Hip Spinners - Belt Buckle Drill

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Understand the key differences between how the hips turn in RS1 vs RST and how to move efficiently in the golf swing. If you struggle hitting fairway woods off the deck, this video can help you understand why and teach you how to really compress the ball.

  • Belt Buckle Drill #1: Go to the top of the swing
  • Belt Buckle Drill #2: Make the lateral shift
  • Belt Buckle Drill #3: Focus on keeping your belt buckle closed as you use your arms to come into impact.
  • Driver Drill #1: Tee up the driver half an inch from the ground
  • Driver Drill #2: Place a second tee four or five inches in front of the ball
  • Driver Drill #3: Practice hitting the ball and clipping the second tee

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Craig, I have been working hard on eliminating early extension. Thinking about this step by step, I think the effort I was making to get my hips open at impact was causing me to push forward with the right foot which would bring the center of my pelvis and right knee in closer to the ball and then cause me to stand up (early extend). Now I find that if I start down with a little target parallel weight transfer and feel like I’m keeping my lower right side totally passive ( belt buckle back), I’m coming into impact with my right heel down and rolling to the right foot instep immediately after contact and finally into a full finish with the right heel off the ground. I think I am killing two birds with one stone, ending early extension and getting my arms to swing independently of the body. Thanks for these great videos
September 6, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Ron! Watch out for the closed hip slide. Sometimes when players add the parallel feel the hips will lock too much. But, it sounds like you are on the correct track. If you notice the hips not opening enough that could mean you've gone the other way.
September 7, 2023
Thanks for the advice on the closed hip slide. Basically what I’m trying to do is post up as soon as I feel pressure on my left heel and foot and use the post up to push the left hip back and up and get the left hip deep. Doing short swings (10-2). Definitely getting the left hip to open up even though the “feel” is to keep the hips closed coming down. Not always smooth but getting better
September 7, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Happy to provide the advice. Sounds good to me. I agree. The old feel and real battle is tough with the spinning hips.
September 8, 2023
Do hip spinners also tend to slide into impact? I notice, on video, that I spin my hips but I also come into impact with both knees bent. Slow motion and without a ball at full speed, I can post up. With a ball I slide. Frustrating beyond belief! Can you point me to a video to correct this?
March 12, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. Typically, hip spinners can't have both knees bent and be a hip spinner. Sounds more like lack of post and slide movement. So, with a ball tend to be more a slide? If so, take a look at Tour Pro Downswing Sequence Drill.
March 12, 2021
I can't believe how long it took me to understand the part about wanting to keep my head behind the ball. I think I finally get it, and it feels like my head is actually past the ball. It's crazy. I wonder if this has anything to do with eye dominance. I'm right handed, but my left eye is the dominant one. Have you guys considered that eye reliance being a help/hindrance in the golf swing?
June 17, 2020
For example, if my right eye were dominant (as a right handed player), I might be more willing to move my head further forward on top of the ball?
June 17, 2020
You and me both pal, I think this is the missing link for me, I'm a hip spinner and impact with my left/leading shoulder a lot higher than my right. My belt buckle points at 45 degrees between the way my feet are pointing and the target line and my head is behind the ball. Result? high, thin, low spinning bottom groove irons, pushed shots. Bombed power fades off the tee with driver and woods. Catastrophic hybrids and fairways off the deck, but longer irons (5 and 4) not too bad, oh and thin pulled wedges. I'm a bit of a freak show because i write left handed, shoot left handed, but play all other sports including golf right handed.... and i'm left eye dominant. I hope now that i know what the issue is i can fix it...
July 20, 2020
Yea, it makes sense to me to think that being left eye dominant as a righty would make you just a little less willing to shift toward your lead side. We have to feel like our head moves forward during the shift with the body. On camera, it's not actually moving. It's bizarre. That's my take anyway. Good luck!
July 20, 2020
I am defiantly a hip spinner. When I get to impact, I can see that my hips are almost 90 degrees open. When I do the belt buckle drill, I feel like I am loosing a lot of power and speed in my swing and it feels very uncomfortable. Is this a normal feeling?
November 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jackson. When toning down the hips it may feel like you are losing power because you are deleting some brute force. However, for maximum energy transfer the release needs to work independently of the body. Take a look at Arms vs Body Release, Increase Clubhead Speed with Proper Release - Part 3 of 7, and 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release.
November 4, 2019
Thanks Craig. I worked on the drill and I am no longer spinning out. Thanks for the help. When I look at my swing in slow motion. I can see that I have zero shaft lead at impact. It seems that I am scooping the ball off the ground. Any suggestions?
November 6, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jackson. It is a must that you master lead side/hand control. Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video to understand how to achieve proper lean. Then, work hard on the 5 Minutes to a Perfect Release Video to combine with release.
November 6, 2019
The student shown does NOT complete his backswing. I do the same as I feel like “I want to get it over.” Any tips or even better, drills. Thanks so much.
July 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello User23973. If you aren't finishing your turn in the backswing. Try working on the Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing Video. This drill will help you shift and rotate to a full turn (with some added lead arm motion).
July 15, 2019
So it seems part of the drills goal is to have the hips come in "Level". Is that correct?
June 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. It will feel like the hips come in level and very quiet.
June 20, 2019
Is it reasonable to stack this drill with keeping the tush chair drill? My hip spinning is causing me to lose my tush line so just making sure before I start working on both.
June 16, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. You can stack this drill with the tush line chair drill if your hips are over active.
June 17, 2019
Thank You Craig for your quick answer,I was talking about how far his hips opened up while the clubhead only moved 12 to 18 inches thru impact rotationally .I did not even notice he was beyond neutral joint alignment.It is difficult for me to see lateral ,motion from the rear view .sorry for the misunderstanding
April 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. No worries. I've given thousands upon thousands of lessons. I can spot this stuff from space at this point. . Yes, it takes time to shift and load the glutes in the downswing, but when you post up (straighten left leg and clear the hips) the motion will be quick and decelerate quickly. Proper posting does the trick. You don't have to try and time this. Work on Step 2 - Core Rotation (body only) and You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs. The motion will be a byproduct.
April 7, 2019
Hi Guys When studying Chuck's swing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzZ3KjzctEc I noticed that in the second swing he has s substantial amount of hip movement from say 3 to 6 inches prior to impact to just a few inches past.If this is what happens and the video is not distorting the action,it seems difficult to move you hips that quickly especially when trying to use glutes to slow body movement to help release.Can you explain what I am seeing?
April 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Some of those swings are Chuck's during his rebuilding phase. The main core elements are there, but not completely perfected. You will shift about the width of the pelvis in the golf swing. 6-8 inches depending on genetics and size. Your goal is from the top to shift into the stacked position (hip, knee, and ankle) followed by a posting up to clear the hips and have the (shoulder, hip, knee and ankle perfectly stacked at impact. In the second swing you mention you can see a little bit of trail foot push that causes the slight movement past NJA which he has since deleted from his swing.
April 7, 2019
Craig- I’ve been working on this drill, as I’ve been struggling with ‘getting stuck’ as a hip spinner. So I’ve been repping the feeling of having my belt buckle pointing at or behind the ball in the downswing... in Chuck’s RS Roadshow 19, he works with a golfer getting stuck, and instructed him to get his lead hip open, belt buckle getting 30-45 open at impact. Can you clarify please? I feel these are contradictory. Thanks
February 17, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. The hips should be open 30-45 degrees at impact. Hip spinners tend to get the hips too much open at impact, or beyond the proper amount. The drill above is a feeling to help slow down the hips. In real golf you wouldn't want the hips square at impact. But, exaggerating the feeling of keeping the belt buckle back should help them slow down.
February 18, 2019
I am trying to find the swing video. but I cannot find it.please help me. the video explain how to remain spine angle during downswing .In that video I grab with club with arms crossed the chest. Impact position the club head toward the ball. what's the video name? I think the instructor is not Chuck.
December 17, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello YS. Sounds like you may be talking about the Play Your Best Golf in 6 Weeks Series on the video menu. Let me know if you find that specific video there. If you are referring to the Merry Go Round Drill. That video is no longer on the site.
December 17, 2018
After chuck said pull the club down with your left arm and fire the right arm. What did he mean by firing the right hand?
December 15, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. Same motion as Throw the Ball Drill, or Right Arm Release Video. If you are lead side dominant making sure the trail arm transfers energy. The vast majority of players don't need to focus on that.
December 16, 2018
When I am swinging full speed should my hips rotate when I hit the ball?
December 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. When you post up the hips will clear, but then the body will start to decelerate. You shouldn't be actively trying to rotate through the ball. Take a look at How Swing Speed Affects Compression.
December 14, 2018
What drill or feel to keep hips from rotating? I understand the concept to keep belt buckle behind ball, but as I do the drills with iron, I still spin the hips too much. Like Chuck’s example.
October 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. The Belt Buckle Drill is great for hip spinning. I used it myself to cure the ailment. If the drill isn't doing quite enough. Try the Chair Drill and How to Stop the Two Way Miss.
October 2, 2018
When my swing is finished my right (trailing) foot is barely coming up. Its like I'm keeping my belt buckle pointed at ball too long so its limiting my hips from fully rotating to complete swing, does that make sense?
April 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chad. That makes complete sense. You can over do the above drill. You still need to clear the hips. Start slowly turning your move closer into Step 2 - Core Rotation Video.
April 13, 2018
Hello, this drill has helped keep my trail foot down and better contact, but now my trail foot is staying down even in the follow through? Am I doing something wrong or?
April 12, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chad. Follow through, or to a complete finish?
April 13, 2018
Can this be used as a drill for hitting drivers?
September 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Sure can.
September 21, 2017
Hi, I've notice that when I swing my back heel lifts on my downswing and I hit the ball fat a lot. Is this caused by hip spinning? If so, should this drill fix that?
August 24, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. Apologize for the late reply. We had an issue with the forum and all the glitches have finally been buttoned up. On your backswing the lead heel lifts up? Or, downswing your trail lifts?
September 21, 2017
Once you come to the impact position do the shoulders accelerate past the hips during the follow through? I'm not sure if my upper body moves ahead of my hips prior to my belt buckle pointing to the target. Don
July 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. The shoulders should not pass the hips through the release. The lower body will always be leading the way. Take a look at Arms vs. Body Release.
July 25, 2017
Hello Lately I have been a lot of thin pw shots and straight to the left. Could this be because I'm spinning my hips to quickly? only seems to happen with the shortest clubs Cheers
June 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. With the higher lofted clubs spinning the hips is a common cause for pulls and/or thin.
June 22, 2017
Thanks Craig Are there any other videos I could watch to master this? Cheers
June 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. Squat to Square, Perfecting Lower Body Stability and Step 2 - Core Rotation would be a good place to start. The first one will help stop the spin, the second will show you all the nuts and bolts, and finish with a great body drill to train the whole body sequence.
June 22, 2017
Thank you !
June 22, 2017
After watching my video review I can clearly see my hips are way ahead in the downswing which makes mi hit some inconsistent shots (especially under pressure in tournaments). The problem is that I feel when doing this drill that sometimes I hit some very spinny hooks, would you think this might be because I'm not shifting my weight to the left? It also feels that although this move looks/feels less "powerful" I'm able to hit the ball much more compressed with a penetrating ball flight as my arms are not as stuck at impact. Does this make sense? Any tips to correct those sporadic hooks? Thanks!
March 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antonio. The arms being less stuck makes sense. Feeling more compression and having a penetrating ball flight. The spinny hooks maybe from lack of shift and too much rotation of the hips. I would focus on the Sitting Into the Left Side Video and stabilizing the glutes. Also, take a look at Squat to Square.
March 1, 2017
Thanks for your input craig, I'll have a look at those videos, looking forward to practicing these new moves.
March 1, 2017
Hi Craig, The symptons in the video of thinning 3 woods all the time, blocking shots right, always working to square the face of my driver to avoid losing my drives to the right, etc., are perfect descriptions of me. Very easy to feel my regular sensation of hanging back and dropping the club behind me as I watch the video. I was watching the Justin Rose footwork video before this one. Anyway, it seems that if I keep my right heel down as long as I can, this helps to keep me from spinning out so much. Would you think this is true, or are lifting the right heel too early, and spinning out two separate, unrelated things that need to be worked on separately? Thx very much.
January 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Prematurely lifting the trail heel is very common with trail side push and hip spinning. One could actually think of the trail foot as a braking system for the swing. Take a look at the Role if the Right Foot.
January 23, 2017
This video is confusing me. Last video review i was told that my left shoulder goes up and back too much at/post impact, this is caused by turning my hips too much during downswing? One of the main things i’ve been doing lately is working on turning/ spinning my hips (as i’ve been told to do before). My “live”golf instructor also told me i needed to turn my hips more during my downswing, so i’ve been practising on getting my belt buckle pointing towards the target at/post impact. I’m not sure what to do anymore?
January 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nathalie. I didn't perform your last review. So, it is hard for me to say what you should be doing in your particular swing. I would be happy to take a look at your next review if you would like me too. However, the hips at impact need to be open about 35/45 degrees. This isn't belt buckle at the ball, nor completely at the target. The halfway point. The drill above is for players that get the hips open way too soon on the downswing. The feeling of the belt buckle staying at the ball helps those players to to rip open the hips early. Take a look at Step 2 - Core Rotation. You will see how much or little the hips move from the top to impact.
January 9, 2017
Hello craig, thanks for your reply. I looked at my review again and although i've been working on turning/ spinning my hips more during my downswing, i don't think i'm actually doing it in my swing yet. But my left shoulder does go up and back (maybe you can take a look at my last review done by steven?) I will take a look at the recommended video's in step 2
January 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nathalie. The hips looked open enough in the swing. I think Steven was spot on about how you manually drop the club a little underneath in the transition. However, the main thing (once you work on that manual drop) is the shoulders/release. Being that you are coming form the inside with sufficient lag. When the shoulders spin too open it affects the release of the club. You need to get the shoulders square at impact and allow for a good release/crossover. You aren't letting the club feel like it passes the body and releases through. Take a look at Arms vs. Body Release and Fix Your Release. Practice keeping the chest at the ball and the club snapping through. If you start releasing the driver. You will get the results. Step 2 as mentioned in the previous not will help with that impact position.
January 11, 2017
Hi Craig, thank you very much for taking a closer look at my swing. This "dropping" motion with the arms is a problem, i really don't know how to get rid of that... , any advice? I will look at the level shoulders at impact & arms vs body release video's and fix my shoulder position and release
January 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nathalie. The shoulders will have a little more tilt with a driver due to ball position and desired launch angle. The squareness and release is vital for your driver. Step 3 with help with the manual drop and sync the lead arm motion with swinging from the core/weight shift.
January 11, 2017
Hi, can you do the belt buckle drill with an impact bag? If so, what impact drill would you stack with this belt buckle drill? It's winter so I would like to do a good indoor drill to help stop spinning my hips and keep shoulders square at impact. Thanks
December 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wanda. Yes, you can work on this drill with an impact bag. I don't have a specific video for you or advice other than making some fuller swings into the bag with the focus on the buckle to not spin the hips.
December 23, 2016
Hi, I tried to master my hip and don't spin them. This drill seem to me that provides a lot of stability and impact but my golf teacher in Italy tells me that in this way My hips are too still and I have to rotate them more. I am confused. Is my teacher teaching me in an old way ? Thanks
December 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gisella. This drill is geared towards players that over use their hips too much. At impact the shoulders will be square and the hips 45 degree open. However, players think 45 degrees is much more than it appears. Take a look at Perfecting Lower Body Stability and Step 2 - Core Rotation. Both will show you the post up motion that allows the hips to clear.
December 18, 2016
Am I understanding correctly that the initiation of the downswing is primarily the slight shift left until the left knee is over the left ankle and THEN rotating the body left while simultaneously posting (straightening) then left leg?
November 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. Take a look at Fixing Your Weight Transfer and the Step 2 - Core Rotation Drill. You are on the right track. Those will clear it up for you.
November 20, 2016
Already watched multiple videos of the site but can you explain again the difference between clearing the hips and hip spinning in detail?!
October 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. Hip spinning is when a player aggressively rotates the hips too hard from the top. Leading to a lack of weight shift, arms trailing too far behind "stuck", and over rotation of the hips at impact. Clearing the hip is making a proper post up after the weight has properly been shifted to the lead side and using the clearing motion for speed/leverage pull from the ground.
October 31, 2016
Tried the Driver tip but could only catch the top of the driver, or hit low pull very wristy. What did I do wrong.
October 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Without seeing the swing it would be tough to determine the exact cause. However, it sounds like you threw the club too early with the better lower half stall move. Delay the release more into the lead pant seam (Left Hand Release Drill).
October 24, 2016
I tend to pull my shoulders open on the down swing and my arms get stuck. Will this also help in giving my arms time to get completely back in front of my body? In practicing this, it feels like my shoulders aren't square at impact, but closed. Chris
September 8, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. Yes, by using this drill the arms will have more time to fall back in front of the body! The more we spin our body (shoulders) down into impact the hands and arms can lag behind and cause you to get stuck! That typically also means that the hips have spun open as well so by working on this you can start to use your lower body correctly and avoid the spinning that creates the stuck position. Also I would take a look at step 2 of the 5 step system to help with overall body movements, you can even stack this drill into that one if you would like and if your shoulders are closed that tell me you're not pulling back with the obliques after the sitting left occurs. The pulling back of the obliques will get the hips open but also keep the torso square. Have a great day!!
September 8, 2016
For my swings my hips are not open at all as I just rotate my hips to square. In my case - am I right in assuming the lower body downswing should be broken into 2 steps: 1. Spin to square hip position 2. Once the hands are dropped in front of the body, then rotate and clear the left hips as my hand releases?
August 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. They will rotate to a square position and open up about 35-45 degrees during the post up into impact. Similar to how you broke down your notes.
August 8, 2016
If I don't clear the hips - would that cause a loss of posture or early extension?
August 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. Not clearing the hips could cause a few items. Early extension, spine angle loss, early release, lack of power and pushing beyond NJA impact alignment.
August 8, 2016
I am confused about what really powers the swing. I am used to the hips turning pulling the arms along. When Chuck says to pull the arms through what is he wanting to pull them with if not the hips?
July 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. This video is geared for players that over use the hips too much in the swing. Some players have to feel their lower body is very passive due to over aggressive hip usage. Better release of the arms and hands versus over using the body (Arms Vs. Body Release in the Golf Swing Video). Take a look at the Rotary Golf Downswing Overview and the 5 Step System. They should help clean up your sequencing. For understanding more of the power sources in the swing. Take a look at the How to Maintain Club Head Speed as You Get Older.
July 27, 2016
It feels that this lesson makes my swing seems to be a very "armsey" type of swing with little incorporation of the body, particularly on the downswing. When I last practiced these drills and then hit balls, I made some good contact but too many fat shots. Please advise. Thanks
May 31, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Stuart-What could be happening is in trying to quite your hips, you may not be fully shifting your weight into the lead side. I would take a look into the 5 step weight shift and core rotation drills to help with the correct body movements.
May 31, 2016
Hi, I am confused by this video. It would seem that in the downswing the hips are shifting to the left alongside the line created by the knees at the top of the backswing until the left knee is on top of the left foot. At that point the hands have naturally come down and it would seem that the hips and the shoulders are still closed. The reason for my confusion is that I thought it was bad to shift. Also it seems to contradict the video squat to square where the knees and the hips are square just before the release when the hands have come down to the level of the trail thigh. What is the correct way? Thanks, Marc
April 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marc. Take a look at the Weight Shift Video Part 1. This drill above is designed for players that way over use their hips. The hips do need to work in the golf swing (Perfect Impact Part 3). However, some players even when focusing on not using them at all will create the correct amount by keeping the buckle more stable.
April 23, 2016
If you shift your weight laterally, will the head stay behind the ball? I understand that the hips must move forward (towards the target) in order to stack the hip over the left leg, but it seems you are implying the secondary "Spine" angle stays constant and shifts laterally as well to prevent the "C" or bowing of the spine on the follow through. I was under the impression that the hips rock from center, to the right side on the take away and back to the left while the head remains still. Can you elaborate? Question 2: You mention pulling down with the left arm and in other videos, you mention using the left obliques. I personally find when my arms are passive in the downswing, they swing around the body. Should the left arm be pulling or should both arms be passive? Looking forward to your reply
April 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. You want to shy away from locking the head or trying to keep it perfectly still. It will have to move due to weight shift. Fixing Your Weight Transfer and Play the Best Golf of Your Life 1 of 6 will both discuss.
April 16, 2016
I've always been a hip spinner. Baseball coach said I had the fastest hips he's ever seen. While doing this drill I experimented with some things. One profound setup adjustment was taking lead foot and cantered it in towards the ball. This helps keep the hips closed but over time will obviously destroy my hip on follow through. Is there a setup adjustment I need to make with left side, is left knee or hip line? Thanks for all you guys do!
January 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. Thanks for the positive post about our team. Not a big setup adjustment you can make and yes that will destroy your hip in the long run. You need to own externally rotating the lead leg properly and getting a good sit. Take a look at the Perfecting Impact Bonus Video to help with keeping the right glute back and shying away from a closed hip slide to fix.
January 29, 2016
Ok. I will work on this. I can see my issues inmy video but I can't get the feeling at all. Thanks a lot. Two weeks - I am going to really focus.
January 11, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Karen-This is a great drill. Really important to get this drill down because it will do WONDERS for the rest of the downswing. Best of Luck
January 13, 2016
Hi, this is for James - James I just submitted another review. For some reason I couldn't input comments. Anyway, I am really struggling with this. Three issues: 1/ footwork - trying really hard to keep trail heel down until after impact 2/ my arms are coming off plane as I start the downswing (still tush line issues I believe) and 3/ coming inside immediately at impact. I am just going to keep focusing on the drills mentioned unless you can think of any other bright ideas. Thanks a lot. Karen Oldfield.
January 10, 2016
james (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Karen, if you have any issues with the notes please contact me so I can voice any concerns you have and we will take a look at why you may be having troubles with the notes. We need to get you working on keeping the tush line into your backswing. You are moving the hips closer to the ball in the backswing which is causing you troubles in the downswing. Load the trail side and practice up against the wall, once we have you in a better position going back you will find it much easier to sequence your downswing better! With your weight moving forwards in the backswing it makes it hard to load your glutes to provide the stability to keep the tush line. Good luck and use that wall!
January 11, 2016
I am more of a shoulder spinner than a hip spinner; however, when I do this drill I notice that if I concentrate on shifting my hips,closed hip slide, my shoulders don't spin. Is that the best way to stop the shoulders from spinning. Thanks
January 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. That can help with shoulder spinning. Not the usual approach, but I have seen results not unlike you are experiencing.
January 5, 2016
I am 63 have played 50 years. Always been a lower body hard turn passive hands swing golfer. Recently last 3 months left hip socket sore next day after playing. Now I see why. Been a tough transition for me. Already broke my impact bag after 4 weeks use. I would like to buy yours but is it durable? Only swing a choked down 3 wood but seams just let go. Anyway great videos Mike
October 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. I'm glad you are starting to understand your pain better. I've used ours from the site for years. I can't attest to the amount of force you are putting into it. But, mine has helped up quite well.
October 24, 2015
When I do this drill I hit the ball off the heel of the club. I have not videoed this but am I putting to much weight on the front foot in the transition?
October 1, 2015
hey Nathan. I have a very similar problem when I do this drill. My backswing was too deep so I was coming over the top after the transition to save it. What really really worked for me was presetting into the left heel(closed hip position), with a short backswing keeping the club in front of my chest ... and just swinging with my obliques. Then getting used to getting to the to of the backswing (again with a short backswing feeling) sitting left then pulling with the obliques. Eventually it clicked. I realized if I didn't lead with the obliques my right shoulder would take over and I'd heel it or shank it ... so I isolated the obliques to figure it out. My two cents, hope it helps.
February 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nathan. Take a look at the Losing the Tush Line and Swing Faults Caused by Poor Setup. You could be moving the hips towards the ball and the weight shifting towards the toe leading to the heel shot.
October 1, 2015
Hello. My coach ask me to check this video because I am turning my hips too fast. What I don't understand is the fact that all good players and tour players are turning their hips quite fast and for most of them really, hips are "open" at impact position. If i "squat to square", that means that my hips won't be open at impact. I am a little bit coufused about that... Many thanks for your help ! Regards,
September 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jean-Philippe. The hips will be 35-45 degrees open at impact. Yes, good players have their hips open at impact. However, according to your instructor you are overdoing the amount you are using them. You need to exaggerate turning them off to calm them down a little. Take a look at Hip Speed and Hand Speed. Also, take a look at Perfecting Lower Body Stability.
September 30, 2015
Thanks for yoru fast reply...
September 30, 2015
I've struggled forever with spinning my hips and losing "the tush line". I find the sit to squat move terribly uncomfortable, it just doesn't feel right and I generally just take a huge divot when trying it. After watching this video on the belt buckle drill, I went out and hit some balls and immediately, my hip spinning was gone. I took some videos and compared it to those from the past year and its remarkable how this simple drill fixed a flaw thats been in my swing forever. THANK YOU!!! My impact alignment finally looks correct.
September 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Fantastic. Glad you could calm those hips down a little!
September 21, 2015
Is another way to think about this to try to keep the trail hip back? I've tried to think about the belt buckle but I still end up spinning. If I try to keep the right hip back as I shift, I can restrict the spin but I also feel I must almost use my right leg and foot to push the hip back as I shift because it wants to start to spin. I know we aren't supposed to push with the right leg and foot but does there need to be some restricting force to prevent the right hip from starting forward in a spin.
June 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lee. You can think keep the trail hip back, but I don't want you to force train the need to push with the trail leg as a side effect. Maybe think about it like your hips will be staying closed into impact.
June 9, 2015
When I do this, the ball will go to the right and draw back to target ( Push draw) and some time Push straight. Is it ok or need some correction ?
June 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Taweesak. I don't think anything to be concerned with because it will tend to draw. However, check your Impact Alignments (Downswing Section). You could be adding a little secondary tilt dropping you under plane for the push aspect.
June 9, 2015
June 10, 2015
When in the downswing should the hips be a) square to target line, then b) closed to target line? Thanks, Steve
May 22, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. After your shift into the lead leg the hips will rotate approximately to square. At impact they will be roughly 30-40 degrees open. However, this drill is to exaggerate the feeling of them staying closed until the strike to help with players who way over use the hip drive/spin.
May 22, 2015
Let me get this straight: when I transition to my left side, both knees will be kept flexed and my entire right feet will roll toward the target instead of Kicking off the right toe?
May 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Loan. When you transition to the lead side, you don't want to push off the trail foot. The knees will maintain their flexion and the trail foot will roll more off the instep. Take a look at Perfecting Lower Body Stability in the Weight Shift Section and the Role of the Right Foot in the Downswing Advanced Section.
May 2, 2015
Craig Sorry if I seem dense. But if I Squat to Square at the top of the backswing, and I want to be square at impact, where is the rotation coming from. Firing the obliques at any [point in the downswing will also pull my hip around and keep me from remaining square at impact. You mentioned using the arms to power the swing, I thought this was heresy to the rotary swing.
April 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. No worries you are just trying to learn. The hips will be roughly 30-40 degrees open at impact. However, the vast majority of golfers hip spin. Therefore, the feeling of the belt buckle staying at the ball and really squatting to engage the glutes help stall the excess hip motion. You want to use everything to power the swing. The Hips, Shoulders, Arms and Hands Decelerate to fire into the ball. The arms add power because something has to release all the energy the body has stored up to transfer down into the strike. You just don't want to use all arms because it takes at least 30 pounds of muscle to generate 100 mph club head speed.
April 8, 2015
this is funny. I just watched the Tiger Squat video and wanted Chuck to give us a drill. Well, here they are. Alright it is Go Time.
March 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Good find Christian. This is one of the best drills on the site!
March 11, 2015
Chuck, have been struggling for ages, hanging back on my trailing leg....due to pushing off so hard with my legs. This has helped me enormously...thank you!! Mike
February 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the post Mike. Here to help and get that swing going!
February 15, 2015
In my golf swing my hips slide to much on the downswing and turn very late, should I start the downswing by rotating my hips? I notice there's a lot about hip spinners but what about folders who slide there hips to much, I don't know what causes this but any suggestions?
February 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Take a look at Squat to Square in the Downswing Advanced Section. It will help with the slide and allow you to have proper hip rotation from the top in sequencing the downswing. I would tend to shy away from telling you start spinning the hips straight from the top.
February 4, 2015
I think I have another spin on this issue of hip spinning, please tell me if this makes sense. From a DTL view, keeping a stable base at the top of my backswing, my left knee is closer to the target line than the right. I know this because I can see my left knee flexing outward. Coming down, I feel like I always keep my right knee back as I swing down through impact. Does this make sense, and is that the correct move? I think I can control my knees better than my hips.
January 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jay. I see where your thought process is going. I tend to feel like I keep the trail glute engaged and the trail foot working as a braking system to keep away from the hip spin. What you are experiencing seems to help with the same movement. As long as you aren't spinning or pushing off the trail foot keeping the trail knee back is ok to feel.
February 4, 2015
The way I've thought about this drill when practicing is to concentrate on shifting my left butt cheek to the left and trying not to turn it. Am I thinking about it correctly?
December 20, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Sounds like you are on the right track. Shift into the glute and keep the hips from spinning open.
December 20, 2014
Thanks for the quick reply, Craig.
December 20, 2014
I'm having trouble with this drill. As i'm trying to do it i see that my shoulders have to be more active earlier to hit the ball. The problem is that i can see on video that my right shoulder is way too dominant and starts coming forward r the bat. I have been pointed out that the shoulders remain passive and are pulled by the left obliques but that does not seem to work for me. If have been told not the actively think of keeping the right shoulder back, but i see no way of keeping RS passive. When I feel i'm i can see on video that i'm not. I chicken-wing doing this drill. Is there a video of the Right Shoulder-Hip Spin? Should i do this drill trying to keep my shoulders shut too? Am I activating my right shoulder unconsciously or could i be doing something else wrong? Should i try to keep right shoulder back-engaged (to the target) on weight shift down-left? Thanks in advance.
November 11, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Rodolfo, If you're chicken winging, check your spine angle throughout your swing. I know that I lose room for my shoulders and arms to operate if I stand up out of my shot, even a little bit. Also, watch the Sang Moon Bae Hips for Lag video again and focus on how the shoulders and arms work with the body in order to keep everything lined up. If this doesn't help, I suggest doing a swing review with the RST swing review team. R.J.
November 11, 2014
R.J, Thanks for the reply. As i asked about the right shoulder i looked for videos in the page. I saw the sledgehammer video of the right shoulder (Clays). I took my computer and went straight to the range.This really clicked with me. Immediately, keeping the right shoulder back I could (had to) release, I was hitting the ball in the middle of the club face with a lower trajectory. My hip were not spinning and the hook-draw was gone. I cannot stress enough the difference in the swing on the first attempt, I felt all thing falling into place. Of course, I took videos to make sure. I was concentrating on keeping my right shoulder back, in fact i looked to feel that the right shoulder was moving up and back when right arm straightened (not possible as i saw on video, but that is the feeling) and that the left shoulder was going down. This has helped me more than the hip videos. I guess everyone is different and clicks with different things . The swing is not perfect still but much better than before and ball striking is very improved. I'm certain that my right shoulder is what ruins my swing. Looking forward to next swing review. I have to concentrate on right shoulder and speck it to become natural with reps. Are you OK with this?
November 11, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Rodolfo, Of course! In order to be successful with RST, you have to be your own best teacher. We are here to help point you in the right direction, but we can't be there for you 24/7, watching every repetition, unfortunately so, if you're able to watch some videos on the site that assist you better, then that's great. Congrats and good luck, R.J.
November 12, 2014
Hi guys Really getting great value out of my subscription. Phenomenal value for money. Craig recommended me to work on my release more. I found though when I try to, the ball tends to start straight but then pull or hook left 60% of the time. Would this drill have the same effect? Control my hips by slowing them down via the belt buckle to the target and allowing the arms and hands to release through square?
September 28, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey James. Great to see you like the value of the membership! If I understand the question correctly. If you over do the slowing of the hips. You can work into a position where the arms and hands release too soon and cause the ball to hook. To straighten out your ball flight. Work on finding square at impact with the lead wrist and slowly build back letting the club release.
September 28, 2014
I have watched most if not all of your videos....many I have watched several times. And I did all of this in as little as a month. I practice indoors using an impact bag.... Outdoors at the range and playing twice a week. With the knowledge that I had gained from watching I feel so much more confident on the golf course and my swing is getting better every day. Worth every penny
September 27, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Ralph. You don't need a thousand balls a day to get better. Train more efficient. Thanks for posting!
September 27, 2014
Hi! I would like to know how to determine if someone is hip spinning or not. I mean, what are the check points that you can observe on swing video that tell you someone is hip spinning or not? I would like to know if hip spinner is only those who have a lack of lateral movement or can we be hip spinner and push from right leg on downswing too(Pass NJA)? Thanks!
September 22, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephane. The normal check points are the hips too open at impact and arms are stuck. If your hips are more than 45 degrees open at impact and/or the hands have to flip the club due to being stuck, you might be a hip spinner. Yes, pushing from the trail leg can get you pass NJA and too open. Take a look at the Increase Swing Speed by Deceleration Video in the Advanced Downswing Section. If you have a hard time getting them into the proper spot by over rotation. Try and calm them down.
September 22, 2014
Does this move apply to chips and pitches to some degree?
September 13, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. Too some degree it applies. However, you don't want to become too rigid or stiff when chipping and pitching.
September 13, 2014
played today after being recommended the belt buckle drill because of hip spinning. Fabulous hit 90% of greens instead of pushing my shots well wide. this has been my problem for years and years , now it looks like you have got me on the correct pathway. Thank you so much guys , my hero's
September 8, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gary. Great! Getting the hips under control helps accuracy a lot. Keep up the good work.
September 8, 2014
I am having trouble with this sequence. When I sit into the left side and try to hold the tush line, I tend to hit behind the ball. I obviously have my weight on my left side so I'm not sure what the issue is. I also tend to have a quiet lower body. So at impact should I be bracing or posting up on the left leg to lift up some or is that early extension? Thanks.
September 3, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. If you are a hip spinner its probably due to losing lag early. If you hips are stalling out too soon, you might not be using them enough. Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video in the Advanced Downswing Section to learn effects of lag on divots. And, the How the Lower Body Works Video in the Downswing Section to make sure you use the hips effectively.
September 3, 2014
I am having trouble hitting my 3wood on the fairway. When I hit it the ball only get off the ground about 2 ft or less this has me wanting to not use this club at all. Will this drill help me make better contact with my fairway woods?
August 31, 2014
james (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Ken, It will definitely help you out. The problem we have with our woods is that with the hips spinning from the top we create secondary axis tilt which makes it difficult to hit solid shots with our fairway woods.. When we work on controlling the move from the top and keeping the hips "feeling" as though they stay back we can get into impact with our arms back in front of our body (instead of stuck) with the correct amount of axis tilt so that we can hit more solid with these clubs.
September 1, 2014
thank you very much Jason. we will do our best to do the drills. have a wonderful day. Gerry
August 22, 2014
This is exactly what I needed. I just joined and got one online review done. The instructor picked this drill for me because I was getting stuck as my shoulder and hip opened up too early. I tried this at the post-round range session today. Wow... what a difference. I can now maintain my posture, finish the swing with beautiful release with full extension, and I can swing the club without worrying about a bad block. I haven't really measured or anything, the but distance must be improved too. I had my doubts about your system, but now I am a believer.
August 13, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. Appreciate the good feedback. Keep those hips under control!
August 13, 2014
So for those of us who are NOT hip-spinners, what should we take away from this video?
August 5, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. For non-hip spinners you should take away from this video that the hips need to decelerate before impact. If you do not use the hips enough. Take a look at the How the Lower Body Works Video in the Downswing Section. Get the lead glute and lead hip pivoting properly.
August 5, 2014
When I hit balls using the belt buckle drill, he ball starts well left of my target line and curves farther left (right-handed golfer). The contact is usually good, and I don't have any issue with the ball flight, but the ball ends up 40-50 yards left of my target. Is this ok? Should I just worry about the belt buckle facing behind the ball and not worry about where the ball ends up? Is this a release issue? Thanks!
July 29, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patterson. It sounds like a little bit of both. Plane and Release issue. The right side might be taking over too much on the downswing. Leading to the plane coming across the ball and with a shut club face. Make sure you are shallowing out properly with the lead side and keeping the trail side (upper half) passive coming down. Use the LADD Video in the Downswing Section. Also, make sure you aren't flipping it with the right hand at impact. Use the Left Hand Release and Lose the Right Hand Video in the Downswing Section to make sure the lead is releasing properly with momentum and the right isn't taking over.
July 30, 2014
Having a devil of a time 'stacking " all the moves I should be making in the swing. I do fine with the drills individually but when I try to put them all together to hit a shot I suffer from paralysis from analysis. I realize how wrong this is, but when I'm over the ball I don't know whether I should be thinking of the bucket drill, losing the tush line, sitting in to my left side, the throw the ball drill, rotation, etc. I understand that these moves should happen by default, but right now the only shot I can hit decently is the driver and only at a swing speed in the high 70's low 80's. What advice do you have for me. Thanks Craig for all your help in the past.
July 29, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jim. Thanks. I'm here to help. The answer is in your notes. "Stacking." The stacking principle is based upon owning a move. You can't think about all the elements as your doing. The golf swing is just over a second. Too much to process. Thats why we promote the drills. Making sure you can repeat a move without thinking about it too much. If you are thinking about more than 2 at a time trying to hit a shot. It will be a recipe for disaster. You need to pick your battles. If the bucket drill is one thing to help groove the takeaway. Just spend an entire session on it. And, the same for when you play. Only try and get that one particular move down at a time. Changing the swing is a long journey. It is a process to change existing motor patterns. The process is a long one unfortunately. The blend will come. I know quite well from experience. When a move becomes second nature. It will become default.
July 29, 2014
Thank you Craig. As always, you are so prompt in your reply's. I will continue to work on all the drills recommended and will not get discouraged, knowing that you are there to monitor my progress no matter how long it takes. I firmly believe that the only way I will fail is if give up. And that will not happen.
July 29, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No problem Jim. Thank you for the kind words. Always here to help. I'm just like you. Trying to play this game to the best of my ability and have some fun while doing it. The only way for me to stop would be giving up. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
July 30, 2014
Would it be an easier transition for a hip spinner to start hitting fades?
July 28, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Are you wondering if you should hip spin to hit fades? or You are hitting the fade and think hip spinning is the issue?
July 28, 2014
I'm wondering if I am a hip spinner, would it be logical to start fading the ball instead of getting stuck trying to hit a draw?
July 29, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. The hip spinning can lead to hook or fade. Depending on what the upper body is doing in your motion. Take a look at the Belt Buckle Drill in the Downswing Advanced Section. If you have a hard time doing it the first few swings. You are probably a hip spinner. Feel free to upload a swing to our online review system. One of our instructors would be glad to help you and diagnose the hip action.
July 29, 2014
Thanks for the quick responses. You guys really make this easy to answer questions. I just uploaded a video. I normally come from the inside and block shots, so while I am working on the decreasing my hip spin, I found that coming from outside and hitting a cut is a little easier to control. Is that okay if a draw is my stock shot?
July 31, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Matt. Ideally we would want you on one plane and releasing it properly. Instead of working on out to in. Take a look at the Trace the Plane Line Video in the Downswing Advanced Section. It will help you zero out the plane into the ball versus trying to force an opposite result.
August 1, 2014
I would qualify for the "Hip Spinners" Hall of Fame if there was such a thing. I can do the drills fine with short swings at slow speeds but out on the course I fall apart. When I try to hit a shot hard I top it, block it, or hit a low snap hook off the toe. I have really good short game and hit partial shots well. On these shots I don't over use my lower body because no power is necessary and I equate power with a strong drive with my lower body. I know this is wrong, but how do I stop it on the course when I try to swing at a speed more than 75mph. This is ruining my golf game and has for quite some time. I've gone from a 7 to a 15. Is the move to my left side slow and gradual, which it is for 75 yard wedge shot, or faster and more aggressive when I want to 'juice" it? I'm lost and frustrated.
July 23, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jim. Don't equate speed of the hips to "juicing it". Take a look at the Increase Swing Speed by Deceleration Video in the Downswing Advanced Section to get that speed without "juicing" the hips on the course. Also, keep that right glute feeling engaged into impact. If you lose the engagement. The hip will spin.
July 23, 2014
I used to think impact happens kind of behind your right pocket, but with this drill, impact happens with your left hip stopped & braced and club & hands crossing your body. Is this feel correct?
July 12, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gareth. Maximizing the potential at impact is letting the club release. Your first description is more of a body release, than a full energy transfer. Take a look at the 5 Minutes to a Perfect Release in the Downswing Section for more info. The body will be braced and the arms will release. You can also take a look at the Increase Swing Speed By Deceleration Video in the Downswing Advanced Section to learn more about the bracing principle.
July 12, 2014
Thanks Craig, as I practiced more on this, I noticed I am really pivoted on my left leg and my right foot starts to slide back (behind my body, perpendicular to target line) thru impact. Please confirm that this is ok?
July 21, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
I like hearing the pivot on the left leg. The right foot shouldn't slide backwards though unless there is still a little push. Make sure the right foot works off the instep. Role of the Right Foot in Downswing Advanced Section.
July 21, 2014
If my hips fall short of getting to neutral, for whatever reason, can this cause FAT SHOTS? I know i don't hit fat shots from coming over the top. Are other reasons for hitting fat shots either an early or late release of lag? Can You give me some other reasons for hitting fat shots? Thanks.
July 12, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Kevin. There are a few culprits of fat shots. Ball position, lack of weight transfer, minimal lag, over the top, etc.... Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video in this section. Understand how lag, weight, ball and descending blow will help get the crisp action for you. Also, take a look at the Impact Alignments Video in the Downswing Section. Match those to get ball first contact.
July 12, 2014
Is an upper body lateral shift toward the target- without swinging from the top( right shoulder toward the ball, first move)- considered hitting from the top? if it is not, what drills can I do to stop hitting- even my driver fat, not to mention my irons?
August 10, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. You need to start the swing from the ground - up, not the top - down. Take a look at the How the Lower Body Works Video in the Downswing Section. Use the "stomp" drill to initiate the motion from ground.
August 10, 2014
I was just wondering if I can get some clarification on the weight shift as I am confused which step is correct one. It seems like there are two thoughts; 1. bump left hip toward a target as you start down swing, 2. squat first and shit weight to left. I have been doing #1 and I tend to sway my left hip beyond the stack (neutral) position. I have watched the majority of videos though apparently I am still struggling with the weight shift and need your help. Just wanted to make sure I am practicing correct swing.
June 10, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
You will shift the weight into the left, then continue into the squat position. Try the Stomp Drill in the How the Lower Body Works Video in the Downswing Section. It might help you get the feeling of firing the left glute and left heel as to get stacked with good impact position.
June 10, 2014
I think the hardest part of learning this feel in your swing is that your hips actually decelerate at impact to allow your arms to clear through... I really had no idea how this felt because (as noted in the video) I always thought that the hips created power and speed through impact... when in actuality its the slowing down of the hips at impact that allows the energy created by the upper body to come through impact... its like a huge "aha" moment... I really hope that I can hold on to this feeling. i still tend to lose things when I take a really long swing... right now I am just working on 75% swings in order to get that impact feel... when I go 90-100% I still tend to fly open and lose control through the impact area. Baby steps.
June 10, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Think about it like cracking a whip. If you never slowed down your arm, the whip would never crack. Same relationship as ripping the hips through the ball, the club never cracks.
June 10, 2014
It is unbelievable how the swing feels when you actually slow down your hips and let your arms clear the impact zone... carrying your hips open after impact... the amount of speed created by that move is hard to explain. I was hitting a TON of high fades and blocks, along with an incredibly frustrating amount of fat and thin shots. I was really really struggling lately until I watched this video and made an concerted effort to keep my belt buckle (at least the feeling) pointed at the ball and same with my shoulders... Keeping things square at impact. Amazing. Its working!
June 10, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey John. Pleased to hear this drill is helping your swing!
June 10, 2014
have just tried the driver tip advised in the belt buckle video hitting 20 balls which resulted in low drives often smothered. The distances were 190 / 210 yards my normal distance with a driver is 235/245 yards the poor ones fading right to a push right. I have worked on many video drills and have a good top of backswing position but am not improving, and not gaining power any suggestions please. I have worked on many drills from the videos and have a good top of backswing position but do not seem to be improving, any suggestions please.
May 27, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Mike, are you due for a swing review any time soon? I would make sure that you are checking your swings on camera and seeing if you are releasing the cub properly in the hitting area and not trying to get too much forward shaft lean which can cause the driver to come off low and smothered.
May 27, 2014
This might not be the best forum. I was wondering if hitting fat might be a symptom of leaving weight on my takeaway side (right leg for me).
May 23, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
There are a lot of causes that tend to lead to fat shots. The weight shift could definitely be a symptom, but might not be the overall cause. Take a look and the Taking a Divot Video in the Full Swing Advanced Downswing Section. It might be due to lack of weight shift, lag and/or left arm lead through impact.
May 23, 2014
Hi. Whenever I do the belt buckle drill and stop after impact to check my hips I flip and it hurts my hand. This never happens in my normal swing but it makes this a painful drill. What should I do?
May 13, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
I would stop doing the drill first off and then perhaps work from a 9 to 3 region. Pain like you are experiencing can be cause by tension in the hands and wrists and you need to make sure that they stay as relaxed as possible in the hitting area.
May 14, 2014
This was me - Really appreciate the videos on the site helping get hip spinners sequencing properly. Focusing on lag, squatting and getting the right arm/elbow in front of the body has been massive.
April 9, 2014
Tim (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the seal of approval, great to hear you are improving.
April 9, 2014

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