Throw the Club or Push the Club? Pt 2 of 3

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Are you pushing the club through impact or throwing the clubhead at the ball? One is effortless power, the other is powerless effort. Watch part 3 here: Part 3 - Squish the Bug

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Thanks Chuck. I practiced it today and my old pro passed by and was watching . Hit it great but he said when I try to drive right leg ie squish the bug it sometimes gets ahead of arms and they aren’t in sync. When they were it felt excellent . How you can got a 6 iron 210 yds though is beyond me as I hit it 176 carry and feel like I have speed!
August 12, 2024
Syncing up the body and the arms is one of the trickiest parts of learning to become a great ball striker and is something that most all tour pros work on constantly, so don't feel bad that it's a challenge! The speed will come with time and not having to "think" through it. That's a huge key as thinking throws things out of sync and slows you down and that is the other great challenge that takes time because to make a change you have to think! This game never stops with the challenges!
August 12, 2024
Isn’t this contradictory to your advice in the goat code where you throw the club away at the top and widen the angle and arc? Here you say that is pushing the club
August 12, 2024
Hi Mark, the pushing I'm referring to is primarily with the arms and shoulders when you try and drive the club through the ball instead of releasing it with the wrists.
August 12, 2024
Every time I watch one of these, I can’t help but wonder where the heck is that gorgeous back drop??
August 6, 2024
Also is there anywhere that teaches on how to shape shots? Tiger always talks about hitting windows, what is that feeling to setup like?
August 6, 2024
For a trail side dominated swing, or should I just mix from the lead side too?
August 6, 2024
Hi Matthew, I'm in SW Colorado near Telluride. I haven't touched on shot shaping in the GOAT Code yet, but essentially it's the same as the shot shaping series in the C4 program but more feel coming from the trail hand.
August 7, 2024
Thanks chuck! I’m pretty sure my grandparents grew up near telluride!
August 7, 2024
You are correct Chuck, it is Christmas again!! Love this latest concept. I played on Monday, in the SWSGA event in Arizona after having a total knee replacement less than 3 weeks before. I was 1 under through 8 and then the my feet felt like they weighed 150 pounds each. I started hitting high hooks with no distance. I can see now that there was no bug squishing with these tired old legs. It was 118 degrees and I was cooked. Shot 80 but with a course very wet with half the holes cart path only, I was thrilled. I started the RotarySwing Academy last night and am going to be ready sometime in August for a real coming out party. Can't wait for part 3. I will refrain from going out for a few more weeks, but I can visualize the guys I play with who do just what you say. Having the why is so big. Thanks again ... Christmas in July. David
July 10, 2024
You are way tougher than me playing in 118 degrees!!! BTW, part 3 is available already here:
July 10, 2024
Love this!
July 9, 2024
July 10, 2024

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