The Best Training Aid in Golf

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Learn about the BEST golf training aid and how to use it to shave 10 strokes off your game!

With the RST model, we've literally helped hundreds of thousands of golfers dramatically improve their golf swings. You've seen all the testimonials, where people are going from a 16 handicap to a seven, in six months. How is that possible? And how come some people don't achieve those same results? And that may be what you're thinking right now. "Hey, I've been watching all of these videos for the last two years. I've seen every single video. I know everything that you say. How come I'm not seeing the same improvement that some of these other guys are?"

                There's one reason and one reason only. And this is one thing that I can't emphasize enough. If you don't understand anything else about this site, but you listen to this one point, this is going to make the biggest difference in your game. You will not improve your golf swing at all if you just watch the videos. That is a huge misnomer. Just watching the golf instruction videos, by themselves, is completely useless. It's not going to help you improve one bit. Literally, you're not going to get any better just by watching the videos. You don't learn through osmosis. This is not an intellectual endeavor. That's part of it, and in the clinics, I always talk about there are two goals that we want to accomplish in the clinic.

                The first half of the clinic, which is a little weird for a lot of people at first, who've gone to other golf schools, is it's all inside. You don't touch a club. You sit and you learn, which is what you're doing when you watch the videos. We give you a bunch of intellectual knowledge that you need to understand what it is you're trying to do. But the second half of the day, is taking that intellectual knowledge and transferring it into kinesthetic awareness. And what does that mean? It's teaching your body how to move correctly. You don't do that by sitting on your bum, watching a video.

                How do you do that? There's one training aid that is more important than anything else you will ever buy, or you may probably already have one or several in your house right now, and that is a mirror. Nothing is more valuable to helping you get a much better golf swing than this. Now, this is a big one that we use at our golf school, at The Ritz-Carlton here in Orlando, but we sell these little ones on the site. If you want to practice outside on the range, you can stick that thing in your golf bag. But I guarantee you, you probably have something in your house that is a mirror that you can use to see what you're doing. This is the key.

                People do this every single clinic that I have, every golf lesson that I give. Come to me and say, "Dude, I love your site and I love all the videos. It's awesome. I totally get it, but I'm still struggling a little bit." I say, "Okay. Well, how much do you practice in front of the mirror?" "Well, I never practice in front of the mirror." "Okay, so you must video your swing a lot?" "No. I've never seen my swing on video?" "Hello? How on Earth do you know what you're doing?"

                There's two things that I laugh about all the time when it comes to golf lessons. One, is somebody who shows up to the lesson and says, "Hey, all right. I'm loosening up here, but I got three different swings. Which one do you want me to do?" Don't ever say that in a golf lesson, because the instructor, who is any good, is going to laugh at you internally. Hopefully, not laugh out loud. I try to avoid it, but because we know that all three of the swings that feel completely different to you look exactly the same on video. The video never, ever lies.

                The second thing that I laugh at is, when I finally do show somebody their swing on video and they're like, "That's not me." "Do you think I went and dressed somebody up to look just like you today and video them before you showed up, so I could trick you into [inaudible 00:03:27] your swing?" The catch is, nobody, and I mean nobody, actually does what they think or feel they are doing. Feel and real are not the same until you train your feel correctly. And the only way that you can train your body how to move correctly is to see what you're doing. You can't just read about it or watch a video and expect to get better.

                I always tell this story, when I give the golf clinics, about Tiger Woods. When he was making a change from Butch to Hank Haney, whether you agree with their philosophies or not, it's irrelevant to the story. And, whether you even like Tiger Woods or not is irrelevant to the story. What's important is, Tiger Woods understood how to learn a movement pattern better than anybody else in the history of the game. That's why he was able to make such huge changes to his swings, visibly different changes. Your swing probably hasn't looked any different in the last 20 years if you're still struggling. He made visible, huge changes to his swing.

                How did he do it? Well, one of the benefits of living in Orlando in Windermere, is that I've seen Tiger hit gazillions of balls at [inaudible 00:04:34], because I taught over there quite a bit. Had a lot of members who were students of mine over there, so I've hit balls next to Tiger a 1,000 times. Watching him practice during that phase, was a real eye-opener for me, because he didn't hit very many balls. In fact, I'll give you a true story example. I've watched him hit balls for ... Well, excuse me. Watched him practice for 45 minutes one day, while I was hitting next to him, pounding balls myself. And all he did for 45 minutes was this.

                For 45 minutes straight. He never once hit a ball. He never once went past that position. He did it slowly at first. He stopped, checked his position every single time. He didn't just go over here and do a bunch of reps and say, "[inaudible 00:05:26] this is good. I'm learning something new here. This is great." He did it diligently and focused to make sure that he could feel what he was doing was correct. And I'm certain, that he did a lot of this work indoors in front of a mirror before he ever took it outside. And that's the key to practice.

                Everything with Rotary Swing is meant to be done indoors first. You don't need a club. All you need is your best friend, the best training aid in the world. A mirror. If, when you do the movements, they look exactly when I do the movements in the video, you're on the right track. If they look anything different, you're not on the right track. How are you going to know if they look different? A mirror. That's the only way. It's the fastest way to improvement. So please, please, if you're serious about really making a huge change to your golf swing this year, and making this year that you drop that 10 strokes off your game, practice the way that it's laid out on the site.

                Don't ever watch a video and then go straight to the range and work on it full-speed, because I guarantee you, you're not doing anything like what you think you are. You've been warned. I promise you, what you feel and what's really happening, are never the same. Unless you've done it in front of a mirror a bunch, hundreds and hundreds of reps, to develop the correct feel, you're always going to be struggling with your game. There's a simple fix for it. Do everything first in front of a mirror, without a club, exactly the way that I laid it out on the site.

                So if you're working on rotation, there's no club. Arms across your chest. You're not even allowed to use your arms. You're going to shift and turn. Shift and turn. You're doing that in front of a mirror, watching ... And another thing that cracks me up, when I have students in my golf lessons, who I put them in front of the mirror and they look down at the ground the whole time. The mirror is not there to reflect the sun on you to help you work on your suntan. The mirror is there for you to look at yourself and see what you're doing.

                So please, as you're standing in front of the mirror, look at yourself and say, "Okay. Well, my hip's sliding out. Chuck's isn't. His isn't doing that. And I know, because I've watched the Right Hip Line video, and I need to shift into that right, and not let it slide. Oh, my axis is going off, et cetera, et cetera." All of these things, are going to dramatically speed up your process when you watch yourself in front of a mirror. So please, please, please. Don't just watch the videos. That's not going to help you get any better.

                If you're serious about getting better this year, find a mirror in your house, find some place you can get a reflection. Grab one of the small mirrors that we have that you can stick in your golf bag when you are going to practice on the range, and I guarantee you, you'll get better. 

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This may seem like a daft question. The whole use of mirror and videos sounds great, but Chuck mentioned about looking at yourself when practicing. At which point should that be replaced with being in a proper golf stance, looking down at the ball ? Does it affect your memory of what you are trying to do ? Rgds Alan
October 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. Once, you can complete the move with a mirror correctly. Start looking down at the ball and switching over to camera. Check every few reps and slowly diminish as the reps on camera start looking correct. A graduating process.
October 2, 2020
I have looked everywhere for the unbreakable mirror ( 2' x 4' as mentioned below ) ... any tips from anyone where you can get this mirror ... the PVC pipe is a local hardware store . Really appreciate any help -- I need tomato this mirror and donate to our golf course range. When reading various user comments on amazon many say their mirrors are not good enough to be called a mirror... ps- mentioning various camera's etc ...look up the video delay app's -- I have started to use BAM ( bust a move ) that you can get the delay - 10 seconds works well for golf ... no fiddling with record the video and play back ... and you can slide back and forth ... and then record the section you want to your photo's library .... there are a bunch to choos from and really simplifies the record and review and optional transfer to library.
September 26, 2020
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Greg, see Craig post below regarding any mirror will do. We have the 360 mirror on the site and there are about 980 other ones on Amazon that I have fiddled around with and all serve the purpose we are looking for. A lot of members have found the liveview system to be a really handy tool that covers both the mirror like aspect and the ability to be able to record movements so you can see how you get to and move through certain positions.
September 26, 2020
What about a mirror like this? Cheaper and seems to do the same thing.
November 23, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. Any mirror will do. They key is that the mirror will be large enough to see yourself, and the swing.
November 23, 2018
Why not recommend live view golf at This camera creates a wi-fi hot spot that sends video of your swing to a ipad that can be placed right next to the ball. Thus, by moving the camera to various spots (down the line, face-on, back-on) you can see your swing in real time. The fps are not high, but good enough to see whether you are doing the drill properly. The problem with the mirror is that you have to change your head position....which changes your swing.
August 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. The LiveView is also a good option. However, like you mentioned the FPS is pretty low. Great for personal use, but not for SwingReview Uploads.
August 27, 2018
I suggest that you add a mirror image of the movement to each video. That way what I see in the mirror can be easily compared to what I see in the video. (Left handed golfers already have this, why not us righties?)
August 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bartholomew. Thank you for the suggestion. We are always looking for input.
August 14, 2018
Man do I love your teaching style. Here is the instruction, here are the drills you need to teach your body the technique. Put in the work, do the drills and get better or don't and continue to suck. Facts don't care about your feelings. It's old school coaching and it's refreshing.
December 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charlie. Thanks for your post. We appreciate it and work hard to provide quality content to help our members improve!
December 13, 2017
Blaahhaaa! This is soo funny. Here I set watching the one video I should have watched, and guess what? doing exactly what Chuck says not too. How did I miss this one???? Oh well, thanks for the video. I've done all the dumb stuff Chuck said, and little of the smart things. Live and learn. Getting smarter TODAY!
August 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. We never stop learning. Get that game better .
August 8, 2017
What do you guys think about the Live View Golf Camera? I've just bought one as I like the fact that you can stay in posture without lifting your head and still get the same feedback as you would from a mirror. The only drawback is the slight delay from the wi-fi signal (the resolution isn't great either).
June 6, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. We have a few students that use the device for real time visual feedback. It can be a useful training aid. The only issue we have found with it is the lacking FPS.
June 6, 2017
This past winter I removed the mirror on the back of my bathroom door and prop it up face-on and down the line in my living room. Took a chip out of it on a backswing one day but it works great.
May 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. We have all been there.
May 19, 2017
May I ask what is your opinion of this statement: "The number one reason most golf teachers fail is because they are attempting to get their students to alter their method of performance WITHOUT HELPING THEM SEE A NEW PICTURE. When one can see “the picture” of the process of the swing, as an example, it is quite simple to perform it".
May 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. I wouldn't say it's the number one reason. Getting the student to see the proper picture is definitely important. More often than not teachers fail because they fail to find/fix the root cause of said problems and deal with solely trying to change the effect.
May 19, 2017
Chuck can you send me the diminutions of your mirror. I need to know the size of the mirror and the size of the pvc pipes that you used. I can make one myself if I had the information. Thanks, Randy
May 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. 2x4 Foot for the mirror. I don't have the numbers for the PVC pipe.
May 18, 2017
Another recommendation for a great training aid would be a tri-pod/clip-mount cell phone holder for self-video recording. Something that clips onto my golf bag would be ideal. If one of the members has a recommendation I'd be grateful as well. I just haven't found the right model on Amazon yet.
May 18, 2017
I use a GoPro and have a flexible attachment with a clamp on the end that clips onto anything: bag, cart chair, etc.
May 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. We used to sell one. But, either the model has been discontinued or we no longer sell it. I will look into it for you.
May 18, 2017
The comment that the feeling that one is swinging differently isn't supported by videos of the "different" swings is one of the more profound statements I've seen in golf instruction. Yet what is one to do when an instructor suggests "try this" because this must start with a feeling that one is doing something different?
May 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. When you "try this from instructor" you might get a feeling that something is changing. But, that doesn't mean it is necessarily the correct feeling or in the proper position. Feel and real are two different things.
May 18, 2017
Chuck, absolutely the most relevant video you have ever done. Should be mandatory to watch this video before any one can see any of the others. Love your sight, have been teaching golfers for 47 years and have been using mirrors and video for many years for feedback for my students but I tell them what can be simpler than a mirror at home. J. R.
May 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello J.R. Thanks for the compliments. I agree. A very important video for any student of the game.
May 18, 2017
Okay, okay, I give in. I do have a mirror and it is in my swing room (garage) and yes, I don't look in it, hardly at all. So I will go, right now, and start making proper use of it and of your excellent instruction.
May 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Thanks for the compliments on Chuck's Instruction. Get to work in the mirror. It makes a huge difference.
May 18, 2017
Chuck is now buffed.....been hanging with Tiger?
May 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Oscar. Chuck has big calf muscles. Couldn't have been with Tiger that much .
May 18, 2017
Somebody has been working out a lot...
May 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Keith. Yes, Chuck has been taking his fitness very serious as of late. Special meal plans and workouts.
May 18, 2017
Yes,watching Chuck that thought did occur to me too. Good for him.
May 18, 2017

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