Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 4 of 6

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Lesson 4 of 6 focusing on the legs and weigh transfer during the golf swing. This drill will help you achieve golf proper weight shift and release in order to create pure impact positions.

In weeks 1 - 3, we covered weight shift, tension and swing arc.  Today, for week 4, we are adding in one more piece that will get you in the best position for crisp and pure impact.

This week, we will be combining all these steps and keeping your eyes quiet and legs under control during the golf swing, you will be in near-perfect position when you get to golf ball impact.  

In this golf lesson, we want you to set up a ball in address position off your left ear.  To start the drill that focuses on your leg and eye movements, we are going to show you how to properly shift your weight while focusing your left eye on the back of the golf ball.  The key here is to create a repeatable and solid swing base that will allow us to increase swing speed and taking full swings during our practice session.  

We want you to perform 1000 reps of this drill so that you can get the muscle memory needed to create a consistent swing.  Watch this lesson, practice the specific swing sequence moves and you'll be ready for golf lesson 5 next week where we will be taking full swings and using flight scope to track results.  

This week we're going to be adding one more moving piece to our ball striking that's going to allow us to become a much more consistent ball striker. We're going to be focusing on how important it is to keep your eyes very quiet at the release point of the golf swing.

                So over the first few weeks what we focused on was, in week number one, we wanted to minimize a lot of that additional head movement or excess head movement that you may have had in your takeaway, your backswing. In week number two, we worked on shaking out a lot of that tension that you may have had in your wrists, your forearms. Then week number three, which is a really critical week, we worked on controlling the bottom of the swing arc and adding weight transfer to help get the gulf club to bottom out in the same spot every single time.

                So this week what we're going to be focusing in on is we're going to be keeping our legs stationary. We're going to get into proper stance with, and I want you to go ahead and get a ball in its normal position here, just off the left here, just like we talked about in last week's video. We're not going to be hitting this golf ball unless you're going to be out at a range or what not, but I'm going to have this golf ball position right up off my left ear, and what I want to do here now is we're going to tie all these pieces together, we're going to make sure when we start our move we're going to pick our right heel up, and we're going to push it in the ground, and we're going to turn our body all the way to the top of the golf swing.

                Okay, so I'm going to stop at this point, and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to shift my weight over to my left heel, so you're going to see that my head moves back into it's original position. I'm going to shift so I've got about 85% of my weight in my left heel right here. Then at this point what I'm going to do is I am going to now focus my left eye right directly on the back of the golf ball, and I'm going to leave it there until I feel my hands and arms reach up to about belt height when it passes impact here.

                So I'm going to go ahead and load to the top, so I'm going to pick my right heel up, turn my body to the top. I'm going to shift my weight left, so I got to feel about 80% of my weight in my left heel, left ankle. I'm going to focus my left eye on the back of the golf ball, and I'm going to let the club release. Now the reason why I have this ball out here, number one, I'm going to get you comfortable, it's going to give you a reference point, and number two, we're going to be looking for the club to still bottom out just in front of this golf ball just like we worked on last week.

                Again, so the way this drill's going to work, right heel up, push it in the ground, turn your body, transfer your weight over to your left heel. Then once your weight's over your left heel you're going to focus your left eye right on the back of the golf ball, push your left heel in the ground, and let the club release, and keep your eye focused back here on the golf ball until your hands reach belt height. I want you to do a thousand repetitions of this exact move. Start very slowly and start to get yourself up to speed by probably the 800th, 900th rep or so. You want to start to almost feel like you're at full speed, and then in turn you're going to be ready for next week's video.

                So let's go through this just one more time for you guys. Ball position's going to be up off my left ear. Pick my right heel up, push it in the ground, keep my right leg flexed. I'm going to shift my weight over to my left side, left eye's going to stay focused on the back of the golf ball, push the left heel into the ground and let the club release in front of our body, no tension.

                Now for those of you people that have battling with maybe a chicken wing or maybe a flip, you've got a different set of homework this week. What you're going to be focusing on is when you shift your weight left, you're focusing your left eye on the back of the golf ball, and you're letting the club release, your right hand is going to be coming off the golf club at impact. It's not going to be passing impact. So you're going to do a thousand reps with your right hand coming off the golf club right at impact. If you've been struggling with a flip or a chicken wing, those are what you're going to be focusing on this week. Your right hand must come off the golf club.

                Then next week what we're going to start go to do is we're going to start to ramp our speed up. We're going to start working on controlling our starting line. I'm going to have flight scope out here, so we're going to start tracking some of the data, start tracking our speed, start tracking the path of the club, and then the face to path, and you're going to see that we're going to get well on our way to playing some really good, consistent golf.

                All right, so there you have it. Week number four, we're going to go ahead and add weight shift, going to keep our eyes quiet, let the club release. We're going to aim for a thousand reps. I wish you guys all the best success for this drill this week. Also, I want to let you guys know if you're unclear on how to properly shift your weight into your lead side and help keep your hips back when doing so, we've got a fantastic video on the website. It's a premium video called Sitting into the Left Side. This is a video that's mandatory for you to check out if you're unclear on how to shift your weight properly in your golf swing.

                Also, we did a video that helps a lot of our members try to overcome some of the faults that they had when working on sitting into the left side, it's called Fixing Weight Transfer. Both of those videos are going to be recommended videos over to the right hand side of the video player that you can go ahead and check those out. They're going to be really critical for you to have those moves down perfect when working on moving your weight back over into your lead side.

                All right guys. So good luck this week. We'll see you guys next week for week number five. We start getting more and more advanced. I hope you guys have some great success. Feel free to post those comments up below. 

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Hi Craig, I have been working on the drill in this video and it has really helped me hit the ball more solid. The only problem I am having is that my misses are starting at my target (or slightly left) and then curving further left. I will miss my target by 5-9 yards left on a shot that goes 75-90 yards (doing the drill where you stop at the top, then halfway, then post & release). I almost feel "jammed" up vs a relaxed and fluid swing when I swing with my left hand only. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
August 17, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Sounds like you are ripping the arms down versus the movement being fluid. The goal is to use the chunking to fix sequence. Allow the arms to fall and release. You are trying to power the shot with them. Shoulders may be getting involved as well. Hit small shots using this drill then blend into your fluid one piece movement.
August 18, 2023
Hi Craig, man you are good! I was definitely ripping my arms down and trying to power through the shot (even though I didn't think I was). I re-watched the video and noticed that my weight shift was wrong, and I was not letting my arms fall and release at all like you said. I was trying to hit the ball too hard, even from waist high. I stopped the video and made sure I hit the checkpoints exactly as shown using my mirror. Once I did that, it stopped the left miss. Also, it feels like an effort level of 2 (vs an 8 before). When I do the moves correctly, it feels so effortless, and the club just flows through. Now the ball is +/- 1 yard of my target line and the contact feels so pure for such a short shot.
August 18, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome! Great to rad my friend. Appreciate the compliments. Kinda my job
August 18, 2023
Hi Craig, one question on my latest swing review. When I let my arms drop down, I find that my wrist feels sore from trying to maintain the angle. So when I 1st transfer my weight, should my hands be about mid chest and the club pointing straight up? When I let them drop straight down I seem to lose the angle unless I really keep my wrist cocked. I am guessing this is wrong....
September 3, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. When doing in a fluid motion it will be easier to maintain angle. When you transition lead arm about parallel to ground with weight on lead side. 9 to 3 Lag Building Drills and 4 of 4 when you start getting the motion down will help you do the same thing with softer wrists.
September 4, 2023
Hi, Chris, can you send me the link for "Fixing your weight transfer?" I can't locate it on the site. Thanks!
April 2, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jesse. Putting hyper links in the forum is a little tricky. Type "Fixing" into the search box. The second video to populate should be the video.
April 3, 2021
Thanks Craig! And thanks for the advice the other day, ad the suggested videos.
April 3, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Happy to help Jesse.
April 3, 2021
When I try to shift my weight on the downswing I feel some of my pressure on the toe. Are there any drills I could do to cure that and have pressure on my heel?
November 6, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. The toes will be helping with balance, but shouldn't be the primary focal point. Take a look at How to Swing from the Ground Up and RST Tempo Drill.
November 7, 2018
Question: When does the left arm begin to break down past the strike, i.e. how long should I be trying to keep it straight? I'm finding that in order to keep it straight past 7:30 to the 9 o'clock position, I have to a) really contort my torso (left shoulder way up), b) turn my upper body with the swing so that my arms remain in the middle of my chest, or c) release the club with my right hand.
September 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Ideally, the lead arm will stay straight until the 9 O'Clock position. If you are breaking down it has to be trail hand takeover too soon (Chicken Wing Video), or you could be trying to keep the chest too square at the ball and never letting it move. It will have to rotate some to keep the arms in front, but you want this to happen as a byproduct of release momentum.
September 7, 2017
Hi Guys Great drill.can hit the ball a lot further after practising this. One problem I have had is not being able to finish my swing Ie belt buckle facing target,chest facing left field and club shaft behind my head.Do you have any drills on the website to fix this
August 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vasanti. Take a look at Golf Swing Follow Through to see the common reasons why you wouldn't finish.
August 26, 2017
T David
Working the initial move from the top, I have been shifting the weight forward (toward the target), but realized this gives the squat, but doesn't square up the hips. So, I started to think to my initial move as using oblique on the left side to pull the weight more back than forward (let's say left field) which helps to square things up as in squat to square video. Is this correct in my thought process here?
July 16, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi T David -- YES, that is a perfect way to get the hips back to square.
July 18, 2017
Is the idea of focusing the left eye on the back of the ball as a way to keep the head behind the ball or not slide ahead of the ball? Is sliding ahead a common cause for a block right?
June 12, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. It is to help stay behind the ball. As well as making sure you get a proper release. Yes, sliding ahead can be an easy way to start blocking the shot.
June 12, 2017
To Craig Morrow: I've started working through 2-4 on this series, and had a few hours last night at the range and wow, I was puring my old school blade of a 3-iron, after doing part 4 I hit half a dozen with a lot of practice/drill motions in between at a slow speed. I think I'm seeing some major improvements already, but I'm a little unclear from the last swing review on how I am tell if I've improved. In the last seing review however I was a little bit confused as to what my swing problem is. You mention secondary axis tilt, and little bit of steepness, and my delivery coming into impact, and pushing off my back foot a little... Just for clarity, what changed should I be looking for when I video myself? It is my head moving away from the ball in the down the line view?
April 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kenny. Glad to hear you are striking it better. You should see less push from the trail side (not losing the tush line from trail hip as much). Secondary tilt shouldn't be dropping the head back and away more and a clear stacked position at impact. A hair steep. Let me worry about that one. You weren't that far off and this should get your plane on par. Release should be more fluid.
April 21, 2017
How would you blend your lessons with the Winter program videos? Parts are similar.
April 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. I would use these as your checkpoints to get the little intricate details down. Then, use the Winter Series to get the whole movement down in one piece.
April 3, 2017
Good idea. I started with the Winter series and interrupted that to work on the 6 lessons-will complete and then go back to winter series even though it is spring now.
April 3, 2017
also am I able to track my reps for the drills in this series on the system or just the 5 step drills?
April 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Only the 5 Step Series at the moment.
April 2, 2017
Hey -I entered the titles you mentioned as critical to this lesson and the search returned no videos---sitting into the left side and fixing weight shift. I see neither anywhere. Steve
April 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. I tried the search bar. They both worked for me. Make sure you type exactly "Sitting Into the Left Side" and "Fixing Your Weight Transfer."
April 2, 2017
OK. I was typing from memory of your vocal. Copy and paste into the search bar works.Thanks
April 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No problem. The system can get a little finicky on exactness.
April 3, 2017
I remark in this drill, release starts from chest high and in other clips it starts from hip high, from the end of the downcock and the released club passes throught the 9 o'clock. Can u explain and advice for this remark. Thank u very much.
February 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tram. The club is always rotating and the release will begin as you enter the trail thigh. However, some players hold on to the club too long and some not enough. You will see some videos/some drills have a little difference in them because sometimes the focus is to feel it earlier to make sure it happens.
February 2, 2017
Hi Chris. Quick question to check something I am working on from my last review. I am trying to ensure that my left shoulder is staying low on the transition as per your instruction. I have managed to do this with some success. However as I move back to the left side the feeling of the left shoulder being low has a tendency to also feel like my weight is shifting a little forward on my feet from right heel to centre of the left foot as club becomes parallel with the ground. Is this slight forward move of the weight ok at this point in the swing in order to keep the left shoulder low?
January 11, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Dave, As long as you are not moving more towards the ball of the foot you should be fine. If you think it's moving too far forward, then try allowing the hips to rotate a fraction more in the transition move. Don't allow them to stay too closed or you will feel the weight move to the forward part of the foot. Good luck.
January 11, 2017
hi while playing am i supposed to keep my eyes like this ?
October 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ashar. Yes, the eyes/head should stay there until the hands reach belt height in the release. From there you may let everything go.
October 17, 2016
Hi Craig, do you have to work up to performing these drills with no pauses? Sorry if stupid question or should I always stop at top of backswing when performing this drill and half way down. Stephen
June 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Work yourself up to where you can make a continuous move. At first, you might need pauses to make the drill proper. Then, start to blend.
June 14, 2016
Hi Craig, you want me to do this video. Should I do this with the hand coming off the club or just keeping both hands on the club? Thanks. Stephen
June 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Start with the hand coming off. Then, you need to recreate that same feeling with it on.
June 7, 2016
Chris, I've notice if I contract my abs during the backswing, downswing and weight shift it helps me keep my head behind the ball; it also helps me get into NJA. Is this something you recommend? Also will RST or has RST done a video on breathing during the golf swing? If not, will there be one coming in the future? Thanks.
May 31, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Hubert, that is perfectly fine and a great way of understanding how to use your core. Well done. Breathing during the swing should be done at a subconscious level. Head over to the RST articles and look for an article on the mental side of the game that talks about mushin.
May 31, 2016
got it thanks
May 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
May 27, 2016
"sitting into left side" video, mentioned to watch but im not able to find can you direct me or give me the , link, thanks
May 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. It is located under the Recommended Tab to the top right of your page, or in the Downswing Section.
May 27, 2016
In an another video Chuck wants us to keep the shoulders closed as the weight shifts back to the left. I interpret this to mean I have to disconnect my upper body from my lower body (easy for some but not this average Joe). I notice in this video when Chris transfers his weight to the left to start the downswing his shoulders also rotate ... he's not holding his back shut to the target. My move mimics Chris more than Chuck. My problem is that my rotating shoulders create such centrifugal force that any lag I create in the downcock ( I have video to prove it) is lost before the hands get to waist high. BTW I'm letting the arms and hands go as tension free as I can and my right foot stays planted. Does Chris squeeze the grip a bit to hold his lag?
May 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. You have to maintain some grip pressure in the lead hand to help control the club and release. But, you don't want the sensation that you are gripping tightly to hold lag. The key is allowing the shoulders to follow passively and not actively. You don't want to spin from the top. Ideally, the lower half will be leading the way and there will be some separation of the hip rotation and shoulder rotation. They can move, but allow them to follow not out race. Take a look at Step 2 Core Rotation in the RST 5 Step System.
May 12, 2016
Robert James
any sign of week five yet?
May 11, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Bob, The video is out. Not sure why it is not listed on the website yet. You can check out our blog to see #5 and I will look into getting it published on the website...
May 11, 2016
This series is helping me-- I have been good onnot interrupting it to regress to bad habits. So during week 5, I went to the range and using new learnings hit short irons great, but was out of balance without good contact with hybrids which I use instead of long irons. I am thinking I need to do some of the work with these clubs as well (say 5 hybrid) to 'learn' proper weight shift, swing plane, for the longer clubs. Your thoughts?? thx, BillD thx, BillD
May 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. Once, you can own or perform the drills well with an iron. The key would be figuring out where you go astray with the woods. Put yourself on film with the hybrid. See where you are slipping up (weight shift, release, etc.). Back down to the drill you need to focus on to correct with the hybrid in tow and work yourself back up.
May 11, 2016
where can I find lessons 1,2 and 3 for the play the best golf in 6 weeks videos? cheers
May 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. They are located in the Advanced Introduction Section.
May 10, 2016
Hi- I know it could take more than a week to get 1000 reps but I missed week 5 last Friday!! thx Bill D
May 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. Week 5 is in delay due to the holiday. No worries. It will be up soon.
May 9, 2016
how should we think about the timing of the weight shift into the lead leg and impact? has most of the weight been transferred to the lead leg at or prior to impact?
May 5, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Carver, you want to get the weight over to the lead side long before the hands and arms make it into hitting area. At full speed, you would be shifting to the lead side just before the completion of the backswing. Get a bulk of the weight over there, then post up (clear the hips) and release it for good speed and proper bottoming out point. Hope that helps.
May 5, 2016
Hi Craig. Should the right foot stay planted as you post onto the left? After 200 reps I am ok with hitting the same point on the ground if I left my right foot when loading my left. If I keep my right more planted I keep hitting the ground z few inches behind the ball position. I am able to go the drill from week 3 fine. Also I feel a bit stuck when leaving my head well behind the ball and shoulders closed. Is this normal at first?
May 3, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Dave, are you making sure that you have 80-90% of your weight into the lead side and the left side of the body is stacked up at impact? If you are bottoming out too early, you might have not shifted enough weight to the left side or might have too much secondary axis tilt. The right heel should remain down in this drill unless you are producing enough speed to pull you up on to your toe into a finish. Let me know and I'll help you out.
May 3, 2016
Hi Craig. Ok so I have shifted to the left and feel weight in the left heel. I am then straightening the left leg and trying to keep my shoulders straight which I think should drop the club down on plane. It's consistently bottoming out about 6 inches behind the ball at the moment. Oddly this doesn't happen when I do the drill from week 3 where I can get the left hand to bottom out in the same spot every time. I think I am doing something wrong after I shift to the left side?
May 4, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
What is the position of your lead shoulder at impact? Is it on top of the lead hip, knee and ankle? Double check to make sure you are not pushing on the shaft with the thumb as well. If the position of the lead shoulder is not stacked in line like I mentioned, then you could be shifting the bottom of the swing arc back a bit. Also, triple check that your right hand is not pushing against the club from the top of the swing down. - Chris
May 5, 2016
Hi Chris. Thanks. I think my issue was I was getting too much behind the ball instead of left side lined up at impact. When I concentrate on this I have more control and the swing bottoms out behind the back of the ball. One final question. Should I feel I am coming down into the ball now with a downward strike? I presume this is compression? Great series by the way. This drill is good to work on with set up and takeaway and Weight shift drills also
May 5, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Dave, My pleasure and sounds like we figured out the issue. You should start to get the sensation of the club working down to compress the golf ball but it should not be at a very steep angle at all. Just small divots. Glad you like the series!!!!
May 5, 2016
Hi Craig, I'm spinning my shoulders, and pushing too hard with right side and chicken winging. Would it be good to work on this drill to overcome these issues? You wanted me to work on release drills. These drills in corporate the release aswell. Was hoping this will help with full swings on the course. Stephen
April 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. This would definitely be a good addition to your current list of drills.
April 30, 2016
This is a very clever video. Tried it yesterday. It makes you stall the body and let arms and club whip through impact. I also found it helped with trying to keep flat right foot at impact. One problem was with woods I was overdrawing or pull drawing them quite left. What could that be?
April 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Thanks for the compliments on Chris's video. More than likely the weight is hanging back on the trail side and you are shutting the face down too quickly.
April 30, 2016
How do I avoid shutting the face down too quickly?
May 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Take a look at the Curing Elbow Pain Video and Fix Your Release. Work on a more even rotation to get the logo facing the target at impact.
May 1, 2016
So I'm standing in front of a mirror in my address position ... ball even with left ear which means the head is behind the ball. Now I move into an impact position - left knee, left hip, left shoulder all lined up over the left ankle, plenty of shaft lean ... now I look in the mirror and the ball is lined up with my right ear. Even if I was the pin head I'm accused of being that's a lot of movement. My ball flight proves my head is moving. How do you get into the impact position without moving the head? Or maybe impact really isn't left knee, left hip, left shoulder all lined up over the left ankle. Thanks.
April 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. The head will move in the golf swing. You are looking for a stacked position at impact with the lead side (NJA). Make sure that you are shifting the weight to the trail side and allow for the little bit of head movement that does occur there. You could be keeping it overly pinned. Also, take a look at the Step 2 Core Rotation Drills in the 5 Step System. Make sure it is starting from the ground up.
April 30, 2016

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