How to Translate Your Drills to the Course - Webinar

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Are you struggling with taking your drills to the course? Do you find that you can do the drills perfectly but when the golf ball is involved, things go downhill quickly? Then this webinar is exactly what you're looking for! Learn the exact sequence you should follow to translate those drills in ball striking goodness!

Okay. Hey guys should be able to start registering. Now we've got about five minutes before we're going to start. I'm gonna warm up a little bit while everybody signs on and starts getting ready to go here. Perfect. Yes. That's six people signed in so far guys, so, uh, you can hear me. Okay. You can use the chat function, which you'll see on the right hand side of your screen. I'll type in a little message here and make sure everybody can hear me. Yeah. 19 getting some people signed up. Yep. 46. Hello. Hello, Kayla. Welcome Larry.

My guys, Matt. Hello. We're going

To have, we've got about three more minutes. We're going to wait until right about six o'clock to make sure everybody gets a chance to get signed in and get a few hundred people registered. So you give them a little bit of time. Okay. Thank you guys. Glad you guys can hear me later. You're welcome. I'm excited. I got a lot of good stuff for you guys tonight. Hopefully you guys are excited as well. Everybody. A few more minutes to come in. Okay. I know Sean. I hit that one about a half a group alone. Killed my go. My ball speed there.

See if we can actually get one solid. There we go. We found all the grooves, all the club face there. That's fine, Mike. Sorry. I am going to do some, uh, webinars on the weekends so I can do them in early in the morning so that you guys don't have to stay up so late, but I appreciate you being there with us. All right. So a couple more minutes. Get everybody on. So your seven goes one 30. That's all right, we'll get you there. Okay. Here's how I'll hit one 30. So we'll w we'll both be on the same page. I'm gonna see if I can dial in back here a little bit.

We got to take a few more yards off of that one. Yeah. All right, Sean, I'm going to get one 30. I promise 1 32. That's the closest I can get 5:00 AM in Pakistan. Wow. Good morning. Well, you just get an early start to the day. Thank you, Jack. I appreciate that. Well, it looks like it's six o'clock. So let's go ahead and get rocking and rolling. So I can take this off for a second, but we end this for now. So welcome everybody. So tonight, what I want to talk about is the number one thing that I get asked all the time, and it's the number one thing that I see people mess up all the time in their swing. And that is how do you take your drills to the course and translate the stuff you're working on into hitting balls? So that's the topic for tonight.

And that's what we're going to talk about is how do you go from drilling in front of a mirror to taking it and playing great golf with your new movements? So the format tonight is I'm going to talk about this stuff. It's not going to be super long because this stuff is really actually pretty simple, but I'm going to present it in a way that hopefully will really drill at home exactly what you need to do to get your game where you want to be actually hitting balls. So there's a sequence that we have to follow to do that as a bonus, for those of you guys who were actually attending tonight and the you who are staying up at one o'clock in the morning, across the planet. Thank you. First of all. So as a reward for that, I'm going to actually, I've got a little bonus.

So at the end of this, I'm going to give you guys a link to go and see a couple more videos. They're going to drill some more things home. I had a lot of questions about the rotary swing academy program. And so as a bonus, I'm going to LA you guys who are in tonight, who registered are staying up with us to see one of the RSA videos and the last webinar that I just did because people were really, really stoked on it. And I want to share it with you guys. And then my way of saying thank you for checking out the webinar and staying up with me tonight on another Wednesday night, I'm going to share that with you at the end. So stay tuned for that and give you a away. As far as questions go, the format of this, I'm going to do some discussion and I'm going to break it down in a couple of chunks.

And then I'm going to go back to the screen where I can see your chat questions on here. Um, so I can't read them all at the same time. They start coming through really fast and there's a lot of people on here, but I will take a break. I'll start asking, answering some questions about the stuff that I'm talking about. So hold your questions until I kind of open up a little Q and a session. I'll do several of those as we go through. So without further ado, let's get talking about what's missing because I know so many of you, we've got hundreds of thousands of members. I know you guys love the program, but there's always some golfers out there who have this disconnect is okay. I can do the drills. I'm here in front of my mirror and I doing this stuff. And I go out in the course and then it just doesn't translate into the results.

Like I see you get. So what's missing here. And that is the whole focus of what you really need to concentrate on because the drills and the movements of rotary swing are actually incredibly simple. In fact, I'm going to take something from that I did in the, uh, the RSA webinar last week, where somebody said the only higher golf swing, the retired rotary swing in 17 seconds by Chuck Quinn. And that's true. It's going to take me about 17 seconds to tell you the entire thing of what you really need to know about swing. And then how do you take that and move it into hitting balls? The number one mistake that I see is golfers going from zero to a hundred. And what I mean by that is you learn something new. You start working on a drill, and then you go out to the course or go out to the range and you start swinging full speed with the club.

That's the temptation that we all fall into because we want to play golf. We want to hit the ball. We want to see the results. But unfortunately, when we do that, we start tripping over ourselves and we start racing. The hard work that we've put into drilling and doing the work in front of the mirror. So it's night, let's give a sequence down. Let's understand exactly. What's the most important thing of this swing. And this is going to be, I'm going to talk about this just briefly, but in the RSA video, but I'm going to give you at the end, it's going to go more in depth about this, but we're going to tell you that the one thing you have to know that the one core, simple movement that you have to do in the swing, and then you've got to take that and build on it.

So let's start with that. The entire golf swing and the next 17 seconds. It's one of RSA members is nothing more than this. Here's all you have to do to learn how to hit the ball. Not my 132 yards that I was showing for Sean there, but a couple of hundred yards hitting them. 700 a mile is all about doing the inside stuff out, right? And everybody gets this wrong. I mean, we've done. As I just talked about recently, we've done over 70,000 online lessons and gosh knows I've done over 10,000 in-person lessons in my lifetime. So we've seen a lot of the same mistakes over and over again. And here's the one thing that when I see somebody who's really frustrated or really struggling with their game, that they never do this, right? This is all that matters in the golf swing. Can you do this right shoulder back weight shift, left, knee left, hip up.

It might've been less than 17 seconds. That's the entire golf swing. The only thing that matters is what I just did there, right? Shoulder pulled back. So our head doesn't move off the ball a little bit awake on the right side, I'm going to move my left knee to initiate the downswing. I'm going to sit into that left side and then I'm going to post up done the entire golf swing is yours. If you can do just those moves, it's no more complicated than that. When things get complicated. When we start flailing our arms around, start chasing the golf club and chasing ball flight, every single great ball striker on the planet has done this. And every single one of you sitting in on this webinar could do those moves. How hard is this right shoulder left, knee left hip over the ankle, post up God, if you can do that, then everything else builds on that core movement.

Again, in the RSA video, I spent a little bit more time talking about that, but this is the same stuff that's in the website. We're just kind of condensing it all into one simple move. If you had to pull the rotary, swing down a tour, caliber golf swing, move that produces tons of power, effortless speed protects your body gets rid of all your horrible swing flaws. It's nothing more than what I just demonstrated. So how do you take that movement and translate it into hitting balls? That's the next key? Right? So what I just did, there was the first two steps of the RST five step. I shifted my weight and rotate it. I just put them together. And then I shifted my weight, that a little left name movement. It's just the initiation. Just like you're throwing a ball. The first thing you do is externally rotate your leg, just helps get us our weight, moving back to the left, and then we're shifting and rotating our trunk and nothing with our shoulders. I see this all the time in my, in my online lessons, my unlimited regroups, it just doing this and trying to demonstrate what I just did. It shows a complete lack of understanding of what we're really trying to do in the swing. First of all, if I, if my, what do you guys see wrong here? Hopefully I'll, I'll look at your chat questions. What happened here? What do you think I did wrong in my backseat. Go ahead and post them up there. If you've got the answer, anybody.

So all I did there is I took my left shoulder and pushed it across my chest. And of course that causes my head to move. Yeah, I had came off the ball. Very good. Thank you guys. So if your head's moving off the ball, it's that you're not pulling your right shoulder back. You're pushing from the left side and then the golf swing is over it's game. Over at that point. As soon as you start turning flat, if you see from down the line, I started doing this and my shoulders are really kind of horizontal to the ground and I've stood up out of my posture. Everything is going to be a bucket of compensation from there. You're going to stand up out of your posture. You're going to move off the ball and so on and so forth. So all you need to do again, pull that right shoulder back, and then we need to get our core to move everything else.

Notice that my shoulders are still facing dead square. Do you guys, that's all I need to do to get the arms and hands and everything back to impact. This is a perfect impact position right here. And I didn't move anything from here up. It was just this core movement of step two that moved my body to here. But all the time, I see this people trying to get into a follow-through that's the last thing on earth you'd ever tried to do in this way. The golf swing, the follow-through is a by-product of just releasing the club and letting it pull you to a follow-through. So let's put all this stuff together and started learning how to translate this into real world applications. So the first, the second thing, once you've got this basic core movement, once you can do that, you have to get comfortable with the left arm.

Now, most people will go in front of the mirror and they're going to do this, you know, a bunch of times trying to draw it really fast and not really paying attention to what they're doing. And then they're going to grab a club and they're going to start wailing away on balls. If you do that, I can almost guarantee you given our more than 70,000 on my lessons, we've done that you are going to fail at getting the results that you want. It does not translate to go from doing a mirror drill with your arms across your chest, no ball, no club, none of that stuff, not in the context of this swing. And then all of a sudden going out to the range, you've skipped 50 steps in between, and that's the stuff that you've got to realize. We need those 50 steps, or it's really just a few steps, but we need those few steps in between to help us bridge the gap.

As you heard in my car analogy from the parking lot to the race track, we can't just go from the first time you've ever driven a manual transmission to erase your next day. It doesn't make sense. So with the golf swing, you, if you're going to make a change and you're trying to learn just again, this, the whole golf swing that I just demonstrated earlier, if you can just do that, then we just need to stack pieces on top of that. The next piece that we stack of course is the left arm. That's step three. Right? So if we can just do that same thing, forget about my arms is sticking out in front of you. I don't really care that it's there. I'm thinking about the same drill. I just did a minute ago, right? Shoulder back, left knee, sit into the left side, post up.

Hey, look where my left hand is. Would you guys be happy if this was your impact position? Of course it's perfect. All I did was just let my left arm be moved by that simple core movement that I did at the beginning. Once I have that, right, I grab a club. Now here's the disconnect. If you're working on this movement and you try to do all of this in five minutes, there's no chance that your brain has built any pathways. As you've known for learning videos to take, you have to actually go to sleep for your brain to actually construct those policy. You need to be a little bit patient when you're first learning something new. So getting to the point where you had the club into the mix is not something that you're probably going to do the first day. If you can't do this simple move right now, like I just did here without thinking about it and doing it with some pace.

That's the other thing. Once you add the golf club, everybody starts to speed up because this thing in your wrist start working hand in hand, right? You can now feel like, oh, I've got something here. I want to try and hit the ball. That is a death move in the swing. You have to feel that the club is only being moved by your body. So that's why we flip it upside down. So we don't have the mass of the head and the momentum. So we go back to that same drill, left arm, shifting, posting up, and I'm right back in my impact position. Once you can do that and the club, I didn't think about the club. I didn't worry about where it was going. I couldn't care less. I thought right shoulder back left, knee sin, the left side, post up. My swing plane was perfect.

My path was perfect. All of that stuff was I didn't try to do anything with it. I just let my arm and club follow along with it. That core body movement that we started with, then let's say that you've spent a couple hundred, maybe a couple thousand reps to get that right to where you look at it in the mirror, you look at it on camera, the club's coming down where it's supposed to then, and only then do you take that club and flip it around and start making the same move with the moments of now, you'll see that the club's going to want to naturally release. I can't just stop it and impact. Like I was a minute ago. All of a sudden, I now have all this mass that wants to release and I want to let that happen. So now my arm, I just got to soften up my wrist, do the same thing, left knee, sit, post up.

Hey, that's the whole golf swing. All I got to do next is add that right arm in there. I rarely see people do exactly what I just did in these drills, in our unlimited review groups. I see all the time I say, Hey, here's all I want you to do. Just show me a video of you doing just this drill. And then they send me in a video they're just ramming away. Golf balls does not work like that. You have to take the time to go through the sequence. You need thousands of repetitions and there's no way around it before. You're really ready to stack everything back on there. If you put your right hand back on too soon, you have to club in too soon, or what have you. It's going to lead to inconsistent results. And you're not going to be able to create the same movement pattern that you saw me do at the beginning.

But let's just say that we're at that point, we've spent a few weeks doing just these drills. Now think about that a few weeks where you just did nothing, but what I did stop herring balls. A few weeks investment period in your golf game will last you the rest of your life by learning how to swing perfectly, ending up in a perfect impact position, a perfect swing plane, a perfect path, no injuries. You can play painlessly and you can play effortlessly. If you'll just take a few weeks time to master the stuff I just showed you. Now, once you've done that, let's add that right arm back in there. You can do the same drills. And I've talked a lot about how to add the right arm was just mirroring it so that you're not actually touching the club at first. So if you look at the a step five, we talk about mirroring it, touching with your fingertips, lightly wrapping your fingers around.

But all you're doing is the exact same drill that we started with. Nothing changes from here. That is the entire golf swing. All we do is stack a piece. They are, then we stack the club. Then we stack the right arm and then we're ready to hit balls. It might take you three weeks. It might take you three days. It might take you three years. It's not gonna take that long, but it doesn't matter. As long as you can do this core movement, the golf swing is going to be yours. You are going to own the golf swing and hammer 200 yards, seven irons. If you can just do these simple movements. So the one last translation piece that I like to use with my students is a foam ball. Once we get to the point where we're ready to stack all this stuff together and start hitting balls, your best friend is to go to Amazon and buy a little phone golf ball like this because that little white devil, just the fact that it's hard


You tense up. It makes you want to hit something because it's hard. You're hitting it with a piece of steel. So this is not a marshmallow over here. The golf balls are hard. So you all of a sudden start trying to swing harder in a way that you associate with power, which is ticketed. It's going to be all right, arm, right hand, hitting the club, hard with your hands, push against the shaft with your hands. Take that out, take the temptation out and work on the nine to three drill, doing what we just did. It's just going to be smaller, but do it with foam balls at first. So I'm ready to put my right hand on here that say, it's been a few weeks, maybe a few months, whatever it is, however long it takes you to master the core movement is how long it takes.

But this is an investment for your lifetime. Now I'm going to go nine to three. So I made a little bit of a turn here, right? Just turning back, shifting a little bit left knee, and I can break it into chunks while I'm hitting balls. Like this left knee sit posted up. I couldn't care less. That there's a fault there. I couldn't even feel it really when I hit it, which is great because it allows me to start doing these movement patterns and reinforcing them while something is actually in the way I'm actually hitting something. It's crazy. And I'm sure you guys have all experienced this, how our brains freak out and forget everything that we just worked on. When we put the little white devil in the way, all of a sudden we're concerned about consequences. We're concerned about looking stupid. If we're on the ranch, I don't want to shake it.

I don't want to chunk it or hit it then or whatever it is, we all have those fears. We don't want to be embarrassed. So when we go out there and we start hitting a hard ball in front of people, we all of a sudden start saying, well, we're just going to let our appropriate reception take over in my hands and do what I know how to do to hit the ball with the bat on the ball. And all of a sudden stuff goes completely awry in your golf swing looks like crap. And you go right back to your old movement patterns. That's why this foam ball is a really good intermediate step because it takes all of that stuff away. You can do this in your backyard. You don't need to be off the range doing this, save yourself the money on the balls and just keep repeating this movement pattern.

So I can do this here in front of the mirror so I can check everything and say, I'll make a little bit bigger swing here. I'm going to go back all the way to the top. So now I'm happy where I am here. And that left knee sit will step in release. That is a great rep. The fact that the ball happened to be in the way is irrelevant. It doesn't matter that I'm hitting the ball there. It's getting my brain used to swinging the club through letting the club release. Instead of trying to hit something with my hands. There's a reason it's called a golf swing and not a golf hit. And this little ball will allow you to start to feel it because there's absolutely no point in hitting this ball heart. It's not going to go anywhere. It's not going to go more than 20, 30 yards, and it's going to fly crazy anyway, because it's foam.

So you can get past that step, that hurdle of making the big leap from, okay, I have this new movement pattern. I'm moving well. Club feels different. Everything feels a little walkie because it's new to me, but now I'm just going to go out here and hit balls. It's too big of a leap. Do this in your backyard and then ring the real ball into the equation and go back to the nine to three drill. You're not ready to just start wailing away on this ball yet. You've got to get used to this little step nine o'clock left knee hip post. That is a quality rep. Doesn't matter how I move the ball. If I skate it or Chuck it or skull or whatever, all that matters is did I do the rep correctly? If I did my body movements correctly, that as a quality rep, I'd you skank it and chunk it and hit somebody on them down the tee line and do the body movements correctly rather than worrying about what that ball did.

I can sit here all day long, can get the ball to do what I want with it. Goofy swing, without trying to do anything, right? So there's no point in worrying about what the ball is doing. Your body is what matters. If your body can do this, then I guarantee you, you can play great golf. You can hit the ball just as well as me or anybody else by just mastering this one simple move and then listen to the progression, the RST five-step stuff. The way that I laid it out, the reason I laid it out, the way that I did, I've been doing this since I was 14, studying the golf swings. That's 29 years. I've been trying to figure out a way, not only for myself, but for my students on how the, how what's the fastest way I can get you from point a to point B, to get you to the point where you can hit the ball, like a tour pro.

And this is the fastest way that I've found to do it, but everybody wants to shortcut. What I've already found is the fastest way to get you there. You can't skip from step one is okay. I'm shifting my weight. Well, let's go hammer balls. It just doesn't work like that. It's just like teaching you anything else in life. I was teaching how to play the piano. You're not going to play Beethoven today. It's just not going to happen. Just like the same is true in golf. Take pride in the process, work through these five steps. It's five simple steps. That's it for you to play the best golf of your life and for you to hit the ball like a pro, you have to take the time to do these five steps. And it really starts with just that little move. This is it. So hopefully that kind of gives you a, a clear picture, a pathway of progression of how to get from where you are now and take these drills and get them to translate and to actually hitting balls.

The number one mistake that people make is going from doing a drill to hitting balls at full speed, way too soon. Take your time, take the time to invest now. And I promise you'll get the results that you're looking for. So hopefully that helps explain a bunch of stuff, put everything together, all the answers that are, that you're looking for, how to do all these movements, the details of it, of course, are on the videos on the side, but hopefully this just boil it down to the real nuts and bolts of it. And again, in a minute, I'm going to give you a link to the, uh, the RSA clinic video, where I went into a little bit more in depth and talked about how to produce speed and so on and so forth. So I'm going to open it up to some Q and a now, and hopefully I can answer some questions for you that will help make this a little bit more clear in case there was something that I missed. So post your questions up there on the chat. And I'm going to go over to the board now and take a look at it.

Yeah. Any questions? Hey Mike. So I will talk about this real briefly, but the, uh, the CIT action is going to be in depth in that RSA webinar video. So, but the whole key is once you get the left knee into neutral, again, I talk about this in the RSA video. So you you'll get to see that next is getting the left knee in neutral over the ankle. And then the left hip is continuing to move to get over that left knee. So that's the whole key in that sequence. Add-on is a spring quarter for us. Yes, absolutely. There'll be on the website and later on the next day or so we'll post it up there for all premium members to go see Patrick, at what point do you know that you're really progressed to playing around and finally turn them around? So a good questions.

That's really what we're talking about today is what's the progression, what's the sequence. How do you know when you're ready to start playing? Well, the one thing that I'll tell you is that you wouldn't whatever movement that you're working on. And so we're talking about getting all the way to the end where you can hit balls is that you should be able to stand here in front of me or in front of anybody and do that and keep talking or do whatever without messing up that movement. If you have to think about it, think your way through it. Okay. So he said, um, what was the right shoulder? And then, uh, let me go through my preflight checklist and okay, I've got 37 items here. Um, Chuck's 16, which is, he said left knee. You're not ready. So if you have to go through this preflight checklist, you're not ready.

If you can do it without thinking about it and make these movements and do them quickly. That's another critical point is that when you're doing this drill, this is a learning speed. These are baby steps that does not fly with hitting a golf ball. If you can only do this core movement at this speed while stopping and breaking it into chunks, you're not ready to balls. You're not ready to add your arms in there because you can't do the core movements at that speed. That's when you're ready, if I can do this speed and not screw it up and I can talk to you while I'm doing it, then my brain has had enough repetition, but it's ready to do this at the next step. So hopefully I answered your question. I'm going to try to scroll up here to make sure I didn't miss any questions.

So bear with me for just a second. All right. Patrick's question there. How many reps, how about playing rounds while, while we're drilling this stuff? Totally fine. As long as you're ready to hit balls, otherwise you're just, if you're going out, working on something and you're not at the point where you can hit balls and do the movements a hundred percent correctly, a hundred percent of the time then going out and playing golf practice rounds, you're still not gonna be able to do it. Why would you be able to do it when you add more distractions? Of course, nobody can do that. I'm not saying you can't play through changes. You can't. But if you're at the point where you can't move the core body movement correctly, then you have no business even touching our golf club yet, because this stuff is never going to work right?

Once you pick this thing up, as soon as you pick this club up and your arms are going to flail around all over the place, you're not going to know where to go. The body's not in control. So your golf swing, you're just going to have all these same goofy in consistencies and so on and so forth. So you can play practice rounds. You can play tournament rounds, but you better be dialed in everything. That'd be firing on all 10 cylinders. Everything's rotating correctly. Your body movements are correct. You can be a little bit off on plane and path and so on, but the body movement non-negotiable for me, because I guarantee you if the body core movement isn't correct the arms and the clubs, certainly won't, let's see bill. So I think that hopefully that kind of answers your question as well. Brian struggled with the hand setting on the hands on the backswing and incorporate that into the backswing sequence.

That's a little bit outside the scope of what we're talking about today, but there's a ton of videos on the site about what the arms do and hands and so on. So I really want to just keep it focused on what we're talking about tonight, as best I can. It's really about the progression of taking drills to the course. Do I think I answered that. When do you progress the nine to three drill when you're ready? So when should you be doing the nine to three drill? Well, you can do it. Left-hand which means you could be doing a nine to three drill with your left hand handle. That's totally fine. Again, what I'm really trying to do is reinforce that my core body movement is correct, and I'm just doing that with a club. And as long as I'm doing my core body movement correctly, every time, then I can start worrying about actually doing the nine to three drill and hitting balls. I want to add my right arm in there, again, as long as my core body movement, doesn't break down and I can look in the mirror and make sure everything's dialed in. Then you can do the nine to three drill.

Let's see. Next question. Uh, James and Trent troubled transitioning to the garage, the garage street to the driving range. Is this process essentially the same as you described? Absolutely. We just talked about how do you get from point a to point B? So hopefully that is clear at this point, my expose one needs to ask themselves, do I want to abandon or learn the correct movement swings? I'm not your guy. If you want a band-aid, is there anything that can help us feel the move to the left with the rotor? Reconnect. Good question. So I have the connect here. There's a couple of things that you can do with this connect while you're doing these drills and learning the core body womens. My first thing that I'd like to talk about is you getting it with your arms and the bar up against your chest is high up on your arms as you can get it, because now what I can do is feel the bar.

If I start pushing across my chest, my arms start sliding the bar across my rib cage. I want to keep this bar exactly where it is in relationship to my chest. So that's what the rotary connect I like to use it. The for in the backswing is that is feeling like I'm focusing on moving the bar, not my arms and hands. As far as the move and the downswing you're asking about to the left. If you put it on your knees, just above your knees, in the smallest setting, the thing that you're going to learn the most with this is when you're pushing off the right side, I would say, as a conservative number, 99% of golfers can't feel when they're pushing too hard off the right leg. It's just something that's so subtle. It takes such little effort it's happening so quickly in the swing.

You've loaded up that right leg a bit going back. So it's really something that's a hard thing to break at first and the road reconnect helps you start to do that because as soon as you push off the right leg, the way people normally do their left knee gets buckled out and they feel all crazy and off balance. And this is giving you immediate feedback to know that. So that's the best thing you can feel with this. As far as the left knee movement, you can feel it, the let the connect starts to expand. I actually took the little spring out of this one that holds it in place so that I could actually help my students feel that left knee movement. So their right knee stays in the exact same spot. And you take this little clip off, so it can slide. You see that it's extending, it's widening at the bar.

So that gives me that little left knee movement. And then I sit into the left side and post up. So that's one way. If you take that little clip out of there, which it comes out pretty easy, and you can use that to help you feel the left knee movement and the downswing, Juan, where is the club finished position? Why do you care? It's so irrelevant where the club finishes. The ball's long gone. It doesn't care anymore. Come on line. I'm going to beat you. The club finished. The follow-through is the most irrelevant part. Oh, the golf swing that there is somebody that teaches a golfer to how to swing from the fall through back to me is crazy because the ball has been already sent a hundred yards down the range. Now, yes, you can use it as a diagnostic tool, but I think on the website are only two videos on the follow-through and that's probably too, too many.

The simple reality is once you get into impact and the ball is gone, I don't care what happens. Neither does the ball. Neither does your scorecard, but you can use the fall through as a diagnostic tool, which I talk about in those other videos, if you're hanging back or you're, you know, you're shifted too far laterally or not far enough, or what have you, but that's the only thing the follow through is really good for is diagnostics. Conrad. I use an aim statement on quickly. I tend to get close. I get lined up beyond the scope of this conversation. This webinar is all about how to take your drills to the course it's pointed and added 10, 20 hours of my hires. And when I get to my through and driver again, outside the conversation point here, I want to stay on topic playing around using only nine to three job, Roy, that's a great exercise and you'll be shocked that most golfers, when they start doing the nine to three drill correctly, actually at the ball further than they do with their current full swing. And there's a million reasons for that. But it's again, focusing on these core body movements and doing the 93 drill correctly, you'll always swing back further than you think in the backswing. And that will get you into a much better golf swing a little bit. If you can just work on that night, it's a great way to drill it. If you want to get out and play, take that nine to three drill with and go out there and practice,


Huh. Doing the drills and core movements versus RST members is quite different, but I'm not sure what you mean by that. Correct. Uh, do you ever have the ball and executing the process correctly? The only way you would hook it as if you're doing something incorrectly, which would be too much access till pushing off the right side, flipping your hands over bad grip, bad posture, bad ball position. Let's see. How do we confirm the drills within correctly? A hundred percent of the time, very likely we're drilling less than a hundred percent the drills. That's a great question. And that is definitely applicable to what we're talking about. So hat, there's no point in practicing and doing a wrong, right? And that's what you're doing when you're going out to the range and hitting balls. I hate to break it to you. But the sad fact of the matter is what you're doing on the course or on the range is probably incorrect because you simply, haven't done enough reps of doing these core body movements and working through the drills in the sequence that they're laid out in the five step program.

And so you're just reinforcing your bad habits. So how do you know that you're doing the drills a hundred percent correctly? First of all, this, the mirror never lies. If you look in the mirror and you go back and watch what I did here, that's the entire golf swing. That's the whole thing. In a nutshell, if you can do what I just did in front of a mirror, you should be able to check those check forms really simple. And then all the checkpoints are on the site. Every single checkpoint that you need to know what the left knee should be here, where the hips should be at how open it should be, where should your shoulders be? It's all there. Even down to the detail of what your right foot should look like. So those details are there. So you just got to take the time to pay attention and look at yourself in the mirror.

I'm shocked how many people still to this day have sent me a question about their swing and said, Hey man, I'm really struggling. I'm not getting this right. And I said, okay, just send me a quick video of your swing limit. Take a quick look. I don't have any videos of my swing. I've never videoed it. What, how the heck do you know what you're doing? If you don't video your swing, you are wasting your time. And you're certainly not going to get any better. You're just trying to dig it out of the dirt and that crap doesn't work. Unless you've got eight hours a day to hammer balls and keep searching for answers and trying random different things until you glue enough band-aids together in order to play good golf. So the mirror, the video camera never lie. And then the last thing is, use your swimming reviews.

We have a whole team of certified instructors who have I said over 70,000 swing reviews. They've seen everything under the sun. They know exactly what's going on in your swing within two seconds of looking at it. And they knew exactly how to fix it. So send in a video of you just doing a drill said, Hey, you know, I just watched this webinar with shock. And he's just showing that this whole simple core movement is all I got to do this all I'm working on. Am I doing it right? Perfect. That's how you're going to know if you're not sure by looking at the mirror and using the videos to help yourself to go through these checkpoints, then just submit your swing for review. And we will tell you exactly what's going on in this drill. Think about this. How simple is this? How long is it going to take you to get this right?

Shouldn't take any time at all. And if you, so let us help you with that. We're going to get you there super fast. Let's see. Should we get a few more questions in here before we wrap up, uh, guys, as far as the Bosu ball, it's not going to hurt anything. Let's see bill. When I do play, I try to focus on part of the core line. I don't have all the core movements nailed down. Yep. You just need more repetitions tech. So the reality is if you could do it, play golf with your bud, you are slowing the process down. There's no escape. So if you do play as a way to minimize the damage, it's inevitable. Great question. You you're getting it. So two things I want to talk about with that one is how much time do you typically lose? If you go out and play totally anecdotal.

I've talked about this a million times before, but using my own game as, uh, as an example and the pros that I've worked with in the amateurs I've played with. What I have found is that on average for if you're in the midst of a change, really working on something, that's a core change to your swing. I have found that for every round of golf, you play one round of golf that you play. You'll lose about two days of practice. I have no scientific evidence for that. It's completely anecdotal, but I've done a lot of lessons and I've played a lot of rounds of golf. And I've worked on my swing a lot to know that by the time that I get back to drilling after 18 holes in 70 swings or 70 shots, I have started to kind of wander and waiver just like everybody does.

You may step up to the first tee and be like, alright, I got this. I'm going to chucks. That just focus on feeling like a nine to three swing and just focused on my core movements or whatever it is. And by the third hole, you're like, oh, that one went right. So they're saved with my hands or I better aim over here. And by the sixth hole, you're like, oh, screw that guy. That's what he's talking about. And they do this. And then by the 18th hole, who knows where you're at. And if you stop and you think critically and objectively about your rounds of golf, we've all done that we all go through with the best intentions, but then after hitting a couple balls over B or just whatever, hitting a couple bad shots, then all of a sudden we start reverting back to our old habits.

So do you slow your ability to improve down? Yeah. There's a reason that when you see guys who were really the best at making a swing change and honestly, most of the tour pros are, you're just kind of doing little tweaks. The only guy that really made huge changes that I can think of off the top of my head are obviously tiger. And think about like Nick Faldo, Nick Fowler went through a huge swing change. They did mostly on his own, but let them help them out a little bit was the second set of eyes for him. When he did that, he took like nine months off period. Now that's playing at the top level and making huge changes and what have you, but he already had some really good fundamentals in the swing. You may be starting at the point where you're a 90 shooter.

So you may not be at the point where it might take you nine months just to be able to kind of get the whole picture together rather than making a huge shape when tiger makes a huge change, he takes time away from the game. You need to do that. It doesn't mean you can't go out and play practice rounds. As long as you go out there with the right mindset, go out there with a box of top flights. You don't care about losing and go out there in the afternoon when nobody's out there and work on the drills and start to see some of the results pay off. That's the great thing about being able to do these changes on the course, you start to realize like, oh wow, I've never been on this part of the course before. I've never hit my irons that far.

I've never had this club into this green or whatever. You start to see little tidbits of encouragement and that keeps you motivated to keep going. But it's really important that you really play smart. If you're going to go out and play while you're making a pitch change. I hope that answers your question, Ted, uh, trying to find a mirror to use the yard. Uh, Eric, uh, we have one on the site. That's a small one that you can stick in your bag. That's probably the best piece of advice that I can give you. Unfortunately, just this giant mirror I have back here is one that I actually just hired a glass company to make for me. And I said, I want the biggest freaking mirror that you can put in here. So that's how I ended up with that. Uh, had, can move up and down without that side outside the scope of what I'm talking about, Frank, it's all covered on the website chip.

If you can do the nine to three drill properly using left arm only then add the right hand as fat or thin. Does that mean you change your core movement or can you move your cooler properly? Clip that because right here. Great question. Now these are kind of the questions I'm looking for because this is a progression question. Ship's gone from the idea of, okay, I'm doing my nine to three drill and now I add the right arm and all of a sudden something changes. I was hitting it great with my left arm only, but then as soon as I put that stupid right hand on there, all of a sudden I start chunking it or hitting it fit. What happened? Did my body breakdown and my arms breakdown. That's a great question. First of all, you should know that because you should be able to see the difference when you video your swing, put them up side by side an app on your phone, put your swings side by side is like 10 bucks.

We don't sell it on. We don't have him on it where you can use the swing analyzer as part of your membership. So if you don't have an app to do it right there on your phone, just use our swing analyzer on the site. It's part of your membership. It's totally included. So put your swing up there and see what changed if you're not sure, submit your drill with the left hand only, and then submit your drill with the right hand on there. First wing review. And then we can tell you instantly, oh, well what happened here? I'm just to answer your question chip. The most likely culprit is that the right hand started to take over and then the body slowed down. And that's what we see nine times out of 10 is that once you're doing this left arm only drill, you'll find that you can get yourself in these perfect positions really quickly, really easily.

And then the right hand goes on there. And now you look like this. I didn't shift. I'm hanging back. I didn't turn my hips. My shoulders are not turning. And it's because this little guy, all of a sudden changes your pro your perception of the swing, because it just starts to take over. It's so easy to do you're right. Handed your right side dominant. You want to use that. It means that you you're overusing that right hand. Typically when you're hitting it fat and thing together, it means that you didn't shift. So you're kind of hanging back cause the right arm starts to take over too soon. Your focus went away from moving my core and shifting my weight like we did here. And it went into hitting that stupid little wall. And then the right hand says, I'm more than happy to help out with that.

Let me show you what I can do. Oh, I jumped. Let me try to get, oh, and I flipped it and hit it then. That's what happens nine times out of 10. Okay. Let's see. I'm trying to get a couple more in here. Let's see. Yeah. Taylor. Yeah. I lied mirror after we sell on the side, just because it fits in your bag. It's really simple. Um, can you describe the feeling in your hands and wrists as the club goes through, letting go I'm releasing the club, it's called a release for a reason used to say that the extinction takes place just after posting it. But I feel myself that it takes has to take place the same time the extension is taking place. Otherwise you won't convert the up and back into, down or not. Uh, so that's a good question. One. Okay. Trends, uh, into the, uh, the bonus video, because I talk about the timing of the post-it move and all of this stuff together and that RSA webinar a little bit more.

So the long story short, the simple answer is you're posting up. You're doing the drills that you're posted up while your hands here. And again, this is all covered in the RSA webinars you're going to get to watch next. So you're going to drill to here and then post up. Now the actual timing and sequence of it in real life is that you're actually posting up as you're releasing the club. That is what actually releases the club. So you start learning to simultaneously put those two together rather than at first, you're just going to chunk it post up and then release and so on. I'm going to talk about that in depth in this video. So that's what I'm going to do next. So for those of you golf, junkies out there who want just even more information and more stuff, let me, you guys should see this coming up in the right-hand side.

So you should see a little offer. Uh, if you don't see that, let me know. But uh, if you click on the buttons where the chat is, you'll see one looks like a little megaphone and there's a little button there that says, watch the webinar now. So let me know if you can't see that, but you should be able to, that's going to take you straight to the webinar that I did last week for the RSA members. You'll see that we take a little bit different approach with Rover suite academy because it's more hands-on stuff. The rotary swing academy is more of, Hey, we're going to help you walk through this RC RSU. The rotary is being university stuff is more of a DIY. We're giving you the information. We're giving you six swing reviews to make sure that we can make help you progress through it.

With rowers being university, you get a free swing review every other week for the rest of your life, as long as you're a member. So it's much more hands-on, we're doing a lot more drills that are more follow along and talking through what I feel and what you're going to sequence and so on. So that's what I wanted to share with you guys who attended this webinar tonight. So let me see if you can't see that, let me know. Otherwise, feel free to click on that, uh, the little button there, and it's going to get you over to the webinar and take a look. And then hopefully that answers your questions that you had for tonight. So thank you so much for attending. I'm going to close this up now, unless there's any more questions that I can answer, but otherwise, thank you so much, guys. I appreciate it. I'm glad I was able to share some stuff. Hopefully helped get you on the right path to get you where you're going, Kayla. Uh, oh, you saw a couple that's something else. Okay, cool. You're welcome bill. You welcome you guys. Thank you so much for attending. You're welcome chip. You're welcome. Thank you, Patrick. Okay.

You're welcome guys. Thank you, Mike. You're welcome bill. You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed it. All right, guys. We'll see you soon on our next webinar. Hopefully take care. Okay

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The little initial side movement of the L knee to start the downswing is that a pushing or pulling motion or is that not of any great interest?
October 25, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. The external rotation is a slight movement followed by pulling with inner thigh adduction of the lead leg.
October 25, 2022
ok we know the ball position it is on the logo of the shirt or left ear , weight distribution on the ankles , grip a little strong or neutral and shoulder tilt etc. but with what hand we start ? to a right hander golfer we start with the left and put the club square with the left and finally we put the right ? both at the same time ? or the right first ? a little bit of help thanks
November 30, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. The order really doesn't matter that much. The most common RST way is to lead hand first and get club square/aligned. Then, add trail as you add axis tilt.
November 30, 2020
Hey there, I absolutely love Rotary swing and have complete confidence in it as my game has improved so much since I completed the 5 step system... I am really excited to take part in the next Bootcamp to really ingrain the movements! I do have one question, how come there aren't any lessons on Rhythm? There is so much talk about how all the great good ball strikers have a 3:1 rhythm... I would love to know your take on this! Thanks, Steve
November 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. Awesome. Can't wait to see you in the BootCamp! 3:1 is the typical norm for rhythm. We do agree with that notion. Take a look at Tour Tempo Micro Player Video for some follow up information.
November 21, 2019
Thanks for the reply Craig! I checked out the video, where can you purchase the device? Thanks!
November 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. Our contract ran out with that company, so we no longer sell it. I'm sure you can find it on Amazon, or another store on google. I apologize.
November 21, 2019
Is there anyway I can replicate the "distractions" on course (aiming at a target, pressure of shot etc) when hitting into a net? When practising with a net, I find that I can do the drills really well, I can "feel" my swing and am aware of everything going on. I can easily make adjustments - shorter swing, wrist manipulation etc. But when I get out onto the course and start my backswing, I lose all awareness of what's going on in my swing and my autopilot bad movements kick in. Is it just a case of doing enough repetitions so that the new movements become the autopilot?
October 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shane. A process of doing enough reps and challenging yourself to implement those changes in tough situations. You could also have a friend/kid yell, or try and distract you when making your moves to learn hyper focus.
October 3, 2019
Hi, great video! I've been doing these drills while using the GForce 7 Iron. I figured that if I can get good solid contact / straight shots with the GForce then I should be able to seamlessly transition to a real 7 iron. Is this a correct assumption to make? While doing these drills, alot of my strikes (half swings) are slicing off to the right. If I make a conscious effort to flatten my wrist then they go straight. However, from this seminar and the previous one, it sounds like the knee kick, squat and post up should square up the club. Is that right? Having looked at a recording, it looks as though my post up is just up and not out. Could that cause the club to not square up?
August 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shane. Yes, the assumption would be correct to get the GForce ironed out to make an easier transition to the real swing. Your body movements and post up will trigger the release. But, you must stay tension free for the release to occur on it's own and have the toe rotate around the heel for squaring of the face. Yes, not posting up and back can keep the club from releasing down and out.
August 14, 2019
When I get to the post up portion of the swing, and apply more ground force, should I feel a slight push up and away from the ball, and not directly vertically up? My feeling of up and away (slightly) feels like I stay in posture and more balanced. Is this correct?
August 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Albert. Exactly. Back and away from the ball. Not just vertically up.
August 3, 2019
I have a premium membership and no access to the RSA webinar that was referenced so many times. Is there another video on initiating downswing with lead knee? Thanks
July 22, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Will. Take a look at Fixing Your Weight Transfer, Preventing Hip Pain and Perfecting Lower Body Stability.
July 22, 2019
This webinar is excellent and explaining how to transfer the drills to actually hitting quality shots. I can do this. As long as I am hitting balls on the range. But I cannot take my quality shots on the range to the golf course. So something else is missing.
July 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Graham. When playing you start coming face to face with more distractions. The more distractions and pressure the quicker your brain will want to revert to your older ingrained movements. You need to figure out what breaks down when playing. For example: Weight Shift. If you can film your on course swing and you see that your weight shift suffers when playing. You need to prioritize making sure you shift weight over anything else (even golf ball) until you can master it without thought on the course.
July 20, 2019
I am not a Facebook person, I am signed in.
July 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ellen. If you are having errors watching the video I apologize. Please Contact Customer Service to help correct the issue.
July 20, 2019
Very helpful, thanks.
July 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. Glad you enjoyed.
July 19, 2019

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