Webinar 1: The Core

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Get to the "core" of the issue in your swing and understand how THE GOAT makes his swing so simple and effortless. If you're looking to get help with your swing, you can join Craig's Unlimited Swing Review Group for half off the first month here! Join Group. Also, if you're in need of this medicine ball, here is the link: Medicine ball with handles 6 pounds

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Chuck I’ve been grinding and l following along on the GOAT code and trail side videos. I’m confused…how did we get from the endless conveyer belt free wheeling / throwing to holding the trail side and rotating the core? What did I miss? The original videos I thought dismissed the need for the hard turn. I’m lost again please reshow me the light.
September 17, 2024
Hi Robert, I don't know what you're asking really. The endless conveyor belt is still here, as is throwing, but you must use your core to throw with any power.
September 18, 2024
Specifically where I’m confused was in the early Goat Code videos there was a focus on the right hand throw and the continuous conveyor feeling. Tigers full release was emphasized. Now it seems to have shifted to holding off the release and not letting the toe pass the heal. Much more focus on more rotation where as initially it was lateral move.
September 18, 2024
No the toe still releases just the same and the rotation is the same
September 19, 2024
Might sound silly but I found lifting the linen basket in my bathroom and swinging it back and forth with my core achieved the same aim of engaging my core as per the golf swing so I'm now doing it 20 times every morning and last thing at night. I find it automatically achieves the correct timing and pressure points in my feet that we're looking to achieve in the golf swing too.
September 6, 2024
Exactly! The medicine ball and linen basket are teaching the same thing.
September 6, 2024
HI Chuck do you have a link to the medicine ball drill please.
September 4, 2024
I can see why the medicine ball is essential! I am out shoppin sooon! Thanks again Chuck
September 4, 2024
Here's the one I use: https://amzn.to/4dOUs5g
September 4, 2024
Do you have the link to the medicine ball?
September 3, 2024
Here ya go: https://amzn.to/4dOUs5g
September 4, 2024
Thanks Chuck, looks like only the 8 lb is available on the site now or at least I don't see an option for 6 lb. Is the 8 lb too much or will it still be sufficient. If i am trying to make sure and strengthen for my 12 year old, is that too much you think?
September 4, 2024
I don't think it would be too much of a difference really for an adult but for a 12 year old it could be
September 4, 2024
Thank you for creating this group and for doing this progressive bootcamp! In as few words as possible, I Just want to say THANK YOU so much for this GOAT program and all of your hard work that’s gone into it!!! The progressive steps make so much sense! Learn from the ground up and ingrain the feelings… With that being said,I am still wanting to play as the season is winding down… I keep being left with the same question… How do we combine the core and trail wrist in the full swing as you have mentioned? To me, it’s core takeaway with hitchhike thumb gradually to the top, then core movement down while feeling the release from the top. Is this correct? Thanks again Chuck!
September 3, 2024
Hey Steve, this is exactly what I'm covering in this next webinar this weekend!
September 3, 2024
Ok awesome! I am out of town this weekend as my son has a golf tournament! Will this be on replay as well?
September 3, 2024
yes, register anyway when we send the link and you will get the replay emailed to you
September 3, 2024
Awesome! Will do! One more question, I can’t find a 6lbs medicine ball with handles for under $120 up here in Canada… I can find 8 and 10 no problem… I have 1 option for a 6 lbs… I will pick it up but just wanted to make sure 6 is the magic number? Thank you Chuck!!!
September 3, 2024
6 has been the perfect number for me with my students and for myself, but i doubt 8 would be too much if you have a reasonable level of overall strength.
September 3, 2024

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