The AXIOM Power Program

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0:00-5:28 - Introduction - What is the Golf Swing?

5:29-6:16 - The Basics of the Arm Motion

6:17 - 10:42 - Throw the Ball Drill

10:43 - 13:34 - Throw the Club & Checkpoints

13:35 - 14:56 - Both Hands Release Drill

14:57 - 21:14 - Putting Everything You Got into the Ball - Impact Bag Drills

21:15 - 27:11 - Countertorque Drill

27:12 - End - Safety Nets & Faults and Fixes


My Personal Notes for You

The following are a few helpful notes that I gleaned from helping others increase their speed with this sequence of movements while coaching them in person or online. Hope it helps!

  1. Be AGGRESSIVE - If you’ve never had the speed you know you should, use this drill to start firing up your inner caveman. Don’t be gentle with this. You don’t need to swing “hard”, just FAST. Sling the club into the back of the impact bag and don’t hold back.

  2. If You’re Over the Top - EXAGGERATE the release out to 2 o’clock. What feels on plane to you will likely still be steep because that’s simply what your body is used to and feels “normal”. Video yourself - the club should be going right through your forearm as I demonstrated in the video.

  3. Didn’t Pick Up Speed? - Check the basics. The most common issue is golfers trying to use their shoulders to “heave” the club at the ball. This doesn’t work! Do you heave your shoulders and head forward when throwing a ball? This goes back to “dragging” the club through impact - feels powerful, but it’s not. If you're trying to produce speed in your swing solely with your lead arm, you'll need to FEEL 100% trail arm for a while to "wake" it up - don't be afraid to do this. Focus on your work with the impact bag for a few days, being assertive and slinging that club into the bag. Get the arm to fully extend into the bag just after impact while your shoulders are still square - this is a big KEY to speed. Lastly, this is NOT a mechanical drill. So, free yourself up to swing. Don't be all bound up trying to make your arm go somewhere at the top of the swing. Think THROW and forget about everything else for now.

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Hi Chuck I get that the Axiom Power program is teaching us how to throw the club hard with the trail hand, a sort of C3 turbocharge. So is it completely compatible with the new GOAT teaching? But is it also compatible with a leadside dominant swing (which is what I think the original Axiom supported) Diane
May 14, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It wsa really a precursor to the GOAT Code, saying much the same thing in a simplified, distance focused way. And yes, you can or will use the trail arm in a lead side pattern in most instances as well, it's just the extent to which you want to feel it that differs.
May 15, 2024
Hello Chuck, in the video of the GOAT you say that you have to actively throw with your wrist but in the power program you talk more about external rotation of the right arm and coming with elbow and let go. I see that when my wrists are relaxed and i don't try to throw with right wrist ball is hit better and longer. so what is right ? thank you for the course
December 11, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Sorry for the confusion, they are saying one in the same. "Active" is a bit of a misnomer and open to misinterpretation. Think of how "active" your wrist would be in throwing a ball. It's "active" but more or releasing or transferring energy rather than actively trying to hold the club firm and hit it hard.
December 14, 2023
Chuck, seems like the rotating the hips open is the most frequent suggestion. you have said that’s my issue too. Maybe a short illustrative video is useful for more people to get this. It may already be there in the files just needs to be highlighted. But it seems many of us struggle really internalizing and having it show up in our self videos. Maybe ???? a few tips to help conform we really are or are not rotating the hips, when we are practicing and on the course.
December 5, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes sir Ronald, it's in the works as we speak!
December 5, 2023
Has it been posted as of yet?
May 9, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Covered in the GOAT Code videos on body movement
May 9, 2024
I’m still on the Axiom Program. I can get my elbow if front of my pocket pretty good on a shorter backswing but if I take the club to parallel, it’s like I never played golf before. I’m still after more yards off the tee. I enjoy your jokes as well-“hit the ball in the teeth”! Ha!
May 10, 2024
What is the difference between clearing or rotating the hips open as opposed to ripping them open.
December 3, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Connection. The hips job is rotate the upper torso back to the ball. When you just turn the hips without using them to turn the upper body that is what is I mean by ripping them open.
December 4, 2023
Chuck, This looks like it should be easy to learn especially as a former baseball pitcher but I know that I am not doing this correct as I am not seeing the distance gains others are getting. I video taped my practice swing and regular full swing and unfortunately even when I think I am throwing sidearm and lowering the elbow and wrist I am still coming over the top and also can't come close to matching the release. Obviously I am not sure what's causing the issue as what I feel is the correct movement is definitely not what is showing up. It also doesn't seem like slowing down is better yet when I do the drills with just the wrist and an alignment stick I have massive speed. Put a club in my hand upside down and that seems okay but my body is opening way up. Flip it over and all bets are off the prior ingrained pattern emerges. I welcome your feedback, suggestions or even better a visit. Sincerely, knocked down but never out. Thanks.
November 3, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
This is really simple, you're not clearing your hips. Your hips must rotate out of the way.
December 2, 2023
Hi. Have added club speed from average 99 to 106 mph with this drill. That is before sorting out the counter torque move. Big fun! One question,- how does the counter torque match up with the axiom pressure shift from right heel and forward to "toe"? Is the pressure to be applied like a backward push? It doesn't happen by itself so some more guidance appreciated. Thanks
November 3, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That's awesome! You need to be rotating your body and the countertorque will happen. If you don't see your hips open at impact you're not turning.
December 2, 2023
I've done a bit more practice in the garden and the range, and I can now reproduce the club shallowing with driver, 5W and 7 iron. This is amazing because I have tried so hard to shallow the club to no avail, but once you learn to trust the external rotation of the trail arm, it all comes together. Some of that lack of trust was because the right arm feels weak in that external position, and I've had shoulder issues in the past so I'm wary. But I now feel a proper transition, a definite loaded pause at the top then hips rotate and weight shifts to lead side which pulls the trail arm down, then the throw. In terms of ease of learning, it's maybe easier to co-ordinate something that starts with the right hand, connecting across the body to the lead foot, then trying to coordinate the left hand to the right foot while twisted up in the back swing. Just a thought. Also once the right arm is in position you have to let the body bring the club down, as it hurts to throw it from the top (so you don't). The exact opposite of over the top, arms feel strong, and can push hard from the top levering off trail foot, so weight shift is impossible. I've got more to do to be able to take it to the course reliably but I feel I'm on the right track and getting a good strike. The latest active release stuff is excellent too!
October 28, 2023
I am 6 yr Member that purchased the power program. I have been working on the one arm into impact bag and counter-torque drill for a couple of weeks now and see no increase in swing speed or distance (I have a golf sim that measures these). My drive carry remains at 250-260. How long does it typically take for this to work? I see claims of immediate and some a little longer, but so far none for me. One thing I didn't quite take away from the video is how to feel counter-torque in regular swing vs stacking it on the one arm throw.
October 26, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Check your hips. If you didn't pick up power your hips aren't rotating enough
December 2, 2023
Chuck - I'm the quintessenital golfer this is made for. 57 - playing my whole adult life. When I was in my 30s I shot in the 80s. Bad habits ruined my swing to where I stopped playing. 6 months of lessons with Craig last year got me back to being able to swing and play golf again. But still no real power. I am the pull with the left arm, steep swing, can't get the club to shallow out. This makes 100% sense to me. All good on the one arm drills. As soon as I add the left arm (I'm righty), I can't get the same feeling of coming inside. I've even exagerated it to barely holding the club with my left and the club chops down and I hit to the right. Almost feels like the left hand/arm are impeding the ability for the club to come inside. I know that can't be the case, but my swing with both arms is still steep, left arm pulling through. I go back to one arm, all good.
October 26, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
HI Keith, you need to make sure the hips are clearing
December 2, 2023
Long time member of the site here and wanted to share my latest results with this program. At first, I was very skeptical of the "amazing" results others were reporting. I'm a 6 hcp (a good portion of those strokes are putting though) so probably an above avg. ball striker / driver for that index. While my results with the Axiom were not as immediate as some have reported, it finally clicked the other day. I had six 300+ yard drives in my most recent round and the others were all solid. There is also a different sound now when the ball is struck now, esp. with driver. Irons are definitely more solid as well but the biggest improvement I've noticed is with driver. Warming up on the range, I was definitely getting some looks by others around me when pounding the driver. The sound difference is incredible! I'm a little bummed this came out so late in the season (I'm in CO), as I pretty much wasted this past season trying to create more lag (incorrectly) and now lag just happens naturally with the moves Chuck teaches in the Axiom Power Program. I can say with full confidence, that I can swing way faster now with less effort and less wear and tear on my body! Lastly for those trying this out, don't get discouraged if you're not bombing it after 30 mins, it took me some time to work these moves into my swing, esp. when playing. Stick with it and I'm certain at some point soon, it will just "click" for you as it did for me. Thanks for the great instruction Chuck!
October 25, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome Timothy! Yep, for everyone it takes a different amount of time to get things to click depending on what their struggles are with the swing.
December 2, 2023
Hi Chuck, after we get this down and want to refine the finer details, does the 5 min to perfect release progression still apply here, controlling the flight and shape with the left hand? And is the right hand still going to be very light? Or is there a way we need to adapt it?
October 24, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You should still feel much the same but can use the right hand more to help control the face with your more dominant hand which feels easier for most.
December 2, 2023
Gary. Hey from Australia, I’m working on program with excellent results especially long irons.Is a good swing thought to bring elbow into hip as left shoulder goes down to hold shoulders back and weight onto front foot.If yes is it the same for irons and driver?
October 24, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Gary, sorry just saw this question. What do you mean left shoulder goes down?
December 2, 2023
Haha, thanks Chuck! In fairness, he's a pro working with Milo Lines, a coach in Arizona that was a tour pro.
October 21, 2023
Hi Chuck, I can't find the button to reply directly to your comment below. This is a clip of the left hip down and around move. Just wondering if the right arm throw and counter torque move does this automatically?
October 20, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Oh wow. I don't think you should be taking golf advice from a random dude in his garage! This happens completely naturally in a throw.
October 21, 2023
Hey Chuck, So I've been working on the drill, most of the time my trail arm swing into the impact bag is looking good, sometimes I open my shoulders a tad in transition. Now my issue is when I add the lead arm, I get a little steep again. I am the lefty, who is right handed who you did the free swing review for last week. My thoughts are after extensive testing and filming that its my shoulders that are opening up early in transition, causing the steepness. Should I practice trail arm while trying to keep my shoulders shut as long as possible? Thanks, Nick
October 19, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You'll need to feel 0% lead arm for a bit until you get the feel. Because that's your dominant hand you're going to want to resort back to using it often and that's why your shoulders are opening.
October 20, 2023
Any feedback or direction on coming in way below the plane and snipe hooking or low barely push draws that are are real challenge to play?
October 19, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You're likely getting way too deep and inside during the backswing.
October 20, 2023
Hi Chuck, I LOVE your work buddy, so spot on and the easiest coach to understand. You never leave anything to ambiguity and seek macro concepts to take care of as many details as you can. Exactly what many of us are looking for! Unfortunately, I've had very little time to work on the right elbow move with the counter torque in the feet, but it feels bloody good. Another drill which has helped me before but hasn't fully ingrained yet for me is the one where you put an alignment stick through your beltloops and put more out on the target side. After you swing to the top you then focus on moving the stick on the target side down and around away from the ball in transition. Does the counter torque drill automatically make this move as well? The reason I ask this is because after doing the Axiom power drill (right elbow throwing move and counter torque in the feet) I'm feeling that I'm finishing my swing better on the left side, which probably means I'm transitioning the weight over better in transition. Best regards, Brian
October 19, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Brian! I've never used that drill to be honest. My goal is to make this a completely natural movement without the need for anything extra being required, so I'd have to see what you're doing exactly before I could give a good answer. It may be totally fine, but I'm having a hard time visualizing it. Can you post a clip on youtube or instagram?
October 20, 2023
Hi. Nice to pick up a new piece to the swing puzzle. After practicing the right arm throw, my lower arm and elbow hurts. In particular the muscle on top of the lower arm and where it connects to the elbow. Am I doing it wrong or does it take time to get use to/ train it/ make it stronger?
October 18, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
This is common if you're trying to be too aggressive with the arm. The majority of the speed comes from the release of the wrist so the actual "throw" doesn't need to be very aggressive at all. The difference between a throw in baseball where you do need to throw hard and the golf swing is we have this giant lever at the end of our arm called the golf club! This allows the arm throw motion to be more about getting the club to shallow and then the wrist release provides the speed.
October 20, 2023
Still working on this and the release, I did some videos last week. And had review done, which pointed me to a couple videos. This week I am still struggling to get to even 200 yards, surprisingly only 2 or 3 seniors I play with can get that far, and most only get to about 220. So nothing exceptional in our group, once in a while some one gets out to 250. We play one straight whole which has a ever so slight incline, and virtually nobody ever hits past the 150 post which is only 205 yards out, so if I could even get to that it would be quite impressive! I did notice with both the driver and the fairway 3 wood, my last round I had a string of thin or topped shots, dribbling down the fairway, I need to find a range where I can do a face on video and see if I can duplicate that, and post it for another swing review. In the meantime, I’m sure it’s a common problem, maybe trying to post up too early, or raising up in the downswing, but like you said you can’t trust your feelings. Surprisingly, I searched for thin shots, top or topping and didn’t find any lesson videos, there must be one or more out there could you give me the link? Btw this only happens with those clubs not the irons or shorter hybrids.
October 13, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Can you post a vid of your swing? You’re likely using shoulders too much or left arm too much
October 13, 2023
I posted videos for a swing review and Anthony gave me some insights and older video links. Also I’ve been working more with my SLO-MO camera on some not ball swings based on the full lesson video you did on the right wrist release. That seems to be helping.
October 28, 2023
Hi Chuck. I have been working on the drills for almost two weeks (and yes, I have read the description numerous times). My problem seems to be when I come down and tuck in the right elbow to the right hip pocket, the club shaft is a lot more vertical at impact than at setup. This has caused a few shanks and high fades in terms of ball flight. Basically at impact my hands seem "further out and away" from my body, causing the steeper club shaft at impact. Is this due to not trying to get the hands towards my knee enough, or some other reason? I love the program and it is very well done, but I'm a bit frustrated with my lack of progress and poorer ball striking so far as I try to implement it. Comments?
October 11, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's normal for the shaft to be more upright at impact. If you're shanking, my guess would be that you are standing up through impact. You want to feel that you're throwing which really means that your feet are pushing your body away from the bag. That's why Tiger's hips are deeper at impact than at address. Most golfers try and spin their hips through impact and this forces you to stand up and get too close to the ball leading to a shank. Think about pushing your body away from the ball with your feet to get the arm to fully extend.
October 11, 2023
For the video you put up on Youtube where you explain on the step towards the ball with your left leg and that is part of the countertorque move with right pulling behind you how does this work if using feet to pull body away? I too sometimes shank and I know I stand up with my arms extending out which catches hosel. But my impression from that video is that we want to feel the left foot pushing diagonally towards the ball but fell like right foot pushes back. Or am I getting this mixed up?
October 11, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Both feet are actually pushing away from the ball. The step toward the ball is just to get the feeling of posting up. When golfers stand up they are usually trying to turn their hips and shoulders incorrectly. If you imagine you're pushing your feet away from the ball like you're trying to push the ground away from you, you make room for the arm by your hips moving back.
October 11, 2023
Ok makes sense to get the hips cleared away. Is the countertorque than meaning that feet is pushing away from the ball (for max speed using the right foot feeling pushing behind forcefully) while the arms and club go towards the ball? If so, I think I just confused myself than when watching that youtube about the step towards thinking countertorque was left foot feeling towards the ball and right foot feeling away from the ball being the countertorque.
October 11, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
No you are correct, but that's the initial phase of the downswing. That then shifts to basically pushing completely away and vertical as you near and into impact. I didn't put that in there because it's a little too deep for some, so I was trying to keep it simple.
October 11, 2023
Hi Chuck. 15+ year member here. This video is awesome and I'm recommending it to a bunch of friends. I had a couple of quick questions: 1) I see when you are doing this right arm only exercise with the club (with or without impact bag) that the shoulders are quite open at "impact." When compared to throw the ball drill, the positions are quite different. I can speculate why they are different, but would be interested in your thoughts. 2) When using the impact bag (I have the impact cube) should I be trying to hit the bag with the proper shaft angle? Or should I be just slamming the clubhead into the middle of the bag as fast as possible? Thanks!
October 10, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the reco David, and for being a long time member! The open shoulders is just because I don't have my left hand on the club, so nothing changes there, shoulders still square with both hands. As for the impact bag, if you tend to flip really bad, working on getting a little shaft lean with the bag is a good thing. I personally don't try to get much shaft lean at all because if the shaft is still leaning toward the target it simply hasn't been fully released. I want to hit the ball high so I'm focused more on throwing the clubhead into the bottom of the bag than trying to lean the shaft at all.
October 11, 2023
Hi Chuck - I am also a left-side dominant player, playing right handed. I do swing primarily with my left hand. Should I be performing the drill with my left hand, similar to throwing a frisbee as you said in an earlier comment, or should I be trying to "wake up my right arm" ....or both? Thanks-
October 9, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi John, there's not much power that can be generated by the lead arm alone, so I wasn't saying to do that like a frisbee, I was making the point that there's not a lot there. If you want more speed, you need to use leverage and that can be done primarily by the trail arm as there are four levers available to you.
October 10, 2023
Towards the target. Feel like I’ve got way more swing speed but my contact isn’t great.
October 9, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's a little tricky to hit balls like this and hit them perfectly solid. The purpose is more to feel your legs wake up and move correctly in a natural way.
October 9, 2023
Hi Chuck. Excellent work. Is it best to take a small step forward when practicing hitting balls or is this just a feeling you need to recognise??? Keep up the great work!!!
October 9, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Chris! I appreciate it. Do you mean toward the target line like I talked about here or are you referring to just stepping toward the target in the drill?
October 9, 2023
I’m left handed but play golf right handed. I’m left side dominant so does this work for me. Easier for me to release with left hand. Can I do the drills with left hand? Will I get similar results with speed?
October 9, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That would be a backwards throw doing it left handed, more like throwing a frisbee. If you look at the videos I did with Kasey, he picked up a ton of speed and playing lefty as a righty:
October 9, 2023
Hey Chuck, just wanted to give a heart felt thanks on such a simple explanation of the golf swing. After playing a round with my wife and 2 kids, this last round was the most enjoyable we have ever had. So...thanks again. Last a quick question. When pitching and chipping, can you use this same swing thought? Thanks.
October 9, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That's awesome Adam!!! As for pitching and chipping, that's a little tricky but in general yes. The pitch and chip shots are more about distance control than anything else and the best way to gauge distance is with your dominant hand.
October 9, 2023
Love this program! I love how you guys simplify golf instruction and have topics on EVERYTHING! Should I feel my right arm completely take over right before and at impact through the release (of course I'm still using my lower body to shift... just talking about the "feel")? The reason I ask is I seem to have better contact and ball flight when I feel like both arms are working together - or just completely relaxed - but still bringing my right elbow in front. When I focus more right arm I seem to push or cut the ball when I'm usually a straight or slight draw hitter, even with a hard post and letting the arms roll over. Any thoughts? Am I getting stuck somehow? I'm an aging low handicapper looking to get the "young" distance I used to have back! I've seen an increase of a couple mph in clubhead speed but losing distance with a new ball flight. Just need to straighten it out! Thank you so much and your hard work NEVER goes unnoticed.
October 8, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The feel will vary a bit from one person to the next. If you've been super dominant with the left, you will likely feel all right. But, the goal is to always have balance in the swing and use both arms to help control the club. What you're describing with the push is likely trying to be too aggressive with the right shoulder to help push the right arm through and the clubface releases too late. The goal is not to push the club through with the right arm/shoulder but to throw the clubhead through the ball. And thanks for recognizing the effort! Most people tend to focus more on complaining these days than anything else, so I appreciate the shout out!
October 9, 2023
Hey Chuck, First of all, awesome work as usual. Lightning bolts in the background? Dude, you truly out did yourself. I really think that this progression will help me feel what the swing is supposed to feel like so I can really start to enjoy this game, but I’m struggling with not being able to get my right elbow to my pocket and hand to above the knee, even with the sidearm throw the ball drill. My elbow just flairs out and I can’t seem to get any external rotation to get it into the correct position to release the ball correctly. Might be pushing with my shoulder. Don’t know. Was wondering if there were any other drills I could try that might help? Without the external rotation, I think I’m pretty much screwed because I can’t shallow the club and everything fires from the top and lag is gone before my hands het to my trail thigh. Been drilling this since the video was released and I’ll keep working at it but wish I could feel some gains a little quicker. Again, awesome job.
October 7, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Rich, I actually was bummed with the weather because you couldn't see the mountains, but I guess it turned out ok! I'd really like to see your swing so I can see what's happening. Can you post a link to a clip online here?
October 9, 2023
Not 100% sure how to do that, but always up to a technological challenge. Hope these work. Also thought that maybe I need to start weight shift earlier to keep from pushing from the shoulders. Here’s the link.
October 9, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Here ya go
October 9, 2023
Thanks Chuck. Watched this video, the swing review for Kevin you sent out today, as well as my own C4 - Phase1 swing review from Craig. Craig also had me watch Right Elbow Pit in Golf Backswing. All pointing to exactly what I've been struggling with with the right elbow. I'm pretty sure that I finally see what needs to happen, now a matter of drilling and seeing if I can get the right arm to do it's damn job. I will definitely let you know how things go. I expect it will go well.
October 9, 2023
It seems to me that adding other elements to the swing , other than what's contained in Axiom, slows down mastering the axiom swing. In other words, why do i need a library of other info, when Axiom covers the whole swing?
October 7, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
If only people learned the way I expected them to! Everyone learns very different and on very different time lines. Some need all the info, some need very little, and the bell curve sits in the middle. If this has simplified things down for you, then great! If you need more info (as 90% do) then it's there for you too.
October 7, 2023
Trifecta of golf? Explain please,
October 6, 2023
The word Trifecta .
October 7, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Three things coming together to create a sum greater than their individual parts?
October 9, 2023
Three perfect ...
October 9, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
How so? What isn't clear?
October 7, 2023
Thank you Chuck, after a couple of driving range sessions I took my "power move" swing to the course. On a course I've played 100's of times I hit the longest drive, in the fairway, I've ever hit on two holes. My playing partners exclaimed I must have eaten my Wheaties!!
October 6, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome! keep eating those "wheaties" and keep pounding it past them!
October 7, 2023
Thank you the reply to my last question. As far as the counter torque goes, am I pressing back with my right foot as a right handed golf at the start of the swing or at the beginning of the transition. I guess also, when do I really turn it on to hit the ball with my legs.
October 6, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Transition when you want to begin accelerating the arm.
October 6, 2023
Hi Chuck, tried the new moves out on the range and over 9 holes last night. It definitely feels simpler and more powerful and today I can feel that I worked some different muscles especially in my right arm and shoulder! That said I did not really see a gain in clubhead speed - still maxing out at around 95mph with driver - and contact was often towards the heel. I'll submit a video review but is this most likely a release issue?
October 6, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Typically it's coming from trying to power with the shoulders, but because you're hitting off the heel, it's more likely your hips aren't moving correctly. The step drill is critical to "wake up" your lower body, but only way to know for sure is to see it on video.
October 6, 2023
When using impact bag, is impact before, at, or after the bottom of swing? I find that I hit top of ball on ground after using the impact bag. Thanks, Jake
October 5, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The impact bag should be placed where the ball would be. If you're hitting the top of the ball you're likely flipping the club and need to get a review to get that under control.
October 6, 2023
Thanks Chuck; flipping is an issue with my MS. I was one of your first Axiom trial members and will spend more time on the flat wrist in the 9 to 3 drill. Letting the club go as in skipping a stone or throwing more side-arm into the impact bag has increased speed considerably but the flipping ruins the contact and benefit of the speed
October 6, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Ahhh, I see ok. Thanks for reminding me. Part of the key to helping you kill the flip is to make sure you are approaching more from the inside and feeling more out to 2 o'clock with the release. If you are the least bit steep, the flip will take over. But the shallower you get the more the forearms will want to roll over instead flip
October 6, 2023
Hi Chuck- One question on the countertorque move. The drills are very obvious of sliding the right foot back and naturally giving that post up feeling. Also the youtube video you did of yourself doing the full swing with both hands and the right foot sort of slipping back and then the normal video with right foot remaining. My question though is when you are not pulling that foot back what force are you putting into that force to really produce that countertorque? Hopefully I am making sense of the question, but is it like feeling the inside of the right foot digs into the ground and pushing back forcefully?
October 5, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, it's the exact same force and movement that you have when your foot slides, it just gets transmitted into the body and arm when it stays in place. If you look closely as my foot slides the club drops under the plane and I hit a lower draw than the next shot which is a high straight ball. The only difference is my hip is in the way on the second one so the club can't drop under because my foot stays in place, the feeling is exactly the same.
October 5, 2023
Hi Chuck Only just tried this today at the Range, just implementing the first two moves in the first 15 minutes of your video. Hit 28 balls with the Driver, and half of them exceeded every drive I've hit in the past years, gained about 15-20 yds, and I've only just started. At last I can feel the arms shallowing as the weight shift happens, and it's repeatable. Found it easier with the driver than with 5W and 7I - maybe the longer club helps to feel the movement. Also hit one superb 7 Iron. Lots more work to do working through the new drills, but I can already feel a massive difference and I have the winter to manage the change. You're a genius!
October 5, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
AWESOME! It's so cool how fast you can see a real change with this, very exciting!
October 5, 2023
Just got the video today and wow. 18 index and dead drill/axiom/c4 brought me to a place where the slice was gone but like the youtube preview was fighting with blocks and hooks so I am very excited about this. Doing the drill with arm only taking the step with counter torque and my lead side muscles lit up from the post up. I am stoked about the potential when I can my repd, get to the range and course! Thanks Chuck!!
October 5, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome! Yes that drill creates a very powerful feeling and natural post up which is what I was hoping to achieve. Let me know how it translates to the course!
October 5, 2023
Thanks Chuck, I didn't get many reps and only 1 round in before our course closed. It was cold (40s) but I sent several iron shots over the green (30+ yards longer than target/expected) and even had playing partners wondering what was happening! Lots to go and I am excited about putting this together with the GOAT theory work.
January 11, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome! Let me know how it feels with the dynamic stretch
January 11, 2024
I’ve been watching and working on it all. I have a question about counter torque. I’ve known I’ve had no feeling of connection to the ground with my feet and my legs and never felt my legs were involved in the swing. I’m right handed. Today, I’ve felt the right foot ‘pushing behind me” and the post up seemed to come on its own. I felt connected to the ground and feel as though my legs are more involved in the swing. Am I heading in the right direction?
October 4, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes! I talk in the video how the post becomes almost automatic when you countertorque. Welcome your legs to the party! Once you get comfortable for this your swing will never be the same. Dead legs is the worst feeling
October 4, 2023
Can I use this as my whole swing? Is there harm in just practicing these drills exclusively? Not planning on joining the Tour so i don't need to break par i've never hit the ball better then just doing what's in this video. This has simplified my thinking on the course by 95%. Played three rounds with this and I'm still having a hard time believing this is me hitting the ball.
October 3, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
This IS the whole swing boiled down to its simplest, most basic elements. Use this as the big picture and the rest of the site to dial it in and perfect it.
October 4, 2023
I spend some time going back through the entire video, working with impact bag. I can get a quite loud impact on the vinyl bag. Feels real good. I even went over parts of the video in slow motion. Went out on driving range today. Tried a variety of clubs, Accuracy was pretty good, wedges (W, S, L), at the end the W was still only going 80-85 yrds. My 4 hybrid, maybe increased to 150. Which is probably where a good players wedge is, so I’m still behind the 8-ball….not getting the distance. My G400 driver distance maxed out about 185 even with roll. I did notice that with my hand arthritis it’s a bit uncomfortable to set the left hand into a strong grip. As I try to move the V just to point to my right shoulder, I get some discomfort and it makes it difficult to hold that position without it sliding back to the left side of the grip. I understand the light grip pressure concept, but maybe having a slightly weak grip, or not having a secure grasp on the club, might be impeding my speed. I also noticed I sometimes don’t complete the follow though especially, with the longer clubs, Driver and 3-wood and the ball will tail right. I don’t think I am over the top. I did notice a few times with those two clubs I hit the ground behind the ball, so I have struggles with the shallow swing plane leading to impact. Still hoping to pick up some of the promised distance, so I will go back to the impact bag, and counter torque drills, which feel great with the 7-iron.
October 3, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Ronald, you said some concerning stuff. You "don't think you're over the top"???? How could you not know. You MUST video your swing to see what's really having because a million dollars says you are not doing what you think you are doing and you'll never know without video.
October 3, 2023
I think I have some Video reviews credits(5?)? I did a couple of on course short videos today, how do I submit them? Also can do one of the drill…with 7 iron?
October 4, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
October 5, 2023
Yikes, that’s too obvious. I wasn’t when I videoed the drills, but the range and course is what counts, unfortunately at the range there was no easy set up to video. On the course tomorrow I will corner someone to video the drives, and face the music……
October 3, 2023
I finally started seeing positve results after day 2. This began after i consentrated more on throwing ball drill. I'm looking foward to added gains through more practice.
October 3, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Results in 2 days is still very fast!
October 4, 2023
Thanks for that reply below Chuck. I think my current speed is 115mph, I think it can get to 124mph with better dispersion if I clean up these second half of the downswing issues. I will work on this and also the release drills with the left hand, holding my shoulders and pulling my left leg back and up. That should work a charm getting my swing where I want it to be. Cheers, thank you.
October 3, 2023
Hi Chuck, I’m just about to start phase 3 and after watching this video it seems like they can be combined (axiom power and phase three) as there are some similarities. Any thoughts/suggestions on using the power drill for phase three or in conjunction with it?
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, you can absolutely combine these
October 3, 2023
Hey Chuck, I'm a scratch player that already has close to 120mph. However, I know I can hit the ball farther and more accurately. My tendencies are to be slightly ott, slightly steep and to be too square with my hips at impact (with slight early extension) despite getting into a great body position from transition to left arm parallel in the downswing. I squat to square very well, it's the second half of the downswing I need to improve. Anyway, my question is, when I tend to freeze my body after a great transition and early downswing should I be focusing on pulling the left leg back and up as opposed to the counter torque move? Or will continuing the correct movements with the right arm and counter torque naturally get me clearing properly anyway? I think the cause of my issue may be that I just stop doing the correct moves with the arms. But I'm not sure because some of the other videos on the site focus on clearing the hips by pulling the left leg back and up, throwing a ball more ahead of the ball on the ground etc. What would be best for me on working with this? Thanks in advance, love this new video and all big picture concepts as the starting block.
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Brian, in that section of the video I talk about how the left leg will naturally straighten when doing this move. This will move the hip back for you as the leg straightens in response to the countertorque. Of course, for some, they may need to still feel the left hip moving back, it just depends on what you already do naturally in the swing.
October 3, 2023
Hey Chuck: I've watched the video at least two times all the way through. I must be doing something wrong because I played today and saw no gains in distance whatsoever. I understand the externally rotated trail shoulder should feel connected to the core and that you pull yourself into the delivery position with the body and legs. Then just throw that trail arm and release the club, right? Maybe I should start with really short swings? I don't have an impact bag but I can practice on the golf course because I work at one. Help! John
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
did you read the description?
October 2, 2023
I only did a little work this morning into my impact bag, so I haven't hit balls on the range or course yet but I can feel this is going to be huge for me. I am right handed playing golf as a lefty and I felt like I've got everything in place but could not get away from being slightly steeper than needed. I filmed some reps this morning and finally the club is on plane and even shallower (and the proper amount of lag) when I exaggerate it! I am beyond excited. I can't wait to try this out on the range/course. I will report back when I get a little more work in!
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes! I've seen HUGE changes for golfers who were steep naturally in the downswing, especially those who's trail arm is not the dominant one.
October 2, 2023
I've hit a few balls today. I haven't done a ton of reps of the drills yet, but I am definitely noticing a big difference in how I am thinking about and feeling the swing. This "feel" has definitely corrected the concept I've had in my mind of how the swing should feel/work. As I said before, I am right handed playing lefty, so I can really feel my tendency to want to tense up and pull hard with my right arm, which I was not aware of before. It will definitely take some reps to engrain and retrain my full swing, but I feel like I am finally on the right path as I can feel what it should feel like! When I do it correctly I can feel there is a lot more speed/consistency available that I was missing before. Well done with this one Chuck, definitely simplifies everything!
October 3, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Music to my ears! You get it... Keep doing reps since this is not your dominant hand and you will learn more in a week than you have in a year.
October 3, 2023
I’m curious? Did you purposely, pick a day with Thunder and Lightning ⚡️ in the background. I Really like the flash at the 15 minute point on the upper left as you introduce the higher speed portion. Is this a real set up? Is it Your house, if so how many holes do you have, or is this just your hitting bay and video screen. Very envious!
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hahaha, I'm pretty good with controlling a golf ball but even I don't have control of the weather! This is at my house where I teach out of and that's the view from my back yard. It's as real as it gets!
October 2, 2023
Also I’m trying to internalize the Counter Torque move. Found your comment to someone about not actually moving the right foot back confusing with the actual video sequence. I understand ultimately we don’t do that. What I found is the video “Learn Perfect Weight Shift in Your Socks” great to illustrate the weight shift and role of the right heal being pulled by the left. I think the new Baseball throw drill really simplifies that, making it natural. The sock drill, requires a bit more technique thinking ????. Would you agree they really are two ways of looking at the same movement?
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yep, exactly! Great perception!
October 2, 2023
Btw the Family room is beautiful. Must be Colorado?
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's my office actually, where all the magic happens for RotarySwing! Yes, we are in Colorado near Telluride
October 2, 2023
Telluride, I thought it looked familiar. Was just there, riding the gondola’s with our two grandsons. My first visit, my younger daughter lives in Montrose and works as a Ranger at Black Canyon. We camped up over Lizard Head. Telluride definitely has Aspen beat. Maybe next year if your around I will try to arrange a personal lesson, my other son-in-law is a level 3 ski instructor (over at Aspen) but he sure preaches on the value good private lessons.
October 3, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Get out of here! We love the Black! I've been wanting to climb there but there's so much poison ivy in the canyon that I'll be covered in welts for a month!
October 3, 2023
Sorry I forgot to mention that impact feels great and it’s consistent w driver down to the 60 degree. I haven’t had a chance to hit a sim or range yet, just hitting into a net so I’m excited to see what the ball does w this new feel. But thought I’d ask if I’m presumably on the right track. Thanks! Amazing video as always Chuck!
October 2, 2023
I found that a bit of a looser grip helps to promote a bit of a “whippier”, faster feel at impact. Feels a bit more “uncontrolled” than what I’m used to but as a serial tight gripped golfer I’m guessing this is a good thing?
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Tobin, yes, I think I put that in one of the "popup" notes in the video?? There's a lot in there so may need to watch it a few times and check my notes in the description
October 2, 2023
Hi, how do you increase external shoulder rotation if mobility is limited?
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You can look online for rotator cuff stretches. It's a slow process to increase range of motion there so you have to stick with it over time, but again, you don't need a ton. It's more about maintaining what you have than trying to get more.
October 2, 2023
I’m working at it. My question is, how do I incorporate the “hockey player move/feeling” into my regular swing? How can I feel the counter torque.
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Develop the feeling hitting the bag and keep your feet on the ground rather than having it slip out. Slipping out actually reduces the torque you can generate, so when you hit balls the foot should stay more planted.
October 2, 2023
Hey Chuck. Great video. I did not do the countertorque at the range but I was able to go from 160 to 170 with my 7 iron and more consistent. So with the countertorque can you post a video of you for what it will look like for a swing when you are on a course. I assume the right foot comes back only a little bit as compare to the drills.
October 1, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Did a video for ya Jim:
October 2, 2023
Thanks Chuck. You are awesome.
October 2, 2023
Wow! This is one of the best videos in the entire rotaryswing program! I thought axis tilt and hanging the right shoulder back were awesome but this one takes the cake. I moved from an 18 handicap to a 9 over the last 1.5 years post knee surgery. I drive the ball 240 on an average. Using this I shot a 77 yesterday! I cannot wait to get to 270-300 drives and increasing my power!! Well done Mr. Quinton!!! This fantastic.
October 1, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That's awesome! Congrats on the 77! Power is around the corner...
October 1, 2023
Hi Chuck I have played a few rounds now post watching the video. I have watched the video several times including at the driving range prior to practice. Ball striking is great and getting the trail elbow in the pocket is paying dividends. However, the power is simply not there. While I am not power hungry, I believe I have the skills to consistently hit the driver 270 yards but not getting there. A few averages for reference: Driver 240, 7 iron - 150-155, 8 iron - 140-145, 6 iron - 165. Another 10-20 yards would make a huge difference in my game for sure. Are there any other videos or anything else you would recommend? Happy to put in the work for sure. Thanks much!
October 2, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Did you read #3 in the description?
October 3, 2023
Ummm….Incredible would be the best adjective. Most impressive is with the irons. 9 iron now carrying 175, just doesn’t seem right, had to look at the club a couple times to make sure it was a 9. Still looking for it to draw, but I’ll settle with the baby fade. Still working on driver. Speed is there but catching it really high on face, it is in the middle but having to tee it pretty low to avoid hitting too far under ball. Counter torque move was mind blowing and probably the difference makers for me. It naturally forces the release to happen with no thought. Seems exact opposite of clam shell drill but when looking on video and mirror I am in the same position that I should be with clam shell at impact. Proving once again that there is real and feel and they are not always the same. Impressive stuff Chuck, well done.
October 1, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
How far were you hitting it before?
October 1, 2023
9 “was” my 160 club. So, given the strike it’s around a 10-15 yard increase. For anyone reading, I really have to over exaggerate the side arm. Like in the original “throw the ball” drill. Think Dan Quisenberry (google him if not familiar). That and the counter torque has been a game changer.
October 1, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Holy cow! That's a HUGE 9 iron! For the driver, because this shallows the angle of attack and lends itself toward a longer bottom of the swing arc you may want to tee it down a bit more if you were used to a more "V" shaped bottom of the swing.
October 1, 2023
Hi Chuck your an absolute genius love your work I also love the simplicity of it,I find the longer I keep the wrist angle the harder I hit and a farther it goes .Thank you soooo much!!!
October 1, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You're welcome and thank you Miklos!
October 1, 2023
Maybe a silly question. When varying between clubs, a wedge compared to driver, what is a good gauge for distance of the “elbow to pocket”? I haven’t tried this yet, but my assumption is that the elbow would be further away from the body with a driver, or am I overthinking this?
September 30, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Don't overthink it. Get the feeling and let it fly
October 1, 2023
Also, I need to come for an in person lesson.
September 30, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You can get on the schedule by emailing Note that I'm fully booked for the next 3 weeks.
October 1, 2023
Looking forward to testing this out because, like everyone else, I want more yards. If I release out to 1 o’clock, how does the club “exit left?’”
September 30, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Keep in mind saying to release it to 1 oclock is more a feeling to get you to maintain the external rotation and get the hand toward the knee to be able to sling the club into the ball
September 30, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Why does it need to exit left? It needs to strike the ball squarely with a square path. It will continue on the arc inside from there. Forcing ti exit hard left is taught by those who want you to rip your shoulders through the ball stuck arms
September 30, 2023
Watched the video and practiced the routine and took it to the range today with the following results. Irons- no change in my distance just a little more fade. Driver- no added distance all with a high block fade. Any thoughts?
September 30, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Did you read the description?
September 30, 2023
Tried it a bit prematurely…after 15 minutes, I had to leave for course. Probably should have waited. I was driving better and may have had 2 drives 195 yrds, normally I average 175. Most were straight, had a few tail to the right. Not totally comfortable with the take away, and the heavier weight of the driver. Most of the right shots were when I blocked, and didn’t complete the follow through. I did have a good number of straight shots.
September 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Spend some time on the drill, especially with the impact bag, if this movement is very new for you.
September 30, 2023
Although I am consistently around a 255-270 carry with my driver, I do have those occasions when things time up perfect and I send a carry of 280-290. However, when it comes to irons that early cast and standing up out of posture shows it's ugly head and I feel i am leaving out distance and accuracy, where my average carry on a 7i is around 170ish. I have tried the Dead Drill and C4 programs and I really understand what should happen but I can never consistently get those changes down. I am hoping that this video will lead to the more consistent contact and additional distance with my irons. With that being said, of all the years I have been a member here and learned from the boot camps I am using that knowledge to help build my 10 year old junior golfer. For his age, he is on the longer side when he plays tournaments where his carry is about 190-200 with driver. But like a lot of juniors, to get that extra speed and being so flexible his hips are so far open at impact and shoulders. He'll shoot around even or slightly better playing around 5700-6000 yards. I am curious though, by introducing these drills do you think this will help his speed out more while also not getting hips to be so open? He's a definite not over the top golfer and he builds quite a bit of lag. Just trying to determine if this would be smart or keep working dead drill stuff. I can provide an Iron Swing down the line if that helps.
September 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, the countertorque drill is ideal for kids like that. They use their body so aggressively because they lack upper body strength - the same thing that is causing you to cast the club is why he doesn't. Using the impact bag and countertorque will tame his hips and help him start developing strength to throw more powerfully so he can stop ripping his hips through so aggressively.
September 30, 2023
That's what I was thinking and we tried it out yesterday. He said doing that drill felt really odd pushing that foot back. I think we actually got less distance with his 8 iron but I know it'll just take a little time for him to be comfortable with that new feeling and then he'll get a little more. For him I don't think I'll see big changes in distance but I think mechanics will clean up for when he does get older it will be a big change.
September 30, 2023
Chuck I noticed a reverse C on your downswing: I am concerned about my bad back. What am I missing. jeff
September 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
What???? I think you need to look again
September 29, 2023
I looked again and wonder what I say: WENT to the driving range today, after warming up and your drills, hit my 7 iron an extra 20 yds! Same with the 6, Driver etc. My miss was a touch behind the ball (10% of the time) and a slight push ( a couple) To me , it was very exciting and I can't wait to bring it to the course in 3 days. I so much appreciate your knowledge, passion and dedication. Hope to see you soon Jeff btw my index is 19.
September 30, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That's awesome! 20 extra yards with a 7 is a huge gain! Keep working the impact bag. If you continue to hit behind, work the step drill so you learn to get off your back foot.
October 1, 2023
I’ve never felt comfortable hitting a driver until today. This just clicked my club head speed hasn’t increased yet because I’m not taking a full swing in order to get the feel of the throwing motion. I can see how experienced players will get a big boost out of this. Soon I will be amazing my golf group after years of being the shortest off the tee because I would only hit a 3 wood. Thanks Chuck
September 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yep! Give a it a few days if the move feels completely foreign to you and bomb it by your buddies in a week or two
September 29, 2023
the more shallow the swing, the greater the chance of hitting the turf first. So where is optimal ball placement?
September 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The exact opposite is true. Ball position is the same as always covered in the ball position video
September 29, 2023
I'm in the 10% and get stuck and flip. Any thoughts on doing the drill? Same as above comment on making sure you don't have too much tilt? Try not to let the left hip slide too much?
September 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The impact bag will be your best friend, and yes, you will feel like your spine is near vertical if you're used to having too much secondary tilt
September 29, 2023
Just from watching this seems like the approach that fits my brain so I'm looking forward to the process. My question is about the rep tracker. I'm not sure what rep I'm supposed to track. Start with the step to throw, then step and throw, then step to throw with club, etc. (I made up names that made sense. Former pitcher.) Just trying to get a feel for what the progression is intended to look like. Just coming back to golf after 15 years and I cast or lose lag too early and my biggest issue is collapsing on my front knee.
September 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The goal is to build up to it being the full swing drill, but if you need more practice with each step, simply use the Rep Tracker for each piece you are working on, then reset it when you're ready to move to the next one.
September 29, 2023
I started messing around with this at home and felt immediate results, but by the time I took it to the range I felt like I was heaving myself at the ball - trying to "hit" instead of "swing", if you will. I'm just getting ready to watch again to see what I'm missing, but any help is appreciated!
September 29, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Countertorque drill. Teaches you the opposite of spinning your body and heaving your shoulders.
September 29, 2023
Before giving my full confirmation, I want to share a quick, factual comment. Chuck, you are the Maestro, period. I subscribed today, went out and tested it in the driving range, and stopped several times, thinking it couldn't be real. I measure my golf not just with a measuring tape but also with a protector because accuracy is paramount in this game. I couldn't believe what I was experiencing, but I will confirm that my golf game underwent a significant transformation today. All thanks to you, Chuck! Rodrigo
September 28, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Ya buddy!!!! Let's gooo!
September 28, 2023
I also have had issues with too much secondary axis tilt causing flipping and poor contact. How do I regulate the amount of axis tilt while still making a shallow approach back to the ball.
September 27, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Focus, when you take the step, that you plant firmly on that leg and feel more upright. If you get too much tilt, you will FEEL more vertical than someone who tends to not have enough. This will also help with the flippy impact caused by hanging back. The impact bag will help you feel the right position to be in. If unsure, post a clip here.
September 28, 2023
I have poor external rotation in my right shoulder. I can probably improve with some stretching and mobility exercises. How much is that going to affect my swing and distance issues.
September 27, 2023
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's not so much how much external rotation you can get. Rather, think a bit more in terms of how much you can maintain late in the downswing as you get the elbow to the pocket. The bigger issue causing a speed loss is internally rotating too much too soon.
September 28, 2023

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