The GOAT Code Speed Webinar - 100 mph in 30 minutes

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The GOAT Code Speed Webinar - 100 mph in 30 minutes LIVE Training - Learn The Exact Sequence I Used To Increase A 69 Yr Old's Swing Speed 15 mph In Just 30 minutes!!

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Chuck and Craig - not that you guys need more confirmation that the pros use this technique but I just had to share this snippet. This is Rory McIlroy doing what you're teaching and he gets up to upwards of 190.
February 8, 2025
Chuck - after attending the webinar, I realized that I wasn't clear on my understanding of the speed of moving the right leg/knee. In the beginning of the webinar you showed how to move/snap the knee/leg as fast as you can to train the movement. However, when I start using that movement for an actual swing, how fast should I be moving/snapping my knee/leg. Should I try to move/snap my knee/leg as fast as I can while hitting the ball. Obviously, I understand I need to be in control but just trying to understand if I should focus on moving as fast as I can.
February 6, 2025
You get a feeling for how the club supinates you get a feel of the timing and synchronization of this move. They must work together like gears as I mentioned in the webinar and getting a feeling for how all of this fits together I discussed there. Take a look at it again when I discuss supination side, bend and squish in the bug.
February 7, 2025
In the GOAT swing pattern, is the pressure at the top of the backswing on the lead foot?
February 6, 2025
Pressure still moves forward but you want to feel that your weight stays back
February 6, 2025
Chuck, when I watch your full swing at full speed, there does not seem to be much flattening of the shaft in transition. But when you do the drill that you are suggesting here, where you are pivoting on your right foot and maintaining the bent right arm while supinating, the effect is a very significant laying down of the shaft. I know this is just a drill, but how does your full swing, where you say you are allowing for maximum supination, not have the appearance of the shaft excessively flattening as per the drill?
February 5, 2025
Because in the real swing i am driving off my trail hip which rotates my body toward the target which prevents my arms and club from shallowing much
February 6, 2025
Hi Chuck Great video as usual ! I am not following getting the right foot and toe off the ground early. I remember you saying roll your right foot inwards and not to let your right foot leave the ground until after you hit the ball. Am I missing something? Thanks Greg
February 5, 2025
That was for a lead side pattern
February 5, 2025
Hi Chuck, I am definitely similar to Steve where I cannot get my hips open. I still get relatively good club head speed as i am around 105 or so (I'm 46) and I have got 110 as a max. But it definitely feels muscled with what i think is snapping my wrists but video definitely shows i am nowhere near GDP. I do have 2 questions though based on a few things you mentioned in this video. 1) You reiterate to go through the whole program which my whole practice sessions are starting with putting through gate drill than chipping, than pitches, than 40 yard wedge shots. In this progression, for a person like Steve and myself where it's obvious we don't really use the right hip and knee to drive hips open, when do you start to really focus on this right hip drive? These lower swings I don't have much difficulty, but full swings I do, which means to me that I am not doing the first probably as efficiently as I should. 2) You mention the shift to the left and how you get more to left to deloft, but if we wanted to we can hang back a little. How does that incorporate to this right hip drive because to me it feels like really focusing on pushing that right hip to start forces that shift to left pretty far. Hope these two questions make sense.
February 4, 2025
hi Matt I specifically discuss the trail leg drive in the 80 yard shots video that is when you will start to notice it the most. When staying back you’re still driving off the trail leg. You’re just not moving laterally as much you’re creating more rotation instead.
February 4, 2025
How do you snap the trail leg as you instruct without getting on your toes accidentally on the lead foot? I REALLY struggle with making that error. Thanks
February 3, 2025
As the trail leg is driving the hip forward the lead leg needs to also push the lead hip back which moves pressure back to the heel. It’s ok to get on the toes as long as you still push off to drive the hip back
February 4, 2025

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