Craig's First Session in Phase 2

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As I start back on my C4 journey watch me take on trail hand letting go and both hands on the grip swings. See where I struggled and had success now that we are allowing the club to release.

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Just wanted to say, best golf video series around period (when paired with all the amazing content on the site). Thank you so much for doing this Craig!! Best, Jonathan
September 12, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Jonathan. Love the feedback and many thanks. Much more of this series to come. I need a lot of work .
September 13, 2022
Hi Craig, Good to have you back! I have a thing about trail foot roll. It seems easier to achieve when the trail hand is released at impact. In your 10 shots viewed DTL, would it be fair to say that the roll across and onto your instep was more pronounced on the shots you were happier with (2,4,6,7,9)? Will you be including any more reps for trail hand release with a longer backswing?
September 12, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Arthur. I don't know if the roll was completely attributed the the roll of the foot. But, it can aid in better hip clearing. Mine were actually going a tad too fast. Trail hand letting go reps? I can add those are you preferring DTL of FO. Also, do you mean longer like parallel to the ground?
September 12, 2022
Hi Craig, thank you for your reply. For trail hand letting go reps I think FO is best as it gives a better view of the check points at impact. For longer backswing, I should have said more elevation to the top (with full shoulder turn) – the idea being for the trail hand doing very little and to feel all the key movements of the lead side.
September 13, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Arthur. Yes. As I progress through the phases I will continue to add some letting go of the trail hand swings. I don't like full lead arm only with the strike. But, releasing it early to keep the lead in control I will perform to make sure release stays on the up and up.
September 14, 2022
Wouldn't hitting off the cement hurt your back? :
September 11, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. It can play funny tricks on your back. The wrists and elbows are more than likely taking the brute force. However, if you are releasing the club properly the rotation will naturally shallow out the strike leading to less wear and tear. Just shaving the top of the mat
September 12, 2022
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Great to see you back and help us again in phase 2! Like in phase 1 I love the calm way you practice your shots and stay aware of the things that happen. If we would see on all driving ranges golfers practice in this way the improvement would rocket around the world. One thing I noticed in this session is that your finish position after each shot changed gradually from a finish whare your shaft is (about) parallel to the ground and toe slightly in to a finish where your shaft is almost vertical to the ground! Is this the effect of "being a little quick with the hands" like you state in video, or are there other reasons for this change? Looking forward for your view on this! Marcel
September 11, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Marcel. Exactly. Being a little quick. Just like with my Phase 1 (1st session) this was the testing ground to start seeing what is needed to improve. My hips were racing too much, hands over working and swing overall not as consistent as I would like. After looking on film I though to myself I have a lot of work to do. But, looking forward to some nip/tuck work. One of my goals will be to start getting the movement more consistent in length and release. I just recorded a recap. Will be out soon. But, I will also address some of these point in the next practice session.
September 11, 2022
I noticed that often (but not always) your feet don't move from when you take the practice swing to when you take the real one. Can you comment?
September 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Good question. Something I will actually be addressing in my next practice session. In my practice swing I kept trying to feel the swing and release of the club. My legs were getting to active inhibiting the correct motion. This is a way for me to try and slow down. Feel the club rotate back and through. Not get in the way of the natural swinging motion.
September 11, 2022
I absolutely love this series. It helps see someone experiencing many of my own thoughts and how you defined a good shot etc. I’ve been a member for a few years now and by far this is the next iteration of the dead drill. My ball striking improved with the DD and it’s taken another leap with this series, and I’m not even done yet! Great job
September 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. Awesome to read you are really enjoying the series. Keep the hard work up! DD plus C4 will make you a ball striking master
September 11, 2022
Wonderful series, Craig. Your commentary is very helpful. Here's my question: where do you find a beautiful practice range, on a beautiful day, with next-to-nobody there?!!
September 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank you Charles. Happy to have you aboard for my journey. Pretty simple actually. Show up at the range at 1 PM in Atlanta late August/Early Sept. Players know way better than to pick that practice time
September 11, 2022
Craig - Welcome back. Could you expound on what a little quick actually means, what it feels like and how to correct it? Also, you said you hit a couple a little thin - what do you think was the cause and how are you going to resolve the issue. Thanks, Tom
September 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Exactly what I will talk about in my recap I recorded. My hips have a tendency to race and my hands have to play catchup. This was causing most of my faults. I need to dial down the tempo/pacing. If you think like the Two Way Miss Video in the Push Section - Faults and Fixes. I am going to work on stabilizing my lower half more to allow better release of the club. This was also causing the thin issue. Just too amped up!
September 11, 2022
I just rewatched the two way miss video after reading your comments. Very helpful. Thanks for the suggestion.
September 11, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great. That is what I spoke about most in my recap and will be focusing on this week in my practice session.
September 12, 2022
Hey Craig, had the same question about distance. What was the average distance when you hit your best shots? Also, will you be posting a recap video of this session. On another note, this series is fantastic. Watching you and listening to your thought process is so helpful. So glad you’re doing this. Best of luck on your journey and your health.
September 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rich. My best ones were a little too far. I believe my target and measurement was a little off. If I can shy away from getting pelted I am going to walk off the distance or get something better to aim laser gun at . Yes. I just recorded a recap to talk about what my focus is going to be in the next session and what videos I am using to correct the faults. Thank you very much for the wishes on my journey and health.
September 11, 2022
How far were the good ones going Craig? I'm fairly sure the 50 yards thing is wrong if I'm honest, I know it depends on ground conditions etc but it would have to be up hill in semi rough for my ball to go below 50 yards on a good one. This all said I don't think it really matters right? As long as you are hitting the check points and it's going straight with good contact?
September 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. The goal is 40-50 yards. I think these were going a tad too far (60-70). I need to check my measurements better with the target I had picked out. I am going to work on buttoning the distance up. The goal is to have some distance, but hit the checkpoints. In Phase 3 you will focus more on the speed aspect.
September 11, 2022
I am enjoying watching this journey. Having learned the fundamentals from scratch, I can relate. I am still learning a lot. I will follow this journey with you.
September 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Jeffrey. Happy to bring you along for the trip. The journey is really starting to ramp up now.
September 11, 2022

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