Left Hand Grip for Perfect Putting Stroke

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This putting grip tweak can have a HUGE impact on your putting stroke, give it a try and see if helps you stop pulling putts! RSA members, please provide your feedback with this test and let me know how it performs for you!

Do you have a tendency to pull putts? I did horribly. And so using the Sam pet lab, I've been starting to work out what's causing it and making little changes and then testing those changes and see what the data shows to start getting myself to the point where I should put as well as I hit the ball. And I've made huge strides so far, I'm at about four and a half to five strokes improved in my pudding, which is absurd, especially for a plus handicap golfer, to be able to take that many strokes off just from the putting stroke. But you'll see why in this video, because I want you to test something. I tested something today. I'm going to show you both in video, what I did and in in the data, what the data shows, because at the end of the day, it's all about making pods.

And if the face angle is point where it's supposed to be at address or at impact, we're going to be in good shape. So I just want to, the baseline data I have is here on the right. This was the very first time I got on the pet lab this year. And just to, I'm not gonna think of anything. I'm just gonna set up there and put and do what I do naturally. And then this on the left is showing after I've made some adjustments and then practicing a little bit, not too concerned about the static stuff, the stuff that's happening at setup, I'm more concerned with what's happening during the stroke. And that's what we're going to start to look at. So on the right hand side, you can see that I was pretty severely swinging to the left and an at the end of this video, in a moment, I'm going to show you on video, what was causing that?

And then the change I made in my grip that started fixing this because it made a lot of other changes in my setup. And so if you have a tendency to pull putts and make sure you stay on to the end of this video, because I want you to try this fix that I put into play and see what it does in your own putting stroke. So at impact, you can see that on the right hand side, I was 2.4 degrees left. Now that's pretty severe. But as you know, from, from some of the, from the first pudding video that I did, that the path is far less important than the actual face angle to impact. And in the case of my baseline, I was 1.4 degrees closed. And as I mentioned before on a standard typical, good birdie putt that you're taking a look at 15, 16 footer.

If you're one degree off, you will miss the putt, you'll miss the whole. So it's very, very critical to be inside of that one degree at impact which I've accomplished here. I'm much closer. I'd love to get it to zero, but you know, half a degree of improvement is a significant improvement on a 15, 16 foot putt, because it means I can actually make it now. So no point in hitting a great drive and a great iron shot, and then missing the putt by a mile simply because the putter face was pointing the wrong place at impact. You will also see that my path is markedly improved. I went from 2.4 degrees swinging left, which is the equivalent of a out to end over the top golf swing. But with putting, you know, the, obviously it's a much shorter stroke, so it doesn't show up as severely as very difficult to see even on high-speed video.

It's why you have to have a tool like this to really see what's going on dynamically at impact. And you can see now my path has only 0.6 degrees left, and I'm very consistently getting that same path. So now we can, as the stroke is, is markedly improved, worrying about facing will becomes much more easy to focus in and dial in on as I've become much more consistent with my stroke. You'll also see that the, the actual stroke itself when you can visualize it, this dotted line represents basically a straight back and straight through putting stroke, or really just the target line, if you will. And my putting stroke before on the right, you would see have a tendency to go outside and I'm going to pretty much all of these. I took it to the outside and now the putter is more consistently starting on the line one little outside there, one little goofy, but it's much more consistently following the path instead of swinging kind of out and over the top.

And this is again, due to the grip change that I'm going to show you in just a minute. This also had an impact on where I was hitting the ball in the face. You can see at the beginning, I very consistently hit it in the heel and still kind of all over the face. And now the concentration, the grouping is getting a lot tighter and it's less severe towards the heel. So that is also making a big difference in the quality of the strike because where you're hitting it in the face. If you have a tendency to kind of hit it way out on the toe or way out on the heel, it'll it'll affect distance control control, cause the distance or the the solidness of the strike will be impacted. So you may start leaving some short, you may nuke some it's very difficult when you're hitting it inconsistently on the face. This stuff here tend to do pretty consistently. Don't tend to worry too much about that. It's really about figuring out the space single and path, and making the adjustments to your body, to get yourself, to be able to make a consistent stroke and get yourself to get the club face as close back to square to 0.0 inside a one degree on every single stroke and make sure that that path is squared up. So let's take a look at the video now. Okay.

So on the left left, I have my normal putting stroke, which was leading to a ton of pools, a ton of missed putts struggling with distance control, mostly just yanking the ball left and not making nearly as many parts as I should. And on the right, I have video of the grip change that I made. Now, I realize in this view, it's, while you can see somewhat of the grip change, it's difficult to understand everything. So I want to use this video just to point out what you'll see in the setup. And then I'm going to go and actually walk you through the script change for rotary swing academy members. Cause I want you guys to test this and experiment with it and give me feedback before we share this with everybody, I want everybody to have a chance to, I want the RSA members have a chance to test this out and give us some feedback first.

So on the left-hand side, you can see the most obvious difference is that you can see a ton of my right arm, right? This is all right, forearm, right, bicep here. And on the right hand side, you can just barely see my bicep and no form. And that is all done just by a grip change. It may seem like I'm trying to turn my shoulders or something like that, but this is really just the script change that I want you to test out. And what you'll notice is that, again, as I, before my stroke tended to go a little bit to the outside and then kind of pull it, I think it was 2.4 degrees left. So I was stroking, my stroke was swinging to the left and the putter face was closed on top of it, just a big old pool.

So you'll see here. This one is after a little bit of practice, I still hit a little bit of a pull here and missed the putt. And again, it remembers just one degree off from this distance is enough to miss the putt. So by having my forms misaligned and see my forms as we come down into impact, she's right about there, my forms, if you put a shaft across them would be pointing well left to the target. Now let's look at the stroke on the right. You can see. Now my left forearm is clearly covering the right forearm and my shoulders. This helps square my shoulders up a little bit more as well. You can see the left, you can see less of my shirt around my midsection here on the right hand side, then you can compare it to the left.

You can see a little bit less of the logo on my shirt and so on. So this is just helping, getting everything with my upper body squared up a little bit better. And more importantly, what directly immediately affects the path of the club, which is what my, how my forms are aligned. So as you'll see here, as I go back into impact right there, my forearms are almost perfect alignment, almost exactly where they were to address similar to where in my forums were pretty much where they were at address on the left-hand side as well. Then on the right hand side, they're actually square, which helps me know where that the putter face is square as well. So is this ball rolls nice and true more into the center of the cup. At least I made it. And then just one more stroke hearing.

See again, just a hair of that right. Form forms are basically in really good alignment here and say, now as I let this play through, I should make a nice, good stroke and the ball rolls pretty true. So let's take a look at the grip of close again. This is just for RSA members so that you guys can test this out and give me feedback. So the second half of the video, you need to be an RSA member to, to watch and, and give me comments and post feedback on, cause I want you guys to test this out first,

All right, rotor, spring academy members. I need your help. I want you to test the script change and I want to explain why, what we're doing and why. So, first of all, I want you to do, to understand the whole purpose of what I'm doing. The purpose of this is to teach you a simple, repeatable, super consistent, super reliable, accurate putting stroke. As I've talked about in the PR in the first video, how critical face alignment is, one degree is so difficult to see with the naked eye. You can see it, but it's very difficult. And so it's really hard, especially when you're looking at your swing, just on video, your stroke, just on video, to see all of this stuff within naked eye with, even with high-speed cameras. It's very difficult to see. So what I wanted to do is start giving everybody fundamentals that would allow everybody across the board to start putting better.

And as you've seen, I've already shaved about five strokes off my own putting stroke, which had a huge impact on my scores, just because I've started working through fundamentals that are data-driven, which is of course what the Sam putt lab is all about. Sam PuttLab measures everything down to the hundredth of a degree, which is way more precise and accurate than wherever we're going to be. But what it lets you do is start to really understand what's really affecting when you miss a putt. And for me personally, and for many, many golfers across the planet, there's a lot of pulled putts. In fact, I just played in a golf tournament this weekend with some amateur golfers. It was a hit and giggle fun tournament, but I watched countless putts, including my own being missed on the left side of the hole with pools. And I started noting this noticing a very consistent trait.

And I said, well, I'm going to video my stroke from up the line and see if I see the same thing. And so I did, and I noticed that from up the line, it was very evident to see that my right forearm was above my left. Now part of this is something just, I didn't realize that I was doing it. And second thing is that part of it was the stuff that I was taught and the taught other students over the years that allowed me to kind of get into this bad habit. And that is many, many years ago, I had it an instructor who was working with me when I was still trying to make it as a pro. And he had me get my hands externally, rotated like this as much as I could within reason. And the reason for this was that your wrists are now opposing each other.

If you try to move your wrist this way, well, that one doesn't work that way. Whereas when most golfers, if they take their hands like this, easy to get your risks to be very handsy, to have a very handsy putting stroke, if you struggle with it hips, and you've got your thumbs kind of going down the shaft while the right wrist can bend in this way and the left wrist I've been in this way. So it's very easy to be very handsy. So a lot of times instructors, including the one that I worked under at that time had me take my wrists and externally rotate them. So now that the risk, when you try to move on this one doesn't or want to work and bend in that direction, and it does give you a much simpler stroke, it takes the hands out of the stroke.

However, it also does another thing Elisa did in my case that as I externally rotate in my left arm, you'll see that it's rotates my arm back and puts my right hand into a position where it wants to be on top and dominant. And so what I'm saying on top, you see my forms are pointed to the left at address. And of course, as you saw on the Sam PuttLab data that my stroke tended to go a little outside. I was 2.4 degrees closed with my, or out to end with my stroke, which caused the club face to be a degree and a half closed. And that's enough to completely miss the whole on a 15 foot putt easily. So understanding the critical importance of being inside that one degree, we have to have that putter face very precise at impact and having a stroke that allows for that and a setup that allows for that is the goal.

Now for me, the, the benefits of the dead drill are that it helps you understand how to fix stuff when it goes wrong, right? Golf is so much for so many people, just all about feel and they try something different every day. We call that chopping woods swing, thoughts that work only one day, you don't want to chop wood with your full swing. You don't want to do with your putting stroke either. And trust me, I have chopped tons of wood with my putting stroke, because I have tried everything under the sun to try and improve, and finally just gave up and said, you know what? I'm just not a good putter. I'm just not born with it, right? I'm not ever going to be like a Lauren Roberts or a Brad Faxon and just have the silky smooth putting stroke and make every putt that I look at.

And then as I started thinking about it, it doesn't make any sense. The stroke is so simple. Why could it possibly be that I can't, I can hit a 350 yard drive and I can't make a three foot putt. It doesn't make any sense. And so I started saying, okay, let's just take the same approach to putting that I have with full swing. Let's look at everything. Analytically, it's look at things logically, it's all cause and effect based relationships, right? If you input a, you should get output B, if you input C and it's wrong, you're going to get output D or E. And these things all start to work together. And they're very simple to understand. And in the putting stroke, when you have a tool like the Sam PuttLab, that can allow you to measure and quantify everything, it becomes very clear immediately to know exactly what you're doing wrong in your stroke.

And then we combine that with video and you can see the whole picture of knowing exactly what you need to do to fix your putting stroke. So for me, as you saw made a huge difference in the data, right? Going from two and a half degrees shut to, you know, 0.4 degrees or whatever it was you know, with my path made a huge difference, made a huge difference in my face angle. And all I did was make a grip change. You'll see that the script change that I want you to test for yourself and just a minute is makes a huge difference from my setup. When you look at it from up the line, just how I want you to video this when you're practicing. So go out, take your phone, put it on a little tripod up the line on it, straight putt, and see where you look at address are your shoulders.

Cockeyed are your forms. Cockeyed, can you see your right forum on top of the left? Can you see it under the left? The goal is that these should match because we want the stroke to be as simple as we can possibly make it. And so if we're trying to compensate for a bad setup, then we're just adding way too much variable and way too many variables into the stroke and the putting stroke. We want to make it as simple as humanly possible. So by getting my left forearm into position where more or less matches my right forearm, this made a huge difference in my stroke and my face angle. And all that did was something that I've seen many golfers do for many years, which has never really made a ton of sense to me because golfers like this, like tiger woods and Brad, Faxon all tend to use skinny grips, more like this.

All right, this has got a much thinner profile. This grip is much thicker, much deeper and overall just a much fatter grip, which is the trend nowadays, right? You see so many golfers out there with these giant grips and I've tried them. They feel bizarre to me. I've never putted well with those either. I don't, you know, I'm not, I don't tend to be very handy with my stroke, but just like anybody else every now and then that right-hand wants to take over when I make a bad stroke. So I always thought, well, gosh, it makes sense to have a fatter grip and then this thin grip, because that makes it really easy to get the club in your fingers and get kind of rusty with it. But some of the best putters I've ever seen on the tour over the history years have all had thinner grips.

And what's interesting about it is this descript change that I made works really well with a thinner grip. But in this case I have kind of a mid size yeah. His grip. But you'll see, as you start setting your hands, how the grip will make a big difference in this, but you'll understand how it affects form alignment. Let me show you first what we're going to do. I'm going to sh get my fingers, the grip more into my fingers. So from a pier, you'll see that I'm basically getting my pad of my Palm more on top of the grip. Now, what this is doing is it's putting the club more down my fingers. Whereas if you externally rotate, hate your arm, like so many golfers do nowadays to get it, take the risk out of the stroke, it puts, is it more into the Palm slightly versus the fingers?

As soon as you do this and you rotate your hand over this way, you'll see how it wants to get your hand on top. Now, why does that happen? Well, in the putting stroke or in the full swing, the way that we avoid getting our shoulders really open at setup is we have access tilt, right? So your right hand has to be lower on the club than the left. Of course, unless you're putting left hand low, which is also fine, but I wanted to have a very natural feeling, putting stroke. I wanted to feel like I just up to the ball and I, the best pictures I've ever seen of all, then, you know, very neutral looking, very relaxed at a setup and with a neutral grip. Oh my gosh. If I could just put like that, it seems, it feels so much more natural, but I just pull everything.

Well, this was hi. So now with, with the putting stroke, you don't have all this crazy access till in order to get your shoulders to be square. So with a tendency, and this is what I was seeing, observing with all these amateur golfers this weekend in this tournament is that they set up like this because they're sitting up nice and tall and it helps them look at the hole. So they set up kind of open. So now you've got this tendency to kind of pull across and swing across with a close face. And that's how you start missing a ton of putts. Even though you feel like you've got a good putting stroke, you know, you may not be hipping it, you may have a decent, smooth stroke, but if you're aligned at setup, all bets are off and you're going to make some sort of crazy compensations to try and make up for it.

We don't want any compensations simple. That is the goal of the putting stroke. That's what we're trying to do here. So getting the club more into the fingers of the left hand and getting the pad more on top of the grip, not only does this get my forms into much better alignment. So now I'm not cockeyed like this. And sh you know, pulling the putts. This also gave me another benefit that I asked Craig Morrow about. Who's the certified rotary swing instructor. Many of you guys know him taking lessons with him, and he's also still to this day, one of the best putters I've ever seen. And he's very naturally puts with the conventional grip and he steps up there and just looks like he's going to make every putt. And he darn near does. And I asked him, what does he feel in his putting stroke?

Because to me, I've tended to kind of always feel, you know, you see a lot of golfers out there. Tiger does this a lot, go out on the, putting green and get the field with their right hand. And, and so I've kind of always felt that's a little bit more of a right-handed stroke. That's where my sensitivity and my touching my feel is Craig said, he feels the exact opposite. He feels that he just pulls through with the left hand and the right hand doesn't do anything. Oh, that's really interesting. It's the opposite of what I would have expected because he looks very natural and fluid and looks like the club just releases releases perfectly, but he feels left-handed when I was able to get my left hand on top, I instantly changed this feel. It changes the way that the club sits in your hands and the way that the hand activates the left wrist activates at this point, versus this kind of makes it dead.

As soon as you get the left hand on top, it feels like, gosh, I don't even need my right hand there anymore. It just feels like this just wants to swing back and forth and have more, more of a pulling stroke, which is, you know, from a physics perspective is a much more stable way. We're pulling the club through the hitting area instead of hitting at the ball, which is what a lot of golfers who struggle with the ups. Do, you know, kind of get a little right wrist pop in there. So this has two bins. It has the benefit of getting your forms aligned without you having to try and add some crazy access tilt in there to get your right hand below the line. And it also starts aligning yourself with the same things that made me want it to go left hand low is left-hand low.

Naturally puts you in a position to want to pull the club through the hitting stroke. And that really made a big difference in my putting, but it just never felt natural. It never felt comfortable. I felt like I was, you know, always trying to like, just keep everything rigid. And so I wanted to again, have a natural feeling, conventional putting stroke with very simple fundamentals, getting everything set up perfectly square. So you don't have to think about it. When stuff goes off, you have to just go back and look at the basics, right? If, if you're one of these people like me, who's tried 50,000 different things. Well, let me, I'm really right. Eye dominant has somebody told me I need to play the ball off my back foot and then get my, my wrist to do this. And then I had somebody to tell me to play the ball off my front foot.

I've taught wide stance, all of this stuff. And it's just all of it works once, right? I, you know, you change your focus for a minute. You have something different to think about some other distraction. And you know, you go out and you put better for a day or two, but eventually it all falls off. And then you're like back to square one searching. How do I get back? And the goal with this for me was to give everybody a set of simple fundamentals, just like the dead drill. When you do, if you don't shift your weight, this is going to be the result. If you don't turn your hips, this is going to be the result. Same thing with the putting stroke. If I get you set up correctly and get myself set up correctly, then all of a sudden you can see the data verifies that this stroke is more repeatable.

It's more consistent. It's giving the desired results. And more importantly, when I get off in the future, I can go back and just say, oh, well, I'm set up incorrectly. My grip has changed. My posture has changed. All of these things are what we're testing with the Sam, PuttLab making different variable tests. So the first one that I want you to try is this left-hand and grip. I want you to try and get the left-hand more into your fingers to get your pad more on top. This is going to put the, the wrist, the back of the hand, more down the target line, or even slightly to the right of it versus this position where a lot of people are teaching. And as I did in the past myself, getting the corner of the club to kind of be in the lifeline. This is the opposite.

We're getting it in the had. So I would love to hear your feedback. Again, I'd love for you to video your swing up the line and take a look to see if you're open at first, at all, because of sin, most people tend to pull their putts and then, and post down the comments below, as you made this change, did you see a change in your, in the putts made? Did you change how your putting stroke felt? Did you start making more putts, et cetera? So I'd love to hear your feedback on this. I'm going to keep testing it. I'm going to keep trying things piece by piece. We're doing things. One thing at a time to give you a simple and repeatable putting stroke.

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Two questions please: 1) with the left hand low...what grip works best? Medium grip, pistol grip? ...and 2) putter length...is it necessary to cut the putter down from 34" if you need a 32" length, or can't you just grip down to accomplish the same thing?
August 16, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jess. It isn't necessary to cut the putter down, but it may help with arm positioning. The grip is up to you. A lot of players use the lead hand low pistol or 10 finger.
August 17, 2023
Any update on further confirmation of this or other related refinement?
July 25, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. I don't have any data to post for your right now. But, can confirm the same method above is still being used because the ball is going in the hole more . It helps not only with the feel, but the physics aspect to keep the head working much more stable throughout the stroke.
July 25, 2022
Another great video. Couple of +&- Alignment of both forearms DTL really helped. Also, should the shaft and forearms form a straight line as well? Was hard to get the heel pad on top of the grip because of extreme ulnar deviation and short fingers even on a skinny grip, didn't feel secure enough without causing a lot a tension in my wrist. Trying a slightly stronger grip, still in the lifeline with an awareness of where the lead forearm is, that it doesn't drop under, leading to pulls.
March 10, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. If you can get it in the fingers with a golf club you should be able to do it with this. Skinny grip still wasn't enough? You don't have to force a straight line, but they will be pretty darn close.
March 10, 2021
Thanks for your response Craig. Guess my comment may be an outlier... I'll stick w/ it. Regripped my putter (skinny & tackier) and choking down extending lead arm helped. Question: you putt well pulling w/ your lead arm on the downswing, what do you feel in the backswing? Like a lead arm push back or pulling your trail shoulder blade, or something else? Thanks again.
March 15, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. I still feel mainly shoulders in the stroke. Right back and left through. But, with a bias that the lead hand always in control.
March 15, 2021
I have learned many things on Rotary Swing but this left handed putting grip is at the top of my list. I am now able to bring the putter back on line instead of a wildly inconsistent stroke. I now feel I actually have a chance to make a putt from 20 feet and in. If I miss the green my one putts are way up. I really don't mind 2 putts if I am on in regulation. Still experimenting with my right hand. Thank you for the huge improvement to my game.
October 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Thanks for the post and awesome news about making more putts. Keep rolling the rock!
October 9, 2020
Here is a general comment consistent with everything we do with RST. First point ever raised is to basically close our ears and ignore our golfing buddies. Putting I have found is even more important. How often do we hear our buddies say, wow that recall broke. But I have seen something else, the putter face was open and the stroke was drawn inside. Ball was spinning like crazy. No way the ball could go straight. They all go and put believing there was a break where there was not one. We can learn from others who put before us, but only if you really watch the stroke and the ball together.
September 25, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Emilio. Thanks for the post and thoughts about how we/all of us take in information to work on our game.
September 25, 2020
Hi Chuck, Wow, I also trief left hand down and back with right shoulder and pulled puts to the left. I have tried now your new tip withr left hand grip change on my putting mat perfect practise mat (OHKsports) and it is amazing the puts go extremely straight down the line: 1. Feeling does a little hurt in left hand 2. the left wrist is dead straight and cannot break, if if I want, I hrdly can break it 3. at impact it is a bit harder and I can feel the shaft swingin 4. Ball rolls extremely straigt, now side spin Only drawback: distance contol is more difficult. Thanks a lot dor this great tip. I change instantly my putting to this. Kind Regars Michael
September 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The new feeling in the lead hand shouldn't hurt. Don't add the death grip . Glad you are liking the results however. Distance control will improve with more consistent strikes. Less guess work.
September 21, 2020
Amazing how sharing a putting misery becomes a "me too" moment. Went through same misallialignment woes, pulling, even hooking putts. Correction was long term, but got mojo back when using your left hand dominant grip (illustrated in latest video) plus rotating right ellbow clockwise, totally locking right hand's move or get misaligned during stroke. Have to experiment with it some, perhaps changing eye position and posture. But does create
September 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Malcolm. Keep us posted. Glad to hear moving onward and upward.
September 19, 2020
When asked what the single change in his game he would have made, Jack Nicklaus replied ‘putt left hand down’. How does this grip change you recommend work with this?
September 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Remington. Working on/using Lead Hand Low is still acceptable. This is another way to skin the proverbial cat. Some players just have an enormously hard time getting used to lead hand low. This is another alternative to help make the stroke feel more natural and still make putts.
September 19, 2020
You didn't mention how you place your right hand on the putter....is it irrelevant?
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stan. For right now where ever you would like. We are doing the studies on the trail hand right now. Much more info to come.
September 19, 2020
Chuck, I typically putt well but I also realized long ago that when I am a little too casual or lose concentration, I will strike closer to the heel and miss or lip-out left. I use an opposing grip as you described (with a Cameron pistol grip) and was never really conscious of being right hand dominant. So, I tried your suggested grip. The first half-hour or so was spent simply gripping and regripping to replicate the grip and get somewhat comfortable with it. After putting a few, I quickly understood Chuck's comment about "feeling" the left hand. That was a revelation and reminded me of a brief attempt at trying the left-hand-low grip...which did not last long though. Your recommendation, however, is one that might have promise for me and I will work on it. Next step is to video.
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sam. Great! Report back your results.
September 19, 2020
There are two types of putters -0ne where the face of the putter will want to rotate ( in the same manner as an iron) and another where it is designed not to do so but rather to stay square. Does this method apply to both and which style is recommended?
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. This method will apply to a face balanced, or traditional balanced heel-toe weighted putter. Lead hand low will typically be more prone to a face balanced method however.
September 19, 2020
Thanks Craig-one more ?? Are hands high (ie with clubshaft more or less in a straight line with the left arm ) ,or low with angle similar to full swing stance. ? Hope I have explained the question clearly.
September 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. The arms should be hanging pretty neutral and not trying to raise/un-cock to form straight line. But, the putter should be sitting flat and not too toe up.
September 19, 2020
I had this issue (pulling putts) up to 6 years ago and was constantly 3 putting. I was playing with a New Zealand guy playing off 6 and he said to me that he had this issue for some time and reverted to left hand below right that Chuck speaks of towards the end of this video. So I I started to work on this and like Chuck it felt a bit unnatural but because my putting started to improve and I was no longer pulling my putts I persevered with it. However, for long putts I used the conventional grip. As time went on my putting improved and it felt natural. So I then stayed left below right for all putts and even my long putts improved so much I rarely two putt from distance as I once I have taken my line, if it is correct all I am doing is concentrating on pace, as I feel confident that the ball will roll on the line I choose. On a hot streak when I am really picking the correct line I do roll in a lot of long putts. As Chuck said with his grip, it is the pulling of the left arm that helps to keep the putt on line. Two things I love about it is, (a) my shoulders are level at address and (b) it keeps my shoulder parallel to the intended line of my putt. In addition to this I went from a 2 ball Odyssey putter to a 3 ball Odyssey putter and the combination of the setup and putter I have no fears when standing over a putt. Good video Chuck and it helped to explain why my putting improved.
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Glad you enjoyed the video and demonstration. More to come regarding better techniques to roll the rock. Even though it sounds like you already found the proper path.
September 18, 2020
Any chance of being able to get that picture in your avatar? I just love that impact position and would like to study it in a bigger size and don't underestimate yourself.
September 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. I will have to look. That picture was put up there a long time ago.
September 19, 2020
So was Ben Hogans swing pictures but they are still coveted. BTW, I have posted a comment on this link https://rotaryswing.com/golf-instruction-videos/full-swing-advanced/downswing/stop-slicing-and-start-releasing.
September 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. I'm sure it is on my other computer. I will get to the other comment very soon. Still doing some catch up on this Saturday evening. Took me longer than expected to get home from BootCamp today.
September 19, 2020
This left hand grip change definitely helps me get the putt started on my intended line. Without even any practice, I was able to make 20 six-foot putts in a row. It seems to allow me to take the putter back in a much more consistent and smoother fashion. Before, the putter head was moving all over the place during the backswing probably due to all my compensations. Thanks for the suggestion.
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. Awesome! Thanks much for the feedback.
September 18, 2020
I have been putting with left hand lower than right hand grip between fingers for over year and half, essential using right hand for support or slight touch. my percentage of dropping the ball in the hole have improved significantly
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ali. Putting lead hand low is a great method. No worries with you using that style.
September 18, 2020
I saw the left hand grip. What about right hand?
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Maya. We are still testing the right hand. That data will start coming out soon.
September 18, 2020
Coincidentally, last winter I recorded my putting stroke and was mortified at how over the top it was. My fix was to “flare out” my left elbow (that’s what it felt like...in reality, it was barely noticeable) . My experience with left hand low is consistent with Chuck’s. I’m anxious to try this grip. As they say, the proof will be in the pudding!
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerard. Great. Hopefully, we will hear some good reports. Let us know.
September 18, 2020
Unfortunately for me, this was not a positive result. I gave the college try...several trips to the putting green and 4-5 rounds of golf. The result was more putts missed left. I have working on my putter take-away, using similar logic to the golf swing.....pull, don't push. I have tried to utilize the core of the body to move the putter, but never thought about which side. By ingraining a turn that is more "pull" in both directions, I am seeing improved results....just in time for winter!
October 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerard. Happy to take a look at the putting stroke in a review for further help. But, the notion of pull-pull for the stroke make perfect sense.
October 29, 2020
Played 10 rounds with this grip and clearly helped with my putting and will remain my putting grip. CT helped with some minor adjustments. Now it feels completely natural and comfortable. Instead of trying to feel my right hand releasing ala Tiger, now my left hand has control of the putter head and the ball stays on line much better.
September 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carver. Thank you for the feedback. Glad CT helped with those adjustments. Life is always better when the rock rolls better.
September 7, 2020
Practiced the grip tweak since the video came out and it did not really improved my putting. About a week afterwards I did a SAM Puttlab and found out that at impact my club was about 3.1 degrees open!!! Everything else was very good. My problem was was that I tend to rotate my putter open during the backswing by about 10.5 degrees. On the way back it was impossible for me to close it again to have a square impact... All the coach suggested was, that I just try to open my putter less on the backswing but keep everything the same. Been practicing that for about 2 weeks now on and off. the course and my putting has improved exponentially. Finally I feel that I am actually putting in the direction I want to, though I do see that I could improve even more. I am still using the grip that Chuck suggested in the video, because the dominant left hand gives me a better feeling and more control over the stroke! Thanks Chuck, looking forward to the next videos.
August 31, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Thank you for the detailed post. We will have much more coming out talking about the face rotation and how to maximize the results.
August 31, 2020
Thanks Craig. I am doing a video for CT on Tuesday and have a closed green to video a putting stroke for you. What kind of video set up would be the most helpful to analyze?
August 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carver. All 3 would be best. FO, DTL and UTL. Try to get what you can however if you are unable to put all the clips together.
August 21, 2020
played 18 yesterday and again today. mixed results. some good, center blade strikes and ball would track the line well. but today I pulled a lot of putts. checked that shoulders were aligned correctly but still pulled too many putts. i guess the jury is still out.
August 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carver. We would be happy to check it out on review. Has to be something creeping in to mess it up. Thanks for the input.
August 21, 2020
I tried this method over the weekend and didn't have good results. I practiced for a hour just using this grip before playing. I practiced in my living room leading up to the weekend. I still pull, push, shank and even yeps when I putt. I'd rather have a 180 yards to the pin in a must make rather than a 2 foot putt. I carry a 7 hdcp and if I could putt I believe I could break 70 consistently.
August 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. Good, or bad thanks for the feedback. We would be happy to do a putting review for you to find the culprit in your stroke. Also, we are still continuing the research. More to come to help get that putter back in track.
August 18, 2020
Practiced an hour on the putting green. It is a completely different feel. Much less movement in the small muscles and more accurate for sure. I found it best to place the right hand so the thumb was also going straight down the top of the shaft like the left thumb. I also had the sensation of more involvement from the shoulders rocking back and much less independent movement of the wrists and hands. Pulling slightly with the left hand resulted in more center strikes on the face of the putter. It feels a little rigid at first but once you get use to that it's great.
August 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carver. Thank you very much for the detailed feedback. Very important as we continue to research. Love the good news as well.
August 18, 2020
First day on course with new grip. I'm left-hand low - and I found myself naturally with the left-index finger down the shaft - almost but not quite on directly on top of it. Didn't pull a single putt. I three-putted the 1st hole and still finished with 29 putts (average 32 and 10 greens, today was 29/9). Didn't miss anything under 8 feet after 1st hole. Felt really confident for first time in a long time - unafraid to hit it past the hole. Awesome!
August 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bryan. Great. Thanks for the feedback and detailed information of your round. Good job rolling the rock.
August 15, 2020
I am really finding Good result with LHL but Will try this. Does it matter if my left hand is straighter hanging further away from the body or Bent hanging close like with chuck. Is the important thing in the end just that the bicep stays connected?
August 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jens. The important thing is the placement of the grip and getting the forearms into better alignment. You don't have to glue the arm to your side. The goal is feeling natural with the above elements.
August 14, 2020
Hi Chuck. I have the opposite problem with the putter face too open at impact. Since golf is made up of opposite Movements I decided what did I have to lose by trying your left hand grip. I didn’t take a photo but stood perpendicular hitting towards a mirror. I immediately noticed the forearms were square and couldn’t see right bicep or forearm. After practicing set up and stroke, took the approach to the putting green and experienced a significant improvement in impact and direction. I’m taking the grip to the course and Even my playing partners noticed the improvement. It’s been a great confidence boost also.
August 13, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jacob. Great. Thanks for the feedback. This is what we are looking for is data to see how players are responding to the change.
August 14, 2020
Ok Chuck this putter grip works amazingly; I went to my club and practiced on the puttering greens. I am a terrible putter or I was I was amazed at how many two putts I had but here my problem. I confused as to what to do with my right hand with this new grip technique
August 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Harold. We are doing testing at this time with the trail hand. For right now, lightly on the club should suffice.
August 12, 2020
Ok I work on that but so far so good guys thanks a ton Chuck your that guy
August 12, 2020
Have you ever used the Pelz putting tutor? That is the device where you putt through 3 steel marbles. As best I can measure, the narrowest setting causes you to just hit the marble if the face angle is off by 1 deg. What would your miss rate be? What would you expect a scratch golfer miss rate to be. I’m a 3 handicap and I miss 20%. I think that is poor for my handicap but you tell me. What would be a good target. PS If I run my putter along a putting arc my percentage missed is not significantly lower. Thoughts?
August 12, 2020
Ps that should have said through 2 not 3 steel marbles.
August 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. I haven't used that putting device. I will need to do some research on it to provide a adequate answer. Maybe one of our other members have tried the device and could provide some insight as well.
August 12, 2020
Tried in my garage first and it generally seemed to work on keeping the ball on the intended line. Took it out on the course yesterday. First several putts were pulled. I then realized I had set my palm first and then wrapped the fingers. Went to fingers first and then palm and no pulls after that. Did find the contact was consistent on all of the proper putts and hit too hard due to more consistent (and likely better) contact (but the comebackers were a breeze). When I missed all were close and always on the high side. Struggled with the right hand and finally just let it hang on for minimal stability which seemed to work. Will continue to work on this but looks like this is a great idea Chuck. David
August 12, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Glad you were able to recognize the cause of the pulls and quickly fix it on the course, that's what it's all about!
August 12, 2020
I took this concept to the course yesterday and have a few observations: 1) I use a line on the ball to clarify where I want the ball to start. I noticed that I felt a bit contrived when aligned the club face with the line on the ball using this new grip. 2) I use a pull with my left shoulder to start the forward portion of my putting stroke and this grip really highlighted any time I added a little push from my right side (I like this benefit). 3) I consistently hit the ball on my line (as well as one can tell without SAM). 4) I also used this grip on my chipping to great success. 5) At this point I am a fan but await a few more rounds to become a convert. It could simply be the "I trust Chuck" phenomenon.
August 12, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Keep testing Tom, but your observations were very helpful and exactly what I'm looking for!
August 12, 2020
I continue to enjoy this grip. I am making putts that I did not expect to make. I now think that my putter that was properly fitted for my previous grip probably needs to have the lie angle changed to accommodate this grip. I also find that I have to trust the line on my ball because currently putts do not look lined up when I use this grip - but the putts go on line. Still a fan but not yet a convert. Chuck, what do you feel you use to initiate and complete the take away and the forward stroke?
August 18, 2020
I found the alignment parts of the video most helpful. Practiced on the putting green before playing a round and was able to sink a straight 12 foot putt time after time. My putting set up is very unconventional - but was able to apply the principles and it greatly improved my aim. I found that I was able to repeat it very consistently while playing. My score card reflected the improvements!
August 12, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Fun stuff, thanks for the feedback!
August 12, 2020
An update. I have continued to work on this and have gone back to a more conventional putting set up. Yesterdays round started with 4 one putts. The difference in my putting by watching your videos on putting is amazing -- Somehow just saying thanks doesn't seem adequate - but "Thanks!"
August 25, 2020
I'm left-hand low and a putt puller. Just tried this in the garage. Definitely fewer (almost no) pulls. Before I know if I'm chopping wood here, need to try it on the course. Intrigued....
August 11, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Bryan. Intrigued is good. So, is less pulls
August 12, 2020
I think I need more testing info other than just left hand grip to get a better feel overall at this stage . I don’t think my shoulder movement is spot on etc ... my set up did not seem that far off at address . Love that this info is coming through though !
August 11, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Ya, there are a lot of little things that could easily be off that would cause issues, that's why going through each one at a time is really key. I'll be doing a video on overall setup next
August 11, 2020
What do you recommend for the right hand in this grip? More in fingers like left or more through life line?
August 11, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Testing both at this time, right now, I've found it doesn't make much of a difference when the left hand is in control in this position
August 11, 2020
Wow chuck this grip change is amazing. The ball rolls true to my alignment. This is wonderful can’t wait to take it to the course and try. It works on my putting green at home
August 10, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome! Let me know how it works for you on the course.
August 11, 2020
Wow Chucky dam this grip thing works the ball rolls true to where I align and look at
August 10, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Love it Harold. Always helps to feel a great roll off the face.
August 11, 2020
Its no SAM and Im having to putt the ball as if it was a 40ft lag putt in order to get a mark on the tape. Amazing consistency. Chuck I think your on to something.
August 10, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome Christopher.
August 11, 2020
What do you recommend for those of us who putt left hand low?
August 10, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I used the left hand clocked to the left when going left hand low, but I believe this grip could have the same benefit.
August 11, 2020
I putt left hand low and this grip technique tremendously improved my putts direction true to my line it’s amazing
August 10, 2020

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