The Big Picture of the Golf Swing

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Don't lose sight of the forest for the trees! This video gives you the "big picture" view of what you're really trying to work on in your golf swing.

  • The golf swing is lead side dominant - that means left side for you righties out there!
  • This is what makes learning the golf swing so difficult
  • With RotarySwing, we walk you through this hurdle in a systematic, step-by-step process
  • Most of the drills are designed to be done indoors, so you can practice at home!

Sometimes it's easy to get lost in all the details, to focus on the minutae and miss the big picture of the golf swing. Fear not, it happens to everyone! Especially when working on your golf swing. We can often get bogged down worrying about the tinyiest of details when we really need to take a look at the big picture and what we're really trying to accomplish. This golf instruction video does just that, gives a 30,000 foot view of the Rotary Swing.

The BIG PICTURE of understanding your  golf swing

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself, “what is the purpose and method” that truly moves the golf swing?  For years, I have studied the golf swing from every aspect in order to develop and simple and fluid golf teaching technique that will actually work for any golfer, playing at any level of golf. 

Years ago, I developed a golf training video series called the physics of the golf swing.  In video one out of seven, I demonstrated how pulling, not pushing a trailer using a toy truck is the way you can visualize your swing.   The fact is, as a golf instructor, I spend more time trying to stop golf students from using their dominant hand than almost any other fault. 

To simplify the entire golf swing and your golf practice routine, I want you to consider swinging only with your left hand.  Once you understand that adding your right arm is where golfers run into swing problems, achieving a fluid and easy motion becomes easier. 

Step 1 in this drill - Take your trailing or dominant hand off the club.  Use just your left hand and swing freely back and through.  Using your left arm only in your practice golf swings will make it easy to see that your right arm is the component that complicates the dynamics of a proper golf swing. 

Step 2 –  Once you have created some fluidity with your left- hand-only practice swing, start to add in your weight shift.  Shift from the right, when back to the left.   

Step 3 – Think of your right hand as the passive element of your golf swing.  Try our Frisbee drill, which you can find on the website.  This Frisbee drill will reinforce a left hand pull-swing and then, when your feel comfortable, start to add in your right arm when it’s time to generate your power.

Remember:  Pull, don’t push your golf swing to a better spot.  Use the drills on the website and follow our program for a path to lasting golf improvement.   

Hi guys. Chuck Quinton here, founder of I want to talk to you about the big picture. Let's go up to 30,000 feet and look down on the forest and see the forest through the trees and really understand what is the purpose of the golf swing. What is really the big picture? What are we really trying to do and what are we really trying to accomplish?

                If you watch the video of my seven part series on the physics of the golf swing, video one out of seven. You'll understand that from that little truck example of me pulling a trailer that pulling is the only way to truly stabilize and keep the center of gravity of the club moving in a consistent way. And so what most golfers and what we spend all of our time and lessons doing and working in clinics is helping golfers get out of this motion of using their dominant side and using the right, because most golfers are right handed playing from the left side of the ball, of course you're going to want to use your right side and when you do that of course everything starts going wrong. It's like trying to push that trailer down the street. It's not going to work out very well but it's going to be exciting to watch, kind of like your golf game right now.

                So, if you want to stop being the guy pushing the trailer down the highway at 70 miles per hour and getting into a bad accident, like your golf swing is, you have to start working through pulling. So the big picture is really if you're going to just dumb everything down, you just forgot everything else about the golf swing and said "Okay, let me just make it the simplest, moving components that I could possibly make." You would take your trailing arm off the club. You would use just your, I'm going to assume you're right handed playing to the left side of the ball, so your left hand and you would swing it back then swing it through. Then in its simplest motion, in its purest essence, that's the golf swing.

                I'm shifting my weight to the right, shifting my weight to the left and swinging and letting the golf club release. You'll notice as I'm doing that I'm making what looks like a golf swing. You don't have to be a tour pro to make a golf swing that looks like a tour pro golf swing when you take the right arm off. The right arm, generally, where everything starts going really bad because that's how you change the pitch and attitude of the shaft and start coming over the top. You generally will not be able to take the club from the top of the swing and then rotate it with just your left arm and make it come across the plain and come down really steep. Club will naturally shallow out as you shift your weight, and it will naturally release.

                So tons of great things happen when you start swinging from your non-dominant side. That's the hard part. This is what makes golf so challenging is that it is a predominately lead side dominant sport. So, that's why I have the Frisbee Golf Swing drill on the site where you learn how to use your left arm. That's why the right arm is once you've already learned how to swing and shift your weight and rotate and use your lead arm correctly the right arm is there just to help transmit energy from the body. Think of it kind of like a passive condo for adding speed. Now of course you can add a little bit of throwing motion, like throw the ball videos.

                Once your left side is really doing all of the heavy lifting. Once that's happening a lot of great things are going to happen in your swing. Next time you go to a tour event or you're watching a tour player on TV and he's sitting on the tee box waiting because they take five hours to play a round of golf out there you'll always see them not just making practice swings but always with their left arm. You're never gonna see a tour player going like this with his right arm. It just doesn't even look right, doesn't feel right. The challenge to golf is that it's predominately left side dominant for a right handed golfer. This is the hand that you don't do anything with usually.

                Imagine going home tonight, I'm going to challenge you, I always tell people in the golf swing clinics to do this. Take your toothbrush, start brushing your teeth with your left hand tonight and see how hard it is. Now understand that you're trying to hit a golf ball, which requires tremendous amounts of precision, with the hand that you're not very coordinated with. You can't even brush your teeth without poking yourself in the eye. It's going to be challenging at first. That's why you have to be patient and work through things in progression. Look at the "Five Minutes to a Perfect Release" video that walks you through these things in sequence.

                So, understand that the big picture is you're just trying to learn how to swing the club back and forth with your lead arm and your body. If you can do these things you can start to make tour pro quality swings but it will take time. Be patient. Work through things in the sequence that I've laid them out. Watch the videos in order, and I guarantee you your golf swing will improve. 

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Using the L hand together with the body in a pulling motion is what I understand as swingers. Those who use their RH more actively in a pushing or throwing motion - and are capable of doing it - are more likely to be hitters. Swinging is probably the fastest and safest way to learn how to play golf, but some players are built and more suited to be hitters I believe- f.ex Jon Rahm.
October 15, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. You are correct for the most part. The pace of learning though can be challenging no matter which side. I have seen swingers sometimes take a little bit longer because it's usually training their non-dominant side.
October 15, 2022
If you watch all the video's in succession you get filled with a lot of stuff that you either will forget or just jumbled up in your mind and a lot of repetition. I wish it would just list the main swing parts with the drills in order and make the other stuff available if you want to learn more details. Im watching video's that don't have drills and information that I have already heard 10 video's ago and have heard several times since.
August 31, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michelle. We are working on a new website to simplify the information for the users. I apologize for your confusion. My recommendation would be work through the RST 5 Step Videos and use the other videos as supplemental to help you perform the drills perfectly. Also, a swing review would help you diagnose the faults you struggle with to put hyper focus on your specific needs.
August 31, 2019
I don’t know if this question has already been ask for, but listening to Chuck and his explanations about dominant side, I am wondering why right hand players don’t play golf naturally with their right hand (I mean like left handers do) ? It should be easier, no ? Pat
April 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. Yes, it has been answered before. Cliff notes version. It is much easier to re-train the control side for a player that is already trail side dominant. Players already know how to add power with their trail side from years of use. It is much easier to dial back the power side and give them better control. If you start out very young without a lot of pre-existing movement patterns and kinetic sequencing. It would be something to consider.
April 20, 2019
Where do I find all the drills that are discussed in the videos like the frisbee drill? In what order do I complete these drills? I'm watching the videos in succession but it sounds like I should have completed some drills before having watch the video.
December 28, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Pedro. Use the search box and type frisbee. The quickest way to find the videos is by typing the key word into the search area. I would follow the RST 5 Step System for a great overall rebuild and the successive videos as supplemental help if you struggle with a certain aspect of the drill.
December 28, 2018
Hello. What about someone who is left handed, but right side and eye dominate? I guess an easier explanation would be that i'm ambidextrous and golf (righty) but am left handed. Opposite of like Phil Mickelson who is right handed, but plays lefty?
November 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alex. If you were to throw a ball. Which arm could you pitch faster with?
November 19, 2018
Left. I'm a left handed pitcher.
November 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alex. Ideally, you want your lead arm being the dominant arm. You are in a tough position. My assessment would be make your speed arm the trail arm and learn to train your other arm to be the controlling factor. Trail is the speed hand, and lead is the control side.
November 19, 2018
Can you please sshow me a demo showing how you do the weight swing.Thanks
November 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nakul. We have tons of videos dealing with weight shift. If you visit the Weight Shift Section you will see lots of examples. Some of my preferred videos would be the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Weight Shift, Perfecting Lower Body Stability, Step 1 - Weight Shift, Step 2 - Core Rotation, etc.. The list is pretty endless. You will see numerous examples.
November 2, 2018
Why don’t instructors teach beginning young players to hit from the right side of the ball vs the conventional left side?
August 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Depending on what motor patterns are already ingrained. That would be the ideal scenario. You may see in the future coach starting to change into this.
August 10, 2018
My 11 year old son is starting to learn the game and he's right handed. It seems like learning the LH swing would be better long term? Would the teaching pro need to buy in as well? thx
August 11, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. The teaching pro would have to buy in as well. If he doesn't have a lot of older ingrained patterns and can throw a ball/create some coordination with his left arm speed/good kinetic sequence. That could be a viable option. You have to watch out of taking out his power side if he lacks coordination with the left.
August 11, 2018
Hi, I’m this far along on videos and drills. My old swing is just like the guy three videos earlier in the weight shift one. I went to the range at my club to try 9am to 3 pm swings. With my new set up and weight shift. First three were great then the hosel shanks set in!
July 21, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. Typically, that will be from lack or release, or pushing with the trail hip (early extension). Take a look at How to Cure the Shanks in 3 Steps to understand why.
July 22, 2018
Hi In the beginning of the swing i have learned to focus on weight shift and rotation. The hands should be passive. So it basically means that the hands only get active when releasing the club at impact (rolling the clubface over) , correct?
February 23, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anders. The release will still happen due to the design of the club and momentum. The only time you really need to be active with the hands will be in trying to change ball flight by changing lead wrist position.
February 23, 2018
Here is something that I keep thinking about when I see videos about the left arm doing all the work for righties. Why then are right handed golfers taught the game leading with their left arm instead of the right? Anyone who'd played tennis knows how to hit a backhand with their right arm (and knows that trying the same thing with their left would be very hard)! Shouldn't right-handed golfers lead with their right arm?
January 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rondank2. Most players believe it is a right side dominated sport. Therefore, starting out there seems to be the obvious choice. One does everything with their right hand, so they should play from the right side to have the ability to create lots of speed. However, we know that it isn't the case. Technically, right handed golfers should play from the opposite side. Phil M and some others on tour already do that. If you started playing from the right side many years ago and are very right hand dominant. It would be a arduous task later in life to switch though.
January 30, 2018
I'm left handed but learned playing golf with right handed clubs. I am always "hitting from the top", using my right arm to power through the swing. I'm sure if I follow the RST steps my swing will improve. Thank you.
November 2, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Sam, yes you should improve for sure and we will do all that we can to support you in the process. Take your time and good luck!
November 2, 2017
I`m really impressed from what I have watched already. I really believe in what your teaching here Over the next five months I`m going to put in 2 hours a day 6 days a week. I've played since June 1st 2016 and I have a handicap of 5.9 I`m hoping to get to below 3 by September 2018. Using the RST website
October 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Thanks Gary. Appreciate the post. If you perform the drills correctly with the amount of time you are saying. No reason you can't get the movement pattern down.
October 14, 2017
This is an interesting video for me. I do everything lefty (eat, brush teeth, write, paint, etc.), except I play sports righty (bat, throw, golf). However, my biggest issue is coming over the top and using to much right hand. Any advice for me?
July 6, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
HI Erinn, This is a very common mistake made by a ton of people playing golf and our student base. I would suggest that you start working on the frisbee drill AND I would also suggest that you submit your swing for review so we can take a close look at your swing and direct your otherwise. The new 5 video series would be a good thing for you as well as it trains you how to slowly add the trail hand into the golf swing so that you can develop the proper path and keep the path in check when doing so.
July 6, 2017
I'm a little confused When I Watch the rotation video it talks about using the right arm are coming back on the right side to rather rather than pushing the left arm across the body This video however negates the right side completely and says all the work is to be done on the left side Would you please clarify this
May 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Fredrick. The trail arm doesn't solely pull the club back. You are using the trail shoulder blade and weight shift. Both arms do have a role in the swing. Even though in the video above Chuck is using mainly a lead arm only swing. He is still using the trail side to pull it back.
May 15, 2017
I am naturally left handed but picked up a right handed set of clubs to learn golf many years ago, I am encouraged to learn through this instructional video that the left hand (in a right handed golf swing) is the dominant hand and as such I theoretically have an advantage. I always wondered if I should convert to playing left handed until I learnt this bit of information. Should I continue playing right handed?
March 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. If you are left side dominant, but playing for the right handed side of the ball. You are ahead of the curve. I would stick with playing righty.
March 26, 2017
awesome explanation - never thought of the swing this way
March 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Robert. Glad you liked the presentation.
March 15, 2017
This concept is already helping me before I even pick up a club after watching the video!! I am hugely left side dominant but play right-handed. However because I am so dominant on my left side I have always tried to work my right side to compensate for this and not ever improved my 7 handicap. Now I can work on where I am already strong and should find the 5 step much easier to work into my swing.
March 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stuart. Great. You are already ahead of the curve. I would also follow up with making sure you get the release perfect for full benefit.
March 14, 2017
Hi Craig, I have had about 1800 reps on wt. shift in 2 weeks. I have played 3 rounds with 4 9 holes in the low 40. So far my driver is very consistent with more yardage. However, my approach shots got tempo issue such as when I did good preshot routine, but I stepped to execute the shot, I did not complete my backswing or I did not load up at the top before I shift weight. or I was too quick in my takeaway and my right side or right arm took over. All resulted in fat shot or shank. Could you suggest something for me to do to overcome this "choke". I know I will continue to hit shots with my left arm for a few months to ingrain. My single digit golf partner told me that I lack focus at the critical moments. Thanks.
February 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello George. I don't have any videos particularly referencing the "choke" move you are struggling with. My suggestion would be to get a good trigger and keep the legs more engaged and upper half relaxed. Take a look at How to Swing from the Ground Up. This should help you not tense the upper portion up as much and allow you to have a more complete move.
March 1, 2017
I am new RST member, and I am fascinated by the concepts taught here. But I am struggling with some information that seems to be contradictory. As a right hand dominant swinger, I have learned from RST that I need to work more on the lead arm, and reduce the role of my right arm. Yet the metaphor that is frequently used for weight shift and kinematic sequence is a baseball pitcher, which is a completely trail arm move. The lead arm is almost vestigial to a baseball pitcher. Also, the push/pull metaphor of 2 toy cars seems to fall short as well. As long as the source of power is leading the trailing object, the object is being pulled. Thus a toy car on a string is being pulled whether the source of power is a lead arm or a trail arm. So as long as the clubhead is trailing the grip before impact, the clubhead is being pulled whether the lead arm or trail arm is on the shaft. Can someone help clarify these concepts for me? Thanks!
February 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ayman. The baseball pitcher analogy (even though using the trail arm) is using his lead side to bring the arm into place. The lead side weight shift and pull of the core are in control. Hence, the stepping into it with the lead leg to start the motion with the lead side from the ground up. The problem with the golf club is with the trail arm it will be hard (without opening the body too much) to reach the proper impact. Normally, one would be too shy of the bottom of the swing arc and catching it a little more on the upswing. Players that body release the club rotate the body more aggressively to lead the club and keep the grip ahead at impact. These players are typically a right side dominant swinger. It leads to more of a body release vs arms/hands release. Which will minimize club head speed and cause inconsistency at impact. Also, more wear and tear on the body. You can only pull so far with the trail arm and keep the handle ahead. The lead takes much of that problem out of the equation.
February 2, 2017
I am naturally left handed or left hand dominant but, bat and golf right handed. any special considerations?
January 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. Not really. The only thing you might come upon is having too much lag. If you start getting stuck because of excessive downcock. Report back to us.
January 26, 2017
Your instruction is EXCELLENT However your organization of the instruction is NOT Please REORGANIZE your videos and have them sequence Your teaching videos skip and I have to go looking for the next teaching video that is in sequence, VERY FRUSTRATING Tom Lawson Columbus Ohio
September 24, 2016
I second Tom's view. I have said the same thing many times. You guys are realy good but having too many videos seems to bring in contradictions as much as sequencing. Throw the ball drill , brings the right hand into focus, which contradicts the video above which advocates lead side focusing!
January 21, 2017
I also agree. RST is fantastic, Chuck, Craig and everyone are great ... but when Chuck says 'Watch the Videos in order" ... Huh? It's just not possible to work that out. A well thought out arrangement of the order of videos would be the one single biggest improvement to the RST site.
February 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martyn. Thanks for the positive notes about Chuck, the team and myself. The structure has changed over the years and sometimes its hard to follow the older instructions filmed in the video pertaining to "what to watch." I know it can be confusing at times. I will relay a few of these messages to the team.
February 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. We are currently re-organizing and prioritizing videos. Some are still geared towards the old build and are a work in progress. Apologize for the wait and confusion.
September 26, 2016
I saw Chuck on YouTube drilling with somebody and having him turn all the way back and through with the hands 2" apart (as opposed to just the takeaway). Is this a good visual or drill for the whole swing?
September 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. Yes, but at some point you will have to add flexion to create vertical motion. 4 Square Drill and Pool Noodle Drill. Elevation isn't the only vertical provider in the swing. But, the drill would help with the feeling the arms/hands stay in front of the body.
September 24, 2016
Chuck, I am a left handed golfer playing right handed and sometimes I literally hit the ball with just my left hand, and my right hand comes completely off the club; "Vejay Sing syndrome". When this happens, it feels like my right hand cannot keep up with my left and then comes off; but I am not sure why this happens; a simple hold on tighter with the right hand does not work for me, so I must be doing something else really wrong; this only happens with my driver and some of these drives are still pretty good, straight and long?? Help? caleb
September 16, 2016
I've seen video of Freddie Couples doing this with his driver..right hand is partially off..
February 6, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Caleb. Vijay Singh Syndrome is a good thing. Why worry about it coming off the club? Take a look at the Vijay Release Drill.
September 16, 2016
I think it would be okay if it were after I hit the ball, but this is way before I make contact; it also does not "feel" like I am hitting with enough clubhead speed. Also, as a drill, I could see it okay, but seems like less control?
September 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Caleb. The lead hand will still be the control hand. You wouldn't lose that stability even if the trail came off. Take a look at the Sledgehammer Video. It may help tie in the connection of the trail shoulder and arm with useful effectiveness.
September 16, 2016
Hi, why is it that we right handed golfers setup so we all of a sudden have to use our left hand/side as the lead side? I have played a lot of disc golf and the disc golf swing and release is exact the opposite as my golf swing. How come we don't play the other way around? Is there a good reason for this? wouldn't we actually be better of playing with our normally strong right side as our lead side?
September 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christian. That's some good food for thought. You would think that you would want the dominant side being the lead side. Some because of coordination and others because they want their throwing arm trailing like in a baseball motion.
September 16, 2016
Interestingly in the game of cricket (I'm an Aussie), over the last ten years or so, more and more great batsmen play left handed, when they are right handed off the pitch. Before that time, lefties were extremely rare. Maybe the same thing will happen in golf?
February 15, 2017
Hi, I am a new premium member to the site and I have a question regarding the motion of the swing. I am left handed but golf right handed. I think this gives me an advantage in some ways but a disadvantage in others. When it comes to the throwing motion of the right hand and the weight transfer, I feel very uncoordinated. Are there specific exercises for my non-dominant right side? Should I practice throwing a ball with my right hand to get the weight transfer rhythm down? thanks and I am looking forward to learning a lot.
August 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tomas. Yes, you could use the Throw the Ball Drill to help with tempo, transfer and trail arm usage. However, the trail arm doesn't have to do a whole lot to hit a good quality and compressed shot. Do you tend to have too much lag in your swing or too little? If too little, I would solely focus on lead arm training before worrying about your trail arm.
August 18, 2016
You rightly are focusing on right-handed players who play from the right side. Do you have any comments for someone like me who is left-handed but plays from the right side. I don't come over the top and hit my shots pretty straight (as long as I stay back), but what should I be carefully about during the full swing?
May 29, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
In general, not much. You're at an advantage to others as long as you can effectively coordinate the throwing motion of the body (proper sequence of weight transfer and rotation more so than the movement of the trailing arm) from your non-dominant side.
June 1, 2016
Hi I would appreciate some guidance. I am ordinarily a 15 handicap but have not played golf over the past year and a half, having taken time off from the game to play other sports. I am going to be travelling in 3 months with some friends and would like to get my game in shape by then if possible. I do not expect to be playing like a pro, just want to be hitting the ball with a bit of quality and consistency (I already have a decent short game). I would ordinarily be very much for the approach on this website…taking things slowly, step by step with loads of reps before moving forward to the next stage. This fits my personality as I am normally quite diligent and hardworking in anything I do and have always intuitively felt that this is the right approach for golf. However, my concern is that I have a fairly short timeframe. The information on the “5 minutes to” videos looks great but to do it properly it seems it would take several months. Can you suggest a program/approach. Perhaps the ”6 weeks to series?”
April 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. The 6 Weeks series will be great for your trip. However, also let me suggest another path. You need to have the proper shape, weight transfer and release for quality shots. I would focus more on the Perfect Impact Series for now with your trip upcoming. You will work on a 4 part program to teach release, weight and a little lag.
April 3, 2016
Hi I have had a look at the Perfect Impact series and it looks very interesting. 2 questions. First, should we hit balls while working through this....or perhaps do several reps then put a ball in the way? What do you recommend. Secondly, how do we take it into a full swing after the training is done. I note that that the shoulder turn and the swing length in the series never does progress to full. I am picturing that, after doing the 4 weeks and being proficient, one could hit a couple of balls with the smaller motion and then go ahead and hit a 3rd ball extending it to full. Again, welcome your thoughts.
April 8, 2016
many thanks!
April 3, 2016
Hi I have had a look at the Perfect Impact series and it looks very interesting. 2 questions. First, should we hit balls while working through this....or perhaps do several reps then put a ball in the way? What do you recommend. Secondly, how do we take it into a full swing after the training is done. I note that that the shoulder turn and the swing length in the series never does progress to full. I am picturing that, after doing the 4 weeks and being proficient, one could hit a couple of balls with the smaller motion and then go ahead and hit a 3rd ball extending it to full. Again, welcome your thoughts.
April 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. I would recommend always start with reps without a ball. Much easier to start training form. Then, slowly start putting a ball in the way. Take a look at the Perfect Practice Makes Perfect Video to start developing a good routine. If you work through the entire series. Part 4 is pretty close to a full swing. All you would need to do is add some elevation and a touch more flexion. Agreed though on hitting the smaller motion then adding a few into the mixture being a little longer. With your short time frame though impact will be the most important goal.
April 8, 2016
Perfect thank you
April 8, 2016
If the right shoulder is the pivot point of the golf swing according to one video then how do you incorporate this left side dominance ?
March 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. The lead side needs to be the dominant player in the downswing. The trail side will help you make a proper backswing. Chuck isn't advocating that you only use the lead side going back or coming down. But, that most players under emphasize the usage of their lead side in the golf swing.
March 30, 2016
You say "look at the five minutes to perfect release video" and "watch the videos in order". The problem I find with your site is that there is no order to the videos. I've often started watching a video which at the beginning says "If you haven't watched x-video, stoping watching and watch x- video first." Why not number the videos or group them according to the skill they are going to teach? Also, when you search for "x-video " you can't find it because the name given does not correspond to the existing videos. These problems waste time and cause confusion. When I searched for the five minutes to perfect release vido, no match was given
March 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. I apologize for the confusion. When searching for the Five Minutes to the Perfect Release Video try starting with the number 5, not the word. Sometimes the search bar can be a little finicky. It is also located in the Downswing Section. As regards to how best to use the site. Let me give you a alternative path. Start with the 5 Minute Series in each section. For example: Go to the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Setup. After viewing the drills. If there is an element or certain aspect you struggle with "say hinging forward from the hips". Stay in the same section and watch the Proper Hinging from the Hips Video to help you get over the hurdle and continue to build your 5 Minute Series. Also, if you upload a swing to one of our instructors in the Review Portal. They will tailor your review to the exact videos you need to be watching to make the best swing improvements.
March 22, 2016
Thank you for the advice. I like the videos, but felt a little lost. Will follow your suggestions and see hoe it goes. Charles
March 22, 2016
to expand, we could have practically a comatose right arm on the down swing and as long as we had a good back swing and are in the box the right arm is along for the ride?
March 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. Take a look below .
March 9, 2016
Hey there. When Chuck says the right arm is simply a conduit is that due to the "box" connection of the right arm and the right shoulder to the core?
March 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. Yes, to follow up with your further comments above. The trail arm can be practically comatose in the downswing as long as you have a good backswing and in the box with the trail arm at the top. Once, the lead side is mastered there are ways to help add speed with the trail side. But, 99% of golfers already way over use it.
March 9, 2016
Based on the video, would it be beneficial to do a number of repetitions of lead side only swings as part of the learning cycle? Thanks
February 16, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Peter-Yes, that is a very good idea and also a great place to start. Many good things such as lag, learning to pull and getting into the proper impact positions are all benefits of simple lead arm only swings. You're on the right track.
February 16, 2016
My daughter, 6 years old, is left handed. I still have my son's right handed clubs from when he was that age. Considering that the golf swing is a pulling motion from the lead side, would it be a good idea to introduce her to golf using the right handed clubs? (Hendrik Stenson being left handed, but playing golf right handed)
February 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Deon. It would be hard to say. There are other tour players as well that play from the opposite side of the ball. I would suggest let her pick. Bring a Right and Left Handed club to the range. Let her experiment a few times and feel which is more comfortable. Sometimes being dominant one way can be a tricky thing to over come.
February 11, 2016
You mention that we should watch the videos in order. Is there a list available of the exact order or do we watch them as posted under the video menu drop down list?
January 25, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Cheryl, It is best to start with the setup videos right at the very top. Then slowly work your way down the videos as need be. The advanced videos can help overcome some of the faults or help further refine some issues that you may struggle with. Once you have completed the section and are in a good spot with your setup, then move into weight shift etc. Hope that helps.
January 26, 2016
Hello. So feeling like the right-hand is just along for the ride and lightly holding the club during the downswing and pulling with the left hand and left side is that a good downswing thought..?? cheers Donald
January 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. Yes. That would be a good thought/feeling working into the ball.
January 11, 2016
Thanks for the reminder. It's weird, as soon as I put my right hand on the golf club it's like another section of my brain takes over and my left side disappears from the swing. I guess I need to unlearn my golf swing and relearn it from the left side.
January 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. Quality reps. That trail side will start behaving.
January 11, 2016
I am very lucky in this aspect. I do everything right handed but play golf left handed. I feel that my left arm is just along for the ride until the last second I add a little speed.
January 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joey. Being lead arm dominant is a very lucky aspect for your swing.
January 11, 2016
I am a right handed player. When I use my left side predominantly in the downswing...the golf club feels light and my left side of the body does nothing?
January 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. The swing of the club will feel more effortless. The left side of the body/arm should be doing the work while the right side should feel that it is relatively passive and doing nothing.
January 9, 2016
I agree with Pierre. Most people don't have the patience to do the work necessary to improve but it's extremely rewarding if you can commit yourself to it because it's worth it in the end. My changes have taken years to get ingrained and I'm still a work in progress but have managed to cut my handicap in half working with Chris Tyler and other instructors on the site. I'm always excited to get a review back so I can get to work!
January 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Troy. Great to hear about your improvement and thanks for the post. Work in progress and still moving forward. I like it.
January 8, 2016
First time I hear you saying: "It takes time, be patient". But it is really true. Being a Premium Member for 16 months I know that. After 25 years of bad golf, I'm proud with the golf swing I have developped doing the reps ans being patient. It is not perfect yet but what an improvement! RST: the best golf school. Craig Morrow is really a great instructor either!
January 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Pierre. Thanks for the compliments. Been a pleasure to enjoy the process with you. Not perfect yet, but still improving!
January 8, 2016
...and I like very much the way you are teaching to is awsome! Before I played golf just for walking and having a good health NOW I enjoy the game!
January 9, 2016

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