Intro to Adding the Trail Arm

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Finally, we add the trail arm to put the golf swing all together.

Okay, by now you're months, and months, and months, maybe years, into building your perfect golf swing, depending on how much time you could put into it. We're finally ready to add the final part of the swing, and the final part is this trailing arm. The right arm is what's going to help passively, primarily, transfer energy from your rotating trunk into the golf club. Just by the sheer fact that the right hand is on the club, and you're turning your body, it's transferring energy to the club. You don't have to try and actively throw your hand.

                                Now, as you get very skilled at putting all of these pieces together, and your body is very lead, or very core driven, and weight-shift driven, and lead-arm driven, you can start to add some right arm extension and some rotation to help speed the club up. That's when everything is really clicking and you need to get an extra 20 yards out of a drive. You can start putting a little more right arm in there. That's where the throw-the-ball drill is. If you're really lead-side dominant, it's perfectly fine to start adding some right arm in there, but you have to do so with some control because, all of a sudden, when you start pushing from the right side, it's very powerful, but it also has to be used with exercising some caution here, because it can start, all of a sudden, leading you back into the old problems that you have.

                                By now, you've done so many reps with your lead side and your core, that shouldn't be a problem for you, right? If you've been doing the drills, adding the right arm is going to be a natural extension. You're going to feel like it's really not even there. Ideally, the right arm is going to feel very passive. It's still going to work way more than you realize, but I want you to feel that it's very passive. As you've gone through a lot of these drills, you've been able to let the right hand come off. That should still feel like the case because that's going to allow the club to accelerate independent of your body and allow it to move faster.

                                As you go through these drills, everything, again, is still core-centric, weight-shift driven. That's still where your mindset is, but the right arm, we're starting to train it to get into the right positions that it needs to and how it can help you add power in your golf swing.

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Want to know if I should strive To keep my trail wrist bent or cocked through impact
September 30, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. You shouldn’t try to hold it that way. More of a byproduct. The trail arm/wrist will have a slight amount of flexion/hinge at impact.
September 30, 2020
Craig, you were so right about the drills transferring to the driver once the habit patterns start to settle in - so thanks - the reps take time but it's worth it! Question - my last swing review showed quite a bit of chicken wing at the top. In my garage sessions with the camera, I'm noticing that the amount of chicken wing (or APPARENT chicken wing) can vary a lot depending on how much shoulder turn I achieve. I think I'm having a hard time figuring out if my problem isn't as much chicken wing as it is too much shoulder turn? So, how do I know I've made a complete shoulder turn so I can assess width at the appropriate checkpoint?
April 9, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. Shoulder turn should be 90 degrees at the top. You can draw a line perpendicular to your target line at the top. However, if you think you are getting more you aren't staying stable enough with the lower half, or allowing trail arm fly. You should be wound up pretty good and the core tension doesn't want you to go further back.
April 9, 2020
At what point do the drills relate to the woods or driver? Should they also be done while swinging the driver?
December 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Fred. Once, you can do them pretty well with the irons and not require a lot of manual thought at pace. Of course you need to start applying with the longer club. Remember, same swing just setup adjustments. The swing stays the same.
December 28, 2019
my driver went from best club in the bag before the program 230-250 yards on average, and now it barely goes 200, and just feels terrible to swing. what might be the cause of this because like many others this is my favorite club to hit. all other clubs feel fine and I am hitting them okay.
October 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. There could be many contributing factors. I would suggest a swing review if you can. Or, give me some more details about the swing. Start with setup first (Proper Tee Heigh Video) to make sure the foundation is correct.
October 28, 2019
Hi Craig, I have 1 swing review left with you, and you requested it be of a dead drill step 6, I'm still working hard on step 5 correcting what you asked me to do. I think I'll just keep working on the dead drill and stop hitting driver for now, I was hitting all my other clubs well, was just wondering why driver was so bad. Thanks!
October 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Take a look at Iron vs Driver Swing. When it boils down to it if the mechanics are solid over all. Most players try to do more when they have a driver in their hand. It's long, big and fun to hit. But, you need to focus on making the same swing and just catching the ball at a different time.
October 28, 2019
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Have you had your swing reviewed? There's something you're not seeing going on in your swing.
October 28, 2019
HI Chuck, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. I have been working with Craig working through the dead drills, we just reached step 6 and I only have 1 review left, Step 5 is when I started making good contact with the ball again, with all clubs except driver. (Even 3 wood is better than ever) With driver I tee the ball up about 2 inches above ground, and slightly forward of left ear (left ear is ball position for every other club) and I make the same swing as every other club.
October 28, 2019
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I just took a quick glance at your last review and saw some pretty glaring things that Craig has you working on. Your shoulders are very open at impact and you weren't making a full turn in the backswing. Those two things alone are big power saps, so I'm sure Craig is going to have you work on those things.
October 28, 2019
On my downswing my right arm/elbow isn’t getting around far enough causing a flip of the hands (bad) at impact. I do need to get past a little bit of a midsection, any suggestions?
May 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Typically, the trail arm takes over control too soon causing this issue. You may need to exaggerate a little more pulling with the lead to get the trail arm working in front of the midsection. Take a look at the Golf Swing Transition Drill Video.
May 14, 2019
Hi, since a couple of weeks I have a light shoulder / upper arm injury, probably because of an trailing arm overload; pushing during the downswing and follow-through. Which relevant video (‘s) do you advise me to look at specificly for improvement ? Backswing : turning your right shoulder by pushing this back ; transition to downswing by pulling ? ; and the downswing itself ? and follow-through ? How to become more effective from now on ? Thanks for advising me. Ed
April 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. I have a couple questions. Where are you having the pain (lead, trail, etc.?) and at what point in the swing? Also, have you submitted a video for review?
April 8, 2019
Hello Graig, being a RH player the pain is in my trail upperam and shoulder; however not during execution, but after a round in rest. It seems to be stiff; presumably caused by pushing ( overload ) I guess. In particular with driver and woods. How to become more effortless in full swing? Have difficulty in converting a into jpg,gif or png
April 9, 2019
Hello Graig, video's sent succesfully under Swing Review to RS. Look forward to hear from you.
April 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. Sure thing. We will get the review done as soon as possible to figure out whats going on.
April 9, 2019
A new problem has occurred as my swing has improved. As a round progresses, I find that I start to cut and slice the ball. I guess I am no longer completing the release. Any suggestions?
January 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. Sounds like you may be getting more active with the shoulders as you tire in the round. As the round progresses make sure your shoulders stay quiet so you may have a full release. Also, some players stop shifting their weight properly which leads to the plane being steeper.
January 8, 2019
Curious how much club speed the trail arm adds. I have been drilling the left arm only following a right shoulder surgery (don’t tell my doc). At first I had no luck making good contact but am much more consistent now with better smash factor and distance. It will be some time before I can add the right. Thanks Randy
November 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. The trail arm will add speed, but the vast majority of players over use it for power. I don't have the exact data on how much you will gain. But, I do know that you are focusing on the proper arm for overall better quality and power.
November 27, 2018
Hi, I am a new subscriber, my name is Greg. From what I have gathered from watching numerous videos, the right arm or trail arm is relatively passive. My question is an overlapping grip is rather uncomfortable to me but I have discovered that if I overlap the pinkie AND the ring finger it is much better. Using this grip, would that help to keep the right side from applying to much pressure during the swing? Also should you actually be able to see the clubhead make contact with the golf ball at impact? Thanks.
October 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Typically, the club head is moving to fast to see impact. Your head should stay down, but visually seeing the perfect strike may not be there. For now playing with the double overlap is fine. If you tend to really over use the trail side it will help.
October 22, 2018
At setup (down to the grip) and release time, should the forearms have alignment with the target line?
August 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Depending on view and reference points. The trail forearm will be slightly under the lead forearm looking at it from the DTL perspective. Therefore, not perfectly parallel to the target line, but very close. At impact the view will be close to the same as setup. We are only talking a couple degrees off from being perfectly aligned with the target. You can see some of the difference in the Right Side Dominance at Setup Video.
August 26, 2018
I tend to release early/not hold the lag. I'm trying now to keep my right elbow in front of my body on the downswing instead of straightening it when I get it to the right hip. It seems to help me to "whip" my arms through the hitting area as long as I post up on my left leg. I want to lead better with the left wrist at impact. Any thoughts on this?
July 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kim. The trail arm will help you preserve the lag. The key is that you don't start trying to convince it to be the sole provider for lag. If you are continually pulling with the lead with the notion of not firing the trail arm too soon, or maintaining the angle. No issue at all.
July 30, 2017
Hi Chuck/Craig, I have been a member of your RST program for few years now ( one of the oldest) ... I have a quick question, I have high left shoulder and and seem to get rid of it. Any advise please. Warm regards, -Mir
July 13, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Mir, we are pleased to have you as a member and a long time one at that. There are several factors that can cause too much secondary axis tilt...from too much trail leg push, too much body rotation, pulling the hands down to long into the hitting area etc. I would suggest that you submit some swings for review and let us take a look at it to help you determine the cause of it. Otherwise, I would suggest you look at the level shoulders video. Hope that helps.
July 18, 2017
Dear Chris, Thanks for the suggestion, I have revisited how to sequence the swing video and have started working on the core move... I believe, this will cure the sec axis tilt. Once I have it honed-in I will submit a video for review. Thanks much! Cheers Mir
October 20, 2017
Great Vid... Trail side is evil!
September 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the post Frank. The trail side is definitely evil!
September 9, 2016

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