Training Aid for Rhythm & Tempo

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This training aid will turn that aggressive, armsy, out of control golf swing in to a buttery smooth Ernie Els-esque work of art. Or you'll just frustrate the heck out of yourself until you finally give in and "listen" to what the club is trying to tell you!

Most golfers struggle with two primary things, consistency and swinging too aggressively from the top with the wrong part of their body. Now, those two things obviously go hand in hand. And so for most golfers, if they're not very patient and they want to just rush through the things, they don't go through the RST five step in sequence and learn the body movements correctly. First, they need a little helping hand. That's going to help push them over the edge. And that's what this guide is all about. This is the G-Force club. I've done a couple of videos on it for short game and full swing stuff. But I want to talk about today for those of you who really struggle with the transition, and you're not patient enough to go through the drills in the right sequence and take the time to build a swing correctly.

This little guy will force you to realize that that's the only way to do it, but it also helps you develop a proper transition, proper timing and sequence of your swing. Because trying to hit balls with this thing will probably be the most frustrating experience of your entire life. This thing bends like crazy, but you can actually hit balls with it. Unlike most clubs or trainers like this, they don't even have club heads on the end. This guy is awesome because you can actually pound away at balls. And it's going to reveal every single little flaw that you may think or not realize that you have in your golf swing, because any little aggressive move from the top too quick, and the transition to aggressive with your hands who will leave this club face wide open, and you will slap it off the planet to the right all day long.

So the great thing about this is it's going to help you start feeling a proper load and stress of the shaft and maintaining that stress of the shaft down into the hitting area with a proper release. If you go aggressive from the top, you can see this thing is not going to play nicely with you. It's going to be bending out in front of you. And if you're one of these guys is really flippy and scoopy, this, this training is going to completely change that because you'll never be able to make contact with the ball. So what you're going to work on is being nice and smooth with your transition, letting your hands drop and release those of you who are rotary swing academy members pride. Notice that brand new video on the transition, move, transition, and how to shallow out the club that drill you can do with this club and hit balls with it. It'll be an excellent piece to add to that drill, but I'm going to show you a couple of things that you're going to find when you swing this club.

So there's one with big high ball out to the right. I hit it right on the screws. However, I still sliced it 40 yards, right? With a seven iron, which is pretty absurd. How did I do that? All I did from the top was try and be really aggressive with my body rotation. And the club face will never square up because the club, the shaft has a lot of torque it'll twist very easily. And so what you'll find is you've, you start to try and turn your body through with a steel shafted club that doesn't have that much torque. You can kind of get away with it. And so you don't really learn that that's a bad habit. You just start hitting inconsistent shots. This guy is going to force you to not be aggressive from the top because the club face will stay rotated open, and then you'll have to try and flip it with your hands. So what I need to do to get the ball to go straight is slow my transition down, wait on my arms to come back down and then release the club properly. So let's see if we can put that to all those three things together.

Here we go. Nice little straight ball. Now that ball the same distance as the last one, but I felt like I was swinging half as fast. That's the whole, the mind trick with the golf swing is that when you really pure one, you typically swung at what you felt like was half speed. You tried to lay up on a par five and you hit it 50 yards further than you think that stuff happens all the time. Cause you sequence the swing correctly. You get the club to come down on plane and then you can release the club assertively and get the ball to go where you want. So if you find that you can't get this ball to stop going, right, I can assure you that you're being aggressive somewhere at the top of your swing. As you're coming down, trying to rotate your body or use your hands aggressively.

And the club face will just twist and it'll stay open all the way into the hitting area. If you try to be, if you tend to be really flippy with the club, you're going to be seeing this ball go all over the place. So that will sit in the ball way hard left. So if you can hit the ball straight with this thing, you can hit the ball straight with anything. So it's a great way to start feeling these things that you can't really feel when you have a stiff shaft, because the shaft lets you get away with a lot of murder. I always like to think that I'm swinging a golf club that's made out of a shaft is made out of a piece of rope. You can't manhandle a piece of rope and this is the closest thing we've got to something that you can actually hit balls with. That will swing like a piece of rope. It's called a golf swing, not a golf hit for a reason. So if you want to work on your transition and your release and synchronizing your swing, pick up a G-Force today, it'll help you feel all these things we just talked about and you'll start hitting the ball further with less effort.

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Worked on the range today. I was going to add that getting "in the box" really helps with posture and getting my right hand on the club in a non-dominant right side position. Also, in the transition, making sure the weight shifts to the complete left foot (under the ankle) is really important, I was shifting to much weight to the my toes. The weight transition to the ankle seems to naturally shallow out the club on the downswing.
August 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. Thanks for the follow up and input. All good to me.
August 26, 2019
4 year member of the web-site. I used these thoughts to shoot a very good round, let me know your thoughts: 1. Posture, shrug shoulders (no rounded shoulders). 2. Neutral joint alignment stance width (too wide limits my hip rotation, too much head movement). 3. Move right hand onto the club from a position straight to under to avoid right side dominance (this is a big problem, especially with a wider stance and/or rounded shoulders). 4. Axis tilt (lack of it creates more right side dominance, harder to get right hand on properly). 5. Grip with forefinger and thumb pressed together on both hands (not doing this can get the club slipping in between my fingers; it is easier to do this with good posture - no gorilla grip). 6. Start swing with weight shift (when I don't weight shift enough to cause momentum, my arms take over and pull back into a flying elbow - lawnmower). 7. Feel shoulder blade guide taking over from the weight shift momentum to keep rotation going and moving around spine (too much tension in the glide or too early without momentum gets me into a flying elbow). 8. Weight shift back to the left foot (too aggressive of a movement gets an over the top). I think the biggest thing that is important for me is to get the swing starting with weight shift to get the swing on a the correct backswing plane. Thoughts?
August 14, 2019
All of those swing thoughts should be range only, on the course, it should "target" only IMO.
October 27, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. Stance width is 2 Inches outside NJA. (Note number 2). Other than that you seem to be on par with what you are trying to achieve throughout the swing movements.
August 14, 2019
I have questions on swing thoughts when I am practicing Backswing. Getting my arms to move from rotation from the obliques (shark drill) was very helpful. I try to make sure my left arm/shoulder doesn’t tense up and my right arm is not being pushed out. The left arm push has been pretty devastating on my backswing pushing my right arm into flying elbow - to over the top downswing. If I focus on this with some elevation I get to a nice elbow down. Question: should I be focusing on getting loaded into my right heel on the weight shift? It seems to help my backswing swing plane? Downswing: I have been shifting into my left heel. However, I pull the ball. It seems like it turns the body too quickly and steepens the club down. I saw the video on the downswing squat, seems to let the body catch up, shallows the club? Is it wrong to focus on left heel on the downswing?
May 29, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. Yes, you should be focusing on loading right glute/heel. Left heel is perfectly fine, but you are probably adding shoulder spin. Combine the left heel with Keep the Rear Shoulder Back Video.
May 29, 2019
I bit . I love golf gadgets even though they usually don't work. If it's RST recommended them I'm in
March 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dean. Hence, why we sell so few aids. Most of them don't work. Thanks for the confidence in RST that we don't mess around.
March 14, 2019
Rubber club action! I already have a Medicus 7i and Driver which are pretty finicky. I have not tried to use them since starting the program. What is your opinion, if you have one, on the Medicus training aid vs this one with respect to the path/plane that RST teaches? Ditch it, should work, ect. Thanks.
March 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dean. I'm not the biggest fan of the medicus because it can be cheated. It won't hurt if you are swinging properly, but you can make compensations to keep it from breaking down.
March 14, 2019
Thanks. Yeah I remember being able to do some manipulation with it with some early wrist set/hinge move so I'll steer clear of it. Plenty of Ebay members out there can have at it but I did buy the rubber club. It'll give me some feedback when that right side gets frisky without checking so much video, which slows down the process.
March 14, 2019
If I am only going to buy one of these clubs, should it be the driver or the 7 iron??
March 13, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. They both will perform the same function for you. It's tough to say which is the best because you may have certain issues that will be brought out by the longer driver, or shorter club.
March 14, 2019
I am working with the GForce and it has taught me the importance of how the club face should open on the back swing, what this does is keep the weight of the club head in line with the shaft instead of outside of it. This help the shaft stay straight and not bend as much. This does not mean you can/ should open the face immediately (as you could with a Medicus and fool it), but toe up at the 9 o'clock postion as we want in RST. Just holding the club at the 9 o'clock position and turning the club face closed makes the shaft feel heavier and wanting to bend. Then keeping this alignment on the downswing keeps the shaft online and the club square at contact. I am working with the Gforce and the Swing Jacket to rework my swing. My drill is, hit one ball with the GForce and one with my 7 iron. When I hit my 7 iron just right, it feels effortless and just like "butter" and goes 170 carry, which is good for me. I can see this going to work with enough reps.
August 12, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Caleb. Awesome. Sounds like you are making some really good progress.
August 13, 2018
Hello, after seeing this video I bought the g force trainer and it was very interesting because I would hit large slices with my regular swing. To get it so I was hitting straight shots required me to focus on my left wrist on the backswing and downswing, in particular making sure it was bowed at impact and that the club would really feel “loaded” on the downswing so it would snap at impact. With this swing change I was able to generate significantly more power and distance with my regular clubs. However, when I look at my swing on video I now see that during the takeaway, backswing and downswing my club face is now quite closed. At the top of my backswing the club face points slightly upward vs being flat with my wrist. This suggests that something is not quite right with my swing. Any thoughts? Should you feel that “loaded” feeling on the downswing with the left wrist?
August 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Drew. You won't feel the loaded position until you max out on lag. Sounds like you may be dragging the hands back and not allowing them to freely set when using the aid. That would shut the club down early and cause the upward/vertical look.
August 10, 2018
Hi Craig I am considering getting the 7 iron GFORCE club and wondered if you think it would help me as you say I should be using my body more and not pulling/yanking down the club. I know I need to stop my body as it gets to impact position and I thought this club might expose where I go wrong.
July 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. The G Force is a good training aid. It may help with your issue because if you take over with the trail side early it will be hard to retain the proper angle. But, then you have to make sure you allow it to release. Let's see the progress in the next review and I will be able to give you a better opinion.
July 27, 2018
Ron A. Sr.
Hello when this video start it shows a guy with a blue shirt under a red rainbow. Is that the Hip Spinning style?
July 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. That is Chuck. His hips were aggressive in the swing, but not excessive or hip spinning style.
July 26, 2018
Ron A. Sr.
It is hard to see, where can I see that in Slow motion?
July 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. That swing isn't in the swing viewer. But, you may look at his swing anytime in slow motion in the Self Analysis Section.
July 26, 2018
Ron A. Sr.
I selected one but nothing happe.
July 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Hmm. That's odd. Do you have any of your swings uploaded? Sometimes you have to have one registered for it to pick up on the video. Also, oddly. Sometimes you need to log out and close your browser. Then, log back in.
July 26, 2018
Ron A. Sr.
No I don’t have any of my swing upload
July 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. That may be the issue. However, I don't know as much as Customer Support. They will be able to get you going better than myself. I'm just the golf guy .
July 26, 2018
Ron A. Sr.
Thanks for your help .
July 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. My pleasure.
July 26, 2018
Hi Purchased a g force 7 iron. After the usual slices gradually started to hit shots long and straight. WhenI went back to my normal club continually hit big hooks although the swings and contact felt good. Any comment or advice on what is happening?
July 23, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. The G Force will force a smooth tempo and gradual release. Sounds like when you went back to the normal club the pace picked up and you started flipping a little without the added weight/flex. Take a look at Flip vs Release.
July 23, 2018
Chuck Could we get more explanation on forearm rotation going back?? My best swings occur when I rotate them early in the back swing Thank you Dave
July 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Take a look at a few videos for me. Shake Hands for a Perfect Golf Swing, Bucket Drill, and Using the Wrists in the Golf Swing.
July 22, 2018
Dear Chuck, I bought the G-force club and it really works. One question in the end of the video you are saying "swing don't hit", which I understand. But also you say throw the club at the ball to release. Can you explain me these two it confusing me a little bit : swinging and throwing...............Buy the way your site is great.
July 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. The throwing the club feel is the same as letting the club swing and release. Take a look at Throw the Club Head at the Ball. You allow the club to swing and release. Not force a hit. The ball gets in the way of the club head.
July 22, 2018
I have seen a good portion of your videos and honestly you have clearly helped improve my game . My question still is you rarely mention the role of the right arm for power and speed..Hogan supposedly said he wished he had 3 right arms and when you watch the pros in real time or slow motion it clearly looks like they are muscleing their right arm without question to get their power, most also have a higher shaft plane on the back swing. Are their just two theories (ok a 100) on how to hit the ball with power etc. This game drives all of us crazy cause the utube etc. has all these "experts" saying opposite things. I'm staying with your approach but curious about how everyone looks clearly like their are using the right arm. thx.
July 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stan. Hogan wanted 3 right hands due to fighting a hook. He wrote about the things he felt in his swing, but some of them weren't necessarily the case. I believe if Hogan had today's technology (high speed camera, trackman, etc) his book would've been a little different. The trail side does add power. However, the vast majority of players over use it and is already trained to add speed. Chuck and myself still feel relatively little to zero trail hand interference. Plenty of theories out there on how to power the golf ball. You can see in the Throw the Ball Drill how the trail arm works, or in the Right Arm Release. We are using more of leverage, width and rotation for power (physics) versus solely trail arm. As far as shaft plane most of the better players are inline with are theory. The ones that go higher might yield extra speed, but that doesn't mean it's bio-mechanically efficient. We want both safety and efficiency.
July 20, 2018
Seems the G-Force Club is not available for left hander's at this time .. is this correct?
July 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. I apologize. At this time it isn't available in left handed.
July 16, 2018
Excellent video. Well explained. However I don't believe the pros swing at the pace you did to get such prodigious distances or do my eyes deceive me?
July 15, 2018
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You want to learn to swing smoothly first so that you sync the movements properly, then speed will come. With a training aid like this, you'll be shocked how far the ball goes by swinging what you feel is "slow", but in general, you may not always swing at full speed with it until everything is dialed in, but you CAN swing full speed with practice.
July 16, 2018

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