Putting Tip | Training Your Eyes

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Stop wasting your money on putter purchases and meaningless training aids and start focusing on the most important part of being a great putter...your eyes.

 If you're really serious about becoming a great putter this upcoming season, well, I got a great video for you today. We're going to be focusing in one very critical area of the putting stroke, that you probably have really never paid attention to, and that's your eyes. I'm also going to show you a really simple training aid that could save you thousands of dollars on all those putter purchases, and make you save shots on the golf course, round after round. Let's go ahead and get started.

                Okay, guys. So as I said in the opener, we're going to be focusing in on one of the most important parts of the putting stroke that's probably been overlooked since the time you started playing golf, and the reason for that is, is that we're oftentimes, we're so jaded by so many of the different philosophies that are out there. So many of the different sciences. So many different marketing campaigns. And what I mean there is, is that if you look at putting as a whole, some of the best putters in the world, what do they have in common?

                Well, not much, really. Okay. You have putters that are different lengths. You got anchored putters that are now going away. You've got big, fat grips. You've got people putting left hand low. You've got people out there using a claw. There's just so many different methods to it, and a lot of these guys are great putters with any method. Well, if you take a step back and you look at this from a big picture perspective and you say, "Okay. Since they don't have any of that stuff in common, and some of these guys are straight back, straight through, and some of these guys are arched putting strokes. What is it that they are so good at doing?"

                Well, number one. They're good with speed. And number two, they're really good at being able to get the golf ball started on their intended line. Now why is that important to you, at home? Well, because there was actually this study done years ago, and I think they polled right around a 100 golfers and they said, "100 amateur golfers." And they said, "Okay. Get an eight foot putt that's dead straight, and they want you to go ahead and line up, and try to get that ball in the center of the hole." I think it was a shocking number, like six to eight people out of a 100 were only lined up in the hole, and the rest of the people are lined up outside the hole one way or the other. Now why is that a problem?

                Well, if our eyes are trained to be looking at the center of the whole. In fact, we're lined up left to right, that's going to produce a push or a pull in your stroke, and you're going to start to develop some different flaws. So I always think that it's important to train the eyes, rather than spending money on all these putters. How do we do that? Well, I'm going to show you now. Let's go ahead and take a look at that.

                Okay, guys. So here is a absolutely phenomenal training device, and it's by SeeMore Golf. It's called the Triangulator. I think I've had this probably now since SeeMore was in existence. Obviously, we know SeeMore is famous for with Zach Johnson, and they're interesting looking putters, and they've got the red dot that helps tell you if the face is closed or open. Lots of good products from that company, but this is a product that's pretty much saved my life on the putting green. The reason being is, is that I used to train my eyes to look in the center of the hole. In fact, I was lined up two inches left, so I had to spend a lot of time with this tool, retraining my eyes and constantly checking to see where they are at, so I could then refine my stroke and get back to all that science that's out there. So this is the first thing that I started doing.

                Let me show you how this works. Okay. We're going to find about an eight to 10 foot putt here, and you're going to go ahead and take your set up. Let me just put this down. What your goal here is, is this is what we're going to be checking. We're going to go ahead and try to get this ball lined up. My putter face, so it's lined up in the center of the hole. Assuming that this is a dead straight putt. Once I'm ready to rock, okay. I'm going to freeze. Okay. I'm not going to allow the putter to move around. I'm going to come down here, I'm going to put the Triangulator on the front of my putter face here, so it's nice and square.

                Okay. I'm take it away now. Go ahead and leave it in the ground. We're probably going to see that I'm way off and I'm going to show you guys how poorly my eyes are trained, but this is why we use it. So you can see now, that I'm lined up about two inches, two and a half inches outside the hole on the right side. So now, what I've done is I've trained my eyes, thinking that I was lined up in the center of the hole, and I'm actually lined up right, which now, what am I going to have to do to get this ball started online? Well, I'm going to have pull it. So here's my point. Is that now that I've trained my eyes to look in this direction, what do I have to do?

                Well, I got to spend a lot of time deprogramming my eyes and making them look in the proper direction. So here's what we want to do. Now we're going to make this adjustment down here to the Triangulator, this is much like a chalk like drill, for you guys at home, too. We're going to align this line up on the triangle, so it's right in the center of the hole. Just double check that. So there you go. So now it's in the center of the hole. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the front end of the Triangulator. Okay. I have a line on the back of my putter, much like a lot of the putters that are out these days. But, I'm going to use that line, down the same line that the Triangulator's on, and I'm going to get the golf ball just in front of that.

                My point, or the goal here is, is before I take any putting strokes, is I'm going to look down at the ball, and I'm going to look at the hole five or 10 times. Just to retrain my eyes. Now this looks weird to me, because it now feels like I'm lining up left of my intended target. So you can see the importance of this. This is going to give you a clear indication of where you're actually lined up and how to retrain your eyes, more importantly. So stop spending money on all those fancy gimmicks. All those fancy putters. Whatever it may be. Start investing more time in training your eyes, and you're going to become a great putter this next season. I promise you. To playing your best golf. Now make it a great day. 

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is there another similar product without the string that would accomplish the same thing? Or perhaps for something to use at home? I've been killing my game with missing short to mid-length putts by pure mis-alignment.
July 5, 2020
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
I've seen some lasers that can show the intended line but they don't necessarily work the exact same way as this product. I have also seen some people make versions of the aid I used in this video and they worked just fine. Sorry I am not much help on other products. I just don't like commenting on products I haven't tested. If you find something, let me know and I can look through it or possibly test it for you. There's a lot out there, and I may have already tested something you find.
July 7, 2020
Hi Chris, A putting pro helped me to find the right distance for my eyes (actually I am blind on my left eye) with respect to the putting line where I see the put straight (standard advice which I got before was eyes directly above the ball). This distance differs from person to person and (for me it is a few centimeter inside the putting line). It was determined in a putting studio with a laser. Then I got a simple ruler and had markings on it for the position of my feet and the ball, which I can use when practicing on the green or at home. You can also use a putting mirror. Adjusting the position of your eyes to the putting line seems to me easier and more reliable than "training" your eyes to see where you should aim to get the ball in the hole.
December 10, 2023
Great piece of teaching!!! When I was young, my stance was open to about 15o. I crouched a bit. And I putted well--sank a 30 footer in the dark to win a match over a guy from Yale. But since all the back surgeries (and a new knee coming up), I've tried to stand perpendicular to my intended line. Result? EVERything goes right. When I correct for this, all puts over 5 ft skim the left edge. It may be my peepers!!! Thanks! Peter Kennedy M.D.
January 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Thanks. It may very well be the Peepers. I see this very often on the lesson tee (green). Good luck with the knee. After all the fight to get the body back normal another issue. Sorry to hear. All the best and good luck.
January 15, 2016
Thanks Chris. I've been focused on my first book, "Medicine Man memoir of a cancer physician" on Amazon (Give it five *****} and at stores. I once wrote a book, "Golf for the Guy with a Bad Back". Couldn't find an illustrator. It's basically a re-speak of whoozits (the Senior Circuit guy), but I said it better. Anyway, I'm impressed at the progress of the web site. Again, I see you folks huddled around a table, or a computer screen, seeing things in the golf swing noone's ever noticed before. Many moons ago, I talked a bit about a possible swing benefits of a guy confined to a chair working rotary (with his core&shoulders. I've used the time to correct a grip which I always thought was good, too key the right rhomboid, blah, blah, blah. There are not many of me, I hope, but if I didn't have you guys, my dog, my new "professional writiing" career, my wife, Anne, and my now-2 year-old clubs sitting in the closet, I'd get depressed. On second thought, I'm okay. But I'm gonna chase down that Hdcp of 3-5 again.
January 15, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome Peter! I will have to take a look at your book for sure. Always great to hear from you.
January 20, 2016
Thanks so much. And always an honor to watch you work. pk
January 22, 2016
I have seen people mark a straight line on their ball as a targeting technique on putts. Essentially squatting behind the ball and lining up their ball line with the projected target line for the putt. Do you find this to be an effective technique for training the eyes?
December 28, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Dave, make sure that your eyes are trained properly even with this popular method of lining up to the intended target. I have seen players that use the line on the ball and think they are lining it up where they want it and they are still off a slight amount.
January 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Yes, that can be a very effective technique.
December 28, 2015
Dean (Certified RST Instructor)
Great video Chris. But I've got to tell you I teach the 4 elements of putting from Eye line golf. The same products that the top 15 in the world are using. I'm sure you've seen them on TV with the putting mirrors. But I do like the device you are using in this video.
December 24, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Dean, the Eye Line products are great for sure. Glad you enjoyed the video.
January 5, 2016
Money! This is why I use a SeeMore Putter
December 24, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
They just sent me a new one this past week, so I can retire the original SeeMore dinosaur that I have, and I am going to be doing a video with it. Very good tool for people looking to refine their stroke!!!
December 24, 2015
Dean (Certified RST Instructor)
Which putter are you getting? I have an older black milled model. Haven't used it for awhile. Might have to bring it out. I did order a trianglelator.
January 5, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
They sent me the ptm1 in satin 33". I like it a lot. Might put together a video with it.
January 5, 2016
Dean (Certified RST Instructor)
Did you have them custom fit it? 33 Inches seems short and I don't know your height but you look tall. Or does this really help you hang your arms down?
January 5, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
It was built to the specs I asked them for. You are actually the first person to think that I am tall. Everyone thinks I look like I am 5'3" and I am actually 6'2". I have used 33" length since I was 16 and it is where I feel most comfortable and yes, it does allow my arms to hang down properly.
January 6, 2016
I also thought you were short @ 5-6ish. I just want to say all your videos are great. Not to knock the other guys, but I relate much more to you than than Clay's Southern drawl, and Chuck's long-windedness.
January 20, 2016
Yea, I'm always torn between the stability of a mallet vs. the look of the mFGP CS I have. And I tinker too much with weighting, counter balancing, grip, etc.
December 25, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
I would suggest you get that thing comfortable in your hands and trust the weighting etc and stop tinkering, as hard as it might be
January 5, 2016
Fantastic video Chris - we are often focussed so much on the full swing that we forget that the putter is the most important club in the bag and therefore it should command a good amount of our practice time. I love the simplicity of the video which has such an important message. Thanks again Chris. "Now where's that ball of string........."
December 21, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the kind words Trevor and glad you enjoyed the video and understand the importance of the putter. We have more good stuff on putting coming in the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
December 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Trevor. Thanks for the compliment of Chris's Video. Yes, you are correct. Most important club in the bag!
December 21, 2015
Chris, please remake this video. You hold a training aid up to the camera that's 20 to 30 feet away so there's no way to see what you are holding up. Then you extend a string but with the camera is still 20 to 30 feet away so there is still no way to see what's being done other than you are stretching a string toward the hole.
December 18, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Made some tiny updates to the video for you to see the product a bit and how I use it.
December 18, 2015
Much better! Thanks, Chris.
December 18, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
My pleasure William. I will be more mindful of camera angles in the future.
December 18, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
William, when it stops raining here in Florida, I will go out and get some additional footage of me running the string from the triangulator. In the meantime...the triangle is anchored to the ground with 2 tees. You place the bottom of the triangle on the putter face, anchor it, then run the string directly down the center of the triangle on the bisector line. You pull the string straight, make sure that it stays on the bisector line, and that is where you are aiming. You then adjust the triangle so the string is in the center of the hole as I did.
December 18, 2015
As far as I'm concerned, the winter months were made to force a golfer to practice his/her putting, and maybe some short game. I'd love to take a look at that putting aid from SeeMore Golf on your website, but I can't seem to get it to load. I'll try again tomorrow maybe, or just use Amazon. Some great tips, Chris. You're really on a roll since your last big hair cut.
December 18, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Glad you found it useful Ken and also appreciate the love on the hair.
December 18, 2015
Now to get Chuck to get a haircut!!
January 4, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
You are going to have to take that up with his hair stylist
January 5, 2016
How do you know that the string that you pull out to the hole is a strait line - not pulled a little to right or left. This can't be accurate, as the string could be a degree or two off. This is not very scientific - how about a laser ? Hard to believe you guys could put something like this out. Jim
December 17, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
And for further information to my earlier comments...I just set my laser on the bisector line on the triangle, after I ran a string to a practice hole, and it was EXACTLY where I had the string hitting the hole. I guess a string and triangle, although as you say not scientific, will work perfectly with training your eyes how to process the correct intended target line.
December 18, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Jim, You pull the string so it is in a straight line as shown in the video, there is a line bisecting the triangle that you line run the string through to ensure proper alignment. I have used this aid for years and I can assure you, it is perfect to show you where you are lined and then how to retrain the eyes to get them where you want them to be. Sorry, if you felt like this was a scientific approach towards putting.
December 18, 2015
I look at the ball and the putter face to ensure square during the putting stroke.
December 17, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, that works. It's important for the eyes to stay very still during the stroke. We have some stuff coming out on that this winter.
December 18, 2015
Hello. I'm seeing some people out there suggesting that it's better to look at the hole than the ball when putting. I have always looked at the ball and always thought that was a given. I'm not sure if this is addressed in any of the putting videos but I'd like to know the RST opinion on this. Thanks!
December 17, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
If you have trained your eyes to be looking in the correct spot, this is not a bad option. If you think you are looking in the center of the hole and are lined up right or left, then you need to retrain your eyes before you do anything.
December 18, 2015
I have a putting mat at home with lines and straight putt, and practice whenever I have time. Is this going to be helpful to train eyes for proper alignment?
December 17, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, It will be helpful for sure.
December 18, 2015
Here is the link to the product @$10: http://www.seemore.com/accessories/training/triangulator.html
December 17, 2015
Where do we purchase this training aid? frank
December 17, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Frank -- I will post up a link in a couple of days to purchase it if we have enough interest from you premium members. Stay tuned...
December 17, 2015

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