Diagnosing the Cause of Bad Golf Shots

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Learn how simple it is to diagnose every single bad golf shot you hit utilizing RotarySwing

Hey, guys. Chuck Quinton here. At the root of Rotary Swing is understanding what causes a bad shot. It's that simple. Everything that you do, once you start following the Rotary Swing System, you will always be be able to very quickly and very specifically identify exactly what caused a bad shot, because the movements are so simple that if you add something to them, it's very simple to see where things go wrong. For example ... Now hopefully, you've done a ton of 9 to 3 golf swing drills, because this is the whole golf swing. From here to here is what really matters. The rest of it's just details. That's what we use as a our primary initial diagnostic tool when we're checking to see what's going on with somebody's swing. We're just going to make these little half-swings and I'm going to do them. If I do it correctly ... So I'll just make a little half-swing here. Halfway back.

                Now, I'm going through my checkpoints. Head down. Shoulders square. Hips open. Right heel down. Weight stacked over my left ankle. Club face fully released. From your perspective, it's going to look like this. Left arm straight. Club face released. Weight over left ankle. Left hip in neutral. Right foot rolled in. Right heel down. Shoulders back. Chest open. Belt buckle open. Piece of cake. If I do that right, that ball is always going to go exactly where I want. It's going to go straight. It's pretty simple.

                But what happens is that we start adding things to these movements that cause us problems. That's what I want to talk about, so that you, when you go to the range, can not only learn to diagnose what's going wrong in your swing, but you can use it to your advantage to start shaping the shot so that you can do what you want with the ball. When we look at this ... I'm going to do one and do it incorrectly, and I want you to try and see if you can tell what I did wrong here. This is a really, really common fault.

                Alright. What do you see? If I got paid a dollar for every time I had to fix this one, I'd be a wealthy guy. Right heel up in the air. Where's my chest pointing? Where's my head looking. I was so excited and eager to see where that ball went that I turned my whole body and my head. That rotated my chest. If I rotate my chest, guess what happens to the club face. It doesn't want to release. My body overpowers it. So now, as you come through the follow through, you'll see the club face is open. That's costing me about eight miles an hour club head speed, and the ball is going to want to tend to go to the right, because the club face isn't closing.

                This one, pushing from the right shoulder, right hip, trying to open up my chest to get my chest on the ball is one of the biggest swing flaws. As you start going to add speed to it, this is how I'd start to hit a nice, big cut. I'd rotate my chest through, get in front of the ball a little bit. That helps delay the release and hold the club face open. That's how I take this miss and turn it into a positive. If I want to hit a cut shot, open up my stance here a little bit. Nice little five yard fade. I rotated my chest through. That automatically held the face open a little bit. I hit a nice, little baby cut. Perfect. The important thing is, understanding the miss. When I rotate my chest through, my chest has always got to stay back and allow my club to release. My right shoulder is always trying to stay away from the target as long as humanly possible.

                Now, I'll make another mistake, and see if I can do this one. So now, I didn't turn much at all. The ball went left, and if you look at it from this side, I just flipped my hands over. This is too much to be able to take much advantage of, but we see this all the time, where golfers, instead of learning to use their weight shift and hip turn to bring the hands down, they just kind of stay static with their legs and just use their arms and flip at it. That's a horrible way to try to hit a ball, because there's no power in it. What I need to do is understand what did I do incorrectly? Didn't shift my weight. Didn't turn my hips. The most important part of the downswing is weight shift and posting up, getting that hip open. That allows you to not have to overuse your arms in the downswing. That's the most common swing fault number two, getting really handsy with it.

                Now, what I start seeing when people start doing these movements correctly and are just working on fine-tuning it and they're doing it with just their left arm, we see this all the time. I'll move my club face back here. You can see the club face is really open. This is a really common issue that we see when people are doing the 9 to 3 drill. What's happening here? I'm sustaining the pull with my left arm too long. I don't need to keep pulling my hand through the hitting area. This is when you're trying to add power to the swing with your left arm. Your left arm is a control arm, not a power arm. So this arm doesn't need to keep pulling through the hitting area.

                In fact, it's got to stop to allow my wrist to release. That's what gives us all this speed. This is where the effortless power comes in. My hands start to slow down, moving laterally, and my wrists start to uncock and rotate, and take over and pass my hands. Not in a flip and a scoop, but in a rotation move, and that is what gives us effortless speed in the swing. Don't take your left arm and try and pull it through the hitting area. You're just delaying the release of the club face, and again, that's what I want to do when I hit a high cut. It's going to work perfect for that, because it's going to hold the face open and add loft to the hitting area.

                With this 9 to 3 drill, you can pretty much diagnose every single swing fault. Now I'm going to chunk one. Watch what happens. So, I hit back behind it. How do I know what I did is right or wrong? Well, I can feel, if I hold my follow-through, that my weight is on my right foot. I look like this. Pretty simple one. Where is my weight supposed to be? How do I know? Take golf club over my first belt loop. Should make a nice, straight line through the center of my knee and center of my ankle. Now, I know that I shifted far enough.

                With this 9 to 3 drill, you can pretty much learn every single swing flaw that you're going to struggle with. If you're topping it, this is almost always a wrist scoopy, flippy thing, where you're taking your wrist and trying to help out to hit the ball. Just relax your hand. Let the club release naturally. Start feeling the club swing. I really highly encourage you to use these 9 to 3 drills to start diagnosing shots, learning what it feels like to let the club release, and eventually start using the ball as your feedback mechanism to see whether or not you're doing these little, simple movements correctly, because they'll start to show you, even on these little shots, what you're doing wrong every single time. 

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Have a huge problem I am hoping to get resolved. I have a shank that continues to come back. I started the RST 5 step and worked thru Set-up and grip and problem went away dramatically. It has come back a few times and I will go the whole round and can't fix it but the driver and hybrids are fine. I saw a video about putting a golf ball sleeve to the right of ball and I am fine as long as sleeve is there but the second I take it away problem resumes. I realize that I am not making the same swing without the aid but I can't figure out what the golf sleeve triggers to cure this and how I can cure it without the crutch.Thanks
April 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Larry. The sleeve just helps you make a compensation to not through the club out further. Like a focal point band aid fix. Take a look at How to Cure the Shanks Video and lets diagnose the actual issue.
April 13, 2020
Hello Craig, Thanks for the response but just to be clear when I put up the barrier I never hit the barrier and hit the ball in the middle of the club face. It is not teaching me a fundamental but I thought that if I shank the iron without the barrier then I would hit the barrier.
April 13, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Larry. More than likely hit the barrier as you mentioned. But, I had an old sports psychologist do the same trick to players. The barrier give you a focus to try and not hit it. It definitely isn't fixing the root problem. We need to figure out what is causing them period. That way we can get rid of these nasty buggers.
April 13, 2020
Found this video hoping to diagnose my big miss. I joined RST a few months ago and am working through the steps but still gotta get out and play. My big miss is a pull left or a pull/snap hook. I am left-handed and left eye dominant but play right-handed. I have noticed after playing or working at driving range my left shoulder will be a bit sore. I feel like it may be over using the left side and nothing with the right, but that would seem to lead to a slice / fade? Ideas? Thanks!
July 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. Sounds like you are spinning the shoulders and moving your fulcrum position. Combined with a little hand flip at the bottom. Take a look at Moving the Fulcrum and Flip vs Release Video.
July 15, 2019
I have recently reviewed the Speed with width video and started the practice routine. I have some questions related to the grip. I am a lefty so I am referring to the grip with my right hand, lead hand. I find that having only my last three fingers in the club strange to get use to and a little harder when I do the one arm drill. When I add My other hand to the club I find that my left hand grip to be lighter and more relaxed and also I find my weight shift in the downward swing to be effortless and almost happens without thinking about it. Are these the type of things that I should be experiencing? I have not taken the drill outside to hit real balls yet but when I do will I still keep only my three fingers of my lead hand in the club? While I ask this is that in the original videos in grip it appears that the thumb and first finger are an important part of the grip. Your comments please.
June 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. The main focal points of pressure will be in the last three lead fingers. You can exaggerate (Frisbee Drill) taking the rest of the fingers off. But, in the end the index finger and thumb will provide support. Hand normally on club, but the focus in the last three lead. Also, when adding the trail hand you have to be certain it's just not more comfortable because it is dominating the lead hand through the strike. It will be normal for the lead hand to feel very weak and powerless in the beginning.
June 26, 2019
I am about ready to abort golf. For six months I have worked with Rotary Swing, restarted twice due to failure to achieve, and am now shooting 10 to 15 strokes higher per round than before I started. Today shot a 109 and am now the worst golfer in the group of 25. Once in a while I seem to do it correctly, but then I follow with a shot left , right , topped, wedges are a panic as the all seem to go 35 degrees left low or 35 degrees right high. I am left handed so the lessons are all hard to translate. The video on troubleshooting makes sense, but something is missing. Suggestions. i played college baseball, was the Military European Racquet ball champion etc, but implementing Rotary Swing - I am really missing something. Not sure what answer I expect, but I need help
May 24, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Billy. It sounds like you still have too much variability in your movement patterns when adding back the golf ball. Caught in-between the old and new movements. You need to simplify things first and get some confidence back. Do you know the issues in your current swing? Can you perform a 9 to 3 Correctly with good results? Does you practice mimic on course swing? Is your practice quality shots, or the same? When was your last swing review? My suggestion is you need a review to hit the high points and to setup up a game plan to get over the issues. You have to start small and get the core movements down. Most people think they are doing the move correctly, but come to find out feel is not real. We are happy to help. But, we need some more data to work with to get you fixed up.
May 24, 2019
I'm noticing all my misses are off the toe with my irons (fairway and tee'd up). The misses go straight, but have no ball speed due to the miss. Not an issue at all with my driver. Hit my driver with a high draw. Thoughts?
April 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Doug. Take a look at Moving the Fulcrum Video and Flip vs. Release. Both will help with the toe issue.
April 28, 2019
Thanks. Know of any RST instructors in Oklahoma?
April 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Doug. Unfortunately, we don't have many in that area. But, you can always submit a swing for review and we would be happy to have a look!
April 28, 2019
I am trying to increase lag but when I do, as in having the club level with the ground when my hands are in front on my right leg this leads to my topping the ball
April 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Sounds like more of a weight and/or fulcrum position issue. Typically, the top is weight hanging back and bailing out with the lead shoulder. Make sure you shift and not add too much secondary axis tilt. Level Shoulders Drill and Moving the Fulcrum Video.
April 11, 2019
I’ve been experiencing some shots primarily off the heel. I thought the right arm was the issue and even the left thumb so I took both of them off and still have the tendency to hit closer to the heel.
January 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Aaron. Make sure you are maintaining the tush line and proper distance from the ball. Take a look at the Chair Drill and How Far to Stand from the Golf Ball. Also, if really deep in the heel. How to Cure the Shanks Video.
January 3, 2019
Okay I will do that. Thanks craig!
January 3, 2019
I have been working through the drills and so far I feel I am swinging the club much better. I finally realize that I was over rotating my body, which was causing me to hit right. Now that I am releasing the club at the bottom, with my weight shifted and shoulders square, I am hitting the ball much straighter and even drawing it. I have a problem with my short irons and driver. I am hitting them more towards the toe. What should I look for to correct this?
December 12, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. I would check to make sure your shoulders are truly square. Moving the Fulcrum Video. And, you aren't flipping vs releasing. Flip vs Release Video.
December 13, 2018
How much right heel lift is acceptable on the 9-3 drill? 1/2 inch to 1 inch as your rolling your right foot in?
November 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alex. 1/2 to and 1 Inch should be fine. The edge should be lifted, but not a big lift off from the ground.
November 25, 2018
Do you guys have instructors in Virginia?
October 29, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. Yes, in Fredericksburg. Darryl Trudeau.
October 29, 2018
I am working on my set up and weight shift rotation--through a combination that looks an awful lot like the video you guys recently put out on email. I am also doing 100 swings a day with weighted and different clubs in my garage--trying to capture the feels. Here is my question--given the repeated emphasis on mastering the moves before going to the range--I have not been in about 2 weeks (and I like hitting on the range!). When and how should I go to the range--to check in and make sure I am doing useful things? After 3000 reps? To do 9-3 drills.........?
October 29, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Ideally, in the beginning stages you should be mastering the drill away from the range (3000-5000). However, you can use it to your advantage. After at least a 1000 reps. Film and test you move out with a few swings on the range. It will provide the feedback on areas of importance. So, you will know how far you've advanced, or not. The 9 to 3 same thing. And, if the 9 to 3 looks pretty proper on the range. Do about 5 practice swings per ball to keep reinforcing the good.
October 29, 2018
Thanks Craig, if I knew how to film I would. I have a super smart phone, I just don't know how to do filming. I guess I should google "how do I film my golf swing".
October 29, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Any of the newer devices will do it. Most players tend to use apps like V1, HUDL Technique for Golf, Coaches Eye, etc.. They make it pretty simple.
October 29, 2018
Call me Bill. Or Ishmael. Anyway--I overstated my competence. I think you are saying I down load an App that does golf swings, and then I will have it on my phone. I was also talking about the physical set up. Anyway--no worries--that isnb't why you are here.
October 29, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. Most players rest the phone on their bag. However, you can find small tripods and other devices that will hold the smart phone for you.
October 29, 2018
Hi, when I am out 180, down hill lie, I hit my 3 hybrid. but the ball gets topped, do I shift hard to left and swing slightly down the slope, it feels like my body stops moving and the arms take over richs
September 24, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Take a look at "Downhill Lies" Video. It should clean up the errors.
September 24, 2018
I have been a member for quite a while now and have been struggling with iron shots being pulled left. I noticed in this particular video that when Chuck is stating his shoulders are square at the follow through checkpoint-they are actually slightly open similar to the hip turn. The only way to keep the shoulders perfectly square would be to keep the hips square as in his flipping example. I have now tried to leave the club-head slightly outside the line Ala Hogan or Trevino-and now I am hitting perfectly straight shots with lag,shaft lean, and a correct release. Just thought this would be helpful to those that are trying to keep the shoulders square during this and other drills and having trouble with a closed face. Thanks and as always, appreciate the content of your site and videos.
August 6, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello George. The shoulders will be square at impact. The feeling in the follow through will be that the shoulders stay square, but with the trail hand on the club they will be slightly open. However, not as much as the hips since the hips should be leading the way in the downswing. Sounds like you are letting the club extend towards the target a little easier now. Thanks for the post to try and help out other members.
August 7, 2018
is there a video for progressing from the 9 to 3 to the full swing. I go well with the 9 to 3 but then get ugly things with full swing. Thanks, Roger.
August 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. There isn't a sequential video like that as you describe. But, you can see similar stop at takeaway positioning and moving to the top position in the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Backswing and 4 Square Drill. Also, I would recommend the Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing Video for an easy drill to create a full backswing.
August 2, 2018
Thanks Craig, I am also a bit confused about weight going back to left foot. At the moment I fall forward. (even in 9 to 3 drill). To move my weight back to my left foot in a straight direction (to the target) feels really weird - like i'm falling backwards. Do I feel it start at my left toe and then run down the outside (target side) of my left foot and then the main weight into my left heel. Sould I let the toes come up or try to keep foot planted on the ground. Is there a good video to describe this motion esp. for people who fall fwd. Thanks, Roger.
August 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. Take a look at Preventing Hip Pain, Fixing Your Weight Transfer and How to Swing from the Ground Up. The toes can help with stability. But, the main show of attraction should be the pull from the inner adductors of the thigh and placing the weight into the lead heel/ankle joint.
August 2, 2018
I understand I have a closed club face angle at the top. It seems to be in the teens on most swings. Is this very important? Do I need to cup my wrist more or rotate the club differently? I didn't see a video covering this but I could have missed it. Thanks guys to you I am getting better at this game!
June 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dugald. Ideally, you want a flat lead wrist and club face square to it. (Using the Wrists in the Golf Swing and How to Avoid a Cupped Left Wrist). Those should get you corrected. Thank you for the compliments. Happy to help you achieve better golfing.
June 19, 2018
Hello, at it relates to the 9-3 drill is there I video within the introduction series which goes over this exercise? Thanks
June 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Landon. This is a deeper learning video. You won't cover the 9 to 3 Drill until later in the program. However, please feel free to watch by typing 9 to 3 in the search box.
June 14, 2018
When I play a full shot with my irons my divots are pointing to the right ( towards 2 o clock) How do you suggest I stop dropping too far on the inside on my downswing David
April 11, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Take a look at the Trace the Plane Line Video if you are swinging too in to out.
April 11, 2018
Having great success combating right side/hand dominance. As a result have increased lag, improved impact, etc. See attached pic. But I have a weird problem. My divot, occurring after the ball, is pointing right of my target line....but...my ball is starting left of my target line with a (hard) draw - with all clubs. Any ideas? (Photo is screen pic of slow mo swing just before impact).
March 31, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Corby. It would be hard to tell from the still image exactly the cause. I would suggest a swing review for the total overall picture. However, ball flight is determined by 85% of the club face at impact. You may be coming from an inside path, but steering the face closed just before contact. Sounds like you are manually speeding up your release getting more of a flip. Take a look at Flip vs Release. It needs to be gradual and not over steered by your hands.
April 1, 2018
One other question, sometimes when i shift my weight my upper body and head fall back, arms go under the plane and blade opens causing the ball to go low at 45 degrees how do i stop?. If i keep more still the strike is pure. Thanks.
March 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Sounds like you are pushing with the trail hip causing excessive secondary tilt (Level Shoulders Drill). I would make sure I wasn't pushing the trail hip and work on the (Fix Your Sway) Drill.
March 22, 2018
Hi All, like some of the other members my strike is improving and am getting some nice high ball flights and the ball is landing softly. However, every once in a while i am getting a shot that goes off low at 45 degrees and almost feels like a shank. When i check, i feel that in an effort to get my weight forward my head and upper body are getting ahead of the shot and then the club face looks quite open. I am doing the Chair drill on Chris' recommendation anything else i can do? Thanks
March 21, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Work on the Step 2 - Core Rotation Video. This will help clean up the sequence from the ground up. As well as You Hit the Golf Ball With Your Legs Video.
March 21, 2018
Hi Craig, I've been working on the 9-3 drill and have developed quite a shank with it. Is it possible I'm pulling with my left arm too much and not turning the face over soon enough?
January 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. You will usually see two causes creating the issue. Early extension moving the hips closer to the ball getting you stuck (Chair Drill). Lack of release and continued pulling (Left Hand Release Drill).
January 21, 2018
I have been working with Chris the past year on this 9-to-3 drill taking my right hand off the club before impact and the more I do this the better my ball striking is. The downside is that I have probably close to 10,000 rep's, but the upside is my ball striking is the best it has ever been at the end of my season here in New Hampshire. I also have it down to 1 fault that pops up all the time and that is pushing from my right arm/hand. Great, simple stuff.
January 5, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Thanks for the post. Great to hear you and Chris have gotten some good progress down.
January 5, 2018
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful video. Self analysis is so important, and at the same time so difficult to do without some visitation of the correct and incorrect movements. We easily fall into bad habits with our swings. And I have found that going to a local professional, who may have a totally different perception of what constitutes a proper swing, is often a bandaid fix that is quickly ineffective. Yes, there is the selfie video and online analysis available, but our perfect, and not so perfect swings vary from time to time. So, on the range or on the course, instant self analysis that helps us associate ball flight or impact to even slight imperfections in swing is a real progress maker. Thanks again Chuck.
December 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kenneth. Thanks for the post. Happy you enjoyed the presentation.
December 27, 2017
I really like this diagnostic video, it is choc-a-bloc with useful info on checkpoints and cause-and-effect relationships. I do gave a question about the analytics early on in the clip, after a correct 9-to-3 swing, where it is stated „Head down. Shoulders square. Hips open. Right heel down. Weight stacked over my left ankle. Club face fully released“. At that point, the end stage of the drill swing, are the shoulders really square? Btw, the background scenery is fantastic, almost a distraction! Best regards, Gordon.
December 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gordon. When using lead lead arm only the shoulders should be square at impact and to 3 O'Clock. No need to train any shoulder spin or push through. Glad you like the background. Agreed on the scenery!
December 26, 2017
Hi again Craig! appreciate you‘re being on call and responding so promptly! I can see that the shoulders are kept square to 3 o‘clock when using the lead arm only. However when doing the drill with both arms what should the position of the hips and the shoulders be at the 3 o‘clock finish? This is of interest to me because I think I have a tendency to lose spine angle („coming up out of the shot“) due to rhs dominance and I would like to know how turned the shoulders should really be, - losing spine angle also relieves the stress on the spine, keeping the angle whilst turning the shoulders is new territory! Best regards, Gordon.
December 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gordon. They shoulders should only be as turned as they have to be to keep the trail hand on. The plane of the shoulders will be slightly steeper to allow you to maintain side bend and keep down on the ball. I don't want to give an exact unit, but will be similar to the takeaway. About 45 degrees. Use the last part of the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release. When adding the trail hand properly at 3 O'Clock. That should be your finish. The hips should be similar to impact.
December 26, 2017
Ron A. Sr.
I am a member what you talking about?
December 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Yes I Know and thank you very much for your membership. Sometimes when the videos lock up (when using a web browser) you need to clear your browser. If that doesn't fix the problem. Customer Service will have the ability to provide more technical inquiries.
December 24, 2017
Ron A. Sr.
Hello, why this video would not play all the way?
December 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. I would try clearing your browser and cache. Then, re-logging in. If that doesn't cure it. Please notify customer service. I apologize for the error. It is playing correctly on my end.
December 23, 2017
What should you feel when you are trying to put your weight under your left ankle during the downswing? I noticed that sometimes when I finish my downswing and follow through, my left ankle kinda rolls over towards the target; I guess this means I didn't shift enough weight under the ankle and I'm just pressuring the outside of the left ankle. Is the right feeling to keep the ground foot planted to the ground and not let it roll over too much?
December 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. If the roll over is very late at the finish. It could be from improper shifting or the hips decelerating a little late. I wouldn't worry too much if it is really late, but make sure you try and stay anchored to the ground. Use the Anchor to the Ground Video for setup and you have the weight properly planted in the transition (Sitting Into the Left Side). For full work of the lower body (Perfecting Lower Body Stability).
December 21, 2017
Ron A. Sr.
Very good Chuck, Thanks
December 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Thanks for the compliments.
December 20, 2017
Excellent Video. I had gotten away from the 9 to 3 drill concentrating more on completing the full swing into impact position in slow motion then releasing & following thru also in slow motion & while I feel I make a good swing most of the time when playing or hitting balls my contact is inconsistent. I do hit a lot of good shots but also hit that fade & pull left shot. I have been on this site for 3 years & feel I am really close to the consistent ball striking.
December 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Great. Hopefully, you will be able now to diagnose the issues and get over the hump to consistent ball striking.
December 20, 2017
Great lesson. This helped me understand the left hand release. Thanks Bob M
December 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Bob. Glad you liked.
December 20, 2017
What a brilliant video. I had a real bad motorbike smash 10 weeks ago, dislocated my all important (for golf) left hip and snapped PCL in left knee, but I’m back on the range and able to do the 9 to 3. Yes! Turning negatives into positives.
December 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martyn. Keep healing from the accident. Glad you enjoyed the video.
December 20, 2017
Thank you! This video was well done, and contains valuable information. Hopefully, I'll remember it on course when things fall apart.
December 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Thanks. Let's make the "fall apart" less often now that you can diagnose the issues.
December 19, 2017
chuck, thank you for this video. roberto
December 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roberto. You're most welcome.
December 19, 2017
The video didn't go on as you are speaking.
December 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. It is playing correctly on my end. Are you still experiencing the issue?
December 19, 2017
I really liked this video. It will definitely help in self diagnosis. On a different topic, I would love to see some videos on how to teach juniors of various ages. I teach juniors at The First Tee from ages 5 to 18. Richard Sierzega
December 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Glad you enjoyed the video. And, I will forward your suggestion to the team.
December 19, 2017

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