Pro Power Move

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Learn the pro power move that all pro golfers know and you DON'T!

 At one point or another, you've probably snapped a towel at somebody in the locker room and got their attention pretty quickly. This thing can hurt, especially when you get the end of it wet and snap it on somebody when they're not clothed. Doesn't feel real good. The trick is understanding what creates the snapping motion in this is very much in line with what you do with your body when you use the pro power move to create power in your swing. Let me explain.
                    When you're learning how to swing the golf club, one of the misnomer's of the swing is that you should keep rotating your body as hard and fast as you can, in order to create speed in the swing. Nothing could be further from the truth. It completely goes against all common physics laws.
                    When you're trying to release something with speed, the kinematic sequence is actually parts of your body have to slow down to allow energy to transfer up the chain. That's just kind of a complicated way of explaining, in order to get real speed you want to snap the towel. 
                    How did I snap that towel? Well think about it for a second. As I was moving my hand forward, first of all my wrist had to be soft, right? As my wrist is soft and lagging behind my arm, once I want that towel to snap I don't keep dragging my arm and turning. That doesn't make any sense. In order to get that towel to snap, I actually move my wrist backwards, my wrist is soft and as I move it backwards my hand is moving in the opposite direction that the towel's going. N
                    Now if you remember back to my flail analogy, I talked about how you're always pulling the flail in the opposite direction you want the ball to go. Now in the golf swing at impact, when we want maximum speed, the club is going in two directions if you think about it; we're moving in 3D space.
                    But let's think about it in two directions.  One, the club is going away from my body. It's moving in an arch, a little circle, and it's moving away from me, right? So which direction should my hips be going? This way, they're moving away from the ball while the club is moving toward it. You're always moving in the opposite direction.
                    Now there's one other thing that you probably didn't think about, is that the club is also going down, which means my body should be going up. That's right. You want to move the club fast with your body, you always move in the opposite direction, which means your hip is going back around and your body's going up.
                    Think about that for a second. I want the club to snap. My body not only has to stop moving, but it's gotta be moving in the opposite direction. So this pro power move that you see every single long hitter on the planet do, and with the driver it often tends to be exaggerated, especially if you watch the long drive association. For a right handed golfer, their left foot literally will come up in the air. They're pushing so hard off the ground that their foot will jump, and a lot of times turn. 
                    Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Bubba Watson, all of these guys do the exact same thing because they're creating leverage from the ground and the pro power move is all about pushing that foot into the ground. As you push your leg up it will cause your wrist angle, as long as this is soft, to release down.
                    And that is the secret to producing effortless power with the big muscles in your body.

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I seem to be topping most shots except for my wedges when I feel the thrust of the post up on my left leg. Any ideas? I've tried to move the ball back in my stance but that is causing line drive shots.
April 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Max. Take a look at the Moving the Fulcrum Video. Sounds like you are adding excessive secondary tilt and the lead shoulder is coming out of the shot.
April 26, 2020
Hi Craig, as I expect you know by now I am confined to my home but continue to work on the stuff you referred me to. It was a bit wet out today but as I can't make a full swing indoors, I practised swinging in front of my large double glass doors looking at the reflection. It is an area under my balcony so kept me dry. Have been working on posting up that lead leg and releasing whilst maintaining my address spine angle. The attached picture was captured by my security camera, not quite DL but you can see I am getting a good hip rotation through. Had to stand slightly taller to avoid hitting the paving, done that a couple of times, but no real damage!
March 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Wow you really are getting that hip through. Maybe you should hit some balls off the pavers. . Sorry for your confinement. Crazy times we are in.
March 19, 2020
Hi Craig weather too cold today to go into the garden for that review, will try again tomorrow. Things are getting worse here with Pubs, restaurants, clubs, gyms being told to close this evening and not to open tomorrow until further notice! Just as well I have a garden to use. The golf club are closing the locker rooms and advising that we use the practice ground and range at our own risk! This is not a risk I will be taking.
March 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. I agree. Don't take the risk. It is starting to get bad on our end. Restaurants, bars, etc. all closed as well. Please take care and stay healthy.
March 20, 2020
Actually I find it a lot easier wearing my slippers as I am here. Perhaps I should play in them . The forecast tomorrow looks better and if OK hope to do a review to up for your comments.
March 19, 2020
What do you think of the swing aid Impact snap ..?
September 17, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. I haven't worked with the device. I will need to see if any of our other instructors have.
September 17, 2019
Just to be clear, when Chuck mentions the body moves UP, he is referring to postural release? I would like to think the head doesn't move up, am I right?
June 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. More the lead hip is moving up and back. The head will stay quiet. Take a look at You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs.
June 3, 2019
I understand the principle behind snapping the wet towel. But then how does someone like Hideki Matsuyama - with his pronounced pause at the top - generate snapping-wet-towel power? Or is the pause more of an illusion than an actual pause? Thanks.
August 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Matsuyama does have a pause. He actually is trying to make it a little less right now. However, he still does a great job at separating the upper half from lower half making sure he is pulled in the downswing with a good lag angle. A really good shift back to the lead side and zero rush of the upper half.
August 20, 2018
Craig Not sure why but when applying this power move I seem to be getting steep and taking bigger divots on everything but my driver. Is there something you can recommend to hit the ball more solid? Thanks Dan
August 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Sounds like you are applying shoulders with the hip move. You must keep the shoulders from spinning. Keep the Rear Shoulder Back Video and How to Fix Plane and Path.
August 20, 2018
The volume on this video is very poor. Can it be improved? Carey D'Arcy
August 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carey. Have you tried adjusting the volume slider on the video itself? The volume is able to reach a very loud level on my end. Sorry you are having issues.
August 20, 2018
Tried that without success. C'est la vie!
August 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carey. Hmm. You have me stumped. Contact Technical Support. Their must be a glitch because it's really loud on my end. They are more adept at handling website issues. I apologize for your error.
August 20, 2018
How do you correctly use your weight shift and posting up onto left side from uphill side lies with ball above your feet especially when left side is higher than right. I really struggle with side hil lies and my course is peppered with them. Thanks Guy
August 3, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Guy. Take a look at the Specialty Shots Section for answers on different lies. For the uphill side lies you going to have to work harder on making sure to transfer the weight up the slope and focus on a proper release.
August 3, 2018
"Misconception" is the word brother, not "misnomer." . Thanks for the good instruction!
July 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Maxwell. Appreciate the compliments on our instruction.
July 13, 2018
Great video. Quick question though. What I see though at 2'59'' of the video when Chuck shows how the left leg is almost leaving the ground for long distance drivers, Chuck is pushing off the ground by activating the ball of the left foot and not the heel of the left foot. I suppose if I wanted to jump I would naturally put pressure on the ball of my feet and not on my heels but given that at the end of the weight shift and before the posting, the weight is firmly on the left heel, should I push from the heel and straighten the leg or push with the ball of my left foot. Thanks, Marc
April 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marc. Push from the heel/center of the ankle joint. Lift off is only necessary when getting a little out of bounds with the push off. If you start allowing too much weight to push off the toes. You displace/change the primary balancing joint from the hip to the knee.
April 14, 2018
I find that the push away from the ground definitely increases club head speed. My problem occurs when I try to squat a little on the downswing since I will hit way too many fat shots. If i focus on just keeping my hips level and knee bend consistent until the push away, I don't have that problem. So question is, what might be causing the ground striking on my squat. My guess is that my timing is off on pushing off the ground (too late when club gets close to the ball).
March 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Make sure you are shifting the weight before getting into a big squat. The vast majority of the time when I hear this problem it is a lack of shift and too much focus on downward movement of the squat.
March 20, 2018
Hello It appears that from the classic top of the swing stance that the BUTT of the club is facing back and that the initiation of the swing by the left hip going out up and back brings the butt of the club back down until the club is parallel to the ground and then released by the left hand 3 fingers to allow the club face to rotate about the hosel sticking the ball with the club face striking and rotating around the ball is this correct Tom Lawson Columbus Ohio is this correct
December 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. The lead hip going back and away will bring the club moving down and out.
December 1, 2017
Hi..I've been trying to learn this "move" for a while but w/out much success. As other comments have suggested. I struggle with coming out of my posture when I straighten up the lead leg. It also seems to bring my shoulders around too soon when I pull the hip up and to the left, and I get a lot of pulls. Is there a drill or exercise that can help ingrain the timing of when the hip should start to initiate the "up and back" motion, a sequencing drill?
November 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerrie. I would work on You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs and Step 2 Core Rotation without a club first. Check your body positions before introducing the weapon and clean those up.
November 15, 2017
Hi , very nice video thanks I am really strike my my irons better then ever. but with my woods and driver i am doing something all wrong. with the weight transfer and unwind my hip and straigthen my leg i hit under the ball my driver and woods change in a gap wedgewhich fly skyhigh to the left.
July 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Pim. With the driver make sure you are properly adjusting the setup (Proper Tee Height). Also, sounds like you could be firing your lag a hair too soon as the club gets longer.
July 27, 2017
Isn't this pulling out of the shot? It seems this move would create a lot of topped shots. What aspect of a proper swing compensates for this move?
July 11, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Christopher, If you aren't pushing too hard of the trail side which would bring the hips forward and cause the spine to move vertical, then you will be able to use this for additional power. You can keep the tush back, while still posting up on the lead side. Hope that helps.
July 18, 2017

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