3 Simple Moves for a Perfect Backswing

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If you want a perfect backswing like Tiger Woods, you only need these 3 simple moves.

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Anthony.. thanks for the swing review. Are the arms completely passive in the backswing or are we elevating them? The feel I have is - Use the core to start the takeaway (lower body is passive), then use the ground to rotate, this turns the hips. So far arms are passive. Then use the arms to elevate (arms are getting active) but not to go across the body (I feel like I have screws that will only allow the to go up and down) then the right arm naturally flexes (not doing anything for this to happen). Is this the right sequence? The other swing thought I have is start by pushing into the ground (both feet) and this initiates the takeaway but the order here is - from the ground the hips turn then the torso turns and the arms are passive. This motion pulls the arm up and into flexi on. Are either of these the right order or is there another variation. The dead drill talks about starting by pulling the right shoulder back (or is that just a feel for folks that tend to start by pushing the left shoulder)?
December 13, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vikram. I think you are hitting around a lot of good points. You are correct. The arms do have to elevate in the backswing (shoulder elevation). Discussed in the 4 Square Drill, Pool Noodle Drill and Stop Overswinging Videos. The trigger to start the swing is optional. You can use a tiny pressure shift into the lead side to get moving into the trail leg. You can start to load the trail leg by pushing into the ground and use the core to rotate (move the arms). Or, simply just start rotating and allow the trail shoulder to start to pull the hips open in the backswing. I think one of the best way is in My Golf Backswing Secrets Video. A little shift with a blend of rotation makes the takeaway go by like a breeze.
December 14, 2023
Golf is weird in that I’ve watched a lot of the backswing videos and it only now clicked for me. Maybe I am more of a technical learner, but what I just realized is that if I drew a line perpendicular from my lead shoulder and I measured the angle to my left arm, my left arm would maybe be 10-15 degrees in from that line. At the top of the backswing it is probably 20-25 degrees. Not the 60 degrees I was thinking it was. Secondly, if I drew a line across the shoulders at the top of the backswing the right elbow is a good 20 degrees in front of that line and here I was thinking a big turn meant it had to almost be behind that line. It feels like a golf backswing video is an optical illusion where our depth perception is messed up. I also realized that I don’t have an inside takeaway (I’d fixed that), I don’t have a hip sway (fixed that), I had a hip turn using the ground, so I was doing a lot of things the golf instruction said but I was bailing on my hip turn at around 30 degrees and then using the arms to get my shoulders and hips to the 45 degree hip and 85 degree shoulder turn. Basically a fake turn at the end. What kept bugging me was that in every video folks seemed to have the lead shoulder much higher than me (mine was more across the body) and I could not get it to raise higher and now I realize it is because I am going across the body.
December 14, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vikram. Everyone learns in different ways. Depth isn't a forced position. It is created by proper rotation and the folding of the trail arm. I can see if you pushed the lead and then solely lifted why you were getting confused at the top. The backswing is in the periphery which makes it tough to feel and change. Seems like you started to correct the extra unnecessary motions you added in.
December 15, 2023
If you could see Chuck face on would the right arm from elbow to the shoulder be parallel to the ground
September 7, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Sometimes it may be higher or lower depending on the players elevation as it is variable in the swing. But, you mark noted is the ideal range to shoot for.
September 8, 2023
What's the difference in activating the core and the trunk? Or are they the same?
February 14, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. The core/trunk are the same muscle groups.
February 14, 2023
By far the simplest explanation of the backswing I have ever heard
October 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wilson. Glad you like the video!
October 23, 2022

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