Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 5 of 6

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In the 5th video of this 6 lesson series, we will show you how to create the perfect swing plane.

Hey, Rotary Swing Golfers. Welcome back to week number five of the six week video series, Playing The Best Golf Of Your Life. I hope everybody has had some great success over these first four weeks. This week, we're going to be talking about the importance of controlling your starting line and how the position of your spine at impact can ultimately affect the path that your club is on. So those of you players that have been battling with possibly some early extension in your golf swing, you want to pay close attention to today's video.

                So in part one of today's video, I'm going to be talking more about the cause and effects. I'm going to be showing you with FlightScope today on how it can actually shift the path around, and change the way the club face is being delivered into the golf ball. In part two of this video, I'm going to show you a really simple drill that a necktie can help you overcome that nagging swing fault of early extension. Let's go ahead and get started now.

                Okay, guys. So in part one of this video, like I said, we want to talk about the cause and effect relationship of what it means to have a plane shift, or not being able to control your starting line. Let's talk about why it's important to be able to control your starting line and what actually means. Well, typically, we want to have our path zeroed out as much as possible through the hitting area. We don't want to be too far from the inside, five, six, seven degrees. We don't want to be too far from the outside.

                We want to be as close to being zeroed out as possible, and that's going to allow us when we start to have good control of the club face, to be able to shape the golf ball as want. But again, tour players are typically right around zero. Maybe up to a degree one way or the other, as far as their path is concerned. The path that your golf ball, or your club is being delivered on ultimately affects the way that you release the club. So for those players that have been battling with early extension, let's talk a little bit about what that looks like.

                When you get up to the top of your swing, okay, and you start to drive really hard off of the trail leg here, you can see what that does. It brings my hips forward. It makes my spine go really vertical. If you watch what it does to the shift plane here, okay, you can see that it starts to flatten it quite a bit.

                Now what's happening here is, now the club is going to be starting to come in from more from the inside. Also, one thing that I want you to remember, is that when we start to have a plane shift, we have a lot of momentum and a lot of inertia pulling us down and behind us here. We're not strong enough in our lead wrist to be able to supinate the golf club on our own.

                So now, we're putting the right hand in the driver's seat, which can cause you to either hit a big old flip. Or, you can squeeze your release at the bottom and hit a block. So our goal today is to be able to get the golf club on a good path coming down. That way, we start to understand how we can control the starting line. Get the club on a good path. Then we can start to control our release.

                Now let's talk about the cause of this. I said it before. You can see, that as I start to work down on my downswing, I'm driving very hard off of my right leg here. Okay, so that's going to be typically the cause, and what this does is, it causes your body to ... Your hips to come forward. It causes your body to spin open just a fraction here. And in turn, now you're starting to have to shift your plane around, and then in turn, you're going to have the effect of having a much more in to out path than you want, making it very hard for you to zero things out. Then you're having to save things with your hands. So now we understand the cause and effect relationship to this.

                Also, I want you to note, that the position of your spine from a face on perspective, okay. You don't want to have too much secondary access tilt down in the hitting area. That's again, going to shallow the plane. For those of you players that are typically over the top, you're going to notice that your spine would be much more vertical. So I'm going to go ahead and hit a shot here with FlightScope being able to track the data, I'm going to show you guys the effects of this.

                What I'm going to be trying to do here is, I'm going to drive hard off my right leg and we're going to see how far in to out we are. Okay. So it showed me there, I had seven degrees into out and then I had to close my club face five degrees to be able to balance that back out. That's very hard to control on the golf course. So now you can understand the cause and effects to this.

                So now what we're going to do in part two of this video, is I'm going to show you a simple little drill here, that's going to help you overcome this once and for all. Okay, guys. So here we are with a drill for this week that we're going to be focusing in on how to alleviate some of that early extension that you might be battling with in your golf swing. I've gone ahead and got a simple necktie here. I've obviously picked out some pretty wildly clashing colors here. Pink on purple, so don't make fun of me at home, but it gives you some good contrast here, so that you can see what I'm doing.

                What I've done here is, I've gone ahead and tied just a normal, standard knot. What I want you to do, is I want you to be able to adjust your knot based off of your set up position, and based off the club that you're going to be hitting. Today, I'm going to be hitting a seven iron. So that when you're in your set up position, the knot is the only thing that's touching your chest. I don't want you to have any part of the tie below the knot being, laying down the front of your chest, here. So the goal here at your set up position, when you're in your golf posture, and you can see here. The wind's blowing a little bit right now. This is the only thing that I can feel touching against my chest. Nothing down below it.

                Now our goal, okay, when we're making our golf swings, after we've shifted our weight to the left, is to not allow anything below the knot to start to drape against our belly here. Okay. We want to keep that completely away from it. Only thing we want to have here is just the knot, and you're going to see, that because we're not pushing off of our trail thigh, where the tie would be coming pushed against our chest here, you're going to see that it's much easier to alleviate a lot of that early extension. So I want you guys to do probably right in the ballpark of 500 reps of this without any golf balls.

                If you're not going to the range during this process, that's perfectly fine. You can do all 1,000 reps over the week, with working on just trying to make sure when you're shifting your weight left, you're going to try to keep that tie down off of your belly. Only thing touching here is just the knot to your chest. So I want you to do lots and lots of reps of that. Okay. Make sure you're shifting left, just like we talked about last week. Your goal is to keep that knot, the only thing touching your chest, and you'll see that you'll overcome a lot of that early extension.

                Let's go ahead and give it a try here now. See if we can get FlightScope to pick up our data and see if we can zero out our path a little bit better here. Okay, so I need to adjust this just a little bit. Okay, so the knot is the only thing touching my chest. Okay, let's see how we did there. All right, so 1.2 on my path in to out there, so much better results, by trying to keep the tie off of my chest. That's just giving you a proper feel of what it's like to be able to keep your chest down, your hips back, so that you can start to get your club on a good path, and start to be able to control your starting line.

                Okay, guys. So there you have it. Week number five, we're going to be focusing on trying to eliminate some of that early extension to help us get on a good path. I really wish you guys some great success for this drill this week. I know it was a little hard for me to be able to demonstrate perfectly today with how much wind we had blowing, so it might be good to do this in a closed environment, and the way you get a good correct feel of how it is to keep your hips back. I want to let you guys know. We have a great video that's really geared towards those players that have a lot of spin out problems. A lot of early extension.

                It's called Role of the Right Foot in the Downswing. It's a video that I used from an instructional standpoint on a private level quite a bit, to be able to help those players that really battle with this very common, nagging issue. If you want to see that video in its entirety, it's going to be over in the Recommended Videos tab, to the right hand side of the video player. I strongly encourage you to check that out. It's a video that Chuck did. It goes through the ins and the outs, why we want to use the right foot as a break in the golf swing, so that we can start to release it with good speed, and on a good path.

                All right, guys. So good luck this week. We'll see you guys next week, when we really start to put all of these pieces together, overcoming a lot of these nagging faults we've had, and hopefully, we'll start playing some of our best golf.

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Don't you think the fixing your weight transfer video that you suggested pulls all of the 1-4 videos in this series together?
April 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. It can, but fixing your weight won't help players with taking lead arm tension out of release, or loading in the backswing properly as in video 1-2.
April 8, 2017
Are you trying to keep us within our set up posture in the downswing with this drill?
April 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Chris is trying to help you maintain your spine angle. Rotating around the spine you setup in versus it changing throughout the swing.
April 8, 2017
What is early extension and how do I know if I have that fault?
April 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Early extension is when the hips move towards the ball into impact. Causing a loss of spine angle and less space to swing the arms in-front into impact. You can see it demonstrated in the Losing the Tush Line Video and the Chair Drill.
April 8, 2017
Chris - I really did not think much of the "necktie drill" when I watched this video. But I tried it during a round when my swing was going south. It immediately made me aware of the early-extension that had crept into my swing that day AND allowed me to eliminate it. I was able to turn a mediocre round into a good round. I am now doing the repetitions. Why did I doubt you? You have always been spot on. Tom N.
May 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Never doubt RST! Glad you are improving the early extension.
May 14, 2016
Good content. Your video, as I receive it at my end, is not synchronized with the sound. It is a bit disconcerting but your point gets across. A. Jackson
May 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. Thanks for the compliments. Hopefully, the sound is synced back up correctly.
May 14, 2016

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