1. Intro to Fix Overswing/Across-the-Line Swing

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Find out how to work through this section on how to cure your overswing or across-the-line golf swing once and for all!

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What video would you recommend if you are hitting thin shots/ top of the ball?
June 11, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lyndon. Sounds like lack of weight shift and spinning shoulders. Taking a Divot Video and Moving the Fulcrum Video.
June 11, 2018
I have started ballooning my drives and shanking my wedges...Are they related?
July 16, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Darlene. Yes, they could be related. But, too hard to know exactly without knowing some details about your swing.
July 16, 2017
what details do you need?
July 16, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Darlene, Are you due for a swing review by chance? We could take a close look at things to look and see what is causing this sort of thing. By just hearing this, sounds like you could be experiencing too much secondary axis tilt down in the hitting area. There are several causes for this but we would need to take a close look to see what is going on.
July 18, 2017
When I do a practice swing (dtl) and freeze at the top of the back swing, it looks like a tour swing on camara. Left arm is high and straight, left wrist is dead straight and the club points slightly back of target (left of target, I am right handed) I love it but as soon as I take a full swing it is a different story, the left arm is lower, the left wrist cups at the top and the club goes across the line... got any ideas or solutions please.
October 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tim. Sounds like when you move from the practice swing you start back at full pace. Two methods to try. 1) Go to the top and stop. Hit some shots from the tour like position. Make the perfect practice swing (take a 2-3 sec pause), then hit. Get your brain used to the new position and that you can hit from there. 2) Practice at pace. When adding speed that is when players usually lose it. Hit some shots at 20, 30%, etc.. swing speed. When you notice you lose the proper position. Back down to a pace you can get it back. Then, continue forward building up.
October 16, 2016
hey guys i have been skying and topping my driver all off the high part of the heel, i am starting to work on squaring the club face any other tips or hints that i can use catching it off the middle with power? thanks
September 29, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jordan. Typically, when players top the ball the weight is hanging back on trail side and the player has too much secondary tilt. Make sure you transfer the weight first. RST Tempo Drill. Then, make sure you use the setup to increase the tilt for launch angle versus changing the swing. Driver Setup Adjustments Video and the Driver Launch Angle Video.
September 30, 2015
Using RST I'm now hitting my irons with a small controlled draw. But I still can't quite figure out how to hit a fairway wood or driver without coming over the top and fading (sometimes slicing it). Without seeing the swing, is there anything you can think of that would cause this?
July 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mario. It would be hard to assume what is going on. If the woods are over the top. You could be trying to over power them. Take a look at the Sledgehammer Video and the Stop Slicing Start Releasing Video in the Advanced Downswing Section.
July 30, 2015
should I setup with axis tilt for mid-irons? thank you
June 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. Yes, you want axis tilt for mid irons.
June 2, 2015
Is there a drill to permantly fix the flying right elbow. I can practice and look in the mirror and I am okay, but when I really have to hit the golf ball, I go right back into the crossover. Any tips?
March 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Nick. The 3 Functions of the Right Arm in the Backswing Advanced Section is a great video to own that right arm positioning. However, the majority of time when I see players revert back to across the line is swing tempo. You don't hit the ball with your backswing. Focus on the pace and get the positioning. Don't race to the top. Distance isn't determined by the pace of your backswing.
March 20, 2015
I have been hitting a lot of pulls recently. My ball striking has improved and I am hitting nice crisp shots but many times they are pulled 10-15 yards. They fly on a dead straight line, just pulled. Is this most likely a downswing sequencing issue or what do you recommend I work on to fix the problem.
October 21, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
In order to be a dead pull with no curvature, the face would have to be perpendicular to the path and the path would have to be slightly outside to in. So, check when you pull your arms down in the downswing that you are pulling them straight down and not down diagonally towards the ball. When you are pulling it, you might be getting a touch overactive with your arms which is pulling them away from your body. Check yourself on film from the DTL view when you pull a few to check this out. R.J.
October 21, 2014
Thanks. I will check that out. I also feel like I am rotating before sitting right (I'm left handed). It feels like I'm outside to in, but since I release the face well I hit them on the out to in line.
October 28, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, it sounds like you make solid contact. We will do what we can to make you starting line to start on the target line so you better work the ball when you get to that point in your golfing career. A swing review with an RST instructor should help with that. R.J.
October 29, 2014
In order, am I right in saying that the hips stop rotating first, followed by the shoulders, followed by the arms moving slightly upward to the top of the swing?
October 2, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Going to the top. When you stop rotating you want the arms to stop. You don't want them swinging independently of the rotation. Don't over think it too much. As you pull from Move 1 to Move 2. The right shoulder pulls back, which helps pull the hips back. During this the right arm folds and adds a little elevation. Everything will being to settle and slow before transitioning into the downswing. I see where your thinking is at. Technically, it might appear that way. But, don't focus on trying to make a move where you manually stop the hip, stop the shoulder, stop the arms to the top. Let it happen more naturally.
October 2, 2014
got it, thanks.
October 2, 2014

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