Intro to Adding the Lead Arm in Golf Swing

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Adding the lead arm in the golf swing should only be done once the body is rotating properly and your shifting your weight correctly.

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In the 5 minutes to perfect release drills, should I emphasize lead arm rotation or lead wrist rotation or both? Thanks
June 17, 2021
I'm still a little confused. I am supposed to focus on lead forearm rotation? Also, what is the correct order of drills that I should be working on. Thanks for the help.
June 18, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. More the forearm and wrist. The forearm will be rotating as the lead wrist loses angle and flattens.
June 17, 2021
With arms folded on chest, I can rotate shoulders more than 90 degrees. When I add my left arm, my shoulders want to stop turning short of 90 degrees. With a club in my hand my shoulders seem to turn even less (maybe 80 degrees). How do I get a full shoulder turn after adding my left arm and club?
June 4, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Take a look at Proper Muscle Activation Video. Also, you may need to allow for a little more hip turn to facilitate full shoulder rotation.
June 4, 2020
Ok have been with RST for a little ove a year have been doing the drills I have had neck surgery couple years ago and when I noticed If I look at the ball I can’t get a full shoulder turn just 3/4 turn So should I pick up the ball from the corner of my to get a full turn
May 5, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Sadly, I believe that will be the case. If you watch Chuck you can see his head rotates. Due to the fact C1-C3 are fused. You can allow for some rotation in the cervical spine to achieve full shoulder rotation.
May 5, 2020
I feel that there still needs to be a little "active"chest or torso rotation if I do not add it I will get a tiny bit flippy at the bottom. Creating the passive rotation of the chest by the pulling of the core from the lead side seems to come up a little short. Thoughts?
March 31, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. You don't need any active rotation. However, if you are trying to keep the back to the target and over doing the restriction you may be getting in the way of the chest getting to square by impact.
March 31, 2020
Both of my shoulders are replacements and I have a hard time to get them to parallel, most of every thing you show is way past parallel is there any hope for me? Tim
December 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Timothy. You have a hard time getting your shoulders parallel to the ground, or do you mean swing length?
December 4, 2019
What I mean is when I swing back I can't get past 9:30 on the o'clock that is as high as I can go plus I can't keep my left arm
December 5, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Timothy. You can vary where your main power sources will come from (How to Maintain Club Head Speed as You Get Older) Video. If you have a hard time with length. Work on your overall body positions, but concentrate on a smaller/more precise movement. Take a look at the 9 to 3 Drill and the 9 to 3 Lag Building Drills. If you master the 9 to 3 and then add some more lag. I have students that play with that swing and hit it further than their original full swing.
December 5, 2019
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Graig! My question regards both the 5 step system and dead drill system. In both, one of the concepts is to go back to the previous drill if the new drill does not work well. When do I go back, if 1 of 5 fails or 1 of 10 , 1 of 100? And if I go back how much reps do I add, an other 1000, 2000, 3000? Thanks for helping!
October 31, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. I don't want you to have any failure. If you mess up 1 of 100 that's pretty good. But, if every 10 or 20 reps has a failure. You need to step back. You might not need 3000 at the step back point to correct. But, if you do 3000-5000 proper drills you should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time without messing up the move. So, when stacking the previous piece shouldn't break down. Sounds like if you are experiencing failure you need to back down for a little. Around 1000 is when you should be pretty darn proficient at it.
October 31, 2019
hi guys and happy Fourth of July! I saw one of your videos talking about pain on the inside of the left elbow due to poor technique. I experience pain on the outside of my left elbow right at the joint. it's not severe but it does get a little tender and sore in a small area right at the joint. I am 55 years old and I'm hoping it is not arthritic or age-related. something in my swing?
July 4, 2019
Hello William. My understanding. Please watch this video: If it doesn't cure the issue then I would recommend that you send your swing for review. It is very valuable to check swing every now and then to make sure movements are correct. You should never experience pain after playing golf!
July 5, 2019
When I start the downswing do I want to feel my hands staying at the top (brief moment) to help create some tension/torque in my lat/oblique?
June 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Albert. You don't want to force them from not moving, but the feeling of leaving them there and allowing the lead side pull to bring them down is perfectly fine.
June 20, 2019
Since the RST system is a pulling action is there any active pulling action of the lead arm on the downswing and by either arm for that matter. Is it strictly core rotation and momentum that produces the pulling action?
January 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dean. Weight, core and gravity will pull the lead arm into impact. The lead lat will be aiding this movement. You don't want to yank the arm down, but it will help pull the arms in front of the torso. Take a look at Left Arm Only Downswing Drill (Ladd) Video.
January 18, 2019
I have been working on the core moves with good results for the last couple of months now,I shot a 75 with a 15 index recently never came close to that before. I am now working with the arms and there role in the swing. How do you introduce this on the golf course any thinking about where my hands wrist and arms has always gotten me into trouble and as I hit balls on range after practicing the moves I am not seeing the transition with quality shots
September 24, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Right now you shouldn't be focusing on too much of the specifics. Making the same core moves and allowing the arm to follow. Once you start adding a club and start working on path and release. You will have to focus a little harder. But, for now the goal is to feel the body pulling the lead arm into impact. A simple way to think of it would be the "Frisbee Drill."
September 24, 2018
I’m a right handed golfer. I was working some of the drills 9-3 right hand would still be stuck underneath my left hand when trying to release the club shortly after impact. I been trying to get the extension and release you get from post up on your left leg. Then I remembered that I need to focus more with my left hand and allow it to be dominant. When I started to focus more on my left hand...pulling from the left side...I couldn’t hit the ball at all. It was almost like trying to hit the ball left handed. The last 20 balls I hit decent and I hand the extension and baby draw I was looking for. Right hand over left shorting after releasing the club through impact. Would you say I’m on the right track with focusing on the left side ...focusing on my lead hand/arm..(left) is why it was much easier to release the club as he did in the videos? My back swing even felt a little different when focusing on my lead hand vs focusing on my right right side all these years. Lol
April 17, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lyndon. Yes. It takes time to train the lead arm/hand. You aren't used to the coordination of it controlling impact dynamics. Staying focused on the lead arm training is definitely the right trace. It will get easier the more you rep and mechanics are proper. There is a reason the glove is on the lead hand .
April 17, 2018
Being left arm dominant with right handed swing this comes natural to me. However I notice I need to focus and bring my right arm in to play more then you mention. Any advice here, thanks!
January 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Your trail arm will have a role in the swing. However, we are trying to get the lead arm mastered because the control side is of utmost importance. If you are lead arm dominant your tendency would be to pull too hard and create too much lag. I would suggest looking at video to make sure you are in that category before messing around too much with the trail hand this early in the rebuild.
January 28, 2018
I'm having a problem with my lead hand (right handed player) becoming very bowed and shutting the club face early in my take away. From there I either have to contort my body to hit a half way decent shot or else I duck hit the ball left due to the closed club face. I suspect I'm not letting my body turn correctly which is forcing my arms/hands to do too much work, thus create this bowing. As opposed to my core rotation causing the arms to swing back and rotate naturally. Any help is appreciated - it is a very ugly problem! Kevin
August 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Take a look at the Bucket Drill, One Simple Takeaway Fix, Forearm Rotation in the Golf Swing for Power and the Pencil Tee Drill. See if any of those help you with the wrist position and club face rotation. If not, I would suggest a swing review and we will be happy to take a look.
August 28, 2017
Can a slight forward press be used to start the core rotation? Seems to help my tempo.
April 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Ideally, you wouldn't use a forward press as a swing trigger. Would much more prefer shifting or weight or trail side pull (rotation).
April 13, 2017
What is the name of the third video, after Add the Lead Arm, in the RST 5 Step System?
January 17, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Here are the third and fourth. Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm & Step 4 - Add the Golf Club.
January 17, 2017
Great video - helps me with understanding why I push off the left side
September 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Luke.
September 28, 2016
In order for your body to move your lead arm in the golf swing is it correct to have the feeling of it almost pinned to your torso? looking forward to your response. Thanks.
September 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Nothing should be pinned or overly tense in the swing. It will feel like a blend of pull and gravity. Take a look at the LADD Video (Left Arm in Golf Downswing).
September 7, 2016

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