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RST Overview - Perfect Golf Swing
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A complete overview of the RST (RotarySwing Tour) golf swing method. Get the big picture why so many tour pros use the RST fundamentals in their golf swings!
- Setup Overview Checkpoints:
- Stance 2" outside neutral, ball off the logo of your shirt
- Use axis tilt to bring your right hand to the club
- Hinge from the hips, relax the knees, let the arms hang down
- Shoulder elevation, right elbow flexion, right shoulder blade glide
- At the top of the swing, shift your weight to the left, begin to pull with the left oblique
The Search for the Perfect Golf Swing
Have you been searching for the perfect golf swing? If so, you've finally found what you've been looking for! The RotarySwing Tour golf swing and learning methodology is the first outside in approach to mastering the perfect swing. We looked at how the body was designed to move safely, powerfully and efficiently in the golf swing to ensure you could hit the ball further than ever with less effor than you could ever imagine - all while hitting it straighter more consistently! Sound good? Of course it does!
Like you, I was tired of hearing and reading conflicting golf tips in the golf magazines and on TV. One golf instructor would say one thing and the next would completely contradict what the other had just said. It's sheer madness, really. Imagine going to two different medical doctors who told you wildly conflicting information like you hear from golf instructors these days! You'd quickly lose faith in the medical profession and that's why I believe golf has been on a steady decline for years.
No magic driver or shaft is going to cure your swing path that is 10 degrees out to in with a wide open club face! You're still going to hit a giant slice unless you hit it way off the toe. The fix to your slice is fixing your golf swing mechanics. That's the only path to perfect golf shots and the perfect golf swing starts with understanding what it is you're trying to do. That's what this golf instruction video is for. I walk you through the overview of the Rotary Swing so you can have a road map of what it is you're doing and the direction you're heading with your new perfect golf swing.
Hi, I'm Chuck Quinton founder of and creator of the rotary swing tour method that you're about to learn. We get asked all the time, "What exactly is rotary swing and what is it all about?" The simplest answer is this, it's the only and the first approach to the golf swing that's completely objective and based on pure science. Not about personal opinion, or preference, or bias, or any of that stuff. What I mean by that, you've probably taken a golf lesson or two, or you've watched a couple golf videos on line at this point, and you found undoubtedly that pretty much everybody contradicts what the other golfer said. That is incredibly frustrating because as a golfer you don't know who's, and who's wrong, and what they're basing their information off of.
Almost inevitably you typically find from most golf instructors is they teach based on what they found works on their own golf swing. What they found. If they slice, and they strengthen their grip, they're like, "Hey, you need to strengthen your grip." Rotary Swing doesn't approach the swing like that at all. In fact we don't even care how the tour pros swing. That may sound like blasphemy, but the reality is 81% of the tour pros on the PGA tour will miss nine weeks for a golf swing related injury and they consider those injuries chronic, meaning they're continue to struggle with these injury problems.
With RST, we designed everything with a help of a group of orthopedic surgeon and neurosurgeons, and PhD biomechanists, to make it's as injury free and injury proof as it possibly can be because golf isn't a contact sport. You shouldn't get injured playing golf. There's guys in the NFL that get injured less often than the guys on the Tour. That's because it's not that they're not great ball strikers. Obviously to be on the PGA Tour you have to be a great ball striker, but their movement patterns are fighting their bodies. That's why, not only the guys on the PGA Tour, but the average amateur golfer watching golf instruction videos online gets injured very frequently as well.
All of these things can be prevented. We took the time to study the swing from the inside out and look at it from a scientific perspective. We looked at the biomechanics, the anatomy of the human body, and the physics that are being exerted on the golf club. Lastly, we took a look at the neuromechanics, or how your brain actually learns these new movement patterns. That is how the RST swing system was developed. It's meant to be completely objective and nothing about anyone, not even my own personal bias or preference. We teach you fundamentals of the golf swing. Even that term is something that not everybody can agree on. As you will watch my swing fundamentals video you'll understand that we look at fundamentals again very black and white, very objectively, and these things can't be argued.
Now let's take a look at some big picture stuff and then we're going to dive into the overview of the actual golf swing itself. It's going to answer a lot of questions about what RST is. One thing that I want to make clear is that Rotary Swing is not a symptomatic approach to the golf swing. What I mean by that is most golf instruction looks at ball flight and says, "Well, you're doing this so we're going to find some bandaid to fix what the ball is doing. In reality obviously the end goal is to make the ball fly the way that you want it to, but we don't really care about that at first. We're going to look at what's causing the ball flight rather than put a bandaid on your golf swing and try to fix the ball flight that way.
We take a cause and effect approach to the golf swing. We look at your primary motor movements, your body, because it's the way your body moves is going to effect what the golf club does. Not the other way around. You don't fix the golf club to fix a ball flight problem. If you're swinging over the top, and slicing, we are going to fix what the force of movement and how your body's movement and you're set up that's causing the club to move over the top rather than just telling you to start rerouting the club. That doesn't work. You know that.
We look at it as, we're going to go in and cut the cancer out rather than just putting a bandaid over your cancer. That again is very different to how most golf instruction is done. If you're interested in that kind of stuff, and you're sick of these conflicting tips and these bandaid approaches to the swing, then listen up because not I'm going to go into what the rotary swing is exactly.
The first thing is it all starts with set up. The spine angle and all of the angles that you create at address are critical in the ... I'm going to do an overview here of what the RST whole golf swing is in a nutshell. Of course on the site we go in much more in depth, but I want to give you just the big picture stuff.
First of all, a couple key fundamentals at set up. We talk a lot about stance width. It's going to be two inches outside of neutral with your pelvis. We don't have this giant wide stance. If you have that it's because your force of movement's coming from the wrong place. I promise you. Two inches outside of neutral, access tilt, critical for getting the club on plane to stop swinging over the top, to stop the reverse pivot. That's how we're going to get set up and you're going to look a bit like this.
As we go back the movement is going to be like every other athletic movement that you've ever done in your life. If you've ever thrown a ball, I guarantee you, you shifted your weight to your back leg and then you shifted your weight to your front leg, and then you rotated your pelvis, and then that rotated your torso, and then you released the ball. The golf swing for Rotary Swing, not any different. The reason, from the time that we were chucking spears at elephants and cheetahs back in the day, as cavemen, we found that this is the most efficient way to propel an object with our arm. It's not rocket science in that regard.
What we're going to do first is we're going to shift our weight into our trailing leg. We're going to begin to rotate. You're going to learn that the takeaway movement is such a small simple movement when you look at what Rotary Swing does. We're going to focus on this two inch shoulder blade glide that you've no doubt seen on my takeaway video at this point. That little movement of my body is going to move the club about six feet. I'm going to move two inches to move the club six feet and then as I keep going from there all I've gotta do is the REF movement: rotation, elevation, flexion. If I just do this with my arms, as I go back to the top, all of a sudden the club, shocker, perfectly on plane. We'll look at this from down the line.
Now I'm going to answer one of the really common questions we get all the time. Is the rotary swing a one plane or two plane swing? The reality is, we don't use those terms at all. Again, it goes back to this concept of personal preference or what an instructor's observed a bunch of golfers doing. The concept of swing plane in itself is defined so differently by so many people. People look at elbow planes, and shaft planes, and shoulder planes, and arm planes, and all of this stuff.
Swing plane, as you'll learn in my swing fundamentals video, isn't even a fundamental of the golf swing. That's going to sound crazy, but again, as you watch the video you'll understand what fundamentals really are. Swing plan is incredibly important. It's one of the first things that we fix. Again, we fix the fundamental, the underlying cause, of why your swing plane's off. Not grab the club and try to set it and manipulate it into some position. As far as being one plane, or two plane, again it depends on how you define that. Are you talking about the position of your arm in relation to your shoulders at the top?
If you looked at it that way rotary swing is going to be just a little bit above that shoulder plane because we're looking at it from a perspective of physics. We want leverage in the swing. The higher my arms are up, as I go up, the more potential of leverage I have in this club. If my arms are down here, and I dropped it, there's just simply less leverage. If my arms are really high I have a lot more potential energy. I have a lot more leverage in the swing. At the same point, if my arms are really high and disconnected from my body, my body can't rotate very aggressively in the downswing because my arms are going to be too high. We have to wait on them to drop.
We look at it for trying to be in the middle. We don't want a really shallow arm plane. I could rotate really hard and wouldn't have to wait on my arms, but that's going to put a lot more stress on my body, that rotational force on my spine. We don't need that, but we don't need our arms ridiculously high either because then you really have to be patient during the transition. I know patience isn't really the strong suit of most of us golfers, right? We want to get to the top here and go after it.
Again, we're looking at it from the most efficient perspective on how our body's engineered to move. The simplest smallest movements humanly possible to get the club set appropriately at the top to have enough leverage to have enough power to hit the ball as far as humanly possibly with as little effort and that's really a critical part of rotary swing.
Our arm's going to be just above shoulder plane, give or take a little bit. Again, as you understand rotary swing you understand that's a variable rather than a fundamental of the swing. You can have your arms a little higher. You can have your arms a little lower. They all don't matter. What we're primarily looking at is how we rotate around our spine and how we load up the trailing leg and the muscles in our core and our trunk. That's where the power comes from.
As you start doing this and you start learning this is really the entire rotary swing tour movement. If we look at it from face on, all I'm trying to get you to do is to rotate correctly and this is it. If you add our rotation elevation flexion, all of a sudden the golf swing's shockingly simple to get your arms to the right position at the top. You can't move any less than what I'm going to ask you to move.
Now let's take another look at, we've kind of got to the big picture of the backswing, let's look at the down swing stuff. Okay, so now we've made it to the top of the swing. How do we get down? What's rotary swing tour all about? Again, it's about producing power as efficiently and safely as humanly possible. To get down the first thing we're going to do, again, just like every other motor movement that you've done in sports, the first thing you do is you shift your weight. When you go to the top, and you're throwing a spear at an elephant to feed your family or throwing a ball to the catcher, the first thing you're going to do is you're going to stride with the lead leg forward and begin transferring weight while rotating your pelvis.
Rotatory Swing follows those same fundamentals because, again, it's just the most efficient way to sequence these kinetic chain of movements in your body. From the top, the first thing that we're going to do is shift our weight back to the left starting load up the lower body getting leverage from the ground. Once we've shifted our weight, notice that I'm just trying to keep my back pointing at the target as long as humanly possible. You never try and unwind your shoulders in the down swing. That's another big common misconception in the golf swing is that people think that you should get to the top and spin your shoulders as fast and hard as you can.
That's the last thing on earth that you would ever want to do because all you're doing is creating a tremendous amount of centripetal force and that's going to lead to centripetal force that's going to act on the club and cause you to throw the club away, or cast, or lose lag. Lag is the primary generator of club [ed 00:11:05] speed, the wrist angle between the shaft and your wrist, your forearm. That's the primary lever that you have in your swing to release the club with a lot of speed. It makes up about two-thirds of your club ed speed.
When you go to the top, and you spin your shoulders as fast you can, you can see even here going relatively slow it's making the club want to throw out away from me. Instead, what you do in rotary swing is that you turn to the top and you're done. You feel like you keep your chest facing away from the target as long as humanly possible. Your arms are nice, and soft, and relaxed because we want them to be able to move fast but we want them to be moved by our big muscles. Our trunk, our core, is the primary mover in the down swing.
What we're really trying to do is use our legs, or glutes, our hamstrings, or quads, and our core, obliques, our muscles in our abdominals to start to unwind as we shift our weight and that is what moves the club and moves your arms and your shoulders. As we start down we focus primarily from here down. That's the focus and the swings as we shift back to the left. Notice I'm still keeping my shoulders shut in relationship to the target and then I'm going to post up on my lead leg. This is really where the speed comes from in rotary swing.
If I had to make one simple statement about it is that you get power in the swing from your legs. Even more specifically, your lead leg because this leg is not only helping you unwind your hips which is helping unwind your shoulders which is helping bring the club back to the ball. Its also got an angle in it. My leg is bent if we look at it this way. As I push up against the ground, guess what that's going to do to the club? If my body's moving this way, up and down, it's going to force the club to move faster down.
This movement, as you post up, is what actually snaps the release of your wrist. You don't take your wrists and throw the club at the ball. Your wrist are relatively passive. They're essentially passive hinges, if you will. You don't have to actively use your hands to release the club, and square the face up, and all those things. RST's all about taking your hands out of the swing and letting the physics of what you're body's doing, and what the club's doing with the momentum that you've created to release the club for you.
Where your speed comes from, since you're not using your hands and arms, that's way too finicky to try and control that. You're using your big muscle and the power that you can generate from your powerful legs to help snap the club down. My hands, as I'm doing this, are relatively very relaxed. All the power's going to come from this posting up movement in the down swing. None of this stuff and of course I've become well-known for discussing pushing versus pulling in the swing. Obviously the last thing we want to do is push really hard from this right side. It's going to create, again, this throw away motion where we're losing lag in the down swing. All it creates is tons and tons of problems in the swing and you'll never swing faster than 92 miles an hour with your driver doing that.
We're going to keep our arms and hands quiet, shift, rotate, post up, and that's going to release the club for us. From there the rest of the swing doesn't really matter. The ball's already gone. We don't care what you do in your follow through. The follow through of course is just a result of what you did throughout the whole first part of the swing and so we can use it as a diagnostic tool. That's really what we do at RST. We want to make sure that you've shifted your weight all the way over to the lead leg so you can post up. You've got a lot of muscle mass, a lot of muscle fibers activated because there's weight over here. You can create a lot of leverage from the ground.
In a nutshell, that's what rotary swing tour is really all about. Don't think about it in conventional terms the way that you think about the golf swing or all these conflicting ways that you've heard the golf swing taught. It's purely objective. We don't care what Tiger Woods did in his swing, or Jack Nicholas, all these guys. It doesn't matter. What matters is how is your body designed to create a golf swing movement as powerfully, safely, and efficiently as humanly possible and it doesn't get anymore powerful, safe, or efficient than rotary swing tour.
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Patrick (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
René (Certified RST Instructor)