to shift the weight onto the lead side the squat to square should happen automatically.
March 18, 2019
Lately, I have been gaining lag in my swing, but all my shots are blocked to the right. How can I fix that?
January 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. Sounds like you have lag, but not releasing it. Take a look at You Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball and Left Hand Power Release Drill.
January 21, 2019
What’s the optimum club path? When I release is the ball flight supposed to be a draw
January 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. Optimal club path would be zeroed out. However, a few degrees here or there would be great. Ball should be straight with the slight tendency towards a draw.
January 21, 2019
What are the causes of my swing path being 7 or 8 degrees?
January 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. Positive, or negative swing path?
January 21, 2019
January 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. Take a look at Trace the Plane Line and Throw the Ball Drill. Trace the Plane Line if you feel too far under plane. Throw the ball only if the lead side is mastered and you are having trouble getting rid of lag angle.
January 21, 2019
When doing the stomp with the lead “left foot”, is it ok to keep your shoulders and hips turned from the backswing, while stomping, and then start the hip rotation and felt arm falling? Or should allow some hip rotation as I stomp? Thanks for the great instruction! Doug
December 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Doug. Keeping the back to the target is perfectly fine. However, when shifting you have to allow for a little hip rotation, or you will get into a closed hip slide. Take a look at Closed Hip Slide Video. Thanks for the compliments and glad you are enjoying the instruction.
December 19, 2018
Craig, I am doing good now with the short irons, upthru 6, then I struggle and revert to old bad habits on the longer clubs, especially the driver. Does the timing need to be different or is it just my old impulse to hit with the right side that is the culprit on the longer clubs. TY. Dan
December 12, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. More than likely old impulses. The longer the club gets the more a player feels like they need to add extra umph to get speed and the club around.
December 12, 2018
Craig, any alternate drill video you could recommend? I'd love to do this one but the plantar fasciitis in my left foot won't tolerate this kind of stomping. Thanks
November 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dean. Not particularly. I think the swing is doing great. Keep doing what you are doing. Just clean up the setup and don't try to rush a (start down) before completing the backswing.
November 9, 2018
So just to be clear about the lead oblique pull does it contribute during the initial stages of the downswing or should it be used after posting up to assist in the complete hip turn ? thanks ..great series David M
August 23, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The oblique will start to engage when you start shifting because it will pull the hips to square.
August 23, 2018
Is there any advantage/disadvantage of doing drills with orange whip? Any suggestions on how to hold left shoulder from releasing too early (keep back to target longer)?
April 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. You may do it with the Orange Whip. You might find though it is pretty heavy lead arm only though. Practice very small reps and release drills similar to the Moving the Fulcrum Video and Fix Your Release Video for lead shoulder spin help.
April 10, 2018
Thanks Chuck.........are you ok with using the "Momentus" club for this drill?
November 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Noel. You may use a heavy club. I would start normal. Then, add the weight once you can make a good mechanical downswing lead arm only.
November 30, 2017
Hi. After the stomp on the downswing do you pull hard with the left oblique's to speed up the release? or is it purely gravity and momentum that's releasing the club Cheers Donald
October 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. Being more aggressive with your post up will help increase the speed. You still are looking for the release to happen and not speed up the hands to try and gain more increase. Lack of tension and allowing the club to release with a good lower body clear and post (straight left leg and oblique clear).
October 27, 2017
I have always played any sport muscling with my upper body and hip spinning. Am frustrated in trying to get the feel of the full weight shift. Also in doing the weight shift and then pulling with my hip/oblique's and posting up, I find myself too open. My shots are way too far right. How much of this is from not enough weight shift vs the timing of pulling with hips/oblique's. With this drill I don't even get a feel of what my hips/oblique's do.
August 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hank. Sounds like a lack of weight shift and you make up for less weight with hip spin. For you the hips may feel like they are dead because you are used to overworking them. I would focus on slowing them down first and get a good transfer. Belt Buckle Drill and Squat to Square. Then, gradually add back the post up (You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs).
August 11, 2017
T David
Question on the initial move (stomp the left heel).... I understand this when doing the drill, but trying to get this feel on the course.... I was thinking about being at the top and using the inside left leg muscles to pull the weight onto the left heel, then posting up. Does this make sense? Without lifting my leg and posting, the actual transition is a bit weaker. Just trying to move from drill to playing swing. Thanks in advance for any help on this.
July 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Sounds like a great plan to me.
July 29, 2017
T David
Question on this... at 2:20, Chuck says that the only thing we need to do after the weight shift is to let the club release. Don't we need to continue to push the heel into the ground to get to the post position, which allows the club to release? Just a little confused about this section. Thanks!
July 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The posting will help you trigger the release. Chuck was just referring to at that point in the swing the whole goal is to make sure you allow for release of the club and not push from the body/shoulders.
July 25, 2017
Chuck. Excellent set of programs. However, there are a few of us who are left handed but play right handed. What I have noticed is not that I need to tone down the use of my right arm, but just the opposite. I know that you are talking to your right handed students. I thought that i would point out that your advice is not quite universal. in fact, it might be worthwhile to consider a lesson for what those of us who play with the opposite hand should practice to get the weaker arm properly involved.
April 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Leon. Thanks for the input. For left handed players (that are naturally right handed), the tendency would be to pull too much creating a path too inside and excessive lag. Are those the symptoms you are experiencing? I would be happy to point you in the proper direction.
April 19, 2017
Thanks for responding Craig. I'm a right handed player who is naturally left handed. What I have noticed is that in the past I have used almost no right hand on the downswing. What I believe is that this has cost me distance. I know Chuck is all for pull (and not push), but I do believe that I could use the "right amount" of right hand in both full swings and on chips and pitches as well.
April 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Leon. I apologize. I read that backwards. Still the same tendencies though. Typically, on most short game shots you want to shy away from trail hand usage and will link closer to a body vs arms/hands release. If you have good lag or tend to be under plane you may use a little of the trail to get unstuck or fire angle. Here are a few videos that mention trail arm usage. Take a look at the Throw the Ball Drill, Right Arm Release, Sledgehammer, and Lag and Speed Drills.
April 19, 2017
Would it be beneficial to do this with the orange whip rather than club?
February 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Justin. You can perform with an orange whip. In the long run, using a club will help you more with some alignments. Early on training should help you start to reduce tension though.
February 26, 2017
The winters videos are excellent training aids. The first two videos appear to be close to directly usable in the golf swing. What is the best transition from the left foot stomp in the third video to an actual ball striking golf swing. Is the initial move (instead of the stomp) to first rotate the left hip to square to place most of the weight on the left heel to initiate the downswing.
January 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. When drilling at the range with a ball you can still stomp. But, yes it will be to plant the weight on the lead side in the (Squat to Square Video) position.
January 3, 2017
Craig---Appreciate your many helpful teachings. Would you help me understand what "bump" and "sit" refer to and the difference, if any, between the two. Thanks, John
December 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. We usually use "bump" when referring to the slight hip movement towards the target when creating axis tilt. And, "sit" when increasing the amount of weight and engagement of the trail or lead glute.
December 6, 2016
It's winter time here in New York and I have the next three or four months to prepare for next year. To me, my swing feels as though it is all upper body but that may not exactly be the case. I want more lower body. But I cannot feel it. I know that I have a tremendously strong core but I don't feel as though that I am using it and losing out on valuable clubhead speed. Even when I do the stomp drill, I still feel nothing. I know I get absolutely no ground leverage. I try just for laughs to jump off the ground, it does not happen. I want to hit it further, much further than I already do. What can I do
December 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You need to work on activating a little more squat in the downswing and posting the lead leg properly. Work on the Tiger Squat Video and combine with You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs.
December 18, 2016
At address chucks feet are perpendicular to the target line. I notice that during the downswing weight shift he lifts his left foot to stomp his left heel and when he does his left foot is then pointed more left towards the target than it was at address. I am assuming this was deliberate? Obviously during a real swing when you do not lift your foot this can not be soo exaggerated. In that case do do i just shift my weight to my left heel while simotaneously externally rotating my upper leg and knee to get the same feel/effect?
November 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Not to deliberate, but a natural means of stepping into it to allow the hips to rotate freely. Your goal would be externally rotating the lead knee and pulling the weight with the inner adductors. Not too much upper leg rotation. Fixing Your Weight Transfer Video.
November 17, 2016
How about using my orangewip instead of a medicinball?
November 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Niclad. You may use the Orange Whip. The weight of the ball really helps you feel the pull into the follow through. But, it won't hinder the proper motion to use the whip.
November 7, 2016
If I let my hands fall vertically from the top of my backswing, there is a timing to that. If I shift my weight, and begin to post-up there is a timing to that. Should the natural speed of my hands-drop guide the speed of the weight shift to make them sync, or vice-versa? Once the pattern is engrained, can I introduce a very modest downward assist to catch up to the hips? Also, on the take-away and backswing, my hands are always in front of my sternum. Do they stay in front of the sternum on the downswing so as to reach impact as the shoulders become square, where the shoulders are really driven by the hips rotating? Thanks.
September 28, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Patrick, these moves will feel "timed" at first until you own the correct movements. The Speed of your hands from the top down should be dictated but the hips shifting and unwinding. If they are relaxed and you are shifting, they will be pulled down, with some gravity into the hitting area. It's best not to pull your arms down in the sequence because it can keep you from shifting all the way to the lead side OR can not allow you to get things fully seated and cleared out on the lead side before the release. The hands work into the depth dimension of the swing as you work from the takeaway into the backswing. They will move back in front of the body based on the rotation that you are creating with the hips, as they are creating the torso and shoulder rotation for you.
September 29, 2016
Just watched your winter training video.I play golf left handed but I am right hand dominate. My big miss is a push or block,just wondering if I should work on same drills as a right handed player who plays right?
April 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. If you pull too hard with your right side you my be blocking it due to your lag and lack of release. Focus on the Throw the Ball Drill, Sledgehammer Video and the Left Hand Release Drill.
April 11, 2016
How do I get my body to understand the difference between a weight shift, and a slide. I shift but can't rotate, or rotate without shifting.
February 24, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Dan-There is actually 2 different movements that have to occur in the weight shift part of the downswing. First is what we call a closed hip slide and second is the rotation of the hips open to 45*, You should shift the weight shift and then rotate by using external rotation of the left leg and external rotation of the left obliques as well to get the hips open at impact. Shift then rotate is a good way to think about it.
February 24, 2016
According to my understanding of hip rotation, the actual movement is an internal rotation in the lead leg. Am I missing something here?
October 29, 2016
Hi Craig, You mention in my review that I am pushing slightly with right side, which causes me to shut my club face. You mention to let the club fall. I have worked on shifting to the left and letting the club fall. I have now moved to do the full transition, shifting to the left, let the club fall and then pull with my oblique. However, I am still hitting to the left, and the club head seems to be going on the right path to the ball. Am I still pushing? What is causing the push as I am really docs sing on letting the club fall. Thanks. Stephen
February 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Knowing your swing it is usually the path. Even though face is a much more determinant factor of ball flight. Do a few OTT Stick Drills and let me know what happens to the pull ball flight.
February 24, 2016
Great winter golf training program, I've been practicing this downswing training move and it helps to get the feeling of the left side and arm controlling the downswing. When is the next video coming out. Thanks
February 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Glad you like the Winter Series. I am not exactly sure when the next video is being released. I know Chuck and Chris are working on few ones right now.
February 22, 2016
I love your winter golf training program - but as I am a left handed golfer with a dominant right hand in daily life , where do I have to focuss on ? Thanks Beat
January 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Beat. Being right hand dominant (left handed player). Do you struggle with too much lag or not enough?
January 27, 2016
Not enough
January 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Beat. I would work on the Frisbee Drill and the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag. Similar drills, but more emphasis on increase of angle.
January 27, 2016
Like the drill but when I do the drill I lose my axis tilt and my upper body come forward. I think it's because of the trail side push. What seems to help is when I swing my left arm and hand at the ball down the target line and not in towards my body. Am I on the right track or is there a better way of keeping axis tilt. Thanks
January 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. When you perform the drill you lose axis tilt at the top, or lose secondary tilt at impact? If you are losing tilt into impact (tilt straightening out at impact) with the upper body getting ahead. You are over doing the move and the sequence isn't starting from the ground up. Quiet a little of the stomp and get the motion back from the ground up.
January 27, 2016
Hi Craig, when performing the left hand only drill on this video, I feel that I may be coming down a little steep. How can I assess this on swing analysis with the one hand drill? Should you exaggerate the falling of the arms on the way down, so the club shallows out (flattens out) and less steep? Is it good to try and swing an inside to outside swing path to make sure the club is flattening out? Thanks. Stephen
January 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. It is hard to use the elbow plane line when swinging left arm only to diagnose steepness. I would experiment a little with shift and shallowing out path (in to out) to see if it feels better.
January 25, 2016
When I swing my driver left handed, it seems to want to slightly bump the ground before I reach the point at which I would strike the ball. Could you explain what I might be doing wrong?
January 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. It would be hard without seeing your move. I'm guessing you might be pushing a little against the shaft. Take a look at the Frisbee Drill and see if increasing the angle (without thumb push) helps.
January 23, 2016
I find when I post up/stall, I put the stop on my momentum moving through the shot too, and throw the club "at" the ball. Transferring down the kinetic chain becomes non-existent at this point. I'm losing a lot of distance.
January 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Work on the Long Arms Drill. Train getting back wide through the release so you can feel the momentum pull you through better and not stall/throw the club too soon.
January 21, 2016
I'm still having difficulty coming over the top and spinning out, even after shifting and pulling. Should I be waiting for my hands to drop to about waist-high after I shift, with my shoulders closed, before rotating?
January 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Yes, if you have the tendency to spin and swing over the top I would give it more time with the shoulders staying closed. Take a look at the Over the Top Stick Drill and How to Swing from the Ground Up.
January 19, 2016
I am struggling to maintain my axis tilt during my downswing. Any suggestions? I have been a hip spinner in the past but I have worked to nullify my hip spin!
January 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Are you adding secondary axis tilt or leveling out too much?
January 14, 2016
I believe that I am leveling out too much. I am working on my axis tilt, proper use of my right knee, right arm in the backswing and releasing my body through the hitting area. Should I cont. to work on these videos to help me with my axis tilt or should I add another? Or is there something I should focus on in one of these videos? Thanks!
January 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Those sound fine to work on while trying to maintain adequate tilt. I was going to refer you to the Level Shoulders Drill if you were adding too much tilt at impact. The Face On Impact Alignments/Fix Your Release to have better tilt at impact.
January 14, 2016
What can I do when I can´t stop my head move of the ball during this drill?
January 12, 2016
And also have no idea where i should point my left shoulder in my backswing. In general thats a problem of my swing, because i have a very flat shoulder plane. I think this is causing me the move of the head. I didn´t find any drill on this site that has to do with the left shoulder in the backswing. The pushing video of left shoulder don´t help me. And all the other videos are about right shoulder pulling. Thats ok, but it doesnt help me. As Chuck mentioned in one of his videos, when the right shoulder goes back the left shoulder comes forward. but where is this forward and how much down?
January 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Maximillian. It is okay for the head to move a little while performing the drill. I would rather you not focus on trying to find a point to aim the left shoulder in the backswing. More that you are rotating around the spine. The hinge forward from the hips creates the shoulder plane. If you maintain the posture a rotate properly the left shoulder will work on the proper tilt. Perform some of the Golf Body Rotation Drills from a hinged forward position.
January 14, 2016
If when I stomp, my arms do not drop as far as Chucks, what might I be doing wrong?
January 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. More than likely you are creating tension not allowing for a little gravity. Take a look at Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag. Chuck will discuss staying soft.
January 11, 2016
I have been doing the drills, and can feel the things taking place that have changed my swing totally. Power from my lower body makes the swing effortless, and the club head speed is whipping through the impact zone as i practice, but I can,t seam to take the same swing when a ball is present. Any help for this problem?
January 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robin. It takes time for the new motor patterns to take hold. Practice slowly. Hit smaller shots making sure you get the correct move first with a ball in front versus going full out trying to get it perfect at the start.
January 4, 2016
Thanks Craig, this is a relief, and makes perfect sense.
January 4, 2016
I am doing the RST drills to become a left-side swinger. It is very different from my old swing which was dominated by my right side arm and hand. However, I noticed that now I have the tendency to use left hand to control for chipping as well, with right side just touching the club. It produced some bad chips since it is a new game for the left hand to chip well. What is the recommended way to do in this situation: learn how to chip with left hand domination, or go back to the right hand dominated chipping I used to?
January 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. I would learn how to be lead side dominant in chipping. Unless, you are trying to hit a super spinner shot. The trail side staying a little passive and being more lead arm dominant can allow for great chipping. I primarily use my lead side for chipping and have greater control over my shots.
January 4, 2016
Is it a correct feeling that my left hand is in full control of the club shaft? So the essence of the golf swing is the left side dominated swing. Is it correct that the right side is in an assistant role to help the left side?
January 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. The lead hand will be in full control. Now, the trail side still creates the pull and rotation going back. But, the trail side will be more of your assistant.
January 3, 2016
What is happening when I swing left handed and my weight wants to shift to the ball of my left foot?
December 29, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. You are either not pressing the lead heel down or having the tendency to start with some shoulder spin throwing the weight towards the ball.
December 30, 2015
I gathered from the video...the arms still lag behind the body. Only that the shoulders remained square and not spun open. The arms just naturally drops? With no force of movement?
December 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. If you use a little bit of weight shift and momentum (change of direction) you shouldn't feel that you have to yank down the lead arm. Gravity and weight will help bring the lead arm down. It will feel like the arms are falling into a good release position.
December 28, 2015
Curt . when i swing with a shaft only and no head with my left arm i get outstanding speed at the bottom but when i include right hand the speed slows down considerably. i understand that right hand is pushing the club but i can not seem to let the left side and arm lead the downswing. the right arm wants to dominate the swing no matter what i do. any suggestions.
December 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Curtis. It takes lots of practice to get over trail side dominance. I would work on training the lead arm first. Then, learning how to let the trail hand go in the downswing until you completely feel confident he isn't taking over. The VIjay Release Drill, Frisbee Drill, Golf Swing Release Drill and the Lose the Right Hand Drill may help.
December 17, 2015
Why aren't we practicing the hip bump to NJA move (Al Consoli video) instead of the stomp drill to move weight left? Or does that come later?
December 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. The bump and the stomp are trying to accomplish the same thing. Weight transfer to the lead side and getting stacked. The stomp helps you feel the proper muscle engagement. The bump or sit is the toned down version of trying to train the shift.
December 10, 2015
Thank you. BTW I hit the ball better when I shift via a mini-stomp rather than the hip bump. Hip bump causes my head to move to the left with the hip. Get ahead of the ball at impact.
December 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. The stomp will make it feel a little more athletic and sometimes easier for a player to synchronize. Happy to hear the improvement.
December 10, 2015
Could you please explain what you mean by shallowing out the club and how do you do it. thanks
December 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. The club shallows due to proper weight shift to the lead side and lead arm usage. The easiest video to see this in is the Stop Coming Over the Top Video. Shallowing of the club is making sure the the club works back on plane in the downswing. And, if anything missing a touch under if it shallows too much (getting more horizontal to the ground). Steeping the plane is the club working too vertical in plane in the downswing typically seen in an over the top move.
December 9, 2015
Awesome series!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!!
December 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Merry Christmas from all of us here at RST. Thanks for the holiday wishes. Appreciate the compliment of the series.
December 9, 2015
Outstanding video, Chuck!!! A lot of things clicked for me when I watched this one. Thanks for continuing to provide concrete drills for us. One question I have for you; can you advise of an all-around drill to use before a round that would encapsulate the ideal swing? I know for my part I sometimes get too many things rolling around in my head before a round and I like to clear my mind and have only one or possibly two swing thoughts in my head. It seems like this one-arm stomp drill might be the one to have, and even do between shots/holes. Thanks.
December 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jesse. Take a look at Chan's reply below. He is spot on.
December 9, 2015
Hey Jesse, I recommend the "re-shape your swing for lag video" It is excellent for what you are wanting. It is in the introduction section on the video menu.
December 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chan. You're hired! Perfect answer.
December 9, 2015
Thanks Craig, as a matter of fact, I am studying for my RST certification and will be taking the test in the next week or so.
December 10, 2015
I struggle to find a balance between proper release using right hand (left handed golfer) and doing the throw the ball drill. I am a right handed person playing golf left handed so my lead side is more dominant. I have worked all summer trying to learn how to use my trail arm but when I practice these releasedrills I get the two sides confused. Any ideas for a confused right handed left handed golfer
December 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Darran. You need to prioritize. Do you have an issue with too much lag or squaring of the face? The typical player has a problem with not enough lag and proper rotation of the face. I would relax a little with the trail side right now and perfect the motion with the lead arm.
December 9, 2015
Good video, will try this. Like that you give a week to each change since old habits don't change easily.
December 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Old habits do die hard. But, grinding out quality reps will beat 'em away.
December 9, 2015
Hi Really enjoying this Winter Training Program and the break down of this swing into small sections has given me something to work on during the long Winter months. Keep up the good work. Alan
December 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Alan! Get to work!
December 9, 2015

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