RST Five Step Golf Swing - Introduction

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This is the introduction video for the revolutionary RST 5 Step Golf Swing Mastery System.

This is the game changer for your golf swing! As you've seen in the comments below, the RST 5 Step Golf Swing System is exactly what golfers have been looking for! These 5 crucial videos developed by RotarySwing Founder Chuck Quinton boils down the best golf swing method to five easy to follow and learn steps. More importantly, it teaches you the golf swing in the proper sequence which most others don't understand.

It begins with the critical movement of weight shift. Weight shift in the golf swing is one of the most important and most challenging aspects of the amateur golfer to master. However, in this golf instruction video series, Chuck Quinton makes it incredibly simple to learn and understand and teaches weight shift in such a way that every other piece builds on top of it. Once weight shift is learned, so many other parts of the golf swing begin to fall into place.

Once the golfer can shift their weight properly, core body rotation is added. Rotating the body correctly in the golf swing is critical, otherwise, just like with weight shift, nothing else will sequence correctly in the golf swing. And, at the end of the day, the golf swing is all about sequencing the proper body movements.

Once you master how to shift your weight and rotate your body, we add the lead arm back into the golf swing. The lead arm movement is critical to take the time to develop as it is the dominant arm in the golf swing. However, for most golfer's it's their non-dominant hand so this takes time to train.

Step 4 of Quinton's 5 Step System is to add the golf club back into the mix. Once you can combine weight shift with proper body rotation that moves the arm, which in turn moves the club, you are 90% of the way home to building a professional level golf swing!

Finally, we add the trailing arm back in. The sequence of doing these moves is critical as so many golfers overuse their trailing (typically the dominant right arm) in the golf swing and this leads to nearly every single golf swing fault in the book! Chicken wing, scooping, chunked shots, coming over the top, you name it, they all come from this one simple mistake, which is why it's added last.

You'll see that if you follow this sequence of movements that the golf swing becomes incredibly simple to not only understand, but to perform, all while taking less effort and less stress on your body while hitting the ball further and more consistently!

Hi guys. Chuck Quinton here. Founder of Since Rotary Swing was founded, it's whole pursuit has been helping golfers improve as fast as humanely possible in building the most powerful, efficient, and safest way to swing the golf club. In doing that, we've given thousands and thousands of lessons and done dozens and dozens of clinics, and we've been able to boil everything down that RST is into five core movements that you're going to learn in our Rotary Swing five system.  

                This five step system is incredibly unique in that it not only abides by the laws of physics and the definition of what a fundamental actually is, but because of the sequence and order that it's in, it helps you learn faster than anything else out there on the planet. In order to do that, we've had to continue to test and refine these movements and figure out how to put them together in the most efficient way possible and through all of that work, that's exactly what this is, you're going to be able to learn these complex, compound movements in very simply drills that are going to get you moving exactly like the best players in the world and even better than many of the best players in the world.

                These movements are very very simple to learn, but you need to follow them in the specific order and you need to work on them and be really focused on what you're doing because the movements, while they're very simple, they need to be done in a very specific way. If you follow this system and you work through this, you will see incredible improvements in your movements because we're working with the laws of physics and working with the laws of how your body is designed to move and the laws of the swing mechanics, and the laws of what a fundamental is.

                If you watched my video on fundamentals that there are four criteria for something to be a fundamental by Webster's definition. It must be primary. It must be central. It must be origin, and it must be absolute. Well, the origin of movement in the golf swing is not the golf club, nor is it the ball, nor should it be your hands. That stuff's all happening in what we would call the antonyms of what a fundamental is, and that's stuff happening in the periphery and it's dependent on and it's consequential on how things move in the center.

                So, these movements. These complex compound movements are actually made very simple when you focus on the inside out and you move from the center out. That's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to teach you the core compound movements that you must master. We're going to start with weight shift, and then we're going to add the next movement and so on and so forth. So, let's take a look.       

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After early success with bomb your driver I lost it for a month where nothing worked. Kept hanging back and hitting off my back foot. Never a good thing. I went back to the videos and practice facility and regained my consistency. Fortunately, I actually picked up more yardage. My average drives of 190 - 220 yds are gone. Now I am at 250 - 260 consistently in play. My son who hadn’t played in years has started up golf again. He was a 260 - 270 yds driver and now consistently hits them 300 - 325. This is such a great program. It has never let me down. Thanks.
August 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. Love the feedback! Like hearing you got the long ball back.
August 25, 2019
I am 76 yrs old have been a member for three years. Love the program. Things have been falling in place My last three rounds 68 3 under, 69 2 under, 70 1 under. It really works. Best instruction I have ever see. Hope to meet you some day. Thanks again.
August 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Awesome compliment. Keep up the good work. All of us here at RST would love to meet you as well!
August 20, 2019
I have a question. Do I roll wrist after impact or before. My left wrist colapse at impact. I keep scooping. Any drills to stop this?
August 5, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Take a look at Taking a Divot Video and Fix Your Release Video. The rotation will start to happen before impact because the club has to square up.
August 6, 2020
Up until now i have been very impressed with the university. I am about to get into the 5 step system. A couple of question. 1)in the first video I record and send to you are you simply looking at the proper setup? 2) a lot of information shared is about being right hand dominate. In my case I am right handed but swing the club from the left side. Because of this is there anything that may need a little bit more focus?
May 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. Yes, we are looking for setup first and then going through the 5 Step Categories. Furthermore, we do have videos to help with that particular issue. But, let's see the swing first before to properly diagnose the dominance. If you have the tendency for under plane, too much lag and shaft lean (excessive lead side dominance). Your instructor will make the adjustments necessary.
May 9, 2019
I believe I am doing everything correct as I have increased driver and 3 wood clubhead speed by 4-5 mph and dont have big hook anymore. HOWEVER, I have adversely lost distance with my irons?? Why the loss of distance?
March 20, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
It would be very difficult to tell without video, but there are a few factors that come in to distance, launch angle, spin, ball speed, wind, temperature (humidity), all kinds of things could play into a shorter distance. If you've lost a hook and distance decreased, it's likely that there could be an increase in spin from a more open club face.
March 20, 2019
Help I’ve been losing a lot of power and distance! I started doing the 5 step system last summer and it massively help me, started hitting the ball really well with no effort which was great, winter came so I decided to do the winter program as I wanted to improve my swing and try and make it perfect I startled obsessing about the swing and spent about 2 hours a day trying to create the perfect golf swing, all I’ve seen to have done is make it worse and can hardly carry the ball 220 or if I’m lucky 240! I feel so lost and don’t know where to go, feel like I need to do the whole 5 step system again
February 12, 2019
Well, obviously things have broken down and sounds like your brain has gotten in the way. Don't panic and get your swing reviewed Darren. Now you know where to go IMHO.
February 12, 2019
Being new to RST, I am confused as to how should I incorporate my range sessions. (which take place almost daily, is this ok?) For example, do I do the drills and then when I go to the range practice normally but trying to incorporate what I've learned from the drills? Or should I stop going to the range until I at least finish step 1? (or at least not as often) Thank you
September 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Guillermo. You don't need to add golf balls until you are proficient and performing a move. Get the move correct first. Drill and then slowly introduce a ball. Take a look at Perfect Practice Makes Perfect for tips on how to incorporate.
October 1, 2018
I think it was around thanksgiving that you sent out a practice swing video that was filmed in a gym without a club. This was great for helping my weight shift but I can't find it. Do all videos stay on the sight or are some just posted temporarily? Can you help me find it?
January 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Timothy. Some come a go. I believe you are referring to the RSA Core Video.
January 15, 2017
I play golf two or three times a week. At 73 years of age, I don't want to quit playing while learning a new swing. I played today after the first lesson, setup. Granted, I hit four drives farther than I had in ten years, but I also mishit the rest. As a result I shot ten strokes higher than my average. I understand I must go through the steps in the proper sequence to improve. Does this mean I must stop playing until I learn everything?
December 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. It is hard to make swing changes while playing golf. I understand the predicament you are in. You have to keep in mind while playing it will be tough to start incorporating the new moves. The new motor patterns take time. In a ideal scenario most golfers would slow down playing and focus on changing the swing. However, I would recommend keeping your swing work on the range. When you go to the course. Keep your practice or pre-shot routine limited to one maybe 2 swing thoughts you are working on. Then, step up and hit the shot. Don't try to play swing over the ball. Play golf.
December 28, 2016
Thanks, Craig. I'll just try to improve my set up on the course and do as many drill reps as I can when I'm not playing. I have a lot to learn.
December 28, 2016
Since step 1 is weight shift when should I start working on setup. I've been a member for over a year and think my setup is ok, but have struggled with weight shift.
December 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. If you feel the setup is on par with RST guidelines you are more than welcome to start on or move to Step 1 - Weight Shift.
December 12, 2016
Where are the 5 steps videos?
September 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alejandro. Take a look at my answer to Ian directly below.
September 2, 2016
Great. Thanks.
September 2, 2016
When will the 5 step videos be back up ? , great idea to make the transition step 1, probably the hardest part of the swing to master because as you rightly point out, you get all tied up with tension during the backswing and can't move you body back to the lead side, step 1 has cured it and I've never hit the ball so far. Great site,
September 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. Thanks for the compliments. The videos are still up. We are working on some reshuffling of the pieces though. Use the search bar to find the videos in the meantime. Type Step __ (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) and they will be there.
September 1, 2016
Thanks Craig, yep found them
September 2, 2016
Did the site change? Seems harder to find each of the 5 steps and their related drills.
September 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Yes, we are doing some reorganization. It is still a work in progress to get all the content lined up.
September 1, 2016
Started working with step 1 and 2 today.will keep working on it until it becomes part of my swing!
August 31, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph- Great to hear! The 5 step system is an awesome way to develop your swing because it's the heart of Rotary Swing. Best of luck and let us know if you have anymore questions.
August 31, 2016
In my recent review Craig wanted me to focus on not pushing off my trail leg as well as having my upper body too far back behind my lower body when I shift. Are these related? If I can get down safely pulling with my front leg, with the axis tilt take care of itself?
August 25, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. Yes, both are related. When you push from the trail side with the lower half. The upper half will tend to fall back creating more secondary axis tilt. When you pull with the lead side better and allow the upper half to continue with it. All should be well. Take a look at Preventing Hip Pain, Fixing Your Weight Transfer and the Level Shoulders Drill.
August 26, 2016
Thanks Craig working on it! One more thing, you also mentioned aligning my club with my arm/shoulder plane instead of getting across the line. I think based on video and mirror feedback I'm getting this, and the feelings for it, but my lead wrist still wants to be cupped, what is the best route to fixing that?
August 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. Winter Golf Training Program Backswing Video and the Using the Wrist Effectively and Efficiently Video to help with lead wrist cupping.
August 26, 2016
Juan Eduardo
Hello I have done the 5 steps system, one step after the other. I can do correctly the drills, and I totally understand the science behind. The problem is that when I transfer this system to actual hitting balls with speed, all my previous improvements (hips not spinning, stopping the body to release correctly, knees almost fixed) disapear and I end hitting poorly. So , my question is, what should I do, which thing I should prioritize: the release and lower body stability or the 5 steps system . I can not do both at the same time correctly. Best, Juan
August 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Juan. Under the Bonus Series take a look at Perfecting Your Golf Impact. Work through the series. You will start with release and then add lower body. Once you are comfortable. Then, put it all together with the 5 Steps for a longer motion.
August 24, 2016
Hi there, new to RST and really like to 5 step program. However when I post up I seem to easily come up out of posture. Any suggestions to help stop this? Paul
August 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Take a look at You Hit the Golf Ball With Your Legs and Left Hand Release. You might be over doing the post up (spinning) and/or not releasing properly.
August 23, 2016
thanks Craig. Will have a look. Cheers mate.
August 23, 2016
Hi. I've just become member and just learned that there are two types of rotary swing. I watched RS vs RST video. I have a question: Ben Hogan's swing is similar to RS or RST? Thanks.
August 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Trong. Hogan has parts of both moves in his swing. All of us here prefer and teach mostly the RST model exclusively now.
August 16, 2016
I'm a new member but very impressed with the 5 step fundamentals, especially weight shift and core rotation. You answered Marco's question about progression timeline, so I don't have to ask that question now but here's my dilemna: I've just started getting weight shift ingrained and have begun working on the core rotation drill, but I play golf every Wednesday morning and frankly I'm getting worse because I know it's too early to try and make major swing changes but it's hard NOT to. I have fought the tendency to swing from the top for years but it's gotten worse and I've lost even more distance. I've committed to playing with my buddies on Wednesday but I almost feel like I need a month off to just do the drills, get the basics ingrained and then try to bring it to the course. Thoughts?
August 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Changing the swing and playing can be a tough battle. Most of the students on the site use a couple different approaches. 1) Swing work in the off season. Play during the summer months and enjoy. When the colder or bad weather starts approaching. Spend the winter training the new motor patterns. 2) Play in the meantime. But, lower expectations and work on baby steps. Nothing too large until you feel comfortable with taking it to the course.
August 3, 2016
Thanks Craig. Unfortunately, I'm "cursed" living in California where I play golf all year around! I have a regular threesome on Wednesday mornings and I'm also getting ready for a two week vacation in Maui and I would dearly love to get some improvement before then. For now, I think I'm doing well with weight shift and it feels natural now. Gonna try to widen my swing and think "post up" as I come down and hopefully regain some of the distance I've lost in recent months.
August 8, 2016
What is the progression timeline from each step with daily 1/2 hour practice.
July 19, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Marco, you need to aim for 100-300 quality reps during your practice sessions with the end goal of being 3000-5000 reps for the particular movement to be ingrained. So, progression timeline may vary from one person to the next.
July 19, 2016
I am a total beginner and have been struggling for a couple of months. Your approach makes perfect sense to me and I am very glad to have found you on the web. I have just begun working my way through the five step system and have two questions so far: 1. I am right handed and was told by a previous instructor to swing from the right because of this. I tried that for a couple of months with poor results. Now I have started swinging from the left and find it much more natural and my results are much better. After just a few practices from the left, right now seems almost impossible. Is this a problem with RST? 2. I have worked on the weight shift drill for a couple of weeks and have now started hitting balls. I actually find it easier at this point to get a good ball hit with just one arm. Is this ok for now?
July 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christian. You are right handed and play from the left side of the ball? If so, absolutely no problem with RST. Yes, while drilling and working on weight shift using the lead arm only is preferable. Thanks for the compliments of the site.
July 8, 2016
Hello Craig. Thanks for your answer. Yes I am right handed and play from the left side of the ball. I was a bit worried that this would be a problem because in the videos Chuck often talks about the Lead side not being the Dominant side and of course to me the Lead side is also the Dominant side.
July 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christian. Golf is hard for most players because the lead side isn't their dominant side. It is a good thing that you're going to be dominant with your lead arm.
July 9, 2016
Coming in steep and hitting fat and thin. I've looked at over the top and sit to square and still can't get on plane. Since I've been on rst I have stopped all other noise and advice. Cheers
June 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. We need to figure out what is the root cause for the steepness in the downswing. Typically, lack of weight shift (How to Fix Plane and Path Video). Have you uploaded a swing for review?
June 27, 2016
The primary discovery of the RST swing theory is there is only pull or no push in the golf swing. It is required to achieve consistence and accuracy of a golf swing. As a result, a golf swing is lead side dominated and a pull action. Another discovery us that a majority of amateur golfers unfortunately develop trail side dominated or push action golf swing. In addition to five step drills, is there any fitness excercise that RST recommends to strengthen lead side? I personally feel my lead side is weak and have a desire to improve if it helps me play better golf. Thank you!
May 25, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. I don't have any lead side specific exercises for you. I apologize. However, it will gradually get stronger the more you practice. If you stick with a lot of lead arm only swings you will start to beat the trail side dominance.
May 26, 2016
Can you make a video with people who have limitations etc: bad knees, big belly Will this swing work with bad knees and big belly and still a good athlete.
May 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. This will work with belly. Bad knees you should still be able to post up, but might not get the lead leg as straight.
May 20, 2016
Hi Chuck. I have been utilizing the left arm drill. When I use just my left arm my rotation and down swing seems to fluid and smooth. When I add my right arm it seems to through everything off. Can you recommend a drill or advice on how to transition my right arm. I appreciate any advice.
May 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Step 5 in this system covers adding back the trail arm. You have to add it back very slowly. Barely holding onto or just following the motion if need be.
May 9, 2016
Hi Chuck, thanks for the great idea of creating this series is very simple and has all there that a person needs to learn and play beater golf and enjoy it, I use videos 1, 2 and 3 for warming-up before I play a roud, and it results because I have the movements in memory and body, Best regards José.
May 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jose. Thanks for the post and compliments. Sounds like you are moving down the proper path.
May 6, 2016
I have studied at some of the top universities in the country (Duke, Stanford, etc) and you sometimes come across professors who know how to teach by making it "all seem so simple! and empowering the student rather than trying to make themselves seem incredibly brilliant and their skills unattainable. Chuck you are right up there with them and beyond!
May 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. I will pass the good word to Chuck. Thank you for the compliments and very thoughtful post.
May 5, 2016
I am a RST member and have just started using another aid called the powerchute trainer which works using resistance and promotes proper sequencing in the down swing resulting in added swing speed. Is this something you have any prior experience of it seems to do what it says. Thanks. Mike
May 3, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Mike, I have personally tested the product quite a bit and it's a good product for sure. I will also say that we are working a bit more with the product at this point to see if it can be 100% useful to you members of the site. There is a lot of training aids in this market and we only want to endorse what we know is going to be beneficial to the students of RST.
May 3, 2016
Everything is to a 5 Star Quality Education Standard. Where can I find hitting a driver for an 80 yo Golfer?
May 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edward. The swing is the same for the driver with a few minor setup adjustments. Take a look at the Driver Setup Adjustments Video and the Proper Tee Height Video. They will help you start launching the driver better. Appreciate the compliments.
May 2, 2016
I joined rotary golf about 4 weeks ago. I think you have a great system. To date, I have been following the 5 minute series of golf video drills. Recently, you have introduced a new set of videos which you call the "RST 5 step golf swing series". If I wanted to combine the 5 minute series with the 5 step series, what would be the recommended sequence of the videos? Thanks
May 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. This 5 Step series above would blend well with the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Downswing. Once, you hit that point in your re-build. You can start to combine the work.
May 2, 2016
Chuck...would you recommend this 5 step system to someone who has NEVER held a club or would you recommend a different route? My wife is wanting to take up the game and I'm wanting to improve from my 25 years unable to get below a 14 index. I was thinking we could do this 5 step approach together but not sure if it's the right place for her to start as complete novice. I just signed up for RST and have high hopes after trying EVERY other DVD set advertised on golf channel. Greg
April 28, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Greg, I have personally seen this approach in action with players that are just starting out and with players that are +2 handicaps and it has produced awesome results across the board. We are all very pleased that Chuck has worked this into the system and is going to be game changing for both the students and instructors moving forward.
April 28, 2016
The absolute best instruction on the internet about the golf swing and how the body moves the club. Where were you 35 yrs ago?
April 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Hmm. Good Question. I will have to find out about that one from Chuck . Thanks for the kind words and compliments of our new system.
April 27, 2016
Grammar school??
May 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. I apologize. We strive to have a very prompt response to questions asked on the forum. When using my mobile device I was unable to review the typographical error.
May 6, 2016
Wow, this is the essence of core fundamentals of a human golf swing! It is simple, unique, efficient and above all practical to learn. It just comes down to four simple words: shift, rotate, shift, rotate. That's it. Everything else is peripheral as just Chuck put it. Once one learns key body moves required to swing a golf club, everything else (peripheral) will not only be made easier but also is just a matter of fine tuning. Most golf instructions are given in a complete opposite way, a.k.a focusing on peripheral more than the core fundamentals of a golf swing. RTS is the textbook of golf instructions!
April 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. We truly appreciate the kind words of our instruction. Get swinging better now!
April 27, 2016
Hi Chuck, I'm sure i probably missed this, but are you still recommending 1,000 perfect rep's a week before moving on? This 5 step thing is awesome by the way. I just shot my 2nd best score of my life last week. Now, my golf game is going to be a huge promotional campaign for DFW Texas golfers! Thanks again! Barry
April 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. Thanks for the compliments of the series. Yes, you still train the same way. The brain having to learn new motor patterns still needs the required number of quality reps.
April 27, 2016
thanks for the 5 steps . The 5 steps really fits my life style. Its like a completed paragraph without the 5 weeks delay . thanks again. keep up the good work
April 25, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks James.
April 26, 2016
Love the new system guys! I've been a member for 2 years and while I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge of how the swing works as well as making a ton of progress, I still struggled getting through the site. This new system is the answer I have been looking for. I look forward to mastering the swing with this, thanks a ton guys!
April 25, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome Nicholas. This new system is going to be a game changer.
April 26, 2016
Chuck and Chris - This series is an elegant culmination of all of your instructions. Many thanks, Tom N.
April 22, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Tom, this represents 25 years of sharing my research and development of the golf swing with both my instructors who you have seen on the site and my students. I'm very excited to release this new series!
April 22, 2016
How does this series fit in with the 5-minute video series I've been following/practicing?
April 21, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Keith, you can follow either or both as they complement each other. The new 5 Step series is just the latest in the testing we've done with student in person and at the clinics to see how they improve the fastest. The sequence that you choose to follow is ok either way. The 5 minute series starts with step, weight shift, rotation, etc. just the same as this, this just condenses it slightly.
April 21, 2016
Thanks for the response Chuck. I took a break from golf in 2010 but had followed your instruction for several years prior with the release of your first DVD and book. I made the most significant improvements in my golfing career during those years. So when I made the decision to return to the game, I headed straight for this website. You have made a good thing even better. Keep up the good work!
April 22, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Keith, many more new great things in store!
April 22, 2016

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RotarySwing was founded out of frustration with the current state of golf instruction. Quinton knew a better way had to exist to learn this game we all love.

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