Importance of Axis Tilt at Setup

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The importance of axis tilt at address can not be overstated. It significantly impacts the position of the top of the swing in numerous ways as you will see from this video and article.

  • Axis tilt is when the spine leans a few degrees away from the target at address
  • Setting up without axis tilt can cause hip slide and bad position at the top
  • Bump your hips slightly toward the target at setup to get the proper axis tilt

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I think one of the reasons I'm hitting the ball so high and not as far as I should is that I go into axis tilt in my set up and stay that way my whole swing. I'm hitting up on the ball and trying to fight it unsuccessfully with shaft lean. Is coming out of axis tilt a gradual thing or something you do right off as you start your downswing? Thanks
June 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dugald. Axis tilt will slightly increase in the downswing (Secondary Axis Tilt). It sounds like a lack of weight transfer and scoop at the ball. Make sure you transfer your weight (Weight Shift Sweep Drills). Also, understand how to take a proper divot (Taking a Divot) Video.
June 3, 2018
The tilt is only for set-up, to help complete a balanced back swing? It isn’t maintained to the top of the back swing ?
March 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. You will lose a slight bit of tilt as you shift weight back, but you need to retain axis tilt at the top of the swing. (How to Fix Reverse Pivot Video).
March 26, 2018
This movement made a significant improvement in distance and ball striking
November 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Manuel. Commonly overlooked component that is very important.
November 14, 2017
Unbelievable, this is EXACTLY what I do. Everyone says to me u have a great swing and I feel like it's strong but that I feel I'm over stretched and that my ribs on either side are being stretched way too much. So this makes a lot of sense but like does an inch of movement in the hip bump really make that much of a difference? I'm excited to find out when I get a chance to practice...
October 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. A slight hip bump and tilt makes a big difference. Also, take a look at How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot Video to see more of it's importance.
October 11, 2017
Excellent Craig. Thanks for prompt reply
October 11, 2017
axis tilt and ball position are closely related - right? What is the correct amount of axis tilt for stock shot while keeping ball position off left ear? seems that there is a video on this but, cannot find it. tks Frank
August 3, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Frank, ball position should be positioned off the left ear (lead side logo on chest), once you are in a perfectly sound setup position that includes proper weight distribution and proper axis tilt. You want the spine to be leaning just inside the lead knee at address. Check out fixing your weight transfer video for a way to get perfectly setup and then position the ball off the left ear. Hope that helps.
August 6, 2017
will axis tilt and hip bump prevent me from bringing club back to high thus coming over the top and losing control of club?
July 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. Proper hip bump and tilt are a must for over the toppers. Having proper tilt in the downswing or even increasing the secondary tilt inherently shallows out the path.
July 25, 2017
Is there a difference between axis tilt at set up and secondary axis tilt? I'm confused, most likely over thinking this. thanks
July 24, 2017
Thank you for your quick response to my questions! One last question in regards to axis tilt. Does the axis tilt increase with longer irons, fairway woods, and driver than mid to lower irons? Thanks
July 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The only club you will need to add axis tilt to that is different from the norm would be driver (Proper Tee Heigh Video).
July 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Yes. Secondary tilt in the downswing will be slightly greater than the axis tilt you preset in address. You will want to shy away from excessive secondary tilt.
July 24, 2017
will my axis tilt increase as I come thru my swing and post up on my front leg? thanks
July 24, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. You will have a slight increase in axis tilt (secondary tilt) in the downswing.
July 24, 2017
That makes so much sense, thank you.
July 12, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Glad you found this useful Stacey!
July 18, 2017
Hey, how can axis tilt help with back pain? Any other video you would recommend to help with back pain ?
April 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andres. Axis tilt will help you properly rotate around a more balanced spine since the trail hand is lower on the club. All depends on your swing. Have you submitted a review? There are many causes to back pain. We would be happy to diagnose or lead you to the proper video if we know the tendencies in your move.
April 22, 2017
How can I submit a video for a review ?
April 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andres. Go to the Swing Reviews Tab ---> Get Swing Review. Any questions. Notify Customer Service.
April 22, 2017
Hi Craig. Thanks for your feedback on the latest video I posted. When you say 'stand taller/more upright' the only way I can think to do that is to stand closer to the ball. But when I do that I start shanking.
April 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martyn. You could be overdoing it. Only slightly add a little height (less hinge from the hips). If you are struggling with it, but the other pieces are in order. I will verify in the next review to see why you can't reach the ball.
April 13, 2017
I keep hitting the ball on the upswing. Is that related to axis tilt? I cannot for the life of me, 'trap' the ball. Can you give me some suggested videos on those issues? Lynn M. Myrick Grants Pass Oregon
April 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lynn. Usually too much secondary axis tilt or improper ball placement. Are you tending to be under plane?
April 12, 2017
I am a life long under plane - rerouting the club on the downswing. Lynn
April 12, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lynn. You need to zero out the path. It sounds like excessive tilt with being under plane. I know you've worked on Trace the Plane Line Video and that would worked wonders for you if mastered. However, add the Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks 2 - 4 of 6 Videos. Work on consistent bottoming out. Adding weight. Adding post up. But, with the idea you are going to stop manipulating the plane. Trusting your shift, rotation and better lead arm motion will take care of the necessary adjustments.
April 12, 2017
Hello, is it a good thing to have a few more degrees of secondary axis tilt at impact? How does this vary with different clubs, especially the driver? Also, does secondary axis tilt impact lag? Thanks.
March 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. You will tend to have more secondary tilt with the driver (depending on ball position/desired launch angle). Most standard or stock shots with non-driver club will have a slight increase, but no reason to add a ton more or have it vary a lot. Excessive Secondary tilt would tend to affect plane more, than have a direct result in change of lag.
March 27, 2017
my question is in the backswing with the weight transfer and the hip bump , are we are loosing the spine tilt back again where the spine was before? I do the spine tilt and I cant pull my right shoulder back, I push with my left arm ?//// help
March 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. The trail hip doesn't bump back or sway. You will maintain the tilt as it helps with proper shoulder rotation with the trail hand being lower on the club.
March 10, 2017
Is the degree of axis tilt greater at address with a driver vs an iron; or is it the same amount of tilt?
January 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. Depends on what type of launch angle you are striving for and ball position with the driver. Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video.
January 30, 2017
Axis Tilt is not something I was familiar with until now. After I watched the video I realised I had missed it out of my setup for the past day or two and something seemed so wrong. Having put it back into my swing everything flows and I already feel like my weight is well into my right side on the backswing and the transfer to my left side seems so much easier. Thanks guys.
January 17, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Yes, axis tilt is very vital component of the RST Swing. Glad you noticed the change.
January 17, 2017
Hi, I noticed today that when I bump my hips with the driver, my club face opens up at address. I ignore this since I am thinking it will square up after the bottom of the arch. Should I try to square up the club face at address or is my thinking correct? My balls are fading right for the most part and I am not coming over the top. Thanks, Andrew
December 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Are you changing anything with your ball position when adding tilt? Take a look at the Driver Launch Angle Video for me. The key is to make sure that it is squaring at the proper time. Some adjustments may need to be made.
December 19, 2016
Yes. My ball is on my left big toe and my stance is slightly wider, about an inch and half. I watched that video prior to me hitting the ball and this open face was something I saw and noticed for the first time.
December 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Judging from your ball position. You can stick with the open face, but as you noticed it will tend to be more fade or slice bias. To get the ball straighter. Square up the face at address.
December 19, 2016
Thanks Craig. I'll square it up at address.
December 19, 2016
Hello, I have a question be related to axsis tilt. I think that I have to maintain the axis tilt during the backswin alike in the setup position. But in the downswing, especially in the impact position, what happens there? Must I try to keep it same as earlier or must we add or reduce it? And is it same with all clubs? I thik that the weight shift has an influence on the axis tilt at inpact. - Antti
November 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antti. The axis tilt needs to be maintained going back (Necktie Drill). You might have a slight increase in Secondary Axis Tilt on the downswing. But, you don't need to try and create more. The driver may change a little for launch purposes (Proper Tee Height Video). Also, if you have too much secondary tilt (Level Shoulders Drill).
November 21, 2016
If I do a axis tilt and hip bump, will this affect the angle of the butt club of the golf club to move over to the left side of my body? A sort of slight angle from the club at initial address that will adversely affect the swing in general? I mean, should the angle of the club be straight at address and not the least slanted?
November 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loran. Take a Look at Golf Grip Checkpoint Tips and Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes. The club should be vertical at address with the lead hand just inside the lead thigh. The driver may be the only one where it is slanted away from the target depending on setup for launch type.
November 14, 2016
chuck, can the stack and tilt method of golf be used with the rst method, or should I ditch the stack and tilt.
October 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. The Stack and Tilt Method goes against the vast majority of RST Principles.
October 17, 2016
adding sufficient axis tilt makes me feel like there's more weight on my right (trail) side, unless I do some weird feeling compensation move to get the weight back to 50-50. What am I doing wrong?
October 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. You must be adding too much tilt. The weight should stay balanced 50/50. Take a look at Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes.
October 11, 2016
From the comments below am I to assume you need secondary axis tilt with all full swing shots with driver, woods and irons? What is the weight distribution at address with the axis tilt. Also, what about axis tilt with wedge shots with less than a full swing? Again should you start these shots with more weight on the front foot. ( Open stance and more neutral grip?) FInally, what about secondary axis tilt and wt distribution with bunker shots and flop shots when you are not hitting the ball first? Thanks.
August 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. You will have secondary axis tilt at impact with a varying degree depending on the club. Weight distribution will always be 50/50. Yes, with a wedge you will want a little secondary axis tilt coming into impact. Stance will not need to be open, but for a penetrating wedge weight more balanced on the lead foot. Flop and sand will be standard axis tilt. Weight still balanced neutral.
August 5, 2016
I noticed when I make a little bump toward the target with my hips in order to form my axis tilt, I notice my right foot leans toward the inside shifting my weight toward the inside of my foot. Is that okay?? Thank you..
February 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alex. You want the weight situated more in the inside of the feet. Take a look at the Anchor to the Ground Video.
February 17, 2016
Thank you, Craig. Also, wanted to let everyone at Rotary Swing know that I think this is the best swing guidance out there. I can relate to all the advice. Now it's the application and execution that I have to work on
February 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Most welcome. Thank you Alex. Appreciate the compliments of our site and guidance.
February 17, 2016
Hi new to Rotary for a few weeks I would say fantastic very first time.i understand and can feel in my body what I am teached. Small question on axis tilt (being French I maybe have missed a few words in the video). When I push the hip to the left to have tilt do I still have to maintain a 50/50 weight on both feet. Or.should I put a bit more on the left foot. If I don't take care I put more on right foot which make weight shift difficult.
December 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jerome. Thanks for the compliments of the site and instruction. After adding slight hip bump/tilt. You will want the weight 50/50 at setup.
December 30, 2015
I recently realized that my spine was moving toward the target in the back swing and probably the reason I struggle so much with the ball going to the right of the target and not being able to hit a draw. prior to realizing that, I was really noticing my head dipping on the backswing (when watching video of swing) and also moving toward the ball if viewed from down the line. So I have been working on axis tilt (that I had previously totally ignored even though have golfed all my life and have had tons of lessons that never really highlighted the issue), and am still really struggling with my head (and spine) dipping and moving toward ball on backswing. I can make a backswing watching head in the mirror and not change spine angle (thus not dip head or spine) but then when I try to hit the ball, I am not able to duplicate it. Hitting the ball much better by not moving spine towards target on backswing but still not able to get it from dipping. while this was not mentioned in my first video swing submission, the hooding of the club face was mentioned as a key issue. Have worked for months trying to fix it and have not had much success (thus why no second video submission)\, but now I think I realize that the spine dipping toward ball on backswing is a major cause of not being able to keep clubface from being hooded on backswing. Any thoughts?
October 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Yes, dipping towards the ball can effect the face rotation going back. Take a look at the Forearm Rotation Video to help with the shut club. Also, try another review. Your instructor might see another key that could help alleviate the issues.
October 12, 2015
Someone at the range pointed out that when I shift to the right in the takeaway my hips sway and I reverse pivot. I said there was no way I was swaying because I had axis tilt. Well I videoed myself an sure enough it was very slight but it was there. I had axis tilt at setup but the second I started back, my hips swayed back then my spine got vertical. I has to focus a ridiculous amount to not sway and keep this tilt. I think that this video needs to be reemphasized on its importance.
October 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Nathan for the post. I think you found the culprit. A good video to help you with this is the Weight Shift Video Part 2.
October 6, 2015
Should the hips stay level after the bump, or will the lead hip be slightly higher?
September 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Yes, the hips will stay relatively level.
September 2, 2015
What purpose does axis tilt serve on the downswing?
September 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. Depending on the club. It has a big effect on impact delivery and launch angle.
September 1, 2015
I'd love to see a video that talked about axis tilt on the downswing and at impact. How it helps is still a bit of a mystery. Seems like it should lead to fat or thin shots.
September 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. The Level Shoulders Drill and the Driver Launch Angle Video.
September 1, 2015
Naturally (standing upright in a relaxed position) my right shoulder is about an inch below my left, resulting in my right hand to hang 1 inch below my left hand. Would this affect the amount of axis tilt I have since technically I am able to get my hand on the club with less tilt than someone with level shoulders/hands?
August 14, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stan. Seeing how your right shoulder is below your left in a natural position. You could set up with the right hand low and not have any tilt. You should still require the proper amount of tilt to rotate.
August 14, 2015
After setting up at address with the proper secondary axis tilt, when you take your backswing and "bump" or move the trail hip back along a line WITHOUT moving my head, doesn't this eliminate the secondary axis tilt you started with?
July 29, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. The head will move in the takeaway due to the weight shift. About 1 inch. However, shifting the weight isn't bumping the hip back to neutral. The whole body will shift into the trail glute. You will retain the tilt added at address.
July 29, 2015
That makes sense. A SLIGHT shift of both the head and the hip into the trail glute retains all original angles. Thanks.
July 29, 2015
rather than think I have to bump the left hip, can I accomplish the same thing by setting up to the golf ball with my left hand on the club and keeping my aim, reach under with my right hand and put it on the club? I believe that came from the swing fix and I believe it puts you in the same position as the hip bump/axis tilt.
July 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Putting the right hand on the club naturally adds tilt. But, there needs to be a balance of the position. Maybe you are adding too much bump and it feels awkward. Slight bump and tilt.
July 9, 2015
Is there any weight shift that occurs to the left side when you tilt? I'm having trouble getting the proper feeling / amount of tilt without some weight shifting over to the left - thx
June 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Cavan. When you add hip bump/axis tilt. You still want the weight to be 50/50 at setup. You might be over doing the motion.
June 17, 2015
Does it matter if axis tilt occurs before or after hinging the hips at setup?
June 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. Preferably, the axis tilt will be added after hinging from the hips.
June 12, 2015
Wow I did not have any axis tilt at address. Just a hip bump and now I feel it. Good video.
December 8, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
A very small key that allows the spine to rotate efficiently. A touch of bump, with a touch of tilt!
December 8, 2014
Hello, if I set up leaning away from the target I.E. Axis tilt won't it be difficult for me to get an optimum -4 -5 AOA with a mid iron? I totally understand with a driver or 3 wood but wouldn't it make sense to get my spine angle in a neutral place ? And just have my hands ahead of the club head assures me of a "hitting down " on the ball ?
November 20, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Kelly, No because your axis tilt allows you to reach the club with the right arm without coming out of the box and allows the elbow pit to remain pointed away from the body. So, that means that indirectly, your spine axis tilt allows you to rotate properly and fully. This also keeps you on plane and helps you to get to the proper position at the top. The amount that you are tilted at impact helps to determine your angle of attack, but not your spine angle at your stance. R.J.
November 21, 2014
I thought axis tilt was only important with a driver (Since the ball is so much higher off the ground when sitting on a Tee.) One wants to hit the driver on the upslope as it is coming up from the bottom of the swing arc to generate more airtime and a longer shot. With an iron one wants to hit the ball first and then pinch it against the ground while taking a divot in front of the ball. Would not axis tilt hinder the above process with an iron?
September 23, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alfred. Axis tilt goes beyond the angel of attack. It is very vital to have for proper rotation and loading up on the trail side correctly. Lag, weight shift, and forward shaft lean will impact how you take the divot with an iron.
September 23, 2014
Thanks Craig, again just want to say how great this feature is to this sight ..brilliant !
September 1, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Always here to help John. Thanks.
September 2, 2014
It seems when I bump my hips slightly to the target at address my knees Aren't lined up with the center of my feet( shoe laces ) at address It seems as though my knees have shifted just Slightly left of center( knees centered with left side of shoes at address) Hopefully other RST students can use this as a checkpoint at address
August 30, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Use the checkpoint in this video to make sure you aren't over doing the bump (golf club down sternum). If all is ok, keep up the good work. However, it sounds like you might be shifting a touch too much.
September 1, 2014
Hi there. I am about to record and submit my 2nd set of swing videos for review and I do have a question.. I have been really working on my set up, axis tilt, R hip rotation and keeping my upper body "in the box," and I seem to be hitting my irons/hybrid much better. However... My Driver is still off.. I am slicing (very high) alot of my drives when I try to put any sort of pace on the ball, or hitting really low and left. On my next submission should I record both down the line and face on videos with my Driver or an Iron or does it matter..? Thank you in advance!
July 28, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shontelle. It doesn't matter too much. However, if the concern you have is a driver. Let's see it. There might be something extra you are adding in when you get the big dog in your hands.
July 28, 2014
Pat, Played yesterday and was experiencing my left hand taking over at the bottom of the swing still feeling a bit stuck on the down swing. Having a hard time compressing at impact. Reels like I am still hanging back a bit and not posting into my right side.
July 19, 2014
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Things will be messy at times, as you try to ingrain a new motor pattern. Remember, it takes 3-5k reps to cement a new skill so you don't have to think about it. Keep to one swing thought when playing and do not worry about the rest. Success on the golf course needs to be measured on how well you think you executed that one swing thought over the course of the round. Watch this video to help you get into the right mindset when you play:
July 19, 2014
Pat, I meant to say the left shoulder (side) brings it back and the righ shoulder brings it thru?
July 18, 2014
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
You want to feel your left shoulder gliding behind your head to move away from the target. That's what "shoulder blade glide" feels like. The right shoulder doesn't "bring the swing through". The shift of your right hip towards the target as you place weight into the right heel is what starts the downswing. The pulling of you right oblique and hip abductor are technically what "bring the swing through". The upper body simply reacts to the unwinding of the lower body, as centripetal force takes over. The transition and downswing is the most dynamic part of the swing, so it's mission critical to sync things correctly. The upper body should feel passive the moment the shift towards the target happens
July 18, 2014
Pat, In regards to the takeaway, do I want to feel the left hand pull the club back and have the right hand pull the club back and thru to the finish? Remember I am lefty
July 17, 2014
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
No. I don't want you to feel the hands manually pulling the club back. That will encourage you to have too much wrist hinge during the take away. The hands need to feel passive, with a flat right wrist. Once you are "in the box", you need to feel the big muscles of the upper body taking the club back. In particular, the right lat should feel some tension as you pull your right shoulder behind your head, as you rotate around your spine. Watch this video (even thought it's geared for a righty):
July 17, 2014
July 14, 2014
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Scott, see my reply to your other question relating to the "hip bump/axis tilt" video. Thanks
July 15, 2014
Now, I do the axis tilt/hip bump to get my grip, roll my feet in and squeeze my thighs to make sure my weight transfer on the taka away goes to the inside of my right foot, and shift/plant my right foot (leading foot) into the ground to start my down swing, I have the ball lined up with the label on my shirt and I am still not taking a divot in front of the ball. I know I may be losing 20 yards or more due to lack of compression, but even when I try this drill with only my left hand and arm (I'm right handed) I still take no divot but I am hitting the ball square on the club face...with just my left hand and arm or with a full grip and swing. Because of my rare form of Multiple Sclerosis and the problems it causes, the 5 iron used to be my 150-160 club. Now it's my 140 club and ususally, especially on tee boxes, if the distance is 140 or more, I use my Hybrid 4 to achive that distance and loft. I'm pretty sure that my weight transfer is consistant as by ball flight is consistant, and I also understand that unlearning bad habits and learning the right way can, at first raise your score before dramatically dropping it because you are, in essence, relearning the game the correct way. If I'm making solid contact on the club face and it's in pretty much the same spot each time, should I be that concerned with taking a divot at this point in my game? When I think about it, I would think that, once I advance in the program, and I start learning Lag, the divot and power will come but that is something (at least in my own mind) that I shouldn't be concerned with at this point) especially since I have physical obstacles to overcome with my disease and I just started playing again for exercise in late January-early February. I should just practice what my instructor gives me and continue uploading videos and the divots, power, lag and distance will all come later, once I get consistancy down and learn the proper fundamentals. Am I wrong in this line of thinking or am I doing something wrong now? I practice in front of a mirror at home, with and without a club, and video myself. I am getting much more consistancy in straight shots and square club face contact than I ever was before I started the program. I practice every day, Tuesday-Sunday with and without a club and on Monday, I devote to rest, stretching, and practice without a club for about 2 hours. Then I hit about 100 balls into my driving net as the club is closed on Mondays. Tuesday-Friday, I usually practice hard for 45 minutes to an hour (in the zone), take a break and repeat for 3-5 hours, depending on how the MS makes me feel that day. With Progressive-Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis, I never know how I will feel. I do know when I get tired, either take a good break or stop as I don't want any bad habits to form muscle memory. I know this is long winded, but I wanted you to get an idea of my specific physical limitations and my thoughts on the divots, power, lag and distance....that I should not worry about that right now. I should just focus on what Chuck assigned for me to practice on, the rest will come later, and make sure that this is the proper way of thinking.
May 11, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Making a divot is not entirely necessary for compression. You can still have a shallow angle of attack and compress the golf ball. I would strong suggest that you take a look at the video impact alignments face on and then compare your swing to that video. That will show you how to control the bottom of the arc and then should be able to see if you are in a good impact position to compress the ball properly. I would also suggest you get your swing in for review and explain the above in the student notes that way we can look at it and get you the results you are looking for. There could be a number of other things going on such as a flip, too much secondary axis tilt, weight staying back, getting spun out etc.
May 12, 2014
Now will having no axis tilt cause me to top the ball/hit the top of the ball with my swing. I am not causing any divots when i swing and i have no idea as to why i am not able to do this. Any suggestions would be appreciated
April 21, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Not having enough axis tilt can cause a whole mess of problems with rotation, head position, impact. I would suggest that you get your swing in for review so that we can take a close look at it and best determine your main cause of this sort of miss.
April 21, 2014

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