Level Shoulders at Impact

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For hip spinners, this drill will help you hit the ball more solidly than ever before. If you also have a high left shoulder into impact, or too much secondary axis tilt, this drill will save your back while helping you compress the ball properly.

  • Hip spinners tend to get too much axis tilt, causing a lot of thin shots, especially with longer clubs
  • Hold a club against your sternum and belt buckle, and tilt back until the club touches your leg - that's enough tilt
  • If you're a hip spinner, getting the correct amount of tilt at impact will make you feel very vertical
  • Along with proper axis tilt, try to feel that your left shoulder is lower than your right at impact
  • Drilling these positions will familiarize you with what it feels like to be in proper impact position

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Hi Craig - I did some more work on video last night to sit into my left side more and reduce my shoulder spin and excess axis tilt. My hip is going past NJA which I know means typically I’ve pushed off the right foot. It seems like I can get my lower half moving well but the upper hangs back. If I just pull down with my arms (speed them up) it seems to help “disconnect” my arms from shoulders and keep them closed longer. Also, looking at this I’m wondering if I should work more on posting back and less weight shift / slide. The line on the side of my head was at address and it has returned to the same position. Just curious if you have any other thoughts to help nail this piece.
August 5, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. You hit the nail on the head. You need weight and post. But, focus more on getting over and posting up and away. You tend to slide/push giving the secondary tilt look you have here.
August 5, 2020
worked on keeping my chest closed and left shoulder down - I was missing shots off the toe with driver - I crushed a few irons but also shanked a wedge as well. I’m trying to keep my chest in the shot (clamshell drill) while the lower clears but assume I’m clearing the lower half? I felt like my left shoulder was coming out of square while I posted up when I missed the driver off the toe
June 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Toe would usually mean the lead shoulder is bailing out of the shot. The chest staying overly closed would more than likely get the plane/path too much from the inside causing heel. Take a look at Moving the Fulcrum Video.
June 15, 2020
Hi. I've uploaded an image of Chuck demonstrating the end of DEAD Drill Three and this shows him with a lot of Axis tilt. This has confused me - what's the reason for the difference with what is covered in this video?
May 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. The goal with secondary axis tilt will be just out side the lead knee. We want you to "feel" level because most players much over do this.
May 19, 2020
Hi - I'm working with RJ on DEAD Drill 3 (is there any way I can address this to him directly?). In my last review RJ pointed out this video (level shoulders at impact) as my lead shoulder was too high on post up. However I've been watching the demo at the end of Chuck's DEAD Drill 3 demo and trying to map the checkpoints and noticed a few things. First, Chuck's head moves back on Step 1, back and down on step three (squatting to square) and then back further on post up. His shoulders are pretty level at the start but end up with quite a lot of Axis tilt at the end. It looks like the Axis tilt and backward head movement is caused by his hip going back and up in post up. I may be being too picky but I really want to make sure I am doing the drills correctly. Should I try and copy what Chuck is doing exactly?
May 22, 2020
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
If you lean too far back (too much secondary axis tilt) you're going to have a difficult time hitting down and through the ball and you're likely going to put undue stress on your lower back. You were overdoing the axis tilt, hence the level shoulders at impact video. You were being too picky, but you're thinking critically about your swing now so that's a good thing.
May 22, 2020
Thanks Craig. I appreciate it’s hard to diagnose without seeing video. After I posted the comment I received a swing review and my instructor pointed out the problem: on the backswing I was moving my head off the ball, while my lower body was staying in place. This was immediately increasing my axis tilt, which only got worse on the downswing. Should be no problem to fix. Thanks again.
April 28, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. Great. I'm glad the review helped you diagnose the issue.
April 29, 2020
Hi Craig, working hard at it but my left shoulder still seems to want to go up at the start of the transition, however much I use my legs. When I try to keep it down, it just gives me an undesirable over the top move.
April 28, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. When keeping it down you can't combine with shoulder spin. Remember, the move isn't that big. Would need to see the drill/move to confirm diagnosis.
April 28, 2020
Thanks Craig, great answer, I’ll get working on it.
April 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome Nick. Good luck.
April 22, 2020
Last try, sorry
April 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. See below.
April 21, 2020
I’m working on keeping my shoulders more level in the downswing but my right elbow seems very close to my left and also jammed into my belly just before the release (see photo. What’s the best way to fix this please?
April 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. You need to get the lower body more involved. In an effort to keep the shoulders level you aren't using the legs enough. The reason you are getting into this position is the arms are moving a lot on their own instead of getting pull down by the legs.
April 21, 2020
I'm confused about how much my head can move on the downswing. My impression from Base Camp and other videos has been that there should be no, or almost no movement down the line. But if I try to do this, I have to be tilted too much. I note that on this video (start at about 4:30), Chuck does move his head more than an inch or so to his L on the transition. If you mark the L side of his hat at the top, then as he does his transition the logo (i.e., middle) of his hat moves to that mark, about 3 - 3 1/2 inches). Please clarify this for me.
April 17, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Most people over do head movement which is why we mention please try to keep it as still as possible. The head will have to move a couple inches because you are shifting weight. Roughly about 1 inch back and 2-->2-1/2 coming back down.
April 17, 2020
Hi, if I use 'level shoulders at impact' as one of the checkpoints of the DEAD drill post-up, should my shoulders preferably be perpendiculair to my spine at post-up? Chuck seems to strive for level with the ground, but that would bend the top part of the spine to the target. If I go for perpendiculair shoulders to my spine as a feel, I see that my right shoulder drops slightly because my right hand is lower. Would that be a right position?
March 11, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joost. With the body only you are striving to get as level to the ground as possible. With the club in the hand the trail shoulder will have to be slightly lower than the lead.
March 11, 2020
As advised in my last swing review I am trying to keep my left shoulder low in transition. However I find that difficult to feel and check in training (except afterwards on video). I tried thinking of moving my left shoulder to the target but then I moved my head to the target.... Is there any swing thought or drill which could help me to keep my left shoulder low in transition?
January 5, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stefan. Take a look at DEAD Drill 2. Doing it body only and watching yourself in a mirror is the best way to start gaining the awareness.
January 6, 2020
Thanks Craig. One more question: is keeping your left shoulder low in transition the same as keeping your chest shut (45 degrees)? Or is there more to it?
January 10, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stefan. The chest staying closed is more linked to rotation as the lead shoulder low is more about shoulder plane.
January 10, 2020
Craig - just wanted to confirm some thinking as it relates to keeping the chest shut on the downswing. In theory, if the lead shoulder stays down longer, your chest should also stay shut longer? This seems like an easier swing thought for some reason to me. Is it possible to keep the shoulder pointed down too long?
November 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. You can keep the shoulder pointed down too long. With the club and trail arm it will be hard not to have some secondary axis tilt. However, arms across the chest and lead arm only you can get pretty close to level to the ground. Lead shoulder down and shoulders staying closed longer would be a good process for you.
November 14, 2019
Hi Craig. So at impact there is no secondary axis tilt. ie the tilt is the same as the tilt created when taking the stance?
October 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. By moving the pelvis towards the target during weight shift in the downswing it will be necessary for tilt to increase (Secondary Axis Tilt). However, lots of people over do the increase. The drill above is to work hard on not having excessive secondary tilt. Enough to shallow the plane, but not hang back with the upper half.
October 19, 2019
R.J. I deleted a pending swing review and should have two remaining. It only shows one remaining. Jane
September 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jane. Sometimes the system accidentally deletes the extra review as well. Email Customer Service. They will have is added back to your account. I apologize for the error.
September 7, 2019
When I send my next video would you like me striking a ball or just see me swing? Front view and down the line? Would you prefer it in Slo-Mo or video? Jane
August 29, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Standard speed is okay. I'm able to slow it down in the analysis tool If you're at the point where you feel that you have the drills down enough to hit a ball, you can certainly do that. The little white devil tends to throw us off at times though.
August 30, 2019
I uploaded two videos for my last swing review before I need to buy another series and they were in pending reviews. I watched one of the videos again and wanted to edit the video so I canceled the pending swing review, then edited it and tried to get a swing review and it shows that I don't have any left? I did post them but canceled them to edit the video, before you made a review. What should I do?
August 30, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
I checked and I don't see any pending reviews to be completed or any recent duplicates. Please contact customer service in the help section for further assistance with this issue.
August 31, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
If they're both pending, I should be able to cancel them and it should return them to you and then you can send another video.
August 31, 2019
I decided to do a self analysis first, if I see something wrong then I will continue to work and send them in later. If not, then I'll send them to you. Jane
September 1, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
sounds like a plan
September 1, 2019
I posted to two videos for swing review and and after looking at them I noticed the lighting on one was pretty dark. So I deleted the swing review and record again. So you may show them in pending reviews but I deleted them. Thanks Jane
September 6, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Nothing pending as of yet.
September 7, 2019
R.J after I transfer weight to right heel and post up my misses are to the left. Am I not staying turned and allow the legs to turn my shoulders through the shot? Or am I not turning my hip enough when I post up?
August 27, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
It's impossible to say for sure without seeing it on video or at least a picture of the point of impact. I'm assuming that you meant shifting the weight back to the left side and posting up, being that you're right handed. If your hips are not open and are parallel with your shoulders at impact, the tendency is for the face to be closed, which would cause it to go left. You don't want to turn your shoulders through impact. The arms extend through the shot and it's not until the momentum of the club, well after contact, pulls your body around, that your shoulders continue to rotate. Everything decelerates at the point of impact so that the club head can whip through.
August 27, 2019
Yes sorry I am right handed so when I shift back to left and post up, my misses are to the left. Sounds like the shoulders are turning too soon. Thanks
August 28, 2019
RJ how often do you recommend I send in a video to really improve and change my swing? Want to make sure I am progressing and doing things properly. Jane
August 10, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
To really improve the swing with a drill, it's good to do 100 reps a day and after about 10 days, you're going to have 1000 reps in which is roughly when the myellin starts growing to insulate the neural pathways in your brain to help make the movement more fluid and easier to do when there are distractions. 3000 to 5000 reps is when the drill that you're working on becomes permanent. Ideally, you'd want to do a swing review a few days after the one where you were given the new drill and send in a review of yourself doing the drill, and that is just to make sure that you're doing it correctly. And then once we know that you're doing it correctly, then the ideal situation would be for you to do the drills at 100 reps a day for 30 days and then send in a new video of your full swing to see how the drill has improved your swing. And then ask questions in the comment section if you're having anything to ask and then if you're really struggling with the drills at one point, send in another video of doing the drills so that we can get that ironed out.
August 10, 2019
Great Thank you! Sounds like a good plan.
August 11, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
You're welcome
August 11, 2019
posted level shoulder drill for you to review. Jane
August 15, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
thank you, working on it now
August 15, 2019
R.J. Thanks for the great swing review. So pleased I posted it for you, very worthwhile. I will practice and make videos to make sure I am doing it correctly until I get my reps in.
August 15, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
That's awesome, Jane. You've done a great job implementing the information from the swing reviews and the videos on the website. You have a lot of potential to be a magnificent golfer down the line and I can't wait until you get there.
August 17, 2019
Just got the info on the boot camp. Sounds like a great opportunity but may be premature for me? Jane
August 24, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
I don't believe so. You know as much and have practiced as much any other people who go
August 26, 2019
I think I will wait on this since the next couple of months are very hectic for me. I will wait until it is offered at another time.
August 26, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Nothing wrong with that. There's no reason to get involved in something like that without the time to give it your full attention.
August 26, 2019
Hi Craig. Thanks for the video review the other day. I’ve been doing step 4 drills and feel like I have too much secondary axis tilt. I’m having a hard time understanding how tilt at impact isn’t supposed to be more than tilt at set up since the lead leg needs to move from 2” outside neutral joint alignment to stacked and in neutral joint alignment at impact. The only way I can get my axis tilt at impact to where a line from my sternum through belly button into inside of lead leg is if I move my head forward (laterally towards target) from its initial position at set up. I hope that makes sense.
August 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nolan. You need the secondary axis tilt in the downswing to help you shallow out the swing plane. This occurs when moving the hips from trail to lead side. The head will have to move slightly in the downswing when shifting weight. You are shifting the width of the pelvis. Take a look at Preventing Hip Pain to see a visual of too much tilt from push.
August 9, 2019
Hello Craig. You have made me watch this video many times and I do have practised it. As you know my swing can you tell me what is causing my high left shoulder? You mentioned below that there are multiple causes for that. What is causing my issue? I seem to struggle with this a lot.
July 16, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mikko. Sometimes it is solely tension on your part. Pushing with the trail hip, hand, early extension, casting, etc. Lots of different scenarios. You don't necessarily have the big error in How to Stop Hooking the Ball. But, you can see why your old spin move would cause an issue into impact. Release the tension and let the arms work down. Every time we start getting back to letting the arms work down and release you tend to delete push/too high lead shoulder. You are making a good move into the strike, but still have some of the old save movement pattern in there.
July 16, 2019
Hi Craig - I was just curious if you had a chance to look at my post below with the picture? Thanks Kevin
July 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. If you reply to your own post. The system believes it to be answered. I apologize about the delay. I will look now.
July 10, 2019
I attached a photo of my impact and my shoulders appear to have too much tilt at impact and no bend in my right arm...I blocked this shot which has been my main miss. Any suggestions to help fix this are appreciated
July 8, 2019
Picture attachrd
July 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. I agree excessive secondary tilt. You need to make sure your upper half comes with you when transferring weight. Start with this roadshow video. https://youtu.be/H9InmG_5wT0 . This student has the same high lead shoulder issue. Work towards being able to do it correctly with a club lead arm on in Step 4 - Add the Club.
July 10, 2019
Thanks Craig - the road show video helped a lot - I wasn't keeping my left shoulder down enough. I was keeping my shoulders closed but the left was raising up too early
July 11, 2019
I worked on this at the range yesterday along with my weight shift to the left. I was flexing my left knee to shift into the left side and also lowering my shoulder - is it correct to couple both of those moves to improve compression?
June 16, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Yes but, you don't need a drastic drop. Feeling the lead shoulder lower and sitting into the lead glute is the goal. Not a big vertical change.
June 16, 2019
This seems to be a great drill for me. I grew up and played a lot on a nonirrigated course as a kid and became a sweeper of the ball to prevent injuring wrists and elbows on the hard ground. I don’t think I am a hip spinner with excessive axis tilt, per se, but more of a sweeper of the golf ball that pulls their left shoulder up and actively flips their wrists to keep from taking a divot. You have done my reviews Craig. Is this a good video for me and any other videos specific to my left shoulder issue you could recommend?
May 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jack. The drill above would be good for your specific issue. Also, Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks Video 2,3,4 of 6 to help keep the lead shoulder (fulcrum) in better positioning.
May 30, 2019
Chucks mentions a driver tee drill? How can I search that?
May 29, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. That drill is no longer on the site. I apologize.
May 29, 2019
When I hit ball doing this drill, I feel like my body turn through impact. Am I feeling the right thing or what am I doing wrong?
March 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. The shoulders should feel very level, square and the release of the club pulling you through. Sounds like you are adding chest spin to the shot.
March 28, 2019
I've been working hard on this drill and I have video'd my work. I like to try and hit some balls at a slow pace to see if I can feel the same thing and see if I am doing the right stuff in the videos. But I seem to have developed the habit of hitting thin shots. What is a video I can stack on top of working on my shoulders to get rid of thin shots?
March 5, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
check the proper golf ball position video and the take a divot in front of the ball video. There's a good chance now that your shoulders are level and weight is being shifted properly that you're swinging over the ball and just catching the top of it because it's back in your stance too far.
March 6, 2019
Will excessive axis tilt at impact cause the left wrist to hinge? My left wrist isn’t pointing DTL at impact, could that be a grip issue or more of a release issue. I’m keeping my right heel down and I have gotten rid of the chicken wing. Now I’m getting excessive axis tilt. Feeling that the left shoulder is down really helps and I have shaft lean at impact but my left wrist doesn’t seem to have the bow that it’s supposed to.
February 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Typically, excessive hinged in the lead wrist is caused by over using the trail wrist in the hitting area. Sounds more like a release issue. Try the Vijay Release Drill Video and Fix Your Release. Also, if you have an overly strong grip it will tend to be cupped/hinged.
February 15, 2019
Hello Chris I just had a video analysis unfortunately cannot open it my flash player needs to be updated; this was the video lesson directed to; can you tell me if i am spinning my hips or have my shoulders tilted too much at impact or both; thank you for your assistance Jim
December 27, 2018
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Jim, try using firefox as your browser and allowing flash to operate in the video player before trying to view the review. You are too tilted at impact but its from your sequence more than a hip spinning issue. I recommended this video as a way to alleviate the impact position for now, before I really start working on your sequence.
December 28, 2018
If you are very right side dominant, will this not force you to come in too steep? Thanks.
October 24, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. This actually will help with trail hip pushers. Also, you shouldn't be using the trail shoulder to perform the move. It will help steepen the plane though if you tend to drop under due to pushing.
October 25, 2018
Would Level Shoulders Drill be the main fix to trail hip push or is there a better or more suitable drill for the issue?
April 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mikko. Level Shoulders is very good at fixing trail hip. Also, Eliminating Early Extension.
April 26, 2019
This question is for Aaron Mannes who performed my latest swing review. I have been trying to keep my back to the target in downswing and worked on DownCock Drill. I noticed that my lead shoulder hikes up in downswing and I am getting too much axis tilt as described in above video. I tried this Level Shoulders Drill at the range today and it seemed to help me to keep my shoulders quieter. Am I on the right track? My plan would be to combine this Level Shoulder Drill with the DownCock Drill. Would this help? It seems that DownCock Drill only won't help me to keep my shoulders from spinning open.
June 20, 2018
Aaron (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes! It sounds like you are describing it perfectly. A lot of drills should result in the same motions however each individual might feel a certain drill better than others. So I like what you are describing and feel like you are on the right track!
June 21, 2018
this is a huge problem for me, as I work on keeping my left shoulder low it feels like it pulls my weight "forward" on to my toes, what am I doing wrong?
May 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Sounds like you are still pushing with the trail side and diving the shoulders. Work first on pulling the weight over to the lead side correctly. Preventing Hip Pain Video.
May 9, 2018
Hi Craig. I believe I am a hip spinner, so I have been working on this technique. I've been keeping my shoulders level while facing the ball at impact, as well as keeping my right foot on the ground. The problem is that I have been seeing too many shots go left with hook spin. I will tell you that I am also working on posting up with my left leg and additionally working on left and right arm rotation in the downswing. Any suggestions to help with straightening out my shots.
November 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Make sure you are shallowing out properly in the initial part of the downswing (How to Fix Plane and Path). Combined with Flip vs Release. Make sure you aren't trying to speed up the hands in the release. Allow for gradual rotation.
November 27, 2017
The poster behind you seems to contradict this lesson. Why?
November 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. The poster was made much earlier before we refined the mechanics to the RST Swing. Apologize for the confusion.
November 6, 2017
Your response did not show up
January 31, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. My response is in the post below.
January 31, 2017
Hey Chuck, couldn't help notice during your presentation the poster of Tiger in the background. He appears to have significant shoulder tilt at impact, vs your suggesting to keep the shoulders almost level at impact. The squat videos also seem to indicate a much steeper shoulder tilt at impact. Could you please explain the seemingly contradiction? Thx very much.
January 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. The poster in the background is Chuck . That picture was taken early on in the RST Process before Chuck had completed the model. The shoulders won't be perfectly level at impact. The lead shoulder will be a little higher and you will have some secondary axis tilt. The goal is to be stacked at impact (Face On Impact Alignments). Tilt will change with a driver or depending on what type launch you are striving for.
January 31, 2017
Can you provide some guidance as to how long you try and keep your back to the target. In this drill chuck keeps his back to the target just until he begins the left ankle drive into the ground and posts up. Seems like keeping the back to the target for as long as possible would promote more level shoulders. I see many conflicting videos on the site relative to this topic. In a lot of the weight shift drill videos the guys are squaring their shoulders during the weight shift vs after you have shifted your weight. Is it possible to create a lesson around this topic specifically?
January 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. I can see about it being a lesson topic in the future. In the meantime, halfway down the shoulders should be 45 degrees shut/closed to the target and the hips square. As you post up in the release the shoulders will get pulled to the square position and the hips 35/45 degrees open. You can over do holding them back which could increase secondary axis tilt. I would work on the sequence in the Step 2 - Core Rotation Video.
January 11, 2017
I was diagnosed with a high left shoulder at impact . Could this be from swinging from the inside too much or losing my tush line ?
January 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sambhu. Typically, the high lead shoulder is caused by casting, trail hip push leading to excessive secondary axis tilt, too inside a path, and losing tush/spine angle.
January 6, 2017
not that we want to advocate band aide approaches, but, if a person has a problem with releasing down the line with the arms, and tends to have a body release and or be OTT, could it be advantageous to have more tilt in the takeaway/ backswing and the impact follow thru have more secondary axis tilt to keep everything down the line for longer? rather than a quick closure of the shoulders after impact and a narrower impact window?
August 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. Still seems like too much of a bandaid. If you add too much secondary tilt in the downswing it will shallow the plane. But, you don't want to force it a lot. With a driver, feel free to add some more tilt at address and ball position slightly forward to help shallow the path out.
August 29, 2016
I feel my right side is too strong versus left. One left hand drill is much easier than compared to both hands! During my weight shift, my right side takes over pushing my right shoulder weight forward to the ball. Can I use my left shoulder to pull the club?
August 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. You want the lead side to pull the club. Frisbee Drill and Step 3 - 4 RST 5 Step System. It will be more the lead lat, than just the shoulder.
August 5, 2016
Is it OK, on the backswing to straighten my right leg a bit to allow hip rotation [as long as I stay in posture] and the bring it back to slightly flexed on downswing? Or do I want that tension of keeping my back leg flexed. Also, what does it mean staying in the box? Does it mean not swing side to side on rotation?
July 25, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Take a look at the Laser Beam Knee Drills for Stability. Chuck will mention. You want to maintain the flexion as best as possible. For some it might straighten just slightly. Also, the Weight Shift Video Part 2. Connecting to Your Core Video will explain the box. It means you want to stay connected to the body and not over elevate the arms passed the point of disconnection.
July 25, 2016
I have been working on getting my hands to my left leg at impact. I find it much more difficult with both hands on the club vs just using my left hand. From the video, it sounds like keeping my left shoulder down as I shift my weight will help me get my hands closer to a proper impact position. Is this correct? Rob
June 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. Yes, pulling up and out with the lead shoulder too soon will effect the ability to get in front of the lead thigh properly.
June 15, 2016
Where should one's left shoulder be at impact? In alignment with the left hip? I'm a bit confused because you mention the shoulders being parallel to the target line at impact. However, the videos tell us to feel as if the left shoulder is shut and "in the shot" at impact.
June 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Douglas. Take a look at the Face On Impact Alignments Video. You want the lead side stacked (ankle joint, knee joint, hip joint, shoulder joint). In some videos we mention feel that the shoulders are shut into impact because the vast majority of golfers over use them. In actuality they will be square or parallel to the target line.
June 8, 2016
After viewing this video I went to the driving range and immediately started hitting great shots. I haven't been able to play decent golf in years and was about to give it up for good until I came across your site. Thank you for describing the issues that part time and weekend golfers fight and never understand.
June 5, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Glad to hear things are looking up for you Thomas! This is an awesome drill that has transformed the quality of strike for many golfers of all levels. To really take the next step I would advise taking a look at the new RST 5 step series. This drill can be stacked onto that series when getting into the core rotation drill, adding the lead arm and the club and eventually adding the trail arm. It's a wonderful series to develop a very consistent and safe swing all while taking your game to new heights.
June 5, 2016
Hi Steve. I hit poor shots not knowing what exactly I was doing. All I heard was to "keep my head down". No golf instructor I ever took lessons from saw any issues other than set up, grip, tempo, etc. One lesson I spent an hour shanking iron shots. Then I saw your videos describing hip spin and early release of the spine angle and the light bulb went off.......I was doing it all! Just trying to keep my shoulders level and my behind on the tush line corrected my main full swing faults. Am I a great golfer now? No, but I am striking the ball well enough to not be embarrassed playing with my friends. Thank you.
June 5, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Sounds like you're becoming aware of your swing faults. That's a great tool to have and now you can set yourself in the correct path to make everlasting changes! Keep working hard and do the drills correctly and you will see some great results.
June 5, 2016
Dear Craig, I noticed that if I tilt my spine back, away from the target until the club touches my leg and then post my left hip, I do not need to open much to be in this perfect position. I wrote to you in another post that when I actively try to post my hip and use my oblique to bring the lead hand in front at impact, I tend to pull. Here I have the sense that I am not using the lower body much to get in the position Chuck is recommending but I am then wondering where the power is coming from. Best, Marc
June 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marc. Power is still coming from angles (lag and release will constitute about 66%). I am okay with you doing this drill. All your power doesn't come from rotational forces with the upper and/or lower half.
June 5, 2016
I have been working on trying to draw the ball. I believe I am now pulling the ball too much. Most times I do draw the ball but on my quest , i now have got into the habit of pulling which as you know is not good. (I am not hooking it ) , just pulling. Can someone direct me to the videos that could help me with this issue?
May 31, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Paul, in the search bar next to the video player, type right shoulder. Any of the videos in there should help you stop pulling the ball. Matt Every drill and the right shoulder downswing drill are good.
May 31, 2016
If the release of the lag is the main source of power for distance..,the shoulders must be square through impact...and golf is all about proper sequences...than at any point in the golf swing can it be rushed? Or use muscle dominance? I noticed when I tensed up on the downswing, I push to the left. Then overall, the golf swing can be summed up as swift, smooth, and gentle?
February 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. Yes, the swing needs to be smooth and gentle. If you look at the great players from all decades. Even though the mechanics may have not been perfect. There was always a certain rhythm. I tell some of my students when attending tour events. Don't watch mechanics. Watch tempo.
February 13, 2016
Both of my shoulders coming into impact stand up. In other words, both of my shoulder go toward my ears at impact and then I tend to flip through it with my hands. I did the U shape drill with the hip, but still did not elimate my problem. I am in the box at address, but coming into impact, not even close. I cannot seem to take a good divot and I always hit it off the toe. Any suggestions?
February 11, 2016
What dies it mean in the box at impact?
July 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Preston. Take a look at the Winter Downswing Drill and the Big Picture Video. Start first with trying to keep the lead shoulder in the box coming down (lead arm only swing). Then, slowly add the trail hand. I think you need to train the lead arm swinging from the shoulder joint with more ease, than trying to rip the shoulders up and away for power.
February 11, 2016
Hi - I understand the feel of level shoulders at impact but should the shoulders be square to the target line at impact or will the shoulders be more around to the left at impact?
February 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The shoulders will be square to the target line at impact with the hips roughly 35-45 degrees open.
February 11, 2016
Please help me understand this video's sequence instructions for the downswing. First is weight shift from trail side to lead side. Second is pulling down with the arms. Third is shoulder turn. Yes or no? I ask the question this way because all my impact pictures have the left shoulder way too high. I'm wondering if I need to give the arm swing a bit of a head start on the shoulder motion. Thanks, Steve.
January 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. Yes. Shift the weight. Pull the lead arm down feeling the lead shoulder staying down and the trail shoulder staying back or higher. Allow the shoulders to square on their own into impact. They won't have very far to go once you follow your sequence.
January 15, 2016
Hi, I find that when I hit the ball (especially with the driver), my shoulders frown upon impact (as if I am adjusting the swing plane). Is there any drills for me to stop frowning? Thanks, and happy new year!
January 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Masato. Are you referring to shrugging the shoulder into impact?
January 2, 2016
Hello craig, yes, that is probably a better choice of words ^^
January 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Masato. Take a look at the Connecting to the Core Video and get a good feel for the shoulders in the box. Then, use the LADD Video and the Winter Golf Program Downswing Video to allow good lead arm swing from the shoulder joint. This should allow you to remove some tension and stay with the shot.
January 2, 2016
Do you try to keep the shoulders a little closed and level but once you post up and straighten the left leg the left shoulder will start to rise, is that correct? When I see pictures of many pros at impact and right after impact they have aa good degree of shoulder tilt, especially with the driver and longer clubs.
October 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. With the driver you will tend to have more secondary axis tilt for launch purposes. The feeling of the lead shoulder staying down will help remove too much tilt. You will have some at impact due to a good post up and the trail arm/hand being lower on the club.
October 27, 2015
What is the feeling on the downswing? How long does the shoulder plane stay back before impact? Does the shoulder plane feel like it stays behind and at 45 degrees during the downswing? At what point do the shoulders feel like they are squaring up? Thanks Gary
October 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. We try not to teach exact feelings. Not a good basis for actuality. However, the shoulders will feel a little shut on the downswing. You won't feel like they square up until the hands start getting in front of the trail thigh.
October 22, 2015
Is this to say that the feeling should be squat into the downswing and keep the back towards the target as long as possible until the arms are approaching the right leg of a right handed golfer? Is it true that the longer one can hold the back from spinning out the longer the ball should travel?
October 22, 2015
I tend to hit hooks (left path?) because I either over rotate my hands too much when I drag the club into the ball or my timing is wrong? Must be my shoulders and arms did not match up in speed? Will this timing sequence be ingrained in memory with practice over time?
September 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The Sequence will get better over time. Are you pull hooking or big right to left hooks?
September 28, 2015
Hello Does pulling up too early cause weak contact with the long clubs including 6 and 5 irons? As well as slices, particularly with the driver?
July 26, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Damien- YES IT DOES!! if the left shoulder pulls up before we make contact or even as we are making contact a good amount we are going to not get the compression that we would like and it will cause a held-onto release which means that blocks-fades-slices are going to be the result.
July 27, 2015
Hello Steven Did you notice me pulling up early in my swing review
July 27, 2015
HI! First I want to say I really like your page, so great and really what I have been look for! =) In my last review my instructor comment on my downswing where my head drops to much and my spine angle are leaning to much away from the target, he recommended this video which i appreciate and will try to adapt as much as i can. The only thing i feel when I´m trying to swing like this is that I´m terrified to really snapping the ball to the left. Is it easier to do this when swinging more upright or is that just a bad feeling because I have struggled with those kind of shots back in the days? Thanks.
July 14, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Linus. If you have the feeling of snapping the ball to the left. Make sure you know how the entire lead arm works to effortlessly square the club versus over rotating the lead elbow and shutting down the club face. Take a look at the LADD Video in the Downswing Section.
July 14, 2015
When I aim to get my shoulders more level at impact with my left shoulder stacked over my left hip and ankle my head tends to move laterally toward the target in the downswing. When looking at Chuck's swing or many other tour players swings their head doesn't move laterally toward the target in the downswing. How do I get my left shoulder level and stacked over my left side without moving my head laterally toward the target in the downswing? THanks.
July 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. If you look closely and know where to put the lines. You would be surprised how much head movement is there laterally. The head is connected to the body. Therefore, if you are transferring your weight properly the head will have to move with the shift. It won't be a whole bunch (2-3 inches), but if the head moves a touch towards the target that isn't something to frown upon.
July 8, 2015
For the past week I have been struggling with coming in too steep and OTT to the point where I was taking a divot with my driver.. My buddy said "you look like you are not tilting, but loading your left side. I went to the range and adjusted my setup to where my tilt made what felt like the following; (1) my head moving slightly right and forward (behind the ball and closer to the target line) (2) The weight of my head made my weight distribution feel like 60/40 favoring the right side. (3) My left foot weight (40%) was slightly favoring the heel end of the foot (4) My right foot weight was slightly favoring the ball end of the foot I took my normal swing (the RST swing I've been grooving for months). and I was back to striking the ball purely with divots out in front of the ball and having command in the impact area. Is that the correct axis tilt or is it likely there is still major flaws in my swing.
June 5, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Louis. Glad to hear you are back on track. You can add a little more axis tilt with the driver. Perfectly acceptable to help with launch angle. Your tilt still sounds okay the way you are describing it, but it shouldn't move forward too much - more back. However, try to get 50/50 at setup. You are not only inhibiting building power and lag, but a smooth tempo. Work on your weight shift and tempo. Perfecting Lower Body Stability in the Weight Transfer Advanced Section and the RST Tempo Drill Introduction Section.
June 5, 2015
Thanks Craig... ****Finding the proper right right hip turn and loading in the takeaway throws me off on the course. I have a pretty good sense balance and overdoing that pushing of the right heel into the ground (into the takeaway) creates a situation where it totally prevents me from loading into the right hip. I compensate by lifting the club outside with my hands and arms where I end up getting too quick to my left side (resulting in a fat shot). ****Not having a super strong upper body, I can sometimes get armsy and handsy with the longer clubs.....I also let counter wind sping me around when I make a quick backswing a bit before I can fully engage my upper torso; putting me in a reserve spine tilt position with a lot of coiling/twisting in the legs. ****Proper upper body posture is a task for me. I had unstable shoulders for a long time and even had a case of shoulder impingement due to golfing & sitting in poor shoulder posture. I also have thin arms. So, its easy for me to slouch my shoulders out of position, letting my shoulders & arms come down in front when I address the ball. Adjusting to swinging with a lot less arms and hands has been difficult; and when I play I'm getting a lot worse (esp. off the tee) while trying to fully groove these movements. Also, a lot of knee bend feels athletic for me where I feel the ground under me. My old swing would rely solely on timing, clubhead feel, and me turning into the ball hard with a strong grip....(playing straight pulls). My habit of adding extra knee bend while focusing more on the weight away from the balls of me feel can put me in a less than ideal position.
June 7, 2015
Hi guys, Should I try and get level shoulders at impact with a driver? Or is his drill just for irons when trying to compress a ball?
May 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sam. This is more for the irons. But, don't discount you don't want to add excessive secondary tilt or trail side push with the driver.
May 25, 2015
When I commence the downswing, I use more of the rotation of the torso than the lower body, correct? This is the only efficient way to keep the shoulders closed instead of flying open for me.
May 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. You will use the lead oblique to help pull the hips open as the upper half stays more passive. Take a look at the Stomp Drill in the How the Lower Body Works Video. It will help you shift the weight and pull the lead oblique without flying open the shoulders.
May 4, 2015
Craig If you look at this video, you will see a poster behind you that shows a golf swing at impact. If you look at the axis tilt on this swing, it is much more that too much axis tilt by your standards. The amount of axis tilt that you suggest is about the same as the tilt in the setup. Which is correct?
April 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. The poster in the background is actually Chuck. It was taken early on in his Rotary Swing Process. He had just a tad too much tilt and a little push outside NJA.
April 8, 2015
Is it normal to increase axis tilt at impact a little bit? Thanks!
March 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Manuel. You want to maintain it as best as possible. A slight increase won't kill you as long as you aren't adding tons of push.
March 27, 2015
when you do this drill slowly can you hit balls even that they will only go 5-10 yards?
March 22, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Joel, Absolutely!! go for it. When trying to develop a new move in the golf swing it is best to start without the ball and sometimes even the club. But when we add the ball back always start slow and work your way back up into speed. This way when you do it slowly with the ball correct it will become more natural and soon you will be able to speed it up fast and fast. Work hard and Best of luck, Steven
March 22, 2015
I'm struggling to use the left side properly on the downswing and essentially deactivate the right side push. I'm working the drills but it's a difficult process particularly when I stick a ball for even the 9-3 drill in front of me. Any other suggestions?
January 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. Use the Proper Muscle Activation Video in the Introduction Advanced Section. Try some left arm only Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag Drills in the Introduction Section.
January 24, 2015
I actually have the opposite problem where I don't drop my right shoulder enough in the transition. Could you recommend some videos to assist with this problem.
January 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello George. You don't want to actively drop the right shoulder too much on the downswing. The left shoulder/arm will shallow out the swing plane. Take a look at the LADD Video in the Downswing Section.
January 21, 2015
This is probably related to the squat to square video, but I'll post it here because this is the only video I can find which deals with my problem. I have been working on the squat to square video. No matter what I tried I just could not make any real progress getting my hips back to square at the start of the downswing without my shoulders also moving back to square. In turn my arms and the club were stuck way behind. In an attempt to keep (or get) my arms in front of my chest, I tried to keep my shoulders rotated away from the target and lowering my arms (as shown in this video). The result should have been my club hitting the ground outside my right foot. Much to my surprise, everything turned and the result was the best squat and downswing hip rotation I have done in years. Are there any other videos relating to keeping the arms in front of the chest? Or is it just assumed that is what students will do?
January 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. Take a look at the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Downswing and Ladd Video in the Downswing Section to get the arms working in front. They will help you with the sensation of not pushing too much with the trail side and proper pulling with the lead side to get arms working.
January 15, 2015
The four square drill really helped me to keep the arms in front on the back swing and bring them in front during the transition. More specifically it helped me understand where the arms should feel like they're placed during the backswing.
February 3, 2015
Hey- so what exactly is the drill here? I understand that too much axis tilt is trying to be fixed but is there a specific drill to compensate for too much axis tilt or is this more for an understanding of how the shoulders should be working?
January 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brandon. Not per se a drill. But, work on the positions of feeling the lead shoulder staying down as the trail shoulder remains higher to reduce the secondary axis tilt and push into the ball. Take a look at the LADD Video in the Downswing Section to help with getting stacked.
January 13, 2015
thanks craig - sorry i didnt reply earlier - one last thing - im a secondary axis tilt guy - do you think the best vid for that is LADD? maybe do that for 3 months or so ? Thank you!
January 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brandon. LADD, Level Shoulders, Face On Impact Alignments, and RE-Shaping Your Swing for Lag should all help you with the proper positioning. It might not take 3 months. You might achieve it quicker than you think.
January 23, 2015
When I practice this with a 3/4 swing, I tend to get the club face pretty closed at impact. What is the most likely cause?
October 30, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
It's very likely that you're not getting your hands in front of the ball enough at impact so you're getting a release point that is behind the ball instead of at your left leg. R.J.
October 30, 2014
I have been working on creating more lag and quieting my hips. I notice (using impact tape) that i am hitting 90% of the time on the the heel of the club. Prior to RST i was impacting all over face. I tried backing up a little bit but it doesn't help
August 28, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
You might be coming to far from the inside, or losing the tush line. Take a look at the Losing the Tush Line Video in the Advanced Downswing Section. Make sure you aren't going towards the ball. Also, the Trace the Plane Line Video to zero out the path.
August 28, 2014
Because I am a hip spinner, my instructor has me working on this drill. I don't necessarily know if my arms are still stuck while working on this, but my path has increased more than 4 degrees in to out. I already come in to out and would like to actually like to come closer to out to in, so this has me a little concerned. Any ideas? Thanks a lot
August 19, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Take a look at the Trace the Plane Line Video in the Advanced Downswing Section. You will learn how to zero out the plane better.
August 19, 2014
I'll post another video here quickly, but I am still struggling with coming under plane/ getting stuck. I came across this video and have spent a little time on his website. Besides promoting an early wrist set, his understanding of the swing seems to be very similar to RST. What are your thoughts on this video and this thought as a whole? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klPwNmvn0XU Thanks guys
August 26, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. I took a look at the video and we are happy to help you with your review to get the swing on plane. I am unsure of his knowledge of the swing based on the video. Just a few minutes in already gave me some red flags. "Stance about shoulder width apart with a wedge". You don't want to base stance width by your shoulders. His stance width is creating way to much body shift to balance out the weight transfer. I know he states its a drill. But, its promoting some bad body movement training.
August 26, 2014
i remember an old instructor i use to have once told me that the optimal secondary tilt was about 30 %. Any studies on the amount that professionals tilt? Do most line up like you suggest in your video?
August 14, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ralph. I don't any specific numbers in front of me. However, yes they do. While doing the research for the RST Method the most consistent ball strikers line up with our discussion of secondary axis tilt.
August 14, 2014
is it possible to come up and out of the swing with the shoulder and hit the ball fat? I hit the ball fat all the time with my fairway woods teed up and off the deck. I occasionally do it with the driver.
August 10, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Very much so. The right arm tends to fire too soon bottoming out the club. Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video in this same section. Learn how lag, lead weight transfer, and forward shaft lean get the correct strike.
August 10, 2014
In the merry go round drill the front shoulder gets way above the trail shoulder.This, to me, conflicts with your idea of keeping the lead shoulder lower than the trail shoulder.please explain
August 5, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ralph. You are correct. In the merry go round drill, Chad's lead shoulder gets a little higher than his trail. The drill exaggerates the keeping of the spine angle to know what it would feel like to rotate around. What you want is the feeling that the lead shoulder will be below the trail shoulder. In actuality, the lead shoulder will always be above the trail at impact.
August 6, 2014
Where is the "T-Drill" he talks about at approx 5:36? I can find belt buckle but not that. Is he referring to another video? Thanks, Brandon
August 4, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brandon. The link for that video is no longer on the site. It is a common question. Here is the closest information I can find for you. http://www.rotaryswing.com/golf-instruction/swingdrills/penetrating-golf-ball-flight-tee-drill
August 4, 2014
I've been working on this drill and have since been hitting all my shots fat, any tips?
August 4, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. You might be going down too much and not keeping the lead arm going through. Have the feeling of the lead staying down, but not moving too much towards the ground. Use the Taking a Divot Video in the Advanced Downswing Section. It will help you focus on correct lead arm motion, maintaining of secondary axis tilt, and getting a good strike.
August 4, 2014
Can anyone post a link to the Tee Drill please? Chuck mentions it in the Level Shoulders at impact video but i can't find it. Thanks.
July 31, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paddy. The link for that video is no longer on the site. It is a common question. Here is the closest information I can find for you. http://www.rotaryswing.com/golf-instruction/swingdrills/penetrating-golf-ball-flight-tee-drill
July 31, 2014
Thought I had a good grasp of the belt buckle drill, I took my swing to the local muni. for a test. After many, many thin iron shots later I was about to post a question on whether I need to lower my right shoulder in order for my tucked right arm to reach the ball so I can cure my skinny problem. Then I stumble onto this video & it was an instant fix. Hit about 20 balls into the net....not one thin shot & back seem to have a lot less pressure thru the swing. Can't wait to try this level shoulder drill on course.
July 17, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gareth. Good find. Great drill to get stacked properly and keep that right hip push out of the way.
July 17, 2014
Hello, is there a video on that explains when the front leg should extend. After doing the squat move and getting the arms to move I'm always caught with knee flexed and taking big divots before the ball. If I try to extend the leg then my spine gets to be leaning back.
June 17, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Renaud. Take a look at the Straight Left Leg at Impact Video in the Downswing Advanced Section. Or Tiger Squat in the Same Section.
June 17, 2014
In previous videos Chuck talked about sitting into a square hip position with the squat move. In this video he seems to be squatting with a closed hip position. Is this for drill purposes to help hip spinners, or is the move to first sit into the left side and then to square up the hips as we move into impact? I have been squaring the hips as I bump to the left side as one move. The difference is subtle, but still a difference.
June 6, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
This drill is to help the hip spinners. As you sit into the left. The pulling motion will start to open the hips. We don't want them actively rotating too soon from the right. Feeling a touch more shut, helps the active hip spinners.
June 6, 2014
I am having a problem where I am leaning back at impact, what can I do to correct this problem. This hurts my distance as well as my back.
June 3, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
If you are leaning back or having too much secondary axis tilt, the most common culprit will be pushing from the right side. This drill will help slow down the right hip from pushing through causing excessive lean. You can also check at the LADD drill in the Downswing section to understand how the left arm and body work more into a stacked position at impact. You can also take a look at the Belt Buckle Drill in the Downswing Advanced Section to keep the hips from over rotating.
June 4, 2014
Simply the secret of golf but lacks details ...
May 30, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
How so? Anything I need to further clarify for you or other students that may be interested in hearing?
May 30, 2014
Does the lowering of the left shoulder feeling happen more from using the left shoulder to bring the club down or from actively using the right arm to bring the club down like Chucks talks about in the creating lag video?
May 11, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
He John, keeping the left shoulder down in the hitting area is going to be stemmed from using the left side of the body properly in the downswing. If the right side of the body is used to much then you can run into issues with too much secondary axis tilt and cause the left shoulder to be to high at impact.
May 12, 2014
Aaron has recommended this video to me a number of times but it has not worked for me. I understand what the outcome (level shoulders) needs to be but don't see what the drill is. Most of your other drills involve doing some repetitive action to correct the problem. Are there or should there be other videos that address this issue a different way? Thanks.
May 5, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Thomas, have we been able to help you determine why the shoulders have excess tilt in them at impact? Generally that can come from poor shift, or some big right side push in the downswing. Make sure that you are using the lower half of the body correctly in sequencing as that can play a big role in not being able to get the shoulders to level a bit at impact.
May 5, 2014
We have made many changes over the last year, all of which had a decent drill that helped me get it. This is the current recommended one but I don't get much from it other than keep your shoulders level. I was hoping that there might be a different drill that could help me get the same concept.
May 5, 2014
Hi guys just wondered if this drill is helpful for 3 wood or driver off the tee. I've been struggling with this and have applied the principles of this video to my driving. I've seen some improvement but you guys talk about this improving compression which, as far as I know, only relates to iron play, so i'm unsure whether i'm just getting lucky or this is the way to go. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
April 30, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
For stock shots, yes this is just fine to use. However, there can be some driver setup adjustments as noted on the site and those may cause increase in secondary axis tilt at impact making it harder to keep the shoulder line more level.
April 30, 2014
Curious...When I look at the golf swings of Hogan and Trevino, I notice separation between the left and right thigh in the downswing. Any drills that would help me achieve this? I remember taking a lesson was told that because I am pushing my right leg into the downswing, that i need to feel separation between the thighs on the downswing. Any thoughts or am I nit picking?
April 26, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
You can drill with a basketball or in impact bag between your knees. Make sure that what ever you chose to work with fits perfectly between the knees so you are having to change the width of your stance.
April 26, 2014
Reflecting on this video gave me some insight into why I have a high left shoulder at impact. I believe that I pull my shoulder up and out in order to avoid smashing into the ground at impact. What do you recommend to address the anxiety of hitting into the ground?
April 25, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Well we really can't recommend anything for anxiety as that is out of our realm. However, if your lead shoulder is coming up it could be the result of several different swing faults. One of the primary causes of this sort of thing would be pushing from the trailing leg, which can cause you to stand tall and force the spine to lean further away from the target. I would focus on making sure you are really doing your best to maintain spine angle into impact and shift your focus off the club and back on rotation around the spine.
April 25, 2014
Aaron (Certified RST Instructor)
Rick. Great to hear that helped. I think you are right there with your feelings and thoughts. The shoulders and everything want to gradually get to speed. And like you said. If you are passive in the shoulder downswing, things will have time to catch up...then everything can speed through. Just like you said.
April 21, 2014
A correction I meant when my hands are even with my right leg Not my left leg. Thanks
April 17, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Rick, sorry for the delay in response to this as we are having some minor issues with comment notifications. I will send this link over to Aaron and have him comment accordingly.
April 21, 2014
Aaron ,,hi. I have a question from my latest review, but first I want to say thank you for your patience and help with my spinning shoulder issue. Your tip about keeping my back to the target was priceless, really helped, and the penny FINALLY dropped for me. We've worked on it before but I know now that even when I tried to drop the left shoulder I still was leveling them out too soon and that made me steep so I wasn't committed. HOWEVER, even after only one practice session with this tip I know with work and time this will solve the problem. My question is that after I get to a point where my hands are about even with my left leg with my shoulders still somewhat closed I get great impact positions by letting the shoulders quickly unwind which makes me feel like my arms are being thrown to impact, even at slow speed, and all is nicely stacked.. is that firing of the shoulders at that point the correct motion and feeling. Sorry this so long and thanks again I'm excited about the future changes.
April 16, 2014

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