Andrew goes from 11 hdcp to a 1!! With RST Instructor Chris Tyler

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Check out this student who went from an 11 handicap to a 1 handicap! Learn more about getting Unlimited Swing Reviews here: Unlimited Swing Reviews

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Andrew's swing improvements in 1 year seem amazing. Chris, I just submitted a swing review, but the process skipped the step where I get to leave a message for you. Possibly because I did not enable flash until after that step. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that, it was me submitting the review and that I worked on moving my point of release toward the target with the goal of releasing when the lead wrist is in front of the lead thigh area. I adapted to this very quickly by just thinking of moving the arms more toward the target prior to release. I think you will also notice that my left arm and wrist are leading through contact. I look forward to your feedback.
December 6, 2020
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Fred, I just responded back to your review with a good solid plan to continue to train the left arm and wrist to work perfectly through the hitting area. Hope it helps you out for sure. Things are coming together.
December 8, 2020
This is an impressive transformation! Just curious, how did you guys work on eliminating the trial leg push so well? I struggle with this in my own swing.
May 26, 2020
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Kasey, pretty awesome stuff from Andrew on this one. We worked on getting him properly seated into the lead side in transition first, and then we worked on minimizing the right leg action with the role of the right foot in the downswing video. Ideally, we would work on creating all the action from the lead side, but in Andrew's case, he drove really hard of the trail side, even after transition, so I decided to tone down the trail side push with that video.
May 26, 2020
All looks great ... but 11 to 1 ? By only adjusting his swing?? What about chipping, putting, etc? He must have also done some work in those areas ... also course management, etc...
August 21, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Fred. This is Chris's response to Andy with the same thoughts as you: "Hi Andy, we did very little work on his short game during the process. I do agree that short game is extremely important to a low handicap and can take good rounds and turn them into great round if you know how to chip and putt properly. In Andrew's case, he was not a great ball striker and he lacked consistency, which caused a good amount of erratic shots that not even short game could save. We worked on creating a swing that would get the ball in play with less wildness that kept him in the hole from beginning to the end of the round. This is one huge factor that allowed him to take advantage of his already good short game."
August 21, 2018
This guy sounds like me. I leave shots on the course from not hitting fairways, chip-outs, etc. I could go from a 20 to 15 if I could hit fairways !
August 21, 2018
In the video you point out in the "before" that on the downswing his right shoulder popped out, indicating over use of his right side. In the "after" swing you point out how his right shoulder is kept back on the downswing. Is this something to key on when practicing or is it more of a by product of doing other things correctly and thus probably not as good a key or focus as other things? Thx very much.
December 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. The trail shoulder staying passive should be a byproduct of using the lead side and lower half properly to swing the club. However, the vast majority of amateurs struggle with the tendency to push the trail shoulder early. While drilling or trying to change the movement patterns. The feeling or thought of keeping the trail shoulder back or your back towards the target longer is perfectly acceptable.
December 19, 2016
I notice that andrew over rotated his hips in the "before" view, indicated by the gap between his knees. How did he correct that? By using "brain power" to restrict the hip rotation and just do enough reps? I continue to deal with this issue and unless i have my brain focused on this I will 'over rotate" the hips whenever I'm hitting a ball. any secrets to this?
October 29, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Tom, we did nothing different than we would on any other swing change. However, we focused on that one area of the backswing for a good period of time, not worrying about any other part of the backswing. This would make it hard to get that move fully ingrained with any other distractions, as it was a pretty big fault in his swing.
November 1, 2016
You are saying he focused on hip rotation by thinking specifically about this during drills and swings? He did not get less hip rotation by just just transferring weight to the right side and keeping the right knee flexed. For example There is a video that says hip rotation can be restricted that way. I have tried that but it hasn't been completely effective. Agree?
November 2, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, he did tons of reps with his arms across his shoulders, shifting to the right and then maintaining the knee flex while he turned his body to the top. This restricted the hips, because he had a ton of rotation available and allowed his torso rotation to pull the hips into a wound position. If you are doing the drills and they aren't being effective, try and isolate the movements by taking away the club for a bit until you become more proficient and more ingrained on that area. Then add the club as you become more comfortable. Hope that helps.
November 2, 2016
Very cool behind the scenes look at the RST swing review process. Thanks for sharing!
October 25, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Will, Glad I got to show you what we instructors see on our side and hope things are going well for you.
October 26, 2016
Hello! Can anyone help me with my wedges. I chunk lot's of them.. I am right-handed and distribute the weight about 70 30 during my setup, 70 being on the left leg. I have worked hard with the videos based on wedges. However i keep taking a big piece of turf and hitting VERY fat shots during the worse time in a competitive round. Please help, Tony
October 24, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
We can certainly help you out with that. When you are due for a swing review, send in some examples of these swings along with some notes as you mention above on your struggles and we will take a close look to see how we can help you overcome this.
October 24, 2016
One note of caution as winter arrives ... watch out for the impact bag! I used it to do my 5000+ reps (actually wore out two bags). A couple of months ago I started getting pain in my shoulders especially in the left shoulder ... finally went to the doc ... said there is an issue with the left rotator cuff for sure. He's pretty sure that swinging a golf club into an essentially immovable object is the cause.
October 24, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Joseph, very sorry to hear about the injury to your rotator cuff. The impact bag is good for showing you what your impact positions look like. If you are swinging correctly, there should be little to no stress on the body when striking the bag. The bag should also be filled with light objects like sheets or towels, so that you are not hitting a bag that wont move at all when you strike it. I wish you a speedy recovery and again, very sorry to hear about your injury.
October 24, 2016
This is an inspiring video. Kudos to Andrew and RST for these results. How did Andrew's RST game plan include short game (60 yards and less, putting too!)? The short game can have a big impact on reducing handicap strokes. Thanks!
October 23, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Dean, See my response to Andy below. If this is an area of your game that is not great, we can certainly work on all aspects during the swing reviews so that you are firing on all cylinders. We instructors rely on you students to tell us where you feel your weaknesses are that are hurting your scores/handicaps the most.
October 24, 2016
I see what you are saying but have to comment that to get to this low a handicap a lot of his game improvement must have been around his short game - chipping, pitching and sand play - as well as serious putting coaching. I had a 3 hour putting coaching session last winter with a renowned putting coach in the UK and my putting stats came down from about 38 per round to 31 per round.
October 21, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Andy, we did very little work on his short game during the process. I do agree that short game is extremely important to a low handicap and can take good rounds and turn them into great round if you know how to chip and putt properly. In Andrew's case, he was not a great ball striker and he lacked consistency, which caused a good amount of erratic shots that not even short game could save. We worked on creating a swing that would get the ball in play with less wildness that kept him in the hole from beginning to the end of the round. This is one huge factor that allowed him to take advantage of his already good short game.
October 24, 2016
I've also been in Chris's unlimited group for a little over a year and he helped me win the the 2016 West Virginia Senior (over 60) State Amateur Stroke Play and the 2016 West Virginia Senior Open (over 60) Division. Winning a State Amateur and Open in the same year was beyond my dreams. I also qualified to play in the Florida Sr Amateur and qualified for the WV Open (not Sr). Chris helped me with all aspects of the RST swing and even mental aspects. Agree with everything Andrew said and I'm not surprised with Andrew's accomplishments.
October 20, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the nice note Tom!!! You are great to work with and are making some good progress with the new position at the top of your swing.
October 24, 2016
Thanks Chris!! I will say anyone who wants to take their golf swing to the next level should join the unlimited group. Chris is an awesome instructor who gave me very detailed instructions as we walked through every part of my golf swing. He broke each step down for me and made it very easy to understand. It was hard work but the result is well worth it. I felt I received professional instruction that I could do at my own pace. I recommend it to everyone!
October 20, 2016
Andrew - What kind of distance gains did you experience, if any?
October 21, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
So proud of the work you have done over the last year Andrew. Hard work is right, but you really stuck to the plan and got awesome and well deserved results. Keep pressing on and playing some of your best golf.
October 20, 2016
i would be happy with 11 handicap! good job
October 20, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
We can and will help you get there Matthew.
October 20, 2016

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