Phase 2 - The Release

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Phase 2 is where you get your first taste of what it feels like to have effortless speed in the golf swing. Learning how to release the golf club properly not only rewards you with free speed, but it is also where you learn how to shape the curvature of your ball flight!

  1. The 5 Consistency Checkpoints remain the same
  2. But now the clubface is toed up or slightly in at 3 o'clock
  3. And the lead wrist is flat or slightly cupped at 3 o'clock

As you move into phase two things start to get a lot more fun because not only are you gonna add more distance to these shots, to your nine to three drill, but you're gonna learn how to be able to start shaping the ball. And you're also going to have a lot more distance without increasing your effort whatsoever. That is what rotary swing has always been all about is effortless power. I love hitting the ball a long ways while putting the minimal amount of effort into it. And I wanna share that secret with you and the release is where that comes from. So as we add this little release, you're gonna be shocked at how much further the ball goes with the same length back swinging that you were doing in phase one. So let's take a look at what this is all about and how we're gonna get this feel for it.

The first thing that I want you to do is get a feel for the free wheeling nature of the release. Many golfers don't understand what the release is or what it means. So ask yourself, what does it mean to release something? Well, it means to let go, right? That is what you wanna feel in your golf swing. The release is not about control or manipulation or flipping your hands over or trying to hold off the release. That's the opposite of releasing it. You wanna let the club go. And so at first that's actually, what I'm gonna have you do is literally let your trail hand right hand for right-handed golfers, come off the club before impact. And you'll be amazed when you get this feeling for how well the club will whip through impact. You'll probably start to feel how much you've been impeding the release and costing yourself effortless speed by trying to be too controlling with the club.

So when we do this, what you're going to start to feel is this again, the same nine to three move, but you wanna start to let that right hand come off before impact. You'll see my right hand is very light on here. And as I do this, the club just whips through and I'm just letting it go. The release is not just about letting go. It's also about rotation. The club face is always rotating throughout the entire swing. And you take a look at every tour pro you'll see the club face towed in, on the release, or even towed over, released over, a little bit more. And that's because they're letting the club go. They're letting it really zip through impact. If you see the club face like this, you're literally holding off the release, because you're not allowing your forms to rotate passively to release that golf club. So by letting the trail hand come off, you'll get a feel for what that feels like for that club to naturally release without you trying to manipulate and control it.

So as you're making some practice swings at first, just again, nine to three back swing movement, very small, and then just let the hand come off. And as I let my left hand release, what I'll start to feel is the club brushing the grass. We don't wanna be digging any squirrel graves here. You're not pushing the club down in the ground. You're wanting it to brush the grass. A great divot is a bruised piece of turf, not a giant, uh, squirrel grave, like I mentioned before. So we're just letting the club release. And as I do this, I'm gonna go back and reinforce the checkpoints that you've already learned. So you're going to make sure your shoulders are square, which you can do when you let your trail hand come off. My hips are open my pressure's on the lead side, head down and now, instead of looking at my position at impact where I was holding off the release in phase one. Now we're gonna start to look at two more checkpoints that we're gonna add to your swing. As you're building your, your movement pattern here.

The first one is from up the line. When you're looking at it, that club phase should be towed up or slightly towed in. We don't wanna see this. That's a held-off release. If you're slicing, this is the last thing on earth you want to do. You need that club to be rotating and releasing through the hitting area in order to not just add speed, but help square the face. If you recall in phase one, I said, if you're seeing the ball kind of consistently launch out to the right just a little bit that's okay, because we weren't allowing the club to release. Now the opposite should be true. We're not gonna see that ball go to the right. We don't wanna see the ball go to the right at all during this phase when you're releasing it, because that means you're not releasing it enough. You're holding off that release, costing yourself, speed and consistency.

The second thing is we don't wanna see this wrist completely cupped and broken down like this. A little bit of cupping is perfectly okay. If you're a flipper, you're somebody who hits the ball really high and looks like this at impact. You're going to work on getting this wrist to be pretty flat through the hitting area, which will close the club face down a little bit, which will help you start to ingrain the idea that your lead hand is for control. The right hand is for power and you're starting to get control of that club face and get rid of that flip.

But we don't need to be bowed like this. That's extremely shut and that's gonna lead to a lot of left shots for right-handed golfers. A little bit of cupping is normal. I like to think about as if you're shaking somebody's hand, you're not gonna shake somebody's hand like this. You're not gonna shake somebody's hand like this. Your wrist should be anatomically neutral, which you can see has about 10 or 20 degrees of cupping in it. So that is a normal neutral position to be in, in the release. And that will get the club with a proper grip, slightly towed in. So you can consistently hit the ball straight or with a slight little draw.

As you move into hitting balls. As I mentioned, we're gonna let that trail hand come off a little bit at first, a little bit before impact is great. We wanna learn how to let the club release, let it release. That's the key.

So when we're doing this, you wanna start to get a feel of letting the club, just brush the turf as your right hand comes off. And you'll find from your nine to three, that instead of hitting these little 10 yard shots, the ball's gonna go about 40 or 50 yards. That's what we're looking for in phase two, we don't want to hit it any farther than that. In phase three, we're gonna show you how to nuke that puppy as we start adding speed into it. But at first we just wanna let the speed come to us. We want to feel what it feels like when the ball rockets off the face. And I didn't do anything you saw when we first did in phase one, these shots were going very, very short. And then by letting the right hand, come off, that ball rocketed another 30 yards.

And that's what I want to feel. I felt no effort. It was just letting the club go. Once you get a feel for this, and you're consistently finding in your checkpoint that you're still hitting all the checkpoints from phase one, but of course the risks we're now allowing to cut slightly in the release. Or if you're a flipper, you may wanna practice keeping it a little bit more bow at first, just so that you get out of the habit of flipping. But all the other checkpoints are the same head down pressure on the lead side, hips, open shoulder square. If we've got that and you're letting that right hand come off and you're seeing the ball fly nice and straight and not to the right, you're seeing your, your club face released instead of held open. You see if I hold it open because I'm holding off the release. Look where the ball went and look at my club face angle. I could hold a glass of wine on there. We're not waiters. We're golfers. We want that puppy to be released.

So what you're learning from phase one is how did the ball straight without releasing the club? You're learning how to control the impact conditions. Now you're learning how to get speed into it effortlessly and how the club release helps square the face. If I don't release it, you're gonna see the ball go off to the right, just like you saw there. The first one went nice and straight. If you over rerelease it a little bit, which is normal. When you're letting the trail hand come off, it'll go a little bit left. That's okay. Your goal is to learn how to balance out the use of the right hand and left hand to get them to work nicely together, which is what you will do once you're hitting your checkpoints, letting the trail hand come off.

If you're doing that consistently and you're seeing the club face is nice and released your wrist is in a good position. You're hitting all your other checkpoints. Then we're gonna move into adding that right hand back on there. So we still get the same result, but now we've gotta let their trail hand rotate over so we can shake hands on this side with a trail hand instead of just letting it come off. So same thing, a little nine to three swing.

Now I chunked that one a little bit. Now, as we get into the faults and fixes, what's gonna cause that I hung back, I didn't use my lower body enough. I started to kind of get lazy with my lower body. And so my pressure was too much on my trail side and I could catch that in my checkpoints as I was working through them. I know that I hung back a little bit. So I need to be a little bit more assertive of getting off this right side and that will be normal. You're gonna get kind of fixated on swinging the club and hitting the ball. So you're gonna, your lower body might kind of take a nap for a little bit, just like you saw there. So that's okay. Go back and do a couple practice swings and make sure you get that right foot rolled in. That's gonna weigh a checkpoint if your foot's rolled in, you've moved more pressure to the lead side. If it's flat at impact, you're still hanging back too far and you'll hit shots like that, which will be chunky and tend to be to the left.

So now I know, okay, I gotta make sure I gotta shift, pay attention to what I'm doing. There we go. Now I'm checking that my club face is towed up or slightly towed in that my wrist is flat or slightly cupped and that my posture is still in the same spot. My pressure's on the lead side. Hips are open, shoulders square, head down. If I did all that good, that counts as one good one. And as long as the ball was pretty much starting on my line and our goal again is we're gonna hit it about 40 to 50 yards. And we want about a five yard grouping. Five yards on either side of the flag is a good margin of error. If you're hitting it, spraying it all over the place. You need to go and check your checkpoints because you're starting to manipulate that clubface they should all start to do about the same thing over and over. Here we go. Nice and straight checking my checkpoints. I'm at roughly three o'clock pressure's on the lead side. Hips are open shoulders square. You keep doing this. You keep going through your checkpoints, making sure that everything is a okay.

Notice that I'm keeping my head down and back. I'm not trying to go up here and look at the ball. I'm trying to keep my head back and down. I can look at the ball as long as I let my head swivel, but you don't wanna pick your head up, it pulls you outta your posture. So once you can do this, eight outta 10 times consistently where you're hitting all your checkpoints and the ball's ending up in a nice tight grouping at about 40 to 50 yards. We don't wanna hit it any further than that, then you're ready to start ingraining it. If you find that you're missing these checkpoints, go to the faults and fixes, find the fault that you're struggling with. And you'll be able to find a solution in there. Make sure you track your, your practice in the notes and in your self assessment, track the things you're doing, right track the things you're doing wrong and enter your score. So you start to see your trend improve over time.

All right, let's take a quick look at my nine to three move here. I'm gonna let it play through first. Then I'm gonna come back and take a look at it. We'll look at this in slow motion at about 240 frames per second. So the first thing you'll notice, I'm making a turn, my logo and my buttons on my shirt move first and then on my lower body leads and I'll let the club fully release and get into a good impact position. Now let's walk through it a little bit more slowly so we can talk through some of the things that you're gonna notice as you're working on this, drill yourself. One, as I mentioned, the first big thing is to make sure from a proper setup, you start rotating right away. You can see the buttons on my shirt and my logo or moving immediately.

And by the time that the club shaft is parallel, which would be our nine o'clock position ,that my hands are, have a nice big space between my hands and my pocket. And my right arm is nice and straight. And my hands are in front of my chest. This is what we're looking for. If you see this right arm, all bent like this, then we're in trouble. Cause now we're getting very armsy with our swing. We're taking power out of our swing. So you want to stay nice and wide and just turn. You can see my head has stayed nice and centered. I've shifted a little bit of pressure to my trail leg. And now I've loaded that up on this small swing to help me shift back to the lead side. Now, if you stop here at a nine o'clock position, you will lose a little bit of distance from the shot that I hit here, which went about 50 yards.

As you add a little bit of momentum and you relax, you'll keep going a little bit past this perfect nine o'clock position. And so from here you would only hit it maybe 25 or 30 yards. But as you keep going, just by letting a little bit of momentum, this is not me trying to turn further. I'm still feeling and thinking that I'm stopping at nine o'clock, but I'm relaxed. I'm not trying to force myself to be rigid and hit these positions. Just perfect. You'll do that at first, as you're learning to hit these checkpoints, I don't want you to be rigid of course, but you will stop at a true nine o'clock, but as you get comfortable, I want you to start to allow that momentum to carry you back just a little bit further and let your wrists set naturally. And you'll note again. So I've made a big shoulder turn here to move that golf club. Then as I start down, you can see my pressure. My lead hip starts to move back first and then that helps bring the arms down. Of course. Now we want to make sure that we've got a nice flat left wrist at this point, which we do. And the other thing that you're gonna note that I failed to mention in the video is that when I'm talking about shoulders being square, that's only at impact. After impact your shoulders will of course start to open a little bit. You don't wanna be ripping your chest open. You'll see that as my arms begin to rotate that my chest opens, but my hands are staying more or less in front of the chest. And so then when we, if we were to stop at the perfect three o'clock position, when the club shaft is parallel on the other side, your chest will be a little bit more open.

Mind you, my neck is fused at C one, two and three. So my head is kind of stuck with my chest. So really your head would probably be looking down here just a little, a little bit more, as long as you don't have any restricted mobility like I do, but everything else you can see here looks standard. I've pressure's on my lead side. My left leg is straight. Clearly my hips are open. My right foot is rolled to the inside and I've done the best I can to keep my head down with my physical limitations. And again, the momentum's gonna carry me up here just a little bit further toward the lead arms parallel because now I'm releasing the club. I'm not trying to hold everything off. I'm wanting everything to just free will through. And this will be the position the end in about when you're hitting about a 50 yard shot.

So this is what you're looking for. So it's gonna be very simple to get this movement, to get the release down, just using your body, to turn, use your lower body, to shift and bring you back through and let that club release and start feeling some effortless power.

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Hi Craig, in one of Chuck's recent release videos he showed the club handle pointing backwards with the result of adding speed to the club head. In the release at what point in the through swing should this handle pivot occur?
September 2, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The release begins as the hands enter the trail thigh. The lead side release will be a tad different from the trail side release. The best explanation for the release up above will the the 5 minutes to the Perfect Release Video.
September 3, 2024
Should you be compressing the ball at this stage?
August 14, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. If you are releasing correctly you should feel some compression for sure.
August 15, 2024
Hello just join the program just got done with phase 1went really well. Getting ready to start phase2 not sure how to work the program. I think you do video one then two two then three then the follow along but when do you stat tracking your score, and if so how long do you work on each video.
August 6, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. Click the Dashboard Button above. Phase 1 you should've started tracking the details. See if the system will let you start with Phase 2. The goal will be in sets of ten counting the quality of shots and movements. AI will tell you when to move on to the next step and what videos to watch.
August 6, 2024
What club is Chuck hitting here 50 yards? I m using an 8iron and hitting it 140 yards. Something is not right please advise
July 30, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. This is a 7 Iron. If you are hitting it that far more than likely much too big a swing or aggressive move. The goal in this phase is proper release with dispersion and not distance.
July 30, 2024
Just started on phase 2. I like how simple the instructions are, However while doing the free release of the club, all check points are good, my left ( lead) arm elbow is wanting to collapse or bend at the 9 o'clock position. should it be straight, I could not see in the video as most of it is from down the line. Also it looks like the trail arm elbow is bending at 3 o'clock when in the video he states to keep the trail elbow straight at 3 o'clock but during the demo he is bending it? I am a little confused on these particular details Thanks.
June 12, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. It sounds like the trail arm is the issue on both sides. The trail arm should remain straight which will aid in the 9 and 3 positioning. You may see a tiny bit of flexion in the trail arm (Chuck's Version) but the goal is straight as possible.
June 13, 2024
Thanks for reply, I got confused on my question. my right arm is bending in the "back swing" and my left arm is bending in the "follow through". So during the drill ( swing ) both arms need to be straight the hole time? Thanks
June 13, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Correct. The trail arm is the governor of width and will aid the lead arm staying straight in not only the follow through but backswing as well.
June 14, 2024
I figured out what I was doing wrong to cause my elbows to collapse in the back swing and follow through. I was holding the club to far out instead of my hands and arms falling relaxed just under my chin ( fundamental). Once I re -positioned my arms and hands where they hang more freely in line under my chin more so I was able to keep both elbows locked on the back swing and follow through much easier. Does this make since and is this correct? My arms and hands now kinda swing under my chin instead of being out to far which was cause me to compensate to hit the ball by collapsing my elbows to hit the ball. I hope I am on the right track?
June 14, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Sounds like a plan to me. Setup is of the utmost importance. You don't need to lock out the arms. Overly tense will hurt, but correct hanging position from the shoulder sockets should allow your body turn to be in more control as the arms stat to work back.
June 15, 2024
I am new to Rotary Swing. I am consistently producing a path of 2-4 degrees in to out, but my face is coming back square causing the ball to go way left of target instead of a push draw. I can't see to figure out which fault video I should watch as 2-4 degrees doesn't seem excessive.
April 14, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. That doesn't sound excessive. Go back to the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and How to Stop Hooking the Ball. You are either getting to manual with release or adding to much trail side push causing you to get underneath and rotate the face aggressively.
April 15, 2024
Is the lead wrist un-cocked or neutral at impact and during the release?
February 23, 2024
The lead wrist does uncock into impact and the release
February 24, 2024
Well had to take a few days off, then back on it, what a train wreck, no feel for a release what so ever, and was doing so good (even fades and draws). Only way to hit straight was a phase 1 no release at all (although very accurate out to 50yds). I guess it's back too 5 min & 2 finger drills for the foreseeable future untill I can sort this out. bummed out but still grinding.
February 12, 2024
Have you looked at any of the goat code videos?
February 12, 2024
Thanks for the response Chuck. I have, and the motions felt really good. However, was waiting until the completion of phase 2 before putting a lot of reps into GOAT. I wanted the release down pat before moving on. The few reps I did do with GOAT, it felt like the hands were working together and the release just happened with no thoughts about rotation and what the clubhead was doing at all. I will re-visit the GOAT vid's and glide drill, and blend that into my phase 2 progress and see how it goes.
February 13, 2024
Hi, should the clubface stay square with the swing path? Or rotate independent of the swing path. My lead one arm swings tend to rotate more and are very inconsistent. Two hand swings straight back and through are very accurate and feel pure but tend to flip a bit at or in front of the ball, kind of a push release with the trail. Don't want to hamper c3/4 sticking with what feels good now.
February 9, 2024
Either works perfectly fine. It really depends on what you want to feel with the hands and how much you wish to shape the ball flight.
February 10, 2024
Hi, just starting Phase 2. I see the target distance is approximately 50 yards, however I couldn't find the goal for dispersion. Is it 1- 2 feet like phase 1, or does it widen up a bit at the increased distance? Also I didn't see any info about rhythm/timing in the video's; Is this covered in later phases? Really enjoying the challenge of this journey rebuilding my swing from scratch. BTW, Anthony gave me a great swing review, very eye opening.
February 6, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Very happy you were pleased with the review. 4-5 yard dispersion with the increase in distance. Rhythm will be covered in the next Phase. Right now this should start to become on autopilot with a release that is taking care of itself.
February 6, 2024
Not gonna lie, I had a rough first go at phase 2. I think I was trying to speed up my swing. I feel if I was just doing a pendulum, I was not getting near 50yrds so I started over-compensating and lost all control. The shots I purred, I def draw about 5-10 yrds. A little frustrating but I'll try again tomorrow!
January 10, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shaun. Sounds like you were manipulating the hands for distance/direction which is why you had too much draw and not a lot of free speed. Prioritize your body movements first today with the arms pretty chilled out. Then, add some release. You can always post a swing in the swing review portal or community and we would be happy to check the move out.
January 11, 2024
Ty sir. I'll take a video today. I def wasn't free swinging and I think it caused a lot of the issues.
January 11, 2024
Hi Craig I really enjoyed the release. Felt good just letting the left hand go at impact. No tension, I hit 60 balls in a relaxed effortless way, just feeling the weight of club go thru release and into the net and most were straight and some went a bit left. I also felt the pressure on left foot. Thank you for great lessons.
December 12, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Yugan. Glad you are enjoying the C4 series and the release. It is fun to let that club do it's job!
December 12, 2023
I started off with a push release and was able to do this drill pretty easily. I decided to experiment and try a pull release and am really struggling with the one handed left hand drill, letting the left hand release and turn over. Even making good contact with just the left hand is going to take work. Can I just work on a push release?
December 5, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vikram. You can focus on the trail hand release if it suits your natural dominance better.
December 7, 2023
When I am swinging with trail hand only do I keep my hand grip tight and just keep the wrist loose or keep both loose?
October 30, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. You don't want death grip but you will need some pressure in the trail hand to actively release it correctly. Too loose may get it flippy.
October 30, 2023
Looking to upgrade my GOAT release. This video is clearly a lead side dominant release enhancer, which would counter why I rejoined RST. The pictures of of Dustin and Tiger are both exiting more left than down the toe line due to right side dominance. Can you run this up the chain to Chuck so he can produce something for the trail side golfer?
October 30, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Phase 2 will help you learn control with the lead side which won't inhibit your progress with trail side dominant release. However, go to GOAT Theory on the menu bar. You will start to see videos there on the trail side release and how to work on it.
October 30, 2023
If you are trying be trail side dominate do you roll your trail foot or have it come up on your toe?
October 28, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. The trail foot should still roll on to the instep. You don't want it completely up by impact.
October 30, 2023
Is it okay for the lead arm to bend slightly on the follow through? It looks like Chuck is keeping it straight throughout but I don’t seem to have the mobility to keep it straight on the finish unless I toe out my lead foot about 60 degrees and even then it’s a stretch. I’m hitting the ball great but wanted to address this issue now before getting any deeper in this phase and possibly ingraining a bad habit. Thank you
October 12, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Micahale. Splaying the lead foot is perfectly fine. My suggestion is make sure it's not a function of the mechanics. Work on the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release Video to check. We just don't want the trail arm overtaking excessively leading to the chicken wing.
October 12, 2023
Craig I was also going to ask if doing more of the short ones will help to be better prepared for full shots
September 19, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Short ones continue to refine impact. Never a bad option to practice the finer details.
September 20, 2023
Hey Craig I am wondering as I have very shortly no place to do phase 2 sots that are up to 50 yds can I use soft practice balls in the house to simulate the longer shots as I am still making short shots in my rec room with real balls and they are getting logged into phase 2 so these results are no where close to being represented of my real progress ,will totally appreciate your professional feedback
September 19, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Always great to get reps in with real or soft practice balls. The limiting factor is you want to know what the ball flight is doing. Yardage/flight/etc so you can gauge how progress is coming along. If you can try to sneak to the range/field/simulator to know the details of the shot.
September 20, 2023
Thanks Craig always appreciate the prompt feedback
September 20, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Absolutely. Thank you
September 20, 2023
Craig, understood that this drill is only meant to knock it about 40-50 yards. Do we go into full post up here as we release? I didn't Chuck quite get there in this vid. Thanks!
September 4, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christian. Yes. 40-50 yards. You will have a full post, but you don't need to swing out of your shoes
September 4, 2023
Craig I did all of my phase one drills in my basement with real golf balls and felt I did ok enough for AI to promote me twice as I did one a second time but when I went to the range hitting off the grass I was shocked at how poorly I did on phase 2 .Discouraged
July 20, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. There is a graduation phase to performing the move outside. Don't be discouraged. If you were perfuming the move well indoors it may take a few sessions for the outdoor version to kick in.
July 20, 2023
Now that I am starting phase2 am I supposed to take my right hand off the club at impact or just hit a little longer shots
July 19, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. I would recommend you start with some letting go of the trail hand. Then, work towards keeping both paws on the stick.
July 19, 2023
Chuck mentions that a horizontal to horizontal swing would produce shots around 25 yards and a shoulder height backswing would produce 40 to 50 yard shots. The progress tracker also shows 75 yard shots. What length swing would produce that length? Or is it a matter of hitting harder?
June 16, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. Rotation/length and leg drive will all play a factor. The goal in the above swing (9 to 3) with the club is around 50 yards for standard/stock effort.
June 16, 2023
When I tee the ball up a little my release is much better. When I hit off the grass I tend hit down (I think). The release is then interrupted with taking a chunk of turf on release.
May 11, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rex. You should be hitting down, but the strike will be shallow. I would check to make sure you have enough weight shift/clearing of the hips. Also, too much trail hand throw will cause deep divots.
May 12, 2023
Is there any reason not to use practice balls for these drills?
April 22, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. You can use practice balls with the drills. Just hard to gauge flight and distance once you start ramping up speed.
April 24, 2023
What are all the differences between the Phase 1 swing and the Phase 2 swing? Chuck says to just allow a little bit of release, but you have to have something to release—which implies that you need to rotate your arms more in the backswing for Phase 2. Either that or you can bend your wrists to have a little bit of lag at the “top” of your mini backswing, which can then be released into impact.
March 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Adam. You are looking for a 9 to 3 movement. A takeaway length backswing and as you shift it will create a small amount of lag. But, not so much you would have a hard time releasing it. You will see an increase in distance due to the fact you are now letting the face rotate.
March 27, 2023
Two different things here: Lag and Face Rotation. I don’t see a relationship. Does the “small amount of face rotation” you are allowing happen into impact? If so, you have to create some face rotation on the backswing, right? In which case, aren’t you adding face rotation on the backswing in Phase 2 that wasn’t there in Phase 1?
March 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Adam. You don't need to add face rotation in the backswing. You should have the little bit required in Phase 1. The takeaway has very minimal forearm and wrist roll going back. The club is always rotating. You are allowing the club to release through impact to the 3 O'clock position. Take a look at the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and Golf Takeaway Overview Videos.
March 27, 2023
So there’s no difference in the backswing between Phase 1 and Phase 2?
March 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Adam. Phase 1 can tend to be a touch shorter, or lack a little weight shift. But, there shouldn't be a drastic difference. If you go to the Introduction Section "Craig's Journey" you can see my backswing between Phase 1 and 2 aren't different at all. Use the latter Phase 1 videos and the Phase 2.
March 27, 2023
Confused by the shoulders square check point in phase 2. CQ shoulders look like they are >45deg open when completion of the drill. Thanks ,Don
February 27, 2023
In a later video Chuck brought up what he means with square shoulder. Imagine looking down from the sky at a golf swing, if you see square shoulders they’re in line with feet (ex. golfers feet are in line) seeing golfer from land is where your notice shoulders at 45 degrees although still square in line with feet.
July 1, 2023
Okay, 2nd part of video addressed this, though hard to know unless you have a front facing camera at impact, it’s not reallly a swing completion check point. What club do you recommend doing these drills with?
February 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. I recommend a 7 Iron to my students. Not a requirement though. Yes. At impact they will be square. Since the trail hand is on the club when complete they will have to open some.
February 27, 2023
Hi Making this exercise letting the trail hand to come off, I have the sensation my left arm finishing way too much to the left of my body i.e. behind my body. Could it be caused by excessive rotation of shoulders? Thanks
January 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stefano. You are either pulling too hard with the release or spinning the shoulders. The release needs to happen passively. If you yank or pull excessively hard the lead arm will swing out of place.
January 27, 2023
Hello. I have a question about impact and release. Do RST pros actively bow their lead wrist in a stock shot?
December 23, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tuasif. When training the release you may have to practice bowing/flattening to achieve the correct position. Once trained the addition of bowing/flattening/cupping is used more to change the shot shape vs manually forcing the bow for stock.
December 24, 2022
Just a query on the reps for step 2 do we record the reps from the start where the right hand comes off the club or just from when we are at the stage of adding the right hand? Cheers
November 25, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. You can record the let go versions. Ideally, work into hitting and recording most of your reps when you can leave the trail hand on.
November 28, 2022
Cheers Craig and thanks for the swing review i was happy to hear those dulcet tones again much appreciated. I stand by my experts comment mate although it could be an expert in scotch ????
November 29, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Profile pic. Happy to have you back and thanks bud. Only area of expertise .
November 30, 2022
Does the AI system put you back a phase if for a prolonged period the student is struggling to hit solid shots in a specific phase?
November 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. AI will notice if you haven't been practicing or struggle with said part. It won't let you move on, and will add required reps over a period of time.
November 22, 2022
Hello Craig. My question is about angles. Specifically the angle between the lead forearm and club shaft at address vs hitting zone. To make sure you know what I mean, if you draw a line down the left forearm the angle with the shaft would be 0 if it is inline with the firearm. I am having a difficult time consistently hitting the ground at the same place. Mostly on the fat side and I’m talking a 9 to 3 swing with a very stable lower body. When I am at address my angle is about 35 degrees. When I get down to the hitting zone I am more like 20 degrees at times and that causes the club head to drop down behind the ball. When I try to hold that initial 35 degrees I have to increase my grip pressure to a point where it is too much and feels forced. When I start at address at about 20 degrees then when I get to the hitting zone it is about the same and there is a big improvement in consistency. However not sure if being at that low angle is correct and if there are any other issues with that. So do you have any comments on initial club shaft angle vs that angle in the hitting zone?
November 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The club shaft will have some droop into impact and the lead wrist will be released in an ulnar deviated position. The hands will be higher at impact and less of the angle you are referring too. So, I don't believe that is causing the fat issues from your notes. If you can try to post it on the community board. Happy to take a look at it to get this corrected.
November 14, 2022
Hi Craig, I realize that my question is about feel. Do we need to contract/engage the glutes when posting during this drill?
November 13, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Romer. The glutes will fire. You may not feel it very dramatically like powering a full swing 3 iron. But, the glutes will contract to help create proper posting/tush line.
November 14, 2022
Hi Craig. Solved the shanks problem. Reviewed the set up lessons and realised my (considerable) weight was not properly centred over my ankles and that I was setting up too close to the ball. Working in sets of 10s with at least 8 as the target is powerful. Failing to meet the target gets you thinking about ‘why!’. Using the RSG method means you cannot hide from seeking a solution.
November 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Nice going Roger. Glad you were able to work through the process to diagnose the issue. Pythagorean theorem works.
November 2, 2022
Hi Craig. Got some interesting evidence that the self-discipline required for the RSG focus on puring the ball via sets of 10 mini-swings (9 to 3) is seeping into my golf game. 3 of my 8 best scores in the last 20 required by the WHS handicap index system have come since starting working on the RSG method. Despite that I am still shanking 1or 2 shots in most sets of 10. Sometimes feel I am drifting too close to the ball in the down and through swings.
October 13, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Roger! It will continue to improve. Sorry to hear about the heel shot. But, more than likely you nailed it that you are drifting closer to the ball. The hips are usually the culprit with early extension for that error.
October 13, 2022
Hi Craig, I seem to get better results when I make a little more speed, say 100 yards. It feels easier to release the club, to let my hips lead the way. I get quite tense trying to hold of to achieve 50 yards. Which leads to 'military golf' Should I still aim for the 50?
October 11, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joost. Ideally it would be in the 50 yards range. But, if you are checking the mechanics and all is correct. It would be hard for me to say don't stick with the motion. I am a little concerned though you may be flipping for that extra boost.
October 11, 2022
Hi Chuck, If you say 'a good divot is a brused piece of turf', how would that form into the ideal 'angle of attack'? I hear about 'more then 4 degrees down', but I assume that would cause a squirrel grave. What number should we strive for?
September 29, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joost. Ideal would be around that 4-5 degree mark down. That shouldn't create the squirrel grave. Take a look at Angle of Attack Video
September 29, 2022
Hi Craig. This is interesting. My current sets of 10 include a lot of really good swings with slight draws. Rarely happened to order pre RSG. A few fats and thins creep in but I know that’s due to a lazy weight shift. However the advent of a few shanks is a surprise, especially as I am keeping my right foot down these days. I guess there is a drill out there to help me. I said I was going to need more help in mastering the release! Thanks in advance!
September 27, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. Nice to hear you are getting to positive results. Could be a few culprits. Still can have some tush line loss with foot flat, maybe too inside, or the lack of release. Tough to tell without seeing it. My suggestion. Take a look at How to Cure the Shanks in 3 Steps Video.
September 27, 2022
Hi Craig. Thanks for the advice. That shank video was really helpful. Back on track now.
September 28, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great! Happy to hear. . Nobody wants to be stuck with those.
September 28, 2022
Thanks Craig. Will check out the video. As I mentioned before I am also playing golf course golf. The RSG effect is a starting to show up in my swing. Straighter, longer, less obvious effort, and … signs of a drawn ball flight! I feel like writing that last bit in capital letters! Oh, and no shanks!
September 27, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No shanks and signs of the baby draw!!
September 27, 2022
Hi Craig. Working release going surprisingly well. Consistency of contact improved dramatically when I added the squat to square move. Concerned about lead arm I follow through. Good extension at 3 o’clock when learn arm k only swings. Upper lead arm stays stuck to left side of chest when trail arm added to swing. Does that matter? If it does how to do I solve the problem?
September 24, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. The upper arm shouldn't be glued to the body, but when the trail is added it will maintain some connection in the upper bicep/upper pectoral region.
September 26, 2022
Hi Craig. I can see that phase 2 is going to be a long and slow journey! Release has always been an issue for me. I tend to naturally hold off the release. “We’re golfers not waiters!” says Chuck. Hmm! The reason I signed up to RSG was because Chuck’s demo of the step-by-step release drill popped up on my cell phone. I thought it made a lot of sense. What is interesting is that I am playing some golf course golf at the same time as learning the RSG swing at home. Fortunately I find it relatively easy to play golf without any mechanical swing thoughts. However after each shot a little mental review takes hold as you monitor how RSG has influenced ball contact. So far so very good. Smile-making in fact. Ball flight is straighter. Distances have improved - I am reaching par 4 greens in two shots for the first time for example. But it is the noise made by clubhead on ball that is the most interesting change. So, as I have said before: you and Chuck have got my attention. I am left-handed, play right-sided golf, and am right-side dominant. And I definitely swing with my shoulders. So looking forward to letting phase 2 change all that. Going to need a lot of help though Craig! For one thing, following your advice, and Chuck’s grip lesson, I am trying a slightly weaker grip to see if it helps my reluctant release move. Initial signs are promising.
September 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Roger. We will all be here to help you along the way. Love reading some of the work is popping up in real golf scenarios. The release was the light bulb for me over a decade ago. Once, you start trusting the release. It makes golf a heck of a lot more fun!!!
September 22, 2022
Hi Craig. I seem to have started phase 2 when I thought I was completing phase I! So, my final set of 10 swings, a perfect 10, has been recorded as my first set of swings on phase 2. Any chance of having them removed please? Thanks
September 19, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. I had tech remove the reps under Phase 2 that were actually Phase 1 reps. Congrats on the perfect 10!
September 19, 2022
September 20, 2022
I'm still unclear about one thing in the release. How long of a distance is covered as the hands release through impact. Is the pronation move of the lead wrist completed just after impact or later maybe when the club is parallel to ground (p8) or when arm is parallel (p9)
September 16, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. Just after impact. The lead wrist will stay a flat or a little bowed until the 3 O Clock position but will start to re-hinge after that. Take a look at Play the Best Golf of your Life 2 of 6, Fix Your Release and Flip vs Release for some more details.
September 16, 2022
I’m midway through phase 2. The connects feel “heavy” sometimes. I’m trying to hold the club as lightly as possible. Also turning the hip in the back swing to 45* and completing the follow through to my buckle pointing to target appears to make it smoother and “lighter”. Am I on the right track? On the bonus application to curve the ball I’m not able to achieve the draw or fade. Could you please guide me. Whilst I’m getting a good strike in phase 2, Overall I’m only able to hit my 7 iron 120/130 yards. Is there something doing wrong?
September 15, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Raman. In Phase 2 you shouldn't be trying to hit it 120-130. Only 40-50 yards is necessary. The hips will be 35-45 degrees open to the target line. You don't need to get the belt buckle pointing directly at the target. Your heavy shot I would assume could be from over usage of the trail hand or you are not getting the weight/hips over to the lead side enough with clearing. For your curvature issues it would be tough to know without seeing. But, I would work on getting the stock shot consistent first.
September 15, 2022
Thanks Craig. I think I was overdoing the hips. I’m going to tone it down to 45 degrees and focus on keeping my arms light and passive. I agree we can address the curvature as the next step.
September 16, 2022
Hi Craig, the results are much better with softer hands - no power, only hip turn. I was wondering if the head has to remain looking at the ball till way past impact. As an experiment I tried leaving my head soft to follow my hands and got sweeter contact with the ball. Maybe this is an aberration.
September 18, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Raman. Ideally, the head will stay down until the club is fully released (3 O Clock). Taking into account you do not have any physical limitations which is why you see Chuck's head move.
September 19, 2022
Ok thanks
September 19, 2022
I am about halfway through phase two really trying to stay on track with the dashboard and reps before moving into phase 3. My question is I believe my hip mobility doesn't allow me to fully get hips open at impact where you'll see the full left pant back pocket. I can see it just barely and I feel I really am forcing the hips open with pushing my lead leg and a little axiom principles. Is this ok? Can you still get a lot of speed with hips like 35 degrees open at impact? My last question is about right hand. I've been a flipper and you right side dominant with early release most of my golfing life. I've worked extremely hard with left hand only, focusing on flat wrist or bowed. I can put hundreds of reps in and it feels very free without the right hand and even if the right is barely on it still feels really good and on camera I doesn't look like I release too early. But if I put more pressure with that right I immediately want to add that pushing speed which then causes thins and fats. My question is do I need to really focus and train my right hand to feel that cupping right at impact while left wrist is bowed? It feels like I need to consciously think about feeling that right wrist flexed back. Thoughts?
September 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. The hips being open 35-45 degrees will be sufficient. You may need to allow some more trail foot roll in motion to help clear the lead hip better. You can practice maintaining a little bit of the trail angle (Tape Drill) but that would lean more towards a push release. I would primarily keep focus on lead hand and do light finger tips of trail. Gradually add more hands/digits until you delete excessive push.
September 2, 2022
When I do these reps with light finger tips would they be counted in the tracker or only when doing normal phase two with both hands fully on club?
September 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. You can count some of the finger tip reps. But, as you progress further the majority entered need to be with both mittens on the club.
September 2, 2022
Did I miss Craig's posts about Phase 2? I thought the videos on Phase 1 were a great help.Thank you.
September 1, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. I had a bit of a physical set back. I actually just got done filming the first video for Phase 2. Will be out soon. Glad to hear they have been helpful to you.
September 1, 2022
I'm struggling with consistency in the 2nd phase. Some feel very pure but I feel like Im scared of taking a divot/hitting the ground. Sometimes hit fat but the main tendency is thin/ skulling.
August 31, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. From your previous post under the other video. I think you need to have some focus on the lead release with good legs. I think you are having a tendency to scoop/flip at impact.
September 1, 2022
Pretty sure that was it. My lower body was getting a bit stationary and i think it was a scoop. Used the 2 finger release drill and it seems to have corrected. Also i think i was swinging a little too hard and the cupping came from trying to stop the club at 3 instead of swinging gently and letting it come to natural stop at 3.
September 3, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
So many players don't realize how much the scoop/flip comes from lack of legs. Happy to hear the swing is taking better shape now.
September 3, 2022
I seem to be a little stuck in Phase 2. Has this happened to anyone else? It is really difficult for me to consistently hit 8/10 pured shots. I do feel like over the past few days I have been striking the ball very well with a nice compressed sound. My shots appear to be going 140-150 yards with minimal effort achieving one of the primary goals of Rotary Swing. My question for the instructors is when should we consider Phase 2 mastered? Do students really consistently achieve perfection 80% of the time or is this something that continues to improve over a much longer time? How important is ball strike compression versus flight path, hooking/pushing/fading/drawing? Can someone assist me with a feeling of holding off? In my mind if I think I'm going to draw (or currently more likely hook the ball) as I begin my shot I'm generally able to do it fairly consistently. However I am having trouble sensing feeling holding off with the release. Thanks again for the great website. I'm not going to lie there have been quite a few time's I've wanted to chuck the whole method this summer as it's been excruciating to play a round, but as a 55yo I genuinely appreciate the rotatory swing focus on body mechanics and prevention of injuries.
August 30, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. Quick question. You are hitting it 140-150 in Phase 2 for all your shots? You should be achieving compression and the within 5 yard (right or left) dispersion. I would worry much about working the ball but the consistent straighter flight. Take a look at Day 1 Impact. This will help you with how to hold off the shot better.
August 31, 2022
Dang it I was getting to aggressive and taking my backswing too far back with my left arm parallel to the ground instead of the club parallel as instructed with the 9-3 drill. I will try to back things down to the 9-3 drill and hopefully this will go better!
September 16, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
I struggle with the same thing as well. No worries. Just button her up a bit!
September 16, 2022
What would be really useful is showing a session on a flat grass range that shows that 5 yard circle grouping at 40/50 yards. Mainly to show it's possible/ how it's done!
August 20, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. Will try to show that. It's mainly the dispersion or variance in right/left. Off target/offline. We want a tight grouping, but a little longer/shorter in distance will happen (can bounce offline, catch a hot ball, etc).
August 20, 2022
Thanks Craig. Just on your comment on my phase 2 thread about not continuing to turn the body with the arms/release, from the front on slow motion at the end of this demo it looks like Chuck's body/shoulders are moving with the release, is it just question of how much?
August 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. Chuck uses a little more of his trail side to release the club. With his neck being fused, lead hip issues and lack of strength/pressure in lead side you will see he has a little more movement through. The goal is good independent release and not turning it into a body release/hold off situation.
August 22, 2022
Can you define what is meant by cupping the wrist? Are you referring to the angle between the back of the hand relative to the back of the forearm, or the radial (thumb) side of the wrist relative to the side of the forearm?
August 19, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jonathan. The flexion relative to the back of the hand/forearm. The radial/ulnar deviation will have more to do with lag angle/leverage release.
August 20, 2022
Hi all, what is meant by shoulder's square? Shoulders always seem to be open to the target line here and even in the phase 1 videos?
July 28, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. Shoulders are square at impact. The shoulders will have to open through the shot with the trail hand on the club.
July 28, 2022
Juan Eduardo
Hello Chuck In the dead drill you provided us great detail about the muscles to use in each phase. Can you tell the muscles to use in this phase to understand where to concentrate the brain ir order to do the movement correctly. Thanks !
July 16, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Juan. Take a look at the 9 to 3 and Compression Drill. The same muscles to work the club parallel back to club parallel through position will the same.
July 16, 2022
I'm halfway thru Phase 2 and I hope C4 will be the answer to finally getting consistent ball striking.My question is during Phase 2 the video says the ball should go only 40 to 50 yards but the graph at the dashboard looks like we should build up to 125 yards before moving on to Phase 3.Should we be slowly increasing distance while building up to Phase 3?
July 12, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joey. You may already be seeing a little increase in distance. Ideally, you won't worry about adding a lot until Phase 3. I will discuss with upper management
July 12, 2022
I have just started phase 2 and not managed to get to the range yet. Is it still ok to use foam balls in garden in this phase. I have noticed I am not getting much height on my shots. They are going straight and some a little to left is this ok or should I be getting some height on shots? Thanks.
July 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robbie. Using the foam balls will be fine. The trajectory should be a little lower because of the focus on lead wrist ahead at impact and you are going at lower speeds. The left should be more the concern.
July 11, 2022
Just wanted to say that this has been the most helpful program I have ever done. As hard as it is, I took what Chuck said to heart and forced myself to start small. I am about 1/3 way through phases 2 (there’s a lot of balls to be hit!) and it’s already done wonders for my swing. I have never hit the ball so well in my life when I play. I am already a decent golfer at an 8hcp but I think this is honestly the best way for anyone to learn quickly. Since really focusing on these short swings my last few rounds have been some of the better rounds of my life as far as striking the ball. right around par. Thanks for putting this together
June 28, 2022
Thanks so much for the feedback! Can’t wait until you through the program and see how well you’re hitting the ball then!
June 29, 2022
Great video Chuck. Looking forward to getting my reps in. One question, is the stance width back to normal, just outside NJA .? Thanks
June 5, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Yes. 2 inches outside NJA with both legs.
June 5, 2022
Great thanks Craig. Awesome
June 6, 2022
When is saying check shoulders are square, does that mean as square as they can be held, because they are pulled open after impact?
May 23, 2022
The answer is at 13:30
May 25, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the help Joost
May 25, 2022
When I'm doing this drill and hitting little draws, should the ball start slightly right of the target line and come in or does it matter?
May 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The ball should be starting pretty straight. Slight right to left isn't an issue unless starting way off line.
May 25, 2022

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