Tiger Woods / Chuck Quinton Face On

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A comparison of Tiger Woods golf swing to RST founder Chuck Quinton from the face on perspective. Quinton's swing is from March 2010, Woods swing is from March 2008.

  • See side-by-side video of Tiger Woods & Chuck Quinton taking similar shots
  • Tiger's stance is 2" outside neutral - Chuck's is a little wide for his hip size
  • They both keep the left leg straight, avoiding "left side breakdown"
  • Tiger stacks onto the left side in the downswing - Chuck is a little shy of neutral
  • Both Chuck and Tiger maintain good lag
  • Their shoulder angles differ somewhat - Chuck's left shoulder tends to come up & out
  • They keep their hands in front of their chests, with the right wrist hinged as it comes over the ball
  • They both have good alignment at impact

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WOW! This video comparison is loaded with information. Well done! Question: When I keep my left knee from turning in and the right knee pointed forward as you or Tiger have your knees I am able to make only about a 3/4 swing before my shoulders stop rotating. I definitely can't see my right shoulder as preferred. If this is all I am able to rotate before my hands and arms start lifting is it best to make the transition and downswing from this position or is it OK to lift the hands and arms a little more for a longer back swing?
July 12, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Ideally, you don't want the arms continuing to move if you aren't rotating anymore. This lead to disconnection and you will have reconnect sometime on the downswing. Either max out rotation and arm swing if you prefer the shorter version. Or, you will have to allow for some hips so you can get more rotation/higher hands.
July 12, 2021
Hello, when I practice I video my swing. During practice it would help to have a short clip - like 3 or 4 seconds - of chucks swing (or tigers I guess) face on and dtl to compare to. Are clips like that available on the site for download?
April 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Travis. Videos are available on the site to download. However, please feel free to use the Self Analysis Analyzer and you can compare yours to multiple Chuck Swings.
April 10, 2019
Hello Craig, thanks for the response. 2 follow up questions: 1. the self analysis tool doesn't seem to want to load up chucks swings into the browser for some reason. I am using google chrome. Is this a common issue with a common fix? 2. The self analyzer is great but I would still like to have the short clips downloaded to my phone so that I can make quick comparisons in the middle of practice while I am making adjustments and need to see if they look right. Can you tell me where on the site to find the clips to download?
April 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Travis. Have you uploaded a swing into the analyzer? If you have uploaded a swing. You should be able to access all the swings. If you have and cannot access. Please Contact Technical Support. I apologize for the error. We don't have any clips to download on the site. I am sorry. My previous post should've said "are not available."
April 11, 2019
oh. haha. ok, no problem I will figure something else out and I will figure out how to get the swing analyzer running. Thanks.
April 11, 2019
Great video but I don't understand what you mean when you refer to the left shoulder staying down and in. It is the in I don't understand. You are also referring to a DTL video, I can't find it on the website. Best, Marc
August 25, 2017
In means closed to the target. The DTL video seems to be missing, but there are plenty of other videos on him that cover the issues in detail if you just search for "tiger" above.
August 25, 2017

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