The Orange Whip Lag Drill

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Want massive lag and a solid release? Check out this training aid.

Want more lag in your golf swing? The Orange Whip lag drill by Chuck Quinton, RST Founder, will show you how to easily produce incredible lag immediately in your golf swing. 

Using the OrangeWhip golf swing training aid helps exagerrate the feeling of having a proper amount of lag in your swing due to the flexing of the shaft and the weight on the end. 

Combine this simple golf training aid with Quinton's golf swing drills and you'll build a powerful, efficient and effortless golf swing.

Hey guys. As you know, rotary swing is all about teaching you how to work with the laws of physics in your golf swing, and of course, something you don't want to try and work against.

                One of the little training aids that I developed, or just put together in my garage, is to help illustrate of the feeling of maintaining lag and properly releasing lag, is this little stick and ball. This stick, because it's got a steel cable on the end of it, as I go back to the top, if I don't push against the shaft, this ball and this string will lag behind.

                I'll have this angle to this point in the swing. Then at this point, I want to post up on my left leg and let that release, instead of trying to push it through or do any of this crazy stuff, or heaven forbid, throw it from the top, like most every golfer wants to do, and push against the shaft with my right arm. And then all of a sudden, this ball's out of control. I want to feel like it lags behind, and then at the bottom, it snaps, and I really let it release. Not everybody has one of these, and I'm not going to make one for all you guys. It's too much work.

                But I did find a training aid that illustrates this same concept perfectly. It's called the Orange Whip. Some of you guys have asked us about this. We wanted to test them out and have found out it works perfectly with that visual that I'm trying to illustrate in my video about how to maintain lag and release the club. Working with the laws of physics, this thing helps you feel what that feels like.

                What it should feel like is, when you go to the top of the swing, when you combine this with our body rotation and our lead arm drills, the club shaft, or this shaft, should bend and be stressed at the top of the swing. It should bend back.

                If you do what most every golfer on the planet does, and push against the shaft with your right arm and your right thumb, or your left thumb, this thing's going to let you know about it. You're going to feel it right away, because as you go to start down, and you do this, all of a sudden this thing becomes really unwieldy. This is what's happening with your real swing. You just don't feel it, because it's not as exaggerated. But this helps you illustrate or feel it perfectly, versus what you would feel just with your golf club, because most every golfer does this. They widen the angle, and then they scoop it, and chicken wing it, and all that stuff. This helps you feel what it feels like to keep the shaft stressed on the way down, and then more importantly, proper release of that stress shaft.

                Do this lead arm only, start down, and as you start down, at this point, the shaft will still be bent backwards, and then you want to post up on that lead leg, and let this release. You want this energy of this shaft being stressed and bent back to release. You don't want to keep pushing it through.

                Here's the ideal feeling for a proper swing release. You want to feel like this orange ball is pulling you into the release instead of you pushing the ball into the release. The club head and the real swing should feel like it pulls you around to a follow-through, because you released that energy, versus you trying to push it through. That's you working really hard to swing really slow.

                A good player's going to have this shaft stressed a long ways down, and it's simple to do, if you just follow our Five Step series on focusing on weight shift first, keep your wrists soft. The shaft will stay stressed, and then you'll have something to release down here. When you put this together, with our Five Step series, rotation, weight shift, lead arm, release, all of a sudden, you've got all the key makings for a great RST golf swing.

                Here's a little real world example from a student who attended the clinic this weekend. We walked them through the RST Five Step system, and using the Orange Whip. You can see what kind of results you can expect when you combine the Five Step system and the Orange Whip together as a training aid.

                But first I want to show you just really quickly what his swing looked like before. This is literally just right before he used the Orange Whip. As we go back, you're going to see a lot of the typical mid to high handicap tendencies, not a lot of body rotation, starting to reverse pivot here a little bit. This is all just right side dominance, picking the club up with the right arm, the right shoulder. Of course, what you would expect once they load up that right side, they're going to want to start pushing against the shaft. Immediately you see the shafting will starting to widen before he's done anything else. He's throwing club head lag away as his first move, which obviously, not the best move from the top.

                As he starts down, the angle gets wider and wider. His right shoulder's going to start popping out behind his head, arms are trapped behind his body, losing tons of lag. And then of course you're going to come through with no lag and just have to scoop and push it through, the old baby chicken wing here, lots of chest and body rotation, no body movement, no power in the swing, all of these bad things. This is pretty much the epitome of amateur golf right here in the United States, or worldwide, tons of wide angle here, losing all the shafting, the lag.

                Now I put him doing our Five Step system. We did weight shift. We worked on body rotation and adding the left arm. Then we just happened to throw the Orange Whip on top of step three with the left arm. Now let's take a look and see what happens. Now, notice how much more he's turning going back. Halfway back, he's almost made his full shoulder turn.

                That's just part of the Five Step system. It doesn't have anything to do with the training aid, but as you put them together, you can see a huge difference here. Here, he hasn't turned hardly at all. Here, he's made a nice big turn that's getting momentum, creating momentum for the Orange Whip. And that's something you will help feel with the Orange Whip, is that you start making a big turn to help swing your arms, instead of your arms swinging your arms. Then you'll start to feel this big wide swing arc.

                Here's where the payoff is. Instead of just pushing against the shaft with his right arm, he's starting to work on his weight shift. This is definitely not where we want it to be, but he's just focusing a little bit too much on the left arm and not the lower body. But even still, look at the difference halfway down. We'll put his left arm parallel to the ground. We'll put his left arm parallel to the ground over here.

                Which one of these golfers would you rather be? This guy? Or this guy? Notice his right shoulder's still back behind his head, so he's keeping his back to the target. For those of you who struggle to keep your back to the target, it's just because you're using your right side too much.

                Now all of a sudden, he's got more lag than you could possibly imagine. This is more than Sergio Garcia, which again, using this Orange Whip, it helps you feel this, because of the flexion in the shaft. Then as he starts coming down, we'll put him halfway down. Look at that lag. Now he's got lag for days. Hands are actually leading the club at an impact, and then a nice big release, which the orange ball on the end of the shaft helps you feel this nice, good, effortless release.

         You put the Five Step system together with the Orange Whip, and this is what your golf swing will start to look like.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does the Orange Whip really help?

Using the OrangeWhip golf swing training aid helps exagerrate the feeling of having a proper amount of lag in your swing due to the flexing of the shaft and the weight on the end. 

What does orange whip swing trainer do?

The orange whip is a great training tool for temp and learning the feeling of creating maximum lag in a golf swing.

Can you carry an orange whip in your golf bag?

Yes.  It does not count as a club and you will not be penalized.

Must be Premium Member to Comment

What does the orange whip shaft look like on the downswing? Is the idea to flex it as much as possible early on or keep it as straight as possible all the way down?
April 9, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. You will see the bend in the shaft when you transition and shouldn't lose it until you release.
April 9, 2020
Thanks Craig. Is release when the shaft is horizontal, or impact or somewhere else?
April 9, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. The release begins at the trail thigh. Roughly parallel to the ground.
April 9, 2020
Can you advise me what length of whip training aid I should purchase. I am 5'10" tall. They seem to come in various lengths. Having watched Chuck's latest roadshow video this aid looks to be very valuable. Thanks, Anthony (UK)
June 22, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. It can vary from player to player. More of a comfort and feel issue. Most people order the longest version. However, I am 5'10" and I prefer the 43 inch version because it is more similar to my regular wood length.
June 23, 2019
How do I create lag without my club getting stuck?
May 5, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Giap. Your arms have to be in front in the backswing and stay in front coming down. Sounds like you may be getting deep and then adding lag. 4 Square Drill to stay in front and 4 Step Lag Builder for the lag.
May 5, 2019
Kenny The Orange Whip was recalled today, July 26, 2018. Please be careful. Glad I got the Skilz Gold Flex.
July 27, 2018
Not all of them. Just particular lot numbers.
August 7, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kenneth. Thank you for the heads up.
July 27, 2018
It appears that when I fundamental swing like chuck suggest in this video everything else comes together . Does the lag create that or the fundamentals. Chicken of Egg Just ordered Orange Whip Dennis
April 8, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. The fundamentals create the lag. Using the whip because of the weight helps you not only work on the lag angle/wrist tension, but forces you to start swinging from the ground up before the backswing is completed. Due to the length and nature of the build.
April 9, 2018
Question: can you have good lag and still hit a fat shot?
May 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. If you are maintaining good lag with proper release. It would be hard to have a really fat shot.
May 14, 2017
The Orange Whip company has come out with the Orange Peel. What are your thoughts on this product?
April 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kent. I am not familiar with the product. A quick glance at it doesn't conflict with RST. I will report back here once we have more studies on it.
April 28, 2017
I have an orange whip & this drill is helpful. However, to create lag I try to stack the drills by using a rope & dragging it down from the top while shifting my weight. I would appreciate your thoughts on this as it seems to be helpful with irons & compression but not great for driver?
March 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Justin. A rope or a rope connected to a pulley type machine? Could you elaborate a little more on your specific drill. Doesn't sound incorrect. But, I want to make sure I have the right image in my head.
March 27, 2017
Thanks Craig! I use both , a pulley to train my hands to drop straight down. I also lay a rope across my right shoulder , down my back at the top and drag it down prior to releasing it out toward the target. Acknowledging , these should be passive reactions to a proper weight transfer.
March 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Justin. Acknowledging, that they should be passive reactions due to weight and not yanking the arm down. Then, we are all set to get to work.
March 27, 2017
To keep lag, at the top I have a good one at transition, don't cast but no matter what I do, I early release as my hands move to the thigh. I don't do that with one hand drill on left hand. I still want to use a bit of right side, what's a good solution? What's the trigger muscle to keep a good lag? Can bending my right arm and elbow help? Or using my right palm muscle (pushing down) work?
March 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. I wouldn't advise adding more flexion in the trail arm coming down to help preserve lag. However, exaggerate the Transition Drill and work on the 30-60-90 drill in the Perfecting Your Golf Impact Video - 4 of 4. The trigger muscle to keep good lag is actually to try not to use any muscle at all.
March 10, 2017
Hi, I was fooling around at the range, trying to create the same feel that I get with the Orange Whip. With trying, it seemed I was leading with the handle on the backswing, kind of dragging the club back. No idea if this is repeatable but I don't think I have ever hit the ball than that session, both driver and irons. It seemed impossible NOT to create lag, and it also seemed without trying that the downswing was a very left side pulling action, with almost no right side involved. My question is was this probably an illusion and even if not, would it be very hard to consistently repeat my swing if I am dragging the handle? And if dragging the handle back is OK, what would the risks for which I should watching out? Again, it is amazing to me how similar my swing feels when I drag the handle back to when I swing the Orange Whip. Thx very much in advance for your help,
March 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Without seeing your swing it would be tough to tell. Some players when they finally give up control of the club and allow the bigger muscles/rotation to start pulling the club back have the same feeling. But, on video there isn't a noticeable drag because its a feeling and not actuality. However, you don't want to start allowing a big drag back and the club catching up. This could lead to a loose/whippy arm swing and having to time proper angle throughout the swing. I would suggest videoing the move or allowing one of our instructors to take a look.
March 9, 2017
I purchased the Orange Whip at the local golf store and Wow! What a difference in my understanding and feeling of allowing the swing vs making it happen! Thank You!
February 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kathy. Great. Yes, it is a useful training aid.
February 22, 2017
I have the Orange whip since 2 years and I can confirm it has helped me massively to get some good lag into my swing, especially my driver. I gained over 50 yards I think. Only when you do the 5 steps correctly the orange whip will feel smooth and effortless, if not if will tell you something is wrong with your angles and release!
January 16, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the post Pieter. Appreciate the positive feedback.
January 17, 2017
Hi guys, When one post up do your hands stop swinging the club ... Should I have the same feeling as when I slam into the Impact Bag. I don.t feel any acceleration in the organ get whip club or other clubs. I may not be doing the weight shift properly. Jim McKeon
June 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Make sure you shift the weight properly first (Fixing Your Weight Transfer, Step 1 and 2 of the RST 5 Step System). Secondly, take a look at the Left Hand Release Drill. A good visual and drill for seeing the hand motion.
June 30, 2016
Hi Craig......Have searched for the Left Hand Release Drill, but get no results. Where can I find it. Thanx !
July 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Try Left Hand Golf Club Release Drill. Also, it is located in the Downswing Section.
July 13, 2016
Got it ! ty, Craig !
July 13, 2016
Does this orange whip assist with transitioning to the left side? The weight shift? I feel there is one major limit to this training aid?
June 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. You still need to train a proper shift. However, to create ultimate lag and get that whip feeling you shouldn't hang back on the trail side.
June 21, 2016
I just received mine. Do I need to master the five steps before I start using it?
June 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello George. Feel free to use the Orange Whip anytime. However, mastering the 5 Steps will make the training aid even more useful.
June 20, 2016
My biggest challenge was getting the proper weight shift and loading up to get full rotation in the back swing. Due to poor advice or personal misunderstanding I was frightened of swaying and allowing my head to move naturally as my chest turned and coiled and was not achieving proper weight shift. I also thought I was supposed to maintain the same distance between and keep my knees steady in the back swing. It looks like your subject is doing the same thing. One day I decided I would free myself of inhibition when I and turned my upper body and shoulders as far back and around as possible in without restricting my left leg from flexing to the right. The down swing squat and turn occurred naturally. I'm not sure I am totally following Rotary Swing instruction but I seem to get good results.
June 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. The hips do need to turn in the backswing (Weight Shift Video Part 2). However, you don't want them to over turn (Right and Left Knee Laser Beam Drill, Perfecting Lower Body Stability Video). I would rather have a student allow for some hip turn versus locking the hips to try a create torque making it un-natural due to flexibility.
June 19, 2016
I find it hard not to have a violent pull down from the top of my back swing. I try to keep it quiet but most times my change from back to down swing way to hard? Help. Luv your site have been a member for a year.
June 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. You have to remain passive with the upper half when transitioning to the lead side. Use the 4 Steps Lag Builder Video, Frisbee Drill and Step 3 of the RST 5 Step System. I know it can be difficult, but use those videos and start fixing the issue working at pace. Thanks for the compliments of the site.
June 17, 2016
what is the difference between this orange whip ball and the yellow flex? Why does the orange whip ball retail over $100? What length should I purchase for a petite woman?
June 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. I haven't used or seen a yellow flex. Therefore, it would be tough for me to give a proper comparison. The length shouldn't matter too much, but anything your a little above your normal driver length or a hair shorter should be fine.
June 17, 2016
Should I focus on using only with the left hand solely? Or work on my right hand? Which hand is responsible for casting the golf club? The left or right from the top of the backswing?
June 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. Both can be responsible. Typically the lead thumb will push against the shaft, or the trail hand will throw early. I would focus or start with lead hand only and then slowly add back the trail hand after quality reps.
June 17, 2016
I think I finally found "the Magic Move " Iv'e been chasing for years, I have played to a low handicap for many years and have worked endlessly on my golf swing, I have seen many of the "BIG" named teaching pros across the country and learned many interesting things, and spent way to much money ! The, 5 step series I just watched was great, Most of it was pretty basic to the Rotary swing teachings I have been working on for a couple of years now, But , "ALAS" I just saw it , " the Magic Move I have been Missing this whole time , I could do most all of the steps but there was something missing , the swing was great ,then not great , the miss was mostly to the left " a small pull " or every once in a while a push cut when I don't get the face squared up. Well here it has been the whole time and I jumped right past it and went to the middle , instead of starting at the beginning , I could "slide past the ball at impact, I could spin my hips at impact , one or the other , both Wrong , and all I had to do this whole time was "SHIFT MY WEIGHT " and the MAGIC MOVE "POST UP " what a game changer for me , thank you so much, for the greatest $19.95 iv'e ever spent in my golfing adventures, sorry to be so long winded, but do you think this not posting up could have been causing my pull and inconsistency , while still having a good smash factor?
June 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. Thanks for the compliments of the site and instruction. Happy to hear that you are enjoying and improving with the material. Smash factor can give you some false readings. I can show you great smash factor numbers with some poor swings. Poor weight transfer and posting up can definitely lead to inconsistency and pulls.
June 15, 2016
Hello question - I am able to hold the lag until the grip comes to the right thigh then for some reason I find myself throwing the head of the club into the hitting zone, I know I am doing it but cant stop it and it is the most frustrating think in the world to stop. Basically at impact I find myself overusing my right hand and flipping the club through impact so my left wrist reverse bows ( back of the hand bends toward the target) while the right hand flips and creates a pull hook. What drill can I use hitting balls that I could work at making my lead hand stay nuetral or bow opposite? NOte: from the top I don't cast the club I actually feel the head and shaft lag behind unlike most over the top golfers. very frustrating to know I am doing it but cant stop the flip at the bottom. Perhaps I sense that the club head is lagging and feel I must flip it to square up the face going into impact?? Help
May 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Take a look at the Exaggerated Hands Ahead and the Transition Drill. You need to make sure the lead wrist is in control and the trail doesn't flip the club through.
May 12, 2016
Fine but where is the video at? no exaggerated hands ahead video that I have found?
May 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. It is located in the Advanced Downswing Section. Or, type this exactly in the search bar: Exaggerated Lag. It should be the only video that pulls up. The title was changed recently. I apologize.
May 13, 2016
Chuck and Chris, the Orange Whip and the left hand drills are really impressive. I have been using them and seeing results. They have also been good for my young boys to help them feel what the proper motion is like during the swing. I recently watched a video of Micky Write's golf swing. Her technique from the backswing to the finish really demonstrates what the Orange Whip can do I believe. Thought this could be a good follow up video to support the 5 step series. Thanks for all your hard work.
May 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Thanks for the post and compliments of the video. Yes, Micky had a lot in common with the Orang Whip Drill. A little reverse C, but a lot of similar lower body and core patterns.
May 10, 2016
Can you tell when you are casting the golf club from the top, when you are playing on the golf course, without any cameras to videotape your sequence swings? Besides the high ball flight typical from casting, what other marks or evidence can you tell?
May 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. Hitting it fat, loss of speed and usually sweeping across the ball left (for right handed swinger).
May 9, 2016
Training aid or no training aid- I'm still casting at bottom. How do I get feeling of lag w whip drill into real swing w club
May 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Valerie. You are still casting while using the training aid? Also, compliment this video with the Perfect Impact Series Part 4 and the RST 5 Step System. Use weight shift, soft wrist, lead side pull and change of direction to get the lag increasing coming down.
May 5, 2016
My instructor tells me to fire the hips. I spun my hips and the whip hit me in the neck... Thoughts?
May 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Francesco. You might be over doing the spin and/or trying to force the arms down too much. Not increasing the wrist lag, but arm.
May 9, 2016
Is the midsize model just as good a training tool? - I am a senior player with balance and strength challenges - could use the midsize in my home/office but probably not the full-size model.
May 3, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
yep, the big one just helps exaggerate the feeling a bit more.
May 3, 2016
I have ordered the whip. A friend also lent me a whippy tempomaster to take to the range - do you know this aid? Is this useful combined with the orange whip?
May 12, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, I've used it a fair bit, it makes you exaggerate too slow of a tempo to actually hit balls with, but if you're tempo is overly quick, it can be useful.
May 16, 2016
How did Chuck get the student make that much dramatic progress in one session ... especially the ability to keep the back pointing at the target? Was there a swing thought that was effective? Was the student an exceptional athlete? Was it the inertia of the OW that caused the back to stay pointing at the target? I'm just amazed at the student's progress!
May 2, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
None of the above Joseph! It's simply a matter of following the RST 5 Step System. Take the right hand off and focus on your lower body movement and see what happens.
May 3, 2016
Have had the whip for 2 years now. Great warmup tool not only for your tempo but the added weight gets you using your lower body first on downswing which for me is a great thing. Great product!!
May 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Thanks for the post. We agree. One of very few RST approved training aids.
May 2, 2016
Chuck What do you have at the end of your home made version, a real ball of wiffle, other?
May 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Real ball.
May 2, 2016
Reallly! Chuck! You are doing an infomercial for the whip... maybe $300 an hour for instruction should be paid to the inventor. Seriously... you can charge what you want, but to to an infomercial to members... on the whip... I've had it for three years.
April 30, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gig, we have very few training aids for sale on the website and endorse very few products for a reason. We are sent thousands of swing aids to try out and we only want to promote products that will help you students with the RST system directly. The new video series that Chuck recently put together, allows for a perfect positioning of the whip during the training of the video series. We are pleased to be partnered with them for sure.
May 1, 2016
Do you actually look to feel the arms and club head being pulled down by the lower body during weight shift and rotation?
April 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Yes.
April 30, 2016
Does The Orange Whip and Momentus' Power Hitter accomplish basically the same thing?
April 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. I haven't had much experience with that training device. It would be hard for me to assume they create the exact same feeling without investigating further.
April 30, 2016
Hey guys, Is there any reason besides one's physique/stature as to which length Orange Whip to purchase? I.e., 47.5" for training driver swing and the compact 35.5" to train closer to range of iron length clubs?
April 28, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ishmael -- Below is some more detailed product description to help you determine what size is going to be best for you. The longest and most popular version, the Orange Whip Trainer provides the greatest feedback for tempo, balance, and swing plane training. • Designed for men and taller women • Simulates driver motion • Recommended to maximize core fitness and flexibility • Most physically demanding Orange Whip The Orange Whip Mid-size is universal for both men and women and is easily handled by seniors, beginners, and shorter players. • Designed for seniors, women, and teens • Simulates iron motion for men and taller women • Simulates driver motion for women and teens • Provides core fitness and flexibility The Orange Whip Compact is perfect for indoor use and travel. Its convenient length and versatile design are perfect for men, women, seniors, and teens. • 35.5” length is perfect for indoor use and travel • Whippy shaft for maximum feedback similar to the longer trainers • Simulates short iron motion to sharpen your shorter shots • Often purchased with the larger Trainer and Mid-Size swing trainers
April 28, 2016
Hi Chuck, Glad to see that you support the OW. Just bought it last week... The five step serie is awesome. Bernie
April 28, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Bernie!
April 28, 2016
Hiya, I live in the Middle East. Ordering training aids from the US isn't really economic solution for me. However, I struggle with early release and picking up the feel of this whipping effect. Here SKLZ products are available. Is Gold Flex a good alternative to Orange Whip? I believe you know all of these products. Could you tell me what the main difference is?
April 27, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I haven't personally tested it but it looks similar
April 28, 2016
Have had orange whip for several years, but didn't have rst. Shelved the ow for rst. I guess now it is time to unshelve ole ow and work in conjunction with the 5 steps. One thing about ow is there can be a tendency to be right arm dominant if I use both hands. Right arm dominant equated to body release. Any input on how to use the ow with proper release? Is it best to only use left arm with the owhip? Thanks.
April 25, 2016
Lance, I feel the same way. Had to dig deep in my basement to find my old orange whip.
April 28, 2016
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
YES!! If you're overusing the right arm, take it off! Then slowly add it back in via the 5 Steps.
April 26, 2016

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